# frozen_string_literal: true begin require_relative "base" require "sqlite3" require "json" rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "", "ERROR: Failed to load required gems.", "", "You need to enable the `generic_import` group in your Gemfile.", "Execute the following command to do so:", "", "\tbundle config set --local with generic_import && bundle install", "" exit 1 end class BulkImport::Generic < BulkImport::Base AVATAR_DIRECTORY = ENV["AVATAR_DIRECTORY"] UPLOAD_DIRECTORY = ENV["UPLOAD_DIRECTORY"] CONTENT_UPLOAD_REFERENCE_TYPES = %w[posts chat_messages] LAST_VIEWED_AT_PLACEHOLDER = "1970-01-01 00:00:00" def initialize(db_path, uploads_db_path = nil) super() @source_db = create_connection(db_path) @uploads_db = create_connection(uploads_db_path) if uploads_db_path end def start run # will call execute, and then "complete" the migration # Now that the migration is complete, do some more work: ENV["SKIP_USER_STATS"] = "1" Discourse::Application.load_tasks puts "running 'import:ensure_consistency' rake task." Rake::Task["import:ensure_consistency"].invoke end def execute enable_required_plugins import_site_settings import_uploads # needs to happen before users, because keeping group names is more important than usernames import_groups import_users import_user_emails import_user_profiles import_user_options import_user_fields import_user_field_values import_single_sign_on_records import_user_associated_accounts import_muted_users import_user_histories import_user_notes import_user_note_counts import_user_followers import_user_avatars update_uploaded_avatar_id import_group_members import_tag_groups import_tags import_tag_users import_categories import_category_custom_fields import_category_tag_groups import_category_permissions import_category_users import_topics import_posts import_post_custom_fields import_polls import_poll_options import_poll_votes import_topic_tags import_topic_allowed_users import_topic_allowed_groups import_likes import_post_voting_votes import_topic_voting_votes import_answers import_gamification_scores import_post_events import_badge_groupings import_badges import_user_badges import_optimized_images import_topic_users update_topic_users import_user_stats import_permalink_normalizations import_permalinks import_chat_direct_messages import_chat_channels import_chat_threads import_chat_messages import_user_chat_channel_memberships import_chat_thread_users import_chat_reactions import_chat_mentions update_chat_threads update_chat_membership_metadata import_upload_references end def execute_after import_category_about_topics @source_db.close @uploads_db.close if @uploads_db end def enable_required_plugins puts "", "Enabling required plugins..." required_plugin_names = @source_db.get_first_value(<<~SQL)&.then(&JSON.method(:parse)) SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'enable_required_plugins' SQL return if required_plugin_names.blank? plugins_by_name = Discourse.plugins_by_name required_plugin_names.each do |plugin_name| if (plugin = plugins_by_name[plugin_name]) if !plugin.enabled? && plugin.configurable? SiteSetting.set(plugin.enabled_site_setting, true) end puts " #{plugin_name} plugin enabled" else puts " ERROR: The #{plugin_name} plugin is required, but not installed." exit 1 end end end def import_site_settings puts "", "Importing site settings..." rows = query(<<~SQL) SELECT name, value, action FROM site_settings ORDER BY ROWID SQL all_settings = SiteSetting.all_settings rows.each do |row| name = row["name"].to_sym setting = all_settings.find { |s| s[:setting] == name } next unless setting case row["action"] when "update" SiteSetting.set_and_log(name, row["value"]) when "append" raise "Cannot append to #{name} setting" if setting[:type] != "list" items = (SiteSetting.get(name) || "").split("|") items << row["value"] if items.exclude?(row["value"]) SiteSetting.set_and_log(name, items.join("|")) end end rows.close end def import_categories puts "", "Importing categories..." categories = query(<<~SQL) WITH RECURSIVE tree AS ( SELECT c.id, c.parent_category_id, c.name, c.description, c.color, c.text_color, c.read_restricted, c.slug, c.existing_id, c.position, c.logo_upload_id, 0 AS level FROM categories c WHERE c.parent_category_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT c.id, c.parent_category_id, c.name, c.description, c.color, c.text_color, c.read_restricted, c.slug, c.existing_id, c.position, c.logo_upload_id, tree.level + 1 AS level FROM categories c, tree WHERE c.parent_category_id = tree.id ) SELECT id, parent_category_id, name, description, color, text_color, read_restricted, slug, existing_id, logo_upload_id, COALESCE(position, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY parent_category_id ORDER BY parent_category_id NULLS FIRST, name)) AS position FROM tree ORDER BY level, position, id SQL create_categories(categories) do |row| next if category_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]).present? { imported_id: row["id"], existing_id: row["existing_id"], name: row["name"], description: row["description"], parent_category_id: row["parent_category_id"] ? category_id_from_imported_id(row["parent_category_id"]) : nil, slug: row["slug"], read_restricted: row["read_restricted"], uploaded_logo_id: row["logo_upload_id"] ? upload_id_from_original_id(row["logo_upload_id"]) : nil, } end categories.close end def import_category_about_topics puts "", %|Creating "About..." topics for categories...| start_time = Time.now Category.ensure_consistency! Site.clear_cache categories = query(<<~SQL) SELECT id, about_topic_title FROM categories WHERE about_topic_title IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id SQL categories.each do |row| if (about_topic_title = row["about_topic_title"]).present? if (category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["id"])) topic = Category.find(category_id).topic topic.title = about_topic_title topic.save!(validate: false) end end end categories.close puts " Creating took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_category_custom_fields puts "", "Importing category custom fields..." category_custom_fields = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM category_custom_fields ORDER BY category_id, name SQL field_names = query("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM category_custom_fields") { _1.map { |row| row["name"] } } existing_category_custom_fields = CategoryCustomField.where(name: field_names).pluck(:category_id, :name).to_set create_category_custom_fields(category_custom_fields) do |row| category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["category_id"]) next if category_id.nil? next if existing_category_custom_fields.include?([category_id, row["name"]]) { category_id: category_id, name: row["name"], value: row["value"] } end category_custom_fields.close end def import_category_tag_groups puts "", "Importing category tag groups..." category_tag_groups = query(<<~SQL) SELECT c.id AS category_id, t.value AS tag_group_id FROM categories c, JSON_EACH(c.tag_group_ids) t ORDER BY category_id, tag_group_id SQL existing_category_tag_groups = CategoryTagGroup.pluck(:category_id, :tag_group_id).to_set create_category_tag_groups(category_tag_groups) do |row| category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["category_id"]) tag_group_id = @tag_group_mapping[row["tag_group_id"]] next unless category_id && tag_group_id next unless existing_category_tag_groups.add?([category_id, tag_group_id]) { category_id: category_id, tag_group_id: tag_group_id } end category_tag_groups.close end def import_category_permissions puts "", "Importing category permissions..." permissions = query(<<~SQL) SELECT c.id AS category_id, p.value -> 'group_id' AS group_id, p.value -> 'permission_type' AS permission_type FROM categories c, JSON_EACH(c.permissions) p SQL existing_category_group_ids = CategoryGroup.pluck(:category_id, :group_id).to_set create_category_groups(permissions) do |row| category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["category_id"]) group_id = group_id_from_imported_id(row["group_id"]) next if existing_category_group_ids.include?([category_id, group_id]) { category_id: category_id, group_id: group_id, permission_type: row["permission_type"] } end permissions.close end def import_category_users puts "", "Importing category users..." category_users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM category_users ORDER BY category_id, user_id SQL existing_category_user_ids = CategoryUser.pluck(:category_id, :user_id).to_set create_category_users(category_users) do |row| category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["category_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if existing_category_user_ids.include?([category_id, user_id]) { category_id: category_id, user_id: user_id, notification_level: row["notification_level"], last_seen_at: to_datetime(row["last_seen_at"]), } end category_users.close end def import_groups puts "", "Importing groups..." groups = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM groups ORDER BY id SQL create_groups(groups) do |row| next if group_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]).present? { imported_id: row["id"], name: row["name"], full_name: row["full_name"], visibility_level: row["visibility_level"], members_visibility_level: row["members_visibility_level"], mentionable_level: row["mentionable_level"], messageable_level: row["messageable_level"], } end groups.close end def import_group_members puts "", "Importing group members..." group_members = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM group_members ORDER BY ROWID SQL existing_group_user_ids = GroupUser.pluck(:group_id, :user_id).to_set create_group_users(group_members) do |row| group_id = group_id_from_imported_id(row["group_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if existing_group_user_ids.include?([group_id, user_id]) { group_id: group_id, user_id: user_id } end group_members.close end def import_users puts "", "Importing users..." users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id SQL create_users(users) do |row| next if user_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]).present? sso_record = JSON.parse(row["sso_record"]) if row["sso_record"].present? if row["suspension"].present? suspension = JSON.parse(row["suspension"]) suspended_at = suspension["suspended_at"] suspended_till = suspension["suspended_till"] end if row["anonymized"] == 1 row["username"] = "anon_#{anon_username_suffix}" row["email"] = "#{row["username"]}#{UserAnonymizer::EMAIL_SUFFIX}" row["name"] = nil row["registration_ip_address"] = nil row["date_of_birth"] = nil end { imported_id: row["id"], username: row["username"], original_username: row["original_username"], name: row["name"], email: row["email"], external_id: sso_record&.fetch("external_id", nil), created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), last_seen_at: to_datetime(row["last_seen_at"]), admin: row["admin"], moderator: row["moderator"], suspended_at: suspended_at, suspended_till: suspended_till, registration_ip_address: row["registration_ip_address"], date_of_birth: to_date(row["date_of_birth"]), } end users.close end def import_user_emails puts "", "Importing user emails..." existing_user_ids = UserEmail.pluck(:user_id).to_set users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT id, email, created_at, anonymized FROM users ORDER BY id SQL create_user_emails(users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) next if user_id && existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) if row["anonymized"] == 1 username = username_from_id(user_id) row["email"] = "#{username}#{UserAnonymizer::EMAIL_SUFFIX}" end { user_id: user_id, email: row["email"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]) } end users.close end def import_user_profiles puts "", "Importing user profiles..." users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT id, bio, location, website, anonymized FROM users ORDER BY id SQL existing_user_ids = UserProfile.pluck(:user_id).to_set create_user_profiles(users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) next if user_id && existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) if row["anonymized"] == 1 row["bio"] = nil row["location"] = nil row["website"] = nil end { user_id: user_id, bio_raw: row["bio"], location: row["location"], website: row["website"] } end users.close end def import_user_options puts "", "Importing user options..." users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT id, timezone, email_level, email_messages_level, email_digests FROM users WHERE timezone IS NOT NULL OR email_level IS NOT NULL OR email_messages_level IS NOT NULL OR email_digests IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id SQL existing_user_ids = UserOption.pluck(:user_id).to_set create_user_options(users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) next if user_id && existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) { user_id: user_id, timezone: row["timezone"], email_level: row["email_level"], email_messages_level: row["email_messages_level"], email_digests: row["email_digests"], } end users.close end def import_user_fields puts "", "Importing user fields..." user_fields = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM user_fields ORDER BY ROWID SQL existing_user_field_names = UserField.pluck(:name).to_set user_fields.each do |row| next if existing_user_field_names.include?(row["name"]) # TODO: Use `id` and store it in mapping table, but for now just ignore it. row.delete("id") options = row.delete("options") field = UserField.create!(row) if options.present? JSON.parse(options).each { |option| field.user_field_options.create!(value: option) } end end user_fields.close end def import_user_field_values puts "", "Importing user field values..." discourse_field_mapping = UserField.pluck(:name, :id).to_h user_fields = query("SELECT id, name FROM user_fields") field_id_mapping = user_fields .map do |row| discourse_field_id = discourse_field_mapping[row["name"]] field_name = "#{User::USER_FIELD_PREFIX}#{discourse_field_id}" [row["id"], field_name] end .to_h user_fields.close # TODO make restriction to non-anonymized users configurable values = query(<<~SQL) SELECT v.* FROM user_field_values v JOIN users u ON v.user_id = u.id WHERE u.anonymized = FALSE SQL existing_user_fields = UserCustomField.where("name LIKE '#{User::USER_FIELD_PREFIX}%'").pluck(:user_id, :name).to_set create_user_custom_fields(values) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) field_name = field_id_mapping[row["field_id"]] next if user_id && field_name && existing_user_fields.include?([user_id, field_name]) { user_id: user_id, name: field_name, value: row["value"] } end values.close end def import_single_sign_on_records puts "", "Importing SSO records..." users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT id, sso_record FROM users WHERE sso_record IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id SQL existing_user_ids = SingleSignOnRecord.pluck(:user_id).to_set create_single_sign_on_records(users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) next if user_id && existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) sso_record = JSON.parse(row["sso_record"], symbolize_names: true) sso_record[:user_id] = user_id sso_record end users.close end def import_user_associated_accounts puts "", "Importing user associated accounts..." accounts = query(<<~SQL) SELECT a.*, COALESCE(u.last_seen_at, u.created_at) AS last_used_at, u.email, u.username FROM user_associated_accounts a JOIN users u ON u.id = a.user_id ORDER BY a.user_id, a.provider_name SQL existing_user_ids = UserAssociatedAccount.pluck(:user_id).to_set existing_provider_uids = UserAssociatedAccount.pluck(:provider_uid, :provider_name).to_set create_user_associated_accounts(accounts) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if user_id && existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) next if existing_provider_uids.include?([row["provider_uid"], row["provider_name"]]) { user_id: user_id, provider_name: row["provider_name"], provider_uid: row["provider_uid"], last_used: to_datetime(row["last_used_at"]), info: row["info"].presence || { nickname: row["username"], email: row["email"] }.to_json, } end accounts.close end def import_topics puts "", "Importing topics..." topics = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM topics ORDER BY id SQL create_topics(topics) do |row| category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["category_id"]) if row["category_id"].present? next if topic_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]).present? next if row["private_message"].blank? && category_id.nil? { archetype: row["private_message"] ? Archetype.private_message : Archetype.default, imported_id: row["id"], title: row["title"], user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]), created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), category_id: category_id, closed: to_boolean(row["closed"]), views: row["views"], subtype: row["subtype"], pinned_at: to_datetime(row["pinned_at"]), pinned_until: to_datetime(row["pinned_until"]), pinned_globally: to_boolean(row["pinned_globally"]), } end topics.close end def import_topic_allowed_users puts "", "Importing topic_allowed_users..." topics = query(<<~SQL) SELECT t.id, user_ids.value AS user_id FROM topics t, JSON_EACH(t.private_message, '$.user_ids') AS user_ids WHERE t.private_message IS NOT NULL ORDER BY t.id SQL added = 0 existing_topic_allowed_users = TopicAllowedUser.pluck(:topic_id, :user_id).to_set create_topic_allowed_users(topics) do |row| topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless topic_id && user_id next unless existing_topic_allowed_users.add?([topic_id, user_id]) added += 1 { topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id } end topics.close puts " Added #{added} topic_allowed_users records." end def import_topic_allowed_groups puts "", "Importing topic_allowed_groups..." topics = query(<<~SQL) SELECT t.id, group_ids.value AS group_id FROM topics t, JSON_EACH(t.private_message, '$.group_ids') AS group_ids WHERE t.private_message IS NOT NULL ORDER BY t.id SQL added = 0 existing_topic_allowed_groups = TopicAllowedGroup.pluck(:topic_id, :group_id).to_set create_topic_allowed_groups(topics) do |row| topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) group_id = group_id_from_imported_id(row["group_id"]) next unless topic_id && group_id next unless existing_topic_allowed_groups.add?([topic_id, group_id]) added += 1 { topic_id: topic_id, group_id: group_id } end # TODO: Add support for special group names topics.close puts " Added #{added} topic_allowed_groups records." end def import_posts puts "", "Importing posts..." posts = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY topic_id, post_number, id SQL create_posts(posts) do |row| next if row["raw"].blank? next unless (topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["topic_id"])) next if post_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]).present? # TODO Ensure that we calculate the `like_count` if the column is empty, but the DB contains likes. # Otherwise #import_user_stats will not be able to calculate the correct `likes_received` value. { imported_id: row["id"], topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]), created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), raw: raw_with_placeholders_interpolated(row["raw"], row), like_count: row["like_count"], reply_to_post_number: row["reply_to_post_id"] ? post_number_from_imported_id(row["reply_to_post_id"]) : nil, } end posts.close end def group_id_name_map @group_id_name_map ||= Group.pluck(:id, :name).to_h end def raw_with_placeholders_interpolated(raw, row) raw = raw.dup placeholders = row["placeholders"]&.then { |json| JSON.parse(json) } if (polls = placeholders&.fetch("polls", nil)) poll_mapping = polls.map { |poll| [poll["poll_id"], poll["placeholder"]] }.to_h poll_details = query(<<~SQL, { post_id: row["id"] }) SELECT p.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p.post_id, p.name ORDER BY p.id) AS seq, JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(DISTINCT TRIM(po.text)) AS options FROM polls p JOIN poll_options po ON p.id = po.poll_id WHERE p.post_id = :post_id ORDER BY p.id, po.position, po.id SQL poll_details.each do |poll| if (placeholder = poll_mapping[poll["id"]]) raw.gsub!(placeholder, poll_bbcode(poll)) end end poll_details.close end if (mentions = placeholders&.fetch("mentions", nil)) mentions.each do |mention| name = resolve_mentioned_name(mention) puts "#{mention["type"]} not found -- #{mention["placeholder"]}" unless name raw.gsub!(mention["placeholder"], " @#{name} ") end end if (event = placeholders&.fetch("event", nil)) event_details = @source_db.get_first_row(<<~SQL, { event_id: event["event_id"] }) SELECT * FROM events WHERE id = :event_id SQL raw.gsub!(event["placeholder"], event_bbcode(event_details)) if event_details end if (quotes = placeholders&.fetch("quotes", nil)) quotes.each do |quote| user_id = if quote["user_id"] user_id_from_imported_id(quote["user_id"]) elsif quote["username"] user_id_from_original_username(quote["username"]) end username = quote["username"] name = nil if user_id username = username_from_id(user_id) name = user_full_name_from_id(user_id) end if quote["post_id"] topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_post_id(quote["post_id"]) post_number = post_number_from_imported_id(quote["post_id"]) end bbcode = if username.blank? && name.blank? "[quote]" else bbcode_parts = [] bbcode_parts << name.presence || username bbcode_parts << "post:#{post_number}" if post_number.present? bbcode_parts << "topic:#{topic_id}" if topic_id.present? bbcode_parts << "username:#{username}" if username.present? && name.present? %Q|[quote="#{bbcode_parts.join(", ")}"]| end raw.gsub!(quote["placeholder"], bbcode) end end if (links = placeholders&.fetch("links", nil)) links.each do |link| text = link["text"] original_url = link["url"] markdown = if link["topic_id"] topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(link["topic_id"]) url = topic_id ? "#{Discourse.base_url}/t/#{topic_id}" : original_url text ? "[#{text}](#{url})" : url elsif link["post_id"] topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_post_id(link["post_id"]) post_number = post_number_from_imported_id(link["post_id"]) url = ( if topic_id && post_number "#{Discourse.base_url}/t/#{topic_id}/#{post_number}" else original_url end ) text ? "[#{text}](#{url})" : url else text ? "[#{text}](#{original_url})" : original_url end # ensure that the placeholder is surrounded by whitespace unless it's at the beginning or end of the string placeholder = link["placeholder"] escaped_placeholder = Regexp.escape(placeholder) raw.gsub!(/(?<!\s)#{escaped_placeholder}/, " #{placeholder}") raw.gsub!(/#{escaped_placeholder}(?!\s)/, "#{placeholder} ") raw.gsub!(placeholder, markdown) end end if row["upload_ids"].present? && @uploads_db upload_ids = JSON.parse(row["upload_ids"]) upload_ids_placeholders = (["?"] * upload_ids.size).join(",") query( "SELECT id, markdown FROM uploads WHERE id IN (#{upload_ids_placeholders})", upload_ids, db: @uploads_db, ).tap do |result_set| result_set.each { |upload| raw.gsub!("[upload|#{upload["id"]}]", upload["markdown"] || "") } result_set.close end end raw end def resolve_mentioned_name(mention) # NOTE: original_id lookup order is important until post and chat mentions are unified original_id = mention["target_id"] || mention["id"] name = mention["name"] case mention["type"] when "user", "Chat::UserMention" resolved_user_name(original_id, name) when "group", "Chat::GroupMention" resolved_group_name(original_id, name) when "Chat::HereMention" "here" when "Chat::AllMention" "all" end end def resolved_user_name(original_id, name) user_id = if original_id user_id_from_imported_id(original_id) elsif name user_id_from_original_username(name) end user_id ? username_from_id(user_id) : name end def resolved_group_name(original_id, name) group_id = group_id_from_imported_id(original_id) if original_id group_id ? group_id_name_map[group_id] : name end def process_raw(original_raw) original_raw end def poll_name(row) name = +(row["name"] || "poll") name << "-#{row["seq"]}" if row["seq"] > 1 name end def poll_bbcode(row) return unless defined?(::Poll) name = poll_name(row) type = ::Poll.types.key(row["type"]) regular_type = type == ::Poll.types[:regular] number_type = type == ::Poll.types[:number] result_visibility = ::Poll.results.key(row["results"]) min = row["min"] max = row["max"] step = row["step"] visibility = row["visibility"] chart_type = ::Poll.chart_types.key(row["chart_type"]) groups = row["groups"] auto_close = to_datetime(row["close_at"]) title = row["title"] options = JSON.parse(row["options"]) text = +"[poll" text << " name=#{name}" if name != "poll" text << " type=#{type}" text << " results=#{result_visibility}" text << " min=#{min}" if min && !regular_type text << " max=#{max}" if max && !regular_type text << " step=#{step}" if step && !number_type text << " public=true" if visibility == Poll.visibilities[:everyone] text << " chartType=#{chart_type}" if chart_type.present? && !regular_type text << " groups=#{groups.join(",")}" if groups.present? text << " close=#{auto_close.utc.iso8601}" if auto_close text << "]\n" text << "# #{title}\n" if title.present? text << options.map { |o| "* #{o}" }.join("\n") if options.present? && !number_type text << "\n[/poll]\n" text end def event_bbcode(event) return unless defined?(::DiscoursePostEvent) starts_at = to_datetime(event["starts_at"]) ends_at = to_datetime(event["ends_at"]) status = ::DiscoursePostEvent::Event.statuses[event["status"]].to_s name = if (name = event["name"].presence) name.ljust(::DiscoursePostEvent::Event::MIN_NAME_LENGTH, ".").truncate( ::DiscoursePostEvent::Event::MAX_NAME_LENGTH, ) end url = event["url"] custom_fields = event["custom_fields"] ? JSON.parse(event["custom_fields"]) : nil text = +"[event" text << %{ start="#{starts_at.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}"} if starts_at text << %{ end="#{ends_at.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}"} if ends_at text << %{ timezone="UTC"} text << %{ status="#{status}"} if status text << %{ name="#{name}"} if name text << %{ url="#{url}"} if url custom_fields.each { |key, value| text << %{ #{key}="#{value}"} } if custom_fields text << "]\n" text << "[/event]\n" text end def import_post_custom_fields puts "", "Importing post custom fields..." post_custom_fields = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM post_custom_fields ORDER BY post_id, name SQL field_names = query("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM post_custom_fields") { _1.map { |row| row["name"] } } existing_post_custom_fields = PostCustomField.where(name: field_names).pluck(:post_id, :name).to_set create_post_custom_fields(post_custom_fields) do |row| post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) next if post_id.nil? next if existing_post_custom_fields.include?([post_id, row["name"]]) { post_id: post_id, name: row["name"], value: row["value"] } end post_custom_fields.close end def import_polls unless defined?(::Poll) puts "", "Skipping polls, because the poll plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing polls..." polls = query(<<~SQL) SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY post_id, name ORDER BY id) AS seq FROM polls ORDER BY id SQL create_polls(polls) do |row| next if poll_id_from_original_id(row["id"]).present? post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) next unless post_id { original_id: row["id"], post_id: post_id, name: poll_name(row), closed_at: to_datetime(row["closed_at"]), type: row["type"], status: row["status"], results: row["results"], visibility: row["visibility"], min: row["min"], max: row["max"], step: row["step"], anonymous_voters: row["anonymous_voters"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), chart_type: row["chart_type"], groups: row["groups"], title: row["title"], } end polls.close puts "", "Importing polls into post custom fields..." polls = query(<<~SQL) SELECT post_id, MIN(created_at) AS created_at FROM polls GROUP BY post_id ORDER BY post_id SQL field_name = DiscoursePoll::HAS_POLLS value = "true" existing_fields = PostCustomField.where(name: field_name).pluck(:post_id).to_set create_post_custom_fields(polls) do |row| next unless (post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"])) next if existing_fields.include?(post_id) { post_id: post_id, name: field_name, value: value, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end polls.close end def import_poll_options unless defined?(::Poll) puts "", "Skipping polls, because the poll plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing poll options..." poll_options = query(<<~SQL) SELECT poll_id, TRIM(text) AS text, MIN(created_at) AS created_at, GROUP_CONCAT(id) AS option_ids FROM poll_options GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY poll_id, position, id SQL create_poll_options(poll_options) do |row| poll_id = poll_id_from_original_id(row["poll_id"]) next unless poll_id option_ids = row["option_ids"].split(",") option_ids.each { |option_id| next if poll_option_id_from_original_id(option_id).present? } { original_ids: option_ids, poll_id: poll_id, html: row["text"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end poll_options.close end def import_poll_votes unless defined?(::Poll) puts "", "Skipping polls, because the poll plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing poll votes..." poll_votes = query(<<~SQL) SELECT po.poll_id, pv.poll_option_id, pv.user_id, pv.created_at FROM poll_votes pv JOIN poll_options po ON pv.poll_option_id = po.id ORDER BY pv.poll_option_id, pv.user_id SQL existing_poll_votes = PollVote.pluck(:poll_option_id, :user_id).to_set create_poll_votes(poll_votes) do |row| poll_id = poll_id_from_original_id(row["poll_id"]) poll_option_id = poll_option_id_from_original_id(row["poll_option_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless poll_id && poll_option_id && user_id next unless existing_poll_votes.add?([poll_option_id, user_id]) { poll_id: poll_id, poll_option_id: poll_option_id, user_id: user_id, created_at: row["created_at"], } end poll_votes.close end def import_likes puts "", "Importing likes..." likes = query(<<~SQL) SELECT post_id, user_id, created_at FROM likes ORDER BY post_id, user_id SQL post_action_type_id = PostActionType.types[:like] existing_likes = PostAction.where(post_action_type_id: post_action_type_id).pluck(:post_id, :user_id).to_set create_post_actions(likes) do |row| post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless post_id && user_id next unless existing_likes.add?([post_id, user_id]) { post_id: post_id, user_id: user_id, post_action_type_id: post_action_type_id, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end likes.close puts "", "Updating like counts of topics..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH likes AS ( SELECT topic_id, SUM(like_count) AS like_count FROM posts WHERE like_count > 0 GROUP BY topic_id ) UPDATE topics SET like_count = likes.like_count FROM likes WHERE topics.id = likes.topic_id AND topics.like_count <> likes.like_count SQL puts " Update took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_topic_users puts "", "Importing topic users..." topic_users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM topic_users ORDER BY user_id, topic_id SQL existing_topics = TopicUser.pluck(:topic_id).to_set create_topic_users(topic_users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["topic_id"]) next unless user_id && topic_id next if existing_topics.include?(topic_id) { user_id: user_id, topic_id: topic_id, last_read_post_number: row["last_read_post_number"], last_visited_at: to_datetime(row["last_visited_at"]), first_visited_at: to_datetime(row["first_visited_at"]), notification_level: row["notification_level"], notifications_changed_at: to_datetime(row["notifications_changed_at"]), notifications_reason_id: row["notifications_reason_id"] || TopicUser.notification_reasons[:user_changed], total_msecs_viewed: row["total_msecs_viewed"] || 0, } end topic_users.close end def update_topic_users puts "", "Updating topic users..." start_time = Time.now params = { post_action_type_id: PostActionType.types[:like], msecs_viewed_per_post: 10_000, notification_level_topic_created: NotificationLevels.topic_levels[:watching], notification_level_posted: NotificationLevels.topic_levels[:tracking], reason_topic_created: TopicUser.notification_reasons[:created_topic], reason_posted: TopicUser.notification_reasons[:created_post], } DB.exec(<<~SQL, params) INSERT INTO topic_users (user_id, topic_id, posted, last_read_post_number, first_visited_at, last_visited_at, notification_level, notifications_changed_at, notifications_reason_id, total_msecs_viewed, last_posted_at) SELECT p.user_id, p.topic_id, TRUE AS posted, MAX(p.post_number) AS last_read_post_number, MIN(p.created_at) AS first_visited_at, MAX(p.created_at) AS last_visited_at, CASE WHEN MIN(p.post_number) = 1 THEN :notification_level_topic_created ELSE :notification_level_posted END AS notification_level, MIN(p.created_at) AS notifications_changed_at, CASE WHEN MIN(p.post_number) = 1 THEN :reason_topic_created ELSE :reason_posted END AS notifications_reason_id, MAX(p.post_number) * :msecs_viewed_per_post AS total_msecs_viewed, MAX(p.created_at) AS last_posted_at FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON p.topic_id = t.id WHERE p.user_id > 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND NOT p.hidden AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.visible GROUP BY p.user_id, p.topic_id ON CONFLICT (user_id, topic_id) DO UPDATE SET posted = excluded.posted, last_read_post_number = GREATEST(topic_users.last_read_post_number, excluded.last_read_post_number), first_visited_at = LEAST(topic_users.first_visited_at, excluded.first_visited_at), last_visited_at = GREATEST(topic_users.last_visited_at, excluded.last_visited_at), notification_level = GREATEST(topic_users.notification_level, excluded.notification_level), notifications_changed_at = CASE WHEN COALESCE(excluded.notification_level, 0) > COALESCE(topic_users.notification_level, 0) THEN COALESCE(excluded.notifications_changed_at, topic_users.notifications_changed_at) ELSE topic_users.notifications_changed_at END, notifications_reason_id = CASE WHEN COALESCE(excluded.notification_level, 0) > COALESCE(topic_users.notification_level, 0) THEN COALESCE(excluded.notifications_reason_id, topic_users.notifications_reason_id) ELSE topic_users.notifications_reason_id END, total_msecs_viewed = CASE WHEN topic_users.total_msecs_viewed = 0 THEN excluded.total_msecs_viewed ELSE topic_users.total_msecs_viewed END, last_posted_at = GREATEST(topic_users.last_posted_at, excluded.last_posted_at) SQL DB.exec(<<~SQL, params) INSERT INTO topic_users (user_id, topic_id, last_read_post_number, first_visited_at, last_visited_at, total_msecs_viewed, liked) SELECT pa.user_id, p.topic_id, MAX(p.post_number) AS last_read_post_number, MIN(pa.created_at) AS first_visited_at, MAX(pa.created_at) AS last_visited_at, MAX(p.post_number) * :msecs_viewed_per_post AS total_msecs_viewed, TRUE AS liked FROM post_actions pa JOIN posts p ON pa.post_id = p.id JOIN topics t ON p.topic_id = t.id WHERE pa.post_action_type_id = :post_action_type_id AND pa.user_id > 0 AND pa.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND NOT p.hidden AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.visible GROUP BY pa.user_id, p.topic_id ON CONFLICT (user_id, topic_id) DO UPDATE SET last_read_post_number = GREATEST(topic_users.last_read_post_number, excluded.last_read_post_number), first_visited_at = LEAST(topic_users.first_visited_at, excluded.first_visited_at), last_visited_at = GREATEST(topic_users.last_visited_at, excluded.last_visited_at), total_msecs_viewed = CASE WHEN topic_users.total_msecs_viewed = 0 THEN excluded.total_msecs_viewed ELSE topic_users.total_msecs_viewed END, liked = excluded.liked SQL puts " Updated topic users in #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_user_stats puts "", "Importing user stats..." start_time = Time.now # TODO Merge with #update_user_stats from import.rake and check if there are privacy concerns # E.g. maybe we need to exclude PMs from the calculation? DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH visible_posts AS ( SELECT p.id, p.post_number, p.user_id, p.created_at, p.like_count, p.topic_id FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON p.topic_id = t.id WHERE t.archetype = 'regular' AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.visible AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.post_type = 1 /* regular_post_type */ AND NOT p.hidden ), topic_stats AS ( SELECT t.user_id, COUNT(t.id) AS topic_count FROM topics t WHERE t.archetype = 'regular' AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.visible GROUP BY t.user_id ), post_stats AS ( SELECT p.user_id, MIN(p.created_at) AS first_post_created_at, SUM(p.like_count) AS likes_received FROM visible_posts p GROUP BY p.user_id ), reply_stats AS ( SELECT p.user_id, COUNT(p.id) AS reply_count FROM visible_posts p WHERE p.post_number > 1 GROUP BY p.user_id ), like_stats AS ( SELECT pa.user_id, COUNT(*) AS likes_given FROM post_actions pa JOIN visible_posts p ON pa.post_id = p.id WHERE pa.post_action_type_id = 2 /* like */ AND pa.deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY pa.user_id ), badge_stats AS ( SELECT ub.user_id, COUNT(DISTINCT ub.badge_id) AS distinct_badge_count FROM user_badges ub JOIN badges b ON ub.badge_id = b.id AND b.enabled GROUP BY ub.user_id ), post_action_stats AS ( -- posts created by user and likes given by user SELECT p.user_id, p.id AS post_id, p.created_at::DATE, p.topic_id, p.post_number FROM visible_posts p UNION SELECT pa.user_id, pa.post_id, pa.created_at::DATE, p.topic_id, p.post_number FROM post_actions pa JOIN visible_posts p ON pa.post_id = p.id WHERE pa.post_action_type_id = 2 ), topic_reading_stats AS ( SELECT user_id, COUNT(DISTINCT topic_id) AS topics_entered, COUNT(DISTINCT created_at) AS days_visited FROM post_action_stats GROUP BY user_id ), posts_reading_stats AS ( SELECT user_id, SUM(max_post_number) AS posts_read_count FROM ( SELECT user_id, MAX(post_number) AS max_post_number FROM post_action_stats GROUP BY user_id, topic_id ) x GROUP BY user_id ) INSERT INTO user_stats (user_id, new_since, post_count, topic_count, first_post_created_at, likes_received, likes_given, distinct_badge_count, days_visited, topics_entered, posts_read_count, time_read) SELECT u.id AS user_id, u.created_at AS new_since, COALESCE(rs.reply_count, 0) AS reply_count, COALESCE(ts.topic_count, 0) AS topic_count, ps.first_post_created_at, COALESCE(ps.likes_received, 0) AS likes_received, COALESCE(ls.likes_given, 0) AS likes_given, COALESCE(bs.distinct_badge_count, 0) AS distinct_badge_count, COALESCE(trs.days_visited, 1) AS days_visited, COALESCE(trs.topics_entered, 0) AS topics_entered, COALESCE(prs.posts_read_count, 0) AS posts_read_count, COALESCE(prs.posts_read_count, 0) * 30 AS time_read -- assume 30 seconds / post FROM users u LEFT JOIN topic_stats ts ON u.id = ts.user_id LEFT JOIN post_stats ps ON u.id = ps.user_id LEFT JOIN reply_stats rs ON u.id = rs.user_id LEFT JOIN like_stats ls ON u.id = ls.user_id LEFT JOIN badge_stats bs ON u.id = bs.user_id LEFT JOIN topic_reading_stats trs ON u.id = trs.user_id LEFT JOIN posts_reading_stats prs ON u.id = prs.user_id ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL puts " Imported user stats in #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_muted_users puts "", "Importing muted users..." muted_users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM muted_users SQL existing_user_ids = MutedUser.pluck(:user_id).to_set create_muted_users(muted_users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if user_id && existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) { user_id: user_id, muted_user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row["muted_user_id"]) } end muted_users.close end def import_user_histories puts "", "Importing user histories..." user_histories = query(<<~SQL) SELECT id, JSON_EXTRACT(suspension, '$.reason') AS reason FROM users WHERE suspension IS NOT NULL SQL action_id = UserHistory.actions[:suspend_user] existing_user_ids = UserHistory.where(action: action_id).pluck(:target_user_id).to_set create_user_histories(user_histories) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) next if user_id && existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) { action: action_id, acting_user_id: Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, target_user_id: user_id, details: row["reason"], } end user_histories.close end def import_user_notes puts "", "Importing user notes..." unless defined?(::DiscourseUserNotes) puts " Skipping import of user notes because the plugin is not installed." return end user_notes = query(<<~SQL) SELECT user_id, JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(JSON_OBJECT('raw', raw, 'created_by', created_by_user_id, 'created_at', created_at)) AS note_json_text FROM user_notes GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_id, id SQL existing_user_ids = PluginStoreRow .where(plugin_name: "user_notes") .pluck(:key) .map { |key| key.delete_prefix("notes:").to_i } .to_set create_plugin_store_rows(user_notes) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if !user_id || existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) notes = JSON.parse(row["note_json_text"], symbolize_names: true) notes.each do |note| note[:id] = SecureRandom.hex(16) note[:user_id] = user_id note[:created_by] = ( if note[:created_by] user_id_from_imported_id(note[:created_by]) else Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID end ) note[:created_at] = to_datetime(note[:created_at]) end { plugin_name: "user_notes", key: "notes:#{user_id}", type_name: "JSON", value: notes.to_json, } end user_notes.close end def import_user_note_counts puts "", "Importing user note counts..." unless defined?(::DiscourseUserNotes) puts " Skipping import of user notes because the plugin is not installed." return end user_note_counts = query(<<~SQL) SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM user_notes GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_id SQL existing_user_ids = UserCustomField.where(name: "user_notes_count").pluck(:user_id).to_set create_user_custom_fields(user_note_counts) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if !user_id || existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) { user_id: user_id, name: "user_notes_count", value: row["count"].to_s } end user_note_counts.close end def import_user_followers puts "", "Importing user followers..." unless defined?(::Follow) puts " Skipping import of user followers because the plugin is not installed." return end user_followers = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM user_followers ORDER BY user_id, follower_id SQL existing_followers = UserFollower.pluck(:user_id, :follower_id).to_set notification_level = Follow::Notification.levels[:watching] create_user_followers(user_followers) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) follower_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["follower_id"]) next if !user_id || !follower_id || existing_followers.include?([user_id, follower_id]) { user_id: user_id, follower_id: follower_id, level: notification_level, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end user_followers.close end def import_uploads return if !@uploads_db puts "", "Importing uploads..." uploads = query(<<~SQL, db: @uploads_db) SELECT id, upload FROM uploads WHERE upload IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rowid SQL create_uploads(uploads) do |row| next if upload_id_from_original_id(row["id"]).present? upload = JSON.parse(row["upload"], symbolize_names: true) upload[:original_id] = row["id"] upload end uploads.close end def import_optimized_images return if !@uploads_db puts "", "Importing optimized images..." optimized_images = query(<<~SQL, db: @uploads_db) SELECT oi.id AS upload_id, x.value AS optimized_image FROM optimized_images oi, JSON_EACH(oi.optimized_images) x WHERE optimized_images IS NOT NULL ORDER BY oi.rowid, x.value -> 'id' SQL DB.exec(<<~SQL) DELETE FROM optimized_images oi WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM migration_mappings mm WHERE mm.type = 1 AND mm.discourse_id::BIGINT = oi.upload_id ) SQL existing_optimized_images = OptimizedImage.pluck(:upload_id, :height, :width).to_set create_optimized_images(optimized_images) do |row| upload_id = upload_id_from_original_id(row["upload_id"]) next unless upload_id optimized_image = JSON.parse(row["optimized_image"], symbolize_names: true) unless existing_optimized_images.add?( [upload_id, optimized_image[:height], optimized_image[:width]], ) next end optimized_image[:upload_id] = upload_id optimized_image end optimized_images.close end def import_user_avatars return if !@uploads_db puts "", "Importing user avatars..." avatars = query(<<~SQL) SELECT id, avatar_upload_id FROM users WHERE avatar_upload_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id SQL existing_user_ids = UserAvatar.pluck(:user_id).to_set create_user_avatars(avatars) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["id"]) upload_id = upload_id_from_original_id(row["avatar_upload_id"]) next if !upload_id || !user_id || existing_user_ids.include?(user_id) { user_id: user_id, custom_upload_id: upload_id } end avatars.close end def import_upload_references puts "", "Importing upload references for user avatars..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) INSERT INTO upload_references (upload_id, target_type, target_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT ua.custom_upload_id, 'UserAvatar', ua.id, ua.created_at, ua.updated_at FROM user_avatars ua WHERE ua.custom_upload_id IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM upload_references ur WHERE ur.upload_id = ua.custom_upload_id AND ur.target_type = 'UserAvatar' AND ur.target_id = ua.id ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL puts " Import took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." puts "", "Importing upload references for categories..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) INSERT INTO upload_references (upload_id, target_type, target_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT upload_id, 'Category', target_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ( SELECT uploaded_logo_id AS upload_id, id AS target_id, created_at, updated_at FROM categories WHERE uploaded_logo_id IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT uploaded_logo_dark_id AS upload_id, id AS target_id, created_at, updated_at FROM categories WHERE uploaded_logo_dark_id IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT uploaded_background_id AS upload_id, id AS target_id, created_at, updated_at FROM categories WHERE uploaded_background_id IS NOT NULL ) x WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM upload_references ur WHERE ur.upload_id = x.upload_id AND ur.target_type = 'Category' AND ur.target_id = x.target_id ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL puts " Import took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." puts "", "Importing upload references for badges..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) INSERT INTO upload_references (upload_id, target_type, target_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT image_upload_id, 'Badge', id, created_at, updated_at FROM badges b WHERE image_upload_id IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM upload_references ur WHERE ur.upload_id = b.image_upload_id AND ur.target_type = 'Badge' AND ur.target_id = b.id ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL puts " Import took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." import_content_upload_references("posts") import_content_upload_references("chat_messages") end def import_content_upload_references(type) if CONTENT_UPLOAD_REFERENCE_TYPES.exclude?(type) puts " Skipping upload references import for #{type} because it's unsupported" return end puts "", "Importing upload references for #{type}..." content_uploads = query(<<~SQL) SELECT t.id AS target_id, u.value AS upload_id FROM #{type} t, JSON_EACH(t.upload_ids) u WHERE upload_ids IS NOT NULL SQL target_type = type.classify existing_upload_references = UploadReference.where(target_type: target_type).pluck(:upload_id, :target_id).to_set create_upload_references(content_uploads) do |row| upload_id = upload_id_from_original_id(row["upload_id"]) target_id = content_id_from_original_id(type, row["target_id"]) next unless upload_id && target_id next unless existing_upload_references.add?([upload_id, target_id]) { upload_id: upload_id, target_type: target_type, target_id: target_id } end content_uploads.close end def content_id_from_original_id(type, original_id) case type when "posts" post_id_from_imported_id(original_id) when "chat_messages" chat_message_id_from_original_id(original_id) end end def update_uploaded_avatar_id puts "", "Updating user's uploaded_avatar_id column..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) UPDATE users u SET uploaded_avatar_id = ua.custom_upload_id FROM user_avatars ua WHERE u.uploaded_avatar_id IS NULL AND u.id = ua.user_id AND ua.custom_upload_id IS NOT NULL SQL puts " Update took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_tag_groups puts "", "Importing tag groups..." SiteSetting.tags_listed_by_group = true @tag_group_mapping = {} tag_groups = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM tag_groups ORDER BY id SQL tag_groups.each do |row| tag_group = TagGroup.find_or_create_by!(name: row["name"]) @tag_group_mapping[row["id"]] = tag_group.id if (permissions = row["permissions"]) tag_group.permissions = JSON .parse(permissions) .map do |p| group_id = p["existing_group_id"] || group_id_from_imported_id(p["group_id"]) group_id ? [group_id, p["permission_type"]] : nil end .compact tag_group.save! end end tag_groups.close end def import_tags puts "", "Importing tags..." SiteSetting.max_tag_length = 100 if SiteSetting.max_tag_length < 100 @tag_mapping = {} tags = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM tags ORDER BY id SQL tags.each do |row| cleaned_tag_name = DiscourseTagging.clean_tag(row["name"]) tag = Tag.where("LOWER(name) = ?", cleaned_tag_name.downcase).first_or_create!( name: cleaned_tag_name, ) @tag_mapping[row["id"]] = tag.id if row["tag_group_id"] TagGroupMembership.find_or_create_by!( tag_id: tag.id, tag_group_id: @tag_group_mapping[row["tag_group_id"]], ) end end tags.close end def import_topic_tags puts "", "Importing topic tags..." if !@tag_mapping puts " Skipping import of topic tags because tags have not been imported." return end topic_tags = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM topic_tags ORDER BY topic_id, tag_id SQL existing_topic_tags = TopicTag.pluck(:topic_id, :tag_id).to_set create_topic_tags(topic_tags) do |row| topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["topic_id"]) tag_id = @tag_mapping[row["tag_id"]] next unless topic_id && tag_id next unless existing_topic_tags.add?([topic_id, tag_id]) { topic_id: topic_id, tag_id: tag_id } end topic_tags.close end def import_post_voting_votes puts "", "Importing votes for posts..." unless defined?(::PostVoting) puts " Skipping import of votes for posts because the plugin is not installed." return end votes = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM post_voting_votes WHERE votable_type = 'Post' SQL votable_type = "Post" existing_votes = PostVotingVote.where(votable_type: votable_type).pluck(:user_id, :votable_id).to_set create_post_voting_votes(votes) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["votable_id"]) next unless user_id && post_id next unless existing_votes.add?([user_id, post_id]) { user_id: user_id, direction: row["direction"], votable_type: votable_type, votable_id: post_id, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end votes.close puts "", "Updating vote counts of posts..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH votes AS ( SELECT votable_id AS post_id, SUM(CASE direction WHEN 'up' THEN 1 ELSE -1 END) AS vote_count FROM post_voting_votes GROUP BY votable_id ) UPDATE posts SET qa_vote_count = votes.vote_count FROM votes WHERE votes.post_id = posts.id AND votes.vote_count <> posts.qa_vote_count SQL puts " Update took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_topic_voting_votes unless defined?(::DiscourseTopicVoting) puts "", "Skipping topic voting votes, because the topic voting plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing votes for topics..." topic_votes = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM topic_voting_votes SQL existing_topic_votes = DiscourseTopicVoting::Vote.pluck(:topic_id, :user_id).to_set create_topic_voting_votes(topic_votes) do |row| topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["topic_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless topic_id && user_id next unless existing_topic_votes.add?([topic_id, user_id]) { topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id, archive: to_boolean(row["archive"]), created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), updated_at: to_datetime(row["updated_at"]), } end topic_votes.close puts "", "Updating vote counts of topics..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH votes AS ( SELECT topic_id, COUNT(*) AS votes_count FROM topic_voting_votes GROUP BY topic_id ) UPDATE topic_voting_topic_vote_count SET votes_count = votes.votes_count FROM votes WHERE votes.topic_id = topic_voting_topic_vote_count.topic_id AND votes.votes_count <> topic_voting_topic_vote_count.votes_count SQL DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH missing_votes AS ( SELECT v.topic_id, COUNT(*) AS votes_count FROM topic_voting_votes v WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM topic_voting_topic_vote_count c WHERE v.topic_id = c.topic_id ) GROUP BY topic_id ) INSERT INTO topic_voting_topic_vote_count (votes_count, topic_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT votes_count, topic_id, NOW(), NOW() FROM missing_votes SQL puts " Update took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_answers puts "", "Importing solutions into post custom fields..." solutions = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM solutions ORDER BY topic_id SQL field_name = "is_accepted_answer" value = "true" existing_fields = PostCustomField.where(name: field_name).pluck(:post_id).to_set create_post_custom_fields(solutions) do |row| next unless (post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"])) next unless existing_fields.add?(post_id) { post_id: post_id, name: field_name, value: value, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end puts "", "Importing solutions into topic custom fields..." solutions.reset field_name = "accepted_answer_post_id" existing_fields = TopicCustomField.where(name: field_name).pluck(:topic_id).to_set create_topic_custom_fields(solutions) do |row| post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["topic_id"]) next unless post_id && topic_id next unless existing_fields.add?(topic_id) { topic_id: topic_id, name: field_name, value: post_id.to_s, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end puts "", "Importing solutions into user actions..." existing_fields = nil solutions.reset action_type = UserAction::SOLVED existing_actions = UserAction.where(action_type: action_type).pluck(:target_post_id).to_set create_user_actions(solutions) do |row| post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) next unless post_id && existing_actions.add?(post_id) topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["topic_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless topic_id && user_id acting_user_id = row["acting_user_id"] ? user_id_from_imported_id(row["acting_user_id"]) : nil { action_type: action_type, user_id: user_id, target_topic_id: topic_id, target_post_id: post_id, acting_user_id: acting_user_id || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, } end solutions.close end def import_gamification_scores puts "", "Importing gamification scores..." unless defined?(::DiscourseGamification) puts " Skipping import of gamification scores because the plugin is not installed." return end # TODO Make this configurable from_date = Date.today DiscourseGamification::GamificationLeaderboard.all.each do |leaderboard| leaderboard.update!(from_date: from_date) end scores = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM gamification_score_events ORDER BY id SQL # TODO Better way of detecting existing scores? existing_scores = DiscourseGamification::GamificationScoreEvent.pluck(:user_id, :date).to_set create_gamification_score_events(scores) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless user_id date = to_date(row["date"]) || from_date next if existing_scores.include?([user_id, date]) { user_id: user_id, date: date, points: row["points"], description: row["description"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end scores.close end def import_post_events puts "", "Importing events..." unless defined?(::DiscoursePostEvent) puts " Skipping import of events because the plugin is not installed." return end post_events = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM events ORDER BY id SQL default_custom_fields = "{}" timezone = "UTC" public_group_invitees = "{#{::DiscoursePostEvent::Event::PUBLIC_GROUP}}" standalone_invitees = "{}" existing_events = DiscoursePostEvent::Event.pluck(:id).to_set create_post_events(post_events) do |row| post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) next if !post_id || existing_events.include?(post_id) { id: post_id, status: row["status"], original_starts_at: to_datetime(row["starts_at"]), original_ends_at: to_datetime(row["ends_at"]), name: row["name"], url: row["url"] ? row["url"][0..999] : nil, custom_fields: row["custom_fields"] || default_custom_fields, timezone: timezone, raw_invitees: ( if row["status"] == ::DiscoursePostEvent::Event.statuses[:public] public_group_invitees else standalone_invitees end ), } end puts "", "Importing event dates..." post_events.reset existing_events = DiscoursePostEvent::EventDate.pluck(:event_id).to_set create_post_event_dates(post_events) do |row| post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) next if !post_id || existing_events.include?(post_id) { event_id: post_id, starts_at: to_datetime(row["starts_at"]), ends_at: to_datetime(row["ends_at"]), } end puts "", "Importing topic event custom fields..." post_events.reset field_name = DiscoursePostEvent::TOPIC_POST_EVENT_STARTS_AT existing_fields = TopicCustomField.where(name: field_name).pluck(:topic_id).to_set create_topic_custom_fields(post_events) do |row| date = to_datetime(row["starts_at"]) next unless date topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_post_id(row["post_id"]) next if !topic_id || existing_fields.include?(topic_id) { topic_id: topic_id, name: field_name, value: date.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") } end post_events.reset field_name = DiscoursePostEvent::TOPIC_POST_EVENT_ENDS_AT existing_fields = TopicCustomField.where(name: field_name).pluck(:topic_id).to_set create_topic_custom_fields(post_events) do |row| date = to_datetime(row["ends_at"]) next unless date topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_post_id(row["post_id"]) next if !topic_id || existing_fields.include?(topic_id) { topic_id: topic_id, name: field_name, value: date.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") } end post_events.close end def import_tag_users puts "", "Importing tag users..." tag_users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM tag_users ORDER BY tag_id, user_id SQL existing_tag_users = TagUser.distinct.pluck(:user_id).to_set create_tag_users(tag_users) do |row| tag_id = @tag_mapping[row["tag_id"]] user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless tag_id && user_id next if existing_tag_users.include?(user_id) { tag_id: tag_id, user_id: user_id, notification_level: row["notification_level"] } end tag_users.close end def import_badge_groupings puts "", "Importing badge groupings..." rows = query(<<~SQL) SELECT DISTINCT badge_group FROM badges ORDER BY badge_group SQL @badge_group_mapping = {} max_position = BadgeGrouping.maximum(:position) || 0 rows.each do |row| grouping = BadgeGrouping.find_or_create_by!(name: row["badge_group"]) do |bg| bg.position = max_position += 1 end @badge_group_mapping[row["badge_group"]] = grouping.id end rows.close end def import_badges puts "", "Importing badges..." badges = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM badges ORDER BY id SQL existing_badge_names = Badge.pluck(:name).to_set create_badges(badges) do |row| next if badge_id_from_original_id(row["id"]).present? badge_name = row["name"] unless existing_badge_names.add?(badge_name) badge_name = badge_name + "_1" badge_name.next! until existing_badge_names.add?(badge_name) end { original_id: row["id"], name: badge_name, description: row["description"], badge_type_id: row["badge_type_id"], badge_grouping_id: @badge_group_mapping[row["badge_group"]], long_description: row["long_description"], image_upload_id: row["image_upload_id"] ? upload_id_from_original_id(row["image_upload_id"]) : nil, query: row["query"], } end badges.close end def import_user_badges puts "", "Importing user badges..." user_badges = query(<<~SQL) SELECT user_id, badge_id, granted_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id, badge_id ORDER BY granted_at) - 1 AS seq FROM user_badges ORDER BY user_id, badge_id, granted_at SQL existing_user_badges = UserBadge.distinct.pluck(:user_id, :badge_id, :seq).to_set create_user_badges(user_badges) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) badge_id = badge_id_from_original_id(row["badge_id"]) seq = row["seq"] next unless user_id && badge_id next if existing_user_badges.include?([user_id, badge_id, seq]) { user_id: user_id, badge_id: badge_id, granted_at: to_datetime(row["granted_at"]), seq: seq } end user_badges.close puts "", "Updating badge grant counts..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH grants AS ( SELECT badge_id, COUNT(*) AS grant_count FROM user_badges GROUP BY badge_id ) UPDATE badges SET grant_count = grants.grant_count FROM grants WHERE badges.id = grants.badge_id AND badges.grant_count <> grants.grant_count SQL puts " Update took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_permalink_normalizations puts "", "Importing permalink normalizations..." start_time = Time.now rows = query(<<~SQL) SELECT normalization FROM permalink_normalizations ORDER BY normalization SQL normalizations = SiteSetting.permalink_normalizations normalizations = normalizations.blank? ? [] : normalizations.split("|") rows.each do |row| normalization = row["normalization"] normalizations << normalization if normalizations.exclude?(normalization) end SiteSetting.permalink_normalizations = normalizations.join("|") rows.close puts " Import took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def import_permalinks puts "", "Importing permalinks..." rows = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM permalinks ORDER BY url SQL existing_permalinks = Permalink.pluck(:url).to_set if !@tag_mapping puts "Skipping import of permalinks for tags because tags have not been imported." end create_permalinks(rows) do |row| next if existing_permalinks.include?(row["url"]) if row["topic_id"] topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row["topic_id"]) next unless topic_id { url: row["url"], topic_id: topic_id } elsif row["post_id"] post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row["post_id"]) next unless post_id { url: row["url"], post_id: post_id } elsif row["category_id"] category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["category_id"]) next unless category_id { url: row["url"], category_id: category_id } elsif row["tag_id"] next unless @tag_mapping tag_id = @tag_mapping[row["tag_id"]] next unless tag_id { url: row["url"], tag_id: tag_id } elsif row["user_id"] user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next unless user_id { url: row["url"], user_id: user_id } elsif row["external_url"] external_url = calculate_external_url(row) next unless external_url { url: row["url"], external_url: external_url } end end rows.close end def import_chat_direct_messages unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat direct messages, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing chat direct messages..." direct_messages = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM chat_channels WHERE chatable_type = 'DirectMessage' ORDER BY id SQL create_chat_direct_message(direct_messages) do |row| next if chat_direct_message_channel_id_from_original_id(row["chatable_id"]).present? { original_id: row["chatable_id"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), group: to_boolean(row["is_group"]), } end direct_messages.close end def import_chat_channels unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat channels, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing chat channels..." # Ideally, we’d like these to be set in `import_site_settings`, # but since there’s no way to enforce that, we're defaulting to keeping all chats # indefinitely for now SiteSetting.chat_channel_retention_days = 0 SiteSetting.chat_dm_retention_days = 0 channels = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM chat_channels ORDER BY id SQL create_chat_channels(channels) do |row| next if chat_channel_id_from_original_id(row["id"]).present? case row["chatable_type"] when "Category" type = "CategoryChannel" chatable_id = category_id_from_imported_id(row["chatable_id"]) when "DirectMessage" chatable_id = chat_direct_message_channel_id_from_original_id(row["chatable_id"]) type = "DirectMessageChannel" end next if !chatable_id # TODO: Add more uniqueness checks # Ensure no channel with same name and category exists? { original_id: row["id"], name: row["name"], description: row["description"], slug: row["slug"], status: row["status"], chatable_id: chatable_id, chatable_type: row["chatable_type"], user_count: row["user_count"], messages_count: row["messages_count"], type: type, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), allow_channel_wide_mentions: to_boolean(row["allow_channel_wide_mentions"]), auto_join_users: to_boolean(row["auto_join_users"]), threading_enabled: to_boolean(row["threading_enabled"]), } end channels.close end def import_user_chat_channel_memberships unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping user chat channel memberships, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing user chat channel memberships..." channel_users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT chat_channels.chatable_type, chat_channels.chatable_id, chat_channel_users.* FROM chat_channel_users JOIN chat_channels ON chat_channels.id = chat_channel_users.chat_channel_id ORDER BY chat_channel_users.chat_channel_id SQL existing_members = Chat::UserChatChannelMembership.distinct.pluck(:user_id, :chat_channel_id).to_set create_user_chat_channel_memberships(channel_users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) channel_id = chat_channel_id_from_original_id(row["chat_channel_id"]) last_read_message_id = chat_message_id_from_original_id(row["last_read_message_id"]) next if user_id.blank? || channel_id.blank? next unless existing_members.add?([user_id, channel_id]) # `last_viewed_at` is required, if not provided, set a placeholder, # it'll be updated in the `update_chat_membership_metadata` step last_viewed_at = to_datetime(row["last_viewed_at"].presence || LAST_VIEWED_AT_PLACEHOLDER) { user_id: user_id, chat_channel_id: channel_id, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), following: to_boolean(row["following"]), muted: to_boolean(row["muted"]), desktop_notification_level: row["desktop_notification_level"], mobile_notification_level: row["mobile_notification_level"], last_read_message_id: last_read_message_id, join_mode: row["join_mode"], last_viewed_at: last_viewed_at, } end puts "", "Importing chat direct message users..." channel_users.reset existing_direct_message_users = Chat::DirectMessageUser.distinct.pluck(:direct_message_channel_id, :user_id).to_set create_direct_message_users(channel_users) do |row| next if row["chatable_type"] != "DirectMessage" user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) direct_message_channel_id = chat_direct_message_channel_id_from_original_id(row["chatable_id"]) next if user_id.blank? || direct_message_channel_id.blank? next unless existing_direct_message_users.add?([direct_message_channel_id, user_id]) { direct_message_channel_id: direct_message_channel_id, user_id: user_id, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end channel_users.close end def import_chat_threads unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat threads, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing chat threads..." threads = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM chat_threads ORDER BY chat_channel_id, id SQL create_chat_threads(threads) do |row| channel_id = chat_channel_id_from_original_id(row["chat_channel_id"]) original_message_user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["original_message_user_id"]) next if channel_id.blank? || original_message_user_id.blank? # Messages aren't imported yet. Use a placeholder `original_message_id` for now. # Actual original_message_ids will be set later after messages have been imported placeholder_original_message_id = -1 { original_id: row["id"], channel_id: channel_id, original_message_id: placeholder_original_message_id, original_message_user_id: original_message_user_id, status: row["status"], title: row["title"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), replies_count: row["replies_count"], } end threads.close end def import_chat_thread_users unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat thread users, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end thread_users = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM chat_thread_users ORDER BY chat_thread_id, user_id SQL puts "", "Importing chat thread users..." existing_members = Chat::UserChatThreadMembership.distinct.pluck(:user_id, :thread_id).to_set create_thread_users(thread_users) do |row| user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) thread_id = chat_thread_id_from_original_id(row["chat_thread_id"]) last_read_message_id = chat_message_id_from_original_id(row["last_read_message_id"]) next if user_id.blank? || thread_id.blank? next unless existing_members.add?([user_id, thread_id]) { user_id: user_id, thread_id: thread_id, notification_level: row["notification_level"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), last_read_message_id: last_read_message_id, } end thread_users.close end def import_chat_messages unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat messages, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing chat messages..." messages = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM chat_messages ORDER BY chat_channel_id, created_at, id SQL create_chat_messages(messages) do |row| channel_id = chat_channel_id_from_original_id(row["chat_channel_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if channel_id.blank? || user_id.blank? next if row["message"].blank? && row["upload_ids"].blank? last_editor_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["last_editor_id"]) thread_id = chat_thread_id_from_original_id(row["thread_id"]) deleted_by_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["deleted_by_id"]) in_reply_to_id = chat_message_id_from_original_id(row["in_reply_to_id"]) # TODO: this will only work if serial ids are used { original_id: row["id"], chat_channel_id: channel_id, user_id: user_id, thread_id: thread_id, last_editor_id: last_editor_id, created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), deleted_at: to_datetime(row["deleted_at"]), deleted_by_id: deleted_by_id, in_reply_to_id: in_reply_to_id, message: raw_with_placeholders_interpolated(row["message"], row), } end messages.close end def import_chat_reactions unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat message reactions, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing chat message reactions..." reactions = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM chat_reactions ORDER BY chat_message_id SQL existing_reactions = Chat::MessageReaction.distinct.pluck(:chat_message_id, :user_id, :emoji).to_set create_chat_message_reactions(reactions) do |row| next if row["emoji"].blank? message_id = chat_message_id_from_original_id(row["chat_message_id"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["user_id"]) next if message_id.blank? || user_id.blank? next unless existing_reactions.add?([message_id, user_id, row["emoji"]]) # TODO: Validate emoji { chat_message_id: message_id, user_id: user_id, emoji: row["emoji"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end reactions.close end def import_chat_mentions unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat mentions, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Importing chat mentions..." mentions = query(<<~SQL) SELECT * FROM chat_mentions ORDER BY chat_message_id SQL create_chat_mentions(mentions) do |row| # TODO: Maybe standardize mention types, instead of requiring converter # to set namespaced ruby classes chat_message_id = chat_message_id_from_original_id(row["chat_message_id"]) target_id = case row["type"] when "Chat::AllMention", "Chat::HereMention" nil when "Chat::UserMention" user_id_from_imported_id(row["target_id"]) when "Chat::GroupMention" group_id_from_imported_id(row["target_id"]) end next if target_id.nil? && %w[Chat::AllMention Chat::HereMention].exclude?(row["type"]) { chat_message_id: chat_message_id, target_id: target_id, type: row["type"], created_at: to_datetime(row["created_at"]), } end mentions.close end def update_chat_threads unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat thread updates, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Updating chat threads..." start_time = Time.now DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH thread_info AS ( SELECT thread_id, MIN(id) AS original_message_id, COUNT(id) - 1 AS replies_count, MAX(id) AS last_message_id FROM chat_messages WHERE thread_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY thread_id ) UPDATE chat_threads SET original_message_id = thread_info.original_message_id, replies_count = thread_info.replies_count, last_message_id = thread_info.last_message_id FROM thread_info WHERE chat_threads.id = thread_info.thread_id; SQL puts " Update took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def update_chat_membership_metadata unless defined?(::Chat) puts "", "Skipping chat membership metadata updates, because the chat plugin is not installed." return end puts "", "Updating chat membership metadata..." start_time = Time.now # Ensure the user is caught up on all messages in the channel. The primary aim is to prevent # new message indicators from showing up for imported messages. We do this by updating # the `last_viewed_at` and `last_read_message_id` columns in `user_chat_channel_memberships` # if they were not imported. DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH latest_messages AS ( SELECT chat_channel_id, MAX(id) AS last_message_id, MAX(created_at) AS last_message_created_at FROM chat_messages WHERE thread_id IS NULL GROUP BY chat_channel_id ) UPDATE user_chat_channel_memberships uccm SET last_read_message_id = COALESCE(uccm.last_read_message_id, lm.last_message_id), last_viewed_at = CASE WHEN uccm.last_viewed_at = '#{LAST_VIEWED_AT_PLACEHOLDER}' THEN lm.last_message_created_at + INTERVAL '1 second' ELSE uccm.last_viewed_at END FROM latest_messages lm WHERE uccm.chat_channel_id = lm.chat_channel_id SQL # Set `last_read_message_id` in `user_chat_thread_memberships` if none is provided. # Similar to the chat channel membership update above, this ensures the user is caught up on messages in the thread. DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH latest_thread_messages AS ( SELECT thread_id, MAX(id) AS last_message_id FROM chat_messages WHERE thread_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY thread_id ) UPDATE user_chat_thread_memberships utm SET last_read_message_id = ltm.last_message_id FROM latest_thread_messages ltm WHERE utm.thread_id = ltm.thread_id AND utm.last_read_message_id IS NULL SQL puts " Update took #{(Time.now - start_time).to_i} seconds." end def calculate_external_url(row) external_url = row["external_url"].dup placeholders = row["external_url_placeholders"]&.then { |json| JSON.parse(json) } return external_url unless placeholders placeholders.each do |placeholder| case placeholder["type"] when "category_url" category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(placeholder["id"]) category = Category.find(category_id) external_url.gsub!( placeholder["placeholder"], "c/#{category.slug_path.join("/")}/#{category.id}", ) when "category_slug_ref" category_id = category_id_from_imported_id(placeholder["id"]) category = Category.find(category_id) external_url.gsub!(placeholder["placeholder"], category.slug_ref) when "tag_name" if @tag_mapping tag_id = @tag_mapping[placeholder["id"]] tag = Tag.find(tag_id) external_url.gsub!(placeholder["placeholder"], tag.name) end else raise "Unknown placeholder type: #{placeholder[:type]}" end end external_url end def create_connection(path) sqlite = SQLite3::Database.new(path, results_as_hash: true) sqlite.busy_timeout = 60_000 # 60 seconds sqlite.journal_mode = "wal" sqlite.synchronous = "normal" sqlite end def query(sql, *bind_vars, db: @source_db) result_set = db.prepare(sql).execute(*bind_vars) if block_given? result = yield result_set result_set.close result else result_set end end def to_date(text) text.present? ? Date.parse(text) : nil end def to_datetime(text) text.present? ? DateTime.parse(text) : nil end def to_boolean(value) value == 1 end def anon_username_suffix while true suffix = (SecureRandom.random_number * 100_000_000).to_i break if @anonymized_user_suffixes.exclude?(suffix) end @anonymized_user_suffixes << suffix suffix end end BulkImport::Generic.new(ARGV[0], ARGV[1]).start