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537 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
require "mysql2"
require 'php_serialize' # https://github.com/jqr/php-serialize
rescue LoadError
puts 'php_serialize not found.'
puts 'Add to Gemfile, like this: '
puts "echo gem \\'php-serialize\\' >> Gemfile"
puts "bundle install"
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb")
# Call it like this:
# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb
class ImportScripts::XenForo < ImportScripts::Base
XENFORO_DB = "xenforo_db"
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
ATTACHMENT_DIR = '/tmp/attachments'
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def initialize
@client = Mysql2::Client.new(
host: "localhost",
username: "root",
password: "pa$$word",
database: XENFORO_DB
@category_mappings = {}
@prefix_as_category = false
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def execute
def import_avatar(id, imported_user)
filename = File.join(AVATAR_DIR, 'l', (id / 1000).to_s, "#{id}.jpg")
unless File.exist?(filename)
return nil
upload = create_upload(imported_user.id, filename, "avatar_#{id}")
return if !upload.persisted?
imported_user.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id)
imported_user.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id)
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def import_users
puts '', "creating users"
total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user WHERE user_state = 'valid' AND is_banned = 0;").first['count']
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
results = mysql_query(
"SELECT user_id id, username, email, custom_title title, register_date created_at,
last_activity last_visit_time, user_group_id, is_moderator, is_admin, is_staff
WHERE user_state = 'valid' AND is_banned = 0
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
OFFSET #{offset};")
break if results.size < 1
2016-02-01 03:44:58 +13:00
next if all_records_exist? :users, results.map { |u| u["id"].to_i }
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
create_users(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |user|
next if user['username'].blank?
{ id: user['id'],
email: user['email'],
username: user['username'],
title: user['title'],
created_at: Time.zone.at(user['created_at']),
last_seen_at: Time.zone.at(user['last_visit_time']),
moderator: user['is_moderator'] == 1 || user['is_staff'] == 1,
admin: user['is_admin'] == 1,
post_create_action: proc do |u|
import_avatar(user['id'], u)
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def import_categories
puts "", "importing categories..."
categories = mysql_query("
SELECT node_id id,
ORDER BY parent_node_id, display_order
top_level_categories = categories.select { |c| c["parent_node_id"] == 0 }
create_categories(top_level_categories) do |c|
id: c['id'],
name: c['title'],
description: c['description'],
position: c['display_order'],
post_create_action: proc do |category|
url = "board/#{c['node_name']}"
Permalink.find_or_create_by(url: url, category_id: category.id)
top_level_category_ids = Set.new(top_level_categories.map { |c| c["id"] })
subcategories = categories.select { |c| top_level_category_ids.include?(c["parent_node_id"]) }
create_categories(subcategories) do |c|
id: c['id'],
name: c['title'],
description: c['description'],
position: c['display_order'],
parent_category_id: category_id_from_imported_category_id(c['parent_node_id']),
post_create_action: proc do |category|
url = "board/#{c['node_name']}"
Permalink.find_or_create_by(url: url, category_id: category.id)
subcategory_ids = Set.new(subcategories.map { |c| c['id'] })
# deeper categories need to be tags
categories.each do |c|
next if c['parent_node_id'] == 0
next if top_level_category_ids.include?(c['id'])
next if subcategory_ids.include?(c['id'])
# Find a subcategory for topics in this category
parent = c
while !parent.nil? && !subcategory_ids.include?(parent['id'])
parent = categories.find { |subcat| subcat['id'] == parent['parent_node_id'] }
if parent
tag_name = DiscourseTagging.clean_tag(c['title'])
@category_mappings[c['id']] = {
category_id: category_id_from_imported_category_id(parent['id']),
tag: Tag.find_by_name(tag_name) || Tag.create(name: tag_name)
puts '', "Couldn't find a category for #{c['id']} '#{c['title']}'!"
# This method is an alternative to import_categories.
# It uses prefixes instead of nodes.
def import_categories_from_thread_prefixes
puts "", "importing categories..."
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
categories = mysql_query("
SELECT prefix_id id
FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread_prefix
ORDER BY prefix_id ASC
create_categories(categories) do |category|
id: category["id"],
name: "Category-#{category["id"]}"
@prefix_as_category = true
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def import_likes
puts '', 'importing likes'
total_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}liked_content WHERE content_type = 'post'").first["count"]
batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
results = mysql_query(
"SELECT like_id, content_id, like_user_id, like_date
FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}liked_content
WHERE content_type = 'post'
ORDER BY like_id
OFFSET #{offset};"
break if results.size < 1
create_likes(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
post_id: row['content_id'],
user_id: row['like_user_id'],
created_at: Time.zone.at(row['like_date'])
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def import_posts
puts "", "creating topics and posts"
total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count from #{TABLE_PREFIX}post").first["count"]
posts_sql = "
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
SELECT p.post_id id,
t.thread_id topic_id,
#{@prefix_as_category ? 't.prefix_id' : 't.node_id'} category_id,
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
t.title title,
t.first_post_id first_post_id,
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
p.user_id user_id,
p.message raw,
p.post_date created_at
#{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t
WHERE p.thread_id = t.thread_id
AND p.message_state = 'visible'
AND t.discussion_state = 'visible'
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
ORDER BY p.post_date
batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
results = mysql_query("#{posts_sql} OFFSET #{offset};").to_a
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
break if results.size < 1
next if all_records_exist? :posts, results.map { |p| p['id'] }
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m|
skip = false
mapped = {}
mapped[:id] = m['id']
mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m['user_id']) || -1
mapped[:raw] = process_xenforo_post(m['raw'], m['id'])
mapped[:created_at] = Time.zone.at(m['created_at'])
if m['id'] == m['first_post_id']
if m['category_id'].to_i == 0 || m['category_id'].nil?
mapped[:category] = SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id
mapped[:category] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(m['category_id'].to_i) ||
@category_mappings[m['category_id']].try(:[], :category_id)
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(m['title'])
mapped[:views] = m['view_count']
mapped[:post_create_action] = proc do |pp|
Permalink.find_or_create_by(url: "threads/#{m['topic_id']}", topic_id: pp.topic_id)
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(m['first_post_id'])
if parent
mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id]
puts "Parent post #{m['first_post_id']} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m["id"]}: #{m["title"][0..40]}"
skip = true
skip ? nil : mapped
# Apply tags
batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
results = mysql_query("#{posts_sql} OFFSET #{offset};").to_a
break if results.size < 1
results.each do |m|
next unless m['id'] == m['first_post_id'] && m['category_id'].to_i > 0
next unless tag = @category_mappings[m['category_id']].try(:[], :tag)
next unless topic_mapping = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(m['id'])
topic = Topic.find_by_id(topic_mapping[:topic_id])
topic.tags = [tag] if topic
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def import_private_messages
puts "", "importing private messages..."
post_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM xf_conversation_message").first["count"]
batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
posts = mysql_query <<-SQL
SELECT c.conversation_id, c.recipients, c.title, m.message, m.user_id, m.message_date, m.message_id, IF(c.first_message_id != m.message_id, c.first_message_id, 0) as topic_id
FROM xf_conversation_master c
LEFT JOIN xf_conversation_message m ON m.conversation_id = c.conversation_id
ORDER BY c.conversation_id, m.message_id
OFFSET #{offset}
break if posts.size < 1
next if all_records_exist? :posts, posts.map { |post| "pm_#{post["message_id"]}" }
create_posts(posts, total: post_count, offset: offset) do |post|
user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["user_id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID
title = post["title"]
message_id = "pm_#{post["message_id"]}"
raw = process_xenforo_post(post["message"], 0)
if raw.present?
msg = {
id: message_id,
user_id: user_id,
raw: raw,
created_at: Time.zone.at(post["message_date"].to_i),
import_mode: true
unless post["topic_id"] > 0
msg[:title] = post["title"]
msg[:archetype] = Archetype.private_message
to_user_array = PHP.unserialize(post['recipients'])
if to_user_array.size > 0
discourse_user_ids = to_user_array.keys.map { |id| user_id_from_imported_user_id(id) }
usernames = User.where(id: [discourse_user_ids]).pluck(:username)
msg[:target_usernames] = usernames.join(',')
topic_id = post["topic_id"]
if t = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("pm_#{topic_id}")
msg[:topic_id] = t[:topic_id]
puts "Topic ID #{topic_id} not found, skipping post #{post['message_id']} from #{post['user_id']}"
puts "Empty message, skipping post #{post['message_id']}"
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def process_xenforo_post(raw, import_id)
s = raw.dup
# :) is encoded as <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
s.gsub!(/<!-- s(\S+) --><img (?:[^>]+) \/><!-- s(?:\S+) -->/, '\1')
# Some links look like this: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.onegameamonth.com">http://www.onegameamonth.com</a><!-- m -->
s.gsub!(/<!-- \w --><a(?:.+)href="(\S+)"(?:.*)>(.+)<\/a><!-- \w -->/, '[\2](\1)')
# Many phpbb bbcode tags have a hash attached to them. Examples:
# [url=https&#58;//google&#46;com:1qh1i7ky]click here[/url:1qh1i7ky]
# [quote=&quot;cybereality&quot;:b0wtlzex]Some text.[/quote:b0wtlzex]
s.gsub!(/:(?:\w{8})\]/, ']')
# Remove mybb video tags.
s.gsub!(/(^\[video=.*?\])|(\[\/video\]$)/, '')
s = CGI.unescapeHTML(s)
# phpBB shortens link text like this, which breaks our markdown processing:
# [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 223AAkkPli](http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070920134223AAkkPli)
#Fix for the error: xenforo.rb: 160: in `gsub!': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
if ! s.valid_encoding?
s = s.encode("UTF-16be", invalid: :replace, replace: "?").encode('UTF-8')
2018-03-08 15:16:12 +11:00
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
# Work around it for now:
s.gsub!(/\[http(s)?:\/\/(www\.)?/, '[')
# [QUOTE]...[/QUOTE]
s.gsub!(/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/im) { "\n> #{$1}\n" }
# Nested Quotes
s.gsub!(/(\[\/?QUOTE.*?\])/mi) { |q| "\n#{q}\n" }
# [QUOTE="username, post: 28662, member: 1283"]
s.gsub!(/\[quote="(\w+), post: (\d*), member: (\d*)"\]/i) do
username, imported_post_id, _imported_user_id = $1, $2, $3
topic_mapping = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(imported_post_id)
if topic_mapping
"\n[quote=\"#{username}, post:#{topic_mapping[:post_number]}, topic:#{topic_mapping[:topic_id]}\"]\n"
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
# [URL=...]...[/URL]
s.gsub!(/\[url="?(.+?)"?\](.+?)\[\/url\]/i) { "[#{$2}](#{$1})" }
# [URL]...[/URL]
s.gsub!(/\[url\](.+?)\[\/url\]/i) { " #{$1} " }
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
# [IMG]...[/IMG]
s.gsub!(/\[\/?img\]/i, "")
# convert list tags to ul and list=1 tags to ol
# (basically, we're only missing list=a here...)
s.gsub!(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list\]/im, '[ul]\1[/ul]')
s.gsub!(/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list\]/im, '[ol]\1[/ol]')
s.gsub!(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list:u\]/im, '[ul]\1[/ul]')
s.gsub!(/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list:o\]/im, '[ol]\1[/ol]')
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
# convert *-tags to li-tags so bbcode-to-md can do its magic on phpBB's lists:
s.gsub!(/\[\*\]\n/, '')
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
s.gsub!(/\[\*\](.*?)\[\/\*:m\]/, '[li]\1[/li]')
s.gsub!(/\[\*\](.*?)\n/, '[li]\1[/li]')
s.gsub!(/\[\*=1\]/, '')
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
s.gsub!(/\[youtube\](.+?)\[\/youtube\]/i) { "\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{$1}\n" }
# [youtube=425,350]id[/youtube]
s.gsub!(/\[youtube="?(.+?)"?\](.+?)\[\/youtube\]/i) { "\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{$2}\n" }
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
# [MEDIA=youtube]id[/MEDIA]
s.gsub!(/\[MEDIA=youtube\](.+?)\[\/MEDIA\]/i) { "\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{$1}\n" }
# [ame="youtube_link"]title[/ame]
s.gsub!(/\[ame="?(.+?)"?\](.+?)\[\/ame\]/i) { "\n#{$1}\n" }
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
# [VIDEO=youtube;<id>]...[/VIDEO]
s.gsub!(/\[video=youtube;([^\]]+)\].*?\[\/video\]/i) { "\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{$1}\n" }
# [USER=706]@username[/USER]
s.gsub!(/\[user="?(.+?)"?\](.+?)\[\/user\]/i) { $2 }
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
# Remove the color tag
s.gsub!(/\[color=[#a-z0-9]+\]/i, "")
s.gsub!(/\[\/color\]/i, "")
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
if Dir.exist? ATTACHMENT_DIR
s = process_xf_attachments(:gallery, s, import_id)
s = process_xf_attachments(:attachment, s, import_id)
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
def process_xf_attachments(xf_type, s, import_id)
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
ids = Set.new
ids.merge(s.scan(get_xf_regexp(xf_type)).map { |x| x[0].to_i })
# not all attachments have an [ATTACH=] tag so we need to get the other ID's from the xf_attachment table
if xf_type == :attachment && import_id > 0
sql = "SELECT attachment_id FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment WHERE content_id=#{import_id} and content_type='post';"
ids.merge(mysql_query(sql).to_a.map { |v| v["attachment_id"].to_i })
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
ids.each do |id|
next unless id
sql = get_xf_sql(xf_type, id).dup.squish!
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
results = mysql_query(sql)
if results.size < 1
# Strip attachment
s.gsub!(get_xf_regexp(xf_type, id), '')
STDERR.puts "#{xf_type.capitalize} id #{id} not found in source database. Stripping."
original_filename = results.first['filename']
result = results.first
upload = import_xf_attachment(result['data_id'], result['file_hash'], result['user_id'], original_filename)
if upload && upload.present? && upload.persisted?
html = @uploader.html_for_upload(upload, original_filename)
unless s.gsub!(get_xf_regexp(xf_type, id), html)
s = s + "\n\n#{html}\n\n"
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
STDERR.puts "Could not process upload: #{original_filename}. Skipping attachment id #{id}"
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
def import_xf_attachment(data_id, file_hash, owner_id, original_filename)
current_filename = "#{data_id}-#{file_hash}.data"
path = Pathname.new(ATTACHMENT_DIR + "/#{data_id / 1000}/#{current_filename}")
new_path = path.dirname + original_filename
upload = nil
if File.exist? path
FileUtils.cp path, new_path
upload = @uploader.create_upload owner_id, new_path, original_filename
FileUtils.rm new_path
STDERR.puts "Could not find file #{path}. Skipping attachment id #{data_id}"
def get_xf_regexp(type, id = nil)
case type
when :gallery
Regexp.new(/\[GALLERY=media,\s#{id ? id : '(\d+)'}\].+?\]/i)
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
when :attachment
Regexp.new(/\[ATTACH(?>=\w+)?\]#{id ? id : '(\d+)'}\[\/ATTACH\]/i)
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
def get_xf_sql(type, id)
case type
when :gallery
SELECT m.media_id, m.media_title, a.attachment_id, a.data_id, d.filename, d.file_hash, d.user_id
FROM xengallery_media AS m
INNER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment a ON (m.attachment_id = a.attachment_id AND a.content_type = 'xengallery_media')
INNER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment_data d ON a.data_id = d.data_id
WHERE media_id = #{id}
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
when :attachment
SELECT a.attachment_id, a.data_id, d.filename, d.file_hash, d.user_id
FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment AS a
INNER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment_data d ON a.data_id = d.data_id
WHERE attachment_id = #{id}
AND content_type = 'post'
FEATURE: Add attachment support to xenforo importer (#7548) * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated. * FEATURE: Add attachment support to XenForo importer If `ATTACHMENT_DIR` is provided, importer will scan each imported post for `[GALLERY]` and `[ATTACH]` tags, attempt to import the referenced files as Discourse uploads and replace the tags with Discourse markup. References to files which cannot be imported are stripped. NOTE: This only imports attachments which are referenced in imported posts. Any XenForo media or files which are not referenced in any post using `[ATTACH]` or `[GALLERY]` tags will not be imported. The goal is to ensure that we don't have posts with missing images and unsightly markup, NOT to ensure that all attachments are migrated.
2019-05-17 07:18:28 +01:00
2015-06-11 17:57:46 +05:30
def mysql_query(sql)
@client.query(sql, cache_rows: false)