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synced 2025-03-25 09:55:43 +08:00
Update translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -468,12 +468,12 @@ de:
need_more_for_title: "noch {{n}} für den Titel"
need_more_for_reply: "{{n}} fehlen in der Antwort noch"
title_missing: "Titel ist erforderlich."
title_too_short: "Titel muss mindestens {{min}} Zeichen lang sein."
title_too_long: "Titel darf maximal {{max}} Zeichen lang sein."
post_missing: "Beitrag kann nicht leer sein."
post_length: "Beitrag muss mindestens {{min}} Zeichen lang sein."
category_missing: "Du musst eine Kategorie wählen."
title_missing: "Titel ist erforderlich"
title_too_short: "Titel muss mindestens {{min}} Zeichen lang sein"
title_too_long: "Titel darf maximal {{max}} Zeichen lang sein"
post_missing: "Beitrag kann nicht leer sein"
post_length: "Beitrag muss mindestens {{min}} Zeichen lang sein"
category_missing: "Du musst eine Kategorie wählen"
save_edit: "Bearbeitung speichern"
reply_original: "Dem ursprünglichen Thema antworten"
reply_here: "Hier antworten"
@ -1297,12 +1297,15 @@ de:
delete: "Löschen"
delete_confirm: "Diese Anpassung löschen?"
about: "Seite personalisieren erlaubt dir das Anpassen der Stilvorlagen und des Kopfbereich der Seite. Wähle oder füge eine Anpassung hinzu um mit dem Editieren zu beginnen."
copy: "Kopieren"
title: "CSS, HTML"
long_title: "CSS und HTML Anpassungen"
title: "Mailprotokoll"
settings: "Einstellungen"
all: "Alle"
sending_test: "Versende Testemail..."
test_error: "Beim Senden der Email ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfe deine Einstellungen und versuche es erneut."
sent: "Gesendet"
skipped: "Übersprungen"
sent_at: "Gesendet am"
@ -1614,6 +1617,10 @@ de:
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b> dann <b>t</b> Thema auf verfolgen setzen'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b> dann <b>w</b> Thema auf beobachten setzen'
title: Abzeichen
one: "1 Abzeichen"
other: "%{count} Abzeichen"
name: Beispielsabzeichen
description: Dies ist ein Beispielabzeichen.
@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ es:
suspended_notice: "Este usuario ha sido suspendido hasta {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Causa: "
mailing_list_mode: "Recibe un email cada vez que se crea un nuevo post en el forum (a menos que el tema o categoría esté silenciado)"
watched_categories: "Haciendo visto"
watched_categories_instructions: "El mismo que Tracking, además serás notificado de todas las publicaciones y temas nuevos."
watched_categories: "Revisado"
watched_categories_instructions: "Verá automáticamente todos los temas de estas categorías. Se le notificarán todos las publicaciones y temas nuevos, además de las cuentas de los no leídos y las nuevas publicaciones aparecerán cerca de la lista del tema en concreto."
tracked_categories: "Rastreado"
tracked_categories_instructions: "Automáticamente estarás suscrito a todos los temas nuevos y existentes, manteniéndote informado sobre el número de publicaciones nuevas y no leídas"
muted_categories: "Silenciado"
muted_categories_instructions: "No recibirás nada sobre este tema, y no aparecerá en tu pestaña de no leídos."
muted_categories_instructions: "No recibirá notificaciones sobre ningún tema nuevo en esta categoría, y no aparecerán en la sección de \"no leídos\"."
delete_account: "Borrar mi cuenta"
delete_account_confirm: "Estás seguro que quieres borrar permanentemente tu cuenta? Esta acción no puede ser deshecho!"
deleted_yourself: "Tu cuenta ha sido borrado con exito."
@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ es:
admin_options_title: "Opciones de moderación para este tema"
auto_close_label: "Hora de auto-cierre:"
auto_close_units: "(# de horas, una fecha, o marca de tiempo)"
auto_close_examples: 'Poner el tiempo exacto o el número de horas -24, 17:00, 2013-11-22 14:00'
auto_close_error: "Por favor, ingrese un valor válido."
title: "notificaciones por menciones de tu @nombre, respuestas a tus publicaciones y temas, mensajes privados, etc."
@ -662,6 +663,8 @@ es:
position: "post %{current} de %{total}"
'3_6': 'Recibirá notificaciones porque está mirando esta categoría.'
'3_5': 'Recibirá notificaciones porque ha empezado a ver este tema automáticamente.'
'3_2': 'Recibirás notificaciones porque estás viendo este tema.'
'3_1': 'Recibirás notificaciones porque creaste este tema.'
'3': 'Recibirás notificaciones porque estás viendo este tema.'
@ -674,11 +677,13 @@ es:
'0_2': 'Estás ignorando todas las notificaciones en este tema.'
title: "Viendo"
description: "Le notificaremos todas las publicaciones nuevas en este mensaje privado. Las no leídas y las publicaciones nuevas aparecerán también cerca de la lista de temas."
title: "Viendo"
description: "igual que Siguiendo, además serás notificado de todos los nuevos posts."
title: "Siguiendo"
description: "Le notificaremos solo los casos en los que alguien mencione su @nombre o responda a su publicación. Los no leídos y las publicaciones nuevas apareceran al lado de la lista de temas."
title: "Siguiendo"
description: "serás notificado de los mensajes sin leer, menciones a tu @nombre y respuestas a tus posts."
@ -687,6 +692,7 @@ es:
description: "serás notificado solo si alguien menciona tu @nombre o responde a tus posts."
title: "Silenciado"
description: "Nunca se le notificará nada de este mensaje privado."
title: "Silenciado"
description: "no serás notificado de nada en este tema, y no aparecerá en tu pestaña de no leidos."
@ -728,10 +734,12 @@ es:
title: 'Invitar amigos a responder'
action: 'Invitar por email'
help: 'enviar invitaciones a tus amigos para que puedan responder a este tema con un solo click'
to_topic: "Le enviaremos un breve correo electrónico a su amigo permitiéndole responder inmediatamente a este tema haciendo click en un enlace, no requiere registro."
to_forum: "Le enviaremos un breve correo electrónico a su amigo para unirse clicando un enlace, no hace falta registrarse."
email_placeholder: 'dirección de email'
success: "¡Gracias! Hemos enviado una invitación a <b>{{email}}</b>. Te avisaremos cuando acepte su invitación. Verifica la pestaña de invitaciones en tu página de usuario para llevar un registro de quién has invitado."
error: "Lo sentimos, no podemos invitar a esa persona. ¿Tal vez ya es un usuario?"
login_reply: 'Inicia sesión para responder'
login_reply: 'Iniciar sesión para responder'
one: "1 mensaje"
@ -796,7 +804,9 @@ es:
edit: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al editar tu publicación. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
upload: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
attachment_too_large: "Lo siento, el archivo que estas intentando subir es demasiado grande (el tamaño máximo es {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
image_too_large: "Lo sentimos, la imagen que está intentando cargar es demasiado grande (el tamaño máximo es de {{max_size_kb}}kb), por favor, cambie el tamaño e inténtelo de nuevo."
too_many_uploads: "Lo siento solo puedes subir un archivo cada vez."
upload_not_authorized: "Lo sentimos, el archivo que intenta cargar no está autorizado (authorized extension: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Lo siento, usuarios nuevos no pueden subir imágenes."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Lo siento, usuarios nuevos no pueden subir archivos adjuntos."
@ -924,17 +934,23 @@ es:
previous: "Revisión anterior"
next: "Siguiente revisión"
last: "Última revisión"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> vs. <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
title: "Muestra la producción asistida con adiciones y eleminaciones en línea"
button: '<i class="fa fa-square-o"></i> HTML'
title: "Mostrar la producción asistida estas de lado a lado"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> HTML'
title: "Mostrar la fuente de la rebaja de un lado a otro"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> Markdown'
edited_by: "Editado por"
can: 'puede… '
none: '(sin categoría)'
choose: 'Seleccionar una categoría…'
edit: 'editar'
edit_long: "Editar categoría"
view: 'Ver temas en la categoría'
@ -969,14 +985,18 @@ es:
this_year: "este año"
position: "posición"
default_position: "Posición predeterminada"
parent: "Categoría Original"
title: '¿Por qué estas informando sobre este mensaje?'
action: 'Informar sobre este mensaje'
take_action: "Tomar medidas"
notify_action: 'Mensaje privado'
delete_spammer: "Borrar spammer"
delete_confirm: "Está a punto de eliminar <b>%{posts}</b> publicaciones y <b>%{topics}</b> temas de este usuario, borar su cuenta, bloquear sus inicios de sesión de su dirección IP <b>%{ip_address}</b>, y añadir su dirección de email <b>%{email}</b> en una lista de bloqueo permanente. ¿Está seguro de que este usuario es realmente un spammer?"
yes_delete_spammer: "Sí, borrar spammer"
cant: "Lo sentimos, no se puede informar sobre el tema en este momento."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "¿Por qué esta publicación requiere hablarle a este usuario directamente y por privado? Sé específico, constructivo y siempre amable."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "¿Por qué esta publicación requiere la atención de un moderador? Haznos saber qué te preocupa específicamente y añade los enlaces relevantes dónde sea posible."
at_least: "introduce al menos {{n}} caracteres"
more: "{{n}} para ir..."
@ -985,7 +1005,7 @@ es:
notify_action: "Mensaje privado"
title: "Resumen de temas"
links_shown: "mostrar los {{totalLinks}} links..."
links_shown: "mostrar los {{totalLinks}} enlaces..."
one: "1 click"
other: "%{count} clicks"
@ -1394,7 +1414,7 @@ es:
unsuspend_failed: "Algo salió mal quitando ban a este usuario {{error}}"
suspend_duration: "¿Cuánto tiempo le gustaría aplicar ban al usuario? (days)"
suspend_duration_units: "(días)"
suspend_reason_label: "Por qué lo estás suspendiendo? Este texto <b>será visible para todos</b> en la página de perfil del usuario, y además será mostrado al usuario cuando trate de ingresar el sitio. Mantenlo simple."
suspend_reason_label: "¿Por qué lo pospones? Este texto <b>será visible para todos</b> en la página de perfil del usuario, y además será mostrado al usuario cuando trate de ingresar en el sitio web. Mantenlo simplificado."
suspend_reason: "Causa"
suspended_by: "Suspendido por"
delete_all_posts: "Eliminar todos los mensajes"
@ -1520,6 +1540,7 @@ es:
title: 'Atajos de teclado (experimental)'
title: 'Saltar a'
home: '<b>g</b> ahora <b>h</b> Home (Anterior)'
latest: '<b>g</b> then <b>l</b> Últimos'
new: '<b>g</b> then <b>n</b> Nuevo'
unread: '<b>g</b> then <b>u</b> No leídos'
@ -1529,12 +1550,14 @@ es:
title: 'Navegación'
back: '<b>u</b> Atrás'
up_down: '<b>k</b>/<b>j</b> Mover la selección arriba/abajo'
open: '<b>o</b> or <b>Entrar</b> Abrir tema seleccionado'
next_prev: '<b>`</b>/<b>~</b> Sección siguiente/anterior'
title: 'Aplicación'
create: '<b>c</b> Crear un tema nuevo'
notifications: '<b>n</b> Abrir notificaciones'
search: '<b>/</b> Buscar'
help: '<b>?</b> Abrir el asistente de accesos directos del teclado'
title: 'Acciones'
star: '<b>f</b> Poner estrella en este tema'
@ -1548,6 +1571,9 @@ es:
edit: '<b>e</b> Editar post'
delete: '<b>d</b> Borrar post'
mark_muted: '<b>m</b> then <b>m</b> Marcar el tema como silenciado'
mark_regular: '<b>m</b> ahora <b>r</b> Marcar este tema como estándar'
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b> ahora <b>t</b> Marcar tema como seguido'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b> ahora <b>w</b> Marcar tema como visto'
one: "+1 mas"
@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ fr:
sent_by_user: "Envoyé par <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_you: "Envoyé par <a href='{{userUrl}}'>vous</a>"
visible: "Les groupes sont visibles pour tous les utilisateurs"
one: "groupe"
other: "groupes"
@ -371,6 +372,8 @@ fr:
instructions: "Doit être d'au moins %{count} caractères."
title: "Dernières adresses IP"
title: "Adresse IP d'enregistrement"
title: "Avatar"
@ -469,11 +472,11 @@ fr:
need_more_for_reply: "{{n}} caractères restant pour le message"
title_missing: "Le titre est obligatoire."
title_too_short: "Le titre doit avoir au moins {{min}} caractères."
title_too_long: "Le titre ne doit pas dépasser les {{max}} caractères."
post_missing: "Le message ne peut être vide."
post_length: "Le message doit avoir au moins {{min}} caractères."
category_missing: "Vous devez choisir une catégorie."
title_too_short: "Le titre doit avoir au moins {{min}} caractères"
title_too_long: "Le titre ne doit pas dépasser les {{max}} caractères"
post_missing: "Le message ne peut être vide"
post_length: "Le message doit avoir au moins {{min}} caractères"
category_missing: "Vous devez choisir une catégorie"
save_edit: "Sauvegarder la modification"
reply_original: "Répondre sur le sujet d'origine"
reply_here: "Répondre ici"
@ -540,6 +543,7 @@ fr:
moved_post: "<i title='message déplacé' class='fa fa-arrow-right'></i> {{username}} a déplacé {{link}}"
total_flagged: "Nombre total de messages signalés"
linked: "<i title='linked post' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
granted_badge: "<i title='badge granted' class='fa fa-certificate'></i> Vous avez obtenu {{link}}"
title: "Ajouter une image"
title_with_attachments: "Ajouter une image ou un fichier"
@ -550,7 +554,7 @@ fr:
local_tip: "cliquez pour sélectionner une image depuis votre ordinateur"
local_tip_with_attachments: "Cliquez pour sélectionner une image ou un fichier depuis votre ordinateur (extensions autorisées : {{authorized_extensions}})."
hint: "(vous pouvez également faire un glisser-déposer dans l'éditeur pour les télécharger)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(vous pouvez aussi faire un glisser-déposer ou coller des images dans l'éditeur pour les télécharger)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(vous pouvez aussi glisser et déposer ou coller des images dans l'éditeur pour les envoyer) "
uploading: "Fichier en cours d'envoi"
image_link: "lien vers lequel pointe l'image"
@ -745,7 +749,7 @@ fr:
email_placeholder: 'nom@exemple.com'
success: "Merci ! Nous avons envoyé un mail à <b>{{email}}</b>. Nous vous informerons lorsqu'ils auront retourné votre invitation. Suivez vos invitations dans l'onglet prévu à cet effet sur votre page utilisateur."
error: "Désolé nous ne pouvons pas inviter cette personne. Peut-être est -elle déjà un utilisateur ?"
login_reply: 'Connectez-vous pour répondre'
login_reply: 'Se connecter pour répondre'
one: "1 message"
@ -1297,12 +1301,26 @@ fr:
delete: "Supprimer"
delete_confirm: "Supprimer cette personnalisation"
about: "La personnalisation du site vous permet de modifier les feuilles de styles et en-têtes de votre site. Choisissez ou ajouter un style pour commencer l'édition."
color: "Couleur"
opacity: "Opacité"
copy: "Copier"
title: "CSS, HTML"
long_title: "Personnalisation du CSS et HTML"
title: "Couleurs"
long_title: "Palettes de couleurs"
about: "Les palettes de couleurs vous permette de modifier les couleurs utilisées par le site sans écrire de CSS. Choisissez ou ajoutez en une pour commencer."
new_name: "Nouvelle palette de couleurs"
copy_name_prefix: "Copie de"
delete_confirm: "Supprimer cette palette de couleurs ?"
under_construction: "NOTE: Les modifications faites ici n'ont aucun impact ! Cette fonctionnalité est en cours de construction !"
title: "Email"
settings: "Paramètres"
all: "Tous"
sending_test: "Envoi en cours de l'email de test..."
test_error: "Il y a eu un problème avec l'envoi de l'email. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres et réessayer."
test_error: "Il y a eu un problème avec l'envoi de l'email de test. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres, que votre hébergeur ne bloque pas les connections aux emails, et réessayer."
sent: "Envoyé"
skipped: "Passé"
sent_at: "Envoyer à"
@ -1560,6 +1578,7 @@ fr:
new_badge: Nouveau Badge
new: Nouveau
name: Nom
badge: Badge
display_name: Nom affiché
description: Description
badge_type: Type de badge
@ -1576,6 +1595,7 @@ fr:
grant: Accorder
no_user_badges: "%{name} ne s'est vu accordé aucun badge."
no_badges: Il n'y a aucun badge qui peuvent être accorder.
allow_title: Autoriser l'utilisation d'un badge comme titre
download: "télécharger"
@ -1624,6 +1644,10 @@ fr:
one: "+1 autre"
other: "+%{count} autres"
one: "1 décerné"
other: "%{count} décernés"
select_badge_for_title: Sélectionner un badge pour l'utiliser comme votre titre
name: Exemple de badge
description: Ceci est un badge d'exemple.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ id:
yes_value: "Ya"
of_value: "dari"
generic_error: "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan."
log_in: "Masuk"
age: "Umur"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Tanda"
@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ it:
instructions: "Deve essere almeno di %{count} caratteri."
title: "Ultimo indirizzo IP"
title: "Indirizzo IP di Registrazione"
title: "Avatar"
@ -747,7 +749,7 @@ it:
email_placeholder: 'nome@esempio.com'
success: "Grazie! Abbiamo invitato <b>{{email}}</b>. Ti faremo sapere quando l'invito verrà accettato. Controlla la tab Inviti nella tua pagina personale per tener traccia delle persone che inviti. "
error: "Spiacenti, non possiamo invitare quella persona. Forse è già un utente?"
login_reply: 'Effettua l''accesso per rispondere'
login_reply: 'Accedi per rispondere'
one: "1 post"
@ -1299,6 +1301,20 @@ it:
delete: "Cancella"
delete_confirm: "Cancella questa personalizzazione?"
about: "La personalizzazione del sito ti permette di modificare fogli di stile e testate. Selezionane o aggiungine una per iniziare."
color: "Colore"
opacity: "Opacità"
copy: "Copia"
title: "CSS, HTML"
long_title: "Personalizzazioni CSS e HTML"
title: "Colori"
long_title: "Combinazioni Colori"
about: "Le combinazioni di colori ti permettono di modificare i colori utilizzati sul sito senza scrivere CSS. Scegline una per iniziare."
new_name: "Nuova Combinazione Colori"
copy_name_prefix: "Copia di"
delete_confirm: "Eliminare questa combinazione di colori?"
under_construction: "AVVISO: I cambiamenti effettuati qui non avranno alcun effetto! Questa funzionalità è in costruzione!"
title: "Email"
settings: "Impostazioni"
@ -1562,6 +1578,7 @@ it:
new_badge: Nuova Targhetta
new: Nuovo
name: Nome
badge: Targhetta
display_name: Visualizza Nome
description: Descrizione
badge_type: Tipo di Targhetta
@ -1578,6 +1595,7 @@ it:
grant: Assegna
no_user_badges: "%{name} non ha ricevuto alcuna targhetta."
no_badges: Non ci sono targhette da assegnare.
allow_title: Permetti di utilizzare le targhette come titoli
download: "Scaricamento"
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ ja:
of_value: "/"
generic_error: "申し訳ありませんが、エラーが発生しました"
generic_error_with_reason: "エラーが発生しました: %{error}"
log_in: "ログイン"
age: "経過"
joined: "参加者"
admin_title: "管理者"
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ ko:
of_value: "으로"
generic_error: "오류 발생"
generic_error_with_reason: "에러 발견: %{error}"
log_in: "로그인"
log_in: "가입"
age: "생성"
joined: "가입함"
admin_title: "운영자"
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ ko:
daily: "매일"
weekly: "매주"
every_two_weeks: "격주"
max: "최대"
other: "{{count}} 자"
@ -141,7 +142,13 @@ ko:
other: "그룹"
members: "멤버"
posts: "게시글"
nobody: "0명"
only_admins: "관리자만"
mods_and_admins: "운영자 및 관리자만"
members_mods_and_admins: "그룹 멤버, 운영자, 관리자만"
everyone: "모두"
'1': "좋아함"
@ -199,8 +206,13 @@ ko:
tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically receive notifications for topics in these categories"
muted_categories: "Muted"
muted_categories_instructions: "You will automatically mute all topics in these categories"
delete_account: "내 계정 삭제"
deleted_yourself: "성공적으로 당신의 계정이 삭제 되었습니다."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "지금은 당신의 계정을 삭제할 수 없습니다. 관리자에게 당신의 계정을 삭제해달라고 연락해보세요."
one: "메시지 (1)"
other: "메시지 ({{count}})"
zero: "메시지"
all: "전체"
mine: "내가 보낸 메세지"
@ -335,6 +347,7 @@ ko:
the_topic: "토픽"
loading: "로딩 중..."
close: "닫기"
assets_changed_confirm: "Discourse가 업데이트 되었습니다. 새로운 버전 사용을 위해 새로고침 하시겠어요?"
learn_more: "더 배우기"
year: '년'
year_desc: '지난 1년 동안 게시된 글'
@ -374,7 +387,7 @@ ko:
reset: "암호 재설정"
complete: "이메일이 맞다면 곧 암호를 재설정하는 지침 이메일을 수신합니다."
title: "로그인"
title: "회원가입"
username: "아이디"
password: "비밀번호"
email_placeholder: "이메일 주소 또는 사용자 이름"
@ -409,18 +422,18 @@ ko:
saving_draft_tip: "저장 중..."
saved_draft_tip: "저장 완료"
saved_local_draft_tip: "로컬로 저장됩니다."
similar_topics: "당신의 토픽은 기존 것과 유사합니다"
similar_topics: "작성하려는 내용과 비슷한 토픽들..."
drafts_offline: "초안"
need_more_for_title: "{{n}} 자 필요"
need_more_for_reply: "{{n}} 자 필요"
title_missing: "제목 필요"
title_too_short: "제목은 적어도 {{min}}자 보다 길어야 합니다."
title_too_long: "제목은 최대 {{max}}자 보다 짧아야 합니다."
post_missing: "본문이 비어있습니다."
post_length: "본문은 적어도 {{min}}자 보다 길어야 합니다."
category_missing: "카테고리를 선택해야 합니다."
title_missing: "제목은 필수 항목입니다"
title_too_short: "제목은 최소 {{min}} 글자 이상이어야 합니다."
title_too_long: "제목은 {{max}} 글자 이상일 수 없습니다."
post_missing: "게시글 내용은 필수 입니다."
post_length: "게시글은 최소 {{min}} 글자 이상이어야 합니다."
category_missing: "카테고리를 선택해주세요."
save_edit: "편집 저장"
reply_original: "기존 토픽에 대해 답글을 작성합니다."
reply_here: "여기에 답글을 작성하세요."
@ -437,7 +450,7 @@ ko:
view_new_post: "새로운 게시물을 볼 수 있습니다."
saving: "저장 중..."
saved: "저장 완료!"
saved_draft: "당신은 진행중인 게시물 초안이 있습니다. 편집을 다시 시작하려면이 상자에 아무 곳이나 클릭합니다."
saved_draft: "작성중이던 글이 있어요. 계속해서 글을 작성하시려면 이 영역을 클릭하세요."
uploading: "업로딩 중..."
show_preview: '미리보기를 보여줍니다 «'
hide_preview: '« 미리보기를 숨깁니다'
@ -515,6 +528,10 @@ ko:
star: '즐겨찾기로 이 토픽을 추가'
unstar: '즐겨찾기에서 이 토픽을 제거'
actions: "일괄 적용"
change_category: "카테고리 변경"
close_topics: "토픽 닫기"
starred: "아직 즐겨찾기가 없습니다. 토픽을 즐겨찾기하려면 제목 옆 별표를 눌러주세요."
unread: "읽지 않은 토픽이 없습니다."
@ -534,6 +551,7 @@ ko:
unread: "더 이상 읽지 않은 토픽이 없습니다"
starred: "더 이상 읽을 즐겨찾기 토픽이 없습니다"
category: "더 이상 {{category}}에 토픽이 없습니다"
top: "더 이상 인기 토픽이 없습니다."
filter_to: "이 토픽에서 {{username}}님의 {{post_count}}건의 게시물만 보기"
create: '토픽 만들기'
@ -604,12 +622,12 @@ ko:
title: "알림 : 주시 중"
title: "보기"
title: "주시 중"
description: "모든 새 게시물 알림을 받게 됩니다."
title: "알림 : 추척 중"
title: "추적"
title: "추적 중"
description: "누군가가 게시물에 @사용자이름 또는 답글을 달 경우에 알림을 받게 됩니다. '읽지 않은 글' 탭에서 게시물의 수를 볼 수 있습니다."
title: "보통"
@ -664,7 +682,7 @@ ko:
email_placeholder: '이메일 주소'
success: "감사합니다! <b>{{email}}</b>으로 초대장을 발송했습니다. 초대를 수락하면 알려 드리겠습니다. 초대한 사람을 추적하기 위해선 사용자 페이지에서 '초대장' 탭을 선택하세요."
error: "죄송합니다. 그 사람을 초대 할 수 없습니다. 혹시 이미 포럼 사용자입니까?"
login_reply: '답글을 작성하려면 로그인해야 합니다.'
login_reply: '답글 달기 위해 회원 가입하기'
other: "{{count}} 글"
@ -688,6 +706,8 @@ ko:
cancel: 선택을 취소
select_all: 모두 선택
deselect_all: 모두 선택 해제
other: <b>{{count}}</b>개의 개시글을 선택하셨어요.
reply: "{{replyAvatar}} {{username}}님의 글에 답글 작성"
reply_topic: "{{link}}에 답글 작성"
@ -867,6 +887,9 @@ ko:
at_least: "최소한 {{n}}자를 입력하세요"
more: "{{n}} 이동합니다"
left: "{{n}} 나머지"
action: "깃발 표시 토픽"
notify_action: "비공개 메시지"
title: "Topic Summary"
links_shown: "show all {{totalLinks}} links..."
@ -875,8 +898,10 @@ ko:
help: "이 토픽은 폐쇄되었습니다. 더 이상 새 답글을 받을 수 없습니다."
title: "핀 제거"
help: "이 토픽은 핀 제거 되었습니다. 목록에서 기본적인 순서대로 표시됩니다."
title: "핀 지정됨 Globally"
title: "핀 지정됨 (전역적)"
help: "이 토픽은 전역적으로 핀 지정 되었습니다. 모든 목록의 최상위에 표시됩니다."
title: "핀 지정됨"
help: "이 토픽은 고정되었습니다. 카테고리의 상단에 표시됩니다."
@ -899,6 +924,8 @@ ko:
changed_by: "{{author}}에 의해"
categories_list: "카테고리 목록"
with_topics: "%{filter} 토픽"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} 토픽"
title: "최신"
help: "가장 최근 토픽"
@ -920,7 +947,7 @@ ko:
zero: "읽지 않은"
one: "읽지 않은(1)"
other: "읽지 않은({{count}})"
help: "추적되었지만 읽지 않은 게시글"
help: "추적중이지만 읽지 않은 게시글"
one: "1 new"
@ -943,10 +970,19 @@ ko:
title: "Top"
help: "a selection of the best topics"
title: "연간 Top"
title: "월간 Top"
title: "주간 Top"
title: "일간 Top"
this_year: "This year"
this_month: "This month"
this_week: "This week"
today: "Today"
other_periods: "더 많은 인기 토픽 보기"
browser_update: '불행하게도, <a href="http://www.discourse.org/faq/#browser">당신의 브라우저는 이 사이트를 이용하기에 어렵습니다.</a>. 브라우저를 업그레이드 하시기 바랍니다.<a href="http://browsehappy.com">.'
full: "생성 / 답글 / 보기"
@ -1009,12 +1045,16 @@ ko:
disagree: "동의하지 않음"
disagree_title: "신고에 동의하지 않고, 이 게시글에 달린 신고는 삭제"
delete_spammer_title: "사용자와 모든 토픽, 게시글 삭제."
clear_topic_flags: "완료"
flagged_by: "신고자"
system: "System"
error: "뭔가 잘못 됐어요"
view_message: "답글"
no_results: "신고가 없습니다."
topic_flagged: "이 <strong>토픽</strong>은 깃발표시 되었습니다."
primary: "주 그룹"
no_primary: "(주 그룹이 없습니다.)"
title: "그룹"
edit: "그룹 수정"
refresh: "새로고침"
@ -1045,23 +1085,49 @@ ko:
backups: "백업"
none: "가능한 백업이 없습니다."
title: "읽기 전용 모드 활성화하기"
text: "읽기 전용 모드 활성화하기"
confirm: "정말로 읽기 전용 모드를 활성화 하시겠습니까?"
title: "읽기 전용 모드 비활성화 하기"
text: "읽기 전용 모드 비활성화 하기"
none: "아직 로그가 없어요."
filename: "파일명"
size: "크기"
text: "업로드"
uploading: "업로드 중"
is_running: "실행 중입니다."
failed: "{{operation}} 작업 실행하지 못했습니다. 로그를 확인해 주세요."
text: "취소"
title: "현제 작업 취소하기"
confirm: "정말로 현재 작업을 취소하시겠습니까?"
text: "백업"
title: "백업 생성"
confirm: "정말로 새로운 백업을 생성할까요?"
text: "다운로드"
title: "백업 다운로드"
text: "삭제"
title: "백업 삭제"
confirm: "정말 이 백업을 삭제할까요?"
is_disabled: "사이트 설정에서 '복구 기능'이 비활성화 되어있습니다."
text: "복구"
title: "백업을 이용하여 복구"
confirm: "정말 이 백업을 이용하여 복구할까요?"
text: "롤백"
title: "데이터베이스를 이전 workiong state로 되돌리기"
confirm: "정말로 이전 작업 상태로 데이터베이스를 롤백하시겠습니까?"
title: "사용자 지정"
long_title: "사이트 사용자 지정"
@ -1082,7 +1148,11 @@ ko:
title: "이메일"
settings: "설정"
all: "전체"
sent: "보낸 메일"
skipped: "생략"
sent_at: "보냄"
time: "시간"
user: "사용자"
email_type: "이메일 타입"
to_address: "받는 주소"
@ -1098,10 +1168,13 @@ ko:
text: "문장"
last_seen_user: "마지막으로 본 사용자"
reply_key: "답글 단축키"
skipped_reason: "생략 이유"
none: "로그가 없습니다."
title: "필터"
user_placeholder: "사용자명"
address_placeholder: "em@il.com"
title: "기록"
action: "허용여부"
@ -1264,6 +1337,11 @@ ko:
trust_level_3_requirements: "사용자 신뢰도 3 이상이 필요"
table_title: "최근 100일 간:"
value_heading: "값"
requirement_heading: "필수"
visits: "방문수"
days: "days"
topics_with_replies: "답글 달린 토픽"
none: "편집을 시작하려는 컨텐츠의 타입을 선택하세요."
title: '사이트 컨텐츠'
@ -1291,6 +1369,7 @@ ko:
rate_limits: '제한'
developer: '개발자'
embedding: "Embedding"
legal: "합법적인"
uncategorized: '카테고리 없음'
backups: "백업"
@ -1320,6 +1399,7 @@ ko:
help: '<b>?</b> Open keyboard shortcuts help'
title: 'Actions'
star: '<b>f</b> 별표시 토픽'
share_topic: '<b>s</b> Share topic'
share_post: '<b>shift s</b> Share post'
reply_topic: '<b>r</b> Reply to topic'
@ -344,10 +344,26 @@ ru:
label: "Считать темы новыми, если"
not_viewed: "они еще не просмотрены вами"
last_here: "они были размещены после вашего последнего посещения"
one: "они были размещены за последний день"
few: "они были размещены за последний день"
other: "они были размещены за последние {{count}} дней"
one: "они были размещены за последнюю неделю"
few: "они были размещены за последнюю неделю"
other: "они были размещены за последние {{count}} недель"
auto_track_topics: "Автоматически отслеживать темы, которые я просматриваю"
never: "никогда"
always: "всегда"
one: "через 1 секунду"
few: "через несколько секунд"
other: "через {{count}} секунд"
one: "через 1 минуту"
few: "через несколько минут"
other: "через {{count}} минут"
search: "введите текст для поиска приглашений..."
title: "Приглашения"
@ -471,12 +487,12 @@ ru:
need_more_for_title: "для заголовка необходимо еще {{n}} символов"
need_more_for_reply: "осталось {{n}} символов"
title_missing: "Необходим заголовок."
title_too_short: "Заголовок должен содержать минимум {{min}} символов."
title_too_long: "Заголовок может содержать максимум {{max}} символов."
post_missing: "Сообщение не может быть пустым."
post_length: "Сообщение должно содержать минимум {{min}} символов."
category_missing: "Нужно выбрать категорию."
title_missing: "Требуется заголовок"
title_too_short: "Заголовок должен быть не менее {{min}} символов"
title_too_long: "Заголовок не может быть длиннее {{max}} символов"
post_missing: "Сообщение не может быть пустым"
post_length: "Сообщение должно содержать минимум {{min}} символов"
category_missing: "Нужно выбрать категорию"
save_edit: "Сохранить"
reply_original: "Ответ в первоначальной теме"
reply_here: "Ответить в текущей теме"
@ -1155,6 +1171,8 @@ ru:
delete: "Удалить"
delete_confirm: "Удалить настройки?"
about: "Настройка сайта позволяет изменять таблицы стилей и заголовки. Выберите или добавьте что-нибудь для начала редактирования."
copy_name_prefix: "Копия"
title: "Email"
settings: "Настройки"
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ zh_CN:
sent_by_user: "发送人 <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_you: "发送人 <a href='{{userUrl}}'>您</a>"
visible: "群组对所有用户可见"
other: "群组"
members: "成员"
@ -440,12 +441,12 @@ zh_CN:
need_more_for_title: "请给标题再输入至少 {{n}} 个字符"
need_more_for_reply: "请给正文内容再输入至少 {{n}} 个字符"
title_missing: "缺少标题。"
title_too_short: "标题太短,至少 {{min}} 个字符。"
title_missing: "缺少标题"
title_too_short: "标题太短,至少 {{min}} 个字符"
title_too_long: "标题太长,至多 {{max}} 个字符。"
post_missing: "内容不能为空。"
post_length: "内容太少,至少 {{min}} 个字符。"
category_missing: "必须要选择一个分类。"
post_missing: "帖子不能为空"
post_length: "帖子至少应有 {{min}} 个字符"
category_missing: "您必须选择一个分类"
save_edit: "保存编辑"
reply_original: "回复原始话题"
reply_here: "在此回复"
@ -512,6 +513,7 @@ zh_CN:
moved_post: "<i title='移动帖子' class='fa fa-arrow-right'></i> {{username}} 移动了 {{link}}"
total_flagged: "被报告帖子的总数"
linked: "<i title='被外链的帖子' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
granted_badge: "<i title='badge granted' class='fa fa-certificate'></i> 您被授予了 {{link}}"
title: "插入图片"
title_with_attachments: "上传图片或文件"
@ -522,7 +524,7 @@ zh_CN:
local_tip: "点击从您的设备中选择一张图片。"
local_tip_with_attachments: "点击从您的设备中选择图片或文件(支持的格式: {{authorized_extensions}})。"
hint: "(您也可以通过拖放至编辑器的方式来上传)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(您也可以通过拖放或复制粘帖至编辑器的方式来上传)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(您也可以通过拖放或粘帖图片至编辑器的方式来上传)"
uploading: "上传中"
image_link: "链接您的图片到"
@ -737,6 +739,7 @@ zh_CN:
placeholder: "新所有者的用户名"
other: "请选择<b>{{old_user}}</b>创建的这 {{count}} 个帖子的新所有者。"
instructions_warn: "注意所有的关于这个帖子的通知不会被发送到新用户。<br>警告:目前,没有任何与帖子关联的数据会被传递给新用户。谨慎使用。"
select: '选择'
selected: '已选择({{count}})'
@ -1229,12 +1232,25 @@ zh_CN:
delete: "删除"
delete_confirm: "删除本定制内容?"
about: "站点定制允许您修改样式与横幅。选择或者添加一个来开始编辑。"
color: "颜色"
opacity: "透明度"
copy: "复制"
title: "CSS、HTML"
long_title: "自定义 CSS 和 HTML"
title: "颜色"
long_title: "颜色方案"
about: "颜色方案让您能够让您在不写 CSS 的情况下更改色彩。从选择或者添加一种颜色开始。"
new_name: "新的颜色方案"
copy_name_prefix: "复制于"
delete_confirm: "删除这个颜色方案?"
title: "电子邮件"
settings: "设置"
all: "所有"
sending_test: "发送测试邮件..."
test_error: "发送邮件出现问题。请检查您的设置并重试。"
test_error: "发送测试邮件时遇到问题。请再检查一遍邮件设置,确认您的主机没有封锁邮件链接,然后重试。"
sent: "已发送"
skipped: "跳过"
sent_at: "发送时间"
@ -1413,7 +1429,9 @@ zh_CN:
other: "用户如果有帖子将不能删除。在试图尝试删除一个用户前删除所有的帖子(%{count} 天前的帖子不能被删除)"
other: "不能删除所有帖子。一些帖子发表于 %{count} 天前。"
other: "不能删除所有帖子。一些帖子发表于 %{count} 天前。(设置项:delete_user_max_post_age)"
other: "不能删除所有帖子,因为用户有超过 %{count} 帖子。(设置项:delete_all_posts_max)"
delete_confirm: "您确定要永久地从本站删除此用户?该操作无法撤销!"
delete_and_block: "<b>确定</b>,并<b>阻止</b>该邮件地址和IP地址再次注册。"
delete_dont_block: "<b>确定</b>,但<b>允许</b>该邮件地址和IP地址再次注册。"
@ -1483,6 +1501,7 @@ zh_CN:
new_badge: 新徽章
new: 新建
name: 名称
badge: 徽章
display_name: 显示名称
description: 描述
badge_type: 徽章分类
@ -1540,6 +1559,14 @@ zh_CN:
mark_tracking: '先按 <b>m</b> 再按 <b>t</b> 追踪主题'
mark_watching: '先按 <b>m</b> 再按 <b>w</b> 关注主题'
title: 徽章
other: "%{count} 个徽章"
other: "+%{count} 更多"
other: "%{count} 个已授予"
select_badge_for_title: 选择一个徽章用作您的头衔
name: 范例徽章
description: 这是一枚用作范例的徽章。
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ zh_TW:
format: '%n %u'
one: Byte
other: Bytes
other: 位元組
gb: GB
kb: KB
mb: MB
@ -94,6 +93,8 @@ zh_TW:
weekly: "每週"
every_two_weeks: "每兩週"
max: "最多"
other: "{{count}} 個字元"
other: "在 {{count}} 秒"
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ zh_TW:
cancel: "取消"
save: "儲存變更"
saving: "正在儲存..."
saved: "儲存完畢!"
saved: "儲存完畢!"
upload: "上傳"
uploading: "正在上傳..."
uploaded: "上傳完畢!"
@ -139,10 +140,11 @@ zh_TW:
sent_by_user: "寄件者為 <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_you: "寄件者為 <a href='{{userUrl}}'>你</a>"
visible: "群組可被所有使用者看到"
other: "群組"
members: "成員"
posts: "帖子"
posts: "貼文"
title: "誰能用此群組作為別名?"
nobody: "沒有"
@ -151,8 +153,8 @@ zh_TW:
members_mods_and_admins: "群組成員、管理人及版主"
everyone: "所有人"
'1': "已讚好"
'2': "已收到的讚好"
'1': "已按讚"
'2': "已收到的讚"
'3': "書籤"
'4': "討論話題"
'5': "貼文"
@ -168,14 +170,18 @@ zh_TW:
all_subcategories: "所有次分類"
no_subcategory: "無次分類"
category: "分類"
posts: "帖子"
posts: "貼文"
topics: "討論話題"
latest: "最近"
latest_by: "最後由"
toggle_ordering: "顯示/隱藏排序控制"
subcategories: "次分類:"
topic_stats: "新討論的數目。"
post_stats: "新帖子的數目。"
other: "在過去一%{unit}內有 %{count} 個新討混話題。"
post_stats: "新貼文的數目。"
other: "在過去一%{unit}內有 %{count} 篇新貼文。"
said: "{{username}} 說了:"
profile: "基本資料"
@ -202,7 +208,7 @@ zh_TW:
suspended_reason: "原因: "
mailing_list_mode: "在論壇上有新討論話題時,你將會收到郵件。(除非你將該討論話題或分類消音)"
watched_categories: "觀看"
watched_categories_instructions: "你將會自動觀看在此分類的新討論話題。您將收到的所有新帖子和討論話題,加上未讀和新討論話題的數量也將出現在討論話題的列表旁。"
watched_categories_instructions: "你將會自動觀看在此分類的新討論話題。您將收到的所有新貼文和討論話題,加上未讀和新討論話題的數量也將出現在討論話題的列表旁。"
tracked_categories: "追蹤"
tracked_categories_instructions: "你將追蹤所有在此分類的新討論話題。討論話題列表上將會出現未讀及新討論話題數。"
muted_categories: "消音"
@ -212,9 +218,9 @@ zh_TW:
deleted_yourself: "你的帳號已成功刪除"
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "帳號不能刪除。請聯絡管理人。"
one: "信息 (1)"
other: "信息 ({{count}})"
zero: "信息"
one: "訊息 (1)"
other: "訊息 ({{count}})"
zero: "訊息"
all: "全部"
mine: "我的"
@ -229,7 +235,7 @@ zh_TW:
title: "修改關於我"
title: "修改用戶名稱"
confirm: "如果你修改了你的用戶名稱,之前引用你的帖子或以 @用戶名稱 提到你的連結都將失效,你確定要修改嗎?"
confirm: "如果你修改了你的用戶名稱,之前引用你的貼文或以 @用戶名稱 提到你的連結都將失效,你確定要修改嗎?"
taken: "抱歉,此用戶名稱已經有人使用。"
error: "修改你的用戶名稱時發生錯誤。"
invalid: "此用戶名稱無效,只能使用數字與英文字母。"
@ -291,36 +297,27 @@ zh_TW:
daily: "每天"
weekly: "每週"
bi_weekly: "每兩週"
email_direct: "當有人引用、回覆我的帖子,或以 @用戶名稱 提到我時以電子郵件通知我。"
email_direct: "當有人引用、回覆我的貼文,或以 @用戶名稱 提到我時以電子郵件通知我。"
email_private_messages: "當有人寄給我私人訊息時以電子郵件通知我。"
email_always: "即時我經常來此網站也以電子郵件通知我,並告訴我最近論壇有什麼新文章。"
other_settings: "其它"
categories_settings: "分類"
label: "識為新討論的條件:"
not_viewed: "我未看過的討論"
last_here: "我上次到訪後建立的討論"
one: "昨天建立的討論"
other: "最近 {{count}} 天建立的討論"
other: "發表於最近 {{count}} 天內"
one: "上週建立的討論"
other: "最近 {{count}} 週建立的討論"
other: "發表於最近 {{count}} 週內"
auto_track_topics: "自動追蹤我參與的討論"
never: "永不"
always: "總是"
one: "1 秒鐘後"
other: "{{count}} 秒鐘後"
other: "{{count}} 秒後"
one: "1 分鐘後"
other: "{{count}} 分鐘後"
search: "輸入要搜尋邀請的文字..."
title: "邀請"
@ -331,7 +328,7 @@ zh_TW:
redeemed_at: "接受日期"
pending: "尚未接受的邀請"
topics_entered: "參與的討論話題"
posts_read_count: "已讀的帖子"
posts_read_count: "已讀的貼文"
expired: "此邀請已過期"
rescind: "刪除邀請"
rescinded: "邀請已刪除"
@ -347,6 +344,8 @@ zh_TW:
instructions: "至少要 %{count} 個字。"
title: "最近的 IP 位址"
title: "註冊之 IP 位址"
title: "頭像"
@ -360,7 +359,7 @@ zh_TW:
the_topic: "討論話題"
loading: "正在載入"
close: "關閉"
assets_changed_confirm: "Discourse已經更新,你要刷新頁面以獲得最新版本嗎?"
assets_changed_confirm: "Discourse 已經更新,你要重整頁面以獲得最新版本嗎?"
enabled: "管理人開啟了唯讀模式。你可以繼續瀏覽論壇,可是不能進行交流動作。"
login_disabled: "在唯讀模式下不能登入"
@ -372,16 +371,16 @@ zh_TW:
week: '週'
week_desc: '7 天內建立的討論話題'
day: '天'
first_post: 第一則帖子
first_post: 第一則貼文
mute: 消音
unmute: 取消阻絕
last_post: 最後一則帖子
last_post: 最後一則貼文
enabled_description: "你正在檢視此討論話題的摘要,按下方再次檢視所有帖子。"
enabled_description: "你正在檢視此討論話題的摘要,按下方再次檢視所有貼文。"
description: "總共有 <b>{{count}}</b> 個回覆,僅顯示最相關的回覆節省閱讀時間?"
description_time: "總共有 <b>{{count}}</b> 個回覆,大約需要 <b>{{readingTime}} 分鐘</b>閱讀,僅顯示最相關的回覆節省閱讀時間?"
enable: '以摘要檢視此討論話題'
disable: '顯示所有帖子'
disable: '顯示所有貼文'
title: "私人訊息"
invite: "邀請其他人..."
@ -440,19 +439,16 @@ zh_TW:
saved_local_draft_tip: "本地儲存完畢"
similar_topics: "與你的討論話題類似的討論..."
drafts_offline: "離線草稿"
need_more_for_title: "討論話題名稱還需要 {{n}} 個字"
need_more_for_reply: "帖子還需要 {{n}} 個字"
need_more_for_reply: "貼文還需要 {{n}} 個字"
title_missing: "討論話題名稱為必填欄位。"
title_too_short: "討論話題名稱必需多於 {{min}} 個字。"
title_too_long: "討論話題名稱必需少於 {{max}} 個字。"
post_missing: "帖子不可空白。"
post_length: "帖子必需多於 {{min}} 個字。"
category_missing: "你必需選擇一個分類。"
title_missing: "標題為必填欄位"
title_too_short: "標題必須至少 {{min}} 個字元"
title_too_long: "標題不能超過 {{max}} 個字元"
post_missing: "貼文不可空白"
post_length: "貼文必須至少 {{min}} 個字元。"
category_missing: "你必須選擇一個分類。"
save_edit: "儲存編輯"
reply_original: "回覆至原始的討論話題"
reply_here: "在此回覆"
@ -466,14 +462,14 @@ zh_TW:
edit_reason_placeholder: "你為什麼做編輯?"
show_edit_reason: "(請加入編輯原因)"
reply_placeholder: "在此輸入,請使用 Markdown (http://wowubuntu.com/markdown/) 與 BBCode (http://www.bbcode.org/reference.php) 調整格式,拖放或貼上圖片可以直接上傳。"
view_new_post: "檢視你的新帖子。"
view_new_post: "檢視你的新貼文。"
saving: "正在儲存..."
saved: "儲存完畢!"
saved_draft: "你有一則帖子的草稿尚未完成,按這裡可以繼續編輯。"
saved_draft: "你有一則貼文的草稿尚未完成,按這裡可以繼續編輯。"
uploading: "正在上傳..."
show_preview: '顯示預覽 »'
hide_preview: '« 隱藏預覽'
quote_post_title: "引用完整帖子"
quote_post_title: "引用完整貼文"
bold_title: "粗體"
bold_text: "粗體字"
italic_title: "斜體"
@ -501,9 +497,10 @@ zh_TW:
admin_options_title: "此討論話題的職員可選用設定"
auto_close_label: "自動關閉討論話題的期限:"
auto_close_units: "(小時、時間或完整的日期與時間)"
auto_close_examples: '輸入絕對時間或者相對小時 — 24, 17:00, 2013-11-22 14:00'
auto_close_error: "請輸入有效的值。"
title: "以 @用戶名稱 提到、回覆您的帖子與討論話題、私人訊息... 的通知。"
title: "以 @用戶名稱 提到、回覆您的貼文與討論話題、私人訊息... 的通知。"
none: "你目前沒有任何通知。"
more: "檢視較舊的通知"
mentioned: "<span title='mentioned' class='icon'>@</span> {{username}} {{link}}"
@ -516,7 +513,7 @@ zh_TW:
invited_to_private_message: "<i class='fa fa-envelope-o' title='private message'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
invitee_accepted: "<i title='accepted your invitation' class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> {{username}} 已接受你的邀請"
moved_post: "<i title='moved post' class='fa fa-arrow-right'></i> {{username}} 移動了 {{link}}"
total_flagged: "所有被投訴的帖子"
total_flagged: "所有被投訴的貼文"
granted_badge: "<i title='badge granted' class='fa fa-certificate'></i> 你已升級 {{link}}"
title: "加入一張圖片"
@ -528,10 +525,11 @@ zh_TW:
local_tip: "按此從你的電腦選擇圖片"
local_tip_with_attachments: "按此從你的電腦選擇一張圖片或一個檔案 (允許的副檔名: {{authorized_extensions}})。"
hint: "(你也可以將檔案拖放至編輯器直接上傳)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "( 你也可以將圖片拖放或貼上至編輯器內直接上傳 )"
uploading: "正在上傳"
image_link: "連結你的圖片將指向"
title: "搜尋討論話題、帖子、用戶或分類"
title: "搜尋討論話題、貼文、用戶或分類"
placeholder: "在此輸入你想搜尋的文字"
no_results: "未找到任何結果。"
searching: "正在搜尋..."
@ -550,23 +548,21 @@ zh_TW:
reset_read: "重設閱讀"
dismiss_read: "設定未讀帖子為已讀"
dismiss_new: "設定新帖子為已讀"
dismiss_read: "設定未讀貼文為已讀"
dismiss_new: "設定新貼文為已讀"
toggle: "批量切換選擇討論話題"
actions: "批量操作"
change_category: "改變分類"
close_topics: "關閉討論話題"
notification_level: "改變通知等級"
one: "你選擇了 <b>1</b> 個討論話題."
other: "你選擇了 <b>{{count}}</b> 個討論話題."
other: "你已選擇了 <b>{{count}}</b> 個討論話題。"
starred: "你尚未收藏任何討論話題,要收藏討論話題請按標題前面的星號。"
unread: "你沒有未讀的討論話題。"
new: "你沒有新的討論話題。"
read: "你尚未閱讀任何討論話題。"
posted: "你尚未在任何討論話題裡帖子。"
posted: "你尚未在任何討論話題裡發表貼文。"
latest: "沒有最近的討論話題。"
hot: "沒有熱門的討論話題。"
category: "沒有 {{category}} 的討論話題。"
@ -582,18 +578,16 @@ zh_TW:
category: "{{category}} 分類已經沒有其它討論話題了。"
top: "沒有更多精選討論話題。"
filter_to: "在討論話題裡顯示 {{post_count}} 則帖子"
filter_to: "在討論話題裡顯示 {{post_count}} 則貼文"
create: '建立討論話題'
create_long: '建立新討論話題'
private_message: '建立私人訊息'
list: '討論話題'
new: '新討論話題'
one: '有 1 個新討論話題'
other: '有 {{count}} 個新討論話題'
other: '{{count}} 個新討論話題'
one: '有 1 個未讀的討論話題'
other: '有 {{count}} 個未讀的討論話題'
other: '{{count}} 個未讀討論話題'
title: '討論話題'
loading_more: "載入更多討論話題..."
loading: '正在載入討論話題...'
@ -609,6 +603,10 @@ zh_TW:
description: "抱歉,找不到此討論話題,可能已被板主刪除。"
other: "你有 {{count}} 個未讀的舊文章在討論內"
other: "自你上次閱讀後,有 {{count}} 篇新貼文在此討論話題內"
other: "此討論話題收到了 {{count}} 個讚"
back_to_list: "回到討論話題列表"
options: "討論話題選項"
show_links: "在討論話題裡顯示連結"
@ -617,7 +615,7 @@ zh_TW:
read_more: "要閱讀更多文章嗎? 請按 {{catLink}} 或 {{latestLink}}。"
read_more_MF: "There { UNREAD, plural, =0 {} one { is <a href='/unread'>1 unread</a> } other { are <a href='/unread'># unread</a> } } { NEW, plural, =0 {} one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} <a href='/new'>1 new</a> topic} other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} <a href='/new'># new</a> topics} } remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}"
browse_all_categories: 瀏覽所有分類
view_latest_topics: 檢視最近的帖子
view_latest_topics: 檢視最近的貼文
suggest_create_topic: 建立一個新討論話題吧?
read_position_reset: "你的閱讀位置已重設。"
jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply
@ -629,12 +627,12 @@ zh_TW:
auto_close_remove: "不要自動關閉此討論話題"
title: topic progress
jump_top: 跳至第一則帖子
jump_bottom: 跳至最後一則帖子
jump_bottom_with_number: "跳至第 %{post_number} 則帖子"
total: 所有帖子
current: 目前的帖子
position: "第 %{current}/%{total} 則帖子"
jump_top: 跳至第一則貼文 ( Home 鍵 )
jump_bottom: 跳至最後一則貼文 ( End 鍵 )
jump_bottom_with_number: "跳至第 %{post_number} 則貼文"
total: 所有貼文
current: 目前的貼文
position: "第 %{current}/%{total} 則貼文"
'3_6': '你將會收到通知,因為你在觀看此分類。'
@ -645,28 +643,28 @@ zh_TW:
'2_4': '你將收到關於此討論話題的通知,因為你回覆了此討論話題。'
'2_2': '你將收到關於此討論話題的通知,因為你正在追蹤此討論話題。'
'2': '你將收到關於此討論話題的通知,因為你<a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">看過此討論話題</a>。'
'1': '你將在有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的帖子時收到通知。'
'1_2': '你將在有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的帖子時收到通知。'
'1': '你將在有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的貼文時收到通知。'
'1_2': '你將在有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的貼文時收到通知。'
'0': '你正忽略此討論話題的所有通知。'
'0_2': '你正忽略此討論話題的所有通知。'
title: "觀看"
description: "當此私人信息有新回覆時,你會被通知。討論話題列表上將會顯示未讀及新討論話題數目。"
description: "當此私人訊息有新回覆時,你會被通知。討論話題列表上將會顯示未讀及新討論話題數目。"
title: "關注"
description: "功能與追蹤相同,並在有新帖子時通知你。"
description: "功能與追蹤相同,並在有新貼文時通知你。"
title: "追蹤"
description: "當有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的帖子時通知你,並顯示未讀的新帖子數目。"
description: "當有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的貼文時通知你,並顯示未讀的新貼文數目。"
title: "追蹤"
description: "當有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的帖子時通知你,並顯示未讀的新帖子數目。"
description: "當有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的貼文時通知你,並顯示未讀的新貼文數目。"
title: "普通"
description: "只在有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的帖子時通知你。"
description: "只在有人以 @用戶名稱 提到你或回覆你的貼文時通知你。"
title: "消音"
description: "你將不會收到任何關於此私人信息的通知,此討論話題也不會出現在你的未讀清單裡。"
description: "你將不會收到任何關於此私人訊息的通知,此討論話題也不會出現在你的未讀清單裡。"
title: "消音"
description: "你將不會收到任何關於此討論話題的通知,此討論話題也不會出現在你的未讀清單裡。"
@ -678,13 +676,14 @@ zh_TW:
auto_close: "自動關閉"
unpin: "復原已置頂的討論話題"
pin: "置頂討論話題"
pin_globally: "全區置頂討論話題"
unarchive: "復原已封存的討論話題"
archive: "封存討論話題"
invisible: "使不可見"
visible: "使可見"
reset_read: "重置讀取資料"
multi_select: "選取要移動的帖子"
convert_to_topic: "轉換為普通帖子"
multi_select: "選取要移動的貼文"
convert_to_topic: "轉換為普通貼文"
title: '回覆'
help: '回覆此討論話題'
@ -715,48 +714,64 @@ zh_TW:
email_placeholder: '電子郵件地址'
success: "謝謝! 我們已將邀請寄至 <b>{{email}}</b>,當受邀者接受邀請時我們會再通知你,你也可以在你的用戶頁面的邀請清單查看邀請狀態。"
error: "抱歉,我們無法邀請此人,他可能已經是此論壇的用戶?"
login_reply: '登入回覆'
login_reply: '登入以發表回應'
other: "{{count}} 則文章"
cancel: "再次顯示此討論話題的所有帖子。"
cancel: "再次顯示此討論話題的所有貼文。"
title: "移至新討論話題"
action: "移至新討論話題"
topic_name: "新討論話題的名稱"
error: "將討論話題移至新討論話題時發生錯誤。"
other: "你即將建立一個新討論話題,並填入 <b>{{count}}</b> 篇你已選擇的貼文。"
title: "移至已存在的討論話題"
action: "移至已存在的討論話題"
error: "將討論話題移至已存在的討論話題時發生錯誤。"
other: "請選擇你想將那 <b>{{count}}</b> 篇貼文移至哪一個討論話題。"
title: "更改貼文的擁有者"
action: "變更擁有者"
error: "修改貼文擁有者時發生錯誤。"
label: "貼文的新擁有者"
placeholder: "新擁有者的使用者名稱"
select: '選取'
selected: '選取了 ({{count}})'
select_replies: '選取 + 回覆'
delete: 刪除選取的帖子
delete: 刪除選取的貼文
cancel: 取消選取
select_all: 選擇全部
deselect_all: 取消選取
other: 你已選擇了 <b>{{count}}</b> 篇貼文。
reply: "回覆由 {{replyAvatar}} {{username}} 發表的 {{link}}"
reply_topic: "回覆至 {{link}}"
quote_reply: "引用回覆"
edit: "編輯由 {{replyAvatar}} {{username}} 發表的 {{link}}"
edit_reason: "原因: "
post_number: "帖子 {{number}}"
post_number: "貼文 {{number}}"
in_reply_to: "回覆給"
last_edited_on: "帖子最近編輯的時間"
last_edited_on: "貼文最近編輯的時間"
reply_as_new_topic: "回覆為新討論話題"
continue_discussion: "繼續 {{postLink}} 的討論:"
follow_quote: "跳到引用的帖子"
follow_quote: "跳到引用的貼文"
show_full: "顯示所有文章"
other: "( 貼文已被作者撤回,除非被檢舉,否則在 %{count} 小時內將自動刪除。)"
deleted_by: "刪除者"
expand_collapse: "展開/收合"
other: "{{count}} 篇貼文已隱藏"
other: "回覆"
create: "抱歉,建立你的帖子時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
edit: "抱歉,編輯你的帖子時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
create: "抱歉,建立你的貼文時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
edit: "抱歉,編輯你的貼文時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
upload: "抱歉,上傳你的檔案時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
attachment_too_large: "抱歉,你想上傳的檔案太大 (最大限制為 {{max_size_kb}} kb)。"
image_too_large: "抱歉,你想上傳的圖片太大 (最大限制為 {{max_size_kb}} kb),請將圖片縮小後再試一次。"
@ -765,23 +780,25 @@ zh_TW:
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "抱歉,新用戶不可上傳圖片。"
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "抱歉,新用戶不可上傳附件。"
confirm: "你確定要捨棄你的帖子嗎?"
confirm: "你確定要捨棄你的貼文嗎?"
no_value: "否"
yes_value: "是"
save: '儲存選項'
reply: "開始編寫對此帖子的回覆"
like: "給此帖子按讚"
edit: "編輯此帖子"
flag: "投訴此帖子或通知管理人員此帖子"
delete: "刪除此帖子"
undelete: "復原此帖子"
share: "分享此帖子的連結"
reply: "開始編寫對此貼文的回覆"
like: "給此貼文按讚"
edit: "編輯此貼文"
flag: "投訴此貼文或通知管理人員此貼文"
delete: "刪除此貼文"
undelete: "復原此貼文"
share: "分享此貼文的連結"
more: "更多"
yes_value: "是,將回覆的帖子一併刪除"
no_value: "否,只刪除此帖子"
other: "你是否要同時刪除 {{count}} 篇針對這則貼文的回應?"
yes_value: "是,將回覆的貼文一併刪除"
no_value: "否,只刪除此貼文"
flag: '投訴'
@ -803,7 +820,7 @@ zh_TW:
vote: "撤回投票"
off_topic: "{{icons}} 標示為偏離討論話題"
spam: "{{icons}} 標示為垃圾帖子"
spam: "{{icons}} 標示為垃圾貼文"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} 標示為內容不妥"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} 已通知版主"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>已通知版主</a>"
@ -813,14 +830,14 @@ zh_TW:
like: "{{icons}} 已按讚"
vote: "{{icons}} 已投票支持"
off_topic: "你已投訴此帖子偏離討論話題"
spam: "你已投訴此帖子為垃圾"
inappropriate: "你已投訴此帖子內容不妥"
notify_moderators: "你已通知版主此帖子"
off_topic: "你已投訴此貼文偏離討論話題"
spam: "你已投訴此貼文為垃圾"
inappropriate: "你已投訴此貼文內容不妥"
notify_moderators: "你已通知版主此貼文"
notify_user: "你已送出私人訊息給這位用戶"
bookmark: "你已在此帖子加上書籤"
like: "你已在此帖子按讚"
vote: "你已在此帖子投票支持"
bookmark: "你已在此貼文加上書籤"
like: "你已在此貼文按讚"
vote: "你已在此貼文投票支持"
other: "你與 {{count}} 個使用者檢舉了此文章離題"
@ -835,7 +852,7 @@ zh_TW:
other: "你與 {{count}} 個使用者把這個文章加入書籤"
other: "你與 {{count}} 個使用者對此讚好"
other: "你與 {{count}} 個使用者對此按讚"
other: "你與 {{count}} 個使用者已在此文章投票"
@ -852,7 +869,7 @@ zh_TW:
other: "{{count}} 個使用者把這個文章加入書籤"
other: "{{count}} 個使用者對此讚好"
other: "{{count}} 個使用者對此按讚"
other: "{{count}} 個使用者已在此文章投票"
@ -922,16 +939,16 @@ zh_TW:
default_position: "預設的位置"
parent: "父分類"
title: '你為什麼要投訴此帖子?'
action: '投訴帖子'
title: '你為什麼要投訴此貼文?'
action: '投訴貼文'
take_action: "執行動作"
notify_action: '通知'
delete_spammer: "刪除垃圾帖子發送者"
delete_confirm: "您將刪除此用戶的 <b>%{posts}</b> 則帖子與 <b>%{topics}</b> 個討論話題、移除他的帳號、封鎖從他使用的 IP <b>%{ip_address}</b> 登入、將他的電子郵件地址 <b>%{email}</b> 加入永久封鎖名稱,你確定此人真的發送垃圾帖子嗎?"
yes_delete_spammer: "是的,刪除垃圾帖子發送者"
cant: "抱歉,目前無法投訴此帖子。"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "為什麼此帖子需要你以私人訊息與作者直接溝通? 討論請務必討論話題明確、具建設性、態度和善。"
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "為什麼此帖子需要版主的注意? 請讓我們知道你在意的原因,並請盡量提供相關連結。"
delete_spammer: "刪除垃圾貼文發送者"
delete_confirm: "您將刪除此用戶的 <b>%{posts}</b> 則貼文與 <b>%{topics}</b> 個討論話題、移除他的帳號、封鎖從他使用的 IP <b>%{ip_address}</b> 登入、將他的電子郵件地址 <b>%{email}</b> 加入永久封鎖名稱,你確定此人真的發送垃圾貼文嗎?"
yes_delete_spammer: "是的,刪除垃圾貼文發送者"
cant: "抱歉,目前無法投訴此貼文。"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "為什麼此貼文需要你以私人訊息與作者直接溝通? 討論請務必討論話題明確、具建設性、態度和善。"
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "為什麼此貼文需要版主的注意? 請讓我們知道你在意的原因,並請盡量提供相關連結。"
at_least: "請至少輸入 {{n}} 個字"
more: "還需要 {{n}} 個字..."
@ -950,6 +967,9 @@ zh_TW:
help: "此討論話題已關閉,不再接受回覆"
title: "取消釘選"
help: "此討論話題已取消置頂,將會以預設順序顯示。"
title: "全區置頂"
title: "已釘選"
help: "此討論話題已置頂,將顯示在它所屬分類的討論話題列表的最上方"
@ -957,9 +977,9 @@ zh_TW:
help: "此討論話題已封存,已被凍結無法再修改"
help: "此討論話題已隱藏,將不會出現在討論話題列表,只能以它的網址開啟"
posts: "帖子"
posts_long: "此討論話題有 {{number}} 則帖子"
original_post: "原始帖子"
posts: "貼文"
posts_long: "此討論話題有 {{number}} 則貼文"
original_post: "原始貼文"
views: "觀看"
replies: "回覆"
views_long: "此討論話題已被看過 {{number}} 次"
@ -995,7 +1015,7 @@ zh_TW:
zero: "未讀"
one: "未讀 (1)"
other: "未讀 ({{count}})"
help: "追蹤有未讀帖子的討論話題"
help: "追蹤有未讀貼文的討論話題"
one: "1 個新話題"
@ -1007,7 +1027,7 @@ zh_TW:
other: "新討論話題 ({{count}})"
help: "自你上次到訪後建立的討論話題"
title: "我的帖子"
title: "我的貼文"
help: "你回覆過的討論話題"
@ -1051,7 +1071,7 @@ zh_TW:
please_upgrade: "請升級!"
no_check_performed: "從未檢查是否有更新可以使用,請確定 sidekiq 有在執行中。"
stale_data: "最近未檢查是否有更新可以使用,請確定 sidekiq 有在執行中。"
version_check_pending: "你最近才更新,非常好!"
version_check_pending: "看來你最近升級了,非常好!"
installed_version: "已安裝"
latest_version: "最新版本"
problems_found: "我們在你目前安裝的 Discourse 版本發現這些問題:"
@ -1082,17 +1102,17 @@ zh_TW:
title: "投訴"
old: "舊的"
active: "待處理"
agree_hide: "批准 (隱藏帖子 + 送出私人訊息)"
agree_hide_title: "隱藏此帖子,並自動向此用戶送出私人訊息,要求盡快修改帖子"
agree_hide: "批准 (隱藏貼文 + 送出私人訊息)"
agree_hide_title: "隱藏此貼文,並自動向此用戶送出私人訊息,要求盡快修改貼文"
defer: "延遲"
defer_title: "目前不需採取行動, 將此投訴的任何動作延期或永不採取行動"
delete_post: "刪除帖子"
delete_post_title: "如果刪除的是討論話題的第一則帖子,討論話題也將一併刪除"
disagree_unhide: "否絕 (取消帖子的隱藏狀態)"
disagree_unhide_title: "移除此帖子的所有投訴,並使帖子可以被看見"
delete_post: "刪除貼文"
delete_post_title: "如果刪除的是討論話題的第一則貼文,討論話題也將一併刪除"
disagree_unhide: "否絕 (取消貼文的隱藏狀態)"
disagree_unhide_title: "移除此貼文的所有投訴,並使貼文可以被看見"
disagree: "否絕"
disagree_title: "否絕投訴,從此帖子移除所有投訴"
delete_spammer_title: "刪除此用戶與他的所有帖子與討論話題"
disagree_title: "否絕投訴,從此貼文移除所有投訴"
delete_spammer_title: "刪除此用戶與他的所有貼文與討論話題"
clear_topic_flags: "完成"
clear_topic_flags_title: "該討論話題已被調查,問題已經解決。點擊完成以刪除標誌。"
flagged_by: "投訴者"
@ -1209,6 +1229,15 @@ zh_TW:
delete: "刪除"
delete_confirm: "刪除此樣式?"
about: "網站客製化可以修改網站的樣式與標頭,請選擇或新增一個樣式進行編輯。"
color: "顏色"
opacity: "不透明度"
copy: "複製"
title: "CSS、HTML"
long_title: "CSS 與 HTML 客製化"
title: "顏色"
delete_confirm: "刪除此顏色樣式?"
title: "電郵"
settings: "設定"
@ -1288,7 +1317,7 @@ zh_TW:
email: "電子郵件地址"
title: "過濾的網址"
description: "以下是出現在垃圾帖子裡的網址。"
description: "以下是出現在垃圾貼文裡的網址。"
url: "網址"
domain: "網域"
@ -1341,12 +1370,7 @@ zh_TW:
blocked: '已封鎖的用戶'
suspended: '已停權的用戶'
one: "已拒絕了 1 位用戶。"
other: "已拒絕了 %{count} 位用戶。"
one: "拒絕 1 位用戶失敗。"
other: "拒絕 %{count} 位用戶失敗。"
other: "成功駁回 %{count} 個使用者。"
suspend_failed: "將此用戶停權時發生錯誤 {{error}}"
unsuspend_failed: "恢復此用戶的權限時發生錯誤 {{error}}"
@ -1355,8 +1379,8 @@ zh_TW:
suspend_reason_label: "你為什麼要將此用戶停權? 你輸入的原因將在此用戶登入時顯示,及顯示在此用戶的基本資料頁面,且<b>任何人都可以看見</b>,請簡短說明原因。"
suspend_reason: "原因"
suspended_by: "將其停權者"
delete_all_posts: "刪除所有帖子"
delete_all_posts_confirm: "你確定要刪除 %{posts} 則帖子與 %{topics} 個討論話題嗎?"
delete_all_posts: "刪除所有貼文"
delete_all_posts_confirm: "你確定要刪除 %{posts} 則貼文與 %{topics} 個討論話題嗎?"
suspend: "停權"
unsuspend: "恢復權限"
suspended: "已停權?"
@ -1380,9 +1404,9 @@ zh_TW:
activity: Activity
like_count: 收到的讚
private_topics_count: 私人討論話題
posts_read_count: 讀取的帖子
post_count: 建立的帖子
topics_entered: 參與的帖子
posts_read_count: 讀取的貼文
post_count: 建立的貼文
topics_entered: 參與的貼文
flags_given_count: 投訴
flags_received_count: 被投訴
approve: '批准'
@ -1398,7 +1422,7 @@ zh_TW:
delete_and_block: "<b>是的</b>,並且<b>封鎖</b>使用此電子郵件地址與 IP 位址登入"
delete_dont_block: "<b>是的</b>,但<b>允許</b>使用此電子郵件地址與 IP 位址登入"
deleted: "此用戶已刪除。"
delete_failed: "刪除此用戶時發生錯誤,請先刪除此用戶的所有帖子後再試一次。"
delete_failed: "刪除此用戶時發生錯誤,請先刪除此用戶的所有貼文後再試一次。"
send_activation_email: "送出啟用帳號的電子郵件"
activation_email_sent: "啟用帳號的電子郵件已送出。"
send_activation_email_failed: "送出啟用帳號的電子郵件時發生錯誤。%{error}"
@ -1410,7 +1434,7 @@ zh_TW:
block_failed: '封鎖此用戶時發生錯誤。'
deactivate_explanation: "帳號的啟用狀態被取消的用戶必需重新啟用帳號。"
suspended_explanation: "被停權的用戶無法登入。"
block_explanation: "被封鎖的用戶無法發表帖子或建立討論話題。"
block_explanation: "被封鎖的用戶無法發表貼文或建立討論話題。"
trust_level_change_failed: "修改用戶的信任等級時發生錯誤。"
suspend_modal_title: "將用戶停權"
trust_level_2_users: "信任等級2用戶"
@ -1427,7 +1451,7 @@ zh_TW:
quality_content: "內容品質"
reading: "閱讀"
site_promotion: "宣傳論壇"
flagged_posts: "標記的帖子"
flagged_posts: "標記的貼文"
none: "選擇要編輯的內容類型。"
title: '內容'
@ -1444,14 +1468,14 @@ zh_TW:
required: '必要設定'
basic: '基本設定'
users: '用戶'
posting: '帖子'
posting: '貼文'
email: '電子郵件'
files: '檔案'
trust: '信任等級'
security: '安全性'
onebox: "單一框"
seo: 'SEO'
spam: '垃圾帖子'
spam: '垃圾貼文'
rate_limits: '評等限制'
developer: '開發人員'
embedding: "嵌入"
@ -1463,6 +1487,7 @@ zh_TW:
new_badge: 新徽章
new: 新
name: 名稱
badge: 徽章
display_name: 顯示名稱
description: 簡述
badge_type: 徽章類型
@ -1479,6 +1504,7 @@ zh_TW:
grant: 升級
no_user_badges: "%{name} 未有任何升級徽章。"
no_badges: 沒有徽章可供升級
allow_title: 允許使用徽章作為稱號
download: "下載"
@ -1507,14 +1533,14 @@ zh_TW:
title: '行動'
star: '<b>f</b> 收藏討論話題'
share_topic: '<b>s</b> 分享討論話題'
share_post: '<b>shift s</b> 分享帖子'
share_post: '<b>shift s</b> 分享貼文'
reply_topic: '<b>r</b> 回覆討論話題'
reply_post: '<b>shift r</b> 回覆帖子'
like: '<b>l</b> 讚好'
flag: '<b>!</b> 標籤帖子'
bookmark: '<b>b</b> 收藏帖子'
edit: '<b>e</b> 編輯帖子'
delete: '<b>d</b> 刪除帖子'
reply_post: '<b>shift r</b> 回覆貼文'
like: '<b>l</b> 按讚'
flag: '<b>!</b> 標籤貼文'
bookmark: '<b>b</b> 收藏貼文'
edit: '<b>e</b> 編輯貼文'
delete: '<b>d</b> 刪除貼文'
mark_muted: '<b>m</b> 之後 <b>m</b> 標籤討論話題被消音'
mark_regular: '<b>m</b> 之後 <b>r</b> 標籤討論話題回復正常'
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b> 之後 <b>t</b> 標籤討論話題被追蹤'
@ -1527,6 +1553,7 @@ zh_TW:
other: "+%{count} 以上"
other: "%{count} 升級"
select_badge_for_title: 選擇一枚徽章作為你的稱號
name: 徽章範例
description: 這是一個徽章範例
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ cs:
We're sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to %{newuser_max_replies_per_topic} replies in the same topic.
You'll be able to reply to this topic again once someone has replied to you. In the meantime, consider editing your previous replies.
Instead of adding another reply, please consider editing your previous replies, or visiting other topics.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ fr:
posts: "messages"
loading: "Chargement"
powered_by_html: 'Propulsé par <a href="http://www.discourse.org">Discourse</a>, le rendu est meilleur avec le JavaScript activé'
log_in: "Connexion"
log_in: "Se connecter"
via: "%{username} via %{site_name}"
is_reserved: "est réservé"
@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ fr:
crawl_images: "Permettre aux images provenant de sources tierces d'insérer la hauteur et la largeur de celles-ci"
download_remote_images_to_local: "Téléchargez une copie des images distantes référencées dans les messages"
download_remote_images_threshold: "Quantité d'espace disque disponible minimum requise pour télécharger localement des images distantes (en pour cent)"
disabled_image_download_domains: "Une liste délimitée par un pipe (|) des domaines pour lesquels les images ne seront jamais téléchargé localement."
ninja_edit_window: "Temps d'édition avant de sauvegarder une nouvelle version, en secondes."
post_edit_time_limit: "Temps en minutes durant lequel les messages peuvent être modifiés et supprimés par l'auteur. Mettre à 0 pour permettre l'édition et la suppression des messages à tout moment."
edit_history_visible_to_public: "Autoriser tout le monde à voir les versions précédentes d'un posté édité. Quand désactivé, seuls les membres de l'équipe peuvent consulter l'historique des éditions."
@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ fr:
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "La période de grâce (en heures) avant qu'un téléchargement orphelin soit retiré."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "La période de grâce (en jours) avant qu'un transfert supprimé soit effacé."
enable_s3_uploads: "Placer les fichiers sur Amazon S3"
s3_upload_bucket: "Le bucket name Amazon S3 qui contiendra les fichiers téléchargés. ATTENTION : doit être en minuscule (cf. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html)"
s3_upload_bucket: "Le nom du bucket Amazon S3 qui contiendra les fichiers téléchargés. ATTENTION : doit être en minuscule, sans périodes."
s3_access_key_id: "L' access key Amazon S3 qui sera utilisée pour uploader les images"
s3_secret_access_key: "La clé secrète Amazon S3 qui va être utilisée pour uploader des images"
s3_region: "Le nom de la région Amazon S3 qui va être utilisée pour uploader des images"
@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ fr:
newuser_max_images: "Combien d'images un nouvel utilisateur peut-il ajouter à un message"
newuser_max_attachments: "Combien de fichiers un nouvel utilisateur peut-il ajouter à un message"
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Nombre maximal de @pseudo qu'un nouvel utilisateur peut mentionner dans un message"
newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Nombre maximum de réponses qu'un nouvel utilisateur peut faire par sujet"
newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Nombre maximum de réponses qu'un nouvel utilisateur peut faire dans une même discussion avant que quelqu'un lui réponde"
max_mentions_per_post: "Nombre maximal de @pseudo qu'un utilisateur peut mentionner dans un message"
create_thumbnails: "Créer un aperçu pour les images imbriquées"
email_time_window_mins: "Combien de minutes devons nous attendre avant d'envoyer des notifications de réponse par emails, pour donner une chance à l'utilisateur d'éditer et de finaliser leurs messages."
@ -704,9 +705,10 @@ fr:
category_colors: "Une liste de couleurs autorisées pour les catégories (au format hexadécimal, séparés par un |)"
max_image_size_kb: "La taille maximale des images que nous permettons aux utilisateurs d'envoyer (en Ko) - configure la limite dans nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache ou proxy aussi."
max_attachment_size_kb: "La taille maximale des fichiers que nous permettons aux utilisateurs d'envoyer (en Ko) - configure la limite dans nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache ou proxy aussi."
authorized_extensions: "Une liste d'extensions de fichier autorisées pour les envois de fichiers (séparés par un |)"
authorized_extensions: "Une liste de pipes (|) des extensions de fichier autorisées pour les envois sur le serveur ('*' pour autoriser tout les types)"
max_similar_results: "Nombre de sujets similaires à afficher lorsqu'un utilisateur est en train de créer un nouveau sujet"
title_prettify: "Corrige les coquilles les plus communes dans les titres (intégralité du titre en majuscule, première lettre en minuscule, de multiples ! et ?, un . inutile à la fin, etc.)"
title_sanitize: "Supprimer les éléments html des titres"
topic_views_heat_low: "Le nombre de vues à partir duquel le niveau d'intensité du sujet est : faible."
topic_views_heat_medium: "Le nombre de vues à partir duquel le niveau d'intensité du sujet est : moyen."
topic_views_heat_high: "Le nombre de vues à partir duquel le niveau d'intensité du sujet est : élevé."
@ -728,7 +730,7 @@ fr:
email_in_min_trust: "Le niveau de confiance minimum qu'un utilisateur doit avoir pour être autorisés à poster de nouveaux sujets par e-mail"
email_in_category: "La catégorie où les nouveaux e-mails seront affichés"
email_prefix: "Le [label] qui sera utiliser dans le sujet des emails. Par défaut il prend la valeur de 'title'"
minimum_topics_similar: "Combien de sujets ont besoin d'existé dans la base de données avant que des sujets similaires soit présentés."
minimum_topics_similar: "Combien de sujets ont besoin d'exister dans la base de données avant que des sujets similaires soit présentés."
relative_date_duration: "Nombre de jours après la création d'un message à partir desquels les dates seront affichées en absolu plutôt qu'en relatif. Exemple: relatif : 7j, absolut : 20 Fév"
delete_user_max_post_age: "L'âge maximum du premier message d'un utilisateur, en jours, qui permet de supprimer un utilisateur."
delete_all_posts_max: "Le nombre maximum de messages qui peuvent être supprimer en une seule fois avec le bouton Supprimer tous les messages. Si un utilisateur a plus que ce nombre de messages, les messages ses messages ne pourront pas être supprimé en une seul fois et l'utilisateur ne pourra pas être supprimé."
@ -736,6 +738,7 @@ fr:
email_editable: "Autoriser les utilisateurs à changer leur adresse e-mail après l'inscription."
allow_uploaded_avatars: "Autoriser les utilisateurs d'envoyer leurs propres avatars."
allow_animated_avatars: "Autoriser les utilisateurs à utiliser des avatars avec des gif animés. ATTENTION: il est hautement recommandé d'exécuter la tâche rake avatars:regenerate après avoir changé ce paramètre."
digest_topics: "Le nombre maximum de sujets à afficher dans l'email de résumé"
digest_min_excerpt_length: "Combien de caractères nous visons pour chaque message dans l'e-mail résumé"
default_digest_email_frequency: "A quelle fréquence les utilisateurs reçoivent-ils les emails par défaut. Ils peuvent changer ce paramétrage dans leur préférences."
default_external_links_in_new_tab: "Les liens externes s'ouvrent dans un nouvel onglet. Les utilisateurs peuvent modifier ceci dans leurs préférences."
@ -778,6 +781,7 @@ fr:
invited_to_private_message: "%{display_username} vous a invité dans une conversation privée: %{link}"
invitee_accepted: "%{display_username} a accepté votre invitation"
linked: "%{display_username} a mentionné l'un de vos messages : %{link}"
granted_badge: "Vous avez obtenu le badge %{link}"
within_post: "#%{post_number} par %{username}: %{excerpt}"
@ -818,9 +822,9 @@ fr:
one: "Ce sujet a été automatiquement fermé après 1 minute. Aucune réponse n'est permise dorénavant."
other: "Ce sujet a été automatiquement fermé après %{count} minutes. Aucune réponse n'est permise dorénavant."
autoclosed_disabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant ouvert. Vous pouvez y participer."
pinned_enabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant épinglé. Il apparaîtra en haut de sa catégorie jusqu'à ce qu'il soit désépinglé par un modérateur, ou par chaque utilisateur utilisant le bouton Désépingler."
pinned_enabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant épinglé. Il apparaîtra en haut de sa catégorie jusqu'à ce qu'il soit désépinglé par un modérateur, ou individuellement par les utilisateurs eux-mêmes."
pinned_disabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant désépinglé. Il n'apparaîtra plus en haut de sa categorie."
pinned_globally_enabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant épinglée pour tous. Il apparaîtra en haut de sa catégorie et de chaque liste de sujets jusqu'à ce qu'il soit désépinglé par un modérateur, ou en utilisant le bouton Désépingler."
pinned_globally_enabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant épinglée pour tous. Il apparaîtra en haut de sa catégorie et de chaque liste de sujets jusqu'à ce qu'il soit désépinglé par un modérateur, ou individuellement par les utilisateurs eux-mêmes."
pinned_globally_disabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant désépinglé. Il n'apparaîtra plus en haut de sa catégorie."
visible_enabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant visible. Il sera affiché dans la liste des sujets."
visible_disabled: "Ce sujet est maintenant invisible. Il ne sera plus affichée dans la liste des sujets. Le seul moyen d'y accéder est par lien direct."
@ -1134,6 +1138,9 @@ fr:
Il y a de nouvelles inscriptions utilisateurs en attente d'approbation (ou rejet) avant d'avoir accès à ce forum.
[Veuillez les viser dans la section d'administration](%{base_url}/admin/users/list/pending).
subject_template: "Téléchargement d'images distantes désactivé"
text_body_template: "Le paramètre `download_remote_images_to_local` à été désactivé car la limite (`download_remote_images_threshold`) d'espace disque utilisé par les images vient d'être dépassée."
unsubscribe_link: "Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir ces emails, visitez vos [préférences utilisateur](%{user_preferences_url})."
previous_discussion: "Réponses précédentes"
@ -1197,14 +1204,16 @@ fr:
why: "Voici un bref résumé de ce qui s'est passé sur %{site_link} depuis la dernière fois que nous vous avons vu(e) le %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Activité du Forum pour %{date}"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Résumé du %{date}"
new_activity: "Nouvelles activités sur vos sujets et messages :"
top_topics: "Sujets récents appréciés par la communautée :"
other_new_topics: "Autres nouveaux sujets:"
top_topics: "Messages populaires"
other_new_topics: "Sujets populaires"
unsubscribe: "Ce mail résumé vous est transmis courtoisement par %{site_link} quand nous ne vous avons pas vu depuis quelques temps. Pour vous désabonner %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "cliquez ici"
from: "Résumé de %{site_name}"
read_more: "En Lire Plus"
read_more: "En lire plus"
more_topics: "Il y a eu %{new_topics_since_seen} nouvelles discussions postées depuis votre dernière visite le %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "Il y a eu %{new_topics_since_seen} nouvelles discussions postées dans cette catégorie depuis votre dernière visite le %{last_seen_at}."
one: "1 message"
other: "%{count} messages"
@ -1273,7 +1282,7 @@ fr:
signup_form_message: 'J''ai lu et j''accepte les <a href="/tos" target="_blank">Conditions d''utilisation</ a>.'
deleted: 'supprimé'
edit_reason: "Nous téléchargeons des copies locales des images de ce message"
edit_reason: "Nous avons téléchargé des copies locales des images distantes"
unauthorized: "Désolé, le fichier que vous essayer d'envoyer n'est pas autorisé (extensions autorisés : %{authorized_extensions})."
pasted_image_filename: "Image collée"
store_failure: "Erreur lors du stockage de #%{upload_id} par l'utilisateur #%{user_id}."
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# This file contains content for the server portion of Discourse used by Ruby
# To work with us on translations, see:
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-pt-br/
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into
# http://yamllint.com/
@ -17,40 +15,32 @@ he:
short: "%m-%d-%Y"
short_no_year: "%B %-d"
date_only: "%b %-d, %Y"
title: "Discourse"
topics: "נושאים"
posts: "הודעות"
loading: "טוען"
powered_by_html: 'מונע ע"י <a href="http://www.discourse.org">Discourse</a>, פועל מיטבית עם Javascript'
log_in: "התחברות"
via: "%{username} עם %{site_name}"
is_reserved: "שמור"
load_from_remote: "ארעה שגיאה בטעינת ההודעה הזו."
operation_already_running: "פעולה רצה כרגע. לא יכול להתחיל עבודה חדשה עכשיו."
backup_file_should_be_tar_gz: "קובץ הגיוי צריך להיות .tar.gz."
not_enough_space_on_disk: "אין מספיק מקום על הדיסק כדי להעלות את הגיבוי הזה."
not_logged_in: "אתה צריך להיות מחובר כדי לעשות את זה."
read_only_mode_enabled: "האתר הזה במצב קריאה בלבד. פעולות אין אפשריות."
one: "אנחנו מצטערים, אבל משתמשים חדשים מוגבלים זמנים לתגובה אחת לאותו הנושא."
other: "אנחנו מצטערים, אבל משתמשים חדשים מוגבלים זמנים ל-%{count} תגובות לאותו הנושא."
start_discussion: "התחלת הדיון"
continue: "המשך הדיון"
one: "עוד תגובה אחת"
other: "עוד %{count} תגובות"
loading: "טוען דיון..."
permalink: "קישור"
imported_from: "זה דיון מלווה לערך המקורי ב- %{link}"
@ -58,7 +48,6 @@ he:
one: "תגובה אחת"
other: "%{count} תגובות"
zero: "סליחה, אתה לא יכול לאזכר משתמשים אחרים"
one: "סליחה, אתה יכול לאזכר רק משתמש אחד בהודעה."
@ -80,7 +69,6 @@ he:
one: "סליחה, משתמשים חדשים יכולים להוסיף רק קישור אחד להודעה."
other: "סליחה, משתמשים חדשים יכולים להוסיף רק %{count} קישורים לכל היותר להודעה."
spamming_host: "סליחה אך אינך יכול להוסיף קישור לאתר זה."
just_posted_that: "דומה מידי למה שפורסם לאחרונה"
has_already_been_used: "כבר בשימוש"
invalid_characters: "מכיל תווים לא חוקיים"
@ -96,12 +84,11 @@ he:
num_posts: "הודעות:"
num_participants: "משתתפים:"
read_full_topic: "קרא נושא מלא"
private_message_abbrev: 'ה"פ'
private_message_abbrev: "ה\"פ"
latest: "נושאים מדוברים"
hot: "נושאים חמים"
too_late_to_edit: "ההודעה הזו נוצרה לפני זמן רב מידי. לא ניתן יותר לערוך או למחוק אותה."
can_not_modify_automatic: "אתה לא יכול לשנות קבוצה אוטומטית"
@ -114,13 +101,11 @@ he:
trust_level_3: "trust_level_3"
trust_level_4: "trust_level_4"
trust_level_5: "trust_level_5"
one: "הודעה אחת"
other: "%{count} הודעות"
'new-topic': |
new-topic: |
ברוכים הבאים ל%{site_name} — **תודה על פתיחת נושא חדש!**
- האם הכותרת מתארת נכונה את הנושא שלך? האם היא נשמעת מעניינת?
@ -130,8 +115,7 @@ he:
- כלול מילות חיפוש טובות בנושא שלך כדי שאחרים יוכלו *למצוא* אותו. קבץ את הנושא שלך עם נושאים דומים - בחר קטגוריה.
לעזרה נוספת, [ראה את השאלות הנפוצות אלינו](/faq). הפאנל הזה יופיע רק עבור %{education_posts_text} הראשונים שלך.
'new-reply': |
new-reply: |
ברוכים הבאים ל%{site_name} — **תודה על תרומתך!**
- האם התגובה שלך משפרת את השיחה בדרך כלשהי?
@ -141,7 +125,6 @@ he:
- ביקורת בונה היא מוזמנת, אבל בקרו *רעיונות*, לא אנשים.
לעזרה נוספת, [ראה את השאלות הנפוצות אלינו](/faq). הפאנל הזה יופיע רק עבור %{education_posts_text} הראשונים שלך.
avatar: |
### מה לגבי תמונה חדשה לחשבון שלך?
@ -150,7 +133,6 @@ he:
האם שקלת **[לבקר בעמוד הפרופיל שלך](%{profile_path})** ולהעלות תמונה אישית שמייצגת אותך?
יותר קל לעקוב אחרי דיוני הקהילה ולמצוא אנשים מעניינים בשיחות כשלכולם יש אוואטר ייחודי!
sequential_replies: |
### שקול להגיב למספר הודעות בבת אחת
@ -159,36 +141,30 @@ he:
ניתן לערוך תגובה קודמת להוספת ציטוט על ידי סימון טקסט ולחיצה על <b>תגובת ציטוט</b>.
קל יותר לכולם לקרוא נושאים שיש בהם מעט תגובות מקיפות אל מול המון תגובות בודדות קצרות.
dominating_topic: |
### אפשר לאחרים להצטרף לשיחה
הנושא הזה בבירור חשוב לך – פרסמת יותר מ-%{percent}% מהתגובות כאן.
בטוח שאתה נותן מספיק זמן לאחרים כדי לחלוק את נקודת מבטם?
too_many_replies: |
### הגעת למגבלת התגובות של הנושא הזה
אנחנו מצטערים, אבל משתמשים חדשים מודבלים זמנית לפרסום %{newuser_max_replies_per_topic} תגובות באותו הנושא.
במקום להוסיף תגובה נוספת, ניתן לערוך תגובה קודמת, או לבקר בנושאים אחרים.
reviving_old_topic: |
### להחיות נושא זה?
התגובה האחרונה לנושא הזה היא כבר בת יותר מ-%{days} ימים. התגובה שלך תקפיץ את הנושא הזה לראש הרשימה שלו ותודיע לכל מי שהיה מעורב בשיחה בו.
אתה בטוח שברצונך להמשיך את הדיון הישן הזה?
name: "שם קטגוריה"
raw: "גוף"
ip_address: ""
is_invalid: "אינו קביל; נסה להיות מעט יותר מפורט"
@ -204,22 +180,16 @@ he:
common: "אחד מ-5000 הסיסמאות הנפוצות ביותר. בבקשה בחרו סיסמה אחרת."
signup_not_allowed: " הרשמה אינו מורשית מהחשבון הזה."
no_info_me: "<div class='missing-profile'>שדה האודות של הפרופיל שלך ריק כרגע, <a href='/users/%{username_lower}/preferences/about-me'>תרצה למלא אותו?</a></div>"
no_info_other: "<div class='missing-profile'>%{name} עדיין לא הזין דבר בשדה אודות של הפרופיל שלהם</div>"
vip_category_name: "טרקלין"
vip_category_description: "קטגוריה אקסקלוסיבית למשתמשים עם רמת אמון 3 או יותר."
meta_category_name: "מטה"
meta_category_description: "דיון על הפורום הזה, הארגון שלו, איך שהוא פועל ואיך שניתן לשפר אותו."
staff_category_name: "צוות"
staff_category_description: "קטגוריה פרטית לדיוני הצוות. נושאים נראים רק למנהלים ומנהלים ראשיים."
assets_topic_body: "זה נושא לאכסון כל מרכיבי הפורום שבשימוש בעיצובו. אל תמחקו את זה!"
topic_prefix: "אודות הקטגוריה %{category}"
replace_paragraph: "[החלף את הפסקה הראשונה הזו עם תיאור קצר של הקטגוריה החדש שלך. התיאור הזה יופיע באיזור בחירת הקטגוריה, כך שיש לנסות לשמור עליו באורך פחות מ-200 תויים. עד שתעריך את המלל הזה או תיצור נושאים, הקטגוריה הזו לא תופיע בעמוד הקטגוריות.]"
@ -239,8 +209,6 @@ he:
title: "זקן שבט"
change_failed_explanation: "ניסית להוריד את דרגת %{user_name} לדרגה '%{new_trust_level}'. אולם הדרגה שלהם היא כבר '%{current_trust_level}'. %{user_name} יישאר '%{current_trust_level}'"
too_many_requests: "יש לנו מגבלה יומית על מספר הפעמים שניתן לבצע פעולה זו. אנא המתן %{time_left} לפני ניסיון חוזר."
@ -252,80 +220,77 @@ he:
one: "שניה אחת"
other: "%{count} שניות"
half_a_minute: "פחות מדקה"
one: "פחות משנייה"
one: "פחות משנייה"
other: "פחות מ-%{count} שניות"
one: "שנייה"
one: "שנייה"
other: "%{count} שניות"
one: "פחות מדקה"
one: "פחות מדקה"
other: "פחות מ-%{count} דקות"
one: "דקה"
one: "דקה"
other: "%{count} דקות"
one: "שעה"
one: "שעה"
other: "%{count} שעות"
one: "יום"
one: "יום"
other: "%{count} ימים"
one: "חודש"
one: "חודש"
other: "%{count} חודשים"
one: "חודש"
one: "חודש"
other: "%{count} חודשים"
one: "שנה"
one: "שנה"
other: "%{count} שנים"
one: "יותר משנה"
one: "יותר משנה"
other: "יותר מ-%{count} שנים"
one: "שנה"
one: "שנה"
other: "%{count} שנים"
half_a_minute: "ממש עכשיו"
one: "ממש עכשיו"
one: "ממש עכשיו"
other: "ממש עכשיו"
one: "לפני שנייה"
one: "לפני שנייה"
other: "לפני %{count} שניות"
one: "לפני פחות מדקה"
one: "לפני פחות מדקה"
other: "לפני פחות מ-%{count} דקות"
one: "לפני דקה"
one: "לפני דקה"
other: "לפני %{count} דקות"
one: "לפני שעה"
one: "לפני שעה"
other: "לפני %{count} שעות"
one: "אתמול"
one: "אתמול"
other: "לפני %{count} ימים"
one: "לפני בערך חודש"
one: "לפני בערך חודש"
other: "לפני בערך %{count} חודשים"
one: "לפני חודש"
one: "לפני חודש"
other: "לפני %{count} חודשים"
one: "לפני בערך שנה"
one: "לפני בערך שנה"
other: "לפני בערך %{count} שנים"
one: "לפני מעבר לשנה"
one: "לפני מעבר לשנה"
other: "לפני מעבר %{count} שנים"
one: "לפני כמעט שנה"
one: "לפני כמעט שנה"
other: "לפני כמעט %{count} שנים"
no_token: "סליחה, פג תוקף אסימון איפוס הסיסמה. אנא נסה לאפס אותה שנית."
choose_new: "אנא בחר סיסמה חדשה"
@ -336,18 +301,15 @@ he:
success: "שינית את סיסמתך בהצלחה ואתה עכשיו מחובר."
success_unapproved: "שינית את הסיסמה שלך אוטומטית."
continue: "המשך ל-%{site_name}"
confirmed: "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך עודכנה"
please_continue: "אנא המשך ל-%{link}"
error: "הייתה שגאיה בעדכון כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני. אולי היא כבר בשימוש?"
already_done: "סליחה, כתובת אישור החשבון הזו אינה זמינה יותר. אולי החשבון שלך כבר פעיל?"
please_continue: "החשבון שלך מאומת ואתה מחובר. המשך ל-%{link}"
welcome_to: "ברוכים הבאים ל-%{site_name}!"
approval_required: "מנהל צריך לאשר את החשבון שלך ידנית לפני שתוכל להיכנס לפורום הזה. יישלח אליך דואר אלקטרוני כשהחשבון שלך יאושר!"
title: 'אוף-טופיק'
@ -385,7 +347,6 @@ he:
title: 'הצבע'
description: 'הצבע להודעה זו'
long_form: 'הצבעת להודעה זו'
title: 'ספאם'
@ -401,27 +362,22 @@ he:
long_form: 'מנהלים הותרעו'
email_title: 'הנושא "%{title}" דורש תשומת לב של מנהל'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
you_must_edit: '<p>הודעתך דוגללה על ידי הקהילה. אנא ראה הודעות פרטיות.</p>'
user_must_edit: '<p>תוכן מדוגלל נסתר זמנים.</p>'
title: "נושא רגיל"
title: 'מנוי בוטל'
description: "המנוי שלך בוטל. לא ניצור איתך קשר יותר!"
oops: "במקרה שלא התכוונת לעשות את זה, לחץ מטה."
not_found: "שגיאה בביטול מנוי"
not_found_description: "סליחה, לא יכולנו לבטל את המנוי שלך. זה אפשרי שפג תוקף הקישור בהודעת הדואר שלך."
action: "צור מנוי מחדש"
title: "מנוי נוצר!"
description: "נוצר לך מנוי מחדש."
title: "ביקורי משתמש"
@ -498,7 +454,6 @@ he:
title: "נושאים מיוחסים"
xaxis: "נושא"
num_clicks: "לחיצות"
rails_env_warning: "השרת שלך רץ במצב %{env}."
ruby_version_warning: "You are running a version of Ruby 2.0.0 that is known to have problems. Upgrade to patch level 247 or later."
@ -524,7 +479,6 @@ he:
site_contact_username_warning: "The site_contact_username setting is blank. Please update it in the <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>. Set it to the username of an admin user who should be the sender of system messages."
notification_email_warning: "The notification_email setting is blank. Please update it in the <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>."
enforce_global_nicknames_warning: "The enforce_global_nicknames setting is checked, but the discourse_org_access_key is blank. A Discourse.org access key is required to use the enforce_global_nicknames setting. Please update your <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>."
title: "New User Education: First Replies"
@ -571,7 +525,6 @@ he:
title: "Signup Form: Terms of Service Message"
description: "The message that will appear beside a checkbox on the signup form if the tos_accept_required site setting is enabled."
default_locale: "The default language of this Discourse instance (ISO 639-1 Code)"
allow_user_locale: "Allow users to choose their own language interface preference"
@ -607,18 +560,15 @@ he:
category_featured_topics: "Number of topics displayed per category on the /categories page. After changing this value, it takes up to 15 minutes for the categories page to update."
add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content: "Add rel nofollow to all submitted user content, except for internal links (including parent domains) changing this requires you update all your baked markdown with: \"rake posts:rebake\""
exclude_rel_nofollow_domains: "A pipe-delimited list of domains where nofollow is not added (tld.com will automatically allow sub.tld.com as well)"
post_excerpt_maxlength: "Maximum length in chars of a post's excerpt"
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximum length of a oneboxed Discourse post"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "A list of domains to whitelist for oneboxing. (Example: eviltrout.com)"
category_post_template: "The post template used when you create a new category"
logo_url: "The logo for your site eg: http://example.com/logo.png"
digest_logo_url: "The logo used in your site's email digest. If left blank `logo_url` will be used. eg: http://example.com/logo.png"
logo_small_url: "The small logo for your site used when scrolling down on topics eg: http://example.com/logo-small.png"
favicon_url: "A favicon for your site, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon"
apple_touch_icon_url: "Icon used for Apple touch devices. Recommended size is 144px by 144px."
notification_email: "The return email address used when sending system emails such as notifying users of lost passwords, new accounts etc"
email_custom_headers: "A pipe-delimited list of custom email headers"
use_https: "Should the full url for the site (Discourse.base_url) be http or https? DO NOT ENABLE THIS UNLESS HTTPS IS ALREADY SET UP AND WORKING!"
@ -627,26 +577,20 @@ he:
summary_likes_required: "Minimum likes in a topic before the 'summary' mode will be enabled"
summary_percent_filter: "When a user clicks summary, show the top % of posts"
enable_private_messages: "Allow basic (1) trust level users to create private messages and reply to private messages"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
long_polling_interval: "Interval before a new long poll is issued in milliseconds "
polling_interval: "How often should logged in user clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
auto_track_topics_after: "Global default milliseconds before a topic is automatically tracked, users can override (0 for always, -1 for never)"
new_topic_duration_minutes: "Global default number of minutes a topic is considered new, users can override (-1 for always, -2 for last visit)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and PM sent to the user (0 for never)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via flagging"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
num_flags_to_block_new_user: "If a new user's posts get this many spam flags from num_users_to_block_new_user different users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 disables this feature."
num_users_to_block_new_user: "If a new user's posts get num_flags_to_block_new_user spam flags from this many different users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 disables this feature."
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "If a user is automatically blocked, send a message to all moderators."
flag_sockpuppets: "If a new user (i.e., registered in the last 24 hours) who started a topic and a new user who replies in that topic are at the same IP address, both their posts will automatically be flagged as spam."
traditional_markdown_linebreaks: "Use traditional linebreaks in Markdown, which require two trailing spaces for a linebreak"
post_undo_action_window_mins: "Number of seconds users are allowed to reverse actions on a post (like, flag, etc)"
must_approve_users: "Admins must approve all users before they gain access"
@ -667,71 +611,51 @@ he:
send_welcome_message: "Do new users get a welcome private message?"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
suppress_reply_directly_above: "Don't show in-reply-to on a post when there is a single reply directly above"
topics_per_period_in_top_summary: "How many topics loaded on the top topics summary"
topics_per_period_in_top_page: "How many topics loaded on the top topics page"
redirect_users_to_top_page: "Automatically redirect new & long-time-no-see users to top page"
redirect_new_users_to_top_page_duration: "Number of days during which new users are automatically redirect to the top page"
enable_badges: "Enable the badge system (experimental)"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Site should be indexed by search engines (update robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that are not allowed. Example: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that users may register with. WARNING: Users with email domains other than those listed will not be allowed."
version_checks: "Ping the Discourse Hub for version updates and show version messages on the /admin dashboard"
new_version_emails: "Send an email to the contact_email address when a new version is available."
port: "DEVELOPER ONLY! WARNING! Use this HTTP port rather than the default of port 80. Leave blank for default of 80."
force_hostname: "DEVELOPER ONLY! WARNING! Specify a hostname in the URL. Leave blank for default."
invite_expiry_days: "How long user invitation keys are valid, in days"
# TODO: perhaps we need a way of protecting these settings for hosted solution, global settings ...
invite_only: "Public registration is disabled, new users must be invited"
login_required: "Require authentication to read posts"
min_username_length: "Minimum username length. (Does not apply if global nickname uniqueness is forced)"
min_password_length: "Minimum password length."
block_common_passwords: "Don't allow passwords that are in the 5000 most common passwords."
enable_sso: "Enable single sign on via an external site"
sso_url: "URL of single sign on endpoint"
sso_secret: "Secret string used to encrypt/decrypt SSO information, be sure it is 10 chars or longer"
sso_overrides_email: "Overrides local email with external site email from SSO payload (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local emails)"
sso_overrides_username: "Overrides local username with external site username from SSO payload (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to differences in username length/requirements)"
sso_overrides_name: "Overrides local name with external site name from SSO payload (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local names)"
enable_local_logins: "Enable traditional, local username and password authentication"
enable_google_logins: "Enable Google authentication"
enable_yahoo_logins: "Enable Yahoo authentication"
enable_twitter_logins: "Enable Twitter authentication, requires twitter_consumer_key and twitter_consumer_secret"
twitter_consumer_key: "Consumer key for Twitter authentication, registered at http://dev.twitter.com"
twitter_consumer_secret: "Consumer secret for Twitter authentication, registered at http://dev.twitter.com"
enable_facebook_logins: "Enable Facebook authentication, requires facebook_app_id and facebook_app_secret"
facebook_app_id: "App id for Facebook authentication, registered at https://developers.facebook.com/apps"
facebook_app_secret: "App secret for Facebook authentication, registered at https://developers.facebook.com/apps"
enable_github_logins: "Enable Github authentication, requires github_client_id and github_client_secret"
github_client_id: "Client id for Github authentication, registered at https://github.com/settings/applications"
github_client_secret: "Client secret for Github authentication, registered at https://github.com/settings/applications"
allow_restore: "Allow restore, which can replace ALL site data! Leave false unless you plan to do restore a backup"
maximum_backups: "The maximum amount of backups to keep on disk. Older backups are automatically deleted"
backup_daily: "Automatically create a site backup once a day"
enable_s3_backups: "Upload backups to S3 when complete. Make sure you have filled in your s3 credentials."
s3_backup_bucket: "The remote bucket to hold backups. WARNING: Make sure it is a private bucket."
active_user_rate_limit_secs: "How frequently we update the 'last_seen_at' field, in seconds"
previous_visit_timeout_hours: "How long a visit lasts before we consider it the 'previous' visit, in hours"
rate_limit_create_topic: "After creating a topic, users must wait this many seconds before they can create another topic"
rate_limit_create_post: "After posting, users must wait this many seconds before they can create another post"
max_likes_per_day: "Maximum number of likes per user per day"
max_flags_per_day: "Maximum number of flags per user per day"
max_bookmarks_per_day: "Maximum number of bookmarks per user per day"
@ -739,9 +663,7 @@ he:
max_stars_per_day: "Maximum number of topics that can be starred per user per day"
max_topics_per_day: "Maximum number of topics a user can create per day"
max_private_messages_per_day: "The maximum amount of private messages users can create per day"
suggested_topics: "Number of suggested topics shown at the bottom of a topic"
clean_up_uploads: "Remove orphaned uploads to prevent illegal hosting. WARNING: you might want to make a backup of your /uploads directory before enabled this setting."
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Grace period (in hours) before an orphan upload is removed."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Grace period (in days) before a deleted upload is erased."
@ -750,16 +672,12 @@ he:
s3_access_key_id: "The Amazon S3 access key id that will be used to upload images"
s3_secret_access_key: "The Amazon S3 secret access key that will be used to upload images"
s3_region: "The Amazon S3 region name that will be used to upload images"
enable_flash_video_onebox: "Enable embedding of swf and flv links in oneboxes. WARNING: may introduce a security risk"
default_invitee_trust_level: "Default trust level (0-4) for invited users"
default_trust_level: "Default trust level (0-4) for users"
basic_requires_topics_entered: "How many topics a new user must enter before promotion to basic (1) trust level"
basic_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a new user must read before promotion to basic (1) trust level"
basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a new user must read posts before promotion to basic (1) trust level"
regular_requires_topics_entered: "How many topics a basic user must enter before promotion to regular (2) trust level"
regular_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a basic user must read before promotion to regular (2) trust level"
regular_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a basic user must read posts before promotion to regular (2) trust level"
@ -767,55 +685,40 @@ he:
regular_requires_likes_received: "How many likes a basic user must receive before promotion to regular (2) trust level"
regular_requires_likes_given: "How many likes a basic user must cast before promotion to regular (2) trust level"
regular_requires_topic_reply_count: "How many topics a basic user must reply to before promotion to regular (2) trust level"
min_trust_to_create_topic: "The minimum trust level required to create a new topic."
newuser_max_links: "How many links a new user can add to a post"
newuser_max_images: "How many images a new user can add to a post"
newuser_max_attachments: "How many attachments a new user can add to a post"
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications a new user can use in a post"
newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Maximum number of replies a new user can make in a single topic"
max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications you can use in a post"
create_thumbnails: "Create thumbnails for lightboxed images"
email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending reply notification emails, to give users a chance to edit and finalize their posts"
email_posts_context: "How many prior replies to include as context in notification emails"
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds"
max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title"
title_min_entropy: "The minimum allowed entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a topic title"
body_min_entropy: "The minimum allowed entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a post body"
title_fancy_entities: "Convert common ASCII characters to fancy HTML entities in topic titles, ala SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
min_title_similar_length: "The minimum length of a title before it will be checked for similar topics"
min_body_similar_length: "The minimum length of a post's body before it will be checked for similar topics"
category_colors: "A pipe (|) separated list of hexadecimal color values allowed for categories"
max_image_size_kb: "The maximum size of images we allow users to upload in kB - configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well."
max_attachment_size_kb: "The maximum size of files we allow users to upload in kB - configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well."
authorized_extensions: "A pipe (|) separated list of file extensions allowed for upload"
max_similar_results: "How many similar topics to show a user while they are composing a new topic"
title_prettify: "Prevent common title typos and errors, including all caps, lowercase first character, multiple ! and ?, extra . at end, etc."
topic_views_heat_low: "The number of views after which a topic's heat level is low."
topic_views_heat_medium: "The number of views after which a topic's heat level is medium."
topic_views_heat_high: "The number of views after which a topic's heat level is high."
faq_url: "If you have a FAQ hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here."
tos_url: "If you have a Terms of Service document hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here."
privacy_policy_url: "If you have a Privacy Policy document hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here."
newuser_spam_host_threshold: "How many times a new user can post a link to the same host within their `newuser_spam_host_posts` posts before being considered spam."
white_listed_spam_host_domains: "A pipe-delimited list of domains excluded from spam host testing, new users will be able to create an unrestricted count of posts with links to this domain"
staff_like_weight: "Extra weighting factor given to likes when performed by staff."
reply_by_email_enabled: "Enable replying to topics via email"
reply_by_email_address: "Template for reply by email incoming email address, for example: %{reply_key}@reply.example.com or replies+%{reply_key}@example.com"
pop3s_polling_enabled: "Poll via POP3S for email replies"
pop3s_polling_port: "The port to poll a POP3S account on"
pop3s_polling_host: "The host to poll for email via POP3S"
@ -826,36 +729,26 @@ he:
email_in_min_trust: "The minimum trust level an users needs to have to be allowed to post new topics via email"
email_in_category: "The category new emails are posted into"
email_prefix: "The [label] used in the subject of emails. It will default to 'title' if not set"
minimum_topics_similar: "How many topics need to exist in the database before similar topics are presented."
relative_date_duration: "Number of days after posting where post dates will be shown as relative instead of absolute. Examples: relative date: 7d, absolute date: 20 Feb"
delete_user_max_post_age: "The maximum age of a user's first post, in days, which allows a user to be deleted."
delete_all_posts_max: "The maximum number of posts that can be deleted at once with the Delete All Posts button. If a user has more than this many posts, the posts cannot all be deleted at once and the user can't be deleted."
username_change_period: "The number of days after registration that accounts can change their username (0 to disallow username change)."
email_editable: "Allow users to change their e-mail address after registration."
allow_uploaded_avatars: "Allow users to upload their custom avatars"
allow_animated_avatars: "Allow users to use animated gif for avatars. WARNING: it is highly recommended to run the avatars:regenerate rake task after changing that setting."
digest_min_excerpt_length: "How many characters we're aiming for for each post in the email digest"
default_digest_email_frequency: "How often users receive digest emails by default. They can change this setting in their preferences."
default_external_links_in_new_tab: "Open external links in a new tab. Users can change this in their preferences."
detect_custom_avatars: "Whether or not to check that users have uploaded custom avatars"
max_daily_gravatar_crawls: "The maximum amount of times Discourse will check gravatar for custom avatars in a day"
allow_profile_backgrounds: "Allows users to upload profile backgrounds"
sequential_replies_threshold: "The amount of posts a user has to make in a row in a topic before being notified"
enable_mobile_theme: "Mobile devices use a mobile-friendly theme, with the ability to switch to the full site. Disable this if you want to use a custom stylesheet that is fully responsive."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "What percentage of posts a user has to make in a topic before we consider it dominating."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Don't show the badge for uncategorized topics in topic lists"
min_posts_for_search_in_topic: "Disable search within topic if topics have less than minimum number posts"
global_notice: "Display a global banner to all users of the site, change to blank to hide it (HTML is allowed)"
enable_names: "Allow users to show their full names"
display_name_on_posts: "Also show a user's full name on their posts"
invites_shown: "Maximum invites shown on a user page"
@ -863,7 +756,6 @@ he:
default_code_lang: "Default programming language syntax highlighting applied to GitHub code blocks (lang-auto, ruby, python etc.)"
warn_reviving_old_topic_age: "When someone starts replying to a topic older than this many days, a warning will be displayed to discourage the user from reviving an old discussion. Disable by setting to 0."
autohighlight_all_code: "Apply code highlighting to all preformatted code blocks even when they didn't specify the language"
embeddable_host: "Host that can embed the comments from this Discourse forum"
feed_polling_enabled: "Whether to import a RSS/ATOM feed as posts"
feed_polling_url: "URL of RSS/ATOM feed to import"
@ -875,7 +767,6 @@ he:
embed_blacklist_selector: "css selector for elements that are removed from embeds"
tos_accept_required: "If enabled, users will need to check a box on the signup form to confirm that they accept the terms of service. Edit 'Signup Form: Terms of Service Message' in the Content tab to change the message."
notify_about_flags_after: "If there are flags that haven't been handled after this many hours, send an email to the contact_email. Set to 0 to disable."
mentioned: "%{display_username} אזכר אותך ב %{link}"
liked: "%{display_username} נתן לייק להודעה שלך ב %{link}"
@ -888,23 +779,19 @@ he:
invited_to_private_message: "%{display_username} הזמין אותך להודעה פרטית: %{link}"
invitee_accepted: "%{display_username} קיבל את הזמנתך"
linked: "%{display_username} קישר אליך ב %{link}"
within_post: "#%{post_number} מאת %{username}: %{excerpt}"
category: 'קטגוריות'
topic: 'נושאים'
user: 'משתמשים'
original_poster: "מפרסם מקורים"
most_posts: "מירב ההודעות"
most_recent_poster: "המפרסם האחרון"
frequent_poster: "מפרסם מתמיד"
new_user: "ברוכים הבאים! כמבקר חדש, זה יהיה עמוד הבית שלך עד שתספיק להסתכל מסביב. הנה חלק מהנושאים הפופולריים מהעבר:"
not_seen_in_a_month: "ברוכים הבאים! לא ראינו אותך מזמן. הנה הדיונים הכי מדוברים מאז שלא התחברת."
one: "העברתי הודעה לנושא חדש: %{topic_link}"
@ -912,10 +799,8 @@ he:
one: "העברתחי הודעה לנושא קיים: %{topic_link}"
other: "העברתי %{count} הודעות לנושא קיים: %{topic_link}"
post_revision_text: "בעלות הועברה מהמשתמש %{old_user} אל %{new_user}"
archived_enabled: "הנושא הזה נכנס לארכיון. הוא קפוא ולא ניתן לשינוי בכל דרך."
archived_disabled: "הנושא הזה הוצא מהארכיון. הוא כבר לא קפוא, וניתן לשינוי."
@ -936,12 +821,10 @@ he:
autoclosed_disabled: "הנושא הזה נפתח. ניתן להגיב תגובות חדשות."
pinned_enabled: "הנושא הזה ננעץ. הוא יופיע בראש הקטגוריה שלו עד שיוסר מנעיצה על ידי מנהל או שכפתור נקה נעיצות נלחץ."
pinned_disabled: "הנושא הזה הוסר מנעיצה. הוא לא יוצג יותר בראש הקטגוריה שלו."
pinned_globally_enabled: "הנושא הזה עכשיו נעוץ גלובאלית. הוא יופיע בראש הקטגוריה שלו ובראש כל רשימות הנושאים עד שיוסר מנעיצה על ידי מנהל או שכפתור הנקה נעיצות יילחץ."
pinned_globally_disabled: "הנושא הזה הוסר מנעיצה. הוא לא יא יופיע יותר בראש הקטגוריה שלו."
visible_enabled: "הנושא הזה נראה. הוא יוצג ברשימות נושאים."
visible_disabled: "הנושא הזה בלתי נראה. הוא לא יוצג יותר באף רשימת נושאים. הדרך היחידה לגשת לנושא הזה היא דרך קישור ישיר."
not_approved: "חשבונך טרם אושר. יישלח אליך דואר אלקטרוני כשהוא יהיה מוכן להתחברות."
incorrect_username_email_or_password: "שם משתמש, דואר אלקטרוני או סיסמה לא נכונים"
@ -956,7 +839,6 @@ he:
something_already_taken: "משהו השתבש, אולי שם המשתמש או כתובת הדאור האלקטרוני כבר בשימוש. נסה את קישור שכחתי סיסמה."
omniauth_error: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה באישור חשבון ה-%{strategy} שלך. אולי לא אישרת לנו לחבר אותך דרכו?"
omniauth_error_unknown: "משהו השתבש במהלך עיבוד ההתחברות שלך, אנא נסה שנית."
short: "חייב להיות יותר מ-%{min} תווים"
@ -970,7 +852,6 @@ he:
blocked: "לא מורשה."
blocked: "חסום."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{invitee_name} הזמין אותך להשתתף בדיון באתר %{site_name}"
text_body_template: |
@ -983,7 +864,6 @@ he:
הוזמנת על ידי משתמש אמין, כך שתוכל לפרסם תגובה מיידית, ללא צורך להתחבר.
[1]: %{invite_link}
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{invitee_name} הזמין אותך להצטרף %{site_name}"
text_body_template: |
@ -996,7 +876,6 @@ he:
הוזמנת על ידי משתמש אמין, כך שתוכל לפרסם תגובה מיידית, ללא צורך להתחבר.
[1]: %{invite_link}
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email Deliverability Test"
text_body_template: |
@ -1037,7 +916,6 @@ he:
<small>There should be an unsubscribe footer on every email you send, so let's mock one up. This email was sent by Name of Company, 55 Main Street, Anytown, USA 12345. If you would like to opt out of future emails, [click here to unsubscribe][5].</small>
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] update available"
text_body_template: |
@ -1051,7 +929,6 @@ he:
- Upgrade by visiting `/admin/docker`, refreshing the page a few times, and pressing the "Upgrade Discourse" button.
- Visit http://meta.discourse.org for news, discussion, and support for Discourse.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] update available"
text_body_template: |
@ -1069,7 +946,6 @@ he:
### Release notes
one: "There are flags that were submitted over 1 hour ago."
@ -1080,7 +956,6 @@ he:
one: "1 flag is waiting to be handled"
other: "%{count} flags are waiting to be handled"
subject_template: "הודעה הוסתרה בעקבות דגלול"
@ -1098,7 +973,6 @@ he:
לעומת זאת, אם ההודעה תוסתר פעם שנייה, המנהלים יותרעו על כך -- ועלולה להיות פעולה נוספת על כך, כולל השעייה אפשרית שלך חשבונך.
למידע נוסף, אנא עיין [בשאלות הנפוצות](%{base_url}/faq).
text_body_template: |
בהודעה הפרטית הזו יש מספר טיפים קצרים כדי לעזור לך להתחיל:
@ -1140,7 +1014,6 @@ he:
- במהלך קריאת נושא, ניתן לעבור לראש העמוד ↑ על ידי לחיצה על כותרתו, או על ידי לחיצה על מקש <kbd>home</kbd> במקלדת. כדי להגיע *מטה* ↓ ניתן להשתמש בחץ למטה על מד ההתקדמות של הנושא, או ללחוץ על המקש<kbd>end</kbd> במקלדת.
- היעזר בזמני ההודעות כקיצורי דרך. תמיד אפשר להגיע לראש העמוד עם תאריך ההודעה הראשונה ולתחתית העמוד עם תאריך ההודעה האחרונה.
subject_template: "ברוכים הבאים ל %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -1151,7 +1024,6 @@ he:
אנחנו מאמינים [בהתנהגות הוגנת](%{base_url}/faq) בכל רגע נתון.
תהנו מהשהייה!
subject_template: "Welcome to %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -1174,11 +1046,9 @@ he:
Enjoy your stay!
[prefs]: %{user_preferences_url}
subject_template: "Export completed successfully"
text_body_template: "The export was successful."
subject_template: "Export failed"
text_body_template: |
@ -1189,11 +1059,9 @@ he:
subject_template: "Import completed successfully"
text_body_template: "The import was successful."
subject_template: "Import failed"
text_body_template: |
@ -1204,7 +1072,6 @@ he:
subject_template: "Error parsing email"
text_body_template: |
@ -1215,14 +1082,12 @@ he:
Error - %{error}
subject_template: "Message rejected"
text_body_template: |
The message you've send to %{to} was rejected by the system.
You do not have the required trust to post new topics to this email address.
subject_template: "New account blocked"
text_body_template: |
@ -1233,7 +1098,6 @@ he:
As a precautionary measure, your new account has been blocked from creating new replies or topics until a staff member can review your account.
For additional guidance, please refer to our [FAQ](%{base_url}/faq).
subject_template: "Account blocked"
text_body_template: |
@ -1242,7 +1106,6 @@ he:
This is an automated message from %{site_name} to inform you that your account has been blocked by a staff member.
For additional guidance, please refer to our [FAQ](%{base_url}/faq).
subject_template: "New user %{username} blocked via flags"
text_body_template: |
@ -1251,7 +1114,6 @@ he:
Please [review the flags](%{base_url}/admin/flags). If %{username} was incorrectly blocked from posting, click the unblock button on [the admin page for this user](%{base_url}%{user_url}).
This threshold can be changed via the `block_new_user` site settings.
subject_template: "New user %{username} posts blocked for repeated links"
text_body_template: |
@ -1260,7 +1122,6 @@ he:
Please [review the user](%{base_url}%{user_url}).
This threshold can be changed via the `newuser_spam_host_threshold` site setting.
subject_template: "Account unblocked"
text_body_template: |
@ -1269,7 +1130,6 @@ he:
This is an automated message from %{site_name} to inform you that your account has been unblocked after staff review.
You can now create new replies and topics again.
one: "1 user waiting for approval"
@ -1278,27 +1138,21 @@ he:
There are new user signups waiting to be approved (or rejected) before they can access this forum.
[Please review them in the admin section](%{base_url}/admin/users/list/pending).
unsubscribe_link: "To unsubscribe from these emails, visit your [user preferences](%{user_preferences_url})."
previous_discussion: "Previous Replies"
title: "Unsubscribe"
description: "Not interested in getting these emails? No problem! Click below to unsubscribe instantly:"
reply_by_email: "To respond, reply to this email or visit %{base_url}%{url} in your browser."
visit_link_to_respond: "To respond, visit %{base_url}%{url} in your browser."
posted_by: "Posted by %{username} on %{post_date}"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} invited you to a private message '%{topic_title}'"
text_body_template: |
%{username} invited you to a private message '%{topic_title}' on %{site_name}:
Please visit this link to view the topic: %{base_url}%{url}
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1308,7 +1162,6 @@ he:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1318,7 +1171,6 @@ he:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1328,7 +1180,6 @@ he:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1338,7 +1189,6 @@ he:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1348,7 +1198,6 @@ he:
why: "Here's a brief summary of the discussion on %{site_link} since we last saw you on %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Forum Activity for %{date}"
@ -1359,11 +1208,9 @@ he:
click_here: "click here"
from: "%{site_name} digest"
read_more: "Read More"
one: "1 post"
other: "%{count} posts"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Password reset"
text_body_template: |
@ -1373,7 +1220,6 @@ he:
Click the following link to choose a new password:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Set Password"
text_body_template: |
@ -1383,14 +1229,12 @@ he:
Click the following link to choose a password:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Confirm your new email address"
text_body_template: |
Confirm your new email address for %{site_name} by clicking on the following link:
subject_template: "You've been approved on %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -1408,7 +1252,6 @@ he:
We believe in [civilized community behavior](%{base_url}/faq) at all times.
Enjoy your stay!
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Activate your new account"
text_body_template: |
@ -1418,10 +1261,8 @@ he:
If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.
access_token_problem: "Tell an admin: Please update the site settings to include the correct discourse_org_access_key."
title: "The page you requested doesn't exist or is private."
popular_topics: "Popular topics"
@ -1429,20 +1270,16 @@ he:
see_more: "See More"
search_title: "Search for this topic"
search_google: "Search Google"
welcome_message: |
#[Welcome to %{title}](#welcome)
This discussion forum requires an account to view %{title}. Please create an account or login to continue.
user_content_license: |
User contributions are licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/deed.en_US). Without limiting any of those representations or warranties, %{company_short_name} has the right (though not the obligation) to, in %{company_short_name}’s sole discretion (i) refuse or remove any content that, in %{company_short_name}’s reasonable opinion, violates any %{company_short_name} policy or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (ii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Website to any individual or entity for any reason, in %{company_short_name}’s sole discretion. %{company_short_name} will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.
miscellaneous: "This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between %{company_short_name} and you concerning the subject matter hereof, and they may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of %{company_short_name}, or by the posting by %{company_short_name} of a revised version. Except to the extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise, this Agreement, any access to or use of the Website will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions, and the proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to any of the same will be the state and federal courts located in San Francisco County, California. Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (“JAMS”) by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Francisco, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys’ fees. If any part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties’ original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof. You may assign your rights under this Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; %{company_short_name} may assign its rights under this Agreement without condition. This Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns."
signup_form_message: 'I have read and accept the <a href="/tos" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>.'
deleted: 'deleted'
edit_reason: "We have downloaded copies of the remote images"
unauthorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: %{authorized_extensions})."
@ -1455,11 +1292,9 @@ he:
fetch_failure: "Sorry, there has been an error while fetching the image."
unknown_image_type: "Sorry, but the file you tried to upload doesn't appear to be an image."
size_not_found: "Sorry, but we couldn't determine the size of the image. Maybe your image is corrupted?"
sockpuppet: "A new user created a topic, and another new user at the same IP address replied. See the flag_sockpuppets site setting."
spam_hosts: "This user tried to create multiple posts with links to the same domain. See the newuser_spam_host_threshold site setting."
no_user: "Can't find user with id %{user_id}"
suspended_not_pm: "User is supsended and email is not a private message"
@ -541,6 +541,7 @@ it:
crawl_images: "Abilita la ricezione di immagini da sorgenti terze parti"
download_remote_images_to_local: "Scarica una copia delle immagini linkate nei post"
download_remote_images_threshold: "Percentuale di disco libero necessario per scaricare immagini nel PC"
disabled_image_download_domains: "Una lista di domini le cui immagini non verranno scaricate in locale."
ninja_edit_window: "Numero massimo di secondi che possono trascorrere dalla pubblicazione di un post affinché la modifica dello stesso non venga considerata una revisione."
post_edit_time_limit: "Tempo, in minuti, oltre il quale i post non possono più essere modificati e cancellati dall'autore. Metti 0 se vuoi che i post possano essere modificati o cancellati senza limiti temporali."
edit_history_visible_to_public: "Permetti a tutti di vedere le versioni precedenti di un topic modificato. Quando è disabilitato, solo i membri dello staff possono vederle."
@ -658,7 +659,7 @@ it:
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Quante ore prima che un upload \"orphan\" venga rimosso."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Giorni che devono trascorrere prima che un upload cancellato venga rimosso del tutto."
enable_s3_uploads: "Carica gli upload su Amazon S3"
s3_upload_bucket: "Nome del bucket di Amazon S3 nel quale verranno caricati i file"
s3_upload_bucket: "Il nome del bucket Amazon S3 sul quale verranno caricati i file. ATTENZIONE: deve essere in minuscolo.\\"
s3_access_key_id: "Chiave di accesso Amazon S3 che verrà usata per caricare le immagini"
s3_secret_access_key: "Chiave segreta d'accesso Amazon S3 che verrà usata per caricare le immagini"
s3_region: "Il nome della regione Amazon S3 che verrà usato per caricare le immagini"
@ -680,7 +681,7 @@ it:
newuser_max_images: "Numero di immagini che un nuovo utente può aggiungere in un post"
newuser_max_attachments: "Quanti allegati un nuovo utente può inserire in un post"
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Numero massimo di menzioni @name che un nuovo utente può fare in un post"
newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Massimo numero di risposte che un nuovo utente può pubblicare in un solo topic"
newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Massimo numero di risposte un nuovo utente può fare in un singolo topic finché qualcuno risponde"
max_mentions_per_post: "Numero massimo di menzioni @name che un utente può fare in un post"
create_thumbnails: "Crea icone delle immagini nei lightbox"
email_time_window_mins: "Tempo che deve passare (in minuti) prima che una email venga mandata all'utente, per poterla controllare."
@ -695,7 +696,7 @@ it:
category_colors: "Lista di colori esadecimali per sfondo categorie, separati da una barra verticale (\"|\")"
max_image_size_kb: "Dimensione massima in kB per gli upload degli utenti - assicurati di configurare il limite in nginx (client_max_body_size) o apache."
max_attachment_size_kb: "Dimensione massima dei file che gli utenti possono caricare, in kB. Configura il limite anche in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache o proxy."
authorized_extensions: "È possibile caricare una lista di estensioni separate da una barra verticale (|)"
authorized_extensions: "Una lista (separata) di estensioni permesse per l'upload ('*' per permettere tutti i tipi di files)"
max_similar_results: "Numero di topic simili da mostrare all'utente durante la creazione di un nuovo topic"
title_prettify: "Previeni refusi ed errori comuni nei titoli, inclusi Tutto maiuscolo, Primo carattere minuscolo, ! e ? ripetuti, . aggiuntivi alla fine, etc etc."
title_sanitize: "Rimuovi tag html dal titolo"
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ zh_CN:
meta_category_description: "讨论该论坛的站务、组织、如何运作和如何改善它。"
staff_category_name: "职员"
staff_category_description: "职员私有的分类。只有管理员和版主才能阅览主题。"
assets_topic_body: "这个主题用于存储论坛设计使用的资源。不要删除它!"
assets_topic_body: "这是一个永久主题,仅对职员可见,用于存储论坛设计使用的图像和文件。不要删除它!\n\n\n详细教程:\n\n\n1. 回复到这个主题。\n2. 上传您想用作站点标志、图标和其他所有图片到这儿。(使用帖子编辑器工具栏中的上传图标,或者拖拽或者粘贴图像。)\n3. 提交您的回复添加帖子。\n4. 在您的新帖子里右键点击图片获得这些已上传图片的链接,或者点击编辑按钮来编辑帖子,获得到图片的相对地址。复制这些相对地址。\n5. 粘贴这些图像的路径到[基础设置](/admin/site_settings/category/required)。\n\n\n另外,如果您需要运行额外的上传文件类型,在[文件设置](/admin/site_settings/category/files)中编辑 `authorized_extensions`。"
topic_prefix: "关于分类:%{category}"
replace_paragraph: "[用一段简短的话描述分类,并替换此第一段内容。这段文字将出现在分类选择区域,所有试着不要超过200个字符。只要当您编辑了这段文字或者是创建了一个主题,分类才会出现在分类列表中。]"
@ -284,11 +284,11 @@ zh_CN:
title: '题外话'
description: '此帖对于当前讨论而言属于题外话,应该移动到其它相关主题下。'
description: '此帖对于当前讨论而言严重偏离话题,可能需要被移动。如果这是个需要讨论的主题,可能它不属于这里。'
long_form: '标记为题外话'
title: '垃圾'
description: '此帖为广告,它不包含任何对当前讨论有帮助的内容,只有促销信息。'
description: '此帖为广告。它不包含任何对当前讨论有帮助的内容,只有促销信息。'
long_form: '标记为垃圾'
title: '不当内容'
@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ zh_CN:
crawl_images: "允许从第三方获取图片来插入宽、高数值"
download_remote_images_to_local: "下载一份主题中链接的外部图片到本地"
download_remote_images_threshold: "本地最小可用下载外部图片到本地的量(百分比)"
disabled_image_download_domains: "一个用 | 分割的域名列表,链接到这些站点的图片不会被下载。"
ninja_edit_window: "在多少秒钟之内,对帖子的多次编辑不生成新版本"
post_edit_time_limit: "设置分钟数,在这几分钟内作者可以编辑或者删除帖子。设置为 0 则允许在任何时间编辑或者删除帖子。"
edit_history_visible_to_public: "允许任何人查看以前版本的帖子。当禁用时,只有职员才能查看浏览编辑记录。"
@ -571,6 +572,7 @@ zh_CN:
ga_universal_domain_name: "Google 通用分析域名(analytics.js)追踪代码,例如:mysite.com;参考 http://google.com/analytics"
enable_escaped_fragments: "如未侦测到爬虫回退到使用 Google Ajax-Crawling API"
enable_noscript_support: "通过 no script 标签启用对标准爬虫的支持。"
allow_moderators_to_create_categories: "允许版主创建新的分类"
top_menu: "确定在主页导航条包含哪些条目,以及排列顺序。例如:latest|new|unread|starred|categories|top|read|posted"
post_menu: "确定在帖子菜单条包含哪些条目,以及排列顺序。例如:like|edit|flag|delete|share|bookmark|reply"
share_links: "确定在分享对话框里显示哪些条目,以及排列顺序。例如:twitter|facebook|google+|email"
@ -638,7 +640,7 @@ zh_CN:
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "删除孤立上传资料的宽限期(单位:小时)"
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "移除已删除的孤立上传资料的宽限期(单位:小时)"
enable_s3_uploads: "上传文件到 Amazon S3"
s3_upload_bucket: "Amazon S3 上上传文件保存的 bucket 名字。警告:必须为小写(参考:http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html)"
s3_upload_bucket: "上传文件保存于 Amazon S3 的 bucket 名字。警告:必须为小写,无句点(.)。"
s3_access_key_id: "将用于上传图片的 Amazon S3 access key"
s3_secret_access_key: "将用于上传图片的 Amazon S3 secret key"
s3_region: "将用于上传图片的 Amazon S3 区域名"
@ -675,9 +677,9 @@ zh_CN:
category_colors: "设置分类颜色的用'|'分隔的十六进制色彩值列表"
max_image_size_kb: "允许用户上传的最大文件大小(以kB为单位) - 确保在nginx(client_max_body_size),apache 或代理中进行限制文件大小的配置."
max_attachment_size_kb: "允许用户上传的最大文件大小(单位:KB)——同时在 nginx(client_max_body_size)/apache 或代理中配置他们。"
authorized_extensions: "用'|'分割的允许上传文件的扩展名列表"
max_similar_results: "当用户撰写新主题时,显示多少类似主题给用户"
title_prettify: "防止常见标题里的错别字和错误,包括全部大写,第一个字符小写,多个'!'和'?',结尾多余的'.'等等。"
title_sanitize: "从标题中移除 HTML 标签"
topic_views_heat_low: "多少浏览量后主题的热度变为低。"
topic_views_heat_medium: "多少浏览量后主题的热度变为中。"
topic_views_heat_high: "多少浏览量后主题的热度变为高。"
@ -707,6 +709,7 @@ zh_CN:
email_editable: "允许用户在注册后改变他们的邮箱地址。"
allow_uploaded_avatars: "允许用户上传他们自己的头像。"
allow_animated_avatars: "允许用户使用 gif 动画头像。警告:强烈建议在更改后运行 avatars:regenerate rake 任务。"
digest_topics: "邮件摘要中显示的最大主题数目"
digest_min_excerpt_length: "在邮件摘要中每个帖子应有多少个字符"
default_digest_email_frequency: "用户收到摘要邮件的默认间隔。用户可以在参数设置中更改这个设置。"
default_external_links_in_new_tab: "在新标签页中打开外部链接。用户可以在参数设置中更改这个设置。"
@ -733,6 +736,8 @@ zh_CN:
embed_truncate: "截断导入的主题"
embed_category: "创建主题的分类"
embed_post_limit: "嵌入帖子的最大数量"
embed_whitelist_selector: "在嵌入页面加入元素 CSS 选择器"
embed_blacklist_selector: "在嵌入页面移除元素 CSS 选择器"
tos_accept_required: "如果启用,用户将需要在注册页面选择一个复选框以统一服务条款。在内容标签中编辑'注册表单:服务条款信息'更改消息。"
notify_about_flags_after: "如果有标记没有在设定小时后处理,发送一封邮件给 contact_email。设为 0 将禁用。"
@ -747,6 +752,7 @@ zh_CN:
invited_to_private_message: "%{display_username} 邀请您进行私信:%{link}"
invitee_accepted: "%{display_username} 接受了您的邀请"
linked: "%{display_username} 在 %{link} 里链接了您"
granted_badge: "您被授予了 %{link}"
within_post: "#%{post_number} %{username}: %{excerpt}"
@ -785,12 +791,12 @@ zh_CN:
one: "本主题为创建 1 分钟后自动关闭,不允许添加新的回复。"
other: "本主题为创建 {{count}} 分钟后自动关闭。不允许添加新回复。"
autoclosed_disabled: "本主题是开放的,可以添加新的回复。"
pinned_enabled: "本主题已置顶,它将始终显示在它所属分类的顶部。可以由版主解除置顶或者点击清除置顶按钮。"
pinned_enabled: "本主题已置顶,它将始终显示在它所属分类的顶部。可由职员对所有人解除置顶,或者由用户自己取消置顶。"
pinned_disabled: "本主题已被解除置顶,它将不再显示在它所属分类的顶部。"
pinned_globally_enabled: "本主题已全局置顶,它将始终显示在它所属分类的顶部。可以由版主解除置顶或者点击清除置顶按钮。"
pinned_globally_enabled: "本主题已全局置顶,它将始终显示在它所属分类的顶部。可由职员对所有人解除置顶,或者由用户自己取消置顶。"
pinned_globally_disabled: "本主题已被解除置顶,它将不再显示在它所属分类的顶部。"
visible_enabled: "本主题可见,它将显示在主题列表中。"
visible_disabled: "本主题不可见,它将不被显示在主题列表中,只能通过一个直接链接来访问。"
visible_disabled: "本主题不可见,它将不会出现在主题列表中。只有直达链接才可以访问该主题。"
not_approved: "您的帐号尚未获得批准。一旦您的帐号获得批准,您会收到一封电子邮件。"
incorrect_username_email_or_password: "用户名、电子邮箱或密码不正确"
@ -890,9 +896,9 @@ zh_CN:
- 在[GitHub 改动日中](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master)查看更新内容S
- 在[GitHub 改动日志](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master)中查看更新内容。
- 访问 `/admin/docker` 升级,刷新这个页面几次,并且按下“升级 Discourse”按钮。
- 访问 [%{base_url}/admin/docker](%{base_url}/admin/docker) 升级,刷新这个页面几次,然后按下“升级 Discourse”按钮。
- 访问 http://meta.discourse.org 获取 Discourse 的最新资讯、讨论和支持。
@ -903,9 +909,9 @@ zh_CN:
- 在[GitHub 改动日中](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master)查看更新内容S
- 在[GitHub 改动日志](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master)查看更新内容。
- 访问 `/admin/docker` 升级,刷新这个页面几次,并且按下“升级 Discourse”按钮。
- 访问 [%{base_url}/admin/docker](%{base_url}/admin/docker) 升级,刷新这个页面几次,并且按下“升级 Discourse”按钮。
- 访问 http://meta.discourse.org 获取 Discourse 的最新资讯、讨论和支持。
@ -1099,6 +1105,9 @@ zh_CN:
subject_template: "远程图片下载已禁用。"
text_body_template: "`download_remote_images_to_local` 设定已被禁用,因为已经达到 ``download_remote_images_threshold` 设定中的磁盘空间限制。"
unsubscribe_link: "如果您希望取消这些邮件的订阅,请访问您的[用户设置](%{user_preferences_url})。"
previous_discussion: "之前的回复"
@ -1241,9 +1250,9 @@ zh_CN:
signup_form_message: '我已经阅读并接受 <a href="/tos" target="_blank">服务条款</a>。'
deleted: '已删除'
edit_reason: "我们已经下载了外部图片的副本"
unauthorized: "抱歉,您没有上传文件的权限(验证扩展:%{authorized_extensions})。"
pasted_image_filename: "粘贴的图像"
store_failure: "用户#%{user_id} 上传的 #%{upload_id} 保存失败。"
too_large: "抱歉,您试图上传的文件太大了(最大限制为%{max_size_kb}%kb)。"
@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ zh_TW:
rss_topics_in_category: "分類'%{category}'中主題的RSS feed"
author_wrote: "%{author}說:"
private_message_abbrev: "私人訊息"
latest: "最新主題"
hot: "熱門主題"
admins: "管理員"
@ -105,21 +108,16 @@ zh_TW:
cant_send_pm: "抱歉,你不能向該用戶發送私人訊息。"
no_info_me: "<div class='missing-profile'>你的自我簡介中,“關於我” 部分目前還沒有內容,<a href='/users/%{username_lower}/preferences/about-me'>不如來自我介紹一下?</a></div>"
no_info_other: "<div class='missing-profile'>%{name} 尚未在他/她自我簡介中的“關於我”部分填寫任何資訊</div>"
topic_prefix: "對於分類: %{category} 的定義"
replace_paragraph: "[為分類一段簡單的描述以替換首段內容, 請不要超過200個字。]"
post_template: "%{replace_paragraph}\n\n在下面的空格輸入分類的詳細描述, 可以包括在此分類下討論的規則、內容主題等等。"
this_year: "本年"
title: "訪客"
title: "新用戶"
title: "初級用戶"
@ -128,92 +126,51 @@ zh_TW:
title: "領先用戶"
title: "資深用戶"
too_many_requests: "你的瀏覽速度過於頻繁,請等待 %{time_left} 後再試。"
one: "1 小時"
other: "%{count} 小時"
one: "1 分鐘"
other: "%{count} 分鐘"
other: "%{count} 分"
one: "1 秒"
other: "%{count} 秒"
half_a_minute: "< 1分"
one: "< 1秒"
other: "< %{count}秒"
other: "< %{count} 秒鐘"
one: "1秒"
other: "%{count}秒"
other: "%{count} 秒"
one: "< 1分"
other: "< %{count}分"
one: "1分"
other: "%{count}分"
one: "1小時"
other: "%{count}小時"
one: "1天"
other: "%{count}天"
one: "1個月"
other: "%{count}個月"
one: "1個月"
other: "%{count}個月"
one: "1年"
other: "%{count}年"
other: "< %{count} 分鐘"
one: "> 1年"
other: "> %{count}年"
other: "> %{count} 年"
one: "1年"
other: "%{count}年"
other: "%{count} 年"
half_a_minute: "剛剛"
one: "剛剛"
other: "剛剛"
other: "剛才"
one: "1 秒前"
other: "%{count} 秒前"
one: "不到 1 分鐘前"
other: "不到 %{count} 分鐘前"
one: "1 分鐘前"
other: "%{count} 分鐘前"
one: "1 小時前"
other: "%{count} 小時前"
one: "1 天前"
other: "%{count} 天前"
one: "約 1 個月前"
other: "約 %{count} 個月前"
one: "1 個月前"
other: "%{count} 個月前"
one: "約 1 年前"
other: "約 %{count} 年前"
one: "1 年之前"
other: "%{count} 年之前"
other: "超過 %{count} 年前"
one: "近 1 年前"
other: "近 %{count} 年前"
other: "約 %{count} 年前"
no_token: "抱歉,你的令牌(Token)已過期,請再嘗試重設你的密碼。"
choose_new: "請選擇一個新密碼"
@ -242,32 +199,32 @@ zh_TW:
long_form: '投訴為垃圾內容'
title: '不當內容'
description: '此帖內容包含對他人的攻擊、侮辱或仇視語言。'
description: '此貼文內容包含對他人的攻擊、侮辱或仇視語言。'
long_form: '投訴為不當內容'
title: '通知 {{username}}'
description: '此帖包含一些我想與該用戶私下討論的內容。'
description: '此貼文包含一些我想與該用戶私下討論的內容。'
long_form: '已通知用戶'
email_title: '關於 "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: '通知版主'
description: '此帖依據<a href="/faq">常見問答 FAQ</a>、<a href="/tos">服務條款 TOS</a>或其它原因等, 需要版主關注。'
description: '此貼文依據<a href="/faq">常見問答 FAQ</a>、<a href="%{tos_url}">服務條款 TOS</a>或其它原因等, 需要版主關注。'
long_form: '已通知版主'
email_title: '關於 "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: '書籤'
description: '給本帖加書籤'
long_form: '已給本帖加上書籤'
description: '將此貼文加上書籤'
long_form: '此貼文已加上書籤'
title: '讚好'
description: '讚好本帖'
long_form: '喜歡本帖內容'
description: '給此貼文按讚'
long_form: '已按讚'
title: '投票'
description: '給本帖投票'
long_form: '已給本帖投票'
description: '投票給此貼文'
long_form: '已投票給此貼文'
you_must_edit: '<p>你的貼文已經達到投訴上限,請查看你的私人訊息。</p>'
user_must_edit: '<p>投訴的內容已隱藏。</p>'
@ -392,6 +349,11 @@ zh_TW:
title: "歡迎: 受邀請用戶"
description: "當新用戶通過接受用戶邀請加入論壇後, 自動發送給他們的歡迎訊息。"
title: "隱私政策"
description: "你的網站的隱私政策. 留白代表預設值"
description: "你的網站的FAQ. 留白代表預設值"
title: "歡迎資訊: 請登入"
description: "歡迎資訊只會在已啟用'login required'時向未登入的用戶顯示"
@ -429,7 +391,7 @@ zh_TW:
exclude_rel_nofollow_domains: "不添加 nofollow 標籤到一列逗號分割的功能變數名稱 (使用父系網域名,例如 tld.com,將自動允許子功能變數名稱,例如 sub.tld.com)"
post_excerpt_maxlength: "貼文摘要最大的字數長度"
post_onebox_maxlength: "一個 論壇 - Discourse 單廂帖(Onebox post)最大的字數長度"
category_post_template: "當你建立新分類時,分類的定義帖範本(建立新分類時會自動建立一個屬於該分類的新貼文)"
category_post_template: "當你建立新分類時,分類的定義貼文範本(建立新分類時會自動建立一個屬於該分類的新貼文)"
logo_url: "你的網站標誌圖片,例如:http://example.com/logo.png"
logo_small_url: "你的網站的小號標誌圖片,例如:http://example.com/logo-small.png,用於卷起主題清單時顯示"
favicon_url: "你的網站圖示(favicon),參考 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon"
@ -527,7 +489,7 @@ zh_TW:
topic_views_heat_high: "多少流覽量後主題的熱度變為高。"
tos_url: "如果你想要使用一個部署在某個地方的服務條款文檔,那麼請在此填寫其完整URL地址。"
privacy_policy_url: "如果你想要使用一個部署在某個地方的隱私政策文檔,那麼請在此填寫其完整URL地址。"
newuser_spam_host_threshold: "用戶在一篇貼文中能添加多少此指向同一主機的連結,取決於之前該使用者有`newuser_spam_host_threshold`篇貼文被認為是垃圾帖。"
newuser_spam_host_threshold: "用戶在一篇貼文中能添加多少此指向同一主機的連結,取決於之前該使用者有`newuser_spam_host_threshold`篇貼文被認為是垃圾貼文。"
mentioned: "%{display_username} 在 %{link} @到了你"
liked: "%{display_username} 在 %{link} 讚好了你的貼文 "
@ -539,38 +501,29 @@ zh_TW:
private_message: "%{display_username} 發送給你一條訊息:%{link}"
invited_to_private_message: "%{display_username} 邀請你進行私人通訊:%{link}"
invitee_accepted: "%{display_username} 接受了你的邀請"
category: '分類'
topic: '主題'
user: '用戶'
original_poster: "原始作者"
most_posts: "大部分貼文"
most_recent_poster: "當前大部分貼文作者"
frequent_poster: "頻繁發帖者"
frequent_poster: "頻繁發文者"
one: "我移動了一個貼文到一個新主題:%{topic_link}"
other: "我移動了 %{count} 個貼文到一個新主題:%{topic_link}"
other: "移動了 %{count} 則貼文到新的標題: %{topic_link}"
other: "移動了 %{count} 則貼文到已存在的標題: %{topic_link}"
archived_enabled: "本主題已歸檔,即已經凍結,無法修改。"
archived_disabled: "本主題已被解除歸檔,即不再凍結,可以修改。"
closed_enabled: "本主題已關閉,不再接受新的回覆。"
closed_disabled: "本主題已開放,可以發表新的回覆。"
zero: "本主題為建立一天后自動關閉,不允許添加新的回覆。"
one: "本主題為建立一天后自動關閉,不允許添加新的回覆。"
other: "本主題為建立{{count}}天自動關閉。不允許添加新回覆。"
autoclosed_disabled: "本主題是開放的,可以添加新的回覆。"
pinned_enabled: "本主題已置頂,它將始終顯示在它所屬分類的頂部。"
pinned_disabled: "本主題已被解除置頂,它將不再顯示在它所屬分類的頂部。"
visible_enabled: "本主題可見,它將顯示在主題清單中。"
visible_disabled: "本主題不可見,它將不被顯示在主題清單中,只能通過一個直接連結來瀏覽。"
not_approved: "你的帳號尚未獲得批准。一旦你的帳號獲得批准,你會收到一封電子郵件。"
incorrect_username_email_or_password: "用戶名、電子郵箱或密碼不正確"
@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# French translation - Traduction française
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# This file contains content for the client portion of Discourse, sent out
# to the Javascript app.
# To work with us on translations, see:
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-pt-br/
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into
# http://yamllint.com/
@ -17,10 +11,8 @@ fr:
one: "1 vote"
other: "%{count} votes"
show: "Voir les résultats"
hide: "Cacher les résultats"
show: Voir les résultats
hide: Cacher les résultats
close_poll: "Fermer le sondage"
open_poll: "Réouvrir le sondage"
@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ it:
show: Mostra Risultati
hide: Nascondi Risultati
close_poll: "Chiudi Sondaggio"
open_poll: "Apri Sondaggio"
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# This file contains content for the server portion of Discourse used by Ruby
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into
# http://yamllint.com/
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-pt-br/
@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# French translation - Traduction française
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# This file contains content for the server portion of Discourse used by Ruby
# To work with us on translations, see:
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-pt-br/
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into
# http://yamllint.com/
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
enable_imgur: "utiliser l'envoi des images avec l'API imgur, ne pas stocker les fichiers localement"
enable_imgur: "Activer l'envoi des images avec l'API imgur, ne pas stocker les fichiers localement"
imgur_client_id: "Votre ID client imgur.com. Requis pour que l'envoi d'images fonctionne."
imgur_client_secret: "Votre secret imgur.com. Pas nécessaire pour que l'envoi d'image fonctionne, mais pourrais le devenir."
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
enable_imgur: "啓用 Imgur API 來上傳文件,不在本地(站點服務器)保存文件"
imgur_client_id: "你的imgur.com的客戶端ID,以便圖片上傳能正常工作。"
imgur_client_secret: "你的imgur.com的客戶端secret。 目前圖片上傳功能並不需要這項信息,但是將來的某天可能需要。"
enable_imgur: "啟用 imgur API 來上傳檔案,檔案不保存於伺服器上"
imgur_client_id: "你的 imgur.com 的客戶端 ID,以便圖片上傳能正常運作。"
imgur_client_secret: "你的 imgur.com 的客戶端 secret。目前圖片上傳功能並不需要這項資訊,但將來可能需要。"
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