#!/usr/bin/env bash # --------------------------------------------------------------- # File Name : install.sh # File Authors : GnixAij <gaojiaxing0220@gmail.com> # Contributors : Aoran Zeng <ccmywish@qq.com> # | # Created On : <2024-10-25> # Last Modified : <2024-10-25> # # # chsrc Installer for Linux & macOS # # --------------------------------------------------------------- install_dir="" version="pre" path_to_executable="" default_install_path="/usr/local/bin" binary_name="chsrc" temp_install_dir="" # 用于存储临时安装目录 helpflag=0 lan="zh" # 输出相关信息 info() { echo "[INFO] $*" } # 输出错误到stdout和stderr error() { echo -e "[ERROR] $*" >&2 exit 1 } # 显示 chsrc 安装程序的帮助信息,包括使用说明和可用选项 help() { if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then echo "chsrc-installer: 在任何类Unix操作系统上安装 chsrc" echo echo "使用: install.sh [选项]" echo "选项:" echo " -h 打印此帮助信息" echo " -d <destination> 指定安装目录,默认为 /usr/local/bin;若已安装,则覆盖旧版本" echo " -v <version> 指定 chsrc 版本" echo " -l <language> 指定脚本语言,支持 zh 和 en " echo else echo "chsrc-installer: Install chsrc on any Unix-like OS" echo echo "Usage: install.sh [options]" echo "Options:" echo " -h Print this help information" echo " -d <destination> Specify installation directory, default is /usr/local/bin; will overwrite if already installed" echo " -v <version> Specify chsrc version" echo " -l <language> Specify script language, supports zh and en" echo fi } # 确定下载路径 set_install_path() { if [ -n "$install_dir" ]; then # 扩展 ~ 符号 install_dir="${install_dir/#\~/$HOME}" # 检查路径是否存在,如果不存在则创建该路径 if [ ! -d "$install_dir" ]; then # 多种语言输出 if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then echo "目录 $install_dir 不存在,正在创建..." else echo "Directory $install_dir does not exist. Creating..." fi # 多语言输出 if ! mkdir -p "$install_dir"; then if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then echo "创建目录失败,请重试" else echo "Failed to create directory, please try again" fi exit 1 fi temp_install_dir="$install_dir" # 记录临时安装目录 fi elif existing_path=$(command -v "$binary_name" 2>/dev/null); then if [ "$lan" = "zh"]; then info "$binary_name 已安装,更新路径: ${existing_path}" else info "$binary_name is already installed, updating path: ${existing_path}" fi install_dir=$(dirname "$existing_path") else # 检查默认路径 if [ -d "$default_install_path" ] && [ -w "$default_install_path" ]; then install_dir="$default_install_path" else if [ "$lan" = "zh"]; then error "默认下载路径 /usr/local/bin 不可写,请使用 sudo 命令运行脚本;或通过 -d 参数指定其它路径安装" else error "Default download path /usr/local/bin is not writable. Please run the script with sudo; or specify another path using the -d option." fi fi fi } # 从Gitee仓库安装 指定架构,操作系统,版本 的chsrc二进制文件 install() { arch="$(uname -m | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" case "$arch" in x86_64) arch="x64" ;; aarch64|arm64) arch="aarch64" ;; riscv64) arch="riscv64" ;; armv7*) arch="armv7" ;; *) if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then error "不支持的架构: ${arch}" else error "Unsupported architecture: ${arch}" fi ;; esac platform="$(uname -s | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" case "$platform" in linux) platform="linux" ;; darwin) platform="macos" ;; *) if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then error "不支持的平台: ${platform}" else error "Unsupported platform: ${platform}" fi ;; esac if [[ ! "$version" =~ ^(pre|0\.1\.([4-9]))$ ]]; then # version 不符合条件,报错 if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then error "不支持的版本: ${version},版本号必须在 0.1.4 到 0.1.9 之间或为 'pre'" else error "Unsupported version: ${version}. Version number must be between 0.1.4 and 0.1.9 or 'pre'" fi fi url="https://gitee.com/RubyMetric/chsrc/releases/download/${version}/${binary_name}-${arch}-${platform}" path_to_executable="${install_dir}/${binary_name}" if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then info "下载 ${binary_name} (${arch} 架构, ${platform} 平台, ${version}版本) 到 ${path_to_executable}" else info "Downloading ${binary_name} (${arch} architecture, ${platform} platform, version ${version}) to ${path_to_executable}" fi if curl -sL "$url" -o "$path_to_executable"; then chmod +x "$path_to_executable" if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then info "🎉 安装完成,版本: $version,路径: $path_to_executable" else info "🎉 Installation completed, path: $path_to_executable" fi else if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then error "下载失败,请检查您的网络连接和代理设置: ${url}" else error "Download failed, please check your network connection and proxy settings: ${url}" fi fi } # 清理函数 cleanup() { if [ -n "$temp_install_dir" ] && [ -d "$temp_install_dir" ]; then if [ "$lan" = "zh" ]; then echo "清理创建的目录: $temp_install_dir" else echo "Cleaning up created directory: $temp_install_dir" fi rm -rf "$temp_install_dir" fi } # 设置 trap 以捕获退出信号 trap cleanup EXIT # 从命令行读取 安装路径与版本号 while getopts ":hd:v:l:" option; do case $option in h) helpflag=1 ;; d) install_dir=${OPTARG} ;; v) version=${OPTARG} ;; l) lan=${OPTARG} ;; \?) echo "无效的命令行选项。使用 -h 查看帮助" exit 1 ;; esac done # 判断语言的类型,不符合直接退出 if [[ "$lan" != "zh" && "$lan" != "en" ]]; then error "无效的语言选项: $lan。支持的选项是 zh 和 en" fi if [ "$helpflag" -eq 1 ]; then help exit 0; fi set_install_path install