985 lines
50 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# frozen_string_literal: true
2013-12-24 00:50:36 +01:00
require "sidekiq/web"
require "mini_scheduler/web"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
# The following constants have been replaced with `RouteFormat` and are deprecated.
BACKUP_ROUTE_FORMAT = /.+\.(sql\.gz|tar\.gz|tgz)/i unless defined? BACKUP_ROUTE_FORMAT
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
Discourse::Application.routes.draw do
scope path: nil, constraints: { format: /(json|html|\*\/\*)/ } do
relative_url_root = (defined?(Rails.configuration.relative_url_root) && Rails.configuration.relative_url_root) ? Rails.configuration.relative_url_root + '/' : '/'
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
match "/404", to: "exceptions#not_found", via: [:get, :post]
get "/404-body" => "exceptions#not_found_body"
get "/bootstrap" => "bootstrap#index"
post "webhooks/aws" => "webhooks#aws"
post "webhooks/mailgun" => "webhooks#mailgun"
post "webhooks/mailjet" => "webhooks#mailjet"
post "webhooks/mandrill" => "webhooks#mandrill"
post "webhooks/postmark" => "webhooks#postmark"
post "webhooks/sendgrid" => "webhooks#sendgrid"
post "webhooks/sparkpost" => "webhooks#sparkpost"
scope path: nil, constraints: { format: /.*/ } do
if Rails.env.development?
mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq"
mount Logster::Web => "/logs"
# only allow sidekiq in master site
mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq", constraints: AdminConstraint.new(require_master: true)
mount Logster::Web => "/logs", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :about do
collection do
get "live_post_counts"
2014-08-11 16:59:00 -04:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "finish-installation" => "finish_installation#index"
get "finish-installation/register" => "finish_installation#register"
post "finish-installation/register" => "finish_installation#register"
get "finish-installation/confirm-email" => "finish_installation#confirm_email"
put "finish-installation/resend-email" => "finish_installation#resend_email"
get "pub/check-slug" => "published_pages#check_slug"
get "pub/by-topic/:topic_id" => "published_pages#details"
put "pub/by-topic/:topic_id" => "published_pages#upsert"
delete "pub/by-topic/:topic_id" => "published_pages#destroy"
get "pub/:slug" => "published_pages#show"
resources :directory_items
get "site" => "site#site"
namespace :site do
get "settings"
get "custom_html"
get "banner"
get "emoji"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "site/basic-info" => 'site#basic_info'
get "site/statistics" => 'site#statistics'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "srv/status" => "forums#status"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "wizard" => "wizard#index"
get 'wizard/steps' => 'steps#index'
get 'wizard/steps/:id' => "wizard#index"
put 'wizard/steps/:id' => "steps#update"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
namespace :admin, constraints: StaffConstraint.new do
get "" => "admin#index"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get 'plugins' => 'plugins#index'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :site_settings, constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
collection do
get "category/:id" => "site_settings#index"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
put "user_count" => "site_settings#user_count"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "reports" => "reports#index"
get "reports/bulk" => "reports#bulk"
get "reports/:type" => "reports#show"
resources :groups, only: [:create] do
member do
put "owners" => "groups#add_owners"
delete "owners" => "groups#remove_owner"
put "primary" => "groups#set_primary"
resources :groups, except: [:create], constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
collection do
put "automatic_membership_count" => "groups#automatic_membership_count"
2013-05-08 15:20:38 +10:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "groups/:type" => "groups#show", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get "groups/:type/:id" => "groups#show", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :users, id: RouteFormat.username, except: [:show] do
collection do
get "list" => "users#index"
get "list/:query" => "users#index"
get "ip-info" => "users#ip_info"
delete "delete-others-with-same-ip" => "users#delete_other_accounts_with_same_ip"
get "total-others-with-same-ip" => "users#total_other_accounts_with_same_ip"
put "approve-bulk" => "users#approve_bulk"
delete "penalty_history", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "suspend"
put "delete_posts_batch"
put "unsuspend"
put "revoke_admin", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "grant_admin", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "revoke_moderation", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "grant_moderation", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "approve"
post "log_out", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "activate"
put "deactivate"
put "silence"
put "unsilence"
put "trust_level"
put "trust_level_lock"
put "primary_group"
post "groups" => "users#add_group", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
delete "groups/:group_id" => "users#remove_group", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get "badges"
get "leader_requirements" => "users#tl3_requirements"
get "tl3_requirements"
put "anonymize"
post "merge"
post "reset_bounce_score"
put "disable_second_factor"
delete "sso_record"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "users/:id.json" => 'users#show', defaults: { format: 'json' }
get 'users/:id/:username' => 'users#show', constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get 'users/:id/:username/badges' => 'users#show'
get 'users/:id/:username/tl3_requirements' => 'users#show'
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "users/sync_sso" => "users#sync_sso", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :impersonate, constraints: AdminConstraint.new
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :email, constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
collection do
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "test"
get "sent"
get "skipped"
get "bounced"
get "received"
get "rejected"
get "/incoming/:id/raw" => "email#raw_email"
get "/incoming/:id" => "email#incoming"
get "/incoming_from_bounced/:id" => "email#incoming_from_bounced"
get "preview-digest" => "email#preview_digest"
get "send-digest" => "email#send_digest"
get "smtp_should_reject"
post "handle_mail"
get "advanced-test"
post "advanced-test" => "email#advanced_test"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
scope "/logs" do
resources :staff_action_logs, only: [:index]
get 'staff_action_logs/:id/diff' => 'staff_action_logs#diff'
resources :screened_emails, only: [:index, :destroy]
resources :screened_ip_addresses, only: [:index, :create, :update, :destroy] do
collection do
post "roll_up"
resources :screened_urls, only: [:index]
resources :search_logs, only: [:index]
get 'search_logs/term/' => 'search_logs#term'
2013-08-01 21:30:13 -04:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "/logs" => "staff_action_logs#index"
# alias
get '/logs/watched_words', to: redirect(relative_url_root + 'admin/customize/watched_words')
get '/logs/watched_words/*path', to: redirect(relative_url_root + 'admin/customize/watched_words/%{path}')
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "customize" => "color_schemes#index", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get "customize/themes" => "themes#index", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get "customize/colors" => "color_schemes#index", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get "customize/colors/:id" => "color_schemes#index", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get "customize/permalinks" => "permalinks#index", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get "customize/embedding" => "embedding#show", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "customize/embedding" => "embedding#update", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
resources :themes, constraints: AdminConstraint.new
post "themes/import" => "themes#import"
post "themes/upload_asset" => "themes#upload_asset"
post "themes/generate_key_pair" => "themes#generate_key_pair"
get "themes/:id/preview" => "themes#preview"
put "themes/:id/setting" => "themes#update_single_setting"
scope "/customize", constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
resources :user_fields, constraints: AdminConstraint.new
resources :emojis, constraints: AdminConstraint.new
get 'themes/:id/:target/:field_name/edit' => 'themes#index'
get 'themes/:id' => 'themes#index'
get "themes/:id/export" => "themes#export"
# They have periods in their URLs often:
get 'site_texts' => 'site_texts#index'
get 'site_texts/:id.json' => 'site_texts#show', constraints: { id: /[\w.\-\+\%\&]+/i }
get 'site_texts/:id' => 'site_texts#show', constraints: { id: /[\w.\-\+\%\&]+/i }
put 'site_texts/:id.json' => 'site_texts#update', constraints: { id: /[\w.\-\+\%\&]+/i }
put 'site_texts/:id' => 'site_texts#update', constraints: { id: /[\w.\-\+\%\&]+/i }
delete 'site_texts/:id.json' => 'site_texts#revert', constraints: { id: /[\w.\-\+\%\&]+/i }
delete 'site_texts/:id' => 'site_texts#revert', constraints: { id: /[\w.\-\+\%\&]+/i }
get 'reseed' => 'site_texts#get_reseed_options'
post 'reseed' => 'site_texts#reseed'
get 'email_templates' => 'email_templates#index'
get 'email_templates/(:id)' => 'email_templates#show', constraints: { id: /[0-9a-z_.]+/ }
put 'email_templates/(:id)' => 'email_templates#update', constraints: { id: /[0-9a-z_.]+/ }
delete 'email_templates/(:id)' => 'email_templates#revert', constraints: { id: /[0-9a-z_.]+/ }
get 'robots' => 'robots_txt#show'
put 'robots.json' => 'robots_txt#update'
delete 'robots.json' => 'robots_txt#reset'
resource :email_style, only: [:show, :update]
get 'email_style/:field' => 'email_styles#show', constraints: { field: /html|css/ }
resources :embeddable_hosts, constraints: AdminConstraint.new
resources :color_schemes, constraints: AdminConstraint.new
resources :permalinks, constraints: AdminConstraint.new
scope "/customize" do
resources :watched_words, only: [:index, :create, :update, :destroy] do
collection do
get "action/:id" => "watched_words#index"
get "action/:id/download" => "watched_words#download"
delete "action/:id" => "watched_words#clear_all"
post "watched_words/upload" => "watched_words#upload"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "version_check" => "versions#show"
2014-02-12 20:33:40 -08:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "dashboard" => "dashboard#index"
get "dashboard/general" => "dashboard#general"
get "dashboard/moderation" => "dashboard#moderation"
get "dashboard/security" => "dashboard#security"
get "dashboard/reports" => "dashboard#reports"
get "dashboard/new-features" => "dashboard#new_features"
put "dashboard/mark-new-features-as-seen" => "dashboard#mark_new_features_as_seen"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :dashboard, only: [:index] do
collection do
get "problems"
2014-02-12 20:33:40 -08:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :api, only: [:index], constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
collection do
resources :keys, controller: 'api', only: [:index, :show, :update, :create, :destroy] do
collection do
get 'scopes' => 'api#scopes'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
member do
post "revoke" => "api#revoke_key"
post "undo-revoke" => "api#undo_revoke_key"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :web_hooks
get 'web_hook_events/:id' => 'web_hooks#list_events', as: :web_hook_events
get 'web_hooks/:id/events' => 'web_hooks#list_events'
get 'web_hooks/:id/events/bulk' => 'web_hooks#bulk_events'
post 'web_hooks/:web_hook_id/events/:event_id/redeliver' => 'web_hooks#redeliver_event'
post 'web_hooks/:id/ping' => 'web_hooks#ping'
2013-03-25 18:04:28 -07:00
2014-02-12 20:33:40 -08:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :backups, only: [:index, :create], constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
member do
get "" => "backups#show", constraints: { id: RouteFormat.backup }
put "" => "backups#email", constraints: { id: RouteFormat.backup }
delete "" => "backups#destroy", constraints: { id: RouteFormat.backup }
post "restore" => "backups#restore", constraints: { id: RouteFormat.backup }
collection do
get "logs" => "backups#logs"
get "status" => "backups#status"
delete "cancel" => "backups#cancel"
post "rollback" => "backups#rollback"
put "readonly" => "backups#readonly"
get "upload" => "backups#check_backup_chunk"
post "upload" => "backups#upload_backup_chunk"
get "upload_url" => "backups#create_upload_url"
2014-02-12 20:33:40 -08:00
2014-02-15 00:50:08 +01:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :badges, constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
collection do
get "/award/:badge_id" => "badges#award"
post "/award/:badge_id" => "badges#mass_award"
get "types" => "badges#badge_types"
post "badge_groupings" => "badges#save_badge_groupings"
post "preview" => "badges#preview"
2014-03-05 18:22:20 +05:30
Upgrade to FontAwesome 5 (take two) (#6673) * Add missing icons to set * Revert FA5 revert This reverts commit 42572ff * use new SVG syntax in locales * Noscript page changes (remove login button, center "powered by" footer text) * Cast wider net for SVG icons in settings - include any _icon setting for SVG registry (offers better support for plugin settings) - let themes store multiple pipe-delimited icons in a setting - also replaces broken onebox image icon with SVG reference in cooked post processor * interpolate icons in locales * Fix composer whisper icon alignment * Add support for stacked icons * SECURITY: enforce hostname to match discourse hostname This ensures that the hostname rails uses for various helpers always matches the Discourse hostname * load SVG sprite with pre-initializers * FIX: enable caching on SVG sprites * PERF: use JSONP for SVG sprites so they are served from CDN This avoids needing to deal with CORS for loading of the SVG Note, added the svg- prefix to the filename so we can quickly tell in dev tools what the file is * Add missing SVG sprite JSONP script to CSP * Upgrade to FA 5.5.0 * Add support for all FA4.7 icons - adds complete frontend and backend for renamed FA4.7 icons - improves performance of SvgSprite.bundle and SvgSprite.all_icons * Fix group avatar flair preview - adds an endpoint at /svg-sprites/search/:keyword - adds frontend ajax call that pulls icon in avatar flair preview even when it is not in subset * Remove FA 4.7 font files
2018-11-26 16:49:57 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
end # admin namespace
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "email/unsubscribe/:key" => "email#unsubscribe", as: "email_unsubscribe"
get "email/unsubscribed" => "email#unsubscribed", as: "email_unsubscribed"
post "email/unsubscribe/:key" => "email#perform_unsubscribe", as: "email_perform_unsubscribe"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "extra-locales/:bundle" => "extra_locales#show"
2016-08-25 16:33:29 -04:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :session, id: RouteFormat.username, only: [:create, :destroy, :become] do
if !Rails.env.production?
get 'become'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
collection do
post "forgot_password"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "review" => "reviewables#index" # For ember app
get "review/:reviewable_id" => "reviewables#show", constraints: { reviewable_id: /\d+/ }
get "review/:reviewable_id/explain" => "reviewables#explain", constraints: { reviewable_id: /\d+/ }
get "review/count" => "reviewables#count"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "review/topics" => "reviewables#topics"
get "review/settings" => "reviewables#settings"
put "review/settings" => "reviewables#settings"
put "review/:reviewable_id/perform/:action_id" => "reviewables#perform", constraints: {
reviewable_id: /\d+/,
action_id: /[a-z\_]+/
put "review/:reviewable_id" => "reviewables#update", constraints: { reviewable_id: /\d+/ }
delete "review/:reviewable_id" => "reviewables#destroy", constraints: { reviewable_id: /\d+/ }
resources :reviewable_claimed_topics
get "session/sso" => "session#sso"
get "session/sso_login" => "session#sso_login"
get "session/sso_provider" => "session#sso_provider"
get "session/current" => "session#current"
get "session/csrf" => "session#csrf"
get "session/hp" => "session#get_honeypot_value"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "session/email-login/:token" => "session#email_login_info"
post "session/email-login/:token" => "session#email_login"
get "session/otp/:token" => "session#one_time_password", constraints: { token: /[0-9a-f]+/ }
post "session/otp/:token" => "session#one_time_password", constraints: { token: /[0-9a-f]+/ }
get "composer_messages" => "composer_messages#index"
resources :static
post "login" => "static#enter"
get "login" => "static#show", id: "login"
get "password-reset" => "static#show", id: "password_reset"
get "faq" => "static#show", id: "faq"
get "tos" => "static#show", id: "tos", as: 'tos'
get "privacy" => "static#show", id: "privacy", as: 'privacy'
get "signup" => "static#show", id: "signup"
get "login-preferences" => "static#show", id: "login"
%w{guidelines rules conduct}.each do |faq_alias|
get faq_alias => "static#show", id: "guidelines", as: faq_alias
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "my/*path", to: 'users#my_redirect'
get ".well-known/change-password", to: redirect(relative_url_root + 'my/preferences/account', status: 302)
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "user-cards" => "users#cards", format: :json
get "directory-columns" => "directory_columns#index", format: :json
get "edit-directory-columns" => "edit_directory_columns#index", format: :json
put "edit-directory-columns" => "edit_directory_columns#update", format: :json
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
%w{users u}.each_with_index do |root_path, index|
get "#{root_path}" => "users#index", constraints: { format: 'html' }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :users, except: [:index, :new, :show, :update, :destroy], path: root_path do
collection do
get "check_username"
get "check_email"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "is_local_username"
2017-03-31 10:04:00 +08:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "#{root_path}/second_factors" => "users#list_second_factors"
put "#{root_path}/second_factor" => "users#update_second_factor"
post "#{root_path}/create_second_factor_security_key" => "users#create_second_factor_security_key"
post "#{root_path}/register_second_factor_security_key" => "users#register_second_factor_security_key"
put "#{root_path}/security_key" => "users#update_security_key"
post "#{root_path}/create_second_factor_totp" => "users#create_second_factor_totp"
post "#{root_path}/enable_second_factor_totp" => "users#enable_second_factor_totp"
put "#{root_path}/disable_second_factor" => "users#disable_second_factor"
put "#{root_path}/second_factors_backup" => "users#create_second_factor_backup"
put "#{root_path}/update-activation-email" => "users#update_activation_email"
post "#{root_path}/email-login" => "users#email_login"
get "#{root_path}/admin-login" => "users#admin_login"
put "#{root_path}/admin-login" => "users#admin_login"
post "#{root_path}/toggle-anon" => "users#toggle_anon"
post "#{root_path}/read-faq" => "users#read_faq"
get "#{root_path}/search/users" => "users#search_users"
get({ "#{root_path}/account-created/" => "users#account_created" }.merge(index == 1 ? { as: :users_account_created } : { as: :old_account_created }))
get "#{root_path}/account-created/resent" => "users#account_created"
get "#{root_path}/account-created/edit-email" => "users#account_created"
get({ "#{root_path}/password-reset/:token" => "users#password_reset_show" }.merge(index == 1 ? { as: :password_reset_token } : {}))
get "#{root_path}/confirm-email-token/:token" => "users#confirm_email_token", constraints: { format: 'json' }
put "#{root_path}/password-reset/:token" => "users#password_reset_update"
get "#{root_path}/activate-account/:token" => "users#activate_account"
put({ "#{root_path}/activate-account/:token" => "users#perform_account_activation" }.merge(index == 1 ? { as: 'perform_activate_account' } : {}))
get "#{root_path}/confirm-old-email/:token" => "users_email#show_confirm_old_email"
put "#{root_path}/confirm-old-email" => "users_email#confirm_old_email"
get "#{root_path}/confirm-new-email/:token" => "users_email#show_confirm_new_email"
put "#{root_path}/confirm-new-email" => "users_email#confirm_new_email"
"#{root_path}/confirm-admin/:token" => "users#confirm_admin",
constraints: { token: /[0-9a-f]+/ }
}.merge(index == 1 ? { as: 'confirm_admin' } : {}))
post "#{root_path}/confirm-admin/:token" => "users#confirm_admin", constraints: { token: /[0-9a-f]+/ }
get "#{root_path}/:username/private-messages" => "user_actions#private_messages", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/private-messages/:filter" => "user_actions#private_messages", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/messages" => "user_actions#private_messages", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/messages/:filter" => "user_actions#private_messages", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/messages/group/:group_name" => "user_actions#private_messages", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username, group_name: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/messages/group/:group_name/archive" => "user_actions#private_messages", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username, group_name: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/messages/tags/:tag_id" => "user_actions#private_messages", constraints: StaffConstraint.new
get "#{root_path}/:username.json" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }, defaults: { format: :json }
get({ "#{root_path}/:username" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username } }.merge(index == 1 ? { as: 'user' } : {}))
put "#{root_path}/:username" => "users#update", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }, defaults: { format: :json }
get "#{root_path}/:username/emails" => "users#check_emails", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/sso-email" => "users#check_sso_email", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/sso-payload" => "users#check_sso_payload", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
2020-06-05 18:42:12 +02:00
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/email" => "users_email#index", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/account" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/security" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/profile" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/emails" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
put "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/primary-email" => "users#update_primary_email", format: :json, constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
delete "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/email" => "users#destroy_email", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/notifications" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/categories" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/users" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/tags" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/interface" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/apps" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
post "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/email" => "users_email#create", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
put "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/email" => "users_email#update", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/badge_title" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
put "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/badge_title" => "users#badge_title", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/username" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
put "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/username" => "users#username", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/second-factor" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/second-factor-backup" => "users#preferences", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
delete "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/user_image" => "users#destroy_user_image", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
put "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/avatar/pick" => "users#pick_avatar", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
put "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/avatar/select" => "users#select_avatar", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
post "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/revoke-account" => "users#revoke_account", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
post "#{root_path}/:username/preferences/revoke-auth-token" => "users#revoke_auth_token", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/staff-info" => "users#staff_info", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/summary" => "users#summary", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
put "#{root_path}/:username/notification_level" => "users#notification_level", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/invited" => "users#invited", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/invited/:filter" => "users#invited", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
post "#{root_path}/action/send_activation_email" => "users#send_activation_email"
get "#{root_path}/:username/summary" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/activity/topics.rss" => "list#user_topics_feed", format: :rss, constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/activity.rss" => "posts#user_posts_feed", format: :rss, constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/activity.json" => "posts#user_posts_feed", format: :json, constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/activity" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/activity/:filter" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/badges" => "users#badges", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/bookmarks" => "users#bookmarks", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username, format: /(json|ics)/ }
get "#{root_path}/:username/notifications" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/notifications/:filter" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
delete "#{root_path}/:username" => "users#destroy", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/by-external/:external_id" => "users#show", constraints: { external_id: /[^\/]+/ }
get "#{root_path}/by-external/:external_provider/:external_id" => "users#show", constraints: { external_id: /[^\/]+/ }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "#{root_path}/:username/flagged-posts" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/deleted-posts" => "users#show", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/topic-tracking-state" => "users#topic_tracking_state", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/profile-hidden" => "users#profile_hidden"
put "#{root_path}/:username/feature-topic" => "users#feature_topic", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
put "#{root_path}/:username/clear-featured-topic" => "users#clear_featured_topic", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "#{root_path}/:username/card.json" => "users#show_card", format: :json, constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
2017-03-31 10:04:00 +08:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "user-badges/:username.json" => "user_badges#username", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }, defaults: { format: :json }
get "user-badges/:username" => "user_badges#username", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "user_avatar/:username/refresh_gravatar" => "user_avatars#refresh_gravatar", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "letter_avatar/:username/:size/:version.png" => "user_avatars#show_letter", constraints: { hostname: /[\w\.-]+/, size: /\d+/, username: RouteFormat.username, format: :png }
get "user_avatar/:hostname/:username/:size/:version.png" => "user_avatars#show", constraints: { hostname: /[\w\.-]+/, size: /\d+/, username: RouteFormat.username, format: :png }
2013-12-24 00:50:36 +01:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "letter_avatar_proxy/:version/letter/:letter/:color/:size.png" => "user_avatars#show_proxy_letter", constraints: { format: :png }
get "svg-sprite/:hostname/svg-:theme_id-:version.js" => "svg_sprite#show", constraints: { hostname: /[\w\.-]+/, version: /\h{40}/, theme_id: /([0-9]+)?/, format: :js }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "svg-sprite/search/:keyword" => "svg_sprite#search", format: false, constraints: { keyword: /[-a-z0-9\s\%]+/ }
get "svg-sprite/picker-search" => "svg_sprite#icon_picker_search", defaults: { format: :json }
get "svg-sprite/:hostname/icon(/:color)/:name.svg" => "svg_sprite#svg_icon", constraints: { hostname: /[\w\.-]+/, name: /[-a-z0-9\s\%]+/, color: /(\h{3}{1,2})/, format: :svg }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "highlight-js/:hostname/:version.js" => "highlight_js#show", constraints: { hostname: /[\w\.-]+/, format: :js }
Upgrade to FontAwesome 5 (take two) (#6673) * Add missing icons to set * Revert FA5 revert This reverts commit 42572ff * use new SVG syntax in locales * Noscript page changes (remove login button, center "powered by" footer text) * Cast wider net for SVG icons in settings - include any _icon setting for SVG registry (offers better support for plugin settings) - let themes store multiple pipe-delimited icons in a setting - also replaces broken onebox image icon with SVG reference in cooked post processor * interpolate icons in locales * Fix composer whisper icon alignment * Add support for stacked icons * SECURITY: enforce hostname to match discourse hostname This ensures that the hostname rails uses for various helpers always matches the Discourse hostname * load SVG sprite with pre-initializers * FIX: enable caching on SVG sprites * PERF: use JSONP for SVG sprites so they are served from CDN This avoids needing to deal with CORS for loading of the SVG Note, added the svg- prefix to the filename so we can quickly tell in dev tools what the file is * Add missing SVG sprite JSONP script to CSP * Upgrade to FA 5.5.0 * Add support for all FA4.7 icons - adds complete frontend and backend for renamed FA4.7 icons - improves performance of SvgSprite.bundle and SvgSprite.all_icons * Fix group avatar flair preview - adds an endpoint at /svg-sprites/search/:keyword - adds frontend ajax call that pulls icon in avatar flair preview even when it is not in subset * Remove FA 4.7 font files
2018-11-26 16:49:57 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "stylesheets/:name.css.map" => "stylesheets#show_source_map", constraints: { name: /[-a-z0-9_]+/ }
get "stylesheets/:name.css" => "stylesheets#show", constraints: { name: /[-a-z0-9_]+/ }
get "color-scheme-stylesheet/:id(/:theme_id)" => "stylesheets#color_scheme", constraints: { format: :json }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "theme-javascripts/:digest.js" => "theme_javascripts#show", constraints: { digest: /\h{40}/ }
get "theme-javascripts/tests/:theme_id-:digest.js" => "theme_javascripts#show_tests"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "uploads/lookup-metadata" => "uploads#metadata"
post "uploads" => "uploads#create"
post "uploads/lookup-urls" => "uploads#lookup_urls"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
# used to download original images
get "uploads/:site/:sha(.:extension)" => "uploads#show", constraints: { site: /\w+/, sha: /\h{40}/, extension: /[a-z0-9\._]+/i }
get "uploads/short-url/:base62(.:extension)" => "uploads#show_short", constraints: { site: /\w+/, base62: /[a-zA-Z0-9]+/, extension: /[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+/i }, as: :upload_short
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
# used to download attachments
get "uploads/:site/original/:tree:sha(.:extension)" => "uploads#show", constraints: { site: /\w+/, tree: /([a-z0-9]+\/)+/i, sha: /\h{40}/, extension: /[a-z0-9\._]+/i }
if Rails.env.test?
get "uploads/:site/test_:index/original/:tree:sha(.:extension)" => "uploads#show", constraints: { site: /\w+/, index: /\d+/, tree: /([a-z0-9]+\/)+/i, sha: /\h{40}/, extension: /[a-z0-9\._]+/i }
# used to download attachments (old route)
get "uploads/:site/:id/:sha" => "uploads#show", constraints: { site: /\w+/, id: /\d+/, sha: /\h{16}/, format: /.*/ }
get "secure-media-uploads/*path(.:extension)" => "uploads#show_secure", constraints: { extension: /[a-z0-9\._]+/i }
get "posts" => "posts#latest", id: "latest_posts", constraints: { format: /(json|rss)/ }
get "private-posts" => "posts#latest", id: "private_posts", constraints: { format: /(json|rss)/ }
get "posts/by_number/:topic_id/:post_number" => "posts#by_number"
get "posts/by-date/:topic_id/:date" => "posts#by_date"
get "posts/:id/reply-history" => "posts#reply_history"
get "posts/:id/reply-ids" => "posts#reply_ids"
get "posts/:id/reply-ids/all" => "posts#all_reply_ids"
get "posts/:username/deleted" => "posts#deleted_posts", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
get "posts/:username/flagged" => "posts#flagged_posts", constraints: { username: RouteFormat.username }
%w{groups g}.each do |root_path|
resources :groups, id: RouteFormat.username, path: root_path do
get "posts.rss" => "groups#posts_feed", format: :rss
get "mentions.rss" => "groups#mentions_feed", format: :rss
get 'members'
get 'posts'
get 'mentions'
get 'counts'
get 'mentionable'
get 'messageable'
get 'logs' => 'groups#histories'
FEATURE: Improve group email settings UI (#13083) This overhauls the user interface for the group email settings management, aiming to make it a lot easier to test the settings entered and confirm they are correct before proceeding. We do this by forcing the user to test the settings before they can be saved to the database. It also includes some quality of life improvements around setting up IMAP and SMTP for our first supported provider, GMail. This PR does not remove the old group email config, that will come in a subsequent PR. This is related to https://meta.discourse.org/t/imap-support-for-group-inboxes/160588 so read that if you would like more backstory. ### UI Both site settings of `enable_imap` and `enable_smtp` must be true to test this. You must enable SMTP first to enable IMAP. You can prefill the SMTP settings with GMail configuration. To proceed with saving these settings you must test them, which is handled by the EmailSettingsValidator. If there is an issue with the configuration or credentials a meaningful error message should be shown. IMAP settings must also be validated when IMAP is enabled, before saving. When saving IMAP, we fetch the mailboxes for that account and populate them. This mailbox must be selected and saved for IMAP to work (the feature acts as though it is disabled until the mailbox is selected and saved): ### Database & Backend This adds several columns to the Groups table. The purpose of this change is to make it much more explicit that SMTP/IMAP is enabled for a group, rather than relying on settings not being null. Also included is an UPDATE query to backfill these columns. These columns are automatically filled when updating the group. For GMail, we now filter the mailboxes returned. This is so users cannot use a mailbox like Sent or Trash for syncing, which would generally be disastrous. There is a new group endpoint for testing email settings. This may be useful in the future for other places in our UI, at which point it can be extracted to a more generic endpoint or module to be included.
2021-05-28 09:28:18 +10:00
post 'test_email_settings'
2013-12-24 00:50:36 +01:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
collection do
get "check-name" => 'groups#check_name'
get 'custom/new' => 'groups#new', constraints: StaffConstraint.new
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "search" => "groups#search"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
member do
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
}.each do |path|
get path => 'groups#show'
get "permissions" => "groups#permissions"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
put "members" => "groups#add_members"
delete "members" => "groups#remove_member"
post "request_membership" => "groups#request_membership"
put "handle_membership_request" => "groups#handle_membership_request"
post "notifications" => "groups#set_notifications"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
# aliases so old API code works
delete "admin/groups/:id/members" => "groups#remove_member", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
put "admin/groups/:id/members" => "groups#add_members", constraints: AdminConstraint.new
resources :posts do
delete "bookmark", to: "posts#destroy_bookmark"
put "wiki"
put "post_type"
put "rebake"
put "unhide"
put "locked"
put "notice"
get "replies"
get "revisions/latest" => "posts#latest_revision"
get "revisions/:revision" => "posts#revisions", constraints: { revision: /\d+/ }
put "revisions/:revision/hide" => "posts#hide_revision", constraints: { revision: /\d+/ }
put "revisions/:revision/show" => "posts#show_revision", constraints: { revision: /\d+/ }
put "revisions/:revision/revert" => "posts#revert", constraints: { revision: /\d+/ }
put "recover"
collection do
delete "destroy_many"
put "merge_posts"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
resources :bookmarks, only: %i[create destroy update] do
put "toggle_pin"
Improving bookmarks part 1 (#8466) Note: All of this functionality is hidden behind a hidden, default false, site setting called `enable_bookmarks_with_reminders`. Also, any feedback on Ember code would be greatly appreciated! This is part 1 of the bookmark improvements. The next PR will address the backend logic to send reminder notifications for bookmarked posts to users. This PR adds the following functionality: * We are adding a new `bookmarks` table and `Bookmark` model to make the bookmarks a first-class citizen and to allow attaching reminders to them. * Posts now have a new button in their actions menu that has the icon of an actual book * Clicking the button opens the new bookmark modal. * Both name and the reminder type are optional. * If you close the modal without doing anything, the bookmark is saved with no reminder. * If you click the Cancel button, no bookmark is saved at all. * All of the reminder type tiles are dynamic and the times they show will be based on your user timezone set in your profile (this should already be set for you). * If for some reason a user does not have their timezone set they will not be able to set a reminder, but they will still be able to create a bookmark. * A bookmark can be deleted by clicking on the book icon again which will be red if the post is bookmarked. This PR does NOT do anything to migrate or change existing bookmarks in the form of `PostActions`, the two features live side-by-side here. Also this does nothing to the topic bookmarking.
2019-12-11 14:04:02 +10:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :notifications, except: :show do
collection do
put 'mark-read' => 'notifications#mark_read'
# creating an alias cause the api was extended to mark a single notification
# this allows us to cleanly target it
put 'read' => 'notifications#mark_read'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
match "/auth/failure", to: "users/omniauth_callbacks#failure", via: [:get, :post]
get "/auth/:provider", to: "users/omniauth_callbacks#confirm_request"
match "/auth/:provider/callback", to: "users/omniauth_callbacks#complete", via: [:get, :post]
get "/associate/:token", to: "users/associate_accounts#connect_info", constraints: { token: /\h{32}/ }
post "/associate/:token", to: "users/associate_accounts#connect", constraints: { token: /\h{32}/ }
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :clicks do
collection do
post "track"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "excerpt" => "excerpt#show"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :post_action_users
resources :post_readers, only: %i[index]
resources :post_actions do
collection do
get "users"
post "defer_flags"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :user_actions
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :badges, only: [:index]
get "/badges/:id(/:slug)" => "badges#show", constraints: { format: /(json|html|rss)/ }
resources :user_badges, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] do
put "toggle_favorite" => "user_badges#toggle_favorite", constraints: { format: :json }
2014-03-05 18:22:20 +05:30
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get '/c', to: redirect(relative_url_root + 'categories')
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :categories, except: [:show, :new, :edit]
post "categories/reorder" => "categories#reorder"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
scope path: 'category/:category_id' do
post "/move" => "categories#move"
post "/notifications" => "categories#set_notifications"
put "/slug" => "categories#update_slug"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "category/*path" => "categories#redirect"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "categories_and_latest" => "categories#categories_and_latest"
get "categories_and_top" => "categories#categories_and_top"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "c/:id/show" => "categories#show"
get "c/*category_slug/find_by_slug" => "categories#find_by_slug"
get "c/*category_slug/edit(/:tab)" => "categories#find_by_slug", constraints: { format: 'html' }
get "/new-category" => "categories#show", constraints: { format: 'html' }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "c/*category_slug_path_with_id.rss" => "list#category_feed", format: :rss
scope path: 'c/*category_slug_path_with_id' do
get "/none" => "list#category_none_latest"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
TopTopic.periods.each do |period|
get "/none/l/top/#{period}" => "list#category_none_top_#{period}", as: "category_none_top_#{period}"
get "/l/top/#{period}" => "list#category_top_#{period}", as: "category_top_#{period}"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
Discourse.filters.each do |filter|
get "/none/l/#{filter}" => "list#category_none_#{filter}", as: "category_none_#{filter}"
get "/l/#{filter}" => "list#category_#{filter}", as: "category_#{filter}"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "/all" => "list#category_default", as: "category_all", constraints: { format: 'html' }
get "/" => "list#category_default", as: "category_default"
get "hashtags" => "hashtags#show"
2014-01-14 01:02:14 +01:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
TopTopic.periods.each do |period|
get "top/#{period}.rss" => "list#top_#{period}_feed", format: :rss
get "top/#{period}" => "list#top_#{period}"
2013-07-05 16:49:06 -04:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
Discourse.anonymous_filters.each do |filter|
get "#{filter}.rss" => "list##{filter}_feed", format: :rss
2014-10-16 14:52:21 +11:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
Discourse.filters.each do |filter|
get "#{filter}" => "list##{filter}"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "search/query" => "search#query"
get "search" => "search#show"
post "search/click" => "search#click"
# Topics resource
get "t/:id" => "topics#show"
put "t/:id" => "topics#update"
delete "t/:id" => "topics#destroy"
put "t/:id/archive-message" => "topics#archive_message"
put "t/:id/move-to-inbox" => "topics#move_to_inbox"
put "t/:id/convert-topic/:type" => "topics#convert_topic"
put "t/:id/publish" => "topics#publish"
put "t/:id/shared-draft" => "topics#update_shared_draft"
put "t/:id/reset-bump-date" => "topics#reset_bump_date"
put "topics/bulk"
put "topics/reset-new" => 'topics#reset_new'
post "topics/timings"
get 'topics/similar_to' => 'similar_topics#index'
resources :similar_topics
get "topics/feature_stats"
scope "/topics", username: RouteFormat.username do
get "created-by/:username" => "list#topics_by", as: "topics_by", defaults: { format: :json }
get "private-messages/:username" => "list#private_messages", as: "topics_private_messages", defaults: { format: :json }
get "private-messages-sent/:username" => "list#private_messages_sent", as: "topics_private_messages_sent", defaults: { format: :json }
get "private-messages-archive/:username" => "list#private_messages_archive", as: "topics_private_messages_archive", defaults: { format: :json }
get "private-messages-unread/:username" => "list#private_messages_unread", as: "topics_private_messages_unread", defaults: { format: :json }
get "private-messages-tags/:username/:tag_id.json" => "list#private_messages_tag", as: "topics_private_messages_tag", defaults: { format: :json }
get "private-messages-warnings/:username" => "list#private_messages_warnings", as: "topics_private_messages_warnings", defaults: { format: :json }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "groups/:group_name" => "list#group_topics", as: "group_topics", group_name: RouteFormat.username
scope "/private-messages-group/:username", group_name: RouteFormat.username do
get ":group_name.json" => "list#private_messages_group", as: "topics_private_messages_group"
get ":group_name/archive.json" => "list#private_messages_group_archive", as: "topics_private_messages_group_archive"
2018-02-14 02:16:25 +05:30
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get 'embed/topics' => 'embed#topics'
get 'embed/comments' => 'embed#comments'
get 'embed/count' => 'embed#count'
get 'embed/info' => 'embed#info'
get "new-topic" => "list#latest"
get "new-message" => "list#latest"
# Topic routes
get "t/id_for/:slug" => "topics#id_for_slug"
get "t/:slug/:topic_id/print" => "topics#show", format: :html, print: true, constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:slug/:topic_id/wordpress" => "topics#wordpress", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:topic_id/wordpress" => "topics#wordpress", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:slug/:topic_id/moderator-liked" => "topics#moderator_liked", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:slug/:topic_id/summary" => "topics#show", defaults: { summary: true }, constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:topic_id/summary" => "topics#show", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:slug/:topic_id" => "topics#update", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:slug/:topic_id/star" => "topics#star", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/star" => "topics#star", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:slug/:topic_id/status" => "topics#status", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/status" => "topics#status", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/clear-pin" => "topics#clear_pin", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/re-pin" => "topics#re_pin", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/mute" => "topics#mute", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/unmute" => "topics#unmute", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
post "t/:topic_id/timer" => "topics#timer", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/make-banner" => "topics#make_banner", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/remove-banner" => "topics#remove_banner", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/remove-allowed-user" => "topics#remove_allowed_user", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/remove-allowed-group" => "topics#remove_allowed_group", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/recover" => "topics#recover", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:topic_id/:post_number" => "topics#show", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/, post_number: /\d+/ }
get "t/:topic_id/last" => "topics#show", post_number: 99999999, constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:slug/:topic_id.rss" => "topics#feed", format: :rss, constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:slug/:topic_id" => "topics#show", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:slug/:topic_id/:post_number" => "topics#show", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/, post_number: /\d+/ }
get "t/:slug/:topic_id/last" => "topics#show", post_number: 99999999, constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "t/:topic_id/posts" => "topics#posts", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }, format: :json
get "t/:topic_id/post_ids" => "topics#post_ids", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }, format: :json
get "t/:topic_id/excerpts" => "topics#excerpts", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }, format: :json
post "t/:topic_id/timings" => "topics#timings", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
post "t/:topic_id/invite" => "topics#invite", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
post "t/:topic_id/invite-group" => "topics#invite_group", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
post "t/:topic_id/invite-notify" => "topics#invite_notify", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "t/:topic_id/move-posts" => "topics#move_posts", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
post "t/:topic_id/merge-topic" => "topics#merge_topic", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
post "t/:topic_id/change-owner" => "topics#change_post_owners", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/change-timestamp" => "topics#change_timestamps", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
delete "t/:topic_id/timings" => "topics#destroy_timings", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/bookmark" => "topics#bookmark", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/remove_bookmarks" => "topics#remove_bookmarks", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/tags" => "topics#update_tags", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
put "t/:topic_id/slow_mode" => "topics#set_slow_mode", constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "t/:topic_id/notifications" => "topics#set_notifications" , constraints: { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "p/:post_id(/:user_id)" => "posts#short_link"
get "/posts/:id/cooked" => "posts#cooked"
get "/posts/:id/expand-embed" => "posts#expand_embed"
get "/posts/:id/raw" => "posts#markdown_id"
get "/posts/:id/raw-email" => "posts#raw_email"
get "raw/:topic_id(/:post_number)" => "posts#markdown_num"
resources :invites, except: [:show]
get "/invites/:id" => "invites#show", constraints: { format: :html }
put "/invites/:id" => "invites#update"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "invites/upload_csv" => "invites#upload_csv"
post "invites/destroy-all-expired" => "invites#destroy_all_expired"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "invites/reinvite" => "invites#resend_invite"
post "invites/reinvite-all" => "invites#resend_all_invites"
delete "invites" => "invites#destroy"
put "invites/show/:id" => "invites#perform_accept_invitation", as: 'perform_accept_invite'
get "invites/retrieve" => "invites#retrieve"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :export_csv do
collection do
post "export_entity" => "export_csv#export_entity"
2014-12-22 21:47:04 +05:30
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "onebox" => "onebox#show"
get "inline-onebox" => "inline_onebox#show"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "exception" => "list#latest"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "message-bus/poll" => "message_bus#poll"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :drafts, only: [:index]
get "draft" => "draft#show"
post "draft" => "draft#update"
delete "draft" => "draft#destroy"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
if service_worker_asset = Rails.application.assets_manifest.assets['service-worker.js']
# https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/codelabs/debugging-service-workers/
# Normally the browser will wait until a user closes all tabs that contain the
# current site before updating to a new Service Worker.
# Support the old Service Worker path to avoid routing error filling up the
# logs.
get "/service-worker.js" => "static#service_worker_asset", format: :js
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get service_worker_asset => "static#service_worker_asset", format: :js
elsif Rails.env.development?
get "/service-worker.js" => "static#service_worker_asset", format: :js
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "cdn_asset/:site/*path" => "static#cdn_asset", format: false, constraints: { format: /.*/ }
get "brotli_asset/*path" => "static#brotli_asset", format: false, constraints: { format: /.*/ }
get "favicon/proxied" => "static#favicon", format: false
get "robots.txt" => "robots_txt#index"
get "robots-builder.json" => "robots_txt#builder"
get "offline.html" => "offline#index"
get "manifest.webmanifest" => "metadata#manifest", as: :manifest
get "manifest.json" => "metadata#manifest"
get ".well-known/assetlinks.json" => "metadata#app_association_android"
get "apple-app-site-association" => "metadata#app_association_ios", format: false
get "opensearch" => "metadata#opensearch", constraints: { format: :xml }
scope '/tag/:tag_id' do
constraints format: :json do
get '/' => 'tags#show', as: 'tag_show'
get '/info' => 'tags#info'
get '/notifications' => 'tags#notifications'
put '/notifications' => 'tags#update_notifications'
put '/' => 'tags#update'
delete '/' => 'tags#destroy'
post '/synonyms' => 'tags#create_synonyms'
delete '/synonyms/:synonym_id' => 'tags#destroy_synonym'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
Discourse.filters.each do |filter|
get "/l/#{filter}" => "tags#show_#{filter}", as: "tag_show_#{filter}"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
constraints format: :rss do
get '/' => 'tags#tag_feed'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
scope "/tags" do
get '/' => 'tags#index'
get '/filter/list' => 'tags#index'
get '/filter/search' => 'tags#search'
get '/personal_messages/:username' => 'tags#personal_messages'
post '/upload' => 'tags#upload'
get '/unused' => 'tags#list_unused'
delete '/unused' => 'tags#destroy_unused'
constraints(tag_id: /[^\/]+?/, format: /json|rss/) do
scope path: '/c/*category_slug_path_with_id' do
Discourse.filters.each do |filter|
get "/none/:tag_id/l/#{filter}" => "tags#show_#{filter}", as: "tag_category_none_show_#{filter}", defaults: { no_subcategories: true }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get '/none/:tag_id' => 'tags#show', as: 'tag_category_none_show', defaults: { no_subcategories: true }
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
Discourse.filters.each do |filter|
get "/:tag_id/l/#{filter}" => "tags#show_#{filter}", as: "tag_category_show_#{filter}"
get '/:tag_id' => 'tags#show', as: 'tag_category_show'
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get '/intersection/:tag_id/*additional_tag_ids' => 'tags#show', as: 'tag_intersection'
get '*tag_id', to: redirect(relative_url_root + 'tag/%{tag_id}')
resources :tag_groups, constraints: StaffConstraint.new, except: [:edit]
get '/tag_groups/filter/search' => 'tag_groups#search', format: :json
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
Discourse.filters.each do |filter|
root to: "list##{filter}", constraints: HomePageConstraint.new("#{filter}"), as: "list_#{filter}"
# special case for categories
root to: "categories#index", constraints: HomePageConstraint.new("categories"), as: "categories_index"
root to: 'finish_installation#index', constraints: HomePageConstraint.new("finish_installation"), as: 'installation_redirect'
get "/user-api-key/new" => "user_api_keys#new"
post "/user-api-key" => "user_api_keys#create"
post "/user-api-key/revoke" => "user_api_keys#revoke"
post "/user-api-key/undo-revoke" => "user_api_keys#undo_revoke"
get "/user-api-key/otp" => "user_api_keys#otp"
post "/user-api-key/otp" => "user_api_keys#create_otp"
get "/safe-mode" => "safe_mode#index"
post "/safe-mode" => "safe_mode#enter", as: "safe_mode_enter"
unless Rails.env.production?
get "/qunit" => "qunit#index"
get "/wizard/qunit" => "wizard#qunit"
get "/theme-qunit" => "qunit#theme"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
post "/push_notifications/subscribe" => "push_notification#subscribe"
post "/push_notifications/unsubscribe" => "push_notification#unsubscribe"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
resources :csp_reports, only: [:create]
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "/permalink-check", to: 'permalinks#check'
2020-12-18 09:03:51 -06:00
post "/do-not-disturb" => "do_not_disturb#create"
delete "/do-not-disturb" => "do_not_disturb#destroy"
2020-06-05 05:49:31 +03:00
get "*url", to: 'permalinks#show', constraints: PermalinkConstraint.new
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00