From 2e68ead45b4cb94fa65c46694716c0ccf25c949d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bianca Nenciu <>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:46:54 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] FEATURE: Use async search for category dropdowns (#23774)

This commit introduces a new endpoint to search categories and uses it
instead of the categories map that is preloaded using SiteSerializer.

This feature is enabled only when the hidden site setting
lazy_load_categories is enabled and should be used only on sites with
many categories.
 .../discourse/app/helpers/category-link.js    |   6 -
 .../discourse/app/models/category.js          |  21 +++
 .../addon/components/category-chooser.js      |   7 +
 .../addon/components/category-drop.js         |  30 +++--
 .../addon/components/category-selector.js     |  56 +++-----
 .../common/select-kit/category-selector.scss  |   4 -
 app/controllers/categories_controller.rb      |  65 +++++++++
 config/locales/client.en.yml                  |   6 -
 config/routes.rb                              |   1 +
 config/site_settings.yml                      |   1 +
 spec/requests/categories_controller_spec.rb   | 124 ++++++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 257 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/helpers/category-link.js b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/helpers/category-link.js
index a4cd1418227..5b42a40509f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/helpers/category-link.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/helpers/category-link.js
@@ -185,11 +185,5 @@ export function defaultCategoryLinkRenderer(category, opts) {
   if (opts.topicCount && categoryStyle === "box") {
     afterBadgeWrapper += buildTopicCount(opts.topicCount);
-  if (opts.plusSubcategories && opts.lastSubcategory) {
-    afterBadgeWrapper += `<span class="plus-subcategories">${I18n.t(
-      "category_row.plus_subcategories",
-      { count: opts.plusSubcategories }
-    )}</span>`;
-  }
   return `<${tagName} class="badge-wrapper ${extraClasses}" ${href}>${html}</${tagName}>${afterBadgeWrapper}`;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/category.js b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/category.js
index e107040459b..cfdc6927f94 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/category.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/category.js
@@ -652,6 +652,27 @@ Category.reopenClass({
     return data.sortBy("read_restricted");
+  async asyncSearch(term, opts) {
+    opts ||= {};
+    const result = await ajax("/categories/search", {
+      data: {
+        term,
+        parent_category_id: opts.parentCategoryId,
+        include_uncategorized: opts.includeUncategorized,
+        select_category_ids: opts.selectCategoryIds,
+        reject_category_ids: opts.rejectCategoryIds,
+        include_subcategories: opts.includeSubcategories,
+        prioritized_category_id: opts.prioritizedCategoryId,
+        limit: opts.limit,
+      },
+    });
+    return result["categories"].map((category) =>
+      Site.current().updateCategory(category)
+    );
+  },
 export default Category;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-chooser.js b/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-chooser.js
index 190d50a949a..41a5dbac7ed 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-chooser.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-chooser.js
@@ -76,6 +76,13 @@ export default ComboBoxComponent.extend({
   search(filter) {
+    if (this.siteSettings.lazy_load_categories) {
+      return Category.asyncSearch(this._normalize(filter), {
+        scopedCategoryId: this.selectKit.options?.scopedCategoryId,
+        prioritizedCategoryId: this.selectKit.options?.prioritizedCategoryId,
+      });
+    }
     if (filter) {
       filter = this._normalize(filter);
       return this.content.filter((item) => {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-drop.js b/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-drop.js
index 28778ab0f54..08bb9500a5f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-drop.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-drop.js
@@ -132,13 +132,28 @@ export default ComboBoxComponent.extend({
-  search(filter) {
-    if (filter) {
-      let opts = {
-        parentCategoryId: this.options.parentCategory?.id,
-      };
-      let results =, opts);
-      results = this._filterUncategorized(results).sort((a, b) => {
+  async search(filter) {
+    const opts = {
+      parentCategoryId: this.options.parentCategory?.id,
+      includeUncategorized: this.siteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics,
+    };
+    if (this.siteSettings.lazy_load_categories) {
+      const results = await Category.asyncSearch(filter, { ...opts, limit: 5 });
+      return results.sort((a, b) => {
+        if (a.parent_category_id && !b.parent_category_id) {
+          return 1;
+        } else if (!a.parent_category_id && b.parent_category_id) {
+          return -1;
+        } else {
+          return 0;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    if (filter) {
+      let results =, opts);
+      return this._filterUncategorized(results).sort((a, b) => {
         if (a.parent_category_id && !b.parent_category_id) {
           return 1;
         } else if (!a.parent_category_id && b.parent_category_id) {
@@ -147,7 +162,6 @@ export default ComboBoxComponent.extend({
           return 0;
-      return results;
     } else {
       return this._filterUncategorized(this.content);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-selector.js b/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-selector.js
index f8e7e59176a..cb90d629d82 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-selector.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/select-kit/addon/components/category-selector.js
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-import EmberObject, { computed } from "@ember/object";
+import { computed } from "@ember/object";
 import { mapBy } from "@ember/object/computed";
-import { htmlSafe } from "@ember/template";
-import { categoryBadgeHTML } from "discourse/helpers/category-link";
 import Category from "discourse/models/category";
 import { makeArray } from "discourse-common/lib/helpers";
-import I18n from "I18n";
 import MultiSelectComponent from "select-kit/components/multi-select";
 export default MultiSelectComponent.extend({
@@ -56,42 +53,21 @@ export default MultiSelectComponent.extend({
     return "category-row";
-  search(filter) {
-    const result = this._super(filter);
-    if (result.length === 1) {
-      const subcategoryIds = new Set([result[0].id]);
-      for (let i = 0; i < this.siteSettings.max_category_nesting; ++i) {
-        subcategoryIds.forEach((categoryId) => {
-          this.content.forEach((category) => {
-            if (category.parent_category_id === categoryId) {
-              subcategoryIds.add(;
-            }
-          });
-        });
-      }
-      if (subcategoryIds.size > 1) {
-        result.push(
-          EmberObject.create({
-            multiCategory: [...subcategoryIds],
-            category: result[0],
-            title: I18n.t("category_row.plus_subcategories_title", {
-              name: result[0].name,
-              count: subcategoryIds.size - 1,
-            }),
-            label: htmlSafe(
-              categoryBadgeHTML(result[0], {
-                link: false,
-                recursive: true,
-                plusSubcategories: subcategoryIds.size - 1,
-              })
-            ),
-          })
-        );
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
+  async search(filter) {
+    return this.siteSettings.lazy_load_categories
+      ? await Category.asyncSearch(filter, {
+          includeUncategorized:
+            this.attrs.options?.allowUncategorized !== undefined
+              ? this.attrs.options.allowUncategorized
+              : this.selectKit.options.allowUncategorized,
+          selectCategoryIds: this.categories
+            ? =>
+            : null,
+          rejectCategoryIds: this.blockedCategories
+            ? =>
+            : null,
+        })
+      : this._super(filter);
   select(value, item) {
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/common/select-kit/category-selector.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/common/select-kit/category-selector.scss
index 45835a558b2..972be8bae4a 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/common/select-kit/category-selector.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/common/select-kit/category-selector.scss
@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@
       .topic-count {
         margin-left: 0.25em;
-      .plus-subcategories {
-        font-size: var(--font-down-2);
-      }
diff --git a/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb b/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
index 28b312cfb8b..10baa4cce6d 100644
--- a/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
+                   search
   before_action :fetch_category, only: %i[show update destroy visible_groups]
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
   def redirect
     return if handle_permalink("/category/#{params[:path]}")
@@ -297,6 +299,69 @@ class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
     render json: success_json.merge(groups: groups || [])
+  def search
+    term = params[:term].to_s.strip
+    parent_category_id = params[:parent_category_id].to_i if params[:parent_category_id].present?
+    include_uncategorized =
+      (
+        if params[:include_uncategorized].present?
+        else
+          true
+        end
+      )
+    select_category_ids = params[:select_category_ids].presence
+    reject_category_ids = params[:reject_category_ids].presence
+    include_subcategories =
+      if params[:include_subcategories].present?
+      else
+        true
+      end
+    prioritized_category_id = params[:prioritized_category_id].to_i if params[
+      :prioritized_category_id
+    ].present?
+    limit = params[:limit].to_i.clamp(1, MAX_CATEGORIES_LIMIT) if params[:limit].present?
+    categories = Category.secured(guardian)
+    categories =
+      categories
+        .includes(:category_search_data)
+        .references(:category_search_data)
+        .where(
+          "category_search_data.search_data @@ #{Search.ts_query(term: term)}",
+        ) if term.present?
+    categories =
+      categories.where(
+        "id = :id OR parent_category_id = :id",
+        id: parent_category_id,
+      ) if parent_category_id.present?
+    categories =
+      categories.where.not(id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) if !include_uncategorized
+    categories = categories.where(id: select_category_ids) if select_category_ids
+    categories = categories.where.not(id: reject_category_ids) if reject_category_ids
+    categories = categories.where(parent_category_id: nil) if !include_subcategories
+    categories = categories.limit(limit || MAX_CATEGORIES_LIMIT)
+    categories = categories.order(<<~SQL) if prioritized_category_id.present?
+      CASE
+      WHEN id = #{prioritized_category_id} OR parent_category_id = #{prioritized_category_id} THEN 0
+      ELSE 1
+      END
+    SQL
+    categories = categories.order(:read_restricted)
+    render json: categories, each_serializer: SiteCategorySerializer
+  end
   def self.topics_per_page
diff --git a/config/locales/client.en.yml b/config/locales/client.en.yml
index 41a566c4f07..1d58ccdb590 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.en.yml
@@ -2312,12 +2312,6 @@ en:
         one: "%{count} topic in this category"
         other: "%{count} topics in this category"
-      plus_subcategories_title:
-        one: "%{name} and one subcategory"
-        other: "%{name} and %{count} subcategories"
-      plus_subcategories:
-        one: "+ %{count} subcategory"
-        other: "+ %{count} subcategories"
       delete_item: "Delete %{name}"
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index 0931b0538a7..c5055da4e67 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -1155,6 +1155,7 @@ Discourse::Application.routes.draw do
     resources :categories, except: %i[show new edit]
     post "categories/reorder" => "categories#reorder"
+    get "categories/search" => "categories#search"
     scope path: "category/:category_id" do
       post "/move" => "categories#move"
diff --git a/config/site_settings.yml b/config/site_settings.yml
index bab5c11bae8..a456971669f 100644
--- a/config/site_settings.yml
+++ b/config/site_settings.yml
@@ -2176,6 +2176,7 @@ developer:
     hidden: true
     default: false
+    client: true
     hidden: true
diff --git a/spec/requests/categories_controller_spec.rb b/spec/requests/categories_controller_spec.rb
index 062dc86917c..286ca7e585f 100644
--- a/spec/requests/categories_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/requests/categories_controller_spec.rb
@@ -1039,4 +1039,128 @@ RSpec.describe CategoriesController do
       expect(response.parsed_body["groups"]).to eq([])
+  describe "#search" do
+    fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, name: "Foo") }
+    fab!(:subcategory) { Fabricate(:category, name: "Foobar", parent_category: category) }
+    fab!(:category2) { Fabricate(:category, name: "Notfoo") }
+    before do
+      SearchIndexer.enable
+      [category, category2, subcategory].each { |c| SearchIndexer.index(c, force: true) }
+    end
+    context "with term" do
+      it "returns categories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { term: "Foo" }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(2)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly(
+          "Foo",
+          "Foobar",
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context "with parent_category_id" do
+      it "returns categories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { parent_category_id: }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(2)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly(
+          "Foo",
+          "Foobar",
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context "with include_uncategorized" do
+      it "returns Uncategorized" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { include_uncategorized: true }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(4)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly(
+          "Uncategorized",
+          "Foo",
+          "Foobar",
+          "Notfoo",
+        )
+      end
+      it "does not return Uncategorized" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { include_uncategorized: false }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(3)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly(
+          "Foo",
+          "Foobar",
+          "Notfoo",
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context "with select_category_ids" do
+      it "returns categories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { select_category_ids: [] }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(1)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly("Foo")
+      end
+    end
+    context "with reject_category_ids" do
+      it "returns categories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { reject_category_ids: [] }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(3)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly(
+          "Uncategorized",
+          "Foo",
+          "Foobar",
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context "with include_subcategories" do
+      it "returns categories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { include_subcategories: false }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(3)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly(
+          "Uncategorized",
+          "Foo",
+          "Notfoo",
+        )
+      end
+      it "returns categories and subcategories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { include_subcategories: true }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(4)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].map { |c| c["name"] }).to contain_exactly(
+          "Uncategorized",
+          "Foo",
+          "Foobar",
+          "Notfoo",
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    context "with prioritized_category_id" do
+      it "returns categories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { prioritized_category_id: }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(4)
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"][0]["name"]).to eq("Notfoo")
+      end
+    end
+    context "with limit" do
+      it "returns categories" do
+        get "/categories/search.json", params: { limit: 2 }
+        expect(response.parsed_body["categories"].size).to eq(2)
+      end
+    end
+  end