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synced 2025-03-24 06:15:42 +08:00
Remove min_posts_for_search_in_topic
no longer needed, we always search in topic
This commit is contained in:
@ -735,7 +735,6 @@ cs:
enable_mobile_theme: "Používat na mobilních zařízeních verzi přizpůsobenou pro mobily s možností přejít na plnou verzi. Zruště pokud chcete používat vlastní plně responzivní kaskádový styl."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "What percentage of posts a user has to make in a topic before we consider it dominating."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Don't show the badge for uncategorized topics in topic lists"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Disable search within topic if topics have less than minimum number posts"
enable_names: "Povolit uživatelům zobrazovat celé jméno"
display_name_on_posts: "Also show a user's full name on their posts"
invites_shown: "Maximální počet pozvánek zobrazený na uživatelově stránce"
@ -764,7 +764,6 @@ de:
enable_mobile_theme: "Mobilgeräte verwenden eine mobile Darstellung mit der Möglichkeit zur vollständigen Seite zu wechseln. Deaktiviere diese Option, wenn du ein eigenes Full-Responsive-Stylesheet verwenden möchtest."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Ab welcher Prozentzahl an Beiträgen ein Nutzer in einem Thema als dominierend gilt."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Zeige kein Abzeichen für unkategorisierte Themen in der Themenliste"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Deaktiviere die Suche innerhalb eines Themas, wenn das Thema weniger als die minimale Anzahl an Beträgen enthält."
global_notice: "Zeigt allen Besuchern eine DRINGENDE NOTFALL-NACHRICHT als global sichtbares Banner an. Deaktiviert bei leerer Nachricht. (HTML ist erlaubt.)"
enable_names: "Erlaube Benutzern ihren vollen Namen zu zeigen"
display_name_on_posts: "Zeige auch den vollen Namen eines Benutzers bei seinen Beiträgen"
@ -682,7 +682,6 @@ en:
track_external_right_clicks: "Track external links that are right clicked (eg: open in new tab) disabled by default because it rewrites URLs"
topics_per_page: "How many topics loaded by default on the topics list page, and when loading more topics"
posts_per_page: "How many posts loaded by default on a topic page, and when loading more posts"
desktop_post_slack_ratio: "Number of screens of posts rendered in the DOM on Desktop"
site_contact_username: "Username for the author of automated private messages sent by the forum"
send_welcome_message: "Do new users get a welcome private message?"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
@ -883,7 +882,6 @@ en:
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "What percentage of posts a user has to make in a topic before we consider it dominating."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Don't show the badge for uncategorized topics in topic lists"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Disable search within topic if topics have less than minimum number posts"
global_notice: "Display an URGENT, EMERGENCY global banner notice to all visitors, change to blank to hide it (HTML allowed)."
@ -771,7 +771,6 @@ es:
enable_mobile_theme: "Los dispositivos móviles utilizan un tema adaptado, con la habilidad de cambiar al estilo de sitio completo. Deshabilita esta opción si quieres utilizar una plantilla personalizada que sea completamente adaptable."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Qué porcentaje de posts tiene que crear un usuario en un tema para considerarlo dominante."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "No mostrar la etiqueta de los temas sin categoría en la lista de temas"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Deshabilitar la búsqueda dentro del tema si los temas tienen menos del número mínimo de posts"
global_notice: "Mostrar una noticia de URGENCIA o EMERGENCIA para todos los visitantes, deja este campo en blanco para ocultarla (se puede utilizar código HTML)"
enable_names: "Permitir a los usuarios mostrar su nombre completo"
display_name_on_posts: "Mostrar también el nombre completo del usuario en sus posts"
@ -763,7 +763,6 @@ fr:
enable_mobile_theme: "Les appareils mobiles utilisent un thème adapté aux mobiles, avec la possibilité de passer à la totalité du site. Désactivez cette option si vous voulez utiliser une feuille de style personnalisée qui réponde à tous les types de clients."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Quel est le pourcentage de messages d'un utilisateur doit poster dans un sujet avant que nous considérions qu'il est dominant."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Ne pas afficher le badge pour les sujets non catégorisés dans les listes des sujets"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Désactiver la recherche dans les sujets si les sujets ont moins du minimum de messages"
global_notice: "Affiche un bandeau global URGENT pour tout les utilisateurs du site, laissez vide pour le caché (HTML autorisé)"
enable_names: "Autoriser les utilisateurs à afficher leur nom complet"
display_name_on_posts: "Afficher également le nom complet de l'utilisateur dans ses messages"
@ -741,7 +741,6 @@ he:
enable_mobile_theme: "Mobile devices use a mobile-friendly theme, with the ability to switch to the full site. Disable this if you want to use a custom stylesheet that is fully responsive."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "What percentage of posts a user has to make in a topic before we consider it dominating."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Don't show the badge for uncategorized topics in topic lists"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Disable search within topic if topics have less than minimum number posts"
enable_names: "Allow users to show their full names"
display_name_on_posts: "Also show a user's full name on their posts"
invites_shown: "Maximum invites shown on a user page"
@ -754,7 +754,6 @@ it:
enable_mobile_theme: "I dispositivi mobile usano un tema apposito, con possibilità di passare alla visualizzazione desktop. Disabilita questa opzione se vuoi usare un foglio di stile custom e completamente responsive."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Che percentuale di post un utente deve pubblicare nello stesso post per essere considerato \"dominante\"?"
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Non mostrare il badge per i topic senza categoria nella lista dei topic"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Disabilita la ricerca all'interno dei topic se i topic hanno meno di un certo numero di post"
global_notice: "Mostra un banner globale di EMERGENZA a tutti i visitatori, lascia vuoto per nasconderlo (HTML consentito)."
enable_names: "Permetti agli utenti di mostrare i loro nomi completi"
display_name_on_posts: "Mostra anche il nome completo dell'utente nei suoi post"
@ -752,7 +752,6 @@ nl:
enable_mobile_theme: "Mobiele apparaten gebruiken een mobiel-vriendelijke theme met de mogelijkheid te schakelen naar de volledige site. Schakel deze optie uit als je een eigen stylesheet wil gebruiken die volledig responsive is."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Vanaf welk percentage berichten dat een gebruiker plaatst in een topic vinden we de gebruiker dominant?"
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Laat de badge niet zien voor topics zonder categorie"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Als topics minder dan minimum aantal berichten hebben, is zoeken niet mogelijk"
global_notice: "Laat een LET OP, BELANGRIJK-banner zien aan alle gebruikers. Laat leeg om niet te tonen (HTML is toegestaan)."
enable_names: "Gebruikers mogen hun volledige naam laten zien"
display_name_on_posts: "Laat de volledige naam van een gebruiker ook bij zijn berichten zien"
@ -725,7 +725,6 @@ pt_BR:
enable_mobile_theme: "Os dispositivos móveis usam um tema mobile-friendly, com a possibilidade de mudar para o site completo. Desative isso se você quiser usar um estilo personalizado que é totalmente responsivo."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Qual a percentagem de mensagens de um usuário em um tópico antes de considerá-lo dominante."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Não exibir emblema para assuntos não categorizados em listas de tópicos"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Desativar pesquisa dentro do tópico se tópicos tem um número mínimo de mensagens"
enable_names: "Permitir que usuários exibam seus nomes completos"
display_name_on_posts: "Também exibir o nome completo do usuário em suas mensagens"
invites_shown: "Máximos convites exibidos em uma página de usuário"
@ -623,7 +623,6 @@ ru:
enable_mobile_theme: "Мобильные устройства используют адаптированную тему с возможностью переключения в обычный вид. Отключите данную настройку если вы хотите использовать собственный стиль для мобильных устройств."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Процент сообщений пользователя в теме перед тем, как пользователь станет ведущим в теме."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Не отображать значок для тем без категории в списке тем"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Отключить поиск внутри темы, если темы содержат меньше необходимого количество сообщений"
enable_names: "Разрешить пользователям отображать полные имена"
display_name_on_posts: "Отображать полные имена пользователей в сообщениях"
invites_shown: "Максимальное количество приглашений, отображаемых на странице пользователя"
@ -624,7 +624,6 @@ uk:
enable_mobile_theme: "Мобільні пристрої використовуватимуть тему, дружню для них, з можливістю перемикатися на повний сайт. Відключіть це, якщо хочете використовувати власну, повністю чутливу, таблицю стилів."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "What percentage of posts a user has to make in a topic before we consider it dominating."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Don't show the badge for uncategorized topics in topic lists"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Disable search within topic if topics have less than minimum number posts"
enable_names: "Дозволити користувачам показувати свої повні імена"
display_name_on_posts: "Показувати також повне ім'я користувача в його дописах"
invites_shown: "Максимум запрошень, показуваних на сторінці користувача"
@ -733,7 +733,6 @@ zh_CN:
enable_mobile_theme: "移动设备使用移动有好的主题,同时也能够切换回完整站点。如果您想要使用自定义的响应式主题请禁用它。"
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "用户在主题中的帖子占到多少百分比时使得用户主导话题。"
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "不要为主题列表中的未分类主题显示徽章"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "如果主题中的帖子数小于设定值,禁用主题内搜索"
global_notice: "为所有访客显示“紧急的”全局横幅,留空隐藏它(可以使用 HTML)"
enable_names: "允许用户显示全名"
display_name_on_posts: "在用户的帖子中显示他们的全名"
@ -115,9 +115,6 @@ basic:
client: true
default: 20
default: 2
client: true
client: true
default: false
@ -523,7 +520,6 @@ uncategorized:
default: true
# Search
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: 0
client: true
default: 3
@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ class Search
@include_blurbs = @opts[:include_blurbs] || false
@limit = Search.per_facet * Search.facets.size
@results = GroupedSearchResults.new(@opts[:type_filter])
if @search_context.is_a?(Topic) && @search_context.posts_count < SiteSetting.min_posts_for_search_in_topic
@search_context = nil
# Query a term
@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ describe Search do
it 'displays multiple results within a topic' do
topic = Fabricate(:topic)
topic2 = Fabricate(:topic)
@ -167,14 +165,6 @@ describe Search do
# trigger expanded search
results = Search.new('birds', search_context: post1.topic).execute
results = Search.new('posting', search_context: post1.topic).execute.find do |r|
r[:type] == "topic"
end[:results].length.should == 2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user