2013-11-27 21:58:36 +01:00
var controller ;
var setUpController = function ( properties ) {
Ember . run ( function ( ) {
controller . setProperties ( properties ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var appendView = function ( ) {
Ember . run ( function ( ) {
Discourse . advanceReadiness ( ) ;
Ember . View . create ( {
container : Discourse . _ _container _ _ ,
controller : controller ,
templateName : "siteMap"
} ) . appendTo ( fixture ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var locationLinksSelector = ".location-links" ;
var categoryLinksSelector = ".category-links" ;
module ( "Template: site_map" , {
setup : function ( ) {
sinon . stub ( I18n , "t" , function ( scope , options ) {
if ( options ) {
if ( options . count ) {
return [ scope , options . count ] . join ( " " ) ;
} else {
return [ scope , options . username , options . link ] . join ( " " ) . trim ( ) ;
return scope ;
} ) ;
controller = Ember . ArrayController . create ( {
container : Discourse . _ _container _ _
} ) ;
} ,
teardown : function ( ) {
I18n . t . restore ( ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "location links part is rendered correctly" , function ( ) {
setUpController ( {
showAdminLinks : true ,
flaggedPostsCount : 2 ,
faqUrl : "faq-url" ,
showMobileToggle : true ,
mobileViewLinkTextKey : "mobile_view_link_text_key"
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
var $locationLinks = fixture ( locationLinksSelector ) ;
var $adminLink = $locationLinks . find ( ".admin-link" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $adminLink ) , "a link to the admin section is present" ) ;
equal ( $adminLink . attr ( "href" ) , "/admin" , "the link to the admin section points to a correct URL" ) ;
notEqual ( $adminLink . text ( ) . indexOf ( "admin_title" ) , - 1 , "the link to the admin section contains correct text" ) ;
2013-12-09 16:27:49 -05:00
ok ( exists ( $adminLink . find ( ".fa-wrench" ) ) , "the link to the admin section contains correct icon" ) ;
2013-11-27 21:58:36 +01:00
var $flaggedPostsLink = $locationLinks . find ( ".flagged-posts-link" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $flaggedPostsLink ) , "link to the flagged posts list is present" ) ;
equal ( $flaggedPostsLink . attr ( "href" ) , "/admin/flags/active" , "the link to the flagged posts list points to a correct URL" ) ;
notEqual ( $flaggedPostsLink . text ( ) . indexOf ( "flags_title" ) , - 1 , "the link to the flagged posts list contains correct text" ) ;
2013-12-09 16:27:49 -05:00
ok ( exists ( $flaggedPostsLink . find ( ".fa-flag" ) ) , "the link to the flagged posts list contains correct icon" ) ;
2013-11-27 21:58:36 +01:00
var $flaggedPostsBadge = $locationLinks . find ( ".flagged-posts.badge-notification" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $flaggedPostsBadge ) , "a flagged posts badge is present" ) ;
equal ( $flaggedPostsBadge . attr ( "href" ) , "/admin/flags/active" , "the flagged posts badge points to a correct URL" ) ;
equal ( $flaggedPostsBadge . attr ( "title" ) , "notifications.total_flagged" , "the flagged posts badge has correct title attr" ) ;
equal ( $flaggedPostsBadge . text ( ) , "2" , "the flagged posts badge has correct text" ) ;
var $latestTopicsLink = $locationLinks . find ( ".latest-topics-link" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $latestTopicsLink ) , "the latest topics link is present" ) ;
equal ( $latestTopicsLink . attr ( "href" ) , "/" , "the latest topics link points to a correct URL" ) ;
equal ( $latestTopicsLink . attr ( "title" ) , "filters.latest.help" , "the latest topics link has correct title attr" ) ;
equal ( $latestTopicsLink . text ( ) , "filters.latest.title" , "the latest topics link has correct text" ) ;
var $faqLink = $locationLinks . find ( ".faq-link" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $faqLink ) , "the FAQ link is present" ) ;
equal ( $faqLink . attr ( "href" ) , "faq-url" , "the FAQ link points to a correct URL" ) ;
equal ( $faqLink . text ( ) , "faq" , "the FAQ link has correct text" ) ;
var $mobileToggleLink = $locationLinks . find ( ".mobile-toggle-link" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $mobileToggleLink ) , "the mobile theme toggle link is present" ) ;
equal ( $mobileToggleLink . text ( ) . trim ( ) , "mobile_view_link_text_key" , "the mobile theme toggle link has correct text" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "binds mobile theme toggle link to the correct controller action" , function ( ) {
this . stub ( Ember . Handlebars . helpers , "action" , function ( actionName ) {
return new Handlebars . SafeString ( 'data-test-stub-action-name="' + actionName + '"' ) ;
} ) ;
setUpController ( {
showMobileToggle : true
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
equal ( fixture ( locationLinksSelector ) . find ( ".mobile-toggle-link" ) . data ( "test-stub-action-name" ) , "toggleMobileView" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "does not show flagged posts badge when there are no flagged posts" , function ( ) {
setUpController ( {
showAdminLinks : true ,
flaggedPostsCount : 0
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
var $locationLinks = fixture ( locationLinksSelector ) ;
ok ( exists ( $locationLinks . find ( ".flagged-posts-link" ) ) , "primary link to flagged posts list is still shown" ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $locationLinks . find ( ".flagged-posts.badge-notification" ) ) , "badge with the number of flagged posts is not shown" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "does not show any admin links when current user is not a staff member" , function ( ) {
setUpController ( {
showAdminLinks : false ,
flaggedPostsCount : 2
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
var $locationLinks = fixture ( locationLinksSelector ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $locationLinks . find ( ".admin-link" ) ) , "the link to the admin section is not shown" ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $locationLinks . find ( ".flagged-posts-link" ) ) , "the link to flagged posts list is not shown" ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $locationLinks . find ( ".flagged-posts.badge-notification" ) ) , "the badge with the number of flagged posts is not shown" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "does not show mobile theme toggle link if mobile theme is disabled in configuration" , function ( ) {
setUpController ( {
showMobileToggle : false ,
mobileViewLinkTextKey : "mobile_view_link_text_key"
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( fixture ( locationLinksSelector ) . find ( ".mobile-toggle-link" ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
var categoryFixture = {
showBadges : true ,
name : "category name" ,
color : "ffffff" ,
text _color : "000000" ,
slug : "category-slug" ,
topic _count : 123 ,
description : "category description" ,
unreadTopics : 10 ,
newTopics : 20
} ;
test ( "category links part is rendered correctly" , function ( ) {
setUpController ( {
categories : [
Discourse . Category . create ( categoryFixture ) ,
Discourse . Category . create ( categoryFixture )
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
var $categoryLinks = fixture ( categoryLinksSelector ) ;
var $heading = $categoryLinks . find ( ".heading" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $heading ) , "a categories list heading exists" ) ;
equal ( $heading . attr ( "title" ) , "filters.categories.help" , "categories list heading has correct title attr" ) ;
var $allCategoriesLink = $heading . find ( "a" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $allCategoriesLink ) , "an 'all categories' link exists" ) ;
equal ( $allCategoriesLink . attr ( "href" ) , "/categories" , "the 'all categories' link points to a correct URL" ) ;
equal ( $allCategoriesLink . text ( ) , "filters.categories.title" , "the 'all categories' link has correct text" ) ;
var $categories = $categoryLinks . find ( ".category" ) ;
equal ( count ( $categories ) , 2 , "the number of categories is correct" ) ;
var $firstCategoryLink = $categories . first ( ) . find ( ".badge-category" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $firstCategoryLink ) , "a category item contains a category link" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryLink . attr ( "href" ) , "/category/category-slug" , "the category link points to a correct URL" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryLink . attr ( "title" ) , "category description" , "the category link has correct title attr" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryLink . css ( "color" ) , "rgb(0, 0, 0)" , "the category link has correct color css rule set" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryLink . css ( "background-color" ) , "rgb(255, 255, 255)" , "the category link has correct background-color css rule set" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryLink . text ( ) , "category name" , "the category link has correct text" ) ;
var $firstCategoryUnreadTopicsLink = $categories . first ( ) . find ( ".unread-posts" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $firstCategoryUnreadTopicsLink ) , "a category item contains current user unread topics link" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryUnreadTopicsLink . attr ( "href" ) , "/category/category-slug/l/unread" , "the unread topics link points to a correct URL" ) ;
ok ( $firstCategoryUnreadTopicsLink . hasClass ( "badge" ) && $firstCategoryUnreadTopicsLink . hasClass ( "badge-notification" ) , "the unread topics link has correct classes" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryUnreadTopicsLink . attr ( "title" ) , "topic.unread_topics 10" , "the unread topics link has correct title" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryUnreadTopicsLink . text ( ) , "10" , "the unread topics link has correct text" ) ;
var $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink = $categories . first ( ) . find ( ".new-posts" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink ) , "a category item contains current user new topics link" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink . attr ( "href" ) , "/category/category-slug/l/new" , "the new topics link points to a correct URL" ) ;
ok ( $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink . hasClass ( "badge" ) && $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink . hasClass ( "badge-notification" ) , "the new topics link has correct classes" ) ;
equal ( $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink . attr ( "title" ) , "topic.new_topics 20" , "the new topics link has correct title" ) ;
notEqual ( $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink . text ( ) . indexOf ( "20" ) , - 1 , "the new topics link contains correct text" ) ;
2013-12-09 16:27:49 -05:00
ok ( exists ( $firstCategoryNewTopicsLink . find ( ".fa-asterisk" ) ) , "the new topics link contains correct icon" ) ;
2013-11-27 21:58:36 +01:00
var $firstCategoryAllTopicsCount = $categories . first ( ) . find ( ".topics-count" ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $firstCategoryAllTopicsCount ) , "the count of all topics is not shown" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "categories show the count of all topics instead of new and unread ones when user is not logged in" , function ( ) {
var categoryWithoutBadgesFixture = _ . extend ( { } , categoryFixture , {
showBadges : false
} ) ;
setUpController ( {
categories : [
Discourse . Category . create ( categoryWithoutBadgesFixture )
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
var $firstCategory = fixture ( categoryLinksSelector ) . find ( ".category" ) . first ( ) ;
var $allTopicsCountTag = $firstCategory . find ( ".topics-count" ) ;
ok ( exists ( $allTopicsCountTag ) , "the tag with all topics count is shown" ) ;
equal ( $allTopicsCountTag . text ( ) , "123" , "the tag with all topics count has correct text" ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $firstCategory . find ( ".unread-posts" ) ) , "the unread posts link is not shown" ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $firstCategory . find ( ".new-posts" ) ) , "the new posts link is not shown" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "unread topics link is not shown when there are no unread topics" , function ( ) {
var categoryWithNoUnreadTopicsFixture = _ . extend ( { } , categoryFixture , {
unreadTopics : 0
} ) ;
setUpController ( {
categories : [
Discourse . Category . create ( categoryWithNoUnreadTopicsFixture )
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
var $firstCategory = fixture ( categoryLinksSelector ) . find ( ".category" ) . first ( ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $firstCategory . find ( ".unread-posts" ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "new topics link are not shown when there are no new topics" , function ( ) {
var categoryWithNoNewTopicsFixture = _ . extend ( { } , categoryFixture , {
newTopics : 0
} ) ;
setUpController ( {
categories : [
Discourse . Category . create ( categoryWithNoNewTopicsFixture )
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
var $firstCategory = fixture ( categoryLinksSelector ) . find ( ".category" ) . first ( ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( $firstCategory . find ( ".new-posts" ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "the whole categories section is hidden if there are no categories" , function ( ) {
setUpController ( {
categories : [ ]
} ) ;
appendView ( ) ;
ok ( ! exists ( fixture ( categoryLinksSelector ) ) ) ;
} ) ;