correct issues with poll specs

fixes regression where an error message is missing from a poll
with one option
This commit is contained in:
Sam 2017-07-17 17:42:13 -04:00
parent c7b0764089
commit 1661a8745b
3 changed files with 17 additions and 203 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
/*eslint no-bitwise:0 */
import { registerOption } from 'pretty-text/pretty-text';
const DATA_PREFIX = "data-poll-";
const DEFAULT_POLL_NAME = "poll";
const WHITELISTED_ATTRIBUTES = ["type", "name", "min", "max", "step", "order", "status", "public"];
const ATTRIBUTES_REGEX = new RegExp("(" + WHITELISTED_ATTRIBUTES.join("|") + ")=['\"]?[^\\s\\]]+['\"]?", "g");
registerOption((siteSettings, opts) => {
const currentUser = (opts.getCurrentUser && opts.getCurrentUser(opts.userId)) || opts.currentUser;
const staff = currentUser && currentUser.staff;
opts.features.poll = !!siteSettings.poll_enabled || staff;
opts.pollMaximumOptions = siteSettings.poll_maximum_options;
function getHelpText(count, min, max) {
@ -187,10 +177,6 @@ const rule = {
if (items.length < 2) {
return invalidPoll(state, raw);
// flag items so we add hashes
for (let o = 0; o < items.length; o++) {
token = items[o][0];
@ -313,160 +299,8 @@ export function setup(helper) {
if (helper.markdownIt) {
start: /\[poll((?:\s+\w+=[^\s\]]+)*)\]([\s\S]*)/igm,
stop: /\[\/poll\]/igm,
emitter(blockContents, matches) {
const contents = [];
// post-process inside block contents
if (blockContents.length) {
const postProcess = bc => {
if (typeof bc === "string" || bc instanceof String) {
const processed = this.processInline(String(bc));
if (processed.length) {
} else {
let b;
while ((b = blockContents.shift()) !== undefined) {
this.processBlock(b, blockContents).forEach(postProcess);
// default poll attributes
const attributes = { "class": "poll" };
attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "status"] = "open";
attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "name"] = DEFAULT_POLL_NAME;
// extract poll attributes
(matches[1].match(ATTRIBUTES_REGEX) || []).forEach(function(m) {
const [ name, value ] = m.split("=");
const escaped = helper.escape(value.replace(/["']/g, ""));
attributes[DATA_PREFIX + name] = escaped;
// we might need these values later...
let min = parseInt(attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "min"], 10);
let max = parseInt(attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "max"], 10);
let step = parseInt(attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "step"], 10);
// generate the options when the type is "number"
if (attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "type"] === "number") {
// default values
if (isNaN(min)) { min = 1; }
if (isNaN(max)) { max = helper.getOptions().pollMaximumOptions; }
if (isNaN(step)) { step = 1; }
// dynamically generate options
for (let o = min; o <= max; o += step) {
contents[0].push(["listitem", String(o)]);
// make sure there's only 1 child and it's a list with at least 1 option
if (contents.length !== 1 || contents[0].length <= 1 || (contents[0][0] !== "numberlist" && contents[0][0] !== "bulletlist")) {
return ["div"].concat(contents);
// make sure there's only options in the list
for (let o=1; o < contents[0].length; o++) {
if (contents[0][o][0] !== "listitem") {
return ["div"].concat(contents);
// TODO: remove non whitelisted content
// add option id (hash)
for (let o = 1; o < contents[0].length; o++) {
const attr = {};
// compute md5 hash of the content of the option
attr[DATA_PREFIX + "option-id"] = md5(JSON.stringify(contents[0][o].slice(1)));
// store options attributes
contents[0][o].splice(1, 0, attr);
const result = ["div", attributes],
poll = ["div"];
const container = ["div", { "class": "poll-container" }].concat(contents);
// 2 - POLL INFO
const info = ["div", { "class": "poll-info" }];
// # of voters
["span", { "class": "info-number" }, "0"],
["span", { "class": "info-text"}, I18n.t("poll.voters", { count: 0 })]
// multiple help text
if (attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "type"] === "multiple") {
const optionCount = contents[0].length - 1;
// default values
if (isNaN(min) || min < 1) { min = 1; }
if (isNaN(max) || max > optionCount) { max = optionCount; }
// add some help text
let help;
if (max > 0) {
if (min === max) {
if (min > 1) {
help = I18n.t("", { count: min });
} else if (min > 1) {
if (max < optionCount) {
help = I18n.t("", { min: min, max: max });
} else {
help = I18n.t("", { count: min });
} else if (max <= optionCount) {
help = I18n.t("", { count: max });
if (help) { info.push(["p", help]); }
if (attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "public"] === "true") {
info.push(["p", I18n.t("poll.public.title")]);
// 3 - BUTTONS
const buttons = ["div", { "class": "poll-buttons" }];
// add "cast-votes" button
if (attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "type"] === "multiple") {
buttons.push(["a", { "class": "button cast-votes", "title": I18n.t("poll.cast-votes.title") }, I18n.t("poll.cast-votes.label")]);
// add "toggle-results" button
buttons.push(["a", { "class": "button toggle-results", "title": I18n.t("") }, I18n.t("")]);
// 4 - MIX IT ALL UP
return result;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
describe "#validate_polls" do
it "should ensure that polls have unique names" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
* 1
* 2
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll name=test]
* 1
* 2
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it 'should ensure that polls have unique options' do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
* 1
* 1
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll name=test]
* 1
* 1
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it 'should ensure that polls have at least 2 options' do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
* 1
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll name=test]
* 1
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it "should ensure that polls' options do not exceed site settings" do
SiteSetting.poll_maximum_options = 2
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
* 1
* 2
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
count: SiteSetting.poll_maximum_options
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll name=test]
* 1
* 2
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
describe 'multiple type polls' do
it "should ensure that min should not be greater than max" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple min=2 max=1]
* 1
* 2
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple min=2 max=1 name=test]
* 1
* 2
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it "should ensure max setting is greater than 0" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple max=-2]
* 1
* 2
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it "should ensure that max settings is smaller or equal to the number of options" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple max=3]
* 1
* 2
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it "should ensure that min settings is not negative" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple min=-1]
* 1
* 2
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it "should ensure that min settings it not equal to zero" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple min=0]
* 1
* 2
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it "should ensure that min settings is not equal to the number of options" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple min=2]
* 1
* 2
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ describe ::DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator do
it "should ensure that min settings is not greater than the number of options" do
raw = <<-RAW.strip_heredoc
raw = <<~RAW
[poll type=multiple min=3]
* 1
* 2

View File

@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ describe PrettyText do
context 'markdown it' do
before do
SiteSetting.enable_experimental_markdown_it = true
it 'supports multi choice polls' do
cooked = PrettyText.cook <<~MD
[poll type=multiple min=1 max=3 public=true]
@ -61,22 +57,6 @@ describe PrettyText do
expect(cooked.scan('class="poll"').length).to eq(2)
it 'works correctly for new vs old engine with trivial cases' do
md = <<~MD
1. test 1
2. test 2
new_engine = n(PrettyText.cook(md))
SiteSetting.enable_experimental_markdown_it = false
old_engine = n(PrettyText.cook(md))
expect(new_engine).to eq(old_engine)
it 'does not break poll options when going from loose to tight' do
md = <<~MD
[poll type=multiple]