import { click, fillIn, settled, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import { skip } from "qunit"; import { acceptance, publishToMessageBus, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { baseChatPretenders, chatChannelPretender, } from "../helpers/chat-pretenders"; const GROUP_NAME = "group1"; acceptance("Discourse Chat - Composer", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, enable_rich_text_paste: true }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { baseChatPretenders(server, helper); chatChannelPretender(server, helper); server.get("/chat/:id/messages.json", () => helper.response({ chat_messages: [], meta: {} }) ); server.get("/emojis.json", () => helper.response({ favorites: [{ name: "grinning" }] }) );"/chat/drafts", () => { return helper.response([]); }); server.get("/chat/api/mentions/groups.json", () => { return helper.response({ unreachable: [GROUP_NAME], over_members_limit: [], invalid: [], }); }); }); needs.hooks.beforeEach(function () { Object.defineProperty(this, "chatService", { get: () => this.container.lookup("service:chat"), }); }); skip("when pasting html in composer", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/c/another-category/11"); const clipboardEvent = new Event("paste", { bubbles: true }); clipboardEvent.clipboardData = { types: ["text/html"], getData: (type) => { if (type === "text/html") { return "Foo"; } }, }; document .querySelector(".chat-composer__input") .dispatchEvent(clipboardEvent); await settled(); assert.dom(".chat-composer__input").hasValue("Foo"); }); }); let sendAttempt = 0; acceptance("Discourse Chat - Composer - unreliable network", function (needs) { needs.user({ id: 1, has_chat_enabled: true }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { chatChannelPretender(server, helper); server.get("/chat/:id/messages.json", () => helper.response({ chat_messages: [], meta: {} }) );"/chat/drafts", () => helper.response(500, {}));"/chat/:id.json", () => { sendAttempt += 1; return sendAttempt === 1 ? helper.response(500, {}) : helper.response({ success: true }); }); }); needs.hooks.beforeEach(function () { Object.defineProperty(this, "chatService", { get: () => this.container.lookup("service:chat"), }); }); needs.hooks.afterEach(function () { sendAttempt = 0; }); skip("Sending a message with unreliable network", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/c/-/11"); await fillIn(".chat-composer__input", "network-error-message"); await click(".chat-composer-button.-send"); assert .dom(".chat-message-container[data-id='1'] .retry-staged-message-btn") .exists("it adds a retry button"); await fillIn(".chat-composer__input", "network-error-message"); await click(".chat-composer-button.-send"); await publishToMessageBus(`/chat/11`, { type: "sent", staged_id: 1, chat_message: { cooked: "network-error-message", id: 175, user: { id: 1 }, }, }); assert .dom(".chat-message-container[data-id='1'] .retry-staged-message-btn") .doesNotExist("it removes the staged message"); assert .dom(".chat-message-container[data-id='175']") .exists("it sends the message"); assert.dom(".chat-composer__input").hasNoValue("clears the input"); }); skip("Draft with unreliable network", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/c/-/11"); this.chatService.set("isNetworkUnreliable", true); await settled(); assert .dom(".chat-composer__unreliable-network") .exists("it displays a network error icon"); }); });