# Notes: # # Written by Sam # # Lithium are quite protective of data, there is no simple way of exporting # If you have leverage you may get a data dump, in my case it was provided in XML # format # # First step is to convert it to db format so you can import it into a DB # that was done using import_scripts/support/convert_mysql_xml_to_mysql.rb # require 'mysql2' require 'reverse_markdown' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require 'htmlentities' class ImportScripts::Lithium < ImportScripts::Base BATCH_SIZE = 1000 # CHANGE THESE BEFORE RUNNING THE IMPORTER DATABASE = "wd" PASSWORD = "password" TIMEZONE = "Asia/Kolkata" ATTACHMENT_DIR = '/path/to/your/attachment/folder' TEMP = "" def initialize super @old_username_to_new_usernames = {} @tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get(TIMEZONE) @htmlentities = HTMLEntities.new @client = Mysql2::Client.new( host: "localhost", username: "root", password: PASSWORD, database: DATABASE ) end def execute # import_users # import_categories # import_topics # import_posts # import_likes import_accepted_answers # import_attachments # # close_topics post_process_posts end def import_groups puts "", "importing groups..." groups = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT usergroupid, title FROM usergroup ORDER BY usergroupid SQL create_groups(groups) do |group| { id: group["usergroupid"], name: @htmlentities.decode(group["title"]).strip } end end def import_users puts "", "importing users" user_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM users").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| users = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT id, nlogin, login_canon, email, registration_time FROM users ORDER BY id LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if users.size < 1 create_users(users, total: user_count, offset: offset) do |user| { id: user["id"], name: user["nlogin"], username: user["login-canon"], email: user["email"].presence || fake_email, # website: user["homepage"].strip, # title: @htmlentities.decode(user["usertitle"]).strip, # primary_group_id: group_id_from_imported_group_id(user["usergroupid"]), created_at: unix_time(user["registration_time"]), # post_create_action: proc do |u| # @old_username_to_new_usernames[user["username"]] = u.username # import_profile_picture(user, u) # import_profile_background(user, u) # end } end end end def unix_time(t) Time.at(t/1000.0) end def import_profile_picture(old_user, imported_user) query = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT filedata, filename FROM customavatar WHERE userid = #{old_user["userid"]} ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1 SQL picture = query.first return if picture.nil? file = Tempfile.new("profile-picture") file.write(picture["filedata"].encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("UTF-8")) file.rewind upload = Upload.create_for(imported_user.id, file, picture["filename"], file.size) return if !upload.persisted? imported_user.create_user_avatar imported_user.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id) imported_user.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) ensure file.close rescue nil file.unlind rescue nil end def import_profile_background(old_user, imported_user) query = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT filedata, filename FROM customprofilepic WHERE userid = #{old_user["userid"]} ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1 SQL background = query.first return if background.nil? file = Tempfile.new("profile-background") file.write(background["filedata"].encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("UTF-8")) file.rewind upload = Upload.create_for(imported_user.id, file, background["filename"], file.size) return if !upload.persisted? imported_user.user_profile.update(profile_background: upload.url) ensure file.close rescue nil file.unlink rescue nil end def import_categories puts "", "importing top level categories..." categories = mysql_query("SELECT node_id, display_id, position, parent_node_id from nodes").to_a # HACK top_level_categories = categories.select { |c| c["parent_node_id"] == 2 } create_categories(top_level_categories) do |category| { id: category["node_id"], name: category["display_id"], position: category["position"] # description: } end puts "", "importing children categories..." children_categories = categories.select { |c| ![1,2].include?(c["parent_node_id"]) && ![1,2].include?(c["node_id"]) } top_level_category_ids = Set.new(top_level_categories.map { |c| c["node_id"] }) # cut down the tree to only 2 levels of categories children_categories.each do |cc| while !top_level_category_ids.include?(cc["parent_node_id"]) cc["parent_node_id"] = categories.detect { |c| c["node_id"] == cc["parent_node_id"] }["parent_node_id"] end end create_categories(children_categories) do |category| { id: category["node_id"], name: category["display_id"], position: category["position"], # description: , parent_category_id: category_id_from_imported_category_id(category["parent_node_id"]) } end end def import_topics puts "", "importing topics..." # # keep track of closed topics # @closed_topic_ids = [] topic_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM message2 where id = root_id").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| topics = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT id, subject, body, deleted, user_id, post_date, views, node_id, unique_id FROM message2 WHERE id = root_id #{TEMP} AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY node_id, id LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if topics.size < 1 create_posts(topics, total: topic_count, offset: offset) do |topic| # @closed_topic_ids << topic_id if topic["open"] == "0" raw = to_markdown(topic["body"]) { id: "#{topic["node_id"]} #{topic["id"]}", user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(topic["user_id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, title: @htmlentities.decode(topic["subject"]).strip[0...255], category: category_id_from_imported_category_id(topic["node_id"]), raw: raw, created_at: unix_time(topic["post_date"]), views: topic["views"], custom_fields: {import_unique_id: topic["unique_id"]}, import_mode: true } end end end def import_posts puts "", "importing posts..." post_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM message2 WHERE id <> root_id").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT id, body, deleted, user_id, post_date, parent_id, root_id, node_id, unique_id FROM message2 WHERE id <> root_id #{TEMP} AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY node_id, root_id, id LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if posts.size < 1 create_posts(posts, total: post_count, offset: offset) do |post| raw = preprocess_post_raw(post["raw"]) rescue nil next unless topic = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("#{post["node_id"]} #{post["root_id"]}") raw = to_markdown(post["body"]) new_post = { id: "#{post["node_id"]} #{post["root_id"]} #{post["id"]}", user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["user_id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, topic_id: topic[:topic_id], raw: raw, created_at: unix_time(post["post_date"]), custom_fields: {import_unique_id: post["unique_id"]}, import_mode: true } if post["deleted"] > 0 new_post["deleted_at"] = Time.now end if parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("#{post["node_id"]} #{post["root_id"]} #{post["parent_id"]}") new_post[:reply_to_post_number] = parent[:post_number] end new_post end end end def to_markdown(html) raw = ReverseMarkdown.convert(html) raw.gsub!(/^\s* \s*$/, "") # ugly quotes raw.gsub!(/^>[\s\*]*$/, "") raw.gsub!(":smileysad:", ":frowning:") raw.gsub!(":smileyhappy:", ":smile:") raw.gsub!(":smileyvery-happy:", ":smiley:") # nbsp central raw.gsub!(/([a-zA-Z0-9]) ([a-zA-Z0-9])/,"\\1 \\2") raw end def import_likes puts "\nimporting likes..." sql = "select source_id user_id, target_id post_id, row_version created_at from wd.tag_events_score_message" results = mysql_query(sql) puts "loading unique id map" existing_map = {} PostCustomField.where(name: 'import_unique_id').pluck(:post_id, :value).each do |post_id, import_id| existing_map[import_id] = post_id end puts "loading data into temp table" PostAction.exec_sql("create temp table like_data(user_id int, post_id int, created_at timestamp without time zone)") PostAction.transaction do results.each do |result| result["user_id"] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(result["user_id"].to_s) result["post_id"] = existing_map[result["post_id"].to_s] next unless result["user_id"] && result["post_id"] PostAction.exec_sql("INSERT INTO like_data VALUES (:user_id,:post_id,:created_at)", user_id: result["user_id"], post_id: result["post_id"], created_at: result["created_at"] ) end end puts "creating missing post actions" PostAction.exec_sql <<-SQL INSERT INTO post_actions (post_id, user_id, post_action_type_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT l.post_id, l.user_id, 2, l.created_at, l.created_at FROM like_data l LEFT JOIN post_actions a ON a.post_id = l.post_id AND l.user_id = a.user_id AND a.post_action_type_id = 2 WHERE a.id IS NULL SQL puts "creating missing user actions" UserAction.exec_sql <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_actions (user_id, action_type, target_topic_id, target_post_id, acting_user_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT pa.user_id, 1, p.topic_id, p.id, pa.user_id, pa.created_at, pa.created_at FROM post_actions pa JOIN posts p ON p.id = pa.post_id LEFT JOIN user_actions ua ON action_type = 1 AND ua.target_post_id = pa.post_id AND ua.user_id = pa.user_id WHERE ua.id IS NULL AND pa.post_action_type_id = 2 SQL # reverse action UserAction.exec_sql <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_actions (user_id, action_type, target_topic_id, target_post_id, acting_user_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT p.user_id, 2, p.topic_id, p.id, pa.user_id, pa.created_at, pa.created_at FROM post_actions pa JOIN posts p ON p.id = pa.post_id LEFT JOIN user_actions ua ON action_type = 2 AND ua.target_post_id = pa.post_id AND ua.acting_user_id = pa.user_id AND ua.user_id = p.user_id WHERE ua.id IS NULL AND pa.post_action_type_id = 2 SQL puts "updating like counts on posts" Post.exec_sql <<-SQL UPDATE posts SET like_count = coalesce(cnt,0) FROM ( SELECT post_id, count(*) cnt FROM post_actions WHERE post_action_type_id = 2 AND deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY post_id ) x WHERE posts.like_count <> x.cnt AND posts.id = x.post_id SQL puts "updating like counts on topics" Post.exec_sql <<-SQL UPDATE topics SET like_count = coalesce(cnt,0) FROM ( SELECT topic_id, sum(like_count) cnt FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY topic_id ) x WHERE topics.like_count <> x.cnt AND topics.id = x.topic_id SQL end def import_accepted_answers puts "\nimporting accepted answers..." sql = "select unique_id post_id from message2 where (attributes & 0x4000 ) != 0 and deleted = 0;" results = mysql_query(sql) puts "loading unique id map" existing_map = {} PostCustomField.where(name: 'import_unique_id').pluck(:post_id, :value).each do |post_id, import_id| existing_map[import_id] = post_id end puts "loading data into temp table" PostAction.exec_sql("create temp table accepted_data(post_id int)") PostAction.transaction do results.each do |result| result["post_id"] = existing_map[result["post_id"].to_s] next unless result["post_id"] PostAction.exec_sql("INSERT INTO accepted_data VALUES (:post_id)", post_id: result["post_id"] ) end end puts "deleting dupe answers" PostAction.exec_sql <<-SQL DELETE FROM accepted_data WHERE post_id NOT IN ( SELECT post_id FROM ( SELECT topic_id, MIN(post_id) post_id FROM accepted_data a JOIN posts p ON p.id = a.post_id GROUP BY topic_id ) X ) SQL puts "importing accepted answers" PostAction.exec_sql <<-SQL INSERT into post_custom_fields (name, value, post_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 'is_accepted_answer', 'true', a.post_id, current_timestamp, current_timestamp FROM accepted_data a LEFT JOIN post_custom_fields f ON name = 'is_accepted_answer' AND f.post_id = a.post_id WHERE f.id IS NULL SQL puts "marking accepted topics" PostAction.exec_sql <<-SQL INSERT into topic_custom_fields (name, value, topic_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 'accepted_answer_post_id', a.post_id::varchar, p.topic_id, current_timestamp, current_timestamp FROM accepted_data a JOIN posts p ON p.id = a.post_id LEFT JOIN topic_custom_fields f ON name = 'accepted_answer_post_id' AND f.topic_id = p.topic_id WHERE f.id IS NULL SQL puts "done importing accepted answers" end # find the uploaded file information from the db def find_upload(post, attachment_id) sql = "SELECT a.attachmentid attachment_id, a.userid user_id, a.filedataid file_id, a.filename filename, a.caption caption FROM attachment a WHERE a.attachmentid = #{attachment_id}" results = mysql_query(sql) unless (row = results.first) puts "Couldn't find attachment record for post.id = #{post.id}, import_id = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']}" return nil end filename = File.join(ATTACHMENT_DIR, row['user_id'].to_s.split('').join('/'), "#{row['file_id']}.attach") unless File.exists?(filename) puts "Attachment file doesn't exist: #{filename}" return nil end real_filename = row['filename'] real_filename.prepend SecureRandom.hex if real_filename[0] == '.' upload = create_upload(post.user.id, filename, real_filename) if upload.nil? || !upload.valid? puts "Upload not valid :(" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload return nil end return upload, real_filename rescue Mysql2::Error => e puts "SQL Error" puts e.message puts sql return nil end def import_attachments puts '', 'importing attachments...' current_count = 0 total_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(postid) count FROM post WHERE postid NOT IN (SELECT firstpostid FROM thread)").first["count"] success_count = 0 fail_count = 0 attachment_regex = /\[attach[^\]]*\](\d+)\[\/attach\]/i Post.find_each do |post| current_count += 1 print_status current_count, total_count new_raw = post.raw.dup new_raw.gsub!(attachment_regex) do |s| matches = attachment_regex.match(s) attachment_id = matches[1] upload, filename = find_upload(post, attachment_id) unless upload fail_count += 1 next end html_for_upload(upload, filename) end if new_raw != post.raw PostRevisor.new(post).revise!(post.user, { raw: new_raw }, { bypass_bump: true, edit_reason: 'Import attachments from vBulletin' }) end success_count += 1 end end def close_topics puts "", "Closing topics..." sql = <<-SQL WITH closed_topic_ids AS ( SELECT t.id AS topic_id FROM post_custom_fields pcf JOIN posts p ON p.id = pcf.post_id JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE pcf.name = 'import_id' AND pcf.value IN (?) ) UPDATE topics SET closed = true WHERE id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM closed_topic_ids) SQL Topic.exec_sql(sql, @closed_topic_ids) end def post_process_posts puts "", "Postprocessing posts..." current = 0 max = Post.count Post.find_each do |post| begin new_raw = postprocess_post_raw(post.raw) if new_raw != post.raw post.raw = new_raw post.save end rescue PrettyText::JavaScriptError nil ensure print_status(current += 1, max) end end end def preprocess_post_raw(raw) return "" if raw.blank? # decode HTML entities raw = @htmlentities.decode(raw) # fix whitespaces raw = raw.gsub(/(\\r)?\\n/, "\n") .gsub("\\t", "\t") # [HTML]...[/HTML] raw = raw.gsub(/\[html\]/i, "\n```html\n") .gsub(/\[\/html\]/i, "\n```\n") # [PHP]...[/PHP] raw = raw.gsub(/\[php\]/i, "\n```php\n") .gsub(/\[\/php\]/i, "\n```\n") # [HIGHLIGHT="..."] raw = raw.gsub(/\[highlight="?(\w+)"?\]/i) { "\n```#{$1.downcase}\n" } # [CODE]...[/CODE] # [HIGHLIGHT]...[/HIGHLIGHT] raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?code\]/i, "\n```\n") .gsub(/\[\/?highlight\]/i, "\n```\n") # [SAMP]...[/SAMP] raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?samp\]/i, "`") # replace all chevrons with HTML entities # NOTE: must be done # - AFTER all the "code" processing # - BEFORE the "quote" processing raw = raw.gsub(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub("<", "\u2603") + "`" } .gsub("<", "<") .gsub("\u2603", "<") raw = raw.gsub(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub(">", "\u2603") + "`" } .gsub(">", ">") .gsub("\u2603", ">") # [URL=...]...[/URL] raw = raw.gsub(/\[url="?(.+?)"?\](.+)\[\/url\]/i) { "[#{$2}](#{$1})" } # [URL]...[/URL] # [MP3]...[/MP3] raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?url\]/i, "") .gsub(/\[\/?mp3\]/i, "") # [MENTION][/MENTION] raw = raw.gsub(/\[mention\](.+?)\[\/mention\]/i) do old_username = $1 if @old_username_to_new_usernames.has_key?(old_username) old_username = @old_username_to_new_usernames[old_username] end "@#{old_username}" end # [MENTION=][/MENTION] # raw = raw.gsub(/\[mention="?(\d+)"?\](.+?)\[\/mention\]/i) do # user_id, old_username = $1, $2 # if user = @users.select { |u| u[:userid] == user_id }.first # old_username = @old_username_to_new_usernames[user[:username]] || user[:username] # end # "@#{old_username}" # end # [QUOTE]...[/QUOTE] raw = raw.gsub(/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/im) { "\n> #{$1}\n" } # [QUOTE=]...[/QUOTE] raw = raw.gsub(/\[quote=([^;\]]+)\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/im) do old_username, quote = $1, $2 if @old_username_to_new_usernames.has_key?(old_username) old_username = @old_username_to_new_usernames[old_username] end "\n[quote=\"#{old_username}\"]\n#{quote}\n[/quote]\n" end # [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] raw = raw.gsub(/\[youtube\](.+?)\[\/youtube\]/i) { "\n//youtu.be/#{$1}\n" } # [VIDEO=youtube;]...[/VIDEO] raw = raw.gsub(/\[video=youtube;([^\]]+)\].*?\[\/video\]/i) { "\n//youtu.be/#{$1}\n" } raw end def postprocess_post_raw(raw) # [QUOTE=;]...[/QUOTE] raw = raw.gsub(/\[quote=([^;]+);(\d+)\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/im) do old_username, post_id, quote = $1, $2, $3 if @old_username_to_new_usernames.has_key?(old_username) old_username = @old_username_to_new_usernames[old_username] end if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post_id) post_number = topic_lookup[:post_number] topic_id = topic_lookup[:topic_id] "\n[quote=\"#{old_username},post:#{post_number},topic:#{topic_id}\"]\n#{quote}\n[/quote]\n" else "\n[quote=\"#{old_username}\"]\n#{quote}\n[/quote]\n" end end # remove attachments raw = raw.gsub(/\[attach[^\]]*\]\d+\[\/attach\]/i, "") # [THREAD][/THREAD] # ==> http://my.discourse.org/t/slug/ raw = raw.gsub(/\[thread\](\d+)\[\/thread\]/i) do thread_id = $1 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("thread-#{thread_id}") topic_lookup[:url] else $& end end # [THREAD=]...[/THREAD] # ==> [...](http://my.discourse.org/t/slug/) raw = raw.gsub(/\[thread=(\d+)\](.+?)\[\/thread\]/i) do thread_id, link = $1, $2 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("thread-#{thread_id}") url = topic_lookup[:url] "[#{link}](#{url})" else $& end end # [POST][/POST] # ==> http://my.discourse.org/t/slug// raw = raw.gsub(/\[post\](\d+)\[\/post\]/i) do post_id = $1 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post_id) topic_lookup[:url] else $& end end # [POST=]...[/POST] # ==> [...](http://my.discourse.org/t///) raw = raw.gsub(/\[post=(\d+)\](.+?)\[\/post\]/i) do post_id, link = $1, $2 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post_id) url = topic_lookup[:url] "[#{link}](#{url})" else $& end end raw end def parse_timestamp(timestamp) Time.zone.at(@tz.utc_to_local(timestamp)) end def fake_email SecureRandom.hex << "@domain.com" end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql, cache_rows: false) end end ImportScripts::Lithium.new.perform