diff --git a/plugins/poll/lib/ranked_choice.rb b/plugins/poll/lib/ranked_choice.rb
index 24a376e8fc6..5f320356746 100644
--- a/plugins/poll/lib/ranked_choice.rb
+++ b/plugins/poll/lib/ranked_choice.rb
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class DiscoursePoll::RankedChoice
       potential_winners = find_potential_winners(tally, max_votes)
       # Check for a majority and return if found
-      if majority_check(tally, potential_winners, max_votes)
+      if majority_check(tally, max_votes)
         majority_candidate = enrich(potential_winners.keys.first, options)
         round_activity << { round: round, majority: majority_candidate, eliminated: nil }
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ class DiscoursePoll::RankedChoice
     tally.select { |k, v| v == max_votes }
-  def self.majority_check(tally, potential_winners, max_votes)
+  def self.majority_check(tally, max_votes)
     total_votes = tally.values.sum
-    max_votes > total_votes / 2 || potential_winners.count == 1
+    max_votes && max_votes > total_votes / 2
   def self.identify_losers(tally)
diff --git a/plugins/poll/spec/lib/ranked_choice_spec.rb b/plugins/poll/spec/lib/ranked_choice_spec.rb
index f7cfd8c61e2..09ef6c8a5dd 100644
--- a/plugins/poll/spec/lib/ranked_choice_spec.rb
+++ b/plugins/poll/spec/lib/ranked_choice_spec.rb
@@ -14,6 +14,19 @@ RSpec.describe DiscoursePoll::RankedChoice do
+  let(:options_4) do
+    [
+      { id: "Belle-lettres", html: "Belle-lettres" },
+      { id: "Comedy", html: "Comedy" },
+      { id: "Fantasy", html: "Fantasy" },
+      { id: "Historical", html: "Historical" },
+      { id: "Mystery", html: "Mystery" },
+      { id: "Non-fiction", html: "Non-fiction" },
+      { id: "Sci-fi", html: "Sci-fi" },
+      { id: "Thriller", html: "Thriller" },
+    ]
+  end
   it "correctly finds the winner with a simple majority" do
     votes = [%w[Alice Bob], %w[Bob Alice], %w[Alice Bob], %w[Bob Alice], %w[Alice Bob]]
     expect(described_class.run(votes, options_1)[:winning_candidate]).to eq(
@@ -60,10 +73,38 @@ RSpec.describe DiscoursePoll::RankedChoice do
     expect(described_class.run(votes, options_3)[:round_activity].length).to eq(2)
-  it "handles the winner with a simple majority" do
+  it "handles a tie after an elimination" do
     votes = [%w[Dave Alice], %w[Bob Dave]]
     expect(described_class.run(votes, options_3)[:tied_candidates]).to eq(
       [{ digest: "Dave", html: "Dave" }, { digest: "Bob", html: "Bob" }],
+  it "handles a complex multi-round tie" do
+    votes = [
+      %w[Belle-lettres Thriller Non-fiction Sci-fi Mystery Comedy Historical Fantasy],
+      %w[Mystery Fantasy Belle-lettres Sci-fi Non-fiction Historical Thriller Comedy],
+      %w[Mystery Thriller Belle-lettres Sci-fi Comedy Non-fiction Fantasy Historical],
+      %w[Mystery Sci-fi Fantasy Thriller Non-fiction Belle-lettres Historical Comedy],
+      %w[Mystery Thriller Non-fiction Sci-fi Comedy Historical Belle-lettres Fantasy],
+      %w[Fantasy Non-fiction Mystery Sci-fi Thriller Historical Belle-lettres Comedy],
+      %w[Fantasy Mystery Historical Thriller Sci-fi Non-fiction Comedy Belle-lettres],
+      %w[Thriller Mystery Fantasy Non-fiction Sci-fi Historical Comedy Belle-lettres],
+      %w[Mystery Fantasy Historical Thriller Non-fiction Comedy Sci-fi Belle-lettres],
+      %w[Fantasy Sci-fi Thriller Mystery Non-fiction Comedy Historical Belle-lettres],
+      %w[Fantasy Sci-fi Historical Non-fiction Comedy],
+      %w[Fantasy Sci-fi Mystery Comedy Thriller Non-fiction Historical],
+      %w[Fantasy Mystery Historical Non-fiction Sci-fi Comedy],
+      %w[Fantasy Sci-fi Mystery Comedy Thriller Historical Non-fiction],
+      %w[Comedy Historical Fantasy Sci-fi Mystery],
+      %w[Sci-fi Thriller Mystery Non-fiction Comedy Fantasy],
+    ]
+    outcome = described_class.run(votes, options_4)
+    expect(outcome[:tied_candidates]).to eq(
+      [{ digest: "Mystery", html: "Mystery" }, { digest: "Fantasy", html: "Fantasy" }],
+    )
+    expect(outcome[:round_activity].length).to eq(3)
+  end