mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 19:20:20 +08:00
FEATURE: Reply Placeholders in Stream
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export default Ember.Controller.extend({
// If there is no current post, use the first post id from the stream
if (!postId && postStream) {
postId = postStream.get('firstPostId');
postId = postStream.get('stream.firstObject');
// If we're editing a post, fetch the reply when importing a quote
@ -668,8 +668,8 @@ export default Ember.Controller.extend(SelectedPostsCount, BufferedContent, {
topVisibleChanged(post) {
if (!post) { return; }
const postStream = this.get('model.postStream'),
firstLoadedPost = postStream.get('firstLoadedPost');
const postStream = this.get('model.postStream');
const firstLoadedPost = postStream.get('posts.firstObject');
this.set('model.currentPost', post.get('post_number'));
@ -680,15 +680,16 @@ export default Ember.Controller.extend(SelectedPostsCount, BufferedContent, {
// trigger a scroll after a promise resolves in a controller? We need
// to do this to preserve upwards infinte scrolling.
const $body = $('body');
let $elem = $('#post-cloak-' + post.get('post_number'));
const elemId = `#post_${post.get('post_number')}`;
const $elem = $(elemId).closest('.post-cloak');
const distToElement = $body.scrollTop() - $elem.position().top;
postStream.prependMore().then(function() {
Em.run.next(function () {
$elem = $('#post-cloak-' + post.get('post_number'));
const $refreshedElem = $(elemId).closest('.post-cloak');
// Quickly going back might mean the element is destroyed
const position = $elem.position();
const position = $refreshedElem.position();
if (position && position.top) {
$('html, body').scrollTop(position.top + distToElement);
@ -706,8 +707,8 @@ export default Ember.Controller.extend(SelectedPostsCount, BufferedContent, {
bottomVisibleChanged(post) {
if (!post) { return; }
const postStream = this.get('model.postStream'),
lastLoadedPost = postStream.get('lastLoadedPost');
const postStream = this.get('model.postStream');
const lastLoadedPost = postStream.get('posts.lastObject');
this.set('controllers.topic-progress.progressPosition', postStream.progressIndexOfPost(post));
@ -15,14 +15,13 @@ const DiscourseURL = Ember.Object.createWithMixins({
Jumps to a particular post in the stream
jumpToPost: function(postNumber, opts) {
const holderId = '#post-cloak-' + postNumber;
const holderId = `#post_${postNumber}`;
const offset = function() {
const offset = function(){
const $header = $('header'),
$title = $('#topic-title'),
windowHeight = $(window).height() - $title.height(),
expectedOffset = $title.height() - $header.find('.contents').height() + (windowHeight / 5);
const $header = $('header');
const $title = $('#topic-title');
const windowHeight = $(window).height() - $title.height();
const expectedOffset = $title.height() - $header.find('.contents').height() + (windowHeight / 5);
return $header.outerHeight(true) + ((expectedOffset < 0) ? 0 : expectedOffset);
@ -203,40 +202,40 @@ const DiscourseURL = Ember.Object.createWithMixins({
@param {String} oldPath the previous path we were on
@param {String} path the path we're navigating to
navigatedToPost: function(oldPath, path) {
const newMatches = this.TOPIC_REGEXP.exec(path),
newTopicId = newMatches ? newMatches[2] : null;
navigatedToPost(oldPath, path) {
const newMatches = this.TOPIC_REGEXP.exec(path);
const newTopicId = newMatches ? newMatches[2] : null;
if (newTopicId) {
const oldMatches = this.TOPIC_REGEXP.exec(oldPath),
oldTopicId = oldMatches ? oldMatches[2] : null;
const oldMatches = this.TOPIC_REGEXP.exec(oldPath);
const oldTopicId = oldMatches ? oldMatches[2] : null;
// If the topic_id is the same
if (oldTopicId === newTopicId) {
const container = Discourse.__container__,
topicController = container.lookup('controller:topic'),
opts = {},
postStream = topicController.get('model.postStream');
const container = Discourse.__container__;
const topicController = container.lookup('controller:topic');
const opts = {};
const postStream = topicController.get('model.postStream');
if (newMatches[3]) opts.nearPost = newMatches[3];
if (newMatches[3]) { opts.nearPost = newMatches[3]; }
if (path.match(/last$/)) { opts.nearPost = topicController.get('model.highest_post_number'); }
const closest = opts.nearPost || 1;
const self = this;
postStream.refresh(opts).then(function() {
postStream.refresh(opts).then(() => {
'model.currentPost': closest,
enteredAt: new Date().getTime().toString()
const closestPost = postStream.closestPostForPostNumber(closest),
progress = postStream.progressIndexOfPost(closestPost),
progressController = container.lookup('controller:topic-progress');
const closestPost = postStream.closestPostForPostNumber(closest);
const progress = postStream.progressIndexOfPost(closestPost);
const progressController = container.lookup('controller:topic-progress');
progressController.set('progressPosition', progress);
self.appEvents.trigger('post:highlight', closest);
}).then(function() {
this.appEvents.trigger('post:highlight', closest);
}).then(() => {
DiscourseURL.jumpToPost(closest, {skipIfOnScreen: true});
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import DiscourseURL from 'discourse/lib/url';
import RestModel from 'discourse/models/rest';
import { default as computed } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators';
import { Placeholder } from 'discourse/views/cloaked';
function calcDayDiff(p1, p2) {
if (!p1) { return; }
@ -17,7 +18,119 @@ function calcDayDiff(p1, p2) {
const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
export function loadTopicView(topic, args) {
const topicId = topic.get('id');
const data = _.merge({}, args);
const url = Discourse.getURL("/t/") + topicId;
const jsonUrl = (data.nearPost ? `${url}/${data.nearPost}` : url) + '.json';
delete data.nearPost;
delete data.__type;
delete data.store;
return PreloadStore.getAndRemove(`topic_${topicId}`, () => {
return Discourse.ajax(jsonUrl, {data});
}).then(json => {
return json;
const PostsWithPlaceholders = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Array, {
posts: null,
_appendingIds: null,
init() {
this._appendingIds = {};
length() {
return this.get('posts.length') + Object.keys(this._appendingIds || {}).length;
append(cb) {
const l = this.get('posts.length');
this.arrayContentWillChange(l, 0, 1);
this.arrayContentDidChange(l, 0, 1);
removePost(cb) {
const l = this.get('posts.length') - 1;
this.arrayContentWillChange(l, 1, 0);
this.arrayContentDidChange(l, 1, 0);
appending(postIds) {
const l = this.get('length');
this.arrayContentWillChange(l, 0, postIds.length);
const appendingIds = this._appendingIds;
postIds.forEach(pid => appendingIds[pid] = true);
this.arrayContentDidChange(l, 0, postIds.length);
finishedAppending(postIds) {
const l = this.get('posts.length') - postIds.length;
this.arrayContentWillChange(l, postIds.length, postIds.length);
const appendingIds = this._appendingIds;
postIds.forEach(pid => delete appendingIds[pid]);
this.arrayContentDidChange(l, postIds.length, postIds.length);
finishedPrepending(postIds) {
this.arrayContentDidChange(0, 0, postIds.length);
objectAt(index) {
const posts = this.get('posts');
if (index < posts.length) {
return posts[index];
} else {
return new Placeholder('post-placeholder');
export default RestModel.extend({
_identityMap: null,
posts: null,
stream: null,
userFilters: null,
summary: null,
loaded: null,
loadingAbove: null,
loadingBelow: null,
loadingFilter: null,
stagingPost: null,
postsWithPlaceholders: null,
init() {
this._identityMap = {};
const posts = [];
const postsWithPlaceholders = PostsWithPlaceholders.create({ posts, store: this.store });
stream: [],
userFilters: [],
summary: false,
loaded: false,
loadingAbove: false,
loadingBelow: false,
loadingFilter: false,
stagingPost: false,
loading: Ember.computed.or('loadingAbove', 'loadingBelow', 'loadingFilter', 'stagingPost'),
notLoading: Ember.computed.not('loading'),
filteredPostsCount: Ember.computed.alias("stream.length"),
@ -27,7 +140,11 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
return this.get('posts.length') > 0;
hasStream: Ember.computed.gt('filteredPostsCount', 0),
@computed('hasPosts', 'filteredPostsCount')
hasLoadedData(hasPosts, filteredPostsCount) {
return hasPosts && filteredPostsCount > 0;
canAppendMore: Ember.computed.and('notLoading', 'hasPosts', 'lastPostNotLoaded'),
canPrependMore: Ember.computed.and('notLoading', 'hasPosts', 'firstPostNotLoaded'),
@ -38,26 +155,8 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
firstPostNotLoaded: Ember.computed.not('firstPostPresent'),
firstLoadedPost() {
return _.first(this.get('posts'));
lastLoadedPost() {
return _.last(this.get('posts'));
firstPostId() {
return this.get('stream')[0];
lastPostId() {
return _.last(this.get('stream'));
firstPostId: Ember.computed.alias('stream.firstObject'),
lastPostId: Ember.computed.alias('stream.lastObject'),
@computed('hasLoadedData', 'lastPostId', 'posts.@each.id')
loadedAllPosts(hasLoadedData, lastPostId) {
@ -117,7 +216,7 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
Returns the window of posts below the current set in the stream, bound by the bottom of the
stream. This is the collection we use when scrolling downwards.
@computed('lastLoadedPost', 'stream.@each')
@computed('posts.lastObject', 'stream.@each')
nextWindow(lastLoadedPost) {
// If we can't find the last post loaded, bail
if (!lastLoadedPost) { return []; }
@ -206,8 +305,7 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
opts = _.merge(opts, this.get('streamFilters'));
// Request a topicView
return PostStream.loadTopicView(topic.get('id'), opts).then(json => {
return loadTopicView(topic, opts).then(json => {
this.setProperties({ loadingFilter: false, loaded: true });
}).catch(result => {
@ -215,7 +313,6 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
throw result;
hasLoadedData: Ember.computed.and('hasPosts', 'hasStream'),
collapsePosts(from, to){
const posts = this.get('posts');
@ -237,7 +334,6 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
// Fill in a gap of posts before a particular post
fillGapBefore(post, gap) {
const postId = post.get('id'),
@ -293,12 +389,15 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
this.set('loadingBelow', true);
const stopLoading = () => this.set('loadingBelow', false);
return this.findPostsByIds(postIds).then((posts) => {
const postsWithPlaceholders = this.get('postsWithPlaceholders');
return this.findPostsByIds(postIds).then(posts => {
posts.forEach(p => this.appendPost(p));
}, stopLoading);
return posts;
}).finally(() => {
this.set('loadingBelow', false);
// Prepend the previous window of posts to the stream. Call it when scrolling upwards.
@ -312,6 +411,9 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
this.set('loadingAbove', true);
return this.findPostsByIds(postIds.reverse()).then(posts => {
posts.forEach(p => this.prependPost(p));
}).finally(() => {
const postsWithPlaceholders = this.get('postsWithPlaceholders');
this.set('loadingAbove', false);
@ -363,8 +465,7 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
this.get('postIdentityMap').set(-1, null);
this._identityMap[-1] = null;
this.set('stagingPost', false);
@ -374,8 +475,8 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
undoPost(post) {
this.get('postIdentityMap').set(-1, null);
this.get('postsWithPlaceholders').removePost(() => this.posts.removeObject(post));
this._identityMap[-1] = null;
const topic = this.get('topic');
this.set('stagingPost', false);
@ -405,7 +506,13 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
const posts = this.get('posts');
calcDayDiff(stored, this.get('lastAppended'));
if (!posts.contains(stored)) {
if (!this.get('loadingBelow')) {
this.get('postsWithPlaceholders').append(() => posts.pushObject(stored));
} else {
if (stored.get('id') !== -1) {
this.set('lastAppended', stored);
@ -418,16 +525,16 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
if (Ember.isEmpty(posts)) { return; }
const postIds = posts.map(p => p.get('id'));
const identityMap = this.get('postIdentityMap');
const identityMap = this._identityMap;
postIds.forEach(id => identityMap.delete(id));
postIds.forEach(id => delete identityMap[id]);
// Returns a post from the identity map if it's been inserted.
findLoadedPost(id) {
return this.get('postIdentityMap').get(id);
return this._identityMap[id];
@ -454,16 +561,13 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
if (loadedAllPosts) {
this.set('loadingLastPost', true);
()=>this.set('loadingLastPost', true)
this.appendMore().finally(()=> this.set('loadingLastPost', true));
triggerRecoveredPost(postId) {
const postIdentityMap = this.get('postIdentityMap');
const existing = postIdentityMap.get(postId);
const existing = this._identityMap[postId];
if (existing) {
this.triggerChangedPost(postId, new Date());
@ -506,8 +610,7 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
const postIdentityMap = this.get('postIdentityMap');
const existing = postIdentityMap.get(postId);
const existing = this._identityMap[postId];
if (existing) {
const url = "/posts/" + postId;
@ -524,8 +627,7 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
triggerChangedPost(postId, updatedAt) {
if (!postId) { return; }
const postIdentityMap = this.get('postIdentityMap');
const existing = postIdentityMap.get(postId);
const existing = this._identityMap[postId];
if (existing && existing.updated_at !== updatedAt) {
const url = "/posts/" + postId;
const store = this.store;
@ -625,19 +727,18 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
updateFromJson(postStreamData) {
const postStream = this,
posts = this.get('posts');
const posts = this.get('posts');
this.set('gaps', null);
if (postStreamData) {
// Load posts if present
const store = this.store;
postStreamData.posts.forEach(p => postStream.appendPost(store.createRecord('post', p)));
postStreamData.posts.forEach(p => this.appendPost(store.createRecord('post', p)));
delete postStreamData.posts;
// Update our attributes
@ -647,13 +748,12 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
than you supplied if the post has already been loaded.
storePost(post) {
// Calling `Ember.get(undefined` raises an error
// Calling `Ember.get(undefined)` raises an error
if (!post) { return; }
const postId = Ember.get(post, 'id');
if (postId) {
const postIdentityMap = this.get('postIdentityMap'),
existing = postIdentityMap.get(post.get('id'));
const existing = this._identityMap[post.get('id')];
// Update the `highest_post_number` if this post is higher.
const postNumber = post.get('post_number');
@ -668,31 +768,18 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
post.set('topic', this.get('topic'));
postIdentityMap.set(post.get('id'), post);
this._identityMap[post.get('id')] = post;
return post;
Given a list of postIds, returns a list of the posts we don't have in our
identity map and need to load.
listUnloadedIds(postIds) {
const unloaded = [];
const postIdentityMap = this.get('postIdentityMap');
postIds.forEach(p => {
if (!postIdentityMap.has(p)) { unloaded.pushObject(p); }
return unloaded;
findPostsByIds(postIds) {
const unloaded = this.listUnloadedIds(postIds);
const postIdentityMap = this.get('postIdentityMap');
const identityMap = this._identityMap;
const unloaded = postIds.filter(p => !identityMap[p]);
// Load our unloaded posts by id
return this.loadIntoIdentityMap(unloaded).then(() => {
return postIds.map(p => postIdentityMap.get(p)).compact();
return postIds.map(p => identityMap[p]).compact();
@ -747,40 +834,3 @@ const PostStream = RestModel.extend({
create() {
const postStream = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
posts: [],
stream: [],
userFilters: [],
postIdentityMap: Ember.Map.create(),
summary: false,
loaded: false,
loadingAbove: false,
loadingBelow: false,
loadingFilter: false,
stagingPost: false
return postStream;
loadTopicView(topicId, args) {
const opts = _.merge({}, args);
let url = Discourse.getURL("/t/") + topicId;
if (opts.nearPost) {
url += "/" + opts.nearPost;
delete opts.nearPost;
delete opts.__type;
delete opts.store;
return PreloadStore.getAndRemove("topic_" + topicId, () => {
return Discourse.ajax(url + ".json", {data: opts});
export default PostStream;
@ -319,11 +319,7 @@ const Topic = RestModel.extend({
const topic = this;
keys.forEach(function (key) {
topic.set(key, json[key]);
keys.forEach(key => this.set(key, json[key]));
isPinnedUncategorized: function() {
@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
import PostStream from "discourse/models/post-stream";
import { loadTopicView } from "discourse/models/post-stream";
export default Discourse.Route.extend({
model(params) {
const topic = this.store.createRecord("topic", { id: params.id });
return PostStream.loadTopicView(params.id).then(json => {
return topic;
return loadTopicView(topic).then(() => topic);
afterModel(topic) {
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<article class='placeholder'>
<div class='row'>
<div class="topic-avatar">
<div class='placeholder-avatar'></div>
<div class='topic-body'>
<div class='placeholder-text'></div>
<div class='placeholder-text'></div>
<div class='placeholder-text'></div>
@ -68,9 +68,8 @@
{{#unless model.postStream.loadingFilter}}
{{cloaked-collection itemViewClass="post"
@ -78,8 +77,6 @@
{{conditional-loading-spinner condition=model.postStream.loadingBelow}}
<div id="topic-bottom"></div>
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ const CloakedCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
init() {
if (idProperty) {
this.set('elementId', cloakView + '-cloak-' + this.get('content.' + idProperty));
@ -124,8 +123,9 @@ const CloakedCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
const viewportTop = windowTop - slack,
topView = this.findTopView(childViews, viewportTop, 0, childViews.length-1);
let windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight,
viewportBottom = windowBottom + slack;
let windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight;
let viewportBottom = windowBottom + slack;
if (windowBottom > bodyHeight) { windowBottom = bodyHeight; }
if (viewportBottom > bodyHeight) { viewportBottom = bodyHeight; }
@ -139,22 +139,28 @@ const CloakedCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
// Find the bottom view and what's onscreen
let bottomView = topView;
let bottomVisible = null;
while (bottomView < childViews.length) {
const view = childViews[bottomView],
$view = view.$();
const view = childViews[bottomView];
const $view = view.$();
if (!$view) { break; }
// in case of not full-window scrolling
const scrollOffset = this.get('wrapperTop') || 0,
viewTop = $view.offset().top + scrollOffset,
viewBottom = viewTop + $view.height();
const scrollOffset = this.get('wrapperTop') || 0;
const viewTop = $view.offset().top + scrollOffset;
const viewBottom = viewTop + $view.height();
if (viewTop > viewportBottom) { break; }
if (viewBottom > windowTop && viewTop <= windowBottom) {
const content = view.get('content');
if (!view.get('isPlaceholder')) {
bottomVisible = content;
@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ const CloakedCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
// If our controller has a `sawObjects` method, pass the on screen objects to it.
const controller = this.get('controller');
if (onscreen.length) {
this.setProperties({topVisible: onscreen[0], bottomVisible: onscreen[onscreen.length-1]});
this.setProperties({topVisible: onscreen[0], bottomVisible });
if (controller && controller.sawObjects) {
Em.run.schedule('afterRender', function() {
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
export function Placeholder(viewName) {
this.viewName = viewName;
export default Ember.View.extend({
attributeBindings: ['style'],
_containedView: null,
_scheduled: null,
isPlaceholder: null,
init: function() {
init() {
this._scheduled = false;
this._childViews = [];
@ -15,6 +20,8 @@ export default Ember.View.extend({
this._childViews[0] = cv;
this.set('isPlaceholder', cv && (cv.get('content') instanceof Placeholder));
if (cv) {
cv.set('_parentView', this);
cv.set('templateData', this.get('templateData'));
@ -56,8 +63,8 @@ export default Ember.View.extend({
if (state !== 'inDOM' && state !== 'preRender') { return; }
if (!this._containedView) {
const model = this.get('content'),
container = this.get('container');
const model = this.get('content');
const container = this.get('container');
let controller;
@ -80,8 +87,8 @@ export default Ember.View.extend({
controller = factory.create({ model, parentController, target: parentController });
const createArgs = {},
target = controller || model;
const createArgs = {};
const target = controller || model;
if (this.get('preservesContext')) {
createArgs.content = target;
@ -89,12 +96,10 @@ export default Ember.View.extend({
createArgs.context = target;
if (controller) { createArgs.controller = controller; }
style: null,
loading: false
this.setProperties({ style: null, loading: false });
this.setContainedView(this.createChildView(this.get('cloaks'), createArgs));
const cloaks = target && (target instanceof Placeholder) ? target.viewName : this.get('cloaks');
this.setContainedView(this.createChildView(cloaks, createArgs));
@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ export default Ember.View.extend({
const self = this;
if (this._containedView && (this._state || this.state) === 'inDOM') {
const style = 'height: ' + this.$().height() + 'px;';
const style = `height: ${this.$().height()}px;`.htmlSafe();
this.set('style', style);
this.$().prop('style', style);
@ -0,0 +1 @@
export default Ember.View.extend({ templateName: 'post-placeholder' });
@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
.placeholder-avatar {
display: inline-block;
background-color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -75%);
width: 45px;
height: 45px;
border-radius: 50%;
.placeholder-text {
display: inline-block;
background-color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -75%);
width: 100%;
height: 1.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.6em;
.names {
float: left;
.username {
@ -685,6 +685,7 @@ blockquote {
$topic-body-width: 690px;
$topic-body-width-padding: 11px;
$topic-avatar-width: 45px;
.topic-body {
width: $topic-body-width;
float: left;
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ test('appending posts', function() {
const postStream = buildStream(4567, [1, 3, 4]);
const store = postStream.store;
equal(postStream.get('firstPostId'), 1);
equal(postStream.get('lastPostId'), 4, "the last post id is 4");
ok(!postStream.get('hasPosts'), "there are no posts by default");
@ -283,23 +284,26 @@ test("storePost", function() {
const postWithoutId = store.createRecord('post', {raw: 'hello world'});
stored = postStream.storePost(postWithoutId);
equal(stored, postWithoutId, "it returns the same post back");
equal(postStream.get('postIdentityMap.size'), 1, "it does not add a new entry into the identity map");
test("identity map", function() {
const postStream = buildStream(1234),
store = postStream.store;
const postStream = buildStream(1234);
const store = postStream.store;
const p1 = postStream.appendPost(store.createRecord('post', {id: 1, post_number: 1}));
postStream.appendPost(store.createRecord('post', {id: 3, post_number: 4}));
const p3 = postStream.appendPost(store.createRecord('post', {id: 3, post_number: 4}));
equal(postStream.findLoadedPost(1), p1, "it can return cached posts by id");
blank(postStream.findLoadedPost(4), "it can't find uncached posts");
deepEqual(postStream.listUnloadedIds([10, 11, 12]), [10, 11, 12], "it returns a list of all unloaded ids");
blank(postStream.listUnloadedIds([1, 3]), "if we have loaded all posts it's blank");
deepEqual(postStream.listUnloadedIds([1, 2, 3, 4]), [2, 4], "it only returns unloaded posts");
// Find posts by ids uses the identity map
postStream.findPostsByIds([1, 2, 3]).then(result => {
equal(result.length, 3);
equal(result.objectAt(0), p1);
equal(result.objectAt(1).get('post_number'), 2);
equal(result.objectAt(2), p3);
test("loadIntoIdentityMap with no data", () => {
@ -439,7 +443,6 @@ test('triggerNewPostInStream', function() {
ok(postStream.appendMore.calledOnce, "delegates to appendMore because the last post is loaded");
test("loadedAllPosts when the id changes", function() {
// This can happen in a race condition between staging a post and it coming through on the
// message bus. If the id of a post changes we should reconsider the loadedAllPosts property.
@ -475,3 +478,45 @@ test("comitting and triggerNewPostInStream race condition", function() {
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 1, "it does not add the same post twice");
test("postsWithPlaceholders", () => {
const postStream = buildStream(4964, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
const postsWithPlaceholders = postStream.get('postsWithPlaceholders');
const store = postStream.store;
const testProxy = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: postsWithPlaceholders });
const p1 = store.createRecord('post', {id: 1, post_number: 1});
const p2 = store.createRecord('post', {id: 2, post_number: 2});
const p3 = store.createRecord('post', {id: 3, post_number: 3});
const p4 = store.createRecord('post', {id: 4, post_number: 4});
// Test enumerable and array access
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.get('length'), 3);
equal(testProxy.get('length'), 3);
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.nextObject(0), p1);
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.objectAt(0), p1);
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.nextObject(1, p1), p2);
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.objectAt(1), p2);
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.nextObject(2, p2), p3);
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.objectAt(2), p3);
const promise = postStream.appendMore();
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.get('length'), 8, 'we immediately have a larger placeholder window');
equal(testProxy.get('length'), 8);
ok(!!postsWithPlaceholders.nextObject(3, p3));
ok(postsWithPlaceholders.objectAt(3) !== p4);
ok(testProxy.objectAt(3) !== p4);
return promise.then(() => {
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.objectAt(3), p4);
equal(postsWithPlaceholders.get('length'), 8, 'have a larger placeholder window when loaded');
equal(testProxy.get('length'), 8);
equal(testProxy.objectAt(3), p4);
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