diff --git a/app/models/admin_dashboard_data.rb b/app/models/admin_dashboard_data.rb
index 3a2c7ed6f1f..1c5f190346d 100644
--- a/app/models/admin_dashboard_data.rb
+++ b/app/models/admin_dashboard_data.rb
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class AdminDashboardData
+ s3_config_check,
@@ -89,15 +90,19 @@ class AdminDashboardData
def facebook_config_check
- I18n.t('dashboard.facebook_config_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_facebook_logins and (!SiteSetting.facebook_app_id.present? or !SiteSetting.facebook_app_secret.present?)
+ I18n.t('dashboard.facebook_config_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_facebook_logins and (SiteSetting.facebook_app_id.blank? or SiteSetting.facebook_app_secret.blank?)
def twitter_config_check
- I18n.t('dashboard.twitter_config_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_twitter_logins and (!SiteSetting.twitter_consumer_key.present? or !SiteSetting.twitter_consumer_secret.present?)
+ I18n.t('dashboard.twitter_config_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_twitter_logins and (SiteSetting.twitter_consumer_key.blank? or SiteSetting.twitter_consumer_secret.blank?)
def github_config_check
- I18n.t('dashboard.github_config_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_github_logins and (!SiteSetting.github_client_id.present? or !SiteSetting.github_client_secret.present?)
+ I18n.t('dashboard.github_config_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_github_logins and (SiteSetting.github_client_id.blank? or SiteSetting.github_client_secret.blank?)
+ end
+ def s3_config_check
+ I18n.t('dashboard.s3_config_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads and (SiteSetting.s3_access_key_id.blank? or SiteSetting.s3_secret_access_key.blank? or SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket.blank?)
def failing_emails_check
@@ -126,4 +131,4 @@ class AdminDashboardData
I18n.t('dashboard.consumer_email_warning') if Rails.env == 'production' and ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:address] =~ /gmail\.com|live\.com|yahoo\.com/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml
index 5649f1a48ef..cbee0ce60d9 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml
@@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ en:
cas_config_warning: 'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with CAS (enable_cas_logins), but the hostname and domain name values are not set.'
twitter_config_warning: 'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with Twitter (enable_twitter_logins), but the key and secret values are not set. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See this guide to learn more.'
github_config_warning: 'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with GitHub (enable_github_logins), but the client id and secret values are not set. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See this guide to learn more.'
+ s3_config_warning: 'The server is configured to upload files to s3, but at least one the following setting is not set: s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key or s3_upload_bucket. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See "How to set up image uploads to S3?" to learn more.'
failing_emails_warning: 'There are %{num_failed_jobs} email jobs that failed. Check your config/environments/production.rb file and ensure that the config.action_mailer settings are correct. See the failed jobs in Sidekiq.'
default_logo_warning: "You haven't customized the logo images for your site. Update logo_url, logo_small_url, and favicon_url in the Site Settings."
contact_email_missing: "You haven't provided a contact email for your site. Please update contact_email in the Site Settings."