diff --git a/lib/search.rb b/lib/search.rb
index 95e1c69fe67..e81b7ab0d93 100644
--- a/lib/search.rb
+++ b/lib/search.rb
@@ -1230,9 +1230,11 @@ class Search
   def self.escape_string(term)
-    # HACK: The ’ has to be "unaccented" before it is escaped or the resulting
-    # tsqueries will be invalid
-    term = term.gsub("\u{2019}", "'") if SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents
+    # HACK: The ’ and other similar characters have to be "unaccented" before
+    # it is escaped or the resulting tsqueries will be invalid
+    if SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents
+      term = term.gsub(/[\u02b9\u02bb\u02bc\u02bd\u02c8\u2018\u2019\u201b\u2032\uff07]/, "'")
+    end
     PG::Connection.escape_string(term).gsub('\\', '\\\\\\')
diff --git a/spec/models/topic_spec.rb b/spec/models/topic_spec.rb
index d60f7b83db7..4db4f3a5546 100644
--- a/spec/models/topic_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/topic_spec.rb
@@ -645,6 +645,12 @@ RSpec.describe Topic do
       expect(Topic.similar_to("怎么上自己的", "")).to eq([])
+    it "does not result in invalid statement when title contains unicode characters" do
+      SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = true
+      expect(Topic.similar_to("'bad quotes'", "'bad quotes'")).to eq([])
+    end
     context "with a similar topic" do
       fab!(:post) do