
1499 lines
46 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe Theme do
fab!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user) }
let(:guardian) { Guardian.new(user) }
let(:child) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user, component: true) }
before { ThemeJavascriptCompiler.disable_terser! }
after do
it "can properly clean up color schemes" do
scheme = ColorScheme.create!(theme_id: theme.id, name: "test")
scheme2 = ColorScheme.create!(theme_id: theme.id, name: "test2")
Fabricate(:theme, color_scheme_id: scheme2.id)
expect(scheme2).not_to eq(nil)
expect(scheme2.theme_id).to eq(nil)
expect(ColorScheme.find_by(id: scheme.id)).to eq(nil)
it "can support child themes" do
child.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "World")
child.set_field(target: :desktop, name: "header", value: "Desktop")
child.set_field(target: :mobile, name: "header", value: "Mobile")
expect(Theme.lookup_field(child.id, :desktop, "header")).to eq("World\nDesktop")
expect(Theme.lookup_field(child.id, "mobile", :header)).to eq("World\nMobile")
child.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "Worldie")
expect(Theme.lookup_field(child.id, :mobile, :header)).to eq("Worldie\nMobile")
parent = Fabricate(:theme, user: user)
parent.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "Common Parent")
parent.set_field(target: :mobile, name: "header", value: "Mobile Parent")
parent.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
expect(Theme.lookup_field(parent.id, :mobile, "header")).to eq(
"Common Parent\nMobile Parent\nWorldie\nMobile",
it "can support parent themes" do
child.add_relative_theme!(:parent, theme)
expect(child.parent_themes).to eq([theme])
it "can automatically disable for mismatching version" do
theme.create_remote_theme!(remote_url: "", minimum_discourse_version: "99.99.99")
expect(Theme.transform_ids(theme.id)).to eq([])
it "#transform_ids works with nil values" do
# Used in safe mode
expect(Theme.transform_ids(nil)).to eq([])
it "#transform_ids filters out disabled components" do
theme.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
expect(Theme.transform_ids(theme.id)).to eq([theme.id, child.id])
child.update!(enabled: false)
expect(Theme.transform_ids(theme.id)).to eq([theme.id])
it "doesn't allow multi-level theme components" do
grandchild = Fabricate(:theme, user: user)
grandparent = Fabricate(:theme, user: user)
expect do child.add_relative_theme!(:child, grandchild) end.to raise_error(
expect do grandparent.add_relative_theme!(:child, theme) end.to raise_error(
it "doesn't allow a child to be user selectable" do
child.update(user_selectable: true)
expect(child.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly(
it "doesn't allow a child to be set as the default theme" do
expect do child.set_default! end.to raise_error(
it "doesn't allow a component to have color scheme" do
scheme = ColorScheme.create!(name: "test")
child.update(color_scheme: scheme)
expect(child.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly(
it "should correct bad html in body_tag_baked and head_tag_baked" do
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: "head_tag", value: "<b>I am bold")
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :desktop, "head_tag")).to eq("<b>I am bold</b>")
it "should precompile fragments in body and head tags" do
with_template = <<HTML
<script type='text/x-handlebars' name='template'>
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='raw_template.raw'>
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: with_template)
field = theme.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:common], name: "header")
baked = Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :mobile, "header")
expect(baked).to include(field.javascript_cache.url)
expect(field.javascript_cache.content).to include("@ember/template-factory")
expect(field.javascript_cache.content).to include("raw-handlebars")
it "can destroy unbaked theme without errors" do
with_template = <<HTML
<script type='text/x-handlebars' name='template'>
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='raw_template.raw'>
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: with_template)
field = theme.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:common], name: "header")
baked = Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :mobile, "header")
ThemeField.where(id: field.id).update_all(compiler_version: 0) # update_all to avoid callbacks
it "should create body_tag_baked on demand if needed" do
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :body_tag, value: "<b>test")
ThemeField.update_all(value_baked: nil)
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :desktop, :body_tag)).to match(%r{<b>test</b>})
describe "#switch_to_component!" do
it "correctly converts a theme to component" do
theme.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
scheme = ColorScheme.create!(name: "test")
theme.update!(color_scheme_id: scheme.id, user_selectable: true)
expect(theme.component).to eq(true)
expect(theme.user_selectable).to eq(false)
expect(theme.default?).to eq(false)
expect(theme.color_scheme_id).to eq(nil)
expect(ChildTheme.where(parent_theme: theme).exists?).to eq(false)
describe "#switch_to_theme!" do
it "correctly converts a component to theme" do
theme.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
expect(child.component).to eq(false)
expect(ChildTheme.where(child_theme: child).exists?).to eq(false)
describe ".transform_ids" do
let!(:orphan1) { Fabricate(:theme, component: true) }
let!(:child) { Fabricate(:theme, component: true) }
let!(:child2) { Fabricate(:theme, component: true) }
let!(:orphan2) { Fabricate(:theme, component: true) }
let!(:orphan3) { Fabricate(:theme, component: true) }
let!(:orphan4) { Fabricate(:theme, component: true) }
before do
theme.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
theme.add_relative_theme!(:child, child2)
it "returns an empty array if no ids are passed" do
expect(Theme.transform_ids(nil)).to eq([])
it "adds the child themes of the parent" do
sorted = [child.id, child2.id].sort
expect(Theme.transform_ids(theme.id)).to eq([theme.id, *sorted])
describe "plugin api" do
def transpile(html)
f =
target_id: Theme.targets[:mobile],
theme_id: 1,
name: "after_header",
value: html,
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
[f.value_baked, f.javascript_cache, f]
it "transpiles ES6 code" do
html = <<HTML
<script type='text/discourse-plugin' version='0.1'>
const x = 1;
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
baked, javascript_cache, field = transpile(html)
expect(baked).to include(javascript_cache.url)
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("if ('define' in window) {")
expect(javascript_cache.content).to include(
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(javascript_cache.content).to include(
"settings = require(\"discourse/lib/theme-settings-store\").getObjectForTheme(#{field.theme_id});",
expect(javascript_cache.content).to include(
"name: \"theme-field-#{field.id}-mobile-html-script-1\",",
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("after: \"inject-objects\",")
expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("(0, _pluginApi.withPluginApi)(\"0.1\", api =>")
expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("const x = 1;")
describe "theme upload vars" do
let :image do
it "can handle uploads based of ThemeField" do
upload = UploadCreator.new(image, "logo.png").create_for(-1)
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :logo, upload_id: upload.id, type: :theme_upload_var)
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: "body {background-image: url($logo)}")
# make sure we do not nuke it
freeze_time (SiteSetting.clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours + 1).hours.from_now
expect(Upload.where(id: upload.id)).to be_exists
# no error for theme field
expect(theme.theme_fields.find_by(name: :scss).error).to eq(nil)
manager = Stylesheet::Manager.new(theme_id: theme.id)
scss, _map =
target: :desktop_theme,
theme: theme,
manager: manager,
).compile(force: true)
expect(scss).to include(upload.url)
describe "theme settings" do
it "allows values to be used in scss" do
target: :settings,
name: :yaml,
value: "background_color: red\nfont_size: 25px",
target: :common,
name: :scss,
value: "body {background-color: $background_color; font-size: $font-size}",
manager = Stylesheet::Manager.new(theme_id: theme.id)
scss, _map =
target: :desktop_theme,
theme: theme,
manager: manager,
).compile(force: true)
expect(scss).to include("background-color:red")
expect(scss).to include("font-size:25px")
setting = theme.settings[:font_size]
setting.value = "30px"
scss, _map =
target: :desktop_theme,
theme: theme,
manager: manager,
).compile(force: true)
expect(scss).to include("font-size:30px")
# Escapes correctly. If not, compiling this would throw an exception
setting.value = <<~CSS
andanothervalue 'withquotes'; margin: 0;
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: "body {font-size: quote($font-size)}")
scss, _map =
target: :desktop_theme,
theme: theme,
manager: manager,
).compile(force: true)
expect(scss).to include(
'font-size:"#{$fakeinterpolatedvariable}\a andanothervalue \'withquotes\'; margin: 0;\a"',
it "can use a setting straight away after introducing it" do
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: "body {background-color: red;}")
target: :settings,
name: :yaml,
value: "background_color: red\nfont_size: 25px",
target: :common,
name: :scss,
value: "body {background-color: $background_color;}",
theme.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:common], name: "scss").error,
).to eq(nil)
it "allows values to be used in JS" do
theme.name = 'awesome theme"'
theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: :yaml, value: "name: bob")
theme_field =
target: :common,
name: :after_header,
'<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="1.0">alert(settings.name); let a = ()=>{};</script>',
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :desktop, :after_header)).to include(
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include("if ('require' in window) {")
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include(
"require(\"discourse/lib/theme-settings-store\").registerSettings(#{theme_field.theme.id}, {\"name\":\"bob\"});",
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include("if ('define' in window) {")
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include(
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include(
"name: \"theme-field-#{theme_field.id}-common-html-script-1\",",
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include("after: \"inject-objects\",")
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include(
"(0, _pluginApi.withPluginApi)(\"1.0\", api =>",
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include("alert(settings.name)")
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include("let a = () => {}")
setting = theme.settings[:name]
setting.value = "bill"
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include(
"require(\"discourse/lib/theme-settings-store\").registerSettings(#{theme_field.theme.id}, {\"name\":\"bill\"});",
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :desktop, :after_header)).to include(
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 15:02:58 +03:00
it "is empty when the settings are invalid" do
theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: :yaml, value: "nil_setting: ")
expect(theme.settings).to be_empty
it "correctly caches theme ids" do
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
Theme.where.not(id: theme.id).destroy_all
theme2 = Fabricate(:theme)
expect(Theme.theme_ids).to contain_exactly(theme.id, theme2.id)
expect(Theme.user_theme_ids).to eq([])
theme.update!(user_selectable: true)
expect(Theme.user_theme_ids).to contain_exactly(theme.id)
theme2.update!(user_selectable: true)
expect(Theme.user_theme_ids).to contain_exactly(theme.id, theme2.id)
theme.update!(user_selectable: false)
theme2.update!(user_selectable: false)
expect(Theme.user_theme_ids).to contain_exactly(theme.id)
expect(Theme.theme_ids).to eq([])
expect(Theme.user_theme_ids).to eq([])
it "correctly caches user_themes template" do
json = Site.json_for(guardian)
user_themes = JSON.parse(json)["user_themes"]
expect(user_themes).to eq([])
theme = Fabricate(:theme, name: "bob", user_selectable: true)
json = Site.json_for(guardian)
user_themes = JSON.parse(json)["user_themes"].map { |t| t["name"] }
expect(user_themes).to eq(["bob"])
theme.name = "sam"
json = Site.json_for(guardian)
user_themes = JSON.parse(json)["user_themes"].map { |t| t["name"] }
expect(user_themes).to eq(["sam"])
json = Site.json_for(guardian)
user_themes = JSON.parse(json)["user_themes"]
expect(user_themes).to eq([])
def cached_settings(id)
Theme.find_by(id: id).cached_settings.to_json
def included_settings(id)
Theme.find_by(id: id).included_settings.to_json
it "clears color scheme cache correctly" do
cs =
name: "Fancy",
color_scheme_colors: [
Fabricate(:color_scheme_color, name: "header_primary", hex: "F0F0F0"),
Fabricate(:color_scheme_color, name: "header_background", hex: "1E1E1E"),
Fabricate(:color_scheme_color, name: "tertiary", hex: "858585"),
theme =
Fabricate(:theme, user_selectable: true, user: Fabricate(:admin), color_scheme_id: cs.id)
expect(ColorScheme.hex_for_name("header_primary")).to eq("F0F0F0")
expect(ColorScheme.hex_for_name("header_primary")).to eq("333333")
it "correctly notifies about theme changes" do
cs1 = Fabricate(:color_scheme)
cs2 = Fabricate(:color_scheme)
theme = Fabricate(:theme, user_selectable: true, user: user, color_scheme_id: cs1.id)
messages = MessageBus.track_publish { theme.save! }.filter { |m| m.channel == "/file-change" }
expect(messages.count).to eq(1)
expect(messages.first.data.map { |d| d[:target] }).to contain_exactly(
# With color scheme change:
messages =
.track_publish do
theme.color_scheme_id = cs2.id
.filter { |m| m.channel == "/file-change" }
expect(messages.count).to eq(1)
expect(messages.first.data.map { |d| d[:target] }).to contain_exactly(
it "includes theme_uploads in settings" do
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
Theme.where.not(id: theme.id).destroy_all
upload = UploadCreator.new(file_from_fixtures("logo.png"), "logo.png").create_for(-1)
theme.set_field(type: :theme_upload_var, target: :common, name: "bob", upload_id: upload.id)
json = JSON.parse(cached_settings(theme.id))
expect(json["theme_uploads"]["bob"]).to eq(upload.url)
it "does not break on missing uploads in settings" do
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
Theme.where.not(id: theme.id).destroy_all
upload = UploadCreator.new(file_from_fixtures("logo.png"), "logo.png").create_for(-1)
theme.set_field(type: :theme_upload_var, target: :common, name: "bob", upload_id: upload.id)
json = JSON.parse(cached_settings(theme.id))
expect(json).to be_empty
it "uses CDN url for theme_uploads in settings" do
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
Theme.where.not(id: theme.id).destroy_all
upload = UploadCreator.new(file_from_fixtures("logo.png"), "logo.png").create_for(-1)
theme.set_field(type: :theme_upload_var, target: :common, name: "bob", upload_id: upload.id)
json = JSON.parse(cached_settings(theme.id))
expect(json["theme_uploads"]["bob"]).to eq("http://cdn.localhost#{upload.url}")
it "uses CDN url for settings of type upload" do
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
Theme.where.not(id: theme.id).destroy_all
upload = UploadCreator.new(file_from_fixtures("logo.png"), "logo.png").create_for(-1)
theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: "yaml", value: <<~YAML)
type: upload
default: ""
theme: theme,
data_type: ThemeSetting.types[:upload],
value: upload.id.to_s,
name: "my_upload",
json = JSON.parse(cached_settings(theme.id))
expect(json["my_upload"]).to eq("http://cdn.localhost#{upload.url}")
describe "theme translations" do
it "can list working theme_translation_manager objects" do
en_translation =
theme_id: theme.id,
name: "en",
type_id: ThemeField.types[:yaml],
target_id: Theme.targets[:translations],
value: <<~YAML,
description: "Description of my theme"
translation1: en test1
translation2: en test2
base_translation1: en test3
base_translation2: en test4
fr_translation =
theme_id: theme.id,
name: "fr",
type_id: ThemeField.types[:yaml],
target_id: Theme.targets[:translations],
value: <<~YAML,
translation2: fr test2
base_translation2: fr test4
base_translation3: fr test5
I18n.locale = :fr
theme.update_translation("group_of_translations.translation1", "overriddentest1")
translations = theme.translations
expect(translations.map(&:key)).to eq(
expect(translations.map(&:default)).to eq(
["en test1", "fr test2", "en test3", "fr test4", "fr test5"],
expect(translations.map(&:value)).to eq(
["overriddentest1", "fr test2", "en test3", "fr test4", "fr test5"],
it "can list internal theme_translation_manager objects" do
en_translation =
theme_id: theme.id,
name: "en",
type_id: ThemeField.types[:yaml],
target_id: Theme.targets[:translations],
value: <<~YAML,
description: "Description of my theme"
another_translation: en test4
translations = theme.internal_translations
expect(translations.map(&:key)).to contain_exactly("theme_metadata.description")
expect(translations.map(&:value)).to contain_exactly("Description of my theme")
it "can create a hash of overridden values" do
en_translation =
theme_id: theme.id,
name: "en",
type_id: ThemeField.types[:yaml],
target_id: Theme.targets[:translations],
value: <<~YAML,
translation1: en test1
theme.update_translation("group_of_translations.translation1", "overriddentest1")
I18n.locale = :fr
theme.update_translation("group_of_translations.translation1", "overriddentest2")
expect(theme.translation_override_hash).to eq(
"en" => {
"group_of_translations" => {
"translation1" => "overriddentest1",
"fr" => {
"group_of_translations" => {
"translation1" => "overriddentest2",
it "fall back when listing baked field" do
theme2 = Fabricate(:theme)
en_translation =
theme_id: theme.id,
name: "en",
type_id: ThemeField.types[:yaml],
target_id: Theme.targets[:translations],
value: "",
fr_translation =
theme_id: theme.id,
name: "fr",
type_id: ThemeField.types[:yaml],
target_id: Theme.targets[:translations],
value: "",
en_translation2 =
theme_id: theme2.id,
name: "en",
type_id: ThemeField.types[:yaml],
target_id: Theme.targets[:translations],
value: "",
Theme.list_baked_fields([theme.id, theme2.id], :translations, "fr").map(&:id),
).to contain_exactly(fr_translation.id, en_translation2.id)
describe "automatic recompile" do
it "must recompile after bumping theme_field version" do
child.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "World")
child.set_field(target: :extra_js, name: "test.js.es6", value: "const hello = 'world';")
first_common_value = Theme.lookup_field(child.id, :desktop, "header")
first_extra_js_value = Theme.lookup_field(child.id, :extra_js, nil)
.returns("SOME_NEW_HASH") do
second_common_value = Theme.lookup_field(child.id, :desktop, "header")
second_extra_js_value = Theme.lookup_field(child.id, :extra_js, nil)
new_common_compiler_version =
ThemeField.find_by(theme_id: child.id, name: "header").compiler_version
new_extra_js_compiler_version =
ThemeField.find_by(theme_id: child.id, name: "test.js.es6").compiler_version
expect(first_common_value).to eq(second_common_value)
expect(first_extra_js_value).to eq(second_extra_js_value)
expect(new_common_compiler_version).to eq("SOME_NEW_HASH")
expect(new_extra_js_compiler_version).to eq("SOME_NEW_HASH")
it "recompiles when the hostname changes" do
theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: :yaml, value: "name: bob")
theme_field =
target: :common,
name: :after_header,
value: '<script>console.log("hello world");</script>',
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :common, :after_header)).to include(
SiteSetting.force_hostname = "someotherhostname.com"
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme.id, :common, :after_header)).to include(
describe "extra_scss" do
let(:scss) { "body { background: red}" }
let(:second_file_scss) { "p { color: blue};" }
let(:child_scss) { "body { background: green}" }
let(:theme) do
Fabricate(:theme).tap do |t|
t.set_field(target: :extra_scss, name: "my_files/magic", value: scss)
t.set_field(target: :extra_scss, name: "my_files/magic2", value: second_file_scss)
let(:child_theme) do
Fabricate(:theme).tap do |t|
t.component = true
t.set_field(target: :extra_scss, name: "my_files/moremagic", value: child_scss)
theme.add_relative_theme!(:child, t)
let(:compiler) do
manager = Stylesheet::Manager.new(theme_id: theme.id)
builder =
Stylesheet::Manager::Builder.new(target: :desktop_theme, theme: theme, manager: manager)
builder.compile(force: true)
it "works when importing file by path" do
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: '@import "my_files/magic";')
css, _map = compiler
expect(css).to include("body{background:red}")
it "works when importing multiple files" do
target: :common,
name: :scss,
value: '@import "my_files/magic"; @import "my_files/magic2"',
css, _map = compiler
expect(css).to include("body{background:red}")
expect(css).to include("p{color:blue}")
it "works for child themes" do
child_theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: '@import "my_files/moremagic"')
manager = Stylesheet::Manager.new(theme_id: child_theme.id)
builder =
target: :desktop_theme,
theme: child_theme,
manager: manager,
css, _map = builder.compile(force: true)
expect(css).to include("body{background:green}")
describe "scss_variables" do
it "is empty by default" do
expect(theme.scss_variables).to eq(nil)
it "includes settings and uploads when set" do
target: :settings,
name: :yaml,
value: "background_color: red\nfont_size: 25px",
upload = UploadCreator.new(file_from_fixtures("logo.png"), "logo.png").create_for(-1)
theme.set_field(type: :theme_upload_var, target: :common, name: "bobby", upload_id: upload.id)
expect(theme.scss_variables).to include("$background_color: unquote(\"red\")")
expect(theme.scss_variables).to include("$font_size: unquote(\"25px\")")
expect(theme.scss_variables).to include("$bobby: ")
describe "#baked_js_tests_with_digest" do
before do
theme_id: theme.id,
target_id: Theme.targets[:settings],
name: "yaml",
value: "some_number: 1",
target: :tests_js,
type: :js,
name: "acceptance/some-test.js",
value: "assert.ok(true);",
it "returns nil for content and digest if theme does not have tests" do
expect(theme.baked_js_tests_with_digest).to eq([nil, nil])
it "includes theme's migrations theme fields" do
target: :migrations,
type: :js,
name: "0001-some-migration",
value: "export default function migrate(settings) { return settings; }",
content, _digest = theme.baked_js_tests_with_digest
expect(content).to include("function migrate(settings)")
it "digest does not change when settings are changed" do
content, digest = theme.baked_js_tests_with_digest
expect(content).to be_present
expect(digest).to be_present
expect(content).to include("assert.ok(true);")
theme.update_setting(:some_number, 55)
expect(theme.build_settings_hash[:some_number]).to eq(55)
new_content, new_digest = theme.baked_js_tests_with_digest
expect(new_content).to eq(content)
expect(new_digest).to eq(digest)
describe "get_setting" do
before do
theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: "yaml", value: <<~YAML)
type: bool
default: false
type: string
default: "hello"
theme: theme,
data_type: ThemeSetting.types[:bool],
name: "super_feature_enabled",
it "returns the value of the setting when given a string represeting the setting name" do
expect(theme.get_setting("enabled")).to eq(false)
expect(theme.get_setting("some_value")).to eq("hello")
it "returns the value of the setting when given a symbol represeting the setting name" do
expect(theme.get_setting(:enabled)).to eq(false)
expect(theme.get_setting(:some_value)).to eq("hello")
describe "#update_setting" do
it "requests clients to refresh if `refresh: true`" do
theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: "yaml", value: <<~YAML)
type: bool
default: false
refresh: true
theme: theme,
data_type: ThemeSetting.types[:bool],
name: "super_feature_enabled",
messages =
.track_publish do
theme.update_setting(:super_feature_enabled, true)
.filter { |m| m.channel == "/global/asset-version" }
expect(messages.count).to eq(1)
it "does not request clients to refresh if `refresh: false`" do
theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: "yaml", value: <<~YAML)
type: bool
default: false
refresh: false
theme: theme,
data_type: ThemeSetting.types[:bool],
name: "super_feature_enabled",
messages =
.track_publish do
theme.update_setting(:super_feature_enabled, true)
.filter { |m| m.channel == "/global/asset-version" }
expect(messages.count).to eq(0)
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
describe "#migrate_settings" do
fab!(:settings_field) { Fabricate(:settings_theme_field, theme: theme, value: <<~YAML) }
integer_setting: 1
list_setting: "aa,bb"
fab!(:migration_field) { Fabricate(:migration_theme_field, theme: theme, version: 1) }
it "persists the results of the last pending migration to the database" do
migration_field.update!(value: <<~JS)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("integer_setting", 1033);
settings.set("list_setting", "cc,dd");
return settings;
Fabricate(:migration_theme_field, theme: theme, value: <<~JS, version: 2)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("integer_setting", 9909);
settings.set("list_setting", "ee,ff");
return settings;
expect(theme.get_setting("integer_setting")).to eq(9909)
expect(theme.get_setting("list_setting")).to eq("ee,ff")
it "doesn't allow arbitrary settings to be saved in the database" do
migration_field.update!(value: <<~JS)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("unknown_setting", 8834);
return settings;
expect do theme.migrate_settings end.to raise_error(
name: "0001-some-name",
setting_name: "unknown_setting",
it "updates the theme's javascript cache after running migration" do
theme.set_field(target: :extra_js, name: "test.js.es6", value: "const hello = 'world';")
expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include('"list_setting":"aa,bb"')
settings_field.update!(value: <<~YAML)
integer_setting: 1
default: aa|bb
type: list
migration_field.update!(value: <<~JS)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("list_setting", "zz|aa");
return settings;
setting_record = theme.theme_settings.where(name: "list_setting").first
expect(setting_record.data_type).to eq(ThemeSetting.types[:list])
expect(setting_record.value).to eq("zz|aa")
expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include('"list_setting":"zz|aa"')
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
it "allows changing a setting's type" do
theme.update_setting(:list_setting, "zz,aa")
setting_record = theme.theme_settings.where(name: "list_setting").first
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
expect(setting_record.data_type).to eq(ThemeSetting.types[:string])
expect(setting_record.value).to eq("zz,aa")
settings_field.update!(value: <<~YAML)
integer_setting: 1
default: aa|bb
type: list
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
migration_field.update!(value: <<~JS)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("list_setting", "zz|aa");
return settings;
FEATURE: Theme settings migrations (#24071) This commit introduces a new feature that allows theme developers to manage the transformation of theme settings over time. Similar to Rails migrations, the theme settings migration system enables developers to write and execute migrations for theme settings, ensuring a smooth transition when changes are required in the format or structure of setting values. Example use cases for the theme settings migration system: 1. Renaming a theme setting. 2. Changing the data type of a theme setting (e.g., transforming a string setting containing comma-separated values into a proper list setting). 3. Altering the format of data stored in a theme setting. All of these use cases and more are now possible while preserving theme setting values for sites that have already modified their theme settings. Usage: 1. Create a top-level directory called `migrations` in your theme/component, and then within the `migrations` directory create another directory called `settings`. 2. Inside the `migrations/settings` directory, create a JavaScript file using the format `XXXX-some-name.js`, where `XXXX` is a unique 4-digit number, and `some-name` is a descriptor of your choice that describes the migration. 3. Within the JavaScript file, define and export (as the default) a function called `migrate`. This function will receive a `Map` object and must also return a `Map` object (it's acceptable to return the same `Map` object that the function received). 4. The `Map` object received by the `migrate` function will include settings that have been overridden or changed by site administrators. Settings that have never been changed from the default will not be included. 5. The keys and values contained in the `Map` object that the `migrate` function returns will replace all the currently changed settings of the theme. 6. Migrations are executed in numerical order based on the XXXX segment in the migration filenames. For instance, `0001-some-migration.js` will be executed before `0002-another-migration.js`. Here's a complete example migration script that renames a setting from `setting_with_old_name` to `setting_with_new_name`: ```js // File name: 0001-rename-setting.js export default function migrate(settings) { if (settings.has("setting_with_old_name")) { settings.set("setting_with_new_name", settings.get("setting_with_old_name")); } return settings; } ``` Internal topic: t/109980
2023-11-02 08:10:15 +03:00
expect(theme.theme_settings.where(name: "list_setting").count).to eq(1)
setting_record = theme.theme_settings.where(name: "list_setting").first
expect(setting_record.data_type).to eq(ThemeSetting.types[:list])
expect(setting_record.value).to eq("zz|aa")
theme.theme_settings_migrations.where(theme_field_id: migration_field.id).first.diff,
).to eq(
"additions" => [{ "key" => "list_setting", "val" => "zz|aa" }],
"deletions" => [{ "key" => "list_setting", "val" => "zz,aa" }],
it "allows renaming a setting" do
theme.update_setting(:integer_setting, 11)
setting_record = theme.theme_settings.where(name: "integer_setting").first
expect(setting_record.value).to eq("11")
settings_field.update!(value: <<~YAML)
integer_setting_updated: 1
list_setting: "aa,bb"
migration_field.update!(value: <<~JS)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("integer_setting_updated", settings.get("integer_setting"));
return settings;
expect(theme.theme_settings.where(name: "integer_setting").exists?).to eq(false)
setting_record = theme.theme_settings.where(name: "integer_setting_updated").first
expect(setting_record.value).to eq("11")
theme.theme_settings_migrations.where(theme_field_id: migration_field.id).first.diff,
).to eq(
"additions" => [{ "key" => "integer_setting_updated", "val" => 11 }],
"deletions" => [{ "key" => "integer_setting", "val" => 11 }],
it "creates a ThemeSettingsMigration record for each migration" do
migration_field.update!(value: <<~JS)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("integer_setting", 2);
settings.set("list_setting", "cc,dd");
return settings;
second_migration_field =
Fabricate(:migration_theme_field, theme: theme, value: <<~JS, version: 2)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("integer_setting", 3);
settings.set("list_setting", "ee,ff");
return settings;
third_migration_field =
Fabricate(:migration_theme_field, theme: theme, value: <<~JS, version: 3)
export default function migrate(settings) {
settings.set("integer_setting", 4);
settings.set("list_setting", "gg,hh");
return settings;
records = theme.theme_settings_migrations.order(:version)
expect(records.count).to eq(3)
expect(records[0].version).to eq(1)
expect(records[0].name).to eq("some-name")
expect(records[0].theme_field_id).to eq(migration_field.id)
expect(records[0].diff).to eq(
"additions" => [
{ "key" => "integer_setting", "val" => 2 },
{ "key" => "list_setting", "val" => "cc,dd" },
"deletions" => [],
expect(records[1].version).to eq(2)
expect(records[1].name).to eq("some-name")
expect(records[1].theme_field_id).to eq(second_migration_field.id)
expect(records[1].diff).to eq(
"additions" => [
{ "key" => "integer_setting", "val" => 3 },
{ "key" => "list_setting", "val" => "ee,ff" },
"deletions" => [
{ "key" => "integer_setting", "val" => 2 },
{ "key" => "list_setting", "val" => "cc,dd" },
expect(records[2].version).to eq(3)
expect(records[2].name).to eq("some-name")
expect(records[2].theme_field_id).to eq(third_migration_field.id)
expect(records[2].diff).to eq(
"additions" => [
{ "key" => "integer_setting", "val" => 4 },
{ "key" => "list_setting", "val" => "gg,hh" },
"deletions" => [
{ "key" => "integer_setting", "val" => 3 },
{ "key" => "list_setting", "val" => "ee,ff" },
it "allows removing an old setting that no longer exists" do
settings_field.update!(value: <<~YAML)
setting_that_will_be_removed: 1
theme.update_setting(:setting_that_will_be_removed, 1023)
settings_field.update!(value: <<~YAML)
new_setting: 1
migration_field.update!(value: <<~JS)
export default function migrate(settings) {
if (settings.get("setting_that_will_be_removed") !== 1023) {
throw new Error(`expected setting_that_will_be_removed to be 1023, but it was instead ${settings.get("setting_that_will_be_removed")}.`);
return settings;
expect(theme.theme_settings.count).to eq(0)
records = theme.theme_settings_migrations
expect(records.size).to eq(1)
expect(records[0].diff).to eq(
"additions" => [],
"deletions" => [{ "key" => "setting_that_will_be_removed", "val" => 1023 }],
describe "development experience" do
it "sends 'development-mode-theme-changed event when non-css fields are updated" do
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: "body {background: green;}")
messages =
.track_publish { theme.save! }
.filter { |m| m.channel == "/file-change" }
expect(messages).not_to include("development-mode-theme-changed")
theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :header, value: "<p>Hello world</p>")
messages =
.track_publish { theme.save! }
.filter { |m| m.channel == "/file-change" }
expect(messages).to include(["development-mode-theme-changed"])
describe "#lookup_field when a theme component is used in multiple themes" do
fab!(:theme_1) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user) }
fab!(:theme_2) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user) }
fab!(:child) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user, component: true) }
before_all do
theme_1.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
theme_2.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
it "efficiently caches fields of theme component by only caching the fields once across multiple themes" do
child.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "World")
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :desktop, "header")).to eq("World")
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_2.id, :desktop, "header")).to eq("World")
Theme.cache.defer_get_set("#{child.id}:common:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
).to eq(["World"])
Theme.cache.defer_get_set("#{child.id}:desktop:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
).to eq(nil)
.defer_get_set("#{theme_1.id}:common:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
).to eq(nil)
.defer_get_set("#{theme_1.id}:desktop:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
).to eq(nil)
.defer_get_set("#{theme_2.id}:common:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
).to eq(nil)
.defer_get_set("#{theme_2.id}:desktop:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
).to eq(nil)
it "puts the parent value ahead of the child" do
theme_1.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "theme_1")
child.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "child")
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :desktop, "header")).to eq("theme_1\nchild")
it "puts parent translations ahead of child translations" do
theme_1.set_field(target: :translations, name: "en", value: <<~YAML)
theme_1: "test"
theme_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
child.set_field(target: :translations, name: "en", value: <<~YAML)
child: "test"
child_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
expect(theme_field.value_baked).not_to eq(child_field.value_baked)
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :en)).to eq(
[theme_field, child_field].map(&:value_baked).join("\n"),
it "prioritizes a locale over its fallback" do
theme_1.set_field(target: :translations, name: "en", value: <<~YAML)
theme_1: "hello"
en_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
theme_1.set_field(target: :translations, name: "es", value: <<~YAML)
theme_1: "hola"
es_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
expect(es_field.value_baked).not_to eq(en_field.value_baked)
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :en)).to eq(en_field.value_baked)
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :es)).to eq(es_field.value_baked)
expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :fr)).to eq(en_field.value_baked)
describe "#repository_url" do
subject(:repository_url) { theme.repository_url }
context "when theme is not a remote one" do
it "returns nothing" do
expect(repository_url).to be_blank
context "when theme is a remote one" do
let!(:remote_theme) { theme.create_remote_theme(remote_url: remote_url) }
context "when URL is a SSH one" do
let(:remote_url) { "git@github.com:discourse/graceful.git" }
it "normalizes it" do
expect(repository_url).to eq "github.com/discourse/graceful"
context "when URL is a HTTPS one" do
let(:remote_url) { "https://github.com/discourse/graceful.git" }
it "normalizes it" do
expect(repository_url).to eq "github.com/discourse/graceful"
context "when URL is a HTTP one" do
let(:remote_url) { "http://github.com/discourse/graceful" }
it "normalizes it" do
expect(repository_url).to eq "github.com/discourse/graceful"
context "when URL contains query params" do
let(:remote_url) { "http://github.com/discourse/graceful.git?param_id=1" }
it "keeps the query params" do
expect(repository_url).to eq "github.com/discourse/graceful?param_id=1"
describe "#user_selectable_count" do
subject(:count) { theme.user_selectable_count }
let!(:users) { Fabricate.times(5, :user) }
let!(:another_theme) { Fabricate(:theme) }
before do
users.take(3).each { _1.user_option.update!(theme_ids: [theme.id]) }
users.slice(3..4).each { _1.user_option.update!(theme_ids: [another_theme.id]) }
it "returns how many users are currently using the theme" do
expect(count).to eq 3