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/** ------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright © 2023-2024 Aoran Zeng, Heng Guo
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* Lib Name : xy.h
* Lib Authors : Aoran Zeng <ccmywish@qq.com>
* | Heng Guo <2085471348@qq.com>
* Contributors : juzeon <skyjuzheng@gmail.com>
* |
* Created On : <2023-08-28>
* Last Modified : <2024-12-14>
* xy: 襄阳、咸阳
* Corss-Platform C utilities for CLI applications in Ruby flavor
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifndef XY_H
#define XY_H
#define _XY_Version "v0.1.4.4-2024/12/14"
#define _XY_Maintain_URL "https://gitee.com/RubyMetric/chsrc/blob/main/include/xy.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* Global */
bool xy_enable_color = true;
// #define NDEBUG
#ifdef _WIN32
#define XY_On_Windows 1
#define xy_on_windows true
#define xy_on_linux false
#define xy_on_macos false
#define xy_on_bsd false
#define xy_os_devnull "nul"
#include <windows.h>
#define xy_useutf8() SetConsoleOutputCP (65001)
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__linux)
#define XY_On_Linux 1
#define xy_on_windows false
#define xy_on_linux true
#define xy_on_macos false
#define xy_on_bsd false
#define xy_os_devnull "/dev/null"
#define xy_useutf8()
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#define XY_On_macOS 1
#define xy_on_windows false
#define xy_on_linux false
#define xy_on_macos true
#define xy_on_bsd false
#define xy_os_devnull "/dev/null"
#define xy_useutf8()
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
#define XY_On_BSD 1
#define xy_on_windows false
#define xy_on_linux false
#define xy_on_macos false
#define xy_on_bsd true
#define xy_os_devnull "/dev/null"
#define xy_useutf8()
void putf (double n) { printf ("%f\n", n); }
void puti (long long n) { printf ("%lld\n", n); }
void putb (bool n) { if (n) puts ("true"); else puts ("false"); }
void print (const char *s) { printf ("%s", s); }
void println (const char *s) { printf ("%s\n", s); }
void say (const char *s) { printf ("%s\n", s); }
void br () { puts (""); }
void p (const char *s) { printf ("%s\n", s); }
#define assert_str(a, b) assert (xy_streql ((a), (b)))
#define xy_unsupported() assert(!"Unsuppoted")
#define xy_unimplemented() assert(!"Unimplemented temporarily")
#define xy_unreached() assert(!"This code shouldn't be reached")
#define xy_arylen(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x[0]))
static inline void *
xy_malloc0 (size_t size)
void *ptr = malloc (size);
memset (ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
* String
* 将str中所有的pat字符串替换成replace,返回一个全新的字符串
static char *
xy_str_gsub (const char *str, const char *pat, const char *replace)
size_t replace_len = strlen (replace);
size_t pat_len = strlen (pat);
int unit = replace_len - pat_len;
if (unit <= 0)
unit = 0;
size_t len = strlen (str);
const char *cur = str;
int count = 0;
while (cur < str + len)
char *fnd = strstr (cur, pat);
if (fnd)
cur = fnd + pat_len;
// puti(count); DEBUG 匹配次数
char *ret = malloc (unit * count + len + 1);
char *retcur = ret;
cur = str;
while (cur < str + len)
char *fnd = strstr (cur, pat);
if (fnd)
ptrdiff_t diff = fnd - cur;
strncpy (retcur, cur, diff);
cur = fnd + pat_len;
retcur += diff;
strcpy (retcur, replace);
retcur += replace_len;
strcpy (retcur, cur);
return ret;
static char *
xy_2strjoin (const char *str1, const char *str2)
size_t len = strlen (str1);
size_t size = len + strlen (str2) + 1;
char *ret = malloc (size);
strcpy (ret, str1);
strcpy (ret + len, str2);
return ret;
static char *
xy_strjoin (unsigned int count, ...)
size_t al_fixed = 128;
char *ret = calloc (1, al_fixed);
// 已分配次数
int al_times = 1;
// 当前已分配量
size_t al_cur = al_fixed;
const char *str = NULL;
// 需要分配的量
size_t al_need = 0;
// 用于 strcpy() 到 ret 的哪个位置
char *cur = ret + 0;
va_list args;
va_start (args, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// 是否需要重新分配
bool need_realloc = false;
str = va_arg (args, const char *);
al_need += strlen (str);
while (al_need > al_cur)
al_times += 1;
al_cur = al_times * al_fixed;
need_realloc = true;
// printf("al_times %d, al_need %zd, al_cur %zd\n", al_times, al_need,
// al_cur);
if (need_realloc)
ptrdiff_t diff = cur - ret;
ret = realloc (ret, al_cur);
cur = ret + diff;
if (NULL == ret)
fprintf (stderr, "xy.h: No availble memory!");
return NULL;
strcpy (cur, str);
// puts(ret);
cur += strlen (str);
va_end (args);
*cur = '\0';
return ret;
static char *
xy_strdup (const char *str)
size_t len = strlen (str);
char *new = xy_malloc0 (len + 1);
strcpy (new, str);
return new;
#define _XY_Str_Bold 1
#define _XY_Str_Faint 2
#define _XY_Str_Italic 3
#define _XY_Str_Underline 4
#define _XY_Str_Blink 5
#define _XY_Str_Cross 9
#define xy_str_to_bold(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Bold, str)
#define xy_str_to_faint(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Faint, str)
#define xy_str_to_italic(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Italic, str)
#define xy_str_to_underline(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Underline, str)
#define xy_str_to_blink(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Blink, str)
#define xy_str_to_cross(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Cross, str)
#define _XY_Str_Red 31
#define _XY_Str_Green 32
#define _XY_Str_Yellow 33
#define _XY_Str_Blue 34
#define _XY_Str_Magenta 35
#define _XY_Str_Cyan 36
#define xy_str_to_red(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Red, str)
#define xy_str_to_green(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Green, str)
#define xy_str_to_yellow(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Yellow, str)
#define xy_str_to_blue(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Blue, str)
#define xy_str_to_magenta(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Magenta, str)
#define xy_str_to_purple xy_str_to_magenta
#define xy_str_to_cyan(str) _xy_str_to_terminal_style (_XY_Str_Cyan, str)
static char *
_xy_str_to_terminal_style (int style, const char *str)
char *color_fmt_str = NULL;
if (!xy_enable_color)
color_fmt_str = "%s";
goto new_str;
switch (style)
case _XY_Str_Red:
color_fmt_str = "\e[31m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Green:
color_fmt_str = "\e[32m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Yellow:
color_fmt_str = "\e[33m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Blue:
color_fmt_str = "\e[34m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Magenta:
color_fmt_str = "\e[35m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Cyan:
color_fmt_str = "\e[36m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Bold:
color_fmt_str = "\e[1m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Faint:
color_fmt_str = "\e[2m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Italic:
color_fmt_str = "\e[3m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Underline:
color_fmt_str = "\e[4m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Blink:
color_fmt_str = "\e[5m%s\e[0m"; break;
case _XY_Str_Cross:
color_fmt_str = "\e[9m%s\e[0m"; break;
size_t len = 0;
// -2 把中间%s减掉
len = strlen (color_fmt_str) - 2;
char *buf = malloc (strlen (str) + len + 1);
sprintf (buf, color_fmt_str, str);
return buf;
static bool
xy_streql (const char *str1, const char *str2)
if (NULL==str1 || NULL==str2)
return false;
return strcmp (str1, str2) == 0 ? true : false;
static char *
xy_str_to_quietcmd (const char *cmd)
char *ret = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
ret = xy_2strjoin (cmd, " >nul 2>nul ");
ret = xy_2strjoin (cmd, " 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ");
return ret;
static bool
xy_str_end_with (const char *str, const char *suffix)
size_t len1 = strlen (str);
size_t len2 = strlen (suffix);
if (0 == len2)
return true; // 空字符串直接返回
if (len1 < len2)
return false;
const char *cur1 = str + len1 - 1;
const char *cur2 = suffix + len2 - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < len2; i++)
if (*cur1 != *cur2)
return false;
return true;
static bool
xy_str_start_with (const char *str, const char *prefix)
if (NULL==str || NULL==prefix)
return false;
size_t len1 = strlen (str);
size_t len2 = strlen (prefix);
if (0 == len2)
return true; // 空字符串直接返回
if (len1 < len2)
return false;
const char *cur1 = str;
const char *cur2 = prefix;
for (int i = 0; i < len2; i++)
if (*cur1 != *cur2)
return false;
return true;
static char *
xy_str_delete_prefix (const char *str, const char *prefix)
char *new = xy_strdup (str);
bool yes = xy_str_start_with (str, prefix);
if (!yes)
return new;
size_t len = strlen (prefix);
char *cur = new + len;
return cur;
static char *
xy_str_delete_suffix (const char *str, const char *suffix)
char *new = xy_strdup (str);
bool yes = xy_str_end_with (str, suffix);
if (!yes)
return new;
size_t len1 = strlen (str);
size_t len2 = strlen (suffix);
char *cur = new + len1 - len2;
*cur = '\0';
return new;
static char *
xy_str_strip (const char *str)
char *new = xy_strdup (str);
while (strchr ("\n\r\v\t\f ", new[0]))
new += 1;
size_t len = strlen (new);
char *last = new + len - 1;
while (strchr ("\n\r\v\t\f ", *last))
*last = '\0';
last -= 1;
return new;
* Logging
#define _XY_Log_Plain 000000001
#define _XY_Log_Success 000000001 << 1
#define _XY_Log_Info 000000001 << 2
#define _XY_Log_Warn 000000001 << 3
#define _XY_Log_Error 000000001 << 4
#define xy_log(prompt, str) _xy_log (_XY_Log_Plain, prompt, str)
#define xy_succ(prompt,str) _xy_log (_XY_Log_Success, prompt, str)
#define xy_info(prompt,str) _xy_log (_XY_Log_Info, prompt, str)
#define xy_warn(prompt,str) _xy_log (_XY_Log_Warn, prompt, str)
#define xy_error(prompt,str) _xy_log (_XY_Log_Error, prompt, str)
static void
_xy_log (int level, const char *prompt, const char *content)
char *str = NULL;
bool to_stderr = false;
* 'app: content'
if (level & _XY_Log_Plain)
str = xy_strjoin (3, prompt, ": ", content);
else if (level & _XY_Log_Success)
str = xy_strjoin (3, prompt, ": ", xy_str_to_green (content));
else if (level & _XY_Log_Info)
str = xy_strjoin (3, prompt, ": ", xy_str_to_blue (content));
else if (level & _XY_Log_Warn)
str = xy_strjoin (3, prompt, ": ", xy_str_to_yellow (content));
to_stderr = true;
else if (level & _XY_Log_Error)
str = xy_strjoin (3, prompt, ": ", xy_str_to_red (content));
to_stderr = true;
// xy_assert ("CAN'T REACH!");
if (to_stderr)
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", str);
puts (str);
free (str);
* brkt 系列输出受 pip 启发,为了输出方便,使用 xy.h 的程序应该
* 1.若想完全自定义颜色和输出位置:
* 应基于下述 xy_log_brkt_to 定义自己的输出函数
* 2.若想自定义颜色,而保持输出到stdout:
* 应基于下述 xy_log_brkt 定义
* 3.若对log无细致要求,想要快速使用log功能:
* 应基于下述 xy_<level>_brkt 定义自己的 app_<level>_brkt(),或直接使用 xy_<level>_brkt
static void
xy_log_brkt_to (const char *prompt, const char *content, FILE *stream)
char *str = xy_strjoin (4, "[", prompt, "] ", content);
fprintf (stream, "%s\n", str);
free (str);
#define xy_log_brkt(prompt1,prompt2,content) _xy_log_brkt(_XY_Log_Plain, prompt1,prompt2,content)
#define xy_succ_brkt(prompt1,prompt2,content) _xy_log_brkt(_XY_Log_Success,prompt1,prompt2,content)
#define xy_info_brkt(prompt1,prompt2,content) _xy_log_brkt(_XY_Log_Info, prompt1,prompt2,content)
#define xy_warn_brkt(prompt1,prompt2,content) _xy_log_brkt(_XY_Log_Warn, prompt1,prompt2,content)
#define xy_error_brkt(prompt1,prompt2,content) _xy_log_brkt(_XY_Log_Error, prompt1,prompt2,content)
static void
_xy_log_brkt (int level, const char *prompt1, const char *prompt2, const char *content)
char *str = NULL;
bool to_stderr = false;
if (level & _XY_Log_Plain)
str = xy_strjoin (6, "[", prompt1, " ", prompt2, "] ", content);
else if (level & _XY_Log_Success)
/* [app 成功] [app success] */
str = xy_strjoin (6,
"[", xy_str_to_green (prompt1), " ", xy_str_to_bold (xy_str_to_green (prompt2)), "] ", xy_str_to_green (content));
else if (level & _XY_Log_Info)
/* [app 信息] [app info]
[app 提示] [app notice]
str = xy_strjoin (6,
"[", xy_str_to_blue (prompt1), " ", xy_str_to_bold (xy_str_to_blue (prompt2)), "] ", xy_str_to_blue (content));
else if (level & _XY_Log_Warn)
/* [app 警告] [app warn] */
str = xy_strjoin (6,
"[", xy_str_to_yellow (prompt1), " ", xy_str_to_bold (xy_str_to_yellow (prompt2)), "] ", xy_str_to_yellow (content));
to_stderr = true;
else if (level & _XY_Log_Error)
/* [app 错误] [app error] */
str = xy_strjoin (6,
"[", xy_str_to_red (prompt1), " ", xy_str_to_bold (xy_str_to_red (prompt2)), "] ", xy_str_to_red (content));
to_stderr = true;
// xy_assert ("CAN'T REACH!");
if (to_stderr)
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", str);
puts (str);
free (str);
* System
* 执行cmd,返回某行输出结果,并对已经遍历过的行执行iter_func
* @param cmd 要执行的命令
* @param n 指定命令执行输出的结果行中的某一行,0 表示最后一行,n (n>0) 表示第n行
* 该函数会返回这一行的内容
* @param iter_func 对遍历时经过的行的内容,进行函数调用
* @note 返回的字符串最后面一般有换行符号
* 由于目标行会被返回出来,所以 iter_func() 并不执行目标行,只会执行遍历过的行
static char *
xy_run_iter (const char *cmd, unsigned long n, void (*iter_func) (const char *))
const int size = 512;
char *buf = (char *) malloc (size);
FILE *stream = popen (cmd, "r");
if (stream == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "xy: 命令执行失败\n");
return NULL;
char *ret = NULL;
unsigned long count = 0;
while (true)
if (NULL == fgets (buf, size, stream))
/* 存在换行的总是会把换行符读出来,删掉 */
ret = xy_str_delete_suffix (buf, "\n");
count += 1;
if (n == count)
if (iter_func)
iter_func (buf);
pclose (stream);
return ret;
static char *
xy_run (const char *cmd, unsigned long n)
return xy_run_iter (cmd, n, NULL);
#define xy_os_home _xy_os_home ()
static char *
_xy_os_home ()
char *home = NULL;
if (xy_on_windows)
home = getenv ("USERPROFILE");
home = getenv ("HOME");
return home;
#define xy_win_powershell_profile _xy_win_powershell_profile ()
#define xy_win_powershellv5_profile _xy_win_powershellv5_profile ()
static char *
_xy_win_powershell_profile ()
return xy_2strjoin (
xy_os_home, "\\Documents\\PowerShell\\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1");
char *
_xy_win_powershellv5_profile ()
return xy_2strjoin (
#define xy_zshrc "~/.zshrc"
#define xy_bashrc "~/.bashrc"
#define xy_fishrc "~/.config/fish/config.fish"
* @note Windows上,`path` 不要夹带变量名,因为最终 access() 不会帮你转换
static bool
xy_file_exist (const char *path)
const char *new_path = path;
if (xy_str_start_with (path, "~"))
new_path = xy_2strjoin (xy_os_home, path + 1);
// 0 即 F_OK
return (0==access (new_path, 0)) ? true : false;
* @note xy_file_exist() 和 xy_dir_exist() 两个函数在所有平台默认都支持使用 '~',
* 但实现中都没有调用 xy_normalize_path(),以防万一,调用前可能需要用户手动调用它
static bool
xy_dir_exist (const char *path)
const char *dir = path;
if (xy_on_windows)
if (xy_str_start_with (path, "~"))
dir = xy_2strjoin (xy_os_home, path + 1);
if (xy_on_windows)
#ifdef XY_On_Windows
// 也可以用 opendir() #include <dirent.h>
DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesA (dir);
// Q: 我们应该报错吗?
return false;
return true;
return false;
int status = system (xy_2strjoin ("test -d ", dir));
if (0==status)
return true;
return false;
* 1. 删除路径左右两边多出来的空白符
* 2. 将 ~/ 转换为绝对路径
static char *
xy_normalize_path (const char *path)
char *new = xy_str_strip (path); // 防止开发者多写了空白符
if (xy_on_windows)
if (xy_str_start_with (new, "~/"))
new = xy_strjoin (3, xy_os_home, "\\",
xy_str_delete_prefix (new, "~/"));
new = xy_str_gsub (new, "/", "\\");
if (xy_str_start_with (new, "~/"))
new = xy_strjoin (3, xy_os_home, "/",
xy_str_delete_prefix (new, "~/"));
return new;
static char *
xy_parent_dir (const char *path)
char *dir = xy_normalize_path (path);
char *last = NULL;
if (xy_on_windows)
last = strrchr (dir, '\\');
if (!last)
/* current dir */
return ".";
*last = '\0';
last = strrchr (dir, '/');
if (!last)
/* current dir */
return ".";
*last = '\0';
return dir;