import { classify, dasherize } from "@ember/string"; import deprecated from "discourse-common/lib/deprecated"; import { findHelper } from "discourse-common/lib/helpers"; import { get } from "@ember/object"; const _options = {}; export function setResolverOption(name, value) { _options[name] = value; } export function getResolverOption(name) { return _options[name]; } function parseName(fullName) { const nameParts = fullName.split(":"); const type = nameParts[0]; let fullNameWithoutType = nameParts[1]; const namespace = get(this, "namespace"); const root = namespace; return { fullName, type, fullNameWithoutType, name: fullNameWithoutType, root, resolveMethodName: "resolve" + classify(type), }; } export function buildResolver(baseName) { return Ember.DefaultResolver.extend({ parseName, resolveRouter(parsedName) { const routerPath = `${baseName}/router`; if (requirejs.entries[routerPath]) { const module = requirejs(routerPath, null, null, true); return module.default; } return this._super(parsedName); }, normalize(fullName) { if (fullName === "app-events:main") { deprecated( "`app-events:main` has been replaced with `service:app-events`", { since: "2.4.0" } ); return "service:app-events"; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries({ "controller:discovery.categoryWithID": "controller:discovery.category", "controller:discovery.parentCategory": "controller:discovery.category", "controller:tags-show": "controller:tag-show", "": "", "controller:tagsShow": "controller:tagShow", "route:discovery.categoryWithID": "route:discovery.category", "route:discovery.parentCategory": "route:discovery.category", "route:tags-show": "route:tag-show", "": "", "route:tagsShow": "route:tagShow", })) { if (fullName === key) { deprecated(`${key} was replaced with ${value}`, { since: "2.6.0" }); return value; } } const split = fullName.split(":"); if (split.length > 1) { const appBase = `${baseName}/${split[0]}s/`; const adminBase = "admin/" + split[0] + "s/"; // Allow render 'admin/templates/xyz' too split[1] = split[1].replace(".templates", "").replace("/templates", ""); // Try slashes let dashed = dasherize(split[1].replace(/\./g, "/")); if ( requirejs.entries[appBase + dashed] || requirejs.entries[adminBase + dashed] ) { return split[0] + ":" + dashed; } // Try with dashes instead of slashes dashed = dasherize(split[1].replace(/\./g, "-")); if ( requirejs.entries[appBase + dashed] || requirejs.entries[adminBase + dashed] ) { return split[0] + ":" + dashed; } } return this._super(fullName); }, customResolve(parsedName) { // If we end with the name we want, use it. This allows us to define components within plugins. const suffix = parsedName.type + "s/" + parsedName.fullNameWithoutType, dashed = dasherize(suffix), moduleName = Object.keys(requirejs.entries).find(function (e) { return ( e.indexOf("/templates/") === -1 && (e.indexOf(suffix, e.length - suffix.length) !== -1 || e.indexOf(dashed, e.length - dashed.length) !== -1) ); }); var module; if (moduleName) { module = requirejs(moduleName, null, null, true /* force sync */); if (module && module["default"]) { module = module["default"]; } } return module; }, resolveWidget(parsedName) { return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, resolveAdapter(parsedName) { return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, resolveModel(parsedName) { return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, resolveView(parsedName) { return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, resolveHelper(parsedName) { return ( findHelper(parsedName.fullNameWithoutType) || this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName) ); }, resolveController(parsedName) { return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, resolveComponent(parsedName) { return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, resolveService(parsedName) { return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, resolveRoute(parsedName) { if (parsedName.fullNameWithoutType === "basic") { return requirejs("discourse/routes/discourse", null, null, true) .default; } return this.customResolve(parsedName) || this._super(parsedName); }, findLoadingTemplate(parsedName) { if (parsedName.fullNameWithoutType.match(/loading$/)) { return Ember.TEMPLATES.loading; } }, findConnectorTemplate(parsedName) { const full = parsedName.fullNameWithoutType.replace("components/", ""); if (full.indexOf("connectors") === 0) { return Ember.TEMPLATES[`javascripts/${full}`]; } }, resolveTemplate(parsedName) { return ( this.findPluginMobileTemplate(parsedName) || this.findPluginTemplate(parsedName) || this.findMobileTemplate(parsedName) || this.findTemplate(parsedName) || this.findLoadingTemplate(parsedName) || this.findConnectorTemplate(parsedName) || Ember.TEMPLATES.not_found ); }, findPluginTemplate(parsedName) { const pluginParsedName = this.parseName( parsedName.fullName.replace("template:", "template:javascripts/") ); return this.findTemplate(pluginParsedName); }, findPluginMobileTemplate(parsedName) { if (_options.mobileView) { var pluginParsedName = this.parseName( parsedName.fullName.replace( "template:", "template:javascripts/mobile/" ) ); return this.findTemplate(pluginParsedName); } }, findMobileTemplate(parsedName) { if (_options.mobileView) { var mobileParsedName = this.parseName( parsedName.fullName.replace("template:", "template:mobile/") ); return this.findTemplate(mobileParsedName); } }, findTemplate(parsedName) { const withoutType = parsedName.fullNameWithoutType, slashedType = withoutType.replace(/\./g, "/"), decamelized = withoutType.decamelize(), dashed = decamelized.replace(/\./g, "-").replace(/\_/g, "-"), templates = Ember.TEMPLATES; return ( this._super(parsedName) || templates[slashedType] || templates[withoutType] || templates[withoutType.replace(/\.raw$/, "")] || templates[dashed] || templates[decamelized.replace(/\./, "/")] || templates[decamelized.replace(/\_/, "/")] || templates[`${baseName}/templates/${withoutType}`] || this.findAdminTemplate(parsedName) || this.findUnderscoredTemplate(parsedName) ); }, findUnderscoredTemplate(parsedName) { var decamelized = parsedName.fullNameWithoutType.decamelize(); var underscored = decamelized.replace(/\-/g, "_"); return Ember.TEMPLATES[underscored]; }, // Try to find a template within a special admin namespace, e.g. adminEmail => admin/templates/email // (similar to how discourse lays out templates) findAdminTemplate(parsedName) { var decamelized = parsedName.fullNameWithoutType.decamelize(); if (decamelized.indexOf("components") === 0) { let comPath = `admin/templates/${decamelized}`; const compTemplate = Ember.TEMPLATES[`javascripts/${comPath}`] || Ember.TEMPLATES[comPath]; if (compTemplate) { return compTemplate; } } if (decamelized === "javascripts/admin") { return Ember.TEMPLATES["admin/templates/admin"]; } if ( decamelized.indexOf("admin") === 0 || decamelized.indexOf("javascripts/admin") === 0 ) { decamelized = decamelized.replace(/^admin\_/, "admin/templates/"); decamelized = decamelized.replace(/^admin\./, "admin/templates/"); decamelized = decamelized.replace(/\./g, "_"); const dashed = decamelized.replace(/_/g, "-"); return ( Ember.TEMPLATES[decamelized] || Ember.TEMPLATES[dashed] || Ember.TEMPLATES[dashed.replace("admin-", "admin/")] ); } }, }); }