mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 14:08:54 +08:00
Clean up discourse.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
@method buildRoutes
@for Discourse.AdminRoute
Discourse.buildRoutes(function() {
Discourse.Route.buildRoutes(function() {
this.resource('admin', { path: '/admin' }, function() {
this.route('dashboard', { path: '/' });
this.route('site_settings', { path: '/site_settings' });
@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
/*global Modernizr:true*/
/*global assetPath:true*/
var csrf_token;
The main Discourse Application
@class Discourse
@extends Ember.Application
Discourse = Ember.Application.createWithMixins({
rootElement: '#main',
// Data we want to remember for a short period
transient: Em.Object.create(),
// Whether the app has focus or not
hasFocus: true,
// Are we currently scrolling?
scrolling: false,
// The highest seen post number by topic
highestSeenByTopic: {},
logoSmall: (function() {
var logo;
logo = Discourse.SiteSettings.logo_small_url;
if (logo && logo.length > 1) {
return "<img src='" + logo + "' width='33' height='33'>";
} else {
return "<i class='icon-home'></i>";
titleChanged: (function() {
titleChanged: function() {
var title;
title = "";
if (this.get('title')) {
@ -37,51 +34,45 @@ Discourse = Ember.Application.createWithMixins({
title = "(*) " + title;
// chrome bug workaround see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2952384/changing-the-window-title-when-focussing-the-window-doesnt-work-in-chrome
window.setTimeout((function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
document.title = ".";
document.title = title;
}), 200);
}).observes('title', 'hasFocus', 'notify'),
}, 200);
}.observes('title', 'hasFocus', 'notify'),
currentUserChanged: (function() {
var bus, user;
bus = Discourse.MessageBus;
currentUserChanged: function() {
// We don't want to receive any previous user notifications
var bus = Discourse.MessageBus;
bus.callbackInterval = Discourse.SiteSettings.anon_polling_interval;
bus.enableLongPolling = false;
user = this.get('currentUser');
var user = this.get('currentUser');
if (user) {
bus.callbackInterval = Discourse.SiteSettings.polling_interval;
bus.enableLongPolling = true;
if (user.admin) {
bus.subscribe("/flagged_counts", function(data) {
return user.set('site_flagged_posts_count', data.total);
user.set('site_flagged_posts_count', data.total);
return bus.subscribe("/notification/" + user.id, (function(data) {
bus.subscribe("/notification/" + user.id, (function(data) {
user.set('unread_notifications', data.unread_notifications);
return user.set('unread_private_messages', data.unread_private_messages);
user.set('unread_private_messages', data.unread_private_messages);
}), user.notification_channel_position);
notifyTitle: function() {
return this.set('notify', true);
// Browser aware replaceState
replaceState: function(path) {
if (window.history &&
window.history.pushState &&
window.history.replaceState &&
!navigator.userAgent.match(/((iPod|iPhone|iPad).+\bOS\s+[1-4]|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/)) {
if (window.location.pathname !== path) {
return history.replaceState({
path: path
}, null, path);
// The classes of buttons to show on a post
postButtons: function() {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.post_menu.split("|").map(function(i) {
return (i.replace(/\+/, '').capitalize());
notifyTitle: function() {
this.set('notify', true);
openComposer: function(opts) {
@ -90,291 +81,108 @@ Discourse = Ember.Application.createWithMixins({
if (composer) composer.open(opts);
// Like router.route, but allow full urls rather than relative one
// HERE BE HACKS - uses the ember container for now until we can do this nicer.
routeTo: function(path) {
var newMatches, newTopicId, oldMatches, oldTopicId, opts, router, topicController, topicRegexp;
path = path.replace(/https?\:\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
// If we're in the same topic, don't push the state
topicRegexp = /\/t\/([^\/]+)\/(\d+)\/?(\d+)?/;
newMatches = topicRegexp.exec(path);
newTopicId = newMatches ? newMatches[2] : null;
if (newTopicId) {
oldMatches = topicRegexp.exec(window.location.pathname);
if ((oldTopicId = oldMatches ? oldMatches[2] : void 0) && (oldTopicId === newTopicId)) {
topicController = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:topic');
opts = {
trackVisit: false
if (newMatches[3]) {
opts.nearPost = newMatches[3];
// Be wary of looking up the router. In this case, we have links in our
// HTML, say form compiled markdown posts, that need to be routed.
router = Discourse.__container__.lookup('router:main');
return router.handleURL(path);
// The classes of buttons to show on a post
postButtons: (function() {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.post_menu.split("|").map(function(i) {
return "" + (i.replace(/\+/, '').capitalize());
Establishes global DOM events and bindings via jQuery.
@method bindDOMEvents
bindDOMEvents: function() {
var $html, hasTouch,
_this = this;
$html = $('html');
var $html, hasTouch;
/* Add the discourse touch event */
$html = $('html');
hasTouch = false;
if ($html.hasClass('touch')) {
hasTouch = true;
if (Modernizr.prefixed("MaxTouchPoints", navigator) > 1) {
hasTouch = true;
if (hasTouch) {
this.touch = true;
this.hasTouch = true;
} else {
this.touch = false;
$('#main').on('click.discourse', '[data-not-implemented=true]', function(e) {
return false;
$('#main').on('click.discourse', 'a', function(e) {
var $currentTarget, href;
if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
$currentTarget = $(e.currentTarget);
href = $currentTarget.attr('href');
if (href === void 0) {
if (href === '#') {
if ($currentTarget.attr('target')) {
if ($currentTarget.data('auto-route')) {
if ($currentTarget.hasClass('lightbox')) {
if (href.indexOf("mailto:") === 0) {
if (href.match(/^http[s]?:\/\//i) && !href.match(new RegExp("^http:\\/\\/" + window.location.hostname, "i"))) {
if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) return;
var $currentTarget = $(e.currentTarget);
var href = $currentTarget.attr('href');
if (!href) return;
if (href === '#') return;
if ($currentTarget.attr('target')) return;
if ($currentTarget.data('auto-route')) return;
if ($currentTarget.hasClass('lightbox')) return;
if (href.indexOf("mailto:") === 0) return;
if (href.match(/^http[s]?:\/\//i) && !href.match(new RegExp("^http:\\/\\/" + window.location.hostname, "i"))) return;
return false;
return $(window).focus(function() {
_this.set('hasFocus', true);
return _this.set('notify', false);
$(window).focus(function() {
Discourse.set('hasFocus', true);
Discourse.set('notify', false);
}).blur(function() {
return _this.set('hasFocus', false);
Discourse.set('hasFocus', false);
logout: function() {
var username,
_this = this;
username = this.get('currentUser.username');
return jQuery.ajax("/session/" + username, {
type: 'DELETE',
success: function(result) {
/* To keep lots of our variables unbound, we can handle a redirect on logging out.
return window.location.reload();
// Add a CSRF token to all AJAX requests
var csrfToken = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content');
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (!options.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', csrfToken);
/* fancy probes in ember
insertProbes: function() {
var topLevel;
if (typeof console === "undefined" || console === null) {
topLevel = function(fn, name) {
return window.probes.measure(fn, {
name: name,
before: function(data, owner, args) {
if (owner) {
return window.probes.clear();
after: function(data, owner, args) {
var ary, f, n, v, _ref;
if (owner && data.time > 10) {
f = function(name, data) {
if (data && data.count) {
return "" + name + " - " + data.count + " calls " + ((data.time + 0.0).toFixed(2)) + "ms";
if (console && console.group) {
console.group(f(name, data));
} else {
console.log(f(name, data));
ary = [];
_ref = window.probes;
for (n in _ref) {
v = _ref[n];
if (n === name || v.time < 1) {
k: n,
v: v
ary.sortBy(function(item) {
if (item.v && item.v.time) {
return -item.v.time;
} else {
return 0;
}).each(function(item) {
var output = f("" + item.k, item.v);
if (output) {
return console.log(output);
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null) {
if (typeof console.groupEnd === "function") {
return window.probes.clear();
Ember.View.prototype.renderToBuffer = window.probes.measure(Ember.View.prototype.renderToBuffer, "renderToBuffer");
Discourse.routeTo = topLevel(Discourse.routeTo, "Discourse.routeTo");
Ember.run.end = topLevel(Ember.run.end, "Ember.run.end");
Log the current user out of Discourse
@method logout
logout: function() {
return jQuery.ajax("/session/" + this.get('currentUser.username'), {
type: 'DELETE',
success: function(result) {
// To keep lots of our variables unbound, we can handle a redirect on logging out.
authenticationComplete: function(options) {
// TODO, how to dispatch this to the view without the container?
var loginView;
loginView = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:modal').get('currentView');
return loginView.authenticationComplete(options);
buildRoutes: function(builder) {
var oldBuilder;
oldBuilder = Discourse.routeBuilder;
Discourse.routeBuilder = function() {
if (oldBuilder) {
return builder.call(this);
start: function() {
Discourse.SiteSettings = PreloadStore.getStatic('siteSettings');
Discourse.KeyValueStore.init("discourse_", Discourse.MessageBus);
// subscribe to any site customizations that are loaded
$('link.custom-css').each(function() {
var id, split, stylesheet,
_this = this;
split = this.href.split("/");
id = split[split.length - 1].split(".css")[0];
stylesheet = this;
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/file-change/" + id, function(data) {
var orig, sp;
if (!$(stylesheet).data('orig')) {
$(stylesheet).data('orig', stylesheet.href);
orig = $(stylesheet).data('orig');
sp = orig.split(".css?");
stylesheet.href = sp[0] + ".css?" + data;
$('header.custom').each(function() {
var header;
header = $(this);
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/header-change/" + ($(this).data('key')), function(data) {
return header.html(data);
// possibly move this to dev only
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/file-change", function(data) {
Ember.TEMPLATES.empty = Handlebars.compile("<div></div>");
return data.each(function(me) {
var js;
if (me === "refresh") {
return document.location.reload(true);
} else if (me.name.substr(-10) === "handlebars") {
js = me.name.replace(".handlebars", "").replace("app/assets/javascripts", "/assets");
return $LAB.script(js + "?hash=" + me.hash).wait(function() {
var templateName;
templateName = js.replace(".js", "").replace("/assets/", "");
return jQuery.each(Ember.View.views, function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.get('templateName') === templateName) {
this.set('templateName', 'empty');
return Em.run.next(function() {
_this.set('templateName', templateName);
return _this.rerender();
} else {
return $('link').each(function() {
if (this.href.match(me.name) && me.hash) {
if (!$(this).data('orig')) {
$(this).data('orig', this.href);
this.href = $(this).data('orig') + "&hash=" + me.hash;
// Developer specific functions
Discourse.Router = Discourse.Router.reopen({
location: 'discourse_location'
// since we have no jquery-rails these days, hook up csrf token
csrf_token = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content');
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (!options.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', csrf_token);
Discourse.Router = Discourse.Router.reopen({ location: 'discourse_location' });
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Discourse.ClickTrack = {
topic_id: topicId,
redirect: false
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
Functions to help development of Discourse, such as inserting probes
@class Development
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.Development = {
Set up probes for performance measurements.
@method setupProbes
setupProbes: function() {
// Don't probe if we don't have a console
if (typeof console === "undefined" || console === null) return;
var topLevel = function(fn, name) {
return window.probes.measure(fn, {
name: name,
before: function(data, owner, args) {
if (owner) {
return window.probes.clear();
after: function(data, owner, args) {
var ary, f, n, v, _ref;
if (owner && data.time > 10) {
f = function(name, data) {
if (data && data.count) return name + " - " + data.count + " calls " + ((data.time + 0.0).toFixed(2)) + "ms";
if (console && console.group) {
console.group(f(name, data));
} else {
console.log(f(name, data));
ary = [];
_ref = window.probes;
for (n in _ref) {
v = _ref[n];
if (n === name || v.time < 1) {
k: n,
v: v
ary.sortBy(function(item) {
if (item.v && item.v.time) {
return -item.v.time;
} else {
return 0;
}).each(function(item) {
var output = f("" + item.k, item.v);
if (output) {
return console.log(output);
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null) {
if (typeof console.groupEnd === "function") {
return window.probes.clear();
Ember.View.prototype.renderToBuffer = window.probes.measure(Ember.View.prototype.renderToBuffer, "renderToBuffer");
Discourse.URL.routeTo = topLevel(Discourse.URL.routeTo, "Discourse.URL.routeTo");
Ember.run.end = topLevel(Ember.run.end, "Ember.run.end");
Use the message bus for live reloading of components for faster development.
@method observeLiveChanges
observeLiveChanges: function() {
// subscribe to any site customizations that are loaded
$('link.custom-css').each(function() {
var id, split, stylesheet,
_this = this;
split = this.href.split("/");
id = split[split.length - 1].split(".css")[0];
stylesheet = this;
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/file-change/" + id, function(data) {
var orig, sp;
if (!$(stylesheet).data('orig')) {
$(stylesheet).data('orig', stylesheet.href);
orig = $(stylesheet).data('orig');
sp = orig.split(".css?");
stylesheet.href = sp[0] + ".css?" + data;
// Custom header changes
$('header.custom').each(function() {
var header;
header = $(this);
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/header-change/" + ($(this).data('key')), function(data) {
return header.html(data);
// Observe file changes
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/file-change", function(data) {
Ember.TEMPLATES.empty = Handlebars.compile("<div></div>");
return data.each(function(me) {
var js;
if (me === "refresh") {
return document.location.reload(true);
} else if (me.name.substr(-10) === "handlebars") {
js = me.name.replace(".handlebars", "").replace("app/assets/javascripts", "/assets");
return $LAB.script(js + "?hash=" + me.hash).wait(function() {
var templateName;
templateName = js.replace(".js", "").replace("/assets/", "");
return jQuery.each(Ember.View.views, function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.get('templateName') === templateName) {
this.set('templateName', 'empty');
return Em.run.next(function() {
_this.set('templateName', templateName);
return _this.rerender();
} else {
return $('link').each(function() {
if (this.href.match(me.name) && me.hash) {
if (!$(this).data('orig')) {
$(this).data('orig', this.href);
this.href = $(this).data('orig') + "&hash=" + me.hash;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
URL related functions.
@class URL
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.URL = {
Browser aware replaceState. Will only be invoked if the browser supports it.
@method replaceState
@param {String} path The path we are replacing our history state with.
replaceState: function(path) {
if (window.history &&
window.history.pushState &&
window.history.replaceState &&
!navigator.userAgent.match(/((iPod|iPhone|iPad).+\bOS\s+[1-4]|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/) &&
(window.location.pathname !== path)) {
return history.replaceState({ path: path }, null, path);
Our custom routeTo method is used to intelligently overwrite default routing
It contains the logic necessary to route within a topic using replaceState to
keep the history intact.
Note that currently it uses `__container__` which is not advised
but there is no other way to access the router.
@method routeTo
@param {String} path The path we are routing to.
routeTo: function(path) {
var newMatches, newTopicId, oldMatches, oldTopicId, opts, router, topicController, topicRegexp;
path = path.replace(/https?\:\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
console.log("route to: " + path);
// If we're in the same topic, don't push the state
topicRegexp = /\/t\/([^\/]+)\/(\d+)\/?(\d+)?/;
newMatches = topicRegexp.exec(path);
newTopicId = newMatches ? newMatches[2] : null;
if (newTopicId) {
oldMatches = topicRegexp.exec(window.location.pathname);
if ((oldTopicId = oldMatches ? oldMatches[2] : void 0) && (oldTopicId === newTopicId)) {
topicController = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:topic');
opts = { trackVisit: false };
if (newMatches[3]) {
opts.nearPost = newMatches[3];
// Be wary of looking up the router. In this case, we have links in our
// HTML, say form compiled markdown posts, that need to be routed.
router = Discourse.__container__.lookup('router:main');
return router.handleURL(path);
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Discourse.ComposerController = Discourse.Controller.extend({
} else {
Discourse.set('currentUser.reply_count', Discourse.get('currentUser.reply_count') + 1);
}, function(error) {
composer.set('disableDrafts', false);
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Discourse.ComposerController = Discourse.Controller.extend({
// View a new reply we've made
viewNewReply: function() {
return false;
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
This controller supports actions on the site header
@class HeaderController
@class HeaderController
@extends Discourse.Controller
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.HeaderController = Discourse.Controller.extend({
topic: null,
showExtraInfo: false,
showExtraInfo: null,
toggleStar: function() {
var topic = this.get('topic');
if (topic) topic.toggleStar();
return false;
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Discourse.TopicController = Discourse.ObjectController.extend({
userFilters: new Em.Set(),
multiSelect: false,
bestOf: false,
showExtraHeaderInfo: false,
needs: ['header', 'modal', 'composer', 'quoteButton'],
filter: (function() {
@ -42,10 +41,6 @@ Discourse.TopicController = Discourse.ObjectController.extend({
return this.get('canDeleteSelected');
showExtraHeaderInfoChanged: (function() {
this.set('controllers.header.showExtraInfo', this.get('showExtraHeaderInfo'));
canDeleteSelected: (function() {
var canDelete, selectedPosts;
selectedPosts = this.get('selectedPosts');
@ -109,11 +104,11 @@ Discourse.TopicController = Discourse.ObjectController.extend({
jumpTop: function() {
jumpBottom: function() {
cancelFilter: function() {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
Discourse.UserPrivateMessagesController = Discourse.ObjectController.extend({
editPreferences: function() {
return Discourse.routeTo("/users/" + (this.get('content.username_lower')) + "/preferences");
return Discourse.URL.routeTo("/users/" + (this.get('content.username_lower')) + "/preferences");
composePrivateMessage: function() {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Discourse.TopicList = Discourse.Model.extend({
_this = this;
promise = new RSVP.Promise();
if (moreUrl = this.get('more_topics_url')) {
Discourse.replaceState("/" + (this.get('filter')) + "/more");
Discourse.URL.replaceState("/" + (this.get('filter')) + "/more");
jQuery.ajax(moreUrl, {
success: function(result) {
var newTopics, topicIds, topics;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
@method buildRoutes
@for Discourse.ApplicationRoute
Discourse.buildRoutes(function() {
Discourse.Route.buildRoutes(function() {
var router = this;
// Topic routes
@ -28,3 +28,14 @@ Discourse.Route = Em.Route.extend({
buildRoutes: function(builder) {
var oldBuilder = Discourse.routeBuilder;
Discourse.routeBuilder = function() {
if (oldBuilder) oldBuilder.call(this);
return builder.call(this);
@ -34,10 +34,7 @@ Discourse.TopicRoute = Discourse.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller, model) {
var headerController;
controller.set('showExtraHeaderInfo', false);
headerController = this.controllerFor('header');
headerController.set('topic', model);
this.controllerFor('header').set('topic', model);
@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
<div class='container'>
<div class='contents clearfix'>
<div class='title'>
{{#if controller.showExtraInfo}}
{{#linkTo list.popular}}{{{Discourse.logoSmall}}}{{/linkTo}}
{{#linkTo list.popular}}<img src="{{unbound Discourse.SiteSettings.logo_url}}" alt="{{unbound Discourse.SiteSettings.title}}" id='site-logo'>{{/linkTo}}
{{view Discourse.TopicExtraInfoView}}
<div class='panel clearfix'>
@ -24,7 +14,7 @@
<ul class='icons clearfix'>
<ul class='icons clearfix'>
<li class='notifications'>
{{#if view.currentUser}}
<a class='icon' href="#" {{action showNotifications target="view"}} data-notifications="notifications-dropdown" id='user-notifications' title='{{i18n notifications.title}}'><i class='icon-comment'></i></a>
@ -38,7 +28,7 @@
<a class='icon' href="#" {{action showLogin}} title='{{i18n notifications.title}}'><i class='icon-comment'></i></a>
<a class='icon expand' href='#' data-dropdown="search-dropdown" title='{{i18n search.title}}'><i class='icon-search'></i></a>
<li class='categories dropdown'>
@ -46,7 +36,7 @@
{{#if view.currentUser.site_flagged_posts_count}}
<a href='/admin/flags/active' title='total flagged posts' class='badge-notification flagged-posts'>{{view.currentUser.site_flagged_posts_count}}</a>
<li class='current-user'>
{{#if view.currentUser}}
{{#titledLinkTo user.activity view.currentUser titleKey="current_user" class="icon"}}{{avatar Discourse.currentUser imageSize="medium" }}{{/titledLinkTo}}
@ -58,7 +48,7 @@
{{view Discourse.SearchView currentUserBinding="view.currentUser"}}
<section class='d-dropdown' id='notifications-dropdown'>
<section class='d-dropdown' id='notifications-dropdown'>
{{#if view.notifications}}
{{#each view.notifications}}
@ -73,7 +63,7 @@
<section class='d-dropdown' id='site-map-dropdown'>
<section class='d-dropdown' id='site-map-dropdown'>
{{#if Discourse.currentUser.admin}}
<li><a href="/admin"><i class='icon-cog'></i>{{i18n admin_title}}</a></li>
@ -99,7 +89,7 @@
<li class='heading' title="{{i18n filters.categories.help}}">
{{#linkTo "list.categories"}}{{i18n filters.categories.title}}{{/linkTo}}
{{#each view.categories}}
<li class='category'>
{{categoryLink this}}
@ -81,6 +81,27 @@ Discourse.HeaderView = Discourse.View.extend({
Display the correct logo in the header, showing a custom small icon if it exists.
@property logoHTML
logoHTML: function() {
var result = "<div class='title'><a href='/'>";
if (this.get('controller.showExtraInfo')) {
var logo = Discourse.SiteSettings.logo_small_url;
if (logo && logo.length > 1) {
result += "<img src='" + logo + "' width='33' height='33'>";
} else {
result += "<i class='icon-home'></i>";
} else {
result += "<img src=\"" + Discourse.SiteSettings.logo_url + "\" alt=\"" + Discourse.SiteSettings.title + "\" id='site-logo'>";
result += "</a></div>";
return new Handlebars.SafeString(result);
willDestroyElement: function() {
return $(document).unbind('touchmove.discourse-dock');
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Discourse.EditCategoryView = Discourse.ModalBodyView.extend({
showCategoryTopic: function() {
return false;
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Discourse.MoveSelectedView = Discourse.ModalBodyView.extend({
Discourse.Topic.movePosts(this.get('topic.id'), this.get('topicName'), postIds).then(function(result) {
if (result.success) {
return Em.run.next(function() {
return Discourse.routeTo(result.url);
Em.run.next(function() {
} else {
@ -139,13 +139,10 @@ window.Discourse.SearchView = Discourse.View.extend({
select: function() {
var href;
if (this.get('loading')) {
href = $('#search-dropdown li.selected a').prop('href');
if (this.get('loading')) return;
var href = $('#search-dropdown li.selected a').prop('href');
if (href) {
return false;
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Discourse.TopicView = Discourse.View.extend(Discourse.Scrolling, {
postUrl += "/best_of";
// Show appropriate jump tools
if (current === 1) {
@ -441,10 +441,12 @@ Discourse.TopicView = Discourse.View.extend(Discourse.Scrolling, {
this.docAt = title.offset().top;
var headerController = this.get('controller.controllers.header');
if (this.docAt) {
this.set('controller.showExtraHeaderInfo', offset >= this.docAt || !firstLoaded);
headerController.set('showExtraInfo', offset >= this.docAt || !firstLoaded);
} else {
this.set('controller.showExtraHeaderInfo', !firstLoaded);
headerController.set('showExtraInfo', !firstLoaded);
// there is a whole bunch of caching we could add here
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Version: v1.0.0-pre.2-723-g052062c
// Last commit: 052062c (2013-02-18 19:32:17 -0800)
// Version: v1.0.0-pre.2-756-gb26f1f0
// Last commit: b26f1f0 (2013-02-26 09:03:26 -0800)
(function() {
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ Ember.deprecateFunc = function(message, func) {
// Version: v1.0.0-pre.2-723-g052062c
// Last commit: 052062c (2013-02-18 19:32:17 -0800)
// Version: v1.0.0-pre.2-756-gb26f1f0
// Last commit: b26f1f0 (2013-02-26 09:03:26 -0800)
(function() {
Ember.SHIM_ES5 = (Ember.ENV.SHIM_ES5 === false) ? false : Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES;
Determines whether Ember logs info about version of used libraries
@property LOG_VERSION
@type Boolean
@default true
Ember.LOG_VERSION = (Ember.ENV.LOG_VERSION === false) ? false : true;
Empty function. Useful for some operations.
@ -1752,7 +1761,7 @@ var MapWithDefault = Ember.MapWithDefault = function(options) {
@param [options]
@param {anything} [options.defaultValue]
@return {Ember.MapWithDefault|Ember.Map} If options are passed, returns
@return {Ember.MapWithDefault|Ember.Map} If options are passed, returns
`Ember.MapWithDefault` otherwise returns `Ember.Map`
MapWithDefault.create = function(options) {
@ -1826,7 +1835,7 @@ var FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.\*]+)/;
If you plan to run on IE8 and older browsers then you should use this
method anytime you want to retrieve a property on an object that you don't
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
are considered private.)
On all newer browsers, you only need to use this method to retrieve
@ -1888,7 +1897,7 @@ get = function get(obj, keyName) {
If you plan to run on IE8 and older browsers then you should use this
method anytime you want to set a property on an object that you don't
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
are considered private.)
On all newer browsers, you only need to use this method to set
@ -4229,7 +4238,7 @@ Ember.RunLoop = RunLoop;
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
@ -4268,7 +4277,7 @@ var run = Ember.run;
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
@ -4286,7 +4295,7 @@ Ember.run.begin = function() {
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
@ -6123,7 +6132,6 @@ define("container",
register: function(type, name, factory, options) {
var fullName;
if (type.indexOf(':') !== -1){
options = factory;
factory = name;
@ -6133,15 +6141,23 @@ define("container",
fullName = type + ":" + name;
this.registry.set(fullName, factory);
this._options.set(fullName, options || {});
var normalizedName = this.normalize(fullName);
this.registry.set(normalizedName, factory);
this._options.set(normalizedName, options || {});
resolve: function(fullName) {
return this.resolver(fullName) || this.registry.get(fullName);
normalize: function(fullName) {
return fullName;
lookup: function(fullName, options) {
fullName = this.normalize(fullName);
options = options || {};
if (this.cache.has(fullName) && options.singleton !== false) {
@ -6270,7 +6286,8 @@ define("container",
function factoryFor(container, fullName) {
return container.resolve(fullName);
var name = container.normalize(fullName);
return container.resolve(name);
function instantiate(container, fullName) {
@ -6745,6 +6762,20 @@ Ember.Error.prototype = Ember.create(Error.prototype);
(function() {
Expose RSVP implementation
@class RSVP
@namespace Ember
Ember.RSVP = requireModule('rsvp');
(function() {
@module ember
@ -7358,7 +7389,7 @@ Ember.Enumerable = Ember.Mixin.create(
@method nextObject
@param {Number} index the current index of the iteration
@param {Object} previousObject the value returned by the last call to
@param {Object} previousObject the value returned by the last call to
@param {Object} context a context object you can use to maintain state.
@return {Object} the next object in the iteration or undefined
@ -8425,9 +8456,9 @@ Ember.Array = Ember.Mixin.create(Ember.Enumerable, /** @scope Ember.Array.protot
@method arrayContentWillChange
@param {Number} startIdx The starting index in the array that will change.
@param {Number} removeAmt The number of items that will be removed. If you
@param {Number} removeAmt The number of items that will be removed. If you
pass `null` assumes 0
@param {Number} addAmt The number of items that will be added If you
@param {Number} addAmt The number of items that will be added If you
pass `null` assumes 0.
@return {Ember.Array} receiver
@ -8901,11 +8932,11 @@ Ember.MutableArray = Ember.Mixin.create(Ember.Array, Ember.MutableEnumerable,
passed array. You should also call `this.enumerableContentDidChange()`
@method replace
@param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If
@param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If
idx >= length, then append to the end of the array.
@param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from
@param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from
the array, starting at *idx*.
@param {Array} objects An array of zero or more objects that should be
@param {Array} objects An array of zero or more objects that should be
inserted into the array at *idx*
replace: Ember.required(),
@ -10160,14 +10191,14 @@ CoreObject.PrototypeMixin = Mixin.create({
view.get('classNames'); // ['ember-view', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz']
Adding a single property that is not an array will just add it in the array:
var view = App.FooBarView.create({
classNames: 'baz'
view.get('classNames'); // ['ember-view', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz']
Using the `concatenatedProperties` property, we can tell to Ember that mix
the content of the properties.
@ -11125,40 +11156,8 @@ Ember.Mixin.prototype.toString = classToString;
(function() {
@module ember
@submodule ember-runtime
Defines a namespace that will contain an executable application. This is
very similar to a normal namespace except that it is expected to include at
least a 'ready' function which can be run to initialize the application.
Currently `Ember.Application` is very similar to `Ember.Namespace.` However,
this class may be augmented by additional frameworks so it is important to
use this instance when building new applications.
# Example Usage
MyApp = Ember.Application.create({
VERSION: '1.0.0',
store: Ember.Store.create().from(Ember.fixtures)
MyApp.ready = function() {
//..init code goes here...
@class Application
@namespace Ember
@extends Ember.Namespace
Ember.Application = Ember.Namespace.extend();
@ -11544,6 +11543,25 @@ Ember.ObjectProxy = Ember.Object.extend(
create: function () {
var mixin, prototype, i, l, properties, keyName;
if (arguments.length) {
prototype = this.proto();
for (i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
properties = arguments[i];
for (keyName in properties) {
if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName) || keyName in prototype) { continue; }
if (!mixin) mixin = {};
mixin[keyName] = null;
if (mixin) this._initMixins([mixin]);
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
@ -11864,7 +11882,7 @@ if (ignore.length>0) {
The NativeArray mixin contains the properties needed to to make the native
Array support Ember.MutableArray and all of its dependent APIs. Unless you
have `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array` set to
have `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array` set to
false, this will be applied automatically. Otherwise you can apply the mixin
at anytime by calling `Ember.NativeArray.activate`.
@ -12440,7 +12458,8 @@ Ember.ArrayController = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.ControllerMixin,
objectAtContent: function(idx) {
var length = get(this, 'length'),
object = get(this,'arrangedContent').objectAt(idx);
arrangedContent = get(this,'arrangedContent'),
object = arrangedContent && arrangedContent.objectAt(idx);
if (idx >= 0 && idx < length) {
var controllerClass = this.lookupItemController(object);
@ -12591,15 +12610,16 @@ Ember.$ = jQuery;
@module ember
@submodule ember-views
if (Ember.$) {
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/dnd.html#dndevents
var dragEvents = Ember.String.w('dragstart drag dragenter dragleave dragover drop dragend');
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/dnd.html#dndevents
var dragEvents = Ember.String.w('dragstart drag dragenter dragleave dragover drop dragend');
// Copies the `dataTransfer` property from a browser event object onto the
// jQuery event object for the specified events
Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach(dragEvents, function(eventName) {
Ember.$.event.fixHooks[eventName] = { props: ['dataTransfer'] };
// Copies the `dataTransfer` property from a browser event object onto the
// jQuery event object for the specified events
Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach(dragEvents, function(eventName) {
Ember.$.event.fixHooks[eventName] = { props: ['dataTransfer'] };
@ -12616,7 +12636,8 @@ Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach(dragEvents, function(eventName) {
// Internet Explorer prior to 9 does not allow setting innerHTML if the first element
// is a "zero-scope" element. This problem can be worked around by making
// the first node an invisible text node. We, like Modernizr, use ­
var needsShy = (function(){
var needsShy = this.document && (function(){
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
testEl.firstChild.innerHTML = "<script></script>";
@ -12626,7 +12647,7 @@ var needsShy = (function(){
// IE 8 (and likely earlier) likes to move whitespace preceeding
// a script tag to appear after it. This means that we can
// accidentally remove whitespace when updating a morph.
var movesWhitespace = (function() {
var movesWhitespace = this.document && (function() {
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "Test: <script type='text/x-placeholder'></script>Value";
return testEl.childNodes[0].nodeValue === 'Test:' &&
@ -13297,7 +13318,7 @@ Ember.EventDispatcher = Ember.Object.extend(
setup: function(addedEvents) {
var event, events = {
touchstart : 'touchStart',
// touchmove : 'touchMove',
touchmove : 'touchMove',
touchend : 'touchEnd',
touchcancel : 'touchCancel',
keydown : 'keyDown',
@ -13308,8 +13329,7 @@ Ember.EventDispatcher = Ember.Object.extend(
contextmenu : 'contextMenu',
click : 'click',
dblclick : 'doubleClick',
// https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/pull/2148
// mousemove : 'mouseMove',
mousemove : 'mouseMove',
focusin : 'focusIn',
focusout : 'focusOut',
mouseenter : 'mouseEnter',
@ -13459,8 +13479,9 @@ Ember.EventDispatcher = Ember.Object.extend(
// Add a new named queue for rendering views that happens
// after bindings have synced, and a queue for scheduling actions
// that that should occur after view rendering.
var queues = Ember.run.queues;
queues.splice(Ember.$.inArray('actions', queues)+1, 0, 'render', 'afterRender');
var queues = Ember.run.queues,
indexOf = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.indexOf;
queues.splice(indexOf.call(queues, 'actions')+1, 0, 'render', 'afterRender');
@ -14250,7 +14271,7 @@ class:
* `mouseEnter`
* `mouseLeave`
Form events:
Form events:
* `submit`
* `change`
@ -14258,7 +14279,7 @@ class:
* `focusOut`
* `input`
HTML5 drag and drop events:
HTML5 drag and drop events:
* `dragStart`
* `drag`
@ -15706,17 +15727,24 @@ Ember.View = Ember.CoreView.extend(
// once the view has been inserted into the DOM, legal manipulations
// are done on the DOM element.
function notifyMutationListeners() {
Ember.run.once(Ember.View, 'notifyMutationListeners');
var DOMManager = {
prepend: function(view, html) {
after: function(view, html) {
html: function(view, html) {
replace: function(view) {
@ -15726,15 +15754,18 @@ var DOMManager = {
view._insertElementLater(function() {
Ember.$(element).replaceWith(get(view, 'element'));
remove: function(view) {
empty: function(view) {
@ -15795,14 +15826,14 @@ Ember.View.reopenClass({
`className` and optional `falsyClassName`.
- if a `className` or `falsyClassName` has been specified:
- if the value is truthy and `className` has been specified,
- if the value is truthy and `className` has been specified,
`className` is returned
- if the value is falsy and `falsyClassName` has been specified,
- if the value is falsy and `falsyClassName` has been specified,
`falsyClassName` is returned
- otherwise `null` is returned
- if the value is `true`, the dasherized last part of the supplied path
- if the value is `true`, the dasherized last part of the supplied path
is returned
- if the value is not `false`, `undefined` or `null`, the `value`
- if the value is not `false`, `undefined` or `null`, the `value`
is returned
- if none of the above rules apply, `null` is returned
@ -15849,6 +15880,20 @@ Ember.View.reopenClass({
var mutation = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented).create();
Ember.View.addMutationListener = function(callback) {
mutation.on('change', callback);
Ember.View.removeMutationListener = function(callback) {
mutation.off('change', callback);
Ember.View.notifyMutationListeners = function() {
Global views hash
@ -16652,7 +16697,7 @@ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set, fmt = Ember.String.fmt;
Given an empty `<body>` and the following code:
someItemsView = Ember.CollectionView.create({
classNames: ['a-collection'],
content: ['A','B','C'],
@ -17008,15 +17053,15 @@ define("metamorph",
var K = function(){},
guid = 0,
document = window.document,
document = this.document,
// Feature-detect the W3C range API, the extended check is for IE9 which only partially supports ranges
supportsRange = ('createRange' in document) && (typeof Range !== 'undefined') && Range.prototype.createContextualFragment,
supportsRange = document && ('createRange' in document) && (typeof Range !== 'undefined') && Range.prototype.createContextualFragment,
// Internet Explorer prior to 9 does not allow setting innerHTML if the first element
// is a "zero-scope" element. This problem can be worked around by making
// the first node an invisible text node. We, like Modernizr, use ­
needsShy = (function(){
needsShy = document && (function(){
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
testEl.firstChild.innerHTML = "<script></script>";
@ -17027,7 +17072,7 @@ define("metamorph",
// IE 8 (and likely earlier) likes to move whitespace preceeding
// a script tag to appear after it. This means that we can
// accidentally remove whitespace when updating a morph.
movesWhitespace = (function() {
movesWhitespace = document && (function() {
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "Test: <script type='text/x-placeholder'></script>Value";
return testEl.childNodes[0].nodeValue === 'Test:' &&
@ -17471,7 +17516,11 @@ var objectCreate = Object.create || function(parent) {
return new F();
var Handlebars = this.Handlebars || Ember.imports.Handlebars;
var Handlebars = this.Handlebars || (Ember.imports && Ember.imports.Handlebars);
if(!Handlebars && typeof require === 'function') {
Handlebars = require('handlebars');
Ember.assert("Ember Handlebars requires Handlebars 1.0.0-rc.3 or greater", Handlebars && Handlebars.VERSION.match(/^1\.0\.[0-9](\.rc\.[23456789]+)?/));
@ -17824,7 +17873,7 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('helperMissing', function(path, options) {
## Example with bound options
Bound hash options are also supported. Example:
Bound hash options are also supported. Example:
{{repeat text countBinding="numRepeats"}}
@ -17862,15 +17911,15 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('helperMissing', function(path, options) {
{{concatenate prop1 prop2 prop3}}. If any of the properties change,
the helpr will re-render. Note that dependency keys cannot be
using in conjunction with multi-property helpers, since it is ambiguous
which property the dependent keys would belong to.
which property the dependent keys would belong to.
## Use with unbound helper
The {{unbound}} helper can be used with bound helper invocations
The {{unbound}} helper can be used with bound helper invocations
to render them in their unbound form, e.g.
{{unbound capitalize name}}
{{unbound capitalize name}}
In this example, if the name property changes, the helper
@ -17896,7 +17945,7 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper = function(name, fn) {
view = data.view,
currentContext = (options.contexts && options.contexts[0]) || this,
pathRoot, path,
pathRoot, path,
loc, hashOption;
// Detect bound options (e.g. countBinding="otherCount")
@ -18002,7 +18051,7 @@ function evaluateMultiPropertyBoundHelper(context, fn, normalizedProperties, opt
// Assemble liast of watched properties that'll re-render this helper.
watchedProperties = [];
for (boundOption in boundOptions) {
if (boundOptions.hasOwnProperty(boundOption)) {
if (boundOptions.hasOwnProperty(boundOption)) {
watchedProperties.push(normalizePath(context, boundOptions[boundOption], data));
@ -18131,22 +18180,30 @@ Ember.Handlebars.resolvePaths = function(options) {
var set = Ember.set, get = Ember.get;
var Metamorph = requireModule('metamorph');
function notifyMutationListeners() {
Ember.run.once(Ember.View, 'notifyMutationListeners');
// DOMManager should just abstract dom manipulation between jquery and metamorph
var DOMManager = {
remove: function(view) {
prepend: function(view, html) {
after: function(view, html) {
html: function(view, html) {
// This is messed up.
@ -18169,11 +18226,13 @@ var DOMManager = {
empty: function(view) {
@ -18937,14 +18996,14 @@ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('unless', function(context, options) {
Result in the following rendered output:
<img class="aValue">
A boolean return value will insert a specified class name if the property
returns `true` and remove the class name if the property returns `false`.
A class name is provided via the syntax
A class name is provided via the syntax
@ -19103,9 +19162,9 @@ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('bindAttr', function(options) {
@method bindClasses
@for Ember.Handlebars
@param {Ember.Object} context The context from which to lookup properties
@param {String} classBindings A string, space-separated, of class bindings
@param {String} classBindings A string, space-separated, of class bindings
to use
@param {Ember.View} view The view in which observers should look for the
@param {Ember.View} view The view in which observers should look for the
element to update
@param {Srting} bindAttrId Optional bindAttr id used to lookup elements
@return {Array} An array of class names to add
@ -19795,7 +19854,7 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('unbound', function(property, fn) {
// Unbound helper call.
options.data.isUnbound = true;
helper = Ember.Handlebars.helpers[arguments[0]] || Ember.Handlebars.helperMissing;
out = helper.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
out = helper.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
delete options.data.isUnbound;
return out;
@ -21093,7 +21152,7 @@ helpers = helpers || Ember.Handlebars.helpers; data = data || {};
var buffer = '', stack1, hashTypes, escapeExpression=this.escapeExpression, self=this;
function program1(depth0,data) {
var buffer = '', hashTypes;
data.buffer.push("<option value=\"\">");
hashTypes = {};
@ -21103,7 +21162,7 @@ function program1(depth0,data) {
function program3(depth0,data) {
var hashTypes;
hashTypes = {'contentBinding': "STRING"};
data.buffer.push(escapeExpression(helpers.view.call(depth0, "Ember.SelectOption", {hash:{
@ -21118,7 +21177,7 @@ function program3(depth0,data) {
stack1 = helpers.each.call(depth0, "view.content", {hash:{},inverse:self.noop,fn:self.program(3, program3, data),contexts:[depth0],types:["ID"],hashTypes:hashTypes,data:data});
if(stack1 || stack1 === 0) { data.buffer.push(stack1); }
return buffer;
attributeBindings: ['multiple', 'disabled', 'tabindex'],
@ -23555,6 +23614,34 @@ function teardownView(route) {
(function() {
Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function() {
var handlebarsResolve = Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams,
map = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.map,
get = Ember.get;
function resolveParams(context, params, options) {
var resolved = handlebarsResolve(context, params, options);
return map.call(resolved, unwrap);
function unwrap(object, i) {
if (params[i] === 'controller') { return object; }
if (Ember.ControllerMixin.detect(object)) {
return unwrap(get(object, 'model'));
} else {
return object;
Ember.Router.resolveParams = resolveParams;
(function() {
@module ember
@ -23564,7 +23651,7 @@ function teardownView(route) {
var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;
Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
var resolveParams = Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams,
var resolveParams = Ember.Router.resolveParams,
isSimpleClick = Ember.ViewUtils.isSimpleClick;
function fullRouteName(router, name) {
@ -23847,7 +23934,7 @@ Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
var resolveParams = Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams,
var resolveParams = Ember.Router.resolveParams,
isSimpleClick = Ember.ViewUtils.isSimpleClick;
var EmberHandlebars = Ember.Handlebars,
@ -24473,7 +24560,7 @@ Ember.HashLocation = Ember.Object.extend({
set(self, 'lastSetURL', null);
@ -24851,11 +24938,14 @@ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set,
By default, calling `Ember.Application.create()` will automatically initialize
your application by calling the `Ember.Application.initialize()` method. If
your application by calling the `Ember.Application.initialize()` method. If
you need to delay initialization, you can call your app's `deferReadiness()`
method. When you are ready for your app to be initialized, call its
`advanceReadiness()` method.
You can define a `ready` method on the `Ember.Application` instance, which
will be run by Ember when the application is initialized.
Because `Ember.Application` inherits from `Ember.Namespace`, any classes
you create will have useful string representations when calling `toString()`.
See the `Ember.Namespace` documentation for more information.
@ -25050,11 +25140,13 @@ var Application = Ember.Application = Ember.Namespace.extend({
Ember.debug('Ember.VERSION : ' + Ember.VERSION);
Ember.debug('Handlebars.VERSION : ' + Ember.Handlebars.VERSION);
Ember.debug('jQuery.VERSION : ' + Ember.$().jquery);
if ( Ember.LOG_VERSION ) {
Ember.debug('Ember.VERSION : ' + Ember.VERSION);
Ember.debug('Handlebars.VERSION : ' + Ember.Handlebars.VERSION);
Ember.debug('jQuery.VERSION : ' + Ember.$().jquery);
@ -25414,6 +25506,7 @@ Ember.Application.reopenClass({
Ember.Container.defaultContainer = Ember.Container.defaultContainer || container;
container.set = Ember.set;
container.normalize = normalize;
container.resolver = resolverFor(namespace);
container.optionsForType('view', { singleton: false });
container.optionsForType('template', { instantiate: false });
@ -25453,6 +25546,7 @@ function resolverFor(namespace) {
if (type === 'template') {
var templateName = name.replace(/\./g, '/');
if (Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName]) {
return Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName];
@ -25483,9 +25577,31 @@ function resolverFor(namespace) {
Ember.runLoadHooks('Ember.Application', Ember.Application);
function normalize(fullName) {
var split = fullName.split(':'),
type = split[0],
name = split[1];
if (type !== 'template') {
var result = name;
if (result.indexOf('.') > -1) {
result = result.replace(/\.(.)/g, function(m) { return m[1].toUpperCase(); });
if (name.indexOf('_') > -1) {
result = result.replace(/_(.)/g, function(m) { return m[1].toUpperCase(); });
return type + ':' + result;
} else {
return fullName;
Ember.runLoadHooks('Ember.Application', Ember.Application);
@ -26831,8 +26947,8 @@ Ember States
// Version: v1.0.0-pre.2-723-g052062c
// Last commit: 052062c (2013-02-18 19:32:17 -0800)
// Version: v1.0.0-pre.2-756-gb26f1f0
// Last commit: b26f1f0 (2013-02-26 09:03:26 -0800)
(function() {
Ember.SHIM_ES5 = (Ember.ENV.SHIM_ES5 === false) ? false : Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES;
Determines whether Ember logs info about version of used libraries
@property LOG_VERSION
@type Boolean
@default true
Ember.LOG_VERSION = (Ember.ENV.LOG_VERSION === false) ? false : true;
Empty function. Useful for some operations.
@ -1596,7 +1605,7 @@ var MapWithDefault = Ember.MapWithDefault = function(options) {
@param [options]
@param {anything} [options.defaultValue]
@return {Ember.MapWithDefault|Ember.Map} If options are passed, returns
@return {Ember.MapWithDefault|Ember.Map} If options are passed, returns
`Ember.MapWithDefault` otherwise returns `Ember.Map`
MapWithDefault.create = function(options) {
@ -1670,7 +1679,7 @@ var FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.\*]+)/;
If you plan to run on IE8 and older browsers then you should use this
method anytime you want to retrieve a property on an object that you don't
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
are considered private.)
On all newer browsers, you only need to use this method to retrieve
@ -1731,7 +1740,7 @@ get = function get(obj, keyName) {
If you plan to run on IE8 and older browsers then you should use this
method anytime you want to set a property on an object that you don't
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
are considered private.)
On all newer browsers, you only need to use this method to set
@ -4069,7 +4078,7 @@ Ember.RunLoop = RunLoop;
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
@ -4108,7 +4117,7 @@ var run = Ember.run;
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
@ -4126,7 +4135,7 @@ Ember.run.begin = function() {
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
// code to be execute within a RunLoop
@ -5963,7 +5972,6 @@ define("container",
register: function(type, name, factory, options) {
var fullName;
if (type.indexOf(':') !== -1){
options = factory;
factory = name;
@ -5973,15 +5981,23 @@ define("container",
fullName = type + ":" + name;
this.registry.set(fullName, factory);
this._options.set(fullName, options || {});
var normalizedName = this.normalize(fullName);
this.registry.set(normalizedName, factory);
this._options.set(normalizedName, options || {});
resolve: function(fullName) {
return this.resolver(fullName) || this.registry.get(fullName);
normalize: function(fullName) {
return fullName;
lookup: function(fullName, options) {
fullName = this.normalize(fullName);
options = options || {};
if (this.cache.has(fullName) && options.singleton !== false) {
@ -6110,7 +6126,8 @@ define("container",
function factoryFor(container, fullName) {
return container.resolve(fullName);
var name = container.normalize(fullName);
return container.resolve(name);
function instantiate(container, fullName) {
@ -6584,6 +6601,20 @@ Ember.Error.prototype = Ember.create(Error.prototype);
(function() {
Expose RSVP implementation
@class RSVP
@namespace Ember
Ember.RSVP = requireModule('rsvp');
(function() {
@module ember
@ -7197,7 +7228,7 @@ Ember.Enumerable = Ember.Mixin.create(
@method nextObject
@param {Number} index the current index of the iteration
@param {Object} previousObject the value returned by the last call to
@param {Object} previousObject the value returned by the last call to
@param {Object} context a context object you can use to maintain state.
@return {Object} the next object in the iteration or undefined
@ -8264,9 +8295,9 @@ Ember.Array = Ember.Mixin.create(Ember.Enumerable, /** @scope Ember.Array.protot
@method arrayContentWillChange
@param {Number} startIdx The starting index in the array that will change.
@param {Number} removeAmt The number of items that will be removed. If you
@param {Number} removeAmt The number of items that will be removed. If you
pass `null` assumes 0
@param {Number} addAmt The number of items that will be added If you
@param {Number} addAmt The number of items that will be added If you
pass `null` assumes 0.
@return {Ember.Array} receiver
@ -8740,11 +8771,11 @@ Ember.MutableArray = Ember.Mixin.create(Ember.Array, Ember.MutableEnumerable,
passed array. You should also call `this.enumerableContentDidChange()`
@method replace
@param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If
@param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If
idx >= length, then append to the end of the array.
@param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from
@param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from
the array, starting at *idx*.
@param {Array} objects An array of zero or more objects that should be
@param {Array} objects An array of zero or more objects that should be
inserted into the array at *idx*
replace: Ember.required(),
@ -9998,14 +10029,14 @@ CoreObject.PrototypeMixin = Mixin.create({
view.get('classNames'); // ['ember-view', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz']
Adding a single property that is not an array will just add it in the array:
var view = App.FooBarView.create({
classNames: 'baz'
view.get('classNames'); // ['ember-view', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz']
Using the `concatenatedProperties` property, we can tell to Ember that mix
the content of the properties.
@ -10962,40 +10993,8 @@ Ember.Mixin.prototype.toString = classToString;
(function() {
@module ember
@submodule ember-runtime
Defines a namespace that will contain an executable application. This is
very similar to a normal namespace except that it is expected to include at
least a 'ready' function which can be run to initialize the application.
Currently `Ember.Application` is very similar to `Ember.Namespace.` However,
this class may be augmented by additional frameworks so it is important to
use this instance when building new applications.
# Example Usage
MyApp = Ember.Application.create({
VERSION: '1.0.0',
store: Ember.Store.create().from(Ember.fixtures)
MyApp.ready = function() {
//..init code goes here...
@class Application
@namespace Ember
@extends Ember.Namespace
Ember.Application = Ember.Namespace.extend();
@ -11379,6 +11378,25 @@ Ember.ObjectProxy = Ember.Object.extend(
create: function () {
var mixin, prototype, i, l, properties, keyName;
if (arguments.length) {
prototype = this.proto();
for (i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
properties = arguments[i];
for (keyName in properties) {
if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName) || keyName in prototype) { continue; }
if (!mixin) mixin = {};
mixin[keyName] = null;
if (mixin) this._initMixins([mixin]);
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
@ -11699,7 +11717,7 @@ if (ignore.length>0) {
The NativeArray mixin contains the properties needed to to make the native
Array support Ember.MutableArray and all of its dependent APIs. Unless you
have `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array` set to
have `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array` set to
false, this will be applied automatically. Otherwise you can apply the mixin
at anytime by calling `Ember.NativeArray.activate`.
@ -12274,7 +12292,8 @@ Ember.ArrayController = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.ControllerMixin,
objectAtContent: function(idx) {
var length = get(this, 'length'),
object = get(this,'arrangedContent').objectAt(idx);
arrangedContent = get(this,'arrangedContent'),
object = arrangedContent && arrangedContent.objectAt(idx);
if (idx >= 0 && idx < length) {
var controllerClass = this.lookupItemController(object);
@ -12425,15 +12444,16 @@ Ember.$ = jQuery;
@module ember
@submodule ember-views
if (Ember.$) {
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/dnd.html#dndevents
var dragEvents = Ember.String.w('dragstart drag dragenter dragleave dragover drop dragend');
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/dnd.html#dndevents
var dragEvents = Ember.String.w('dragstart drag dragenter dragleave dragover drop dragend');
// Copies the `dataTransfer` property from a browser event object onto the
// jQuery event object for the specified events
Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach(dragEvents, function(eventName) {
Ember.$.event.fixHooks[eventName] = { props: ['dataTransfer'] };
// Copies the `dataTransfer` property from a browser event object onto the
// jQuery event object for the specified events
Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach(dragEvents, function(eventName) {
Ember.$.event.fixHooks[eventName] = { props: ['dataTransfer'] };
@ -12450,7 +12470,8 @@ Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach(dragEvents, function(eventName) {
// Internet Explorer prior to 9 does not allow setting innerHTML if the first element
// is a "zero-scope" element. This problem can be worked around by making
// the first node an invisible text node. We, like Modernizr, use ­
var needsShy = (function(){
var needsShy = this.document && (function(){
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
testEl.firstChild.innerHTML = "<script></script>";
@ -12460,7 +12481,7 @@ var needsShy = (function(){
// IE 8 (and likely earlier) likes to move whitespace preceeding
// a script tag to appear after it. This means that we can
// accidentally remove whitespace when updating a morph.
var movesWhitespace = (function() {
var movesWhitespace = this.document && (function() {
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "Test: <script type='text/x-placeholder'></script>Value";
return testEl.childNodes[0].nodeValue === 'Test:' &&
@ -13131,7 +13152,7 @@ Ember.EventDispatcher = Ember.Object.extend(
setup: function(addedEvents) {
var event, events = {
touchstart : 'touchStart',
// touchmove : 'touchMove',
touchmove : 'touchMove',
touchend : 'touchEnd',
touchcancel : 'touchCancel',
keydown : 'keyDown',
@ -13142,7 +13163,7 @@ Ember.EventDispatcher = Ember.Object.extend(
contextmenu : 'contextMenu',
click : 'click',
dblclick : 'doubleClick',
// mousemove : 'mouseMove',
mousemove : 'mouseMove',
focusin : 'focusIn',
focusout : 'focusOut',
mouseenter : 'mouseEnter',
@ -13290,8 +13311,9 @@ Ember.EventDispatcher = Ember.Object.extend(
// Add a new named queue for rendering views that happens
// after bindings have synced, and a queue for scheduling actions
// that that should occur after view rendering.
var queues = Ember.run.queues;
queues.splice(Ember.$.inArray('actions', queues)+1, 0, 'render', 'afterRender');
var queues = Ember.run.queues,
indexOf = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.indexOf;
queues.splice(indexOf.call(queues, 'actions')+1, 0, 'render', 'afterRender');
@ -14080,7 +14102,7 @@ class:
* `mouseEnter`
* `mouseLeave`
Form events:
Form events:
* `submit`
* `change`
@ -14088,7 +14110,7 @@ class:
* `focusOut`
* `input`
HTML5 drag and drop events:
HTML5 drag and drop events:
* `dragStart`
* `drag`
@ -15530,17 +15552,24 @@ Ember.View = Ember.CoreView.extend(
// once the view has been inserted into the DOM, legal manipulations
// are done on the DOM element.
function notifyMutationListeners() {
Ember.run.once(Ember.View, 'notifyMutationListeners');
var DOMManager = {
prepend: function(view, html) {
after: function(view, html) {
html: function(view, html) {
replace: function(view) {
@ -15550,15 +15579,18 @@ var DOMManager = {
view._insertElementLater(function() {
Ember.$(element).replaceWith(get(view, 'element'));
remove: function(view) {
empty: function(view) {
@ -15619,14 +15651,14 @@ Ember.View.reopenClass({
`className` and optional `falsyClassName`.
- if a `className` or `falsyClassName` has been specified:
- if the value is truthy and `className` has been specified,
- if the value is truthy and `className` has been specified,
`className` is returned
- if the value is falsy and `falsyClassName` has been specified,
- if the value is falsy and `falsyClassName` has been specified,
`falsyClassName` is returned
- otherwise `null` is returned
- if the value is `true`, the dasherized last part of the supplied path
- if the value is `true`, the dasherized last part of the supplied path
is returned
- if the value is not `false`, `undefined` or `null`, the `value`
- if the value is not `false`, `undefined` or `null`, the `value`
is returned
- if none of the above rules apply, `null` is returned
@ -15673,6 +15705,20 @@ Ember.View.reopenClass({
var mutation = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented).create();
Ember.View.addMutationListener = function(callback) {
mutation.on('change', callback);
Ember.View.removeMutationListener = function(callback) {
mutation.off('change', callback);
Ember.View.notifyMutationListeners = function() {
Global views hash
@ -16476,7 +16522,7 @@ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set, fmt = Ember.String.fmt;
Given an empty `<body>` and the following code:
someItemsView = Ember.CollectionView.create({
classNames: ['a-collection'],
content: ['A','B','C'],
@ -16831,15 +16877,15 @@ define("metamorph",
var K = function(){},
guid = 0,
document = window.document,
document = this.document,
// Feature-detect the W3C range API, the extended check is for IE9 which only partially supports ranges
supportsRange = ('createRange' in document) && (typeof Range !== 'undefined') && Range.prototype.createContextualFragment,
supportsRange = document && ('createRange' in document) && (typeof Range !== 'undefined') && Range.prototype.createContextualFragment,
// Internet Explorer prior to 9 does not allow setting innerHTML if the first element
// is a "zero-scope" element. This problem can be worked around by making
// the first node an invisible text node. We, like Modernizr, use ­
needsShy = (function(){
needsShy = document && (function(){
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
testEl.firstChild.innerHTML = "<script></script>";
@ -16850,7 +16896,7 @@ define("metamorph",
// IE 8 (and likely earlier) likes to move whitespace preceeding
// a script tag to appear after it. This means that we can
// accidentally remove whitespace when updating a morph.
movesWhitespace = (function() {
movesWhitespace = document && (function() {
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.innerHTML = "Test: <script type='text/x-placeholder'></script>Value";
return testEl.childNodes[0].nodeValue === 'Test:' &&
@ -17294,7 +17340,10 @@ var objectCreate = Object.create || function(parent) {
return new F();
var Handlebars = this.Handlebars || Ember.imports.Handlebars;
var Handlebars = this.Handlebars || (Ember.imports && Ember.imports.Handlebars);
if(!Handlebars && typeof require === 'function') {
Handlebars = require('handlebars');
@ -17647,7 +17696,7 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('helperMissing', function(path, options) {
## Example with bound options
Bound hash options are also supported. Example:
Bound hash options are also supported. Example:
{{repeat text countBinding="numRepeats"}}
@ -17685,15 +17734,15 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('helperMissing', function(path, options) {
{{concatenate prop1 prop2 prop3}}. If any of the properties change,
the helpr will re-render. Note that dependency keys cannot be
using in conjunction with multi-property helpers, since it is ambiguous
which property the dependent keys would belong to.
which property the dependent keys would belong to.
## Use with unbound helper
The {{unbound}} helper can be used with bound helper invocations
The {{unbound}} helper can be used with bound helper invocations
to render them in their unbound form, e.g.
{{unbound capitalize name}}
{{unbound capitalize name}}
In this example, if the name property changes, the helper
@ -17719,7 +17768,7 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper = function(name, fn) {
view = data.view,
currentContext = (options.contexts && options.contexts[0]) || this,
pathRoot, path,
pathRoot, path,
loc, hashOption;
// Detect bound options (e.g. countBinding="otherCount")
@ -17824,7 +17873,7 @@ function evaluateMultiPropertyBoundHelper(context, fn, normalizedProperties, opt
// Assemble liast of watched properties that'll re-render this helper.
watchedProperties = [];
for (boundOption in boundOptions) {
if (boundOptions.hasOwnProperty(boundOption)) {
if (boundOptions.hasOwnProperty(boundOption)) {
watchedProperties.push(normalizePath(context, boundOptions[boundOption], data));
@ -17953,22 +18002,30 @@ Ember.Handlebars.resolvePaths = function(options) {
var set = Ember.set, get = Ember.get;
var Metamorph = requireModule('metamorph');
function notifyMutationListeners() {
Ember.run.once(Ember.View, 'notifyMutationListeners');
// DOMManager should just abstract dom manipulation between jquery and metamorph
var DOMManager = {
remove: function(view) {
prepend: function(view, html) {
after: function(view, html) {
html: function(view, html) {
// This is messed up.
@ -17991,11 +18048,13 @@ var DOMManager = {
empty: function(view) {
@ -18757,14 +18816,14 @@ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('unless', function(context, options) {
Result in the following rendered output:
<img class="aValue">
A boolean return value will insert a specified class name if the property
returns `true` and remove the class name if the property returns `false`.
A class name is provided via the syntax
A class name is provided via the syntax
@ -18919,9 +18978,9 @@ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('bindAttr', function(options) {
@method bindClasses
@for Ember.Handlebars
@param {Ember.Object} context The context from which to lookup properties
@param {String} classBindings A string, space-separated, of class bindings
@param {String} classBindings A string, space-separated, of class bindings
to use
@param {Ember.View} view The view in which observers should look for the
@param {Ember.View} view The view in which observers should look for the
element to update
@param {Srting} bindAttrId Optional bindAttr id used to lookup elements
@return {Array} An array of class names to add
@ -19610,7 +19669,7 @@ Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('unbound', function(property, fn) {
// Unbound helper call.
options.data.isUnbound = true;
helper = Ember.Handlebars.helpers[arguments[0]] || Ember.Handlebars.helperMissing;
out = helper.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
out = helper.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
delete options.data.isUnbound;
return out;
@ -20905,7 +20964,7 @@ helpers = helpers || Ember.Handlebars.helpers; data = data || {};
var buffer = '', stack1, hashTypes, escapeExpression=this.escapeExpression, self=this;
function program1(depth0,data) {
var buffer = '', hashTypes;
data.buffer.push("<option value=\"\">");
hashTypes = {};
@ -20915,7 +20974,7 @@ function program1(depth0,data) {
function program3(depth0,data) {
var hashTypes;
hashTypes = {'contentBinding': "STRING"};
data.buffer.push(escapeExpression(helpers.view.call(depth0, "Ember.SelectOption", {hash:{
@ -20930,7 +20989,7 @@ function program3(depth0,data) {
stack1 = helpers.each.call(depth0, "view.content", {hash:{},inverse:self.noop,fn:self.program(3, program3, data),contexts:[depth0],types:["ID"],hashTypes:hashTypes,data:data});
if(stack1 || stack1 === 0) { data.buffer.push(stack1); }
return buffer;
attributeBindings: ['multiple', 'disabled', 'tabindex'],
@ -23362,6 +23421,34 @@ function teardownView(route) {
(function() {
Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function() {
var handlebarsResolve = Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams,
map = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.map,
get = Ember.get;
function resolveParams(context, params, options) {
var resolved = handlebarsResolve(context, params, options);
return map.call(resolved, unwrap);
function unwrap(object, i) {
if (params[i] === 'controller') { return object; }
if (Ember.ControllerMixin.detect(object)) {
return unwrap(get(object, 'model'));
} else {
return object;
Ember.Router.resolveParams = resolveParams;
(function() {
@module ember
@ -23371,7 +23458,7 @@ function teardownView(route) {
var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;
Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
var resolveParams = Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams,
var resolveParams = Ember.Router.resolveParams,
isSimpleClick = Ember.ViewUtils.isSimpleClick;
function fullRouteName(router, name) {
@ -23652,7 +23739,7 @@ Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
var resolveParams = Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams,
var resolveParams = Ember.Router.resolveParams,
isSimpleClick = Ember.ViewUtils.isSimpleClick;
var EmberHandlebars = Ember.Handlebars,
@ -24277,7 +24364,7 @@ Ember.HashLocation = Ember.Object.extend({
set(self, 'lastSetURL', null);
@ -24655,11 +24742,14 @@ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set,
By default, calling `Ember.Application.create()` will automatically initialize
your application by calling the `Ember.Application.initialize()` method. If
your application by calling the `Ember.Application.initialize()` method. If
you need to delay initialization, you can call your app's `deferReadiness()`
method. When you are ready for your app to be initialized, call its
`advanceReadiness()` method.
You can define a `ready` method on the `Ember.Application` instance, which
will be run by Ember when the application is initialized.
Because `Ember.Application` inherits from `Ember.Namespace`, any classes
you create will have useful string representations when calling `toString()`.
See the `Ember.Namespace` documentation for more information.
@ -24854,10 +24944,13 @@ var Application = Ember.Application = Ember.Namespace.extend({
if ( Ember.LOG_VERSION ) {
@ -25216,6 +25309,7 @@ Ember.Application.reopenClass({
Ember.Container.defaultContainer = Ember.Container.defaultContainer || container;
container.set = Ember.set;
container.normalize = normalize;
container.resolver = resolverFor(namespace);
container.optionsForType('view', { singleton: false });
container.optionsForType('template', { instantiate: false });
@ -25255,6 +25349,7 @@ function resolverFor(namespace) {
if (type === 'template') {
var templateName = name.replace(/\./g, '/');
if (Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName]) {
return Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName];
@ -25284,9 +25379,31 @@ function resolverFor(namespace) {
Ember.runLoadHooks('Ember.Application', Ember.Application);
function normalize(fullName) {
var split = fullName.split(':'),
type = split[0],
name = split[1];
if (type !== 'template') {
var result = name;
if (result.indexOf('.') > -1) {
result = result.replace(/\.(.)/g, function(m) { return m[1].toUpperCase(); });
if (name.indexOf('_') > -1) {
result = result.replace(/_(.)/g, function(m) { return m[1].toUpperCase(); });
return type + ':' + result;
} else {
return fullName;
Ember.runLoadHooks('Ember.Application', Ember.Application);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user