diff --git a/config/site_settings.yml b/config/site_settings.yml index 63d73451b7e..f17c60852ac 100644 --- a/config/site_settings.yml +++ b/config/site_settings.yml @@ -15,12 +15,28 @@ # The key should be as the same as possible value of default_locale. # # -# type: email - Must be a valid email address. -# type: username - Must match the username of an existing user. -# type: list - A list of values, chosen from a set of valid values defined in the choices option. -# type: enum - A single value, chosen from a set of valid values in the choices option. +# type: email - Must be a valid email address. +# type: username - Must match the username of an existing user. +# type: list - A list of values, chosen from a set of valid values +# defined in the choices option. A type:list setting with the word 'colors' in +# its name will make color values have a bold line of the corresponding color # -# A type:list setting with the word 'colors' in its name will make color values have a bold line of the corresponding color +# type: enum - A single value, chosen from a set of valid values in the choices option. +# type: json_schema - The setting value is stored as JSON in the database. Used +# in the format `json_schema: ClassName` where the class implements +# a `.schema` class method and returns a hash in the JSON schema +# format (c.f. https://json-schema.org/) +# type: host_list - A list of domain names that does not allow * or ? wildcards. +# type: category_list - A list of category ids, which shows a special picker in the UI. +# type: category - A single category ID, which shows a special picker in the UI. +# type: uploaded_image_list - A list of upload IDs that should be images. +# type: upload - A single upload ID. +# type: group - A single group ID. +# type: group_list - A list of group IDs. +# type: tag_list - A list of tag names. +# type: emoji_list - A list of emoji names (e.g. joy, cold_hands) +# type: tag_group_list - A list of tag group names. +# type: file_size_restriction - A file size restriction in bytes. # required: title: