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synced 2025-01-30 05:51:03 +08:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -210,6 +210,18 @@ ar:
disabled: 'غير مدرج %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "عمليات المدير"
emails_are_disabled: "جميع الرسائل الإلكترونية المرسلة عطلها المدير , لن يتم إرسال إشعار من أي نوع لبريدك الإلكتروني ."
us_east_1: "الولايات المتحدة الشرقيه ( ولايه فيرجينيا )"
us_west_1: "الولايات المتحدة الغربية ( كاليفورنيا )"
us_west_2: "الولايات المتحدة الغربية ( ولاية أوريغون )"
eu_west_1: "الاتحاد الأوروبي ( أيرلندا )"
eu_central_1: "الاتحاد الأوروبي ( فرانكفورت )"
ap_southeast_1: "آسيا والمحيط الهادئ ( سنغافورة )"
ap_southeast_2: "آسيا والمحيط الهادئ ( سيدني )"
ap_northeast_1: "آسيا والمحيط الهادئ ( طوكيو )"
ap_northeast_2: "آسيا والمحيط الهادئ ( سيول )"
sa_east_1: "أمريكا الجنوبية ( ساو باولو )"
edit: 'عدّل عنوان هذا الموضوع وفئته'
not_implemented: "لم تُنجز هذه الميزة بعد، آسفون!"
no_value: "لا"
@ -246,6 +258,8 @@ ar:
more: "المزيد"
less: "أقل"
never: "مطلقا"
every_30_minutes: "بعد 30 دقيقه"
every_hour: "بعد ساعه"
daily: "يوميا"
weekly: "أسبوعيا"
every_two_weeks: "كل أسبوعين"
@ -425,7 +439,10 @@ ar:
many: "مجموعات"
other: "مجموعات"
members: "أعضاء "
topics: "ألمواضيع"
posts: "مشاركات"
mentions: "إشارات"
messages: "الرسائل"
title: "من يستطيع أن يشارك في هذه المجموعة ؟"
nobody: "لا أحد"
@ -575,7 +592,7 @@ ar:
muted_users: "الأعضاء المكتومون"
muted_users_instructions: "كتم جميع التنبيهات من هؤلاء الأعضاء."
muted_topics_link: "عرض المواضيع المكتومة"
automatically_unpin_topics: "سيتم تلقائيا الغاء تثبيت المواضيع عندما تصل الى الاسفل "
automatically_unpin_topics: "قم تلقائيا بازاله العلامات عند الوصول الى نهايه الصفحه"
flags_given: "علامات مساعدة"
flagged_posts: "# مشاركات"
@ -680,15 +697,26 @@ ar:
title: "وسام بطاقة المستخدم"
website: "موقع الكتروني"
email_settings: "بريد الكتروني"
title: "اشعرني عند الاستحسان"
always: "دائما"
first_time_and_daily: "اول مره يتم استحسان المنشور و يوميا "
first_time: "اول مره يتم استحسان المنشور"
never: "ابداً"
title: "تضمين مشاركات سابقة في أسفل البريد المرسل"
unless_emailed: "الا اذا تم ارساله موخراً"
always: "دائماً"
never: "ابداً"
title: "إرسال رسالة إلكترونية تحتوي على جديد الموقع عندما لا أزور الموقع"
every_30_minutes: "بعد 30 دقيقه"
every_hour: "كل ساعه "
daily: "يومي"
every_three_days: "كل ثلاثة أيام"
weekly: "اسبوعي"
every_two_weeks: "كل أسبوعين"
email_in_reply_to: "ارفق مقتبسات الرد على المنشور في رسائل البريد"
email_direct: "تلقي رسالة إلكترونية عند اقتباس مشاركة لك أو الرد على عليها أو في حالة ذكر اسمك @username"
email_private_messages: "إرسال إشعار بالبريد الإلكتروني عندما يرسل لك شخصاً رسالة خاصة"
email_always: "نبهني بوجود رسائل جديدة حتى لو كنت متصل على الموقع ."
@ -819,9 +847,11 @@ ar:
enabled: "الموقع في وضع القراءه فقط. الرجاء الاستمرار بالتصفح , لكن الردود و الاعجابات و الخصائص الاخرى معطله للان ."
login_disabled: "تسجيل الدخول معطل لأن الموقع في خالة القراءة فقط"
logout_disabled: "تسجيل الخروج معطل عندما يكون الموقع في حاله القراءه فقط"
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "دعونا <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>الحصول على هذه المناقشة بدأت!</a> يوجد حاليا<strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> المواضيع و <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> المشاركات. الزوار الجدد بحاجة إلى بعض الأحاديث لقراءة والرد على."
too_few_topics_notice: "دعونا <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>الحصول على هذه المناقشة التي!</a> وهناك حاليا <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> المواضيع. الزوار الجديدة بحاجة إلى بعض الأحاديث قراءة والرد عليها."
too_few_posts_notice: "دعونا <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>الحصول على هذه المناقشة التي بدأت!</a> يوجد حاليا <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> مشاركات. الزوار الجديدة بحاجة إلى بعض الأحاديث قراءة والرد عليها."
logs_error_rate_exceeded_notice: "%{timestamp}: التقيم الي الخاص بــ <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate} errors/%{duration}</a> قد تجاوز اعدادت الموقع المحدده %{siteSettingLimit} errors/%{duration}."
learn_more: "تعلم المزيد..."
year: 'سنة'
year_desc: 'المواضيع المكتوبة خلال 365 يوم الماضية'
@ -918,6 +948,9 @@ ar:
title: "مع تويتر"
message: "التحقق من خلال حساب تويتر ( الرجاء التأكد من عدم تشغيل مانع الاعلانات المنبثقة في المتصفح)"
title: "عن طريق الانستغرام"
message: "تسجيل الدخول عن طريق الانستغرام (تاكد ان حاجب النوافذ المنبسقه غير مفعل)"
title: "مع الفيسبوك"
message: "التحقق من خلال حساب الفيس بوك ( الرجاء التأكد من عدم تشغيل مانع الاعلانات المنبثقة في المتصفح)"
@ -948,6 +981,7 @@ ar:
saved_local_draft_tip: "تم الحفظ محلياً"
similar_topics: "موضوعك مشابه لـ ..."
drafts_offline: "مسودات محفوظة "
group_mentioned: "عند استعمال {{group}}, انت على وشك اشعار <a href='{{group_link}}'>{{count}} people</a>."
title_missing: "العنوان مطلوب"
title_too_short: "العنوان يجب أن يكون اكثر {{min}} حرف"
@ -1022,9 +1056,10 @@ ar:
group_mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='posted' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked_2: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='invited to topic' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -1235,6 +1270,7 @@ ar:
auto_close_title: 'إعدادات الإغلاق التلقائي'
auto_close_save: "حفظ"
auto_close_remove: "لا تغلق هذا الموضوع تلقائياً"
auto_close_immediate: "احر منشور في الموضيع كان قبل %{hours} ساعه , لذلك فان الموضوع يتم اغلاقه حالاَ ."
title: حالة الموضوع
go_top: "أعلى"
@ -1582,6 +1618,15 @@ ar:
bookmark: "التراجع عن التفضيل"
like: "التراجع عن الإعجاب"
vote: "التراجع عن التصويت"
off_topic: "أبلغ أن هذا خارج الموضوع."
spam: "علّم على أنّه سبام"
inappropriate: "ابلغ انه غير ملائم "
notify_moderators: "اشعر المشرفين"
notify_user: "ارسل رساله"
bookmark: "اضف الى المفضله"
like: "استحسان"
vote: "صوت لهذا"
off_topic: "لقد تم الإبلاغ عن الموضوع على أنه ليس في المكان الصحيح"
spam: "تم الإبلاغ عن الموضوع على أنه سبام"
@ -1721,6 +1766,7 @@ ar:
last: "آخر تعديل"
hide: "اخفاء التعديل"
show: "اظهار التعديل"
revert: "العوده الى هذا المراجعه"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
@ -1801,7 +1847,6 @@ ar:
description: "لن يتم إشعارك بأي مشاركات جديدة في هذه التصنيفات ولن يتم عرضها في قائمة المواضيع المنشورة مؤخراً."
title: 'شكرا لمساعدتك في إبقاء مجتمعنا نظيفاً.'
private_reminder: 'التبليغات ذات خصوصية، تظهر <b> فقط </b> للمشرفين'
action: 'التبليغ عن مشاركة'
take_action: "أجراء العمليه "
notify_action: 'رسالة'
@ -1813,7 +1858,7 @@ ar:
submit_tooltip: "إرسال تبليغ"
take_action_tooltip: "الوصول إلى الحد الأعلى للتبليغات دون انتظار تبليغات أكثر من أعضاء الموقع."
cant: "المعذرة، لا يمكنك التبليغ عن هذه المشاركة في هذه اللحظة."
notify_staff: 'طاقم التبليغ '
notify_staff: 'اشعر الطاقم سرياً'
off_topic: "خارج عن الموضوع"
inappropriate: "غير لائق"
@ -2254,9 +2299,11 @@ ar:
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
label: "استعادة"
title: "اعادة تخزين النسخة الاحتياطية"
confirm: "هل انت متاكد انك تريد استعاده هذه النسخه الاحتياطيه؟"
label: "اعادة السنخة السابقة"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "هل انت متاكد انك تريد اعاده قواعد البيانات الى الحاله السابقه؟"
user_archive_confirm: "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في تحميل جميع مشاركاتك ؟"
success: "بدأ التصدير, سيتم إعلامك برسالة عند اكتمال العملية."
@ -2395,6 +2442,20 @@ ar:
subject: "موضوع"
error: "خطأ"
none: "لا يوجد بريد وارد"
title: "تفاصيل الرسائل الوارده"
error: "خطأ"
return_path: "المسار-السابق"
message_id: "معرف الرساله"
in_reply_to: "بالرد-الى"
references: "المراجع"
date: "التاريخ"
from: "من"
to: "الى"
cc: "Cc"
subject: "الموضوع"
body: "المحتوى"
rejection_message: "البريد المحظور"
from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
@ -2468,6 +2529,9 @@ ar:
unblock_user: "رفع الحظر"
grant_admin: "منح صلاحيات ادارية"
revoke_admin: "سحب الصلاحيات الادارية"
grant_moderation: "عين كمشرف"
revoke_moderation: "سحب صلاحيات المشرف"
backup_operation: "عمليه النسخ الاحتياطي"
title: "عناوين بريد إلكتروني محجوبة."
description: "عندما تتم محاول انشاء حساب جديد, سيتم التحقق من قائمة البريد الالكتروني وسيتم حظر التسجيل لهذا البريد واتخاذ اي اجراء متبع"
@ -2585,6 +2649,7 @@ ar:
moderator: "مراقب؟"
admin: "مدير؟"
blocked: "محظور؟"
staged: "تنظيم؟"
show_admin_profile: "مدير"
edit_title: "تعديل العنوان"
save_title: "حفظ العنوان"
@ -2666,6 +2731,7 @@ ar:
deactivate_explanation: "المستخدم الغير نشط يحب أن يتأكد من البريد الالكتروني"
suspended_explanation: "المستخدم الموقوف لايملك صلاحية تسجيل الدخول"
block_explanation: "المستخدم الموقوف لايستطيع أن يشارك"
stage_explanation: "العضو المنظم يمكنه فقط النشر عن طريق البريد الالكتروني في المواضيع المخصصه ."
trust_level_change_failed: "هناك مشكلة في تغيير مستوى ثقة المستخدم "
suspend_modal_title: "حظر المستخدم"
trust_level_2_users: "أعضاء مستوى الثقة 2."
@ -2948,6 +3014,13 @@ ar:
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> تابع الموضوع'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> شاهد الموضوع'
zero: "لم يحصل على هذه الشاره ولا مره"
one: "استحق هذه الشاره مره واحده"
two: "استحق هذه الشاره مرتين"
few: "استحق هذه الشاره %{count} مرات"
many: "استحق هذه الشاره %{count} مرات"
other: "استحق هذه الشاره %{count} مرات"
more_with_badge: "اخرون بنفس الدرع"
title: أوسمة
allow_title: "يمكن استخدامه كعنوان"
@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ bs_BA:
few: "Ova tema ima <b>{{count}}</b> postova koji čekaju odobrenje"
other: "Ova tema ima <b>{{count}}</b> postova koji čekaju odobrenje"
confirm: "Sačuvaj promjene"
delete_prompt: "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati <b>%{username}</b>? Ovo će izbrisati sve njihove postove i blokirati njihovu email i IP adresu."
title: "Post treba odobrenje"
description: "Primili smo Vaš novi post ali on treba biti odobren od strane moderatora prije nego bude javno dostupan. Molimo budite strpljivi."
@ -515,8 +514,6 @@ bs_BA:
last_post: Zadnji post
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
description: "There are <b>{{replyCount}}</b> replies."
description_time: "There are <b>{{replyCount}}</b> replies with an estimated read time of <b>{{readingTime}} minutes</b>."
enable: 'Summarize This Topic'
disable: 'Show All Posts'
@ -660,7 +657,6 @@ bs_BA:
mentioned: "<i title='spomenut' class='icon'>@</i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='citiran' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='odgovoren' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='odgovoren' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='izmjenjen' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='lajkovan' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='privatna poruka' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -710,9 +706,6 @@ bs_BA:
hot: "Nema popularnih tema."
category: "Nema više tema u {{category}}."
top: "Nema više popularnih tema."
new: '<p>Tvoje nepročitane teme se pojavljuju ovdje.</p><p>Nove teme imaju <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">nova</span> indikaciju.</p><p>Možete promjeniti notifikacije preko vaših <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">postavki</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Tvoje nepročitane teme se pojavljuju ovdje.</p><p>Ako imate nepročitanih postova vidjet ćete njihov broj <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> ako ste:</p><ul><li>Kreirali tu temu</li><li>Odgovorili na tu temu</li><li>Proveli čitajući temu više od 4 minuta</li></ul><p>Ili ako ste na dnu teme označili da motrite i pratite temu.</p><p>Možete promjeniti notifikacije preko vaših <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">postavki</a>.</p>'
latest: "Nema više novih tema."
hot: "Nema više popularnih tema."
@ -951,17 +944,6 @@ bs_BA:
bookmark: "Otkaži bookmark"
like: "Otkaži lajk"
vote: "Otkaži glas"
off_topic: "{{icons}} označio ka ne-relevatno"
spam: "{{icons}} označio kao spam"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} notified moderators"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>notified moderators</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} sent a private message"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} sent a <a href='{{postUrl}}'>private message</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bookmarked this"
like: "{{icons}} lajkovali ovo"
vote: "{{icons}} glasali za ovo"
off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "Opomenuo si ovo kao spam"
@ -1307,10 +1289,8 @@ bs_BA:
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to restore this backup?"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
success: "Export has been initiated, you will be notified shortly with progress."
failed: "Export failed. Please check the logs."
@ -1380,9 +1360,6 @@ bs_BA:
name: 'love'
description: "The like button's color."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Base color used for the background of wiki posts."
settings: "Settings"
preview_digest: "Pregled Sajta"
@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ cs:
few: "Toto téma má <b>{{count}}</b> příspěvky, které čekají na schválení."
other: "Toto téma má <b>{{count}}</b> příspěvků, které čekají na schválení."
confirm: "Uložit změny"
delete_prompt: "Jsi si jistý, že chceš smazat <b>%{username}</b>? Smažou se všechny jeho příspěvky, zablokuje se jeho email a IP adresa,"
title: "Příspěvek potřebuje schválení"
description: "Obdrželi jsme váš příspěvek, ale musí být před zveřejněním schválen moderátorem. Buďte trpěliví."
@ -423,9 +422,7 @@ cs:
perm_default: "Vypnout upozornění."
perm_denied_btn: "Povolení zamítnuto"
disable: "Vypnout upozornění"
currently_enabled: "(momentálně povoleno)"
enable: "Povolit upozornění"
currently_disabled: "(momentálně vypnuto)"
each_browser_note: "Poznámka: Musíš změnit tuto volbu v každém prohlížeči, který používáš."
dismiss_notifications: "Označ vše jako přečtené"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Označit všechny nepřečtené notifikace jako přečtené"
@ -460,7 +457,6 @@ cs:
muted_users: "Ztišení"
muted_users_instructions: "Umlčet všechny notifikace od těchto uživatelů."
muted_topics_link: "Ukázat utlumená témata"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Automaticky odepni témata, když se dostaneš na konec."
flags_given: "užitečná nahlášení"
flagged_posts: "nahlášených příspěvků"
@ -697,8 +693,6 @@ cs:
value_prop: "Pokud si založíš účet, budeme si přesně pomatovat, co jsi četly, takže se vždycky vrátíš do bodu, odkud jsi odešel. Také budeš dostávat upozornění, zde a přes e-mail, kdykoli přibydou nově příspěvky. A můžeš přidávat 'to se mi líbí' a šířit tak lásku. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Čtete shrnutí tohoto tématu: nejzajímavější příspěvky podle komunity."
description: "Obsahuje <b>{{replyCount}}</b> odpovědí."
description_time: "Obsahuje <b>{{replyCount}}</b> odpovědí o odhadovaném času čtení <b>{{readingTime}} minut</b>."
enable: 'Přepnout na "nejlepší příspěvky"'
disable: 'Přepnout na normální zobrazení'
@ -868,7 +862,6 @@ cs:
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -974,9 +967,6 @@ cs:
category: "V kategorii {{category}} nejsou žádná témata."
top: "Nejsou tu žádná populární témata."
search: "There are no search results."
new: '<p>Zde se zobrazují nová témata.</p><p>Podle výchozího nastavení jsou za nová témata považována ta, která byla vytvořena v posledních 2 dnech.</p>U těch se ukáže ukazatel <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">Nové</span>.<p>Můžete to změnit ve vašem <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">nastavení</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Zde se zobrazují vaše nepřečtená témata.</p><p>Podle výchozího nastavení jsou za nepřečtená témata, ukterých se zobrazuje počet nepřečtení <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span>, považována ta, která jste:</p><ul><li>Vytvořil toto téma</li><li>Odpovědětl v tématu</li><li>Četl téma více než 4 minuty</li></ul><p>Nebo pokud jste nastavil téma jako Hlídané či Sledované pomocí nabídky na spodku každého tématu.</p><p>You can change this in your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a>.</p>'
latest: "Nejsou tu žádná další témata z poslední doby."
hot: "Nejsou tu žádná další populární témata k přečtení."
@ -1346,18 +1336,6 @@ cs:
bookmark: "Odebrat ze záložek"
like: "Už se mi to nelíbí"
vote: "Zrušit hlas"
off_topic: "{{icons}} označili tento příspěvek jako off-topic"
spam: "{{icons}} označili tento příspěvek jako spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} označení <a href='{{postUrl}}'>jako spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} označili tento příspěvek jako nevhodný"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} nahlásili tento příspěvek"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>nahlásili tento příspěvek</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} poslal zprávu"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} poslal <a href='{{postUrl}}'>zprávu</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} si přidali příspěvek do záložek"
like: "{{icons}} se líbí tento příspěvek"
vote: "{{icons}} hlasovali pro tento příspěvek"
off_topic: "Označili jste tento příspěvek jako off-topic"
spam: "Označili jste tento příspěvek jako spam"
@ -1525,7 +1503,6 @@ cs:
description: "Nikdy nebudete dostávat upozornění na nová témata v těchto kategoriích a neobjeví se v aktuálních."
title: 'Děkujeme, že pomáháte udržovat komunitu zdvořilou!'
private_reminder: 'nahlášení jsou soukromá, viditelná <b>pouze</b> pro správce'
action: 'Nahlásit příspěvek'
take_action: "Zakročit"
notify_action: 'Zpráva'
@ -1537,7 +1514,6 @@ cs:
submit_tooltip: "Podat soukromé nahlášení"
take_action_tooltip: "Ihned dosáhni vlaječky prahu, než aby jsi čekal na více komunitních vlaječek"
cant: "Bohužel nyní nemůžete tento příspěvek nahlásit."
notify_staff: 'Upozorni redakci'
off_topic: "Je to mimo téma."
inappropriate: "Je to nevhodné"
@ -1932,11 +1908,9 @@ cs:
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
label: "Obnovit"
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to restore this backup?"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
user_archive_confirm: "Jste si jistí, že chcete stáhnout všechny své příspěvky?"
success: "Export byl spuštěn. O dokončení celého procesu budete informování pomocí zprávy."
@ -2038,9 +2012,6 @@ cs:
name: 'láska'
description: "Barva tlačítka Like."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Základní barva použita pro pozadí wiki článků."
settings: "Nastavení"
preview_digest: "Náhled souhrnu"
@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ da:
one: "Det emne har <b>1</b> indlæg der afventer godkendelse"
other: "Dette emne har <b>{{count}}</b> indlæg der afventer godkendelse"
confirm: "Gem ændringer"
delete_prompt: "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette <b>%{username}</b>? Alle brugerens indlæg bliver slettet og email og IP-adresse bliver blokeret."
title: "Indlæg afventer godkendelse"
description: "Vi har modtaget dit indlæg, men det skal først godkendes af en moderator. Hav venligst tålmodighed."
@ -420,9 +419,7 @@ da:
perm_denied_btn: "Tilladelse nægtet"
perm_denied_expl: "Du nægtede adgang for notifikationer. Tillad notifikationer via indstillingerne i din browser."
disable: "Deaktiver notifikationer"
currently_enabled: "(slået til)"
enable: "Aktiver notifikationer"
currently_disabled: "(slået fra)"
each_browser_note: "Bemærk: Du skal ændre indstillingen i alle dine browsere."
dismiss_notifications: "Marker alle som læst"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marker alle ulæste notifikationer som læst"
@ -457,7 +454,6 @@ da:
muted_users: "Ignoreret"
muted_users_instructions: "Undertryk alle notifikationer fra disse brugere."
muted_topics_link: "Vis mute emner"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Unpin automatisk emner når du når til bunden."
flags_given: "hjælpsomme markeringer"
flagged_posts: "markerede indlæg"
@ -717,8 +713,6 @@ da:
value_prop: "Når du opretter en konto, så kan vi huske hvad du har læst, så du altid kan fortsætte, hvor du er kommet til. Du får også notifikationer - her og på email - når nye interessante indlæg postes. Og du kan like indlæg og dele begejstringen. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Du ser et sammendrag af dette emne: kun de mest interessante indlæg som andre finder interresante."
description: "Der er <b>{{replyCount}}</b> svar."
description_time: "Der er <b>{{replyCount}}</b> svar og det vil tage ca. <b>{{readingTime}} minutter</b> at læse."
enable: 'Opsummér dette emne'
disable: 'Vis alle indlæg'
@ -889,7 +883,6 @@ da:
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='citeret' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='svaret' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='svaret' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='redigeret' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='privat besked' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -998,9 +991,6 @@ da:
category: "Der er ingen emner i kategorien {{category}}."
top: "Der er ingen top emner"
search: "Der er ingen søgeresultater."
new: '<p>Dine nye emner vises her.</p><p>Som standard, betragtes emner som nye og vil vise en <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">ny</span> indikator hvis de er lavet inden for de sidste 2 dage.</p><p>Du kan skifte dette i dine <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">indstillinger</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Dine ulæste emner vises her.</p><p>Som standard, betragtes emner som ulæste og vil vise en ulæst-tæller <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> hvis du:</p><ul><li>Lavede emnet</li><li>Svarede på emnet</li><li>læste emnet i mere end 4 min.</li></ul><p>Eller hvis du udtrykkeligt har sat emnet til Sporet eller Overvåget via notifikations kontrollen i budnen af hvert emne.</p><p>Du kan ændre dette i dine <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">indstillinger</a>.</p>'
latest: "Der er ikke flere populære emner."
hot: "There are no more hot topics."
@ -1364,18 +1354,6 @@ da:
bookmark: "Undo bookmark"
like: "Undo like"
vote: "Undo vote"
off_topic: "{{icons}} markerede dette som urelevant for emnet"
spam: "{{icons}} markerede dette som spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} markerede <a href='{{postUrl}}'>dette som spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} markerede dette som upassende"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} underrettede moderatorer"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>underrettede moderatorer</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} har sendt en besked"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} sendte en <a href='{{postUrl}}'>besked</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bogmærker"
like: "{{icons}} likes"
vote: "{{icons}} stemmer"
off_topic: "Du flagede dette som off-topic"
spam: "Du flagede dette som spam"
@ -1527,7 +1505,6 @@ da:
description: "Du vil aldrig få besked om noget om nye emner i kategorierne og de vises heller ikke i seneste."
title: 'Tak fordi du hjælper med at holde vores forum civiliseret!'
private_reminder: 'flag er private, de er <b>kun</p> synlige for personalet'
action: 'Flag indlæg'
take_action: "Reagér"
notify_action: 'Besked'
@ -1539,7 +1516,6 @@ da:
submit_tooltip: "Send privat markeringen"
take_action_tooltip: "Nå til markerings niveauer med det samme, i stedet for at vente på flere markeringer fra fælleskabet"
cant: "Beklager, du kan i øjeblikket ikke flage dette indlæg."
notify_staff: 'Informer personalet'
off_topic: "Det holder sig ikke til emnet"
inappropriate: "Det er upassende"
@ -1920,11 +1896,9 @@ da:
is_disabled: "Gendan er deaktiveret i forum indstillingerne."
label: "Genetabler"
title: "Gendan backuppen"
confirm: "Er du sikker på du vil gendanne fra denne backup?"
label: "Rul tilbage"
title: "Rul databasen tilbage til et tidspunkt hvor tingene virkede"
confirm: "Er du sikker på du vil rulle databasen tilbage?"
user_archive_confirm: "Er du sikker på du vil downloade dine indlæg?"
success: "Eksport er startet, du vil blive notificeret via en besked når denne proces er færdig."
@ -2027,9 +2001,6 @@ da:
name: 'kærlighed'
description: "Like knappens farve."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Basis farven der bruges som baggrund i wiki posts."
title: "Emails"
settings: "Indstillinger"
@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ de:
more: "Mehr"
less: "Weniger"
never: "nie"
every_30_minutes: "alle 30 Minuten"
every_hour: "jede Stunde"
daily: "täglich"
weekly: "wöchentlich"
every_two_weeks: "jede zweite Woche"
@ -269,7 +271,6 @@ de:
one: "Dieses Thema hat <b>einen</b> Beitrag, der genehmigt werden muss"
other: "Dieses Thema hat <b>{{count}}</b> Beiträge, die genehmigt werden müssen"
confirm: "Änderungen speichern"
delete_prompt: "Bist du sicher, dass du <b>%{username}</b> löschen möchtest? Es werden alle Beiträge des Benutzers gelöscht und dessen E-Mail- und IP-Adresse geblockt."
title: "Beitrag muss genehmigt werden"
description: "Wir haben deinen neuen Beitrag erhalten. Dieser muss allerdings zunächst durch einen Moderator freigeschaltet werden. Bitte habe etwas Geduld. "
@ -326,7 +327,10 @@ de:
one: "Gruppe"
other: "Gruppen"
members: "Mitglieder"
topics: "Themen"
posts: "Beiträge"
mentions: "Erwähnungen"
messages: "Nachrichten"
title: "Wer kann diese Gruppe kontaktieren und per @Gruppenname erwähnen?"
nobody: "Niemand"
@ -433,9 +437,7 @@ de:
perm_denied_btn: "Zugriff verweigert"
perm_denied_expl: "Du hast Benachrichtigungen blockiert. Aktiviere die Benachrichtigungen über deine Browser Einstellungen."
disable: "Benachrichtigungen deaktivieren"
currently_enabled: "(derzeit aktiviert)"
enable: "Benachrichtigungen aktivieren"
currently_disabled: "(derzeit deaktiviert)"
each_browser_note: "Hinweis: Du musst diese Einstellung in jedem von dir verwendeten Browser ändern."
dismiss_notifications: "Alle als gelesen markieren"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Alle ungelesenen Benachrichtigungen als gelesen markieren"
@ -470,7 +472,6 @@ de:
muted_users: "Stummgeschaltet"
muted_users_instructions: "Alle Benachrichtigungen von diesem Benutzer unterdrücken."
muted_topics_link: "Zeige stummgeschaltete Themen"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Themen automatisch loslösen, wenn du das Ende erreichst."
flags_given: "hilfreiche Meldungen"
flagged_posts: "gemeldete Beiträge"
@ -571,8 +572,16 @@ de:
title: "Benutzerkarten-Abzeichen"
website: "Website"
email_settings: "E-Mail"
always: "Immer"
never: "Nie"
always: "immer"
never: "nie"
title: "Sende eine E-Mail mit Neuigkeiten, wenn ich länger nicht hier bin:"
every_30_minutes: "alle 30 Minuten"
every_hour: "stündlich"
daily: "täglich"
every_three_days: "alle drei Tage"
weekly: "wöchentlich"
@ -731,8 +740,6 @@ de:
value_prop: "Wenn du ein Benutzerkonto anlegst, merken wir uns, was du gelesen hast, damit du immer dort fortsetzten kannst, wo du aufgehört hast. Du kannst auch Benachrichtigungen – hier oder per E-Mail – erhalten, wenn neue Beiträge verfasst werden. Beiträge, die dir gefallen, kannst du mit einem Like versehen und diese Freude mit allen teilen. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Du siehst gerade eine Zusammenfassung des Themas: die interessantesten Beiträge, die von der Community bestimmt wurden."
description: "Es gibt <b>{{replyCount}}</b> Antworten."
description_time: "Es gibt <b>{{replyCount}}</b> Antworten mit einer geschätzten Lesezeit von <b>{{readingTime}} Minuten</b>."
enable: 'Zusammenfassung vom Thema erstellen'
disable: 'Alle Beiträge anzeigen'
@ -798,6 +805,8 @@ de:
title: "mit Twitter"
message: "Authentifiziere mit Twitter (stelle sicher, dass keine Pop-up-Blocker aktiviert sind)"
title: "mit Instagram"
title: "mit Facebook"
message: "Authentifiziere mit Facebook (stelle sicher, dass keine Pop-up-Blocker aktiviert sind)"
@ -903,7 +912,6 @@ de:
group_mentioned: "<i title='Gruppe erwähnt' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='zitiert' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='geantwortet' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='geantwortet' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='bearbeitet' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='gefällt' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='Nachricht' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -1012,11 +1020,6 @@ de:
category: "Es gibt keine Themen in {{category}}."
top: "Es gibt keine Top-Themen."
search: "Es wurden keine Suchergebnisse gefunden."
new: '<p>Hier werden neue Themen angezeigt.</p><p>Standardmäßig werden jene Themen als neu angesehen und mit dem <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">neu</span> Indikator versehen, die in den letzten 2 Tagen erstellt wurden.</p><p>Du kannst das in deinen <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">Einstellungen</a> ändern.</p>'
unread: '<p>Hier werden deine ungelesenen Themen angezeigt.</p><p>Die Anzahl der ungelesenen Beiträge wird als <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> neben den Themen angezeigt.<br/>
Standardmäßig werden Themen als ungelesen angesehen, wenn du:</p><ul><li>das Thema erstellt hast</li><li>auf das Thema geantwortet hast</li><li>das Thema länger als 4 Minuten gelesen hast</li></ul><p>Außerdem werden jene Themen berücksichtigt, die du in den Benachrichtigungseinstellungen am Ende eines jeden Themas ausdrücklich auf Beobachten oder Verfolgen gesetzt hast.</p><p>Du kannst das in deinen <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">Einstellungen</a> ändern.</p>'
latest: "Das waren die aktuellen Themen."
hot: "Das waren alle beliebten Themen."
@ -1380,18 +1383,6 @@ de:
bookmark: "Lesezeichen entfernen"
like: "Gefällt mir nicht mehr"
vote: "Stimme widerrufen"
off_topic: "{{icons}} haben das als „am Thema vorbei“ gemeldet"
spam: "{{icons}} haben das als Spam gemeldet"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} haben <a href='{{postUrl}}'>das als Spam</a> gemeldet"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} haben das als unangemessen gemeldet"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} haben das den Moderatoren gemeldet"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>haben das den Moderatoren gemeldet</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} hat eine Nachricht gesendet"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} hat eine <a href='{{postUrl}}'>Nachricht</a> gesendet"
bookmark: "{{icons}} haben das als Lesezeichen"
like: "{{icons}} gefällt dieser Beitrag"
vote: "{{icons}} haben dafür gestimmt"
off_topic: "Du hast das als „am Thema vorbei“ gemeldet"
spam: "Du hast das als Spam gemeldet"
@ -1543,7 +1534,6 @@ de:
description: "Du erhältst nie mehr Benachrichtigungen über neue Themen in dieser Kategorie und die Themen werden auch nicht in der Liste der letzten Themen erscheinen."
title: 'Danke für deine Mithilfe!'
private_reminder: 'Meldungen sind vertraulich und <b>nur</b> für Mitarbeiter sichtbar'
action: 'Beitrag melden'
take_action: "Reagieren"
notify_action: 'Nachricht'
@ -1555,7 +1545,6 @@ de:
submit_tooltip: "Private Meldung abschicken"
take_action_tooltip: "Den Meldungsschwellenwert sofort erreichen, anstatt auf weitere Meldungen aus der Community zu warten."
cant: "Entschuldige, du kannst diesen Beitrag derzeit nicht melden."
notify_staff: 'Mitarbeiter benachrichtigen'
off_topic: "Es ist am Thema vorbei"
inappropriate: "Es ist unangemessen"
@ -1932,11 +1921,9 @@ de:
is_disabled: "Wiederherstellung ist in den Website-Einstellungen deaktiviert."
label: "Wiederherstellen"
title: "Das Backup wiederherstellen"
confirm: "Möchtest du wirklich dieses Backup wiederherstellen?"
label: "Zurücksetzen"
title: "Die Datenbank auf den letzten funktionierenden Zustand zurücksetzen"
confirm: "Möchtest du wirklich die Datenbank auf den letzten funktionierenden Stand zurücksetzen?"
user_archive_confirm: "Möchtest du wirklich deine Beiträge herunterladen?"
success: "Der Export wurde gestartet. Du erhältst eine Nachricht, sobald der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist."
@ -2039,9 +2026,6 @@ de:
name: 'Liebe'
description: "Die Farbe des Like-Buttons."
name: 'Wiki'
description: "Die Standardfarbe wird als Hintergrundfarbe für Wiki-Beiträge genutzt."
title: "E-Mails"
settings: "Einstellungen"
@ -2078,6 +2062,16 @@ de:
subject: "Betreff"
error: "Fehler"
none: "Keine eingehenden E-Mails gefunden."
title: "Details der eingehenden E-Mail"
error: "Fehler"
references: "Referenzen"
date: "Datum"
from: "Von"
to: "An"
cc: "Cc"
subject: "Betreff"
body: "Nachrichtentext"
from_placeholder: "von@example.com"
to_placeholder: "an@example.com"
@ -420,7 +420,6 @@ fa_IR:
muted_users: "بی صدا شده"
muted_users_instructions: "متفوقف کردن تمام اطلاعیه ها از طرف این کاربران."
muted_topics_link: "نمایش مباحث قطع شده"
automatically_unpin_topics: "از سنجاق خارج کردن خودکار مباحث وقتی که به پایین میرسید."
flags_given: "پرچم گذاری های مفید"
flagged_posts: "نوشته های پرچم گذاری شده"
@ -830,7 +829,6 @@ fa_IR:
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -1401,7 +1399,6 @@ fa_IR:
description: "شما هیچ وقت از مبحث های تازه در این دسته بندی ها مطلع نمیشوید, و آن ها در آخرین ها نمایش داده نمیشوند."
title: 'تشکر برای کمک به نگه داشتن جامعه ما بصورت مدنی !'
private_reminder: 'پرچم های خصوصی, <b>فقط</b> قابل مشاهده برای مدیران'
action: 'پرچمگذاری نوشته'
take_action: "اقدام"
notify_action: 'پیام'
@ -1413,7 +1410,6 @@ fa_IR:
submit_tooltip: "ایجاد پرچم خصوصی"
take_action_tooltip: "رسیدن سریع به آستانه پرچم، بلافاصله به جای انتظار برای پرچم انجمن"
cant: "متأسفیم، در این زمان نمیتوانید روی این نوشته پرچم بگذارید."
notify_staff: 'مطلع کردن مدیران'
off_topic: "آن موضوع قدیمی است"
inappropriate: "این نامناسب است"
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ he:
one: " בנושא זה ישנה הודעה אחת הממתינה לאישור"
other: "בפוסט זה ישנם <b>{{count}}</b> הודעות הממתינות לאישור"
confirm: "שמור שינויים"
delete_prompt: "אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה למחוק את המשתמש <b>%{username}</b>? פעולה זו תמחק את כל ההודעות , תחסום את הדואר האלקטרוני וכתובת ה-IP של המשתמש."
title: "ההודעה זקוקה לאישור"
description: "קיבלנו את הודעתך אך נדרש אישור של מנחה לפני שההודעה תוצג, אנא המתן בסבלנות."
@ -419,9 +418,7 @@ he:
perm_default: "הדלק התראות"
perm_denied_btn: "הרשאות נדחו"
disable: "כבה התראות"
currently_enabled: "(כרגע מאופשר)"
enable: "אפשר התראות"
currently_disabled: "(כרגע לא מאופשר)"
each_browser_note: "הערה: עליך לשנות הגדרה זו עבור כל דפדפן בנפרד."
dismiss_notifications: "סימון הכל כנקרא"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "סימון כל ההתראות שלא נקראו כהתראות שנקראו"
@ -686,8 +683,6 @@ he:
value_prop: "כשאתה נרשם, אנחנו זוכרים בדיוק מה קראת כך כשאתה חוזר אתה ממשיך בדיוק מאיפה שהפסקת. בנוסף אתה תקבל התראות דרך האתר ודרך הדואר האלקטרוני שלך כשפוסטים חדשים נוצרים ועוד משהו, אתה יכול לעשות לייק לפוסטים שאהבת. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "אתם צופים בסיכום פוסט זה: הפרסומים המעניינים ביותר כפי שסומנו על ידי הקהילה."
description: "ישנן <b> {{replyCount}}</b> תגובות"
description_time: "ישנן <b>{{replyCount}}</b> תגובות, עם הערכת זמן קריאה של כ- <b>{{readingTime}} דקות </b>."
enable: 'סכם פוסט זה'
disable: 'הצג את כל ההודעות'
@ -855,7 +850,6 @@ he:
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -957,9 +951,6 @@ he:
category: "אין פוסטים בקטגוריה {{category}}."
top: "אין פוסטים מובילים."
search: "אין תוצאות חיפוש"
new: '<p>הפוסטים החדשים שלך יופיעו כאן.</p><p> כברירת מחדל, פוסטים נחשבים חדשים ויופיעו עם האינדיקציה <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;"> חדש </span> אם הם נוצרו ב-2 הימים האחרונים. .</p><p> תוכלו לשנות זאת ב <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">העדפות </a>.</p>'
unread: '<p> הפוסטים הלא-נקראים שלך מופיעים כאן.</p><p>כברירת מחדל פוסטים נחשבים ככאלה שלא נקראו ויוצגו כ- <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> אם את/ה:</p><ul><li> יצרת את הפוסט</li></ul><p>או אם כיוונתם את הנושא הזה להיות תחת מעקב או צפייה באמצעות כפתור ההתראות שבתחתית כל פוסט. </p><p> את/ה יכולים לשנות זאת ב<a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">העדפות</a>.</p>'
latest: "אין עוד פוסטים מדוברים."
hot: "אין עוד פוסטים חמים."
@ -1299,18 +1290,6 @@ he:
bookmark: "בטל העדפה"
like: "בטל לייק"
vote: "בטל הצבעה"
off_topic: "{{icons}} סומן כמחוץ לנושא הפוסט"
spam: "{{icons}} סומן כספאם"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} סימון <a href='{{postUrl}}'> של זה כספאם </a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} סומן בלתי ראוי"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} הודיעו למנהלים"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>הודיעו למנהלים</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} שלח הודעה"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} שלח <a href='{{postUrl}}'>הודעה</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} סימנו כמועדף"
like: "{{icons}} נתנו לייק"
vote: "{{icons}} הצביעו עבור זה"
off_topic: "סמנת פרסום זה כמחוץ לנושא הפוסט"
spam: "סמנת את זה כספאם"
@ -1462,7 +1441,6 @@ he:
description: "לא תקבלו התראות על נושאים חדשים בקטגוריות אלו, והם לא יופיעו בעמוד הלא נקראו שלך."
title: 'תודה על עזרתך לשמירה על תרבות הקהילה שלנו!'
private_reminder: 'דגלים הם פרטיים וניתנים לצפייה ע"י הצוות <b>בלבד</b>'
action: 'סימון פרסום'
take_action: "בצע פעולה"
notify_action: 'הודעה'
@ -1474,7 +1452,6 @@ he:
submit_tooltip: "שידור הסימון כ \"פרטי\""
take_action_tooltip: "הגעה באופן מיידי למספר הסימונים האפשרי, במקום להמתין לסימונים נוספים מן הקהילה"
cant: "סליחה, לא ניתן לסמן הודעה זו כרגע."
notify_staff: 'התרע למשתמש'
off_topic: "מחוץ לנושא הפוסט"
inappropriate: "לא ראוי"
@ -1835,11 +1812,9 @@ he:
is_disabled: "שחזור אינו מאופשר לפי הגדרות האתר."
label: "שחזר"
title: "שחזר את הגיבוי"
confirm: "אתה בטוח שברצונך לשחזר את הגיבוי הזה?"
label: "חזור לאחור"
title: "הזחר את מסד הנתונים למצב עבודה קודם"
confirm: "אתה בטוח שברצונך להחזיר את מסד הנתונים למצב עבודה קודם?"
user_archive_confirm: "האם את/ה בטוח/ה שאתם רוצים להוריד את הפרסומים שלכם?"
success: "יצוא החל, תקבלו הודעה כשהתהליך יסתיים"
@ -1941,9 +1916,6 @@ he:
name: 'חבב'
description: "צבע הרקע של הכפתור \"חבב\""
name: 'ויקי'
description: "צבעי יסוד משמשים כצבעי רקע בפרסומי ויקי."
settings: "הגדרות"
preview_digest: "תצוגה מקדימה של סיכום"
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ it:
one: "1 anno dopo"
other: "%{count} anni dopo"
previous_month: 'Mese Precedente'
next_month: 'Mese Successivo'
topic: 'Condividi un link a questa conversazione'
post: 'messaggio n°%{postNumber}'
@ -253,7 +255,6 @@ it:
one: "Questo argomento ha <b>1</b> messaggio in attesa di approvazione"
other: "Questo argomento ha <b>{{count}}</b> messaggi in attesa di approvazione"
confirm: "Salva Modifiche"
delete_prompt: "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare <b>%{username}</b>? Ciò cancellerà tutti i suoi messaggi e bloccherà il suo indirizzo email e l'IP."
title: "Il Messaggio Richiede Approvazione"
description: "Abbiamo ricevuto il tuo messaggio ma prima che appaia è necessario che venga approvato da un moderatore. Per favore sii paziente."
@ -310,7 +311,10 @@ it:
one: "gruppo"
other: "gruppi"
members: "Membri"
topics: "Argomenti"
posts: "Messaggi"
mentions: "Menzioni"
messages: "Messaggi"
title: "Chi può inviare @menzionare e inviare messaggi a questo gruppo?"
nobody: "Nessuno"
@ -416,9 +420,7 @@ it:
perm_default: "Attiva Notifiche"
perm_denied_btn: "Permesso Negato"
disable: "Disabilita Notifiche"
currently_enabled: "(attualmente attivate)"
enable: "Abilita Notifiche"
currently_disabled: "(attualmente disabilitate)"
each_browser_note: "Nota: devi modificare questa impostazione per ogni browser che utilizzi."
dismiss_notifications: "Imposta tutti come Letti"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Imposta tutte le notifiche non lette come lette "
@ -453,7 +455,6 @@ it:
muted_users: "Silenziati"
muted_users_instructions: "Occulta tutte le notifiche da questi utenti."
muted_topics_link: "Mostra argomenti silenziati"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Spunta automaticamente gli argomenti quando arrivi in fondo."
flags_given: "segnalazioni utili"
flagged_posts: "messaggi segnalati"
@ -553,6 +554,9 @@ it:
title: "Targhetta Scheda Utente"
website: "Sito Web"
email_settings: "Email"
always: "Sempre"
never: "Mai"
title: "Quando non visito il sito, invia un riassunto delle novità per email: "
daily: "ogni giorno"
@ -884,7 +888,6 @@ it:
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -989,9 +992,6 @@ it:
category: "Non ci sono argomenti in {{category}}."
top: "Non ci sono argomenti di punta."
search: "Non ci sono risultati della ricerca."
new: '<p>Qui compaiono i tuoi nuovi argomenti.</p><p>Per difetto, gli argomenti creati negli ultimi 2 giorni saranno considerati nuovi e mostreranno l''indicatore <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">nuovo</span>.</p><p>Puoi cambiare questa configurazione nelle tue <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferenze</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Qui compaiono i tuoi argomenti non letti.</p><p>Per difetto, gli argomenti sono considerati non letti e mostrano un conteggio di non lettura <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> se hai:</p><ul><li>Creato l''argomento</li><li>Risposto all''argomento</li><li>Letto l''argomento per più di 4 minuti</li></ul><p>Oppure se hai esplicitamente impostato l''argomento come Seguito o Osservato usando il pannello di controllo delle notifiche in fondo ad ogni argomento.</p><p>Puoi cambiare questa configurazione nelle tue <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferenze</a>.</p>'
latest: "Non ci sono altri argomenti più recenti."
hot: "Non ci sono altri argomenti caldi."
@ -1356,17 +1356,10 @@ it:
like: "Annulla il \"Mi piace\""
vote: "Rimuovi voto"
off_topic: "{{icons}} l'hanno segnalato come fuori tema"
spam: "{{icons}} l'hanno segnalato come spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} ha segnalato <a href='{{postUrl}}'>questo come spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} l'hanno segnalato come inappropriato"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} hanno informato i moderatori"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>hanno informato i moderatori</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} ha inviato un messaggio"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} ha inviato un <a href='{{postUrl}}'>messaggio</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} l'hanno inserito nei segnalibri"
like: "A {{icons}} è piaciuto"
vote: "{{icons}} l'hanno votato"
off_topic: "l'hanno segnalato come fuori tema"
spam: "l'hanno segnalato come spam"
inappropriate: "l'hanno segnalato come inappropriato"
notify_moderators: "hanno informato i moderatori"
off_topic: "L'hai segnalato come fuori tema"
spam: "L'hai segnalato come spam"
@ -1518,7 +1511,6 @@ it:
description: "Non ti verrà mai notificato nulla sui nuovi argomenti di queste categorie, e non compariranno nell'elenco dei Non letti."
title: 'Grazie per aiutarci a mantenere la nostra comunità civile!'
private_reminder: 'le segnalazioni sono private, visibili <b>soltanto</b> allo staff '
action: 'Segnala Messaggio'
take_action: "Procedi"
notify_action: 'Messaggio'
@ -1530,7 +1522,6 @@ it:
submit_tooltip: "Invia la segnalazione privata"
take_action_tooltip: "Raggiungi la soglia di segnalazioni immediatamente, piuttosto che aspettare altre segnalazioni della comunità"
cant: "Spiacenti, al momento non puoi segnalare questo messaggio."
notify_staff: 'Notifica Staff'
off_topic: "E' fuori tema"
inappropriate: "È inappropriato"
@ -1906,11 +1897,9 @@ it:
is_disabled: "Il ripristino è disabilitato nelle opzioni del sito."
label: "Ripristina"
title: "Ripristina il backup"
confirm: "Sicuro di voler ripristinare questo backup?"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Ripristina il database a una versione funzionante precedente"
confirm: "Sicuro di voler ripristinare una precedente versione funzionante del database?"
user_archive_confirm: "Sei sicuro di voler scaricare i tuoi messaggi?"
success: "Esportazione iniziata, verrai avvertito con un messaggio al termine del processo."
@ -2013,9 +2002,6 @@ it:
name: 'amo'
description: "Il colore del bottone \"Mi piace\"."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Colore base usato per lo sfondo dei messaggi wiki."
settings: "Impostazioni"
templates: "Template"
@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ ja:
other: "このトピックは<b>{{count}}</b>個の投稿が承認待ちです"
confirm: "変更を保存"
delete_prompt: "<b>%{username}</b>を本当に削除しますか?全ての投稿が削除されるのと同時にメールアドレスとIPアドレスがブロックされます。"
title: "この投稿は承認が必要"
description: "投稿された新規のポストは受付されましたがモデレータによる承認が必要です。もう少々お待ち下さい。"
@ -350,9 +349,7 @@ ja:
perm_default: "通知をONにする"
perm_denied_btn: "アクセス拒否"
disable: "通知を無効にする"
currently_enabled: "(現在有効化されています)"
enable: "通知を有効化"
currently_disabled: "(現在無効化されています)"
each_browser_note: "注意: 利用するブラウザ全てでこの設定を変更する必要があります"
dismiss_notifications: "全て既読にする"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "全ての未読の通知を既読にします"
@ -594,8 +591,6 @@ ja:
sign_up: "新しいアカウントを作成"
enabled_description: "トピックのまとめを表示されています。"
description: "<b>{{replyCount}}</b> 返信があります。"
description_time: "全てを確認するのに <b>{{readingTime}} 分</b> 前後を要する <b>{{replyCount}}</b> 個の回答があります。"
enable: 'このトピックを要訳する'
disable: '全ての投稿を表示する'
@ -749,7 +744,6 @@ ja:
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -818,9 +812,6 @@ ja:
category: "{{category}} トピックはありません。"
top: "トップトピックはありません。"
search: "検索結果はありません。"
new: '2日以内に投稿されたトピックは「最新」トピックとして表示されます。<a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">設定画面</a>で日数変更が可能です。'
unread: '参加中のトピックに対して新しい投稿がある場合、未読記事として表示されます。'
latest: "最新のトピックはこれ以上ありません。"
hot: "ホットなトピックはこれ以上ありません。"
@ -1127,18 +1118,6 @@ ja:
bookmark: "ブックマークを取り消す"
like: "「いいね!」を取り消す"
vote: "投票を取り消す"
off_topic: "{{icons}} オフトピックとしてマーク"
spam: "{{icons}} スパムとしてマーク"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>スパムとして</a>フラグ付き"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} 不適切であると報告するフラグを立つ"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} がモデレータに通報しました"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>通知されたモデレータ</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} メッセージを送信しました"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>メッセージ</a>を送信しました"
bookmark: "{{icons}} がブックマークしました"
like: "{{icons}} が「いいね!」しています"
vote: "{{icons}} が投票しました"
off_topic: "オフトピックのフラグを立てました"
spam: "スパムを報告するフラグを立てました"
@ -1266,7 +1245,6 @@ ja:
title: "ミュート中"
title: '私達のコミュニティの維持を助けてくれてありがとうごうざいます'
private_reminder: 'フラグはプライベートです。スタッフ<b>のみ</b>が参照できます'
action: 'フラグをつける'
take_action: "アクションをする"
notify_action: 'メッセージ'
@ -1628,11 +1606,9 @@ ja:
is_disabled: "バックアップ復元を無効にされています。"
label: "復元"
title: "バックアップを復元"
confirm: "本当にバックアップを復元しますか?"
label: "ロールバック"
title: "データベースを元の作業状態にロールバックする"
confirm: "本当にデータベースを元の作業状態にロールバックしますか?"
user_archive_confirm: "あなたのポストをダウンロードしてよいですか?"
success: "エスクポートを開始しました。処理が完了すると、メッセージで通知されます。"
@ -1726,9 +1702,6 @@ ja:
name: 'love'
description: "ライクボタンの色"
name: 'wiki'
description: "Wiki投稿の背景に使用する基本色"
settings: "設定"
preview_digest: "ダイジェストのプレビュー"
@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ nb_NO:
one: "Dette emnet har <b>1</b> innlegg som venter på godkjenning"
other: "Dette emnet har <b>{{count}}</b> innlegg som venter på godkjenning"
confirm: "Lagre endringer"
delete_prompt: "Er du sikker du ønsker å slette <b>%{username}</b>? Dette vil fjerne alle brukerens innnlegg og blokkere epost og ip-addressen."
title: "Innlegg Behøver Godkjenning"
description: "Vi har mottatt ditt nye innlegg men det krever godkjenning av en moderator før det vises. Venligst vær tålmodig."
@ -386,9 +385,7 @@ nb_NO:
perm_default: "Slå på varslinger"
perm_denied_btn: "Tillatelse avslått"
disable: "Slå av varslinger"
currently_enabled: "(slått på)"
enable: "Slå på varslinger"
currently_disabled: "(slått av)"
each_browser_note: "Merk: Du må endre denne innstillinger for hver nettleser du bruker."
dismiss_notifications: "Merk alle som lest"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Merk alle uleste varslinger som lest"
@ -645,8 +642,6 @@ nb_NO:
value_prop: "Når du registrerer deg husker vi hvor langt du har lest, så du starter på riktig sted neste gang du åpner en tråd. Du får også varsler, her og på e-post når det skjer ting i diskusjonene du vil følge. I tillegg kan du like innlegg :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Du ser for øyeblikket en oppsummering av dette emnet: de mest interessante innleggene i følge nettsamfunnet."
description: "Det er <b>{{replyCount}}</b> svar."
description_time: "Det er <b>{{replyCount}}</b> svar med en estimert lesetid på <b>{{readingTime}} minutter</b>."
enable: 'Oppsummer dette emnet'
disable: 'Vis alle innlegg'
@ -811,7 +806,6 @@ nb_NO:
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -898,9 +892,6 @@ nb_NO:
category: "Det er ingen {{category}} emner."
top: "Det er ingen populære emner."
search: "Det er ingen søkeresultater"
new: '<p>Dine nye emner vises her.</p><p>Som standard anses emner som nye, og vil ha indikatoren <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">ny</span> hvis emnet ble opprettet de siste 2 dagene</p><p>Du kan endre dette i dine <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">innstillinger</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Dine uleste emner vises her.</p><p>Som standard anses emner som uleste, og vil vise antall uleste <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> dersom du:</p><ul><li>Opprettet emnet</li><li>Svarte på emnet</li><li>Leste emnet i mer enn 4 minutter</li></ul><p>Eller dersom du eksplisitt har satt emnet som Sporet eller Fulgt via varslingskontrollene under hvert emne.</p><p>Du kan endre dette i dine <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">innstillinger</a>.</p>'
latest: "Det er ikke noen siste emner igjen å lese."
hot: "Det er ikke noen populære emner igjen å lese."
@ -1225,18 +1216,6 @@ nb_NO:
bookmark: "Angre bokmerke"
like: "Angre liker"
vote: "Angre stemme"
off_topic: "{{icons}} rapporterte dette som irrelevant"
spam: "{{icons}} rapporterte dette som spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} merket <a href='{{postUrl}}'>dette som spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} rapporterte dette som upassende"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} varslet moderatorene"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>varslet moderatorene</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} sendte en melding"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} sente en <a href='{{postUrl}}'>melding</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bokmerket dette"
like: "{{icons}} likte dette"
vote: "{{icons}} stemte for dette"
off_topic: "Du rapporterte dette som irrelevant"
spam: "Du rapporterte dette som spam"
@ -1383,7 +1362,6 @@ nb_NO:
title: "Dempet"
title: 'Takk for at du hjelper å holde forumet ryddig!'
private_reminder: 'flagg er private, <b>bare</b> synlige for staben'
action: 'Rapporter innlegg'
take_action: "Ta Handling"
notify_action: 'Melding'
@ -1395,7 +1373,6 @@ nb_NO:
submit_tooltip: "Rapporter privat"
take_action_tooltip: "Oppnå rapporteringsterskel umiddelbart, i stedet for å vente på flere rapporteringer."
cant: "Beklager, du kan ikke rapportere dette innlegget nå."
notify_staff: 'Varsle Personalet'
off_topic: "Det er off-topic "
inappropriate: "Det er upassende"
@ -1763,11 +1740,9 @@ nb_NO:
is_disabled: "Gjenoppretting er deaktivert i nettstedsinnstillingene."
label: "Gjenooprett"
title: "Gjenopprett sikkerhetskopien"
confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil gjenopprette denne sikkerhetskopien?"
label: "Gjenopprett"
title: "Gjenopprett databasen til en tidligere fungerende tilstand"
confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil gjenopprette databasen til en tidligere fungerende tilstand?"
user_archive_confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil laste ned innleggene dine?"
success: "Eksportering iverksatt. Du vil bli varslet med en melding når prosessen er fullført."
@ -1864,9 +1839,6 @@ nb_NO:
name: 'liker'
description: "Fargen til Liker-knappen."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Grunnfarge brukt for bakgrunnen i wiki-poster."
settings: "Instillinger"
preview_digest: "Forhåndsvis Oppsummering"
@ -920,7 +920,6 @@ nl:
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='geciteerd' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='beantwoord' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='beantwoord' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='aangepast' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='geliked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='privebericht' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ pl_PL:
separator: "."
separator: ","
delimiter: ","
@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ pl_PL:
one: "1 rok później"
few: "%{count} lata później"
other: "%{count} lat później"
previous_month: 'Poprzedni miesiąc'
next_month: 'Następny miesiąc'
topic: 'udostępnij odnośnik do tego tematu'
post: 'wpis #%{postNumber}'
@ -149,6 +151,19 @@ pl_PL:
disabled: 'odlistowanie %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "akcje administratora"
emails_are_disabled: "Wysyłanie e-maili zostało globalnie wyłączone przez administrację. Powiadomienia e-mail nie będą dostarczane."
us_east_1: "US East (N. Virginia)"
us_west_1: "US West (N. California)"
us_west_2: "US West (Oregon)"
us_gov_west_1: "AWS GovCloud (US)"
eu_west_1: "EU (Ireland)"
eu_central_1: "EU (Frankfurt)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
ap_southeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
ap_northeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
ap_northeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
sa_east_1: "South America (Sao Paulo)"
edit: 'edytuj tytuł i kategorię tego tematu'
not_implemented: "Bardzo nam przykro, ale ta funkcja nie została jeszcze zaimplementowana."
no_value: "Nie"
@ -182,6 +197,8 @@ pl_PL:
more: "Więcej"
less: "Mniej"
never: "nigdy"
every_30_minutes: "co 30 minut"
every_hour: "co godzinę"
daily: "dziennie"
weekly: "tygodniowo"
every_two_weeks: "co dwa tygodnie"
@ -276,7 +293,7 @@ pl_PL:
few: "Ten temat posiada <b>{{count}}</b> wpisy oczekujące na akceptację"
other: "Ten temat posiada <b>{{count}}</b> wpisów oczekujących na akceptację"
confirm: "Zapisz zmiany"
delete_prompt: "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć <b>%{username}</b>? Zostaną usunięte wszystkie wpisy utworzone z tego konta oraz zostanie zablokowany powiązany e-mail oraz adres IP."
delete_prompt: "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć <b>%{username}</b>? To spowoduje usunięcie wszystkich wiadomości, zablokowanie adresu e-mail i adresu IP tego użytkownika."
title: "Wpis wymaga zatwierdzenia"
description: "Twój nowy wpis został umieszczony w kolejce i pojawi się po zatwierdzeniu przez moderatora. Prosimy o cierpliwość."
@ -330,7 +347,9 @@ pl_PL:
few: "grupy"
other: "grupy"
members: "Członkowie"
topics: "Tematy"
posts: "Wpisów"
messages: "Wiadomości"
title: "Kto może wysyłać wiadomości i używać @aliasu tej grupy?"
nobody: "Nikt"
@ -341,6 +360,11 @@ pl_PL:
title: "Domyślny poziom zaufania przyznawany nowych użytkownikom:"
none: "Brak"
title: "Obserwowanie"
title: "Śledzenie"
'1': "Przyznane polubienia"
'2': "Otrzymane polubienia"
@ -423,9 +447,7 @@ pl_PL:
perm_default: "Włącz powiadomienia"
perm_denied_btn: "Brak uprawnień"
disable: "Wyłącz powiadomienia"
currently_enabled: "(aktualnie włączone)"
enable: "Włącz powiadomienia"
currently_disabled: "(aktualnie wyłączone)"
each_browser_note: "Uwaga: to ustawienie musisz zmienić w każdej przeglądarce której używasz."
dismiss_notifications: "Oznacz jako przeczytane"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Oznacz wszystkie powiadomienia jako przeczytane"
@ -460,7 +482,6 @@ pl_PL:
muted_users: "Uciszeni"
muted_users_instructions: "Wstrzymaj powiadomienia od tych użytkowników."
muted_topics_link: "Pokaż wyciszone tematy"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Automatycznie odpinaj tematy po przeczytaniu ostatniego wpisu."
flags_given: "uczynnych oflagowań"
flagged_posts: "oflagowane wpisy"
@ -556,6 +577,7 @@ pl_PL:
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Gdy nie odwiedzam strony, wysyłaj e-mail z podsumowaniem aktywności:"
every_30_minutes: "co 30 minut"
daily: "codziennie"
every_three_days: "co trzy dni"
weekly: "co tydzień"
@ -700,8 +722,6 @@ pl_PL:
value_prop: "Jeśli stworzysz konto, zapamiętamy przeczytane przez Ciebie wpisy i tematy, dzięki czemu zawsze powrócisz do odpowiedniego miejsca. Otrzymasz też powiadomienia o nowych wpisach. Dodatkowo możliwe będzie polubienie ciekawych wpisów :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Przeglądasz podsumowanie tego tematu: widoczne są jedynie najbardziej wartościowe wpisy zdaniem uczestników. "
description: "Istnieją <b>{{replyCount}}</b> odpowiedzi."
description_time: "Istnieją <b>{{replyCount}}</b> odpowiedzi z czasem czytania oszacowanym na <b>{{readingTime}} minut</b>."
enable: 'Podsumuj ten temat'
disable: 'Pokaż wszystkie wpisy'
@ -871,7 +891,6 @@ pl_PL:
group_mentioned: "<i title='wywołanie grupy' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='cytat' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='odpowiedź' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='odpowiedź' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edycja' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='polubienie' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='prywatna wiadomość' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -977,11 +996,6 @@ pl_PL:
category: "Nie ma tematów w kategorii {{category}}."
top: "Brak najlepszych tematów."
search: "Brak wyników wyszukiwania."
new: '<p>Pojawią się tu nowe tematy.</p><p>Domyślnie, tematy są traktowane jako <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">nowe</span> jeśli zostały utworzone w ciągu ostatnich 2 dni.</p><p>Możesz to zmienić w <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">swoich ustawieniach</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Pojawią się tu tematy oznaczone licznikiem <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> nieprzeczytanych wpisów.</p>
<p>Domyślnie, jako nieprzeczytane rozumiane są tematy:</p><ul><li>twojego autorstwa</li><li>te w których są twoje odpowiedzi </li><li>czytane przez ciebie dłużej niż 4 minuty</li></ul><p>Znajdą się tu też te, którym ręcznie przyznano status Śledzony lub Obserwowany przyciskiem znajdującym się na końcu każdego tematu.</p><p>Możesz zmienić te zachowania w swoich <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">ustawieniach</a>.</p>'
latest: "Nie ma więcej najnowszych tematów."
hot: "Nie ma więcej gorących tematów."
@ -1355,18 +1369,6 @@ pl_PL:
bookmark: "Cofnij zakładkę"
like: "Cofnij"
vote: "Cofnij głos"
off_topic: "{{icons}} oznaczyli jako nie-na-temat"
spam: "{{icons}} oznaczyli jako spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} oznacza <a href='{{postUrl}}'>to jako spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} oznaczyli jako niewłaściwe"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} powiadomiło moderatorów"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>powiadomiło moderatorów</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} wysłana wiadomość"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} wysłana <a href='{{postUrl}}'>wiadomość</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} dodało to do zakładek"
like: "{{icons}} lubi to"
vote: "{{icons}} zagłosowało za tym"
off_topic: "Oznaczono jako nie-na-temat"
spam: "Oflagowano jako spam"
@ -1535,7 +1537,6 @@ pl_PL:
description: "Nie otrzymasz powiadomień o nowych tematach w tych kategoriach. Nie pojawią się na liście nieprzeczytanych."
title: 'Dziękujemy za pomoc w utrzymaniu porządku w naszej społeczności!'
private_reminder: 'oflagowania są poufne i widoczne <b>jedynie</b> dla obsługi serwisu'
action: 'Oflaguj wpis'
take_action: "Podejmij działanie"
notify_action: 'Wiadomość'
@ -1547,7 +1548,6 @@ pl_PL:
submit_tooltip: "Zapisz prywatną flagę."
take_action_tooltip: "Nie czekaj, aż wpis zostanie zgłoszony przez innych, natychmiast oflaguj do działania . "
cant: "Przepraszamy, nie możesz oflagować teraz tego wpisu."
notify_staff: 'Powiadom administrację'
off_topic: "Jest nie-na-temat"
inappropriate: "Jest nieodpowiednie"
@ -1936,11 +1936,9 @@ pl_PL:
is_disabled: "Przywracanie jest zablokowane w ustawieniach."
label: "Przywróć"
title: "Przywróć kopię zapasową"
confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić tą kopię zapasową?"
label: "Wycofaj"
title: "Wycofaj bazę danych do poprzedniego poprawnego stanu"
confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić bazę danych do poprzedniego poprawnego stanu?"
user_archive_confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz pobrać swoje wszystkie wpisy?"
success: "Rozpoczęto eksport: otrzymasz wiadomość, gdy proces zostanie zakończony."
@ -2043,9 +2041,6 @@ pl_PL:
name: 'polubienie'
description: "Kolor przycisku polub"
name: 'wiki'
description: "Kolor tła wpisów typu wiki."
settings: "Ustawienia"
preview_digest: "Pokaż zestawienie aktywności"
@ -2071,6 +2066,15 @@ pl_PL:
last_seen_user: "Ostatnia "
reply_key: "Klucz odpowiedzi"
skipped_reason: "Powód pominięcia"
error: "Błąd"
error: "Błąd"
from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
cc_placeholder: "cc@example.com"
error_placeholder: "Błąd"
none: "Nie znaleziono logów."
@ -2305,6 +2309,7 @@ pl_PL:
deactivate_failed: "Wystąpił problem przy deaktywacji konta użytkownika."
unblock_failed: 'Wystąpił problem podczaj odblokowania użytkownika.'
block_failed: 'Wystąpił problem podczas blokowania użytkownika.'
block_accept: 'Tak, zablokuj tego użytkownika'
deactivate_explanation: "Wymusza ponowne potwierdzenie adresu email tego konta."
suspended_explanation: "Zawieszony użytkownik nie może się logować."
block_explanation: "Zablokowany użytkownik nie może tworzyć wpisów ani zaczynać tematów."
@ -2586,6 +2591,11 @@ pl_PL:
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> śledź temat'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> śledź wszystko w temacie'
one: "Otrzymano tą odznakę 1 raz"
few: "Otrzymano tą odznakę %{count} razy"
other: "Otrzymano tą odznakę %{count} razy"
more_with_badge: "Inni użytkownicy z tą odznaką"
title: Odznaki
allow_title: "może być użyta jako tytuł"
multiple_grant: "może być przyznana wielokrotnie"
@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ pt_BR:
more: "Mais"
less: "Menos"
never: "nunca"
every_30_minutes: "a cada 30 minutos"
every_hour: "a cada hora"
daily: "diário"
weekly: "semanal"
every_two_weeks: "a cada duas semanas"
@ -316,7 +318,10 @@ pt_BR:
one: "grupo"
other: "grupos"
members: "Membros"
topics: "Tópicos"
posts: "Mensagens"
mentions: "Menções"
messages: "Mensagens"
title: "Quem pode enviar mensagem e @mention a este grupo?"
nobody: "Ninguém"
@ -556,6 +561,7 @@ pt_BR:
never: "nunca"
title: "Quando eu não visitar aqui, envie um resumo via email do que há de novo:"
every_30_minutes: "a cada 30 minutos"
daily: "diariamente"
every_three_days: "a cada três dias"
weekly: "semanalmente"
@ -879,7 +885,6 @@ pt_BR:
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -981,9 +986,6 @@ pt_BR:
category: "Não há tópicos na categoria {{category}}."
top: "Não há tópicos em alta."
search: "Não foram encontrados resultados."
new: '<p>Seus novos tópicos aparecerão aqui.</p><p>Por padrão, tópicos são considerados novos e irão mostrar um indicador <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">novo</span> se eles foram criados nos últimos 2 dias.</p><p>Você pode mudar isto nas suas <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferências</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Seus tópicos não lidos aparecerão aqui.</p><p>Por padrão, tópicos são considerados não lidos e irão mostrar contadores <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> se você:</p><ul><li>Criou o tópico</li><li>Respondeu para o tópico</li><li>Leu o tópico por mais de 4 minutos</li></ul><p>Ou se você explicitamente marcou o tópico para Acompanhar ou Assistir via o controle de notificação na parte de baixo de cada tópico.</p><p>Você pode mudar isto nas suas <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferências</a>.</p>'
latest: "Não há mais tópicos recentes."
hot: "Não mais tópicos quentes."
@ -1334,17 +1336,9 @@ pt_BR:
like: "Descurtir"
vote: "Desfazer voto"
off_topic: "{{icons}} marcado como off-topic"
spam: "{{icons}} marcado como spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} marcou <a href='{{postUrl}}'>isto como spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} marcado como inapropriado"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} notificaram os moderadores"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>notificaram os moderadores</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} enviou uma mensagem particular"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} enviou uma <a href='{{postUrl}}'>mensagem particular</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} favoritaram isto"
like: "{{icons}} curtiram isto"
vote: "{{icons}} votaram nisto"
off_topic: "marcado como off-topic"
spam: "marcado como spam"
inappropriate: "marcado como inapropriado"
off_topic: "Você sinalizou isto como off-topic"
spam: "Você sinalizou isto como spam"
@ -1496,7 +1490,6 @@ pt_BR:
description: "Você nunca será notificado sobre novos tópicos nessas categorias, e não aparecerão no Recentes."
title: 'Obrigado por ajudar a manter a civilidade da nossa comunidade!'
private_reminder: 'sinalizações são privadas, <b>apenas</b> ficam visíveis a moderação'
action: 'Sinalizar resposta'
take_action: "Tomar Atitude"
notify_action: 'Mensagem'
@ -1508,7 +1501,6 @@ pt_BR:
submit_tooltip: "Enviar uma sinalização privada"
take_action_tooltip: "Atingir o limiar de denuncias imediatamente, ao invés de esperar para mais denuncias da comunidade"
cant: "Desculpe, não é possível colocar uma sinalização neste momento."
notify_staff: 'Notificar Equipe'
off_topic: "É Off-Tópico"
inappropriate: "É inapropriado"
@ -1885,11 +1877,9 @@ pt_BR:
is_disabled: "Restaurar está desativado nas configurações do site."
label: "Restaurar"
title: "Restaurar o backup"
confirm: "Tem certeza de que quer restaurar este backup?"
label: "Reverter"
title: "Reverter o banco de dados para seu estado anterior"
confirm: "Tem certeza de que quer reverter o banco de dados para o estado anterior?"
user_archive_confirm: "Tem certeza que você quer baixar os seus tópicos?"
success: "Exportação iniciada, você será notificado por mensagem particular quando o processo estiver completo."
@ -1991,9 +1981,6 @@ pt_BR:
name: 'curtir'
description: "A cor do botão curtir."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Cor base usada para o fundo em postagens do wiki."
settings: "Settings"
preview_digest: "Preview Digest"
@ -292,7 +292,6 @@ ro:
few: "Această discuție are <b>1</b> postare în așteptare"
other: "Această discuţie are <b>{{count}}</b> postări în aşteptare."
confirm: "Salvează Schimbările"
delete_prompt: "Sunteţi sigur că vreţi să ştergeţi <b>%{username}</b>? Această operaţiune va şterge toate postările, va bloca adresa de email şi adresa de IP."
title: "Necesită aprobare"
description: "Am primit nouă postare dar trebuie să fie aprobată de un moderator înainte că ea să apară pe site. Va rugăm să aveţi răbdare."
@ -438,9 +437,7 @@ ro:
perm_default: "Activeaza notificarile"
perm_denied_btn: "Nu se permite accesul"
disable: "Dezactiveaza notificarile"
currently_enabled: "(acum activat)"
enable: "Activeaza Notificarile"
currently_disabled: "(acum dezactivate)"
each_browser_note: "Notati: Setarile vor fi modificate pe orice alt browser."
dismiss_notifications: "Marchează toate ca citite"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marchează cu citit toate notificările necitite"
@ -698,8 +695,6 @@ ro:
value_prop: "Cand creati un cont nou, vom retine exact ce ati citit, astfel continuati intotdeauna de unde ati ramas. Deasemenea primiti notificari, aici sau prin email atunci se posteaza ceva nou. Puteti \"aprecia\" postari pentru a impartasi iubire :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Vizualizați sumarul discuției: cea mai interesantă postare, așa cum a fost determinată de comunitate. Pentru toate postările, faceți click dedesubt."
description: "Există <b>{{replyCount}}</b> de răspunsuri."
description_time: "Există <b>{{replyCount}}</b> de răspunsuri cu timp de citit estimat la <b>{{readingTime}} de minute</b>."
enable: 'Fă sumarul discuției'
disable: 'Arată toate postările'
@ -719,7 +714,7 @@ ro:
trust_level: 'Nivel de încredere'
search_hint: 'Numele de utilizator sau email'
title: "Crează cont"
title: "Creează cont"
failed: "Ceva a decurs greșit, poate că acest email e deja înregistrat, încearcă linkul parolă uitată "
title: "Resetare parolă"
@ -805,7 +800,7 @@ ro:
reply_here: "Răspunde aici"
reply: "Răspunde"
cancel: "Anulează"
create_topic: "Crează o Discuţie"
create_topic: "Creează o Discuţie"
create_pm: "Mesaj"
title: "sau apasă Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "adaugă un utilizator"
@ -865,7 +860,6 @@ ro:
mentioned: "<i title='a menționat' class='icon'>@</i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='a citat' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='a răspuns' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='a răspuns' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='a editat' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='a apreciat' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='Mesaj privat' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -937,8 +931,6 @@ ro:
category: "Nu există nicio discuție din categoria {{category}}."
top: "Nu exită nicio discuție de top."
search: "Nu sunt rezulate la căutare."
new: '<p>Discuţiile noi vor apărea aici.</p><p>Implicit, discuţiile sunt considerate noi şi vor afişa indicatorul <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">new</span> dacă au fost create în ultimele 2 zile.</p><p>Puteţi schimba aceasta în <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferinţele</a> dvs.</p>'
latest: "Nu există nicio ultimă discuție."
hot: "Nu mai există discuții importante."
@ -952,8 +944,8 @@ ro:
search: "Nu mai sunt rezultate."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} de postări în discuție"
create: 'Crează discuție'
create_long: 'Crează discuție nouă'
create: 'Creează discuție'
create_long: 'Creează discuție nouă'
private_message: 'Scrie un mesaj.'
title: 'Arhivează'
@ -1027,7 +1019,7 @@ ro:
'3_6': 'Veți primii notificări fiindcă priviți această categorie.'
'3_5': 'Veți primii notificări fiindcă ați început să citiți această discuție automat.'
'3_2': 'Veți primii notificări fiindcă citiți această discuție.'
'3_1': 'Veți primii notificări fiindcă ați creat această discuție.'
'3_1': 'Veți primi notificări fiindcă ați creat această discuție.'
'3': 'Veți primii notificări fiindcă priviți această discuție.'
'2_8': 'Veți primii notificări fiindcă urmariți această categorie.'
'2_4': 'Veți primii notificări fiindcă ați postat un răspuns în această discuție.'
@ -1259,18 +1251,6 @@ ro:
bookmark: "Retrage marcare"
like: "Retrage apreciere"
vote: "Retrage vot"
off_topic: "{{icons}} Semnalază asta ca în afara discuției"
spam: "{{icons}} Semnalează asta ca spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} semnalează <a href='{{postUrl}}'>ca spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} Semnalează asta ca necorespunzator"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} moderatorii notificați"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'> moderatori notificați</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} a trimis un mesaj"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} a trimis un <a href='{{postUrl}}'>mesaj</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} marchează asta"
like: "{{icons}} apreciat"
vote: "{{icons}} votat"
off_topic: "Ați marcat ca fiind în afara discutiei"
spam: "Ați marcat ca fiind spam"
@ -1381,7 +1361,7 @@ ro:
general: 'General'
settings: 'Setări'
delete: 'Șterge categorie'
create: 'Crează categorie'
create: 'Creează categorie'
save: 'Salvează categorie'
slug: 'Slug Categorie'
slug_placeholder: '(Opțional) cuvinte-punctate pentru url'
@ -1431,7 +1411,6 @@ ro:
title: "Silențios"
title: 'De ce marcați această postare ca fiind privată?'
private_reminder: 'steagurile sunt private, vizibile <b>numai</ b> personalului'
action: 'Marcare'
take_action: "Actionează"
notify_action: 'Mesaj'
@ -1443,7 +1422,6 @@ ro:
submit_tooltip: "Acceptă marcarea privată"
take_action_tooltip: "Accesati permisiunea marcarii imediat, nu mai asteptati alte marcaje comune"
cant: "Ne pare rău nu puteți marca această postare deocamdată."
notify_staff: 'Anunță moderatorii'
off_topic: "În afară discuției"
inappropriate: "Inadecvat"
@ -1582,7 +1560,7 @@ ro:
other_periods: "vezi topul"
browser_update: 'Din nefericire, <a href="http://www.discourse.org/faq/#browser"> browserul dumneavoastră este prea vechi pentru a funcționa pe acest forum </a>. Va rugăm <a href="http://browsehappy.com"> reânoiți browserul</a>.'
full: "Crează / Răspunde / Vizualizează"
full: "Creează / Răspunde / Vizualizează"
create_post: "Răspunde / Vizualizaează"
readonly: "Vizualizaează"
@ -1812,11 +1790,9 @@ ro:
is_disabled: "Restabilirea este dezactivată din setările siteului."
label: "Restaurează"
title: "Restabilește rezervă"
confirm: "Sunteți sigur că doriți restabilirea acestei rezerve?"
label: "Revenire la situaţia anterioară"
title: "Restabilește baza de date în stadiul anterior"
confirm: "Sunteți sigur că doriți restabilirea bazei de date în stadul precedent?"
user_archive_confirm: "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să descărcaţi mesajele dvs.?"
success: "Exportul a fost iniţiat. Veţi primi un mesaj de notificare când procesul se va termina."
@ -1919,9 +1895,6 @@ ro:
name: 'Iubire'
description: "Culoarea butonului de apreciere."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Culoarea de bază folosită pentru fundalul postărilor pe wiki."
title: "Emails"
settings: "Opțiuni"
@ -2023,7 +1996,7 @@ ro:
anonymize_user: "fă userul anonim"
change_category_settings: "schimbă setările categoriei"
delete_category: "șterge categorie"
create_category: "crează categorie"
create_category: "creează categorie"
block_user: "blochează utilizator"
unblock_user: "deblochează utilizator"
grant_admin: "Acordă titlul de Admin"
@ -2244,7 +2217,7 @@ ro:
title: "Câmpuri utilizator"
help: "Adăugaţi câmpuri pe care utilizatorii le pot completa."
create: "Crează un câmp utilizator"
create: "Creează un câmp utilizator"
untitled: "Fără titlu"
name: "Nume câmp"
type: "Tip câmp"
@ -2352,7 +2325,7 @@ ro:
none: "reinprospatează zilnic"
post_action: "Când un utilizator reacționează la un mesaj"
post_revision: "Când un utlizator crează sau editează un mesaj"
post_revision: "Când un utlizator creează sau editează un mesaj"
trust_level_change: "Când un utilizator schimbă nivelul de încredere"
user_change: "Când un utilizator este editat sau creat"
@ -2428,7 +2401,7 @@ ro:
next_prev: '<b>`</b>/<b>~</b> selecția Urmatoare/Precedentă'
title: 'Applicația'
create: '<b>c</b> Crează discuție nouă'
create: '<b>c</b> Creează discuție nouă'
notifications: '<b>n</b> Deschide notificare'
hamburger_menu: '<b>=</b> Deschide meniul hamburger'
user_profile_menu: '<b>p</b> Deschide meniu utilizator'
@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ ru:
many: "В этой теме <b>{{count}}</b> сообщений, ожидающих проверки"
other: "В этой теме <b>{{count}}</b> сообщений, ожидающих проверки"
confirm: "Сохранить"
delete_prompt: "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить <b>%{username}</b>? Это также удалит все его сообщения и заблокирует его email и IP-адрес."
title: "Сообщения для проверки"
description: "Ваше сообщение отправлено, но требует проверки и утверждения модератором. Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы."
@ -835,6 +836,8 @@ ru:
title: "С помощью Twitter"
message: "Вход с помощью учетной записи Twitter (убедитесь, что блокировщик всплывающих окон отключен)"
message: "Вход с помощью учетной записи Instagram (убедитесь, что блокировщик всплывающих окон отключен)"
title: "С помощью Facebook"
message: "Вход с помощью учетной записи Facebook (всплывающие окна должны быть разрешены)"
@ -939,7 +942,6 @@ ru:
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -962,6 +964,7 @@ ru:
granted_badge: "Награда получена от"
mentioned: '{{username}} упомянул вас в "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
group_mentioned: '{{username}} упомянул вас в "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
quoted: '{{username}} процитировал Вас в "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
replied: '{{username}} ответил вам в "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
posted: '{{username}} написал в "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
@ -973,6 +976,7 @@ ru:
from_my_computer: "From my device"
from_the_web: "From the web"
remote_tip: "ссылка на изображение"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "ссылка на изображение или файл {{authorized_extensions}}"
local_tip: "выбрать изображения с вашего устройства"
local_tip_with_attachments: "выбрать изображения или файлы с вашего устройства {{authorized_extensions}}"
hint: "(вы так же можете перетащить объект в редактор для его загрузки)"
@ -1424,6 +1428,9 @@ ru:
bookmark: "Удалить из закладок"
like: "Больше не нравится"
vote: "Отозвать голос"
like: "понравилось это"
vote: "проголосовал за это"
off_topic: "Помечена вами как оффтопик"
spam: "Помечена вами как спам"
@ -1757,6 +1764,12 @@ ru:
title: "Закладки"
help: "темы, которые вы добавили в закладки"
title: "{{categoryName}}"
one: "{{categoryName}} (1)"
few: "{{categoryName}} ({{count}})"
many: "{{categoryName}} ({{count}})"
other: "{{categoryName}} ({{count}})"
help: "последние темы в разделе {{categoryName}}"
title: "Обсуждаемые"
@ -2552,6 +2565,11 @@ ru:
header: "ВНИМАНИЕ!"
text: "Обнаружены несуществующие примеры выдачи наград. Это может произойти, когда запрос возвращает несуществующие идентификаторы ID пользователей или сообщений. Это может привести к неожиданным проблемам со временем, поэтому внимательно проверьте ваш запрос."
no_grant_count: "Нет наград для выдачи."
one: "Будет выдана <b>1</b> награда."
few: "<b>%{count}</b> наград будут выданы."
many: "<b>%{count}</b> наград будут выданы."
other: "<b>%{count}</b> наград будут выданы."
sample: "Пример:"
with: <span class="username">%{username}</span>
@ -2575,6 +2593,7 @@ ru:
embed_truncate: "Обрезать встроенные сообщения."
embed_whitelist_selector: "Селекторы CSS которые разрешены для использования."
embed_blacklist_selector: "Селекторы CSS которые запрещены для использования."
feed_polling_enabled: "Импорт сообщений через RSS/ATOM"
save: "Сохранить настройки встраивания"
title: "Постоянные ссылки"
@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ sq:
one: "This topic has <b>1</b> post awaiting approval"
other: "This topic has <b>{{count}}</b> posts awaiting approval"
confirm: "Ruaj ndryshimet"
delete_prompt: "Are you sure you want to delete <b>%{username}</b>? This will remove all of their posts and block their email and ip address."
title: "Post Needs Approval"
description: "We've received your new post but it needs to be approved by a moderator before it will appear. Please be patient."
@ -376,9 +375,7 @@ sq:
perm_default: "Turn On Notifications"
perm_denied_btn: "Permission Denied"
disable: "Disable Notifications"
currently_enabled: "(currently enabled)"
enable: "Enable Notifications"
currently_disabled: "(currently disabled)"
each_browser_note: "Note: You have to change this setting on every browser you use."
dismiss_notifications: "Shënoj të gjitha si të lexuara"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Shëno njoftimet e palexuara si të lexuara"
@ -615,8 +612,6 @@ sq:
hide_forever: "jo faleminderit"
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
description: "Janë <b>{{replyCount}}</b> përgjigje."
description_time: "There are <b>{{replyCount}}</b> replies with an estimated read time of <b>{{readingTime}} minutes</b>."
enable: 'Përmbidhë këtë Diskutim'
disable: 'Shfaq të gjithë Postimet'
@ -777,7 +772,6 @@ sq:
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -851,9 +845,6 @@ sq:
category: "Nuk ka {{category}} tema."
top: "Nuk ka tema të populluara."
search: "There are no search results."
new: '<p>Your new topics appear here.</p><p>By default, topics are considered new and will show a <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">new</span> indicator if they were created in the last 2 days.</p><p>You can change this in your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Your unread topics appear here.</p><p>By default, topics are considered unread and will show unread counts <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> if you:</p><ul><li>Created the topic</li><li>Replied to the topic</li><li>Read the topic for more than 4 minutes</li></ul><p>Or if you have explicitly set the topic to Tracked or Watched via the notification control at the bottom of each topic.</p><p>You can change this in your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a>.</p>'
latest: "Nuk ka më tema së fundmi."
hot: "Nuk ka më tema të populluara."
@ -1180,18 +1171,6 @@ sq:
bookmark: "Undo bookmark"
like: "Anulo pëlqimin"
vote: "Rikthe votën"
off_topic: "{{icons}} flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "{{icons}} flagged this as spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} flagged <a href='{{postUrl}}'>this as spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} notified moderators"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>notified moderators</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} sent a message"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} sent a <a href='{{postUrl}}'>message</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bookmarked this"
like: "{{icons}} liked this"
vote: "{{icons}} voted for this"
off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "You flagged this as spam"
@ -1337,7 +1316,6 @@ sq:
title: "Muted"
title: 'Faleminderit për ndihmën që i jepni këtij komuniteti!'
private_reminder: 'flags are private, <b>only</b> visible to staff'
action: 'Flag Post'
take_action: "Take Action"
notify_action: 'Mesazh'
@ -1696,11 +1674,9 @@ sq:
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
label: "Rikthe"
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to restore this backup?"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
user_archive_confirm: "Are you sure you want to download your posts?"
success: "Export initiated, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
@ -1794,9 +1770,6 @@ sq:
name: 'love'
description: "The like button's color."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Base color used for the background of wiki posts."
settings: "Rregullimet"
preview_digest: "Preview Digest"
@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ sv:
one: "Detta ämne har <b>1</b> ämne som inväntar godkännande"
other: "Detta ämne har <b>{{count}}</b> inlägg som inväntar godkännande"
confirm: "Spara ändringar"
delete_prompt: "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort <b>%{username}</b>? Detta kommer ta bort all deras poster och blockera deras epostadresser samt IP-adresser."
title: "Inlägget behöver godkännande"
description: "Vi har mottagit ditt nya inlägg men det behöver bli godkänt av en moderator innan det kan visas. Ha tålamod."
@ -633,8 +632,6 @@ sv:
hide_forever: "Nej tack"
enabled_description: "Sammanfattning över de inlägg som användarna tycker är mest intressanta."
description: "Det finns <b>{{replyCount}}</b> svar."
description_time: "Det finns <b>{{replyCount}}</b> svar med en uppskattad lästid på <b>{{readingTime}} minuter</b>."
enable: 'Sammanfatta detta ämne'
disable: 'Visa alla inlägg'
@ -794,7 +791,6 @@ sv:
mentioned: "<i title='omnämnd' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -875,9 +871,6 @@ sv:
category: "Det finns inga ämnen i {{category}}."
top: "Det finns inga toppämnen."
search: "Inga sökresultat hittades."
new: '<p>Dina nya ämnen hamnar här.</p><p>Som standard är ämnen sedda som nya och kommer att visa en <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">ny</span> indikator om de skapats de senaste 2 dagarna.</p><p>Du kan ändra detta i dina <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">inställningar</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Dina olästa ämnen hamnar här</p><p>Som standard är ämnen sedda som olästa och kommer att visa antal olästa <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> om du:</p><ul><li>Skapade ämnet</li><li>Svarade på ämnet</li><li>Läst ämnet längre än 4 minuter</li></ul><p>Eller om du explicit har satt ämnet till Följd eller Sedd via notifieringspanelen längst ned i varje ämne.</p><p>Du kan ändra detta i dina <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">inställningar</a>.</p>'
latest: "Det finns inga fler senaste ämnen."
hot: "Det finns inga fler heta ämnen."
@ -1197,18 +1190,6 @@ sv:
bookmark: "Ångra bokmärkning"
like: "Ångra gillning"
vote: "Ångra röstning"
off_topic: "{{icons}} flaggade det här som off-topic"
spam: "{{icons}} flaggade det här som spam"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} flaggade <a href='{{postUrl}}'>detta som skräp</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} flaggade det här som olämpligt"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} notifierade moderatorer"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>notifierade moderatorer</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} skickade ett meddelande"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} skickade ett <a href='{{postUrl}}'>meddelande</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bokmärkte detta"
like: "{{icons}} gillade detta"
vote: "{{icons}} röstade för detta"
off_topic: "Du flaggade detta som off-topic"
spam: "Du flaggade detta som spam"
@ -1352,7 +1333,6 @@ sv:
title: "Tystad"
title: 'Tack för att du hjälper till att hålla vår gemenskap civiliserad!'
private_reminder: 'flaggor är privata, <b>endast</b> synliga för funktionärer'
action: 'Flagga Inlägg'
take_action: "Åtgärda"
notify_action: 'Meddelande'
@ -1700,11 +1680,9 @@ sv:
is_disabled: "Återställ är inaktiverat i sidans inställningar."
label: "Återställ"
title: "återställ säkerhetskopian"
confirm: "Är du säker på att du vill återställa denna säkerhetskopia?"
label: "Tillbakarullning"
title: "Gör rollback på databasen till ett tidigare fungerande tillstånd."
confirm: "Är du säker på att du vill göra rollback på databasen till det tidigare fungerande tillståndet?"
user_archive_confirm: "Är du säker på att du vill ladda ner dina inlägg?"
success: "Export påbörjad, du får en notis via meddelande när processen är genomförd."
@ -1798,9 +1776,6 @@ sv:
name: 'älska'
description: "Gillaknappens färg."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Huvudfärg som används som bakgrund till wikiinlägg."
settings: "Inställningar"
preview_digest: "Sammandrag"
@ -489,8 +489,6 @@ te:
last_post: చివరి టపా
enabled_description: "మీరు ఈ విషయపు సారాంశము చదువుతున్నారు. ఆసక్తికర టపాలు కమ్యునిటీ ఎంచుకుంటుంది. "
description: "అక్కడ మొత్తం <b>{{replyCount}}</b> జవాబులు ఉన్నాయి"
description_time: "అక్కడ మొత్తం <b>{{replyCount}}</b> జవాబులు ఉన్నాయి. వీటిని చదవడానికి సుమారుగా <b>{{readingTime}} నిమిషాలు</b> పడ్తాయి."
enable: 'ఈ విషయాన్ని సంగ్రహించు'
disable: 'అన్ని టపాలూ చూపు'
@ -631,7 +629,6 @@ te:
total_flagged: "మొత్తం కేతనించిన టపాలు"
quoted: "<i title='కోట్ చేసారు' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='జవాబిచ్చారు' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='జవాబిచ్చారు' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title=' సవరించారు' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='ఇష్టపడ్డారు' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='ప్రైవేటు సందేశం' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -686,9 +683,6 @@ te:
bookmarks: "మీకింకా ఎట్టి పేజీక విషయాలూ లేవు."
category: "ఎట్టి {{category}} విషయాలూ లేవు"
top: "ఎట్టి అగ్ర విషయాలూ లేవు."
new: '<p>మీ కొత్త విషయాలు ఇక్కడ వస్తాయి.</p><p>అప్రమేయంగా 2 రోజులలోపు సృష్టించిన అన్ని విషయాలూ కొత్తగా భావించబడతాయి మరియు <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">కొత్త</span> ఇండికేటరు తో చూపబడతాయి.</p><p>మీరు దీన్ని మీ <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">అభీష్టాలులో</a> మార్చుకోవచ్చు.</p>'
unread: '<p>మీరు చదవని విషయాలు ఇక్కడ కనబడుతాయి.</p><p>అప్రమేయంగా, విషయాలు చదవని వాటిగా పరిశీలించబడతాయి మరియు చదవని వాటి సంఖ్య మీకు చూపబడతాయి <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> మీరు:</p><ul><li>విషయం సృష్టించినట్లయితే</li><li>విషయానికి సమాధానం ఇచ్చినట్లయితే</li><li>విషయం 4 నిమిషాల కంటే ఎక్కువ చదివినట్లయితే</li></ul><p>లేదా మీరు స్పష్టముగా విషయం అమర్చినట్లయితే ప్రతి విషయానికి క్రింది భాగంలో నియంత్రణ ప్రకటన ద్వారా గమనించబడుతుంది లేదా కనిపెడుతూ ఉంటుంది .</p><p>మీరు ఇది మార్చగలరు <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}"> మీ preferences లో</a>.</p>'
latest: "ఇంకా కొత్త విషయాలు లేవు."
hot: "ఇంకా వేడివేడి విషయాలు లేవు."
@ -946,16 +940,6 @@ te:
bookmark: "పేజీక రద్దు"
like: "ఇష్టం రద్దు"
vote: "ఓటు రద్దు"
off_topic: "{{icons}} దీన్ని విషయాంతరంగా కేతనించాయి"
spam: "{{icons}} దీన్ని స్పాముగా కేతనించాయి"
spam_with_url: "{{ప్రతీకలు}} స్పామ్ లా <a href='{{postUrl}}'>కేతనించు</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} దీన్ని అసమంజసంగా కేతనించాయి"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} దీన్ని నిర్వాహకుల దృష్టికి తెచ్చాయి"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>నిర్వాహకుల దృష్టికి తెచ్చారు</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} పేజీక ఉంచారు"
like: "{{icons}} ఇష్టపడ్డారు"
vote: "{{icons}} దీనికి ఓటు వేసారు"
off_topic: "మీరు దీన్ని విషయాంతరంగా కేతనించారు"
spam: "మీరు దీన్ని స్పాముగా కేతనించారు"
@ -1088,7 +1072,6 @@ te:
title: "నిశ్శబ్దం"
title: 'మా కమ్యునిటీని నాగరికంగా ఉంచుటలో సహాయానికి ధన్యవాదములు'
private_reminder: 'కేతనాలు ప్రైవేటు. <b>కేవలం</b> సిబ్బందికి మాత్రమే కనిపిస్తాయి'
action: 'టపాను కేతనించు'
take_action: "చర్య తీసుకో"
delete_spammer: "స్పామరును తొలగించు"
@ -1385,10 +1368,8 @@ te:
is_disabled: "సైటు అమరికల్లో రీస్టోరు అచేతనమైంది. "
title: "బ్యాకప్ ను రీస్టోరు చేయి"
confirm: "మీరు నిజంగానే ఈ బ్యాకప్ ను రీస్టోరు చేయాలనుకుంటున్నారా?"
title: "డాటాబేసును గత పనిచేసే స్థితికి రోల్ బ్యాక్ చేయి"
confirm: "మీరు నిజంగానే డాటాబేసును గత పనిచేసే స్థితికి రోల్ బ్యాక్ చేయాలనుకుంటున్నారా?"
user_archive_confirm: "మీరు నిజంగా మీ టపాల దిగుమతి కోరుకుంటున్నారా ?"
failed: "ఎగుమతి విఫలమైంది. దయచేసి లాగులు చూడంది. "
@ -1477,9 +1458,6 @@ te:
name: 'ప్రేమ'
description: "ఇష్ఠ బటను రంగు."
name: 'వికీ'
description: "వికీ టపాలు వెనుతలంకు ప్రాథమిక రంగు"
settings: "అమరికలు"
preview_digest: "డైజెస్టు మునుజూపు"
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ tr_TR:
other: "%{count} ay sonra"
other: "%{count} yıl sonra"
previous_month: 'Önceki Ay'
next_month: 'Sonraki Ay'
topic: 'bu konunun bağlantısını paylaşın'
post: '#%{postNumber} nolu gönderiyi paylaşın'
@ -91,6 +93,8 @@ tr_TR:
email: 'bu bağlantıyı e-posta ile gönderin'
split_topic: "bu konuyu ayır %{when}"
invited_user: "%{when} %{who} davet edildi"
removed_user: "%{when} %{who} silindi"
enabled: '%{when} kapatıldı'
disabled: '%{when} açıldı'
@ -111,6 +115,19 @@ tr_TR:
disabled: '%{when} listelenmedi'
topic_admin_menu: "konuyla alakalı yönetici işlemleri"
emails_are_disabled: "Tüm giden e-postalar yönetici tarafından evrensel olarak devre dışı bırakıldı. Herhangi bir e-posta bildirimi gönderilmeyecek."
us_east_1: "US East (N. Virginia)"
us_west_1: "US West (N. California)"
us_west_2: "US West (Oregon)"
us_gov_west_1: "AWS GovCloud (US)"
eu_west_1: "EU (Ireland)"
eu_central_1: "EU (Frankfurt)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
ap_southeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
ap_northeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
ap_northeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
sa_east_1: "South America (Sao Paulo)"
edit: 'bu konunun başlığını ve kategorisini düzenleyin'
not_implemented: "Bu özellik henüz geliştirilmedi, üzgünüz!"
no_value: "Hayır"
@ -142,6 +159,8 @@ tr_TR:
more: "Daha fazla"
less: "Daha az"
never: "asla"
every_30_minutes: "30 dakikada bir"
every_hour: "her saat"
daily: "günlük"
weekly: "haftalık"
every_two_weeks: "her iki haftada bir"
@ -152,6 +171,7 @@ tr_TR:
other: "{{count}} karakter"
title: "Önerilen Konular"
pm_title: "Önerilen Mesajlar"
simple_title: "Hakkında"
title: "%{title} Hakkında"
@ -226,7 +246,7 @@ tr_TR:
other: "Bu konuda <b>{{count}}</b> sayıda onay bekleyen gönderi var"
confirm: "Düzenlemeleri Kaydet"
delete_prompt: "<b>%{username}</b> kullanıcısını silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? Bu işlem kullanıcının tüm gönderilerini silecek, e-posta ve ip adresini engelleyecek."
delete_prompt: "<b>%{username}</b> kullanıcısını silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? Bunu yaparsanız tüm gönderileri silinecek, eposta adresi ve IP adresi bloklanacak."
title: "Gönderi Onay Gerektirir"
description: "Gönderinizi aldık fakat gösterilmeden önce bir moderatör tarafından onaylanması gerekiyor. Lütfen sabırlı olun."
@ -280,7 +300,10 @@ tr_TR:
other: "gruplar"
members: "Üyeler"
topics: "Konular"
posts: "Gönderiler"
mentions: "Atıflar"
messages: "Mesajlar"
title: "Kimler bu gruba mesaj gönderebilir ve gruptan @bahsedebilir?"
nobody: " Hiç Kimse"
@ -381,9 +404,7 @@ tr_TR:
perm_default: "Bildirimleri Etkinleştirin"
perm_denied_btn: "Erişim İzni Reddedildi"
disable: "Bildirimleri Devre Dışı Bırakın"
currently_enabled: "(şu anda etkin)"
enable: "Bildirimleri Etkinleştirin"
currently_disabled: "(şu anda devre dışı)"
each_browser_note: "Not: Bu ayarı kullandığınız her tarayıcıda değiştirmelisiniz."
dismiss_notifications: "Hepsini okunmuş olarak işaretle"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Tüm okunmamış bildirileri okunmuş olarak işaretle"
@ -418,7 +439,6 @@ tr_TR:
muted_users: "Susturuldu"
muted_users_instructions: "Bu kullanıcılardan gelen tüm bildirileri kapa."
muted_topics_link: "Sessize alınmış konuları göster"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Sayfa sonuna erişildiğinde tutturulmuş konuları otomatik olarak sayfadan ayır."
flags_given: "yararlı bayraklar"
flagged_posts: "bayraklanan gönderiler"
@ -433,6 +453,7 @@ tr_TR:
groups: "Gruplarım"
bulk_select: "Mesajları seçin"
move_to_inbox: "Gelen kutusuna taşı"
move_to_archive: " Arşiv"
failed_to_move: "Seçilen mesajları taşımak başarısız oldu (muhtemelen ağınız çöktü)"
select_all: "Tümünü seç"
@ -517,8 +538,18 @@ tr_TR:
title: "Kullanıcı Kartı Rozeti"
website: "Web Sayfası"
email_settings: "E-posta"
title: "Beğenildiğinde bildir"
always: "Her zaman"
never: "Asla"
unless_emailed: "daha önce gönderilmediyse"
always: "her zaman"
never: "asla"
title: "Burayı ziyaret etmediğim zamanlarda bana yeni şeylerin özetini içeren bir email yolla:"
every_30_minutes: "30 dakikada bir"
every_hour: "saatte bir"
daily: "günlük"
every_three_days: "her üç günde bir"
weekly: "haftalık"
@ -589,6 +620,21 @@ tr_TR:
same_as_email: "Şifreniz e-posta adresinizle aynı."
ok: "Parolanız uygun gözüküyor."
instructions: "En az %{count} karakter."
title: "Özet"
stats: "İstatistikler"
topic_count: "Oluşturduğu Konular"
post_count: "Oluşturduğu Gönderiler"
likes_given: "Beğenileri"
likes_received: "Beğenilenleri"
days_visited: "Ziyaret Ettiği Günler"
posts_read_count: "Okuduğu Gönderi Sayısı"
top_replies: "Başlıca Yanıtları"
top_topics: "Başlıca Konuları"
top_badges: "Başlıca Rozetleri"
more_topics: "Diğer Konuları"
more_replies: "Diğer Yanıtları"
more_badges: "Diğer Rozetleri"
associated_accounts: "Girişler"
title: "Son IP Adresi"
@ -631,7 +677,9 @@ tr_TR:
logout: "Çıkış yapıldı."
refresh: "Yenile"
enabled: "Bu site salt okunur modda. Lütfen gezinmeye devam edin, ancak yanıt yazma, beğenme ve diğer aksiyonlar şu an için devre dışı durumda."
login_disabled: "Site salt-okunur modda iken oturum açma devre dışı bırakılır ."
logout_disabled: "Site salt okunur modda iken oturum kapatma işlemi yapılamaz."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Hadi <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bu tartışmayı başlatalım!</a> Şu anda <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> konu ve <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> gönderi var. Yeni ziyaretçiler okumak ve yanıtlamak için birkaç tartışmaya ihtiyaç duyarlar."
too_few_topics_notice: "Hadi <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bu tartışmayı başlatalım!</a> Şu anda <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> konu var. Yeni ziyaretçiler okumak ve yanıtlamak için birkaç tartışmaya ihtiyaç duyarlar."
too_few_posts_notice: "Hadi <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bu tartışmayı başlatalım!</a> Şu anda <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> gönderi var. Yeni ziyaretçiler okumak ve yanıtlamak için birkaç tartışmaya ihtiyaç duyarlar."
@ -659,8 +707,8 @@ tr_TR:
value_prop: "Bir hesap oluşturduğunuzda, tam olarak neyi okuyor olduğunuzu hatırlarız, böylece her zaman okumayı bırakmış olduğunuz yere geri gelirsiniz. Ayrıca burada, yeni gönderiler yağıldığında email yoluyla bildirim alırsınız. Ve sevgiyi paylaşmak için gönderileri beğenebilirsiniz. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Bu konunun özetini görüntülemektesiniz: topluluğun en çok ilgisini çeken gönderiler"
description: "<b>{{replyCount}}</b> sayıda cevap var."
description_time: "Tahmini okunma süresi <b>{{readingTime}} dakika</b> olan <b>{{replyCount}}</b> sayıda cevap var."
description: "<b>{{replyCount}}</b> adet yanıt var."
description_time: "Tahmini okuma süresi <b>{{readingTime}} dakika</b> olan <b>{{replyCount}}</b> yanıt var."
enable: 'Bu Konuyu Özetle.'
disable: 'Tüm Gönderileri Göster'
@ -726,6 +774,9 @@ tr_TR:
title: "Twitter ile"
message: "Twitter ile kimlik doğrulaması yapılıyor (pop-up engelleyicilerin etkinleştirilmediğinden emin olun)"
title: "Instagram ile"
message: "Instagram ile kimlik doğrulaması yapılıyor (pop-up engelleyicilerin etkinleştirilmediğinden emin olun)"
title: "Facebook ile"
message: "Facebook ile kimlik doğrulaması yapılıyor (pop-up engelleyicilerin etkinleştirilmediğinden emin olun)"
@ -744,6 +795,7 @@ tr_TR:
ctrl: 'Ctrl'
alt: 'Alt'
emoji: "Emoji :)"
more_emoji: "dahası..."
options: "Seçenekler"
whisper: "fısıltı"
@ -830,9 +882,12 @@ tr_TR:
group_mentioned: "<i title='bahsetti' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='alıntıladı' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='cevapladı' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='cevapladı' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='yazdı' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='düzenledi' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked_2: "<i title='beğendi' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
other: "<i title='beğendi' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} ve diğer {{count}} kişi</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='özel mesaj' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='özel mesaj' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='konuya davet edildi' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -840,6 +895,8 @@ tr_TR:
moved_post: "<i title='gönderiyi taşıdı' class='fa fa-sign-out'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> taşıdı {{description}}</p>"
linked: "<i title='gönderiye bağlantı verdi' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
granted_badge: "<i title='badge granted' class='fa fa-certificate'></i><p><strong>{{description}}</strong> rozeti kazandınız!</p>"
other: "<i title='grup gelen kutusundaki mesajlar' class='fa fa-group'></i><p> {{group_name}} isimli grubunuzun gelen kutusunda {{count}} adet mesaj var</p>"
mentioned: "Bahsedildi, şu kişi tarafından"
quoted: "Alıntılandı, şu kişi tarafından"
@ -854,6 +911,7 @@ tr_TR:
moved_post: "Gönderiniz taşındı, şu kişi tarafından"
linked: "Gönderinize bağlantı"
granted_badge: "Rozet alındı"
group_message_summary: "Grup gelen kutusundaki mesajlar"
mentioned: '{{username}}, "{{topic}}" başlıklı konuda sizden bahsetti - {{site_title}}'
group_mentioned: '{{username}} sizden bahsetti "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
@ -933,9 +991,6 @@ tr_TR:
category: "{{category}} konusu yok."
top: "Popüler bir konu yok."
search: "Arama sonuçları yok."
new: '<p>Yeni konularınız burada belirir.</p><p>Varsayılan ayarlarda, son 2 gün içerisinde açılan konular yeni sayılır ve <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">yeni</span> işaretiyle gösterilir.</p><p>Dilerseniz bu seçeneği <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">ayarlar</a> sayfanızdan düzenleyebilirsiniz.</p>'
unread: '<p> Okunmamış konularınız burada belirecek. </p><p> Varsayılan ayarlarda, şu durumlarda konular okunmamış sayılır ve okunmamışların sayısı <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> gösterilir: </p><ul><li>Konuyu oluşturduysanız</li><li>Konuyu cevapladıysanız</li><li>Konuyu 4 dakikadan uzun bir süre okuduysanız</li></ul><p> Ya da, konunun altında bulunan bildirim kontrol bölümünden, konuyu Takip Edildi veya Gözlendi diye işaretlediyseniz.</p><p>Bu ayarları <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">ayarlar</a> sayfasından değiştirebilirsiniz.</p>'
latest: "Daha fazla son konu yok."
hot: "Daha fazla sıcak bir konu yok."
@ -1230,6 +1285,8 @@ tr_TR:
yes_value: "Evet, vazgeç"
via_email: "bu gönderi e-posta ile iletildi"
whisper: "bu gönderi yöneticiler için özel bir fısıltıdır"
about: "bu gönderi bir wiki"
save: 'Seçenekleri kaydet'
@ -1277,17 +1334,14 @@ tr_TR:
like: "Beğenini geri al"
vote: "Oyunu geri al"
off_topic: "{{icons}} konu dışı olarak bayrakladı"
spam: "{{icons}} spam olarak bayrakladı"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} bu linki <a href='{{postUrl}}'>spam olarak bayrakladı</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} uygunsuz olarak bayrakladı"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} bildirim gönderilen moderatörler"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>bildirim gönderilen moderatörler</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} mesaj yolladı"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>mesaj</a> yolladı"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bunu işaretledi"
like: "{{icons}} bunu beğendi"
vote: "{{icons}} bunun için oyladı"
off_topic: "konu dışı olarak bayrakladı"
spam: "spam olarak bayrakladı"
inappropriate: "uygunsuz olarak bayrakladı"
notify_moderators: "moderatörler bilgilendirdi"
notify_user: "mesaj gönderdi"
bookmark: "işaretledi"
like: "beğendi"
vote: "oyladı"
off_topic: "Bunu konu dışı olarak bayrakladınız"
spam: "Bunu spam olarak bayrakladınız"
@ -1422,7 +1476,6 @@ tr_TR:
description: "Bu kategorilerdeki yeni konular hakkında herhangi bir bildiri almayacaksınız ve en son gönderilerde belirmeyecekler. "
title: 'Topluluğumuzun medeni kalmasına yardımcı olduğunuz için teşekkürler!'
private_reminder: 'bayraklar özeldir, <b>sadece</b> görevlilere gözükür'
action: 'Gönderiyi Bayrakla'
take_action: "Harekete Geç"
notify_action: 'Mesaj'
@ -1434,7 +1487,7 @@ tr_TR:
submit_tooltip: "Özel bayrağı gönder"
take_action_tooltip: "Topluluğunuzdan daha fazla bayrak beklemek yerine bunu siz hızlıca yaparak eşiğe erişebilirsiniz"
cant: "Üzgünüz, şu an bu gönderiyi bayraklayamazsınız."
notify_staff: 'Yöneticilere İlet'
notify_staff: 'Yetkililere özel olarak bildir'
off_topic: "Konu Dışı"
inappropriate: "Uygunsuz"
@ -1633,6 +1686,7 @@ tr_TR:
refresh_report: "Raporu Yenile"
start_date: "Başlangıç tarihi"
end_date: "Bitiş Tarihi"
groups: "Tüm gruplar"
latest_changes: "En son değişiklikler: lütfen sık güncelleyin!"
by: "tarafından"
@ -1799,11 +1853,11 @@ tr_TR:
is_disabled: "Geri getirme site ayarlarında devredışı bırakılmış."
label: "Geri Yükle"
title: "Yedeği geri getir"
confirm: "Yedeği geri getirmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
confirm: "Bu yedekten geri dönmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
label: "Geri al"
title: "Veritabanını calışan son haline geri al."
confirm: "Veri tabanını çalışan bir önceki versyonuna geri almak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
confirm: "Veritabanını çalışan son haline döndürmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
user_archive_confirm: "Gönderilerinizi indirmek istediğinize emin misiniz ?"
success: "Dışarı aktarma başlatıldı, işlem tamamlandığında mesajla bilgilendirileceksiniz."
@ -1906,17 +1960,18 @@ tr_TR:
name: 'sevgi'
description: "Beğen butonunun rengi."
name: 'wiki'
description: "wiki gönderilerinin arka plan rengi."
title: "E-postalar"
settings: "Ayarlar"
templates: "Şablonlar"
preview_digest: "Özeti Önizle"
sending_test: "Test e-postası gönderiliyor..."
error: "<b>HATA</b> - %{server_error}"
test_error: "Test e-postasının gönderilmesinde sorun yaşandı. Lütfen e-posta ayarlarınızı tekrar kontrol edin, yer sağlayıcınızın e-posta bağlantılarını bloke etmediğinden emin olun, ve tekrar deneyin."
sent: "Gönderildi"
skipped: "Atlandı"
received: "Alındı"
rejected: "Reddedildi"
sent_at: "Gönderildiği Zaman"
time: "Zaman"
user: "Kullanıcı"
@ -1934,6 +1989,32 @@ tr_TR:
last_seen_user: "Son Görülen Kullanıcı:"
reply_key: "Cevapla Tuşu"
skipped_reason: "Nedeni Atla"
from_address: "Gönderen"
to_addresses: "Kime"
cc_addresses: "Cc"
subject: "Konu"
error: "Hata"
none: "Gelen e-posta yok."
title: "Gelen E-posta Detayları"
error: "Hata"
message_id: "Mesaj IDsi"
in_reply_to: "Cevaben"
references: "Referanslar"
date: "Tarih"
from: "Gönderen"
to: "Kime"
cc: "Cc"
subject: "Konu"
body: "İçerik"
rejection_message: "Ret E-postası"
from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
cc_placeholder: "cc@example.com"
subject_placeholder: "Konu..."
error_placeholder: "Hata"
none: "Hiç bir kayıt bulunamadı."
@ -1983,6 +2064,7 @@ tr_TR:
change_site_setting: "websitesi ayarlarını değiştir"
change_site_customization: "websitesinin özelleştirmesini değiştir"
delete_site_customization: "websitesinin özelleştirmesini sil"
change_site_text: "site metnini değiştir"
suspend_user: "kullanıcıyı uzaklaştır"
unsuspend_user: "kullanıcıyı uzaklaştırma"
grant_badge: "rozet ver"
@ -1996,6 +2078,13 @@ tr_TR:
change_category_settings: "kategori ayarlarını değiştir"
delete_category: "kategoriyi sil"
create_category: "kategori oluştur"
block_user: "kullanıcıyı blokla"
unblock_user: "kullanıcı engelini kaldır"
grant_admin: "yönetici yetkisi ver"
revoke_admin: "yönetici yetkisini kaldır"
grant_moderation: "moderasyon yetkisi ver"
revoke_moderation: "moderasyon yetkisini kaldır"
backup_operation: "yedek operasyonu"
title: "Taranmış E-postalar"
description: "Biri yeni bir hesap oluşturmaya çalıştığında, aşağıdaki e-posta adresleri kontrol edilecek ve kayıt önlenecek veya başka bir aksiyon alınacak."
@ -2154,6 +2243,8 @@ tr_TR:
deactivate_failed: "Kullanıcı deaktive edilirken bir sorun yaşandı."
unblock_failed: 'Kullanıcının engeli kaldırılırken bir sorun yaşandı.'
block_failed: 'Kullanıcı engellenirken bir sorun yaşandı.'
block_confirm: 'Bu kullanıcıyı bloklamak istediğinize emin misiniz? Bunu yaparsanız yeni başlık ya da gönderi oluşturamayacak.'
block_accept: 'Evet, bu kullanıcıyı blokla'
deactivate_explanation: "Deaktive edilmiş bir kullanıcı e-postasını tekrar doğrulamalı."
suspended_explanation: "Uzaklaştırılmış kullanıcılar sistemde oturum açamaz."
block_explanation: "Engellenmiş bir kullanıcı gönderi oluşturamaz veya konu başlatamaz."
@ -2434,6 +2525,9 @@ tr_TR:
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> Konuyu takip et'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Konuyu gözle'
other: "Bu rozet %{count} defa kazanılmış"
more_with_badge: "Bu rozete sahip diğer kişiler"
title: Rozetler
allow_title: "ünvan olarak kullanılabilir"
multiple_grant: "birden fazla kez verilebilir"
@ -275,9 +275,7 @@ uk:
perm_default: "Ввімкнути сповіщення"
perm_denied_btn: "Немає доступу"
disable: "Вимкнути сповіщення"
currently_enabled: "(зараз увімкнено)"
enable: "Увімкнути сповіщення"
currently_disabled: "(зараз вимкнено)"
dismiss_notifications: "Позначити все як прочитане"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Позначити всі сповіщення як прочитані"
disable_jump_reply: "Не перескакувати до мого допису коли я відповім"
@ -460,7 +458,6 @@ uk:
unmute: Unmute
last_post: Останній допис
description: "Тут <b>{{count}}</b> відповідей."
enable: 'Підсумувати цю тему'
disable: 'Показати всі дописи'
@ -801,12 +798,6 @@ uk:
bookmark: "Скасувати закладку"
like: "Скасувати вподобання"
vote: "Відкликати голос"
notify_moderators: "Звернули увагу модераторів: {{icons}}"
notify_moderators_with_url: "<a href='{{postUrl}}'>Звернули увагу модераторів</a>: {{icons}}"
bookmark: "Лишили тут закладку: {{icons}}"
like: "Вподобали це: {{icons}}"
vote: "Проголосували за це: {{icons}}"
off_topic: "Ви поскаржилися на це як на недотичне до теми"
spam: "Ви поскаржилися на це як на спам"
@ -1080,10 +1071,8 @@ uk:
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to restore this backup?"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
title: "Customize"
long_title: "Site Customizations"
@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ vi:
other: "Chủ đề này có <b>{{count}}</b> bài viết cần phê chuẩn"
confirm: "Lưu thay đổi"
delete_prompt: "Bạn có chắc muốn xóa <b>%{username}</b>? Tất cả các bài viết của họ sẽ bị xóa, email và ip sẽ bị chặn."
title: "Bài viết cần phê duyệt"
description: "Chúng tôi đã nhận được bài viết mới của bạn, nhưng nó cần phải được phê duyệt bởi admin trước khi được hiện. Xin hãy kiên nhẫn."
@ -403,9 +402,7 @@ vi:
perm_denied_btn: "Không có quyền"
perm_denied_expl: "Bạn đã từ chối nhận thông báo, để nhận lại bạn cần thiết lập trình duyệt."
disable: "Khóa Notification"
currently_enabled: "(đang cho phép)"
enable: "Cho phép Notification"
currently_disabled: "(hiện tại không cho phép)"
each_browser_note: "Lưu ý: Bạn phải thay đổi trong cấu hình mỗi trình duyệt bạn sử dụng."
dismiss_notifications: "Đánh dấu đã đọc cho tất cả"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Đánh dấu đã đọc cho tất cả các thông báo chưa đọc"
@ -440,7 +437,6 @@ vi:
muted_users: "Im lặng"
muted_users_instructions: "Ngăn chặn tất cả các thông báo từ những thành viên."
muted_topics_link: "Hiển thị chủ đề Im Lặng"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Tự động theo dõi tiêu đề bạn vào "
flags_given: "cờ hữu ích"
flagged_posts: "bài viết gắn cờ"
@ -698,8 +694,6 @@ vi:
value_prop: "Khi bạn tạo tài khoản, website nhớ chính xác những gì bạn đã đọc, vì vậy bạn sẽ luôn trở lại đúng nơi đã rời đi. Bạn cũng có thể nhận thông báo ở đây hoặc qua email mỗi khi có bài viết mới. Bạn cũng có thể like bài viết để chia sẻ cảm xúc của mình. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Bạn đang xem một bản tóm tắt của chủ đề này: các bài viết thú vị nhất được xác định bởi cộng đồng."
description: "Có <b>{{replyCount}}</b> trả lời"
description_time: "Đây là <b>{{replyCount}}</b> trả lời tương ứng với thời gian đọc <b>{{readingTime}} phút</b>."
enable: 'Tóm tắt lại chủ đề'
disable: 'HIển thị tất cả các bài viết'
@ -870,7 +864,6 @@ vi:
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -976,9 +969,6 @@ vi:
category: "Không có chủ đề nào trong {{category}} ."
top: "Không có chủ đề top."
search: "Không có kết quả tìm kiếm."
new: '<p>Chủ đề mới của bạn nằm ở đây.</p><p>Mặc định, chủ đề được coi là mới và sẽ hiện một chỉ báo <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">new</span> nếu chúng được tạo trong 2 ngày vừa qua.</p><p>Bạn có thể thay đổi cái này trong <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Những chủ đề chưa đọc của bạn nằm ở đây.</p><p>Mặc định, chủ đề được coi là chưa đọc và sẽ hiện số lượng chưa đọc <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> nếu bạn:</p><ul><li>Đã tạo chủ đề</li><li>Đã phản hồi chủ đề</li><li>Đọc chủ đề lâu hơn 4 phút</li></ul><p>Hoặc nếu bạn đặt chủ đề là Đã theo dấu hoặc Đã xem qua điều khiển thông bao tại cuối mỗi chủ đề.</p><p>Bạn có thể thay đổi điều này trong <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a>.</p>'
latest: "Không còn thêm chủ đề nào nữa."
hot: "Không còn của đề nổi bật nào nữa."
@ -1321,18 +1311,6 @@ vi:
bookmark: "Hủy đánh dấu"
like: "Hủy like"
vote: "Hủy bình chọn"
off_topic: "{{icons}} đánh dấu nói sai chủ đề"
spam: "{{icons}} đánh dấu nó là rác"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} gắn cờ <a href='{{postUrl}}'>cái này là rác</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} gắn cờ là không phù hợp"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} thông báo cho điều hành viên"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>đã thông báo quản trị viên</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} gửi một tin nhắn"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} gửi một <a href='{{postUrl}}'>tin nhắn</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} đã đánh dấu"
like: "{{icons}} thích cái này"
vote: "{{icons}} bình chọn cho cái này"
off_topic: "Bạn đã đánh dấu cái nfay là chủ đề đóng"
spam: "Bạn đã đánh dấu cái này là rác"
@ -1464,7 +1442,6 @@ vi:
description: "Bạn sẽ không nhận được thông báo về bất cứ chủ đề mới nào trong các chuyên mục này, và chúng sẽ không hiển thị là mới nhất."
title: 'Cám ơn bạn đã giúp phát triển cộng đồng!'
private_reminder: 'đánh dấu là riêng tư, <b>chỉ</b> hiển thị với quản trị viên'
action: 'Đánh dấu Bài viết'
take_action: "Thực hiện"
notify_action: 'Tin nhắn'
@ -1476,7 +1453,6 @@ vi:
submit_tooltip: "Đánh dấu riêng tư"
take_action_tooltip: "Tiếp cận ngưỡng đánh dấu ngay lập tức, thay vì đợi cộng đồng"
cant: "Xin lỗi, bạn không thể đánh dấu bài viết lúc này."
notify_staff: 'Thông báo quản trị viên'
off_topic: "Nó là sai chủ đề"
inappropriate: "Không phù hợp"
@ -1842,11 +1818,9 @@ vi:
is_disabled: "Khôi phục đã bị cấm sử dụng trong cấu hình trang."
label: "Khôi phục"
title: "Khôi phục lại sao lưu này"
confirm: "Bạn muốn khôi phục bản sao lưu này?"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Đưa csdl về trạng thái làm việc trước"
confirm: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn đưa csdl về trạng thái làm việc trước?"
user_archive_confirm: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn download các bài viết của mình?"
success: "Export đang được khởi tạo, bạn sẽ nhận được tin nhắn thông báo khi quá trình hoàn tất."
@ -1949,9 +1923,6 @@ vi:
name: 'đáng yêu'
description: "Màu của nút like"
name: 'wiki'
description: "Màu cơ bản sử dụng cho nền của các bài viết wiki."
title: "Emails"
settings: "Cấu hình"
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ zh_TW:
other: "%{count} 個月後"
other: "%{count} 年後"
previous_month: '上個月'
next_month: '下個月'
topic: '在此話題內分享連結'
post: '文章 #%{postNumber}'
@ -223,7 +225,6 @@ zh_TW:
other: "本主題仍有 <b>{{count}}</b>篇貼文等待審核"
confirm: "儲存變更"
delete_prompt: "您確定要刪除 <b>%{username}</b> 這個帳號嗎?這會同時將該帳號的所有貼文一併刪除,並封鎖他的電子郵件與 IP。"
title: "貼文需等待審核"
description: "貼文已經送出,但必須等待管理者審核過後才會出現在板上,請耐心等候。"
@ -359,9 +360,7 @@ zh_TW:
perm_default: "啟用桌面通知"
perm_denied_btn: "權限被拒絕"
disable: "停用通知"
currently_enabled: "(當前已啟用)"
enable: "啟用通知"
currently_disabled: "(當前已關閉)"
dismiss_notifications: "全部標記為已讀"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "標記所有未讀通知為已讀"
disable_jump_reply: "不要在回覆之後直接跳到我的文章"
@ -601,8 +600,6 @@ zh_TW:
sign_up: "註冊"
enabled_description: "你正在檢視此討論話題的摘要:在這個社群裡最熱門的文章。"
description: "共有 <b>{{replyCount}}</b> 個回覆。"
description_time: "共有 <b>{{replyCount}}</b> 個回覆,大約需要 <b>{{readingTime}} 分鐘</b>閱讀。"
enable: '以摘要檢視此討論話題'
disable: '顯示所有文章'
@ -764,7 +761,6 @@ zh_TW:
mentioned: "<i title='被提到' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -828,9 +824,6 @@ zh_TW:
bookmarks: "您目前沒有加入書籤的討論話題。"
category: "沒有 {{category}} 的討論話題。"
top: "沒有精選討論話題。"
new: '<p>你的新討論話題會出現在這裡。</p><p>預設上,2 天內新增的討論話題會被當成新的,並會出現 <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">新</span> 此一標籤。</p><p>你可以在<a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">偏好設定</a>中修改設定。</p>'
unread: '<p>你的未讀討論話題會出現在這裡。</p><p>預設上,以下話題會被標示成未讀話題,並且未讀文章數量 <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> 會顯示:</p><ul><li>建立新的討論話題</li><li>回覆討論話題</li><li>閱讀討論話題超過 4 分鐘</li></ul><p>或若透過討論話題下面的通知設定追蹤或觀察。</p><p>你可以在<a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">偏好設定</a>中修改設定。</p>'
latest: "已經沒有其它最近的討論話題了。"
hot: "已經沒有其它熱門的討論話題了。"
@ -1112,18 +1105,6 @@ zh_TW:
bookmark: "移除書籤"
like: "撤回讚"
vote: "撤回投票"
off_topic: "{{icons}} 標示為偏離主題"
spam: "{{icons}} 標示為垃圾文章"
spam_with_url: "{{icons}} 投訴 <a href='{{postUrl}}'>此為 spam</a>"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} 標示為不適內容"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} 已通知板主"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>已通知板主</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} 已送出訊息"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} 已送出 <a href='{{postUrl}}'>訊息</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} 已加上書籤"
like: "{{icons}} 已按讚"
vote: "{{icons}} 已投票支持"
off_topic: "你已投訴此文章偏離討論話題"
spam: "你已投訴此文章為垃圾"
@ -1251,7 +1232,6 @@ zh_TW:
title: "靜音"
title: '感謝幫助社群遠離邪惡!'
private_reminder: '標記是不公開的,<b>只有</b> 工作人員才可看到'
action: '投訴文章'
take_action: "執行動作"
notify_action: '訊息'
@ -1610,11 +1590,9 @@ zh_TW:
is_disabled: "此站設定已關閉復原"
label: "還原"
title: "復原備份"
confirm: "你確定要復原備份嗎?"
label: "回溯"
title: "回溯資料庫到以前的工作階段"
confirm: "你確定要回溯資料庫到以前的工作階段?"
user_archive_confirm: "你確定要下載你的文章嗎?"
success: "開始匯出,處理完畢後將以私人訊息通知你。"
@ -1717,9 +1695,6 @@ zh_TW:
name: '愛'
description: "按讚按鈕的顏色"
name: '共筆'
description: "共筆文章的背景顏色"
settings: "設定"
preview_digest: "預覽文摘"
@ -30,9 +30,14 @@ ar:
default_subject: "رسالة ورادة من %{email}"
show_trimmed_content: "اظهر محتوى أقل"
empty_email_error: "يحدث عندما يكون البريد المستلم فارغ"
no_message_id_error: "يحدث عندما لا يحتوي البريد على 'Message-Id' في العنوان"
no_body_detected_error: "يحدث عندما لا نستطيع اقتباس المحتوى و لا يوجد مرفق ."
inactive_user_error: "يحدث عندما يكون المرسل غير نشط "
blocked_user_error: "يحدث عندما يكون المرسل محظور"
bad_destination_address: "يحدع عندما لا يكون اي من عنوان البريد االكتروني في حقول To/Cc/Bcc تتطابق مع كون البريد القادم"
strangers_not_allowed_error: "يحدث عندما يحاول المستخدم انشاء موضوع جديد في قسم هو ليس عضواً فيه"
insufficient_trust_level_error: "يحدث عندما يحاول مستخدم انشاء موضوع جديد في قسم و تكون درجه ثقه المستخدم اقل من القسم المطلوب "
reply_user_not_matching_error: "يحدث عندما ياتي الرد من عنوان بريد ألكتروني مختلف من الذي أرسل اليه ألاشعار "
@ -212,6 +217,7 @@ ar:
top: "أفضل المواضيع"
posts: "اخر المشاركات "
too_late_to_edit: "أُنشئ المنشور منذ فترة طويلة جدا، لذا تعديله أو حذفه لم يعد ممكنا."
revert_version_same: "ألاصدار الحالي يتطابق مع نفس ألاصدار الذي تحاول استرجاعه ."
excerpt_image: "صورة"
delete_reason: "حذف عبر طابور مشاركة معتدل"
@ -220,7 +226,9 @@ ar:
can_not_modify_automatic: "لا يمكنك تعديل مجموعة تلقائية"
member_already_exist: " '%{username}' هو عضو في هذه المجموعة بالفعل."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' ليس نطاقا صالحا."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' ليس بريدا إلكترونيا صالحا."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{email_in}' ليس عنوان بريد الكتروني صالح ."
email_already_used_in_group: "'%{email}' مستخدم من قبل المجموعه '%{group_name}'. "
email_already_used_in_category: "'%{email}' مستخدم من قبل القسم '%{category_name}'."
everyone: "الجميع"
admins: "المسؤولين"
@ -359,8 +367,9 @@ ar:
uncategorized_parent: "غير مصنف لا يمكن أن يكون فئة الأم"
self_parent: "الفئة الفرعية لا يمكن ان تكون كالفئة الرئيسية."
depth: "لا يمكنك تضمين فئة فرعية تحت فئة فرعية اخرى"
email_in_already_exist: "البريد الإلكتروني الوارد '%{email_in}' مستخدم حاليا للفئة '%{category_name}'."
invalid_email_in: "'%{email_in}' ليس بريداً صالحاَ"
invalid_email_in: "'%{email_in}' ليس عنوان بريد الكتروني صالح ."
email_already_used_in_group: "'%{email}' مستخدم من قبل المجموعه '%{group_name}'. "
email_already_used_in_category: "'%{email}' مستخدم من قبل القسم '%{category_name}'."
uncategorized: "لايمكن حذف الغير مصنف"
has_subcategories: "لايمكن حذف هذه الفئة لأنها تحتوي على فئات فرعية "
@ -593,6 +602,10 @@ ar:
confirmed: "حُدّث بريدك الإلكتروني."
please_continue: "تابع إلى %{site_name}"
error: "حدث خطأ في تغيير عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. لربما يكون العنوان مستخدما بالفعل."
already_done: "نأسف عنوان التاكيد هدا لم يعد صالحا بعد الان. ربما تم تغيير بريدك بالفعل؟"
title: "شكرا لك لتاكيدك عنوان بريدك الحالي."
description: "نحن الان نقوم بمراسله عنوانك الجديد للتأكيد."
action: "انقر هنا لتنشيط حسابك."
already_done: "آسفون، لم يعد رابط تأكيد الحساب صالحا. لربما يكون الحساب نشطا بالفعل."
@ -989,6 +1002,7 @@ ar:
enable_twitter_logins: "تفعيل مصادقة تويتر , يطلب : twitter_consumer_key و twitter_consumer_secret"
twitter_consumer_key: "مفتاح المستهلك للمصادقة تويتر، مسجلة في http://dev.twitter.com"
twitter_consumer_secret: "مفتاح المستهلك للمصادقة تويتر، مسجلة في http://dev.twitter.com"
enable_instagram_logins: "تفعيل تسجيل الدخول عن طريق الانستغرام , يتطلب instagram_consumer_key و instagram_consumer_secret"
instagram_consumer_key: "مفتاح الاستخدام لتوثيق الانستغرام "
instagram_consumer_secret: "استخدم توثيق انستغرام السري "
enable_facebook_logins: "تمكين مصادقة الفيسبوك، يتطلب facebook_app_id وfacebook_app_secret"
@ -1003,6 +1017,7 @@ ar:
backup_frequency: "كمية النسخ الإحتياطية المتكررة التي أنشأناها، في اليوم."
enable_s3_backups: "تحميل النسخ الاحتياطي لS3 عند اكتماله. هام: يتطلب اعتماد S3 صالحة دخلت في إعدادات الملفات."
s3_backup_bucket: "الرفع عن بعد لإجراء نسخ إحتياطية. تحذير : تأكد من أنه رفع خاص."
s3_disable_cleanup: "عطل النسخ الاحتياطيه المحذوفه من S3 عندما يتم حذفها محلياً"
backup_time_of_day: "الوقت الذي يجب ان تأخد النسخ الاحتياطية فيه."
backup_with_uploads: "إضافة التحميلات ل النسخ الإحتياطية. إلغاء هذة الخاصية سوف تؤدي إلى أخذ نسخ إحتياطية من قاعدة البيانات فقط."
active_user_rate_limit_secs: "كيف في كثير من الأحيان نقوم بتحديث حقل 'last_seen_at، في ثوان"
@ -1214,8 +1229,10 @@ ar:
default_email_private_messages: "أرسل بريد إلكتروني عندما يراسل شخص ما العضو إفتراضيا."
default_email_direct: "ارسل بريد الكتروني عندما يقوم احدهم بالرد/الاقتباس الي/ذكر او دعوه مستخدم افتراضيا"
default_email_mailing_list_mode: "ارسل بريد إلكتروني لكل مشاركة جديدة افتراضيا."
disable_mailing_list_mode: "عدم السماح للمستخدمين بتفعيل خيار المراسله الجماعيه"
default_email_always: "أرسل إشعار بريد إلكتروني حتى عندما يكون العضو متاح إفتراضيا."
default_email_previous_replies: "ارفق الردود السابقه في رسائل البريد افتراضياً"
default_email_in_reply_to: "ارفق مقتبسات الرد على المنشور في رسائل البريد افتراضياً"
default_other_new_topic_duration_minutes: "الشروط العالمية الافتراضية لموضوع يعتبر جديد."
default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs: "الوقت العالمي الافتراضي قبل الموضوع متعقب آليا."
default_other_external_links_in_new_tab: "أفتح الروابط الخارجية في تبويب جديد إفتراضيا."
@ -1816,11 +1833,6 @@ ar:
انقر على الرابط التالي لاختيار كلمة مرور لحسابك الجديد:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] تأكيد البريد الإلكتروني الجديد "
text_body_template: |
قم بتاكيد عنوان بريدك الالكتروني لـ %{site_name} عن طريق الضغط علي الرابط التالي:
subject_template: "قد وافقت على %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -761,56 +761,10 @@ bs_BA:
subject_template: "Set password for your %{site_name} account"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email Deliverability Test"
text_body_template: |
This is a test email from
Email deliverability is complicated. Here are a few important things you should check first:
- Be *sure* to set the `notification email` from: address correctly in your site settings. **The domain specified in the "from" address of the emails you send is the domain your email will be validated against**.
- Know how to view the raw source of the email in your mail client, so you can examine email headers for important clues. in Gmail, it is the "show original" option in the drop-down menu at the top right of each mail.
- **IMPORTANT:** Does your ISP have a reverse DNS record entered to associate the domain names and IP addresses you send mail from? [Test your Reverse PTR record][2] here. If your ISP does not enter the proper reverse DNS pointer record, it's very unlikely any of your email will be delivered.
- Is your domain's [SPF record][8] correct? [Test your SPF record][1] here. Note that TXT is the correct official record type for SPF.
- Is your domain's [DKIM record][3] correct? This will significantly improve email deliverability. [Test your DKIM record][7] here.
- If you run your own mail server, check to make sure the IPs of your mail server are [not on any email blacklists][4]. Also verify that it is definitely sending a fully-qualified hostname that resolves in DNS in its HELO message. If not, this will cause your email to be rejected by many mail services.
(The *easy* way is to create a free account on [Mandrill][md] or [Mailgun][mg] or [Mailjet][mj], which have free generous free mailing plans and will be fine for small communities. You'll still need to set up the SPF and DKIM records in your DNS, though!)
We hope you received this email deliverability test OK!
Good luck,
Your friends at [Discourse](http://www.discourse.org)
[0]: %{base_url}
[1]: http://www.kitterman.com/spf/validate.html
[2]: http://mxtoolbox.com/ReverseLookup.aspx
[3]: http://www.dkim.org/
[4]: http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check
[5]: %{base_url}/unsubscribe
[7]: http://dkimcore.org/tools/dkimrecordcheck.html
[8]: http://www.openspf.org/SPF_Record_Syntax
[md]: http://mandrill.com
[mg]: http://www.mailgun.com/
[mj]: http://www.mailjet.com/pricing
<small>There should be an unsubscribe footer on every email you send, so let's mock one up. This email was sent by Name of Company, 55 Main Street, Anytown, USA 12345. If you would like to opt out of future emails, [click here to unsubscribe][5].</small>
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] New Discourse version, update available"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] update available"
please_review: "Please review them."
post_number: "post"
how_to_disable: 'Disable this email by changing the <pre>notify_about_flags_after</pre> setting to 0.'
off_topic: "Your post was flagged as **off-topic**: the community thinks it does not fit into the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post."
inappropriate: "Your post was flagged as **inappropriate**: the community thinks it is offensive, abusive, or a violation of [the community guidelines](/guidelines)."
@ -1029,12 +983,6 @@ bs_BA:
Kliknite na link ispod da kreirate šifru za vaš nalog:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Potvrdite vaš novi email"
text_body_template: |
Confirm your new email address for %{site_name} by clicking on the following link:
subject_template: "You've been approved on %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -1061,7 +1009,6 @@ bs_BA:
Ako link iznad ne može da se klikne onda ga kopirajte i ubacite u vaš internet pretraživač.
title: "Strana koju tražite je nepostojeća ili privatna."
popular_topics: "Popularne"
recent_topics: "Nove"
see_more: "Više"
@ -753,7 +753,6 @@ cs:
Prosíme klikněte na tento odkaz pro zobrazení konverzace: %{base_url}%{url}
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} Vás pozval do tématu '%{topic_title}'"
text_body_template: |2
%{username} Vás pozval do konverzace
@ -805,12 +804,6 @@ cs:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Přihlášení"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Potvrďte vaši novou emailovou adresu"
text_body_template: |
Potvrďte vaši novou emailovou adresu pro %{site_name} kliknutím na následující odkaz:
subject_template: "Byli jste schváleni na %{site_name}!"
@ -822,7 +815,6 @@ cs:
Pokud tento odkaz nefunguje, zkuste ho zkopírovat a vložit přes schránku do adresního řádku vaše webového prohlížeče.
title: "Stránka, kterou žádáte, na tomto diskuzním fóru neexistuje. Možná vám můžeme pomoci ji najít, nebo poradit jiné téma, které se vám může líbit:"
popular_topics: "Populární"
recent_topics: "Nedávné"
see_more: "Více"
@ -236,7 +236,6 @@ da:
uncategorized_parent: "Ukategoriserede kan ikke have en overordnede kategori"
self_parent: "En underkategori kan ikke være sin egen overordnede kategori."
depth: "Du kan ikke indlejre en underkategori i en anden underkategori."
email_in_already_exist: "Den indgående email-adresse '%{email_in}' bruges allerede til kategorien '%{category_name}'."
uncategorized: "Kan ikke slette Ukategoriseret"
has_subcategories: "Kan ikke slette denne kategori, fordi den har under kategorier."
@ -699,8 +698,6 @@ da:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] test af e-mail-udsendelse"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Opdateringer er tilgængelige"
post_number: "indlæg"
subject_template: "Indlæg skjult på grund af feedback fra brugerne"
@ -780,12 +777,6 @@ da:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Din nye konto"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Bekræft din nye e-mail-adresse"
text_body_template: |
Bekræft din nye e-mail-adresse på %{site_name} ved at klikke på følgende link:
subject_template: "Du er blevet godkendt på %{site_name}!"
@ -798,7 +789,6 @@ da:
Hvis linket ikke virker, så prøv at kopiere hele linket ind i adressefeltet på din web browser.
title: "Den side du efterspurgte findes ikke. Måske kan vi hjælpe dig med at finde den, eller et andet lignende emne:"
popular_topics: "Populære"
recent_topics: "Nye"
see_more: "Flere"
@ -30,6 +30,20 @@ de:
default_subject: "Eingehende E-Mail von %{email}"
show_trimmed_content: "Zeige gekürzten Inhalt"
empty_email_error: "Passiert wenn die empfangene E-Mail leer war."
no_message_id_error: "Passiert wenn in der E-Mail die Kopfzeile 'Message-Id' fehlt."
auto_generated_email_error: "Passiert wenn die Kopfzeile 'precedence' folgendes enthält: list, junk, bulk oder auto_reply, oder eine der anderen Kopfzeilen enthält: auto-submitted, auto-replied oder auto-generated."
no_body_detected_error: "Passiert wenn kein Inhalt extrahiert werden konnte und keine Anhänge vorhanden waren."
inactive_user_error: "Passiert wenn der Sender nicht aktiv ist."
blocked_user_error: "Passiert wenn der Sender geblockt wurde."
bad_destination_address: "Passiert wenn keine der E-Mail Adressen in den Feldern To/Cc/Bcc zu einer konfigurierten eingehenden E-Mail Adresse passt."
strangers_not_allowed_error: "Passiert wenn ein Nutzer versuchte ein neues Thema in einer Kategorie ohne Mitgliedschaft zu erstellen."
insufficient_trust_level_error: "Passiert wenn ein Nutzer versuchte ein neues Thema in einer Kategorie zu erstellen, ohne die erforderliche Vertrauensstufe dafür zu haben."
reply_user_not_matching_error: "Passiert wenn die Adresse der Antwort E-Mail von der Adresse abweicht, an die gesendet wurde."
topic_not_found_error: "Passiert wenn eine Antwort eintraf aber das verbundene Thema gelöscht wurde."
topic_closed_error: "Passiert wenn eine Antwort eintraf aber das verbundene Thema geschlossen wurde."
errors: &errors
format: '%{attribute} %{message}'
@ -153,6 +167,7 @@ de:
latest: "Aktuelle Themen"
hot: "Beliebte Themen"
top: "Die besten Themen"
posts: "Letzte Beiträge"
too_late_to_edit: "Dieser Beitrag wurde vor zu langer Zeit erstellt. Er kann nicht mehr bearbeitet oder gelöscht werden."
excerpt_image: "Bild"
@ -163,7 +178,9 @@ de:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Du kannst eine automatisch verwaltete Gruppe nicht verändern."
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' ist bereits Mitglied dieser Gruppe."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' ist keine gültige Domain."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' ist keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{email}' ist keine gültige E-Mail Adresse."
email_already_used_in_group: "'%{email}' wird bereits von der Gruppe '%{group_name}' verwendet."
email_already_used_in_category: "'%{email}' wird bereits von der Kategorie '%{category_name}' verwendet."
everyone: "jeder"
admins: "admins"
@ -283,7 +300,9 @@ de:
uncategorized_parent: "Die \"unkategorisiert\" Kategorie kann keine Elternkategorie haben."
self_parent: "Eine Kategorie kann nicht sich selbst untergeordnet werden."
depth: "Unterkategorien können nicht ineinander verschachtelt werden."
email_in_already_exist: "Die E-Mail-Adresse '%{email_in}' für eingehende Themen wird bereits von der Kategorie '%{category_name}' verwendet."
invalid_email_in: "'%{email}' ist keine gültige E-Mail Adresse."
email_already_used_in_group: "'%{email}' wird bereits von der Gruppe '%{group_name}' verwendet."
email_already_used_in_category: "'%{email}' wird bereits von der Kategorie '%{category_name}' verwendet."
uncategorized: "Die \"unkategorisiert\" Kategorie kann nicht gelöscht werden."
has_subcategories: "Diese Kategorie kann nicht gelöscht werden, weil sie Unterkategorien besitzt."
@ -1028,7 +1047,6 @@ de:
enable_emoji: "Aktiviere emoji"
emoji_set: "Wie magst du dein emoji?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Emojis immer mit quadratischem Seitenverhältnis darstellen."
approve_post_count: "Anzahl Beiträge eines neuen Nutzers, die genehmigt werden müssen"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Beiträge von Nutzern unterhalb dieser Vertrauensstufe müssen genehmigt werden"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Wenn es Beiträge gibt, welche seit mehreren Stunden auf Ihre Freischaltung warten, sende eine E-Mail an die Kontaktemailadresse. Setze diesen Wert auf 0 um das zu deaktivieren."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Lege fest, wie oft die Benutzer eine Zusammenfassung per E-Mail erhalten."
@ -1379,12 +1397,6 @@ de:
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (mit dem Titel %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Deine Antwort wurde von einer anderen E-Mail-Adresse versandt als wir erwartet haben, weshalb wir nicht sicher wissen ob das die gleiche Person ist. Probiere eine andere Absenderadresse oder wende dich an einen Mitarbeiter.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Keine Message-Id"
text_body_template: |
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (mit dem Titel %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Wir konnten keinen `Message-Id`-Header in der E-Mail finden. Probiere eine andere Absenderadresse oder wende dich an einen Mitarbeiter.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Unbekanntes Konto"
text_body_template: |
@ -1573,12 +1585,6 @@ de:
Klicke auf den folgenden Link, um ein Passwort für dein neues Konto festzulegen:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Bestätige deine neue Mailadresse"
text_body_template: |
Um deine Mailadresse auf %{site_name} zu bestätigen, klicke auf den folgenden Link:
subject_template: "You've been approved on %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -1,22 +1,30 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
short_date_no_year: "D MMM"
short_date: "D MMM, YYYY"
long_date: "D MMMM, YYYY h:mm a"
datetime_formats: &datetime_formats
short: "%d-%m-%Y"
short_no_year: "%-d de %B"
date_only: "%-d de %B, %Y"
month_names: [null, Xaneiro, Febreiro, Marzo, Abril, Maio, Xuño, Xullo, Agosto, Setembro, Outubro, Novembro, Decembro]
<<: *datetime_formats
title: "Discourse"
topics: "Temas"
posts: "publicacións"
loading: "Cargndo"
log_in: "Iniciar sesión"
anonymous: "Anónimo"
errors: &errors
format: '%{attribute} %{message}'
taken: "xa está en uso"
@ -135,6 +143,7 @@ gl:
invalid: "non é unha cor válida"
<<: *errors
vip_category_name: "Taberna"
vip_category_description: "Unha categoría exclusiva para membros cun nivel de confianza igual ou maior a 3."
meta_category_name: "Opinións sobre o sitio"
@ -490,3 +499,8 @@ gl:
error: "Erro!"
submit_button: "Enviar correo-e"
<<: *datetime_formats
<<: *errors
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ it:
purge_reason: "Cancellato automaticamente come account abbandonato e mai attivato"
disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Lo scaricamento delle immagini remote è stato disabilitato perché non c'è abbastanza spazio disco disponibile."
anonymous: "Anonimo"
default_subject: "Email in arrivo da %{email}"
show_trimmed_content: "Mostra contenuto tagliato"
errors: &errors
format: '%{attribute} %{message}'
@ -160,7 +164,6 @@ it:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Non puoi modificare un gruppo automatico"
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' è già membro di questo gruppo."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' non è un dominio valido."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' non è un indirizzo email valido."
everyone: "chiunque"
admins: "amministratori"
@ -257,7 +260,6 @@ it:
uncategorized_parent: "La categoria \"Non classificato\" non può avere una categoria superiore."
self_parent: "La categoria-genitore di una sottocategoria non può essere se stessa."
depth: "Non puoi annidare una sottocategoria sotto un'altra"
email_in_already_exist: "L'indirizzo email in ingresso '%{email_in}' è già stato usato per la categoria '%{category_name}'."
uncategorized: "Non puoi eliminare la categoria \"Non classificato\""
has_subcategories: "Non puoi cancellare questa categoria perché ha sotto-categorie."
@ -1044,15 +1046,6 @@ it:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Nuova versione di Discourse, aggiornamento disponibile"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] aggiornamento disponibile"
one: "Queste segnalazioni sono state inviate oltre un'ora fa."
other: "Queste segnalazioni sono state inviate oltre %{count} ore fa."
please_review: "Per favore, revisionale."
post_number: "messaggio"
one: "1 segnalazione in attesa di essere revisionata"
other: "%{count} segnalazioni in attesa di essere revisionate"
off_topic: "Il tuo messaggio è stato segnalato come **fuori tema**: la comunità pensa non riguardi l'argomento, come attualmente definito dal titolo e dal contenuto del primo messaggio."
inappropriate: "Il tuo messaggio è stato segnalato come **inappropriato**: la comunità lo ritiene offensivo, ingiurioso o una violazione delle [linee guida della comunità](/guidelines)."
@ -1167,17 +1160,60 @@ it:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} ti invita al partecipare al messaggio '%{topic_title}'"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} ti invita a partecipare all'argomento '%{topic_title}'"
text_body_template: |2+
%{username} ti ha invitato a partecipare ad una discussione
> **%{topic_title}**
> %{topic_excerpt}
> %{site_title} -- %{site_description}
Visita il seguente collegamento per vedere il messaggio: %{base_url}%{url}
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: "%{header_instructions} \n\n%{message}\n\n%{context}\n\n---\n%{respond_instructions}\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: "%{header_instructions} \n\n%{message}\n\n%{context}\n\n---\n%{respond_instructions}\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: "%{header_instructions} \n\n%{message}\n\n%{context}\n\n---\n%{respond_instructions}\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title} "
text_body_template: "%{header_instructions}\n \n%{message}\n\n%{context}\n\n---\n%{respond_instructions}\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: "%{header_instructions}\n\n%{message}\n \n%{context}\n\n---\n%{respond_instructions}\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: "%{header_instructions}\n\n%{message}\n\n%{context}\n \n---\n%{respond_instructions}\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: "%{header_instructions}\n\n%{message}\n \n%{context}\n\n---\n%{respond_instructions}\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] [PM] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "%{optional_re}%{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |2
why: "Un breve sommario di %{site_link} dalla tua ultima visita il %{last_seen_at}"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Riepilogo"
@ -1211,12 +1247,6 @@ it:
Fai clic sul seguente collegamento per scegliere una password per il tuo nuovo account:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Conferma il tuo nuovo indirizzo email"
text_body_template: |
Conferma il tuo nuovo indirizzo email per %{site_name} cliccando sul seguente collegamento:
subject_template: "Sei stato ammesso su %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: "Benvenuto su %{site_name}! \n\nUn membro dello staff ha approvato il tuo account su %{site_name}. \n\nClicca sul seguente collegamento per confermare e attivare il tuo nuovo account:\n%{base_url}/users/activate-account/%{email_token} \n\nSe il collegamento qui sopra non è cliccabile, prova a copiarlo e incollarlo nella barra degli indirizzi del tuo browser. \n\n%{new_user_tips}\n\nNoi crediamo in un [comportamento comunitario civile](%{base_url}/guidelines), sempre.\n\nBuona permanenza!\n\nps: se vuoi comunicare privatamente con i [membri dello staff](%{base_url}/about) come nuovo utente, rispondi semplicemente a questo messaggio.\n"
@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ ko:
can_not_modify_automatic: "자동 그룹은 수정 하실 수 없습니다."
member_already_exist: "'%{username}'은 이미 이 그룹의 멤버입니다."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}'은 유효한 도메인이 아닙니다."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}'은 유효한 이메일 주소가 아닙니다."
everyone: "모든 사람"
admins: "관리자"
@ -244,8 +243,6 @@ ko:
uncategorized_parent: "Uncategorized 카테고리는 부모 카테고리를 가질 수 없습니다."
self_parent: "하위 카테고리의 부모는 자신이 될 수 없습니다."
depth: "하위 카테고리는 계층 구조로 사용할 수 없습니다."
email_in_already_exist: "'%{email_in}' 수신용 이메일 주소는 '%{category_name}' 카테고리 에서 사용 중입니다."
invalid_email_in: "'%{email_in}' 은 유효한 이메일 주소가 아닙니다."
uncategorized: "Uncategorized는 삭제할 수 없습니다."
has_subcategories: "하위 카테고리가 있어, 삭제할 수 없습니다."
@ -897,7 +894,6 @@ ko:
enable_emoji: "emoji 활성화"
emoji_set: "어떤 emoji가 좋은가요?"
enforce_square_emoji: "모든 emoji를 정사각형 비율로 강제로 바꿉니다."
approve_post_count: "신규가입자가 올릴 수 있는 글 수"
approve_unless_trust_level: "허가 받고 글 올려야 하는 유저들 최저 회원등급"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "글이 리뷰가 되길 기다리면서 이 시간이 지나면 문의처 메일로 연락을 보냅니다. 0으로 두면 보내지 않습니다."
@ -1424,12 +1420,6 @@ ko:
비밀번호 설정 페이지:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 확인"
text_body_template: |
%{site_name} 사이트에서 사용할 새로운 이메일을 아래 링크를 클릭하여 확인하세요:
subject_template: "당신은 %{site_name} 가입이 승인되었습니다!"
text_body_template: |
@ -697,9 +697,6 @@ nb_NO:
blank: "Må være til stede"
blocked: "er ikke tillatt."
please_review: "Vennligst vurder dem."
post_number: "innlegg"
agreed: "Takk for at du sier ifra. Vi er enig at det er et problem her og vi ser på saken."
disagreed: "Takk for at du sier ifra. Vi skal se på det. "
@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ nl:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Je kunt automatische groepen niet wijzigen"
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' is al lid van deze groep."
invalid_domain: "%{domain}' is geen geldig domein."
invalid_incoming_email: "%{incoming_email}' is geen geldig E-mail adres."
everyone: "iedereen"
admins: "admins"
@ -310,8 +309,6 @@ nl:
uncategorized_parent: "Ongecategoriseerd kan geen bovenliggende categorie hebben"
self_parent: "Een categorie kan niet zijn eigen bovenliggende categorie zijn"
depth: "Je kan een subcategorie niet onder een andere subcategorie plaatsen"
email_in_already_exist: "Inkomend e-mailadres '%{email_in}' is al in gebruik voor '%{category_name}' categorie."
invalid_email_in: "%{email_in}' is geen geldig E-mail adres."
uncategorized: "De categorie Ongecategoriseerd kan niet verwijderd worden"
has_subcategories: "Deze categorie kan niet verwijderd worden, omdat deze subcategorieën bevat"
@ -1384,12 +1381,6 @@ nl:
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
Je reactie werd verstuurd van een ander e-mailadres dan we verwacht hadden, dus we weten niet zeker of dit dezelfde persoon is. Probeer de e-mail vanaf een ander adres te sturen, of neem contact op met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Geen message-id"
text_body_template: |
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
We konden geen ‘message-id’ in de e-mail vinden. Probeer de e-mail vanaf een ander adres te sturen, of neem contact op met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Onbekende account"
text_body_template: |
@ -1591,12 +1582,6 @@ nl:
Klik op deze link om een wachtwoord in te stellen voor je nieuwe account:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Bevestig je nieuwe e-mailadres"
text_body_template: |
Bevestig je nieuwe e-mailadres voor %{site_name} door op de volgende link te klikken:
subject_template: "Je inschrijving op %{site_name} is geaccepteerd!"
text_body_template: |
@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ pl_PL:
uncategorized_parent: "Inne nie mogą być podkategorią innej kategorii."
self_parent: "Podkategoria nie może być swoim rodzicem"
depth: "Nie możesz umieścić subkategorii w innej subkategorii"
email_in_already_exist: "Przychodzący adres email '%{email_in}' jest teraz używany w tej '%{category_name}' kategorii. "
uncategorized: "Nie można usunąć kategorii Inne"
has_subcategories: "Nie można usunąć tej kategorii ponieważ posiada podkategorie. "
@ -822,7 +821,6 @@ pl_PL:
display_name_on_posts: "Pokazuj imię i nazwisko użytkownika przy jego postach, a także jego @nazwę użytkownika."
enable_emoji: "Włącz obsługę emoji"
emoji_set: "Jaki jest twój preferowany styl emoji?"
approve_post_count: "Liczba postów nowego użytkownika, które muszą być zatwierdzone"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Posty użytkowników poniżej tego poziomu zaufania muszą być zatwierdzane"
default_categories_watching: "Lista kategorii obserwowanych domyślnie."
default_categories_tracking: "Lista kategorii śledzonych domyślnie."
@ -1143,12 +1141,6 @@ pl_PL:
Kliknij na linku poniżej, aby ustawić swoje hasło:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Potwierdź nowy adres email"
text_body_template: |
Potwierdź Twój nowy adres email na forum %{site_name} przez kliknięcie na poniższy link:
subject_template: "Zostałeś zaakceptowany na forum %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |+
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ pt_BR:
blocked_user_error: "Ocorre quando o remetente foi bloqueado."
bad_destination_address: "Ocorre quando nenhum dos endereços de email nos campos Para/Cc/Cco era correspondente ao endereço de email recebido."
strangers_not_allowed_error: "Ocorre quando um usuário tentou criar um novo tópico em uma categoria da qual não é membro."
insufficient_trust_level_error: "Ocorre quando um usuário tenta criar um novo tópico em uma categoria de que não possui o nível de confiança necessário."
reply_user_not_matching_error: "Ocorre quando uma resposta chega em um endereço de email diferente ao da notificação enviada."
topic_not_found_error: "Ocorre quando uma resposta foi enviada mas o tópico relacionado foi excluído."
topic_closed_error: "Ocorre quando uma resposta foi enviada mas o tópico relacionado foi fechado."
@ -177,7 +176,6 @@ pt_BR:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Você não pode modificar um grupo automático"
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' já é um membro deste grupo."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' não é um domínio válido."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' não é um endereço de email válido."
everyone: "todos"
admins: "admins"
@ -306,7 +304,6 @@ pt_BR:
uncategorized_parent: "Sem categoria não pode ter uma categoria pai"
self_parent: "A subcategoria mãe não pode ser ela mesma"
depth: "Você não pode aninhar uma subcategoria sob outra"
email_in_already_exist: "Endereço de email de entrada '%{email_in}' já está em uso para categoria '%{category_name}'."
uncategorized: "Não é possível excluir Sem categoria"
has_subcategories: "Não é possível excluir essa categoria porque tem subcategorias."
@ -999,7 +996,6 @@ pt_BR:
enable_emoji: "Habilitar emoji"
emoji_set: "Como você gostaria do seu emoji?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Forçar proporção quadrangular para todos emojis."
approve_post_count: "Quantidade de mensagens de novos usuários que devem ser aprovadas"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Mensagens para os usuários abaixo deste nível de confiança devem ser aprovados"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Se existirem tópicos aguardando revisão a mais de N horas, um e-mail será enviado para o e-mail de contato. Coloque 0 para cancelar estes e-mails."
@ -1417,12 +1413,6 @@ pt_BR:
Clique no link a seguir para escolher uma senha para a sua nova conta:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Confirma o seu novo endereço de email"
text_body_template: |
Confirma o seu endereço de email novo para %{site_name} clicando no seguinte link:
subject_template: "Você foi aprovado no %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ ro:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Numărul maxim de notificări de @nume poate folosii un utilizator nou într-o postare."
newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Numărul maxim de răspunsuri un utilizator nou poate adăuga într-o singură discuție până când cineva le răspunde."
max_mentions_per_post: "Numărul maxim de notificări de @nume oricine poate folosii într-o postare."
create_thumbnails: "Crează previzualizari de tipul thumbnail și lightbox ale imaginilor ce sunt prea mari să încapă într-o postare."
create_thumbnails: "Creează previzualizari de tipul thumbnail și lightbox ale imaginilor ce sunt prea mari să încapă într-o postare."
email_time_window_mins: "Așteaptă (n) minute până să trimiți orice email de notificare, pentru a da utilizatorilor șansa să-și editeze și să-și finalizeze postările."
email_posts_context: "Câte răspunsuri precedente să fie incluse ca context în email-urile de notificare."
flush_timings_secs: "Cât de frecvent se resetează timpul de pe server, în secunde."
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ ro:
autohighlight_all_code: "Forțează aplicarea de iluminat cod către toate preformatările de blocări de cod chiar când este explicit specificată limba."
feed_polling_enabled: "DOAR ÎNCORPOREAZĂ: Să încorporeze un RSS/ATOM ca postare."
feed_polling_url: "DOAR ÎNCORPOREAZĂ: URL de RSS/ATOM să încorporeze."
embed_by_username: "Numele de utilizator Discourse al utilizatorului ce crează discuții încorporate."
embed_by_username: "Numele de utilizator Discourse al utilizatorului ce creează discuții încorporate."
embed_username_key_from_feed: "Discourse username of the user who creates the embedded topics.."
embed_truncate: "Truncate the embedded posts."
embed_post_limit: "Numărul maxim de postări de încorporat."
@ -830,10 +830,6 @@ ro:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] O nouă versiune de Discourse, reactializare valabilă"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] update Actualizare valabilă"
please_review: "Vă rugăm revizionați-le."
post_number: "postarea"
how_to_disable: 'Arata acest email schimbând setarea notify_about_flags_after la valoarea 0.'
agreed: "Mulțumim pentru avertizare. Suntem de acord că există o problemă și ne vom interesa."
agreed_and_deleted: "Mulțumim pentru avertizare. Suntem de acord că este o problemă și postarea v-a fi eliminată."
@ -950,12 +946,6 @@ ro:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Autentificare"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Confirmă noua adresă de email"
text_body_template: |
Confirmă noua adresă de email pentru %{site_name} făcând click pe următoarea adresă:
subject_template: "Ați fost aprobat pe site-ul %{site_name}!"
@ -967,7 +957,6 @@ ro:
Dacă adresa de mai sus nu e accesibilă, încercați să o copiați și să o lipiți în bară de adrese a propriului browser.
title: "Pagina cerută nu există sau este privată."
popular_topics: "Populare"
recent_topics: "Recente"
see_more: "Mai multe"
@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ ru:
default_subject: "Входящее письмо от %{email}"
show_trimmed_content: "Показывать урезанное содержимое"
empty_email_error: "Происходит, когда мы получаем пустое письмо."
no_message_id_error: "Происходит, когда письмо не имеет заголовка 'Message-Id'."
inactive_user_error: "Происходит, когда отправитель неактивен."
blocked_user_error: "Происходит, когда отправитель заблокирован."
errors: &errors
format: '%{attribute} %{message}'
@ -182,7 +187,6 @@ ru:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Нельзя изменять автоматическую группу."
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' уже является членом этой группы."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' является некорректным доменом."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' является некорректным адресом электронной почты."
everyone: "все"
admins: "администраторы"
@ -306,7 +310,6 @@ ru:
uncategorized_parent: "Разделу для тем вне разделов нельзя назначать родительский раздел."
self_parent: "Подраздел не может быть родительским для самого себя."
depth: "Подраздел не может быть родительским, т.к. допустим только один уровень вложенности разделов. "
email_in_already_exist: "Данный имейл адрес '%{email_in}' уже используется для уведомлений в категории '%{category_name}'"
uncategorized: "Нельзя удалить раздел, предназначенный для тем вне разделов"
has_subcategories: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. в нем есть подразделы."
@ -333,6 +336,7 @@ ru:
first_day_replies_per_day: "Вы достигли лимита на создание ответов для нового пользователя в первый день на сайте. Пожалуйста, попробуйте через %{time_left}."
first_day_topics_per_day: "Вы достигли лимита на создание тем для нового пользователя в первый день на сайте. Пожалуйста, попробуйте через %{time_left}."
edit_post: "Вы достигли лимита редактирования сообщений на сегодня. Пожалуйста, подождите %{time_left} перед следующей попыткой."
one: "1 час"
few: "1 часа"
@ -477,6 +481,10 @@ ru:
confirmed: "Ваш адрес электронной почты обновлен."
please_continue: "Перейти на %{site_name}"
error: "При смене электронного адреса произошла ошибка. Возможно, этот адрес уже используется?"
already_done: "Извините, ссылка для подтверждения устарела. Возможно, ваш email уже изменен?"
title: "Спасибо за подтверждение вашего email-адреса"
description: "Мы отправили сообщение с ссылкой для подтверждения вашего нового адреса."
action: "Нажмите сюда, чтобы активировать вашу учетную запись"
already_done: "Извините, ссылка на активацию учетной записи устарела. Возможно, ваша учетная запись уже активирована?"
@ -790,6 +798,7 @@ ru:
traditional_markdown_linebreaks: "Использовать стандартный способ переноса строки в Markdown: строка должна заканчиваться двумя пробелами, чтобы перенос строки после нее сработал."
post_undo_action_window_mins: "Количество минут, в течение которых пользователь может отменить действия, связанные с сообщениями: 'Мне нравится', 'Жалоба' и др."
must_approve_users: "Персонал должен подтвердить регистрации новых пользователей перед тем, как им будет разрешен доступ к сайту.\nВНИМАНИЕ: включая данную функцию на существуещем сайте будет закрыт доступ к сайту для всех пользователей, кроме персонала."
pending_users_reminder_delay: "Уведомлять модераторов, если новые пользователи ждут одобрения больше чем столько часов. Установите в -1 для отключения уведомлений."
ga_tracking_code: "Google analytics (ga.js) tracking code код, например: UA-12345678-9; смотрите http://google.com/analytics"
ga_domain_name: "Google analytics (ga.js) доменное имя, например: mysite.com; смотрите http://google.com/analytics"
ga_universal_tracking_code: "Google Universal Analytics (analytics.js) tracking code код, например: UA-12345678-9; больше информации можно узнать на странице http://google.com/analytics"
@ -833,11 +842,13 @@ ru:
max_username_length: "Максимально допустимая длина псевдонима, символов."
reserved_usernames: "Псевдонимы, запрещенные для регистрации"
min_password_length: "Минимальная длина пароля"
min_admin_password_length: "Минимальная длина пароля для Администратора."
block_common_passwords: "Не позволять использовать пароли из списка 10 000 самых частоиспользуемых паролей."
enable_sso_provider: "Реализация протокола SSO провайдера через /session/sso_provider , необходимо установить sso_secret"
sso_url: "URL точки единого входа"
sso_secret: "Секретный набор символов, используемый для проверки подлинности зашиврованного входа с помощью SSO, убедитесь, что это 10 или более символов"
sso_overrides_avatar: "Использовать аватары предоставляемые внешним SSO провайдером. При этом настоятельно рекомендуется отключить функцию: разрешить закгрузку аватаров."
sso_not_approved_url: "Перенаправлять неподтвержденные SSO-аккаунты на этот URL"
enable_local_logins: "Включить внутреннюю систему учетных записей пользователей по логину и паролю. (Требуется для работы системы приглашений.)"
allow_new_registrations: "Разрешить регистрацию новых пользователей. Выключите, чтобы запретить посетителям создавать новые учетные записи."
enable_yahoo_logins: "Разрешить идентификацию с Yahoo"
@ -886,6 +897,7 @@ ru:
s3_secret_access_key: "Amazon S3 secret key для загрузки и хранения изображений"
s3_region: "Географический регион Amazon S3, который будет использоваться для хранения изображений"
avatar_sizes: "Список автоматически сгенерированных размеров аватар."
default_opengraph_image_url: "URL картинки opengraph по-умолчанию."
enable_flash_video_onebox: "Разрешить умную вставку ссылок sqf и flv (Adobe Flash). ВНИМАНИЕ: повышает риски безопасности сайта."
default_invitee_trust_level: "Уровень доверия приглашенных пользователей по-умолчанию (от 0 до 4)."
default_trust_level: "Уровень доверия по умолчанию для всех новых пользователей (0-4). ВНИМАНИЕ! Повышая уровень доверия для новых пользователей, Вы можете столкнуться с большим колличеством спама."
@ -965,6 +977,7 @@ ru:
disable_emails: "Запретить форуму отсылать какие-либо письма."
strip_images_from_short_emails: "Удалять картинки из писем размером менее 2800 байт"
short_email_length: "Какие письма считать короткими, в байтах"
unsubscribe_via_email_footer: "Прикреплять ссылку для отписки от рассылки в футер отправляемых email'ов"
pop3_polling_enabled: "Загружать ответы в форум в виде писем с учетной записи POP3."
pop3_polling_ssl: "Использовать SSL при подключениик POP3 серверу. (Рекомендовано)"
pop3_polling_period_mins: "Периодичность загрузки e-mail учетной записи POP3. ВНИМАНИЕ: требует перезапуска."
@ -1001,6 +1014,7 @@ ru:
allow_profile_backgrounds: "Разрешить пользователям загружать фоновые картинки для своих страниц профиля."
enable_mobile_theme: "Мобильные устройства используют адаптированную тему с возможностью переключения в обычный вид. Отключите данную настройку если вы хотите использовать собственный стиль для мобильных устройств."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "Количество сообщений, отправленных пользователем подряд в одной теме, прежде чем ему будет показано предупреждение о слишком частых ответах."
disable_avatar_education_message: "Отключить обучающее сообщение при смене аватара."
daily_performance_report: "Ежедневно анализировать логи сервера NGINX и отправлять сообщение с результатами анализа в тему, видимую только персоналу."
suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Не показывать награду в списках тем для тех тем, которые вне разделов."
global_notice: "Показать СРОЧНОЕ ВАЖНОЕ объявление на сайте всем пользователям и посетителям. Удалите содержание, чтобы отменить объявление. Разрешено использование HTML."
@ -1032,7 +1046,6 @@ ru:
enable_emoji: "Активировать смайлы Emoji"
emoji_set: "Какую коллекцию Emoji использовать?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Принудительно использовать квадратные пропорции для смайликов."
approve_post_count: "Колличество постов от новых пользователей, которые должны быть проверены и одобрены."
approve_unless_trust_level: "Сообщения для пользователей ниже этого уровня доверия подлежат проверки"
invalid_email: "Неправильный адрес электронной почты."
@ -1181,6 +1194,8 @@ ru:
few: "%{count} жалобы ожидают рассмотрения"
many: "%{count} жалоб ожидают рассмотрения"
other: "%{count} жалоб ожидают рассмотрения"
subject_template: "Подтвердите, что вы больше не желаете получать обновления по электронной почте от %{site_title}"
subject_template: "%{invitee_name} приглашает вас присоединиться к '%{topic_title}' на сайте %{site_domain_name}"
text_body_template: |
@ -1355,6 +1370,10 @@ ru:
subject_template: "Экспорт не удался"
text_body_template: "Мы сожалеем, но возникли неполадки с экспортом ваших данных. Свяжитесь с администратором сайта."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Неполадки с e-mail -- неактивный пользователь"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Неполадки с e-mail -- заблокированный пользователь"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Неполадки с письмом - не найдена учетная запись"
@ -1473,14 +1492,100 @@ ru:
Просмотреть сообщение вы можете по ссылке: %{base_url}%{url}
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] [ЛС] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] [Личное сообщение] %{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |
subject_template: "%{optional_re}%{topic_title}"
text_body_template: |2
why: "Сводка обсуждений на сайте %{site_link} с момента вашего последнего визита %{last_seen_at}"
subject_template: "Cводка новостей сайта [%{site_name}]"
@ -1533,6 +1638,10 @@ ru:
Подтвердите ваш новый адрес электронной почты для сайта %{site_name}, перейдя по следующей ссылке:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Подтвердите текущий адрес электронной почты"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Ваш адрес электронной почты был подтвержден"
subject_template: "Ваша учетная запись на сайте %{site_name} одобрена!"
text_body_template: |
@ -1563,6 +1672,7 @@ ru:
Если данная ссылка не работает, попробуйте скопировать её и вставить в строку адреса вашего браузера.
title: "Упс! Эта страница не существует или скрыта от публичного просмотра."
popular_topics: "Популярные"
recent_topics: "Недавние"
see_more: "Еще"
@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ sk:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Nemôžte upravovať automatickú skupinu"
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' už je členom tejto skupiny."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' nie je platnou doménou."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' je neplatná emailová addresa."
everyone: "všetci"
admins: "administrátori"
@ -319,7 +318,6 @@ sk:
uncategorized_parent: "Nekategorizovaná nemôže mať nadradenú kategóriu"
self_parent: "Podkategória si nemôže byť zároveň kategóriou "
depth: "Nemôžte umiestniť podkategóriu pod inú podkategóriu"
email_in_already_exist: "Prichádzajúca emailová adresa '%{email_in}' sa už používa pre kategóriu '%{category_name}'."
uncategorized: "Nemôžte vymazať nekategorizované"
has_subcategories: "Nemôžte vymazať kategóriu pretože obsahuje podkategórie"
@ -1714,12 +1712,6 @@ sk:
Kliknite na nasledujúci odkaz pre nastavenie hesla k Vášmu novému účtu:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Potvrďte Vašu novú email adresu"
text_body_template: |
Potvrďte Vašu novú emailovú adresu pre %{site_name} kliknutím na nasledujúci odkaz:
subject_template: "Váš účet bol schválený na %{site_name}!"
@ -567,9 +567,6 @@ te:
not_allowed: "ఆ ఈమెయిల్ ప్రొవైడరును అనుమంతిచుటలేదు. దయచేసి మరో ఈమెయిల్ చిరునామా రాయండి"
blocked: "అనుమతించుటలేదు"
please_review: "దయచేసి వాటిని సమీక్షించండి."
post_number: "టపా"
subject_template: "%{site_name} కు సుస్వాగతం!"
@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ tr_TR:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Otomatik oluşturulan grubu düzenleyemezsiniz"
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' zaten grubun bir üyesi."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' geçerli bir alan adı değil."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' geçerli bir e-posta adresi değil."
everyone: "herkes"
admins: "adminler"
@ -261,7 +260,6 @@ tr_TR:
uncategorized_parent: "Kategorisizin üst kategorisi olamaz"
self_parent: "Alt kategorinin üst kategorisi kendisi olamaz"
depth: "Bir alt kategori başka bir alt kategorinin altında yer alamaz"
email_in_already_exist: "Gelen e-posta adresi '%{email_in}' %{category_name}' kategorisi için zaten kullanılıyor."
uncategorized: "Kategorisiz silinemez"
has_subcategories: "Alt kategorileri bulunduğu için bu kategori silinemez."
@ -627,7 +625,6 @@ tr_TR:
min_search_term_length: "Arama için girilecek kelimede olması gereken en az karakter sayısı"
search_tokenize_chinese_japanese_korean: " CJK olmayan siteler dahil, -Çince/Japonca/Korece için aramayı bilgileri sıfırlamaya zorla"
allow_uncategorized_topics: "Konuların kategori seçmeden oluşturulmasına izin ver. DİKKAT: Bu özelliği kapamadan önce kategorisiz tüm konuları kategorize etmeniz lazım."
uncategorized_description: "Kategorisiz kategorisinin tanıtımı. Boş bırakabilirsiniz."
allow_duplicate_topic_titles: "Aynı başlık ile birden çok konu açılmasına izin ver."
unique_posts_mins: "Kullanıcının aynı içerikle yeni bir gönderi oluşturmadan önce geçmesi gereken dakika"
educate_until_posts: "Kullanıcılar, ilk (n) gönderilerini yazmaya başladıklarında, pop-up yeni kullanıcı eğitim paneli metin düzenleyecisinin üstünde çıksın."
@ -919,7 +916,6 @@ tr_TR:
automatically_download_gravatars: "Hesap oluşturma veya e-posta değişikliği esnasında kullanıcılar için Gravatarları indir"
digest_topics: "Özet e-postalarda yer alacak en fazla konu sayısı. "
digest_min_excerpt_length: "Özet e-postalarında, gönderi alıntılarında olması gereken en az karakter sayısı."
delete_digest_email_after_days: "Siteye (n) günden fazla süredir uğramayan kullanıcılar için özet e-posta gönderimini durdur"
disable_digest_emails: "Tüm kullanıcılar için özet e-postalarını devre dışı bırak."
detect_custom_avatars: "Kullanıcıların özel profil resimleri yükleyip yüklemediklerini kontrol et ya da etme."
max_daily_gravatar_crawls: "Discourse'un gün içinde özel avatarlar için Gravatar'ı en fazla kaç kere kontrol edeceği."
@ -968,7 +964,6 @@ tr_TR:
enable_emoji: "Emojiyi aktifleştir"
emoji_set: "Emojinizi nasıl isterdiniz?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Tüm emojileri kare en-boy oranına zorla"
approve_post_count: "Yeni bir kullanıcıdan onaylanması gereken gönderi sayısı"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Bu güven seviyesi altındaki kullanıcılardan gelen gönderilerin onaylanması gerekir"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Bu kadar saat geçmesine rağmen hala incelenmemiş konular varsa, iletişim adresine e-posta gönder. Devre dışı bırakmak için 0 girin."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Öntanımlı olarak kullanıcılar hangi sıklıkta özet e-postalar alırlar."
@ -1012,7 +1007,6 @@ tr_TR:
moved_post: "%{display_username} gönderinizi buraya taşıdı: %{link}"
private_message: "%{display_username} sana bir mesaj gönderdi: %{link}"
invited_to_private_message: "%{display_username} seni bir mesaja davet etti: %{link}"
invited_to_topic: "%{display_username} seni bir konuya davet etti: %{link}"
invitee_accepted: "%{display_username} davetinizi kabul etti"
linked: "%{display_username} size %{link} sayfasında bağlantı verdi"
granted_badge: "%{link} kazandınız"
@ -1101,8 +1095,6 @@ tr_TR:
characters: "sadece rakam, harf ve altçizgi bulundurabilir "
unique: "özgün olmalı"
blank: "bulunmalı"
must_begin_with_alphanumeric: "bir harf, rakam ya da alt çizgi ile başlamalı"
must_end_with_alphanumeric: "bir harf, sayı yada alt tire ile bitmeli"
must_not_contain_two_special_chars_in_seq: "2 ya da daha fazla uzunlukta özel karakter dizisi (.-_) içermemeli"
not_allowed: "için o e-posta sağlayıcısına izin verilmiyor. Lütfen başka bir email adresi kullanın. "
@ -1141,23 +1133,10 @@ tr_TR:
(Eğer yukarıdaki bağlantının süresi dolmuşsa e-posta adresinizle giriş yaparken "Parolamı unuttum" bağlantısına tıklayınız.)
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta Ulaştırma Testi"
text_body_template: "Bu aşağıdaki adresten gönderilen bir test e-postasıdır.\n\n[**%{base_url}**][0]\n\nE-postaların ulaştırılması karışık bir meseledir. Öncelikle dikkat etmeniz gereken bir kaç önemli nokta:\n\n- Site ayarlarınızda 'bildiri e-postaları' için gönderen adresini doğru ayarladığınıza emin olun. **Yolladığınız e-postalarda \"gönderen\" adresi olarak belirlediğiniz alan adı, e-postalarınızın doğrulanacağı alan adıdır.**\n\n- E-posta başlıklarındaki önemli ipuçlarını yakalayabilmek için e-posta istemcinizde e-postaların kaynak kodunu nasıl görüntüleyebileceğinizi öğrenin. Gmail'da, her e-postanın sağ üstündeki açılır menüden \"show original\" opsiyonuna tıklayabilirsiniz.\n\n- **ÖNEMLİ:** ISP'nizde e-posta yollamak için kullanıdığınız alan adlarıyla IP adreslerinin eşleşmesini sağlayacak bir reverse DNS kaydı var mı? Buradan [reverse PTR kayıtlarınızı test edin][2]. Eğer ISP'niz doğru reverse DNS pointer kaydı girmezse, büyük ihtimal e-postalarınızın hiç biri yerine ulaşmayacaktır.\n\n- Alan adınızın [SPF kaydı][8] doğru mu? Buradan [SPF kaydınızı test edin][1]. SPF için doğru resmi kayıt tipinin TXT olduğunu unutmayın. \n\n- Alan adınızın [DKIM kaydı][3] doğru mu? Bu e-postaların ulaştırılabilirliğini ciddi şekilde artıracaktır. Buradan [DKIM kaydınızı test edin][7].\n\n- Kendi e-posta sunucunuzu kullanıyorsanız, e-posta sunucunuzun IPlerinin [hiç bir e-posta karalistesine][4] alınmadığına emin olun. Sunucunuzun, kesinlikle, HELO mesajında DNS olarak çözümlenen tam tanımlanmış bilgisayar adı da gönderdiğinden emin olun. Göndermemesi, e-postanızın bir çok e-posta servisi tarafından reddedilmesine sebep olacaktır. \n\n(En kolayı, küçük topluluklar için rahat rahat yetecek sayıda bedava email yollama paketleri içeren, [Mandrill][md] veya [Mailgun][mg] veya [Mailjet][mj]'te ücretsiz hesap açmak. Tabi, gene, DNS ayarlarınızda SPF ve DKIM kayıtlarını oluşturmanız gerekecek!) \n\nUmarız bu e-posta ulaştırma testini başarıyla atlatmışsınızdır. \n\nİyi şanslar, \n\n[Discourse](http://www.discourse.org)'tan arkadaşlarınız \n\n[0]: %{base_url} \n[1]: http://www.kitterman.com/spf/validate.html \n[2]: http://mxtoolbox.com/ReverseLookup.aspx \n[3]: http://www.dkim.org/ \n[4]: http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check \n[7]: http://dkimcore.org/tools/dkimrecordcheck.html \n[8]: http://www.openspf.org/SPF_Record_Syntax [md]: http://mandrill.com [mg]: http://www.mailgun.com/ [mj]: https://www.mailjet.com/pricing\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Yeni Discourse versiyonu, güncelleme var"
text_body_template: |
[Discourse'un](http://www.discourse.org) yeni versiyonu hazır. Sizin kullandığınız versiyon: %{installed_version} Yeni versiyon: **%{new_version}** Aşağıdakileri uygulayabilirsiniz: - Yenilikleri [GitHub değişiklikler listesinde] görüntüleyebilirsiniz (https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master). - [%{base_url}/admin/upgrade](%{base_url}/admin/upgrade) sayfasını ziyaret ederek ve "Güncelle" butonuna basarak yeni versiyona geçebilirsiniz. - Haberler, tartışmalar ve Discourse ile ilgili destek için burayı ziyaret edebilirsiniz: [meta.discourse.org](http://meta.discourse.org)
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] güncellemesi var"
text_body_template: |
[Discourse'un](http://www.discourse.org) yeni bir versiyonu hazır. Sizin kullandığınız versiyon: %{installed_version} Yeni versiyon: **%{new_version}** Aşağıdakileri uygulayabilirsiniz: - Yenilikleri [GitHub değişiklikler listesinde] görüntüleyebilirsiniz (https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master). - [%{base_url}/admin/upgrade](%{base_url}/admin/upgrade) sayfasını ziyaret ederek ve "Güncelle" butonuna basarak yeni versiyona geçebilirsiniz. - Haberler, tartışmalar ve Discourse ile ilgili destek için burayı ziyaret edebilirsiniz: [meta.discourse.org](http://meta.discourse.org) ### Yeni sürüm notları %{notes}
other: "Bu bayraklar %{count} saat önce verildi."
please_review: "Lütfen onları inceleyin."
post_number: "gönderi"
how_to_disable: '"Bayraklarla ilgili bilgilendirme süresi" ayarından bu hatırlatma e-postasının gönderimini devre dışı bırakabilir ya da sıklığını değiştirebilirsiniz. '
other: "İlgilenilmesi gereken %{count} bayrak var"
other: "[%{site_name}] %{count} konu incelenmeyi bekliyor."
@ -1250,10 +1229,6 @@ tr_TR:
text_body_template: "Üzgünüz, dışarı veri aktarımı başarısız oldu. Lütfen kayıtları inceleyin veya bir görevli ile iletişime geçin."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Bilinmeyen Hesap"
text_body_template: |
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermeye çalıştığınız e-posta başarısız oldu.
Bu e-posta adresine sahip bir kullanıcı bulunamadı. Başka bir e-posta adresinden göndermeyi deneyin ya da bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- İçerik Yok"
text_body_template: "Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermeye çalıştığınız e-posta başırısız oldu. \n\nE-postada herhangi bir cevap bulamadık.\n\nEğer bu mesajı alıyorsanız ve cevap eklediyseniz, daha basit bir biçimleme ile yeniden deneyin.\n\n\n\n"
@ -1269,28 +1244,16 @@ tr_TR:
Hesabınız o kategoride yeni konu oluşturabilmeniz için gereken ayrıcalıklara sahip değil. Yanlışlık olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Bilinmeyen Cevap Anahtarı"
text_body_template: |
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermeye çalıştığınız e-posta başarısız oldu.
Cevap anahtarı geçersiz ya da bulunamıyor, bu nedenle de bu mesajın neye cevaben gönderildiğini bilemiyoruz. Bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Konu Bulunamadı"
text_body_template: |
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermek istediğiniz e-posta başarısız oldu. Konu bulunamadı, silinmiş olabilir. Yanlışlık olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Konu Kapatıldı"
text_body_template: |
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermek istediğiniz e-posta başarısız oldu. Konu kapatılmış. Yanlışlık olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Otomatik Üretilmiş Cevap"
text_body_template: |
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine yollamak istediğiniz e-posta başarısız oldu. Otomatik olarak üretilmiş e-posta cevaplarını kabul edemiyoruz. Bir hata olduğuna inanıyorsanız, lütfen bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- POP doğrulama hatası"
text_body_template: |
Mailler POP sunucusundan çağrılırken bir doğrulama hatası oluştu.
Lütfen, [site ayarlarında](%{base_url}/admin/site_settings/category/email) POP bilgilerinin doğru şekilde düzenlendiğinden emin olun.
subject_template: "Yeni hesap engellendi"
text_body_template: |
@ -1352,7 +1315,6 @@ tr_TR:
Mesajı görüntülemek için lütfen bu bağlantıyı ziyaret edin: %{base_url}%{url}
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} sizi bir konuya davet etti '%{topic_title}'"
text_body_template: |2
%{username} sizi bir tartışmaya davet etti
@ -1424,12 +1386,6 @@ tr_TR:
Yeni hesabınıza ait bir parola oluşturmak için aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Yeni e-posta adresinizi onaylayın"
text_body_template: |
Aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayarak %{site_name} sitesindeki yeni e-posta adresinizi onaylayın:
subject_template: "%{site_name} sitesinde hesabınız onaylandı!"
text_body_template: "%{site_name} sitesine hoşgeldiniz! \n\n%{site_name} sitesindeki hesabınız bir görevli tarafından onaylandı.\n\nAşağıdaki linke tıklayın ve yeni hesabınızı aktive edin: %{base_url}/users/activate-account/%{email_token} \n\nEğer link tıklanabilir değilse, linki kopyalayıp tarayıcınızın adres çubuğuna yapıştırmayı deneyebilirsiniz. \n\n%{new_user_tips} \n\nBiz her zaman [medeni topluluk davranışına](%{base_url}/guidelines) inanıyoruz. \n\nZiyaretinizin keyfini çıkarın!\n\n(Eğer yeni bir kullanıcı olarak [görevlilerle](%{base_url}/about) iletişim kurmak isterseniz, bu mesajı cevaplamanız yeterli.)\n"
@ -1443,7 +1399,6 @@ tr_TR:
Eğer yukarıdaki bağlantı tıklanabilir değilse, bağlantıyı kopyalayıp tarayıcınızın adres çubuğuna yapıştırmayı deneyin.
title: "Aradığınız sayfa bulunmuyor ya da gizli."
popular_topics: "Popüler"
recent_topics: "Yeni"
see_more: "Daha fazla"
@ -383,9 +383,6 @@ uk:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Тест доставки електронної пошти"
subject_template: "оновлення [%{site_name}] доступно"
please_review: "Будь ласка, перегляньте його."
post_number: "допис"
subject_template: "Допис приховано через скарги спільноти"
@ -457,12 +454,6 @@ uk:
Перейдіть за посиланням, щоб обрати пароль:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Підтвердіть свою електронну скриньку"
text_body_template: |
Підтвердіть свою нову електронну скриньку для сайта %{site_name}, перейшовши за посиланням:
subject_template: "Вас було схвалено на сайті %{site_name}!"
@ -474,7 +465,6 @@ uk:
Якщо наведене посилання не є клікабельним, спробуйте скопіювати та вставити його в адресний рядок Вашого веб-оглядача.
title: "Сторінка, яку Ви запитали, не існує або є приватною."
popular_topics: "Популярні"
recent_topics: "Останні"
see_more: "Більше"
@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ vi:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Bạn không thể sửa đổi một nhóm tự động"
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' đã là thành viên của nhóm"
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' không phải là tên miền hợp lệ."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{incoming_email}' không phải là một địa chỉ mail hợp lệ."
everyone: "Mọi người"
admins: "quản trị"
@ -280,7 +279,6 @@ vi:
uncategorized_parent: "Mục \"Chưa được phân loại\" không thể có một chuyên mục chính"
self_parent: "Cha của chủ đề phụ không thể nào là chính nó"
depth: "Bạn không thể để một chuyên mục con trong một chuyên mục con khác."
email_in_already_exist: "Địa chỉ thư đến '%{email_in}' đã được sử dụng cho danh mục '%{category_name}'"
uncategorized: "Không thể xoá mục Chưa phân loại"
has_subcategories: "Không thể xoá chuyên mục này được vì nó có chuyên mục con."
@ -732,7 +730,6 @@ vi:
suppress_reply_directly_above: "Không hiện trả lời mở rộng cho bài viết chỉ có duy nhất một trả lời trực tiếp bên trên bài viết này."
suppress_reply_when_quoting: "Không hiện trả lời mở rộng cho bài viết chỉ trích dẫn trả lời."
max_reply_history: "Số tối đa trả lời được mở rộng khi trả lời mở rộng"
experimental_reply_expansion: "Ẩn các trả lời trung gian khi mở rộng trả lời (thử nghiệm)"
topics_per_period_in_top_summary: "Số lượng chủ đề top hiển thị trong tóm tắt các chủ đề top theo mặc định."
topics_per_period_in_top_page: "Số lượng chủ đề top hiển thị khi click 'Xem thêm'."
redirect_users_to_top_page: "Tự động chuyển thành viên mới và vắng mặt lâu ngày lên trên cùng trang."
@ -915,7 +912,6 @@ vi:
moved_post: "%{display_username} di chuyển bài viết của bạn tới %{link}"
private_message: "%{display_username} gửi bạn một tin nhắn: %{link}"
invited_to_private_message: "%{display_username} mời bạn xem tin nhắn: %{link}"
invited_to_topic: "%{display_username} mời bạn xem chủ đề: %{link}"
invitee_accepted: "%{display_username} chấp nhận lời mời của bạn"
linked: "%{display_username} kết nối với bạn ở %{link}"
granted_badge: "Bạn kiếm được %{link}"
@ -973,8 +969,6 @@ vi:
characters: "chỉ bao gồm số, ký tự và dấu gạch dưới"
unique: "phải độc nhất"
blank: "phải hiện hành"
must_begin_with_alphanumeric: "phải bắt đầu bằng ký tự hoặc số hoặc gạch dưới"
must_end_with_alphanumeric: "phải kết thúc bằng ký tự hoặc số hoặc gạch dưới"
not_allowed: "không được chấp nhận từ nhà cung cấp email đó. Vui long sử dụng địa chỉ email khác."
blocked: "không được chấp nhận."
@ -1000,9 +994,6 @@ vi:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Phiên bạn Discourse mới, cập nhật đã sẵn sàng"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] cập nhật đã sẵn sàng"
please_review: "Vui lòng xem lại chúng."
post_number: "bài đăng"
agreed: "Cảm ơn đã cho chúng tôi biết. Chúng thôi đồng ý nó là một vấn đề và chúng tôi sẽ xem xét nó."
agreed_and_deleted: "Cảm ơn đã cho chúng tôi biết thông tin. Chúng tôi đồng ý đây là một vấn đề và chúng tôi đã xóa bài viết này."
@ -1080,8 +1071,6 @@ vi:
posted_by: "Đăng bởi %{{username} ngày %{post_date}"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} mời bạn trả lời thông điệp '%{topic_title}'"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} mời bạn trả lời chủ đề '%{topic_title}'"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{topic_title}"
@ -1111,14 +1100,11 @@ vi:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Đăng nhập"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Tài khoản mới"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Xác nhận địa chỉ email mới của bạn"
subject_template: "Bạn đã được kiểm duyệt ở %{site_name}!"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Xác nhận tài khoản mới của bạn"
title: "Trang bạn yêu cầu không tồn tại hoặc riêng tư."
popular_topics: "Phổ biến"
recent_topics: "Gân đây"
see_more: "Thêm"
@ -770,7 +770,6 @@ zh_CN:
suppress_reply_directly_above: "当一个帖子只有一个回复时,不显示回复到该贴的回复。"
suppress_reply_when_quoting: "当帖子引用回复时,不显示可展开的回复到某贴的标记。"
max_reply_history: "扩展回复至时显示的最大回复数量"
experimental_reply_expansion: "当展开回复至内容时隐藏直接回复(实验性)"
topics_per_period_in_top_summary: "在一个主题底部显示的默认推荐主题的数量。"
topics_per_period_in_top_page: "在展开“显示更多”推荐主题列表显示的主题数量。"
redirect_users_to_top_page: "自动重定向至新用户或者长时间未登入的用户至热门页面。"
@ -823,7 +822,7 @@ zh_CN:
instagram_consumer_secret: "Instagram 验证的 Consumer secret"
enable_facebook_logins: "启用 Facebook 帐号验证登录,需要 facebook_app_id 和 facebook_app_secret"
facebook_app_id: "Facebook 帐号验证的应用帐号(App id),到 https://developers.facebook.com/apps 来注册获取"
facebook_app_secret: "脸书帐号验证的应用密码(App secret),到 https://developers.facebook.com/apps 来注册获取"
facebook_app_secret: "Facebook 帐号验证的应用密码(App secret),到 https://developers.facebook.com/apps 来注册获取"
enable_github_logins: "启用 Github 帐号验证登录,需要 github_client_id 和 github_client_secret"
github_client_id: "Github 帐号验证的客户端帐号(Client id),到 https://github.com/settings/applications 来注册获取"
github_client_secret: "Github 帐号验证的客户端密码(Client secret),到 https://github.com/settings/applications 来注册获取"
@ -1332,14 +1331,6 @@ zh_CN:
### 发行注记
other: "这些标记在过去 %{count} 内被提交。"
please_review: "请核查他们。"
post_number: "帖子"
how_to_disable: '你可以通过修改“notify about flags after”设置项以禁用或改变邮件提醒设置。'
other: "%{count} 个标记需要被处理"
other: "[%{site_name}] %{count} 个帖子等待审核"
@ -1895,9 +1886,9 @@ zh_CN:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 设置密码"
text_body_template: |
有人请求添加你在 [%{site_name}](%{base_url}) 的密码。除此之外,你可以通过已验证邮件地址的在线服务商(Google、Facebook等等)登录。
有人请求添加你在 [%{site_name}](%{base_url}) 的密码。除此之外,你可以通过已验证过你邮件地址的在线服务商登录。
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
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# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
poll_enabled: "Queres permitir os usuarios crear enquisas?"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<h1>Momentan suntem indisponibili pentru o mentenanţă a site-ului planificată</h1>
<h1>Momentan suntem indisponibili pentru o mentenanţă planificată a site-ului</h1>
<p>Te rog verifică din nou <span id="when-to-check-back">în câteva minute</span>.</p>
<p id="apology">Ne cerem scuze pentru inconvenienţă!</p>
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
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# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
enable_imgur: "Activar a api de imgur para enviar, non gardar ficheiros localmente"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user