import { click, currentURL, fillIn, settled, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import { toggleCheckDraftPopup } from "discourse/controllers/composer"; import { cloneJSON } from "discourse-common/lib/object"; import TopicFixtures from "discourse/tests/fixtures/topic"; import LinkLookup from "discourse/lib/link-lookup"; import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; import Composer, { CREATE_TOPIC, NEW_TOPIC_KEY, } from "discourse/models/composer"; import Draft from "discourse/models/draft"; import { acceptance, count, exists, invisible, query, queryAll, updateCurrentUser, visible, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import selectKit from "discourse/tests/helpers/select-kit-helper"; import I18n from "I18n"; import { test } from "qunit"; import { Promise } from "rsvp"; import sinon from "sinon"; acceptance("Composer", function (needs) { needs.user(); needs.settings({ enable_whispers: true });{ can_tag_topics: true }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => {"/uploads/lookup-urls", () => { return helper.response([]); }); server.get("/posts/419", () => { return helper.response({ id: 419 }); }); server.get("/u/is_local_username", () => { return helper.response({ valid: [], valid_groups: ["staff"], mentionable_groups: [{ name: "staff", user_count: 30 }], cannot_see: [], max_users_notified_per_group_mention: 100, }); }); server.get("/t/960.json", () => { const topicList = cloneJSON(TopicFixtures["/t/9/1.json"]); topicList.post_stream.posts[2].post_type = 4; return helper.response(topicList); }); }); test("composer controls", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.ok(exists("#create-topic"), "the create button is visible"); await click("#create-topic"); assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible"); assert.ok( exists(".title-input .popup-tip.bad.hide"), "title errors are hidden by default" ); assert.ok( exists(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper .popup-tip.bad.hide"), "body errors are hidden by default" ); await click(".toggle-preview"); assert.ok( !exists(".d-editor-preview:visible"), "clicking the toggle hides the preview" ); await click(".toggle-preview"); assert.ok( exists(".d-editor-preview:visible"), "clicking the toggle shows the preview again" ); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.ok( !exists(".title-input .popup-tip.bad.hide"), "it shows the empty title error" ); assert.ok( !exists(".d-editor-wrapper .popup-tip.bad.hide"), "it shows the empty body error" ); await fillIn("#reply-title", "this is my new topic title"); assert.ok(exists(".title-input .popup-tip.good"), "the title is now good"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the *content* of a post"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-preview").html().trim(), "

this is the content of a post

", "it previews content" ); assert.ok( exists(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper .popup-tip.good"), "the body is now good" ); const textarea = query("#reply-control .d-editor-input"); textarea.selectionStart = textarea.value.length; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length; // Testing keyboard events is tough! const mac = /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform); const event = document.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent("keydown", true, true); event[mac ? "metaKey" : "ctrlKey"] = true; event.key = "B"; event.keyCode = 66; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); await settled(); const example = I18n.t(`composer.bold_text`); assert.strictEqual( queryAll("#reply-control .d-editor-input").val().trim(), `this is the *content* of a post**${example}**`, "it supports keyboard shortcuts" ); await click("#reply-control a.cancel"); assert.ok(exists(".d-modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog"); await click(".modal-footer .discard-draft"); assert.ok(!exists(".bootbox.modal"), "the confirmation can be cancelled"); }); test("Create a topic with server side errors", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); await fillIn("#reply-title", "this title triggers an error"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the *content* of a post"); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.ok(exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it pops up an error message"); await click(".bootbox.modal a.btn-primary"); assert.ok(!exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it dismisses the error"); assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible"); }); test("Create a Topic", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); await fillIn("#reply-title", "Internationalization Localization"); await fillIn( ".d-editor-input", "this is the *content* of a new topic post" ); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.strictEqual( currentURL(), "/t/internationalization-localization/280", "it transitions to the newly created topic URL" ); }); test("Create an enqueued Topic", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); await fillIn("#reply-title", "Internationalization Localization"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "enqueue this content please"); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.ok(visible(".d-modal"), "it pops up a modal"); assert.strictEqual(currentURL(), "/", "it doesn't change routes"); await click(".modal-footer button"); assert.ok(invisible(".d-modal"), "the modal can be dismissed"); }); test("Can display a message and route to a URL", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); await fillIn("#reply-title", "This title doesn't matter"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "custom message"); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".bootbox .modal-body").text(), "This is a custom response" ); assert.strictEqual(currentURL(), "/", "it doesn't change routes"); await click(".bootbox .btn-primary"); assert.strictEqual( currentURL(), "/faq", "can navigate to a `route_to` destination" ); }); test("Create a Reply", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); assert.ok( !exists('article[data-post-id="12345"]'), "the post is not in the DOM" ); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible"); assert.ok( !exists("#reply-title"), "there is no title since this is a reply" ); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the content of my reply"); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".cooked:last p").text(), "this is the content of my reply" ); }); test("Can edit a post after starting a reply", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .create"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the content of my reply"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1)"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); await click(".modal-footer button.keep-editing"); assert.ok(invisible(".discard-draft-modal.modal")); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val(), "this is the content of my reply", "composer does not switch when using Keep Editing button" ); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); await click(".modal-footer"); assert.ok(invisible(".discard-draft-modal.modal")); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val(), queryAll(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) .cooked > p").text(), "composer has contents of post to be edited" ); }); test("Posting on a different topic", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await fillIn( ".d-editor-input", "this is the content for a different topic" ); await visit("/t/1-3-0beta9-no-rate-limit-popups/28830"); assert.strictEqual( currentURL(), "/t/1-3-0beta9-no-rate-limit-popups/28830" ); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.ok(visible(".reply-where-modal"), "it pops up a modal"); await click(".btn-reply-here"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".cooked:last p").text(), "If you use gettext format you could leverage Launchpad 13 translations and the community behind it." ); }); test("Discard draft modal works when switching topics", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the content of the first reply"); await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); assert.strictEqual(currentURL(), "/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); assert.ok( exists(".discard-draft-modal.modal"), "it pops up the discard drafts modal" ); await click(".modal-footer button.keep-editing"); assert.ok(invisible(".discard-draft-modal.modal")); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); assert.ok( exists(".discard-draft-modal.modal"), "it pops up the modal again" ); await click(".modal-footer button.discard-draft"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val(), "", "discards draft and reset composer textarea" ); }); test("Create an enqueued Reply", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); assert.ok(!exists(".pending-posts .reviewable-item")); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible"); assert.ok( !exists("#reply-title"), "there is no title since this is a reply" ); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "enqueue this content please"); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.ok( queryAll(".cooked:last p").text() !== "enqueue this content please", "it doesn't insert the post" ); assert.ok(visible(".d-modal"), "it pops up a modal"); await click(".modal-footer button"); assert.ok(invisible(".d-modal"), "the modal can be dismissed"); assert.ok(exists(".pending-posts .reviewable-item")); }); test("Edit the first post", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); assert.ok( !exists(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) .post-info.edits"), "it has no edits icon at first" ); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1)"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("Any plans to support"), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is the new text for the post"); await fillIn("#reply-title", "This is the new text for the title"); await click("#reply-control button.create"); assert.ok(!exists(".d-editor-input"), "it closes the composer"); assert.ok( exists(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) .post-info.edits"), "it has the edits icon" ); assert.ok( queryAll("#topic-title h1") .text() .indexOf("This is the new text for the title") !== -1, "it shows the new title" ); assert.ok( queryAll(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) .cooked") .text() .indexOf("This is the new text for the post") !== -1, "it updates the post" ); }); test("Editing a post stages new content", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1)"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "will return empty json"); await fillIn("#reply-title", "This is the new text for the title"); // when this promise resolves, the request had already started because // this promise will be resolved by the pretender const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { window.resolveLastPromise = resolve; }); // click to trigger the save, but wait until the request starts click("#reply-control button.create"); await promise; // at this point, request is in flight, so post is staged assert.strictEqual(count(".topic-post.staged"), 1); assert.ok(query(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1)").className.includes("staged")); assert.strictEqual( query(".topic-post.staged .cooked").innerText.trim(), "will return empty json" ); // finally, finish request and wait for last render window.resolveLastPromise(); await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); assert.strictEqual(count(".topic-post.staged"), 0); }); test("Composer can switch between edits", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("This is the first post."), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(2) button.edit"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("This is the second post."), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); }); test("Composer with dirty edit can toggle to another edit", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(2) button.edit"); assert.ok( exists(".discard-draft-modal.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog" ); await click(".modal-footer button.discard-draft"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("This is the second post."), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); }); test("Composer can toggle between edit and reply", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("This is the first post."), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val(), "", "it clears the input" ); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("This is the first post."), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); }); test("Composer can toggle whispers", async function (assert) { const menu = selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options"); await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); await menu.expand(); await menu.selectRowByValue("toggleWhisper"); assert.strictEqual( count(".composer-actions svg.d-icon-far-eye-slash"), 1, "it sets the post type to whisper" ); await menu.expand(); await menu.selectRowByValue("toggleWhisper"); assert.ok( !exists(".composer-actions svg.d-icon-far-eye-slash"), "it removes the whisper mode" ); await menu.expand(); await menu.selectRowByValue("toggleWhisper"); await click(".toggle-fullscreen"); await menu.expand(); assert.ok( menu.rowByValue("toggleWhisper").exists(), "whisper toggling is still present when going fullscreen" ); }); test("Composer can toggle layouts (open, fullscreen and draft)", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); assert.strictEqual( count(""), 1, "it starts in open state by default" ); await click(".toggle-fullscreen"); assert.strictEqual( count("#reply-control.fullscreen"), 1, "it expands composer to full screen" ); await click(".toggle-fullscreen"); assert.strictEqual( count(""), 1, "it collapses composer to regular size" ); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply"); await click(".toggler"); assert.strictEqual( count("#reply-control.draft"), 1, "it collapses composer to draft bar" ); await click(".toggle-fullscreen"); assert.strictEqual( count(""), 1, "from draft, it expands composer back to open state" ); }); test("Composer can toggle between reply and createTopic", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").expand(); await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").selectRowByValue( "toggleWhisper" ); assert.strictEqual( count(".composer-actions svg.d-icon-far-eye-slash"), 1, "it sets the post type to whisper" ); await visit("/"); assert.ok(exists("#create-topic"), "the create topic button is visible"); await click("#create-topic"); assert.ok( !exists(".reply-details .whisper .d-icon-far-eye-slash"), "it should reset the state of the composer's model" ); await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").expand(); await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").selectRowByValue( "toggleInvisible" ); assert.ok( query(".reply-details .unlist").innerText.includes( I18n.t("composer.unlist") ), "it sets the topic to unlisted" ); await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); assert.ok( !exists(".reply-details .whisper"), "it should reset the state of the composer's model" ); }); test("Composer can toggle whisper when switching from reply to whisper to reply to topic", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/topic-with-whisper/960"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(3) button.reply"); await click(".reply-details summary div"); assert.ok( !exists('.reply-details li[data-value="toggle_whisper"]'), "toggle whisper is not available when reply to whisper" ); await click('.reply-details li[data-value="reply_to_topic"]'); await click(".reply-details summary div"); assert.ok( exists('.reply-details li[data-value="toggle_whisper"]'), "toggle whisper is available when reply to topic" ); }); test("Composer can toggle whisper when clicking reply to topic after reply to whisper", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/topic-with-whisper/960"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(3) button.reply"); await click("#reply-control .save-or-cancel a.cancel"); await click(".topic-footer-main-buttons button.create"); await click(".reply-details summary div"); assert.ok( exists('.reply-details li[data-value="toggle_whisper"]'), "toggle whisper is available when reply to topic" ); }); test("Composer with dirty reply can toggle to edit", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); assert.ok( exists(".discard-draft-modal.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog" ); await click(".modal-footer button.discard-draft"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("This is the first post."), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); }); test("Composer draft with dirty reply can toggle to edit", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply"); await click(".toggler"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(2) button.edit"); assert.ok( exists(".discard-draft-modal.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog" ); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".modal-footer").text().trim(), I18n.t("post.cancel_composer.save_draft"), "has save draft button" ); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".modal-footer button.keep-editing").text().trim(), I18n.t("post.cancel_composer.keep_editing"), "has keep editing button" ); await click(".modal-footer"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().indexOf("This is the second post."), 0, "it populates the input with the post text" ); }); test("Composer draft can switch to draft in new context without destroying current draft", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.reply"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply"); await click("#site-logo"); await click("#create-topic"); assert.ok( exists(".discard-draft-modal.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog" ); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".modal-footer").text().trim(), I18n.t("post.cancel_composer.save_draft"), "has save draft button" ); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".modal-footer button.keep-editing").text().trim(), I18n.t("post.cancel_composer.keep_editing"), "has keep editing button" ); await click(".modal-footer"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val(), "", "it clears the composer input" ); }); test("Checks for existing draft", async function (assert) { try { toggleCheckDraftPopup(true); await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1)"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".modal-body").text(), I18n.t("drafts.abandon.confirm") ); await click(".modal-footer .btn.btn-default"); } finally { toggleCheckDraftPopup(false); } }); test("Can switch states without abandon popup", async function (assert) { try { toggleCheckDraftPopup(true); await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); const longText = "a".repeat(256); sinon.stub(Draft, "get").returns( Promise.resolve({ draft: null, draft_sequence: 0, }) ); await click(".btn-primary.create.btn"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", longText); assert.ok( exists( '.action-title a[href="/t/internationalization-localization/280"]' ), "the mode should be: reply to post" ); await click("article#post_3 button.reply"); const composerActions = selectKit(".composer-actions"); await composerActions.expand(); await composerActions.selectRowByValue("reply_as_new_topic"); assert.ok(!exists(".modal-body"), "abandon popup shouldn't come"); assert.ok( queryAll(".d-editor-input").val().includes(longText), "entered text should still be there" ); assert.ok( !exists( '.action-title a[href="/t/internationalization-localization/280"]' ), "mode should have changed" ); } finally { toggleCheckDraftPopup(false); } sinon.restore(); }); test("Loading draft also replaces the recipients", async function (assert) { try { toggleCheckDraftPopup(true); sinon.stub(Draft, "get").returns( Promise.resolve({ draft: '{"reply":"hello","action":"privateMessage","title":"hello","categoryId":null,"archetypeId":"private_message","metaData":null,"recipients":"codinghorror","composerTime":9159,"typingTime":2500}', draft_sequence: 0, }) ); await visit("/u/charlie"); await click("button.compose-pm"); await click(".modal .btn-default"); const privateMessageUsers = selectKit("#private-message-users"); assert.strictEqual(privateMessageUsers.header().value(), "codinghorror"); } finally { toggleCheckDraftPopup(false); } }); test("Loads tags and category from draft payload", async function (assert) { updateCurrentUser({ has_topic_draft: true }); sinon.stub(Draft, "get").returns( Promise.resolve({ draft: '{"reply":"Hey there","action":"createTopic","title":"Draft topic","categoryId":2,"tags":["fun", "times"],"archetypeId":"regular","metaData":null,"composerTime":25269,"typingTime":8100}', draft_sequence: 0, draft_key: NEW_TOPIC_KEY, }) ); await visit("/latest"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll("#create-topic").text().trim(), I18n.t("topic.open_draft") ); await click("#create-topic"); assert.strictEqual(selectKit(".category-chooser").header().value(), "2"); assert.strictEqual( selectKit(".mini-tag-chooser").header().value(), "fun,times" ); }); test("Deleting the text content of the first post in a private message", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/34"); await click("#post_1 .d-icon-ellipsis-h"); await click("#post_1 .d-icon-pencil-alt"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", ""); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".d-editor-container textarea").attr("placeholder"), I18n.t("composer.reply_placeholder"), "it should not block because of missing category" ); }); test("reply button has envelope icon when replying to private message", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/34"); await click("article#post_3 button.reply"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".save-or-cancel button.create").text().trim(), I18n.t("composer.create_pm"), "reply button says Message" ); assert.strictEqual( count(".save-or-cancel button.create svg.d-icon-envelope"), 1, "reply button has envelope icon" ); }); test("edit button when editing a post in a PM", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/34"); await click("article#post_3"); await click("article#post_3 button.edit"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".save-or-cancel button.create").text().trim(), I18n.t("composer.save_edit"), "save button says Save Edit" ); assert.strictEqual( count(".save-or-cancel button.create svg.d-icon-pencil-alt"), 1, "save button has pencil icon" ); }); test("Shows duplicate_link notice", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .create"); this.container.lookup("controller:composer").set( "linkLookup", new LinkLookup({ "": { domain: "", username: "system", posted_at: "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000Z", post_number: 1, }, }) ); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "[]("); assert.ok(!exists(".composer-popup")); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "[quote][]([/quote]"); assert.ok(!exists(".composer-popup")); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "[]("); assert.strictEqual(count(".composer-popup"), 1); }); test("Shows the 'group_mentioned' notice", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .create"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "[quote]\n@staff\n[/quote]"); assert.notOk( exists(".composer-popup"), "Doesn't show the 'group_mentioned' notice in a quote" ); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "@staff"); assert.ok(exists(".composer-popup"), "Shows the 'group_mentioned' notice"); }); test("Does not save invalid draft", async function (assert) { this.siteSettings.min_first_post_length = 20; await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); await fillIn("#reply-title", "Something"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "Something"); await click(".save-or-cancel .cancel"); assert.notOk(exists(".discard-draft-modal .save-draft")); }); }); acceptance("Composer - Customizations", function (needs) { needs.user();{ can_tag_topics: true }); function customComposerAction(composer) { return ( (composer.tags || []).indexOf("monkey") !== -1 && composer.action === CREATE_TOPIC ); } needs.hooks.beforeEach(() => { withPluginApi("0.8.14", (api) => { api.customizeComposerText({ actionTitle(model) { if (customComposerAction(model)) { return "custom text"; } }, saveLabel(model) { if (customComposerAction(model)) { return "composer.emoji"; } }, }); }); }); test("Supports text customization", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); assert.strictEqual( query(".action-title").innerText, I18n.t("topic.create_long") ); assert.strictEqual( query(".save-or-cancel button").innerText, I18n.t("composer.create_topic") ); const tags = selectKit(".mini-tag-chooser"); await tags.expand(); await tags.selectRowByValue("monkey"); assert.strictEqual(query(".action-title").innerText, "custom text"); assert.strictEqual( query(".save-or-cancel button").innerText, I18n.t("composer.emoji") ); }); }); acceptance("Composer - Focus Open and Closed", function (needs) { needs.user(); test("Focusing a composer which is not open with create topic", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); const composer = this.container.lookup("controller:composer"); await composer.focusComposer({ fallbackToNewTopic: true }); await settled(); assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement.classList.contains("d-editor-input"), true, "composer is opened and focused" ); assert.strictEqual(composer.model.action, Composer.CREATE_TOPIC); }); test("Focusing a composer which is not open with create topic and append text", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); const composer = this.container.lookup("controller:composer"); await composer.focusComposer({ fallbackToNewTopic: true, insertText: "this is appended", }); await settled(); assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement.classList.contains("d-editor-input"), true, "composer is opened and focused" ); assert.strictEqual( query("textarea.d-editor-input").value.trim(), "this is appended" ); }); test("Focusing a composer which is already open", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); const composer = this.container.lookup("controller:composer"); await composer.focusComposer(); await settled(); assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement.classList.contains("d-editor-input"), true, "composer is opened and focused" ); }); test("Focusing a composer which is already open and append text", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click("#create-topic"); const composer = this.container.lookup("controller:composer"); await composer.focusComposer({ insertText: "this is some appended text" }); await settled(); assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement.classList.contains("d-editor-input"), true, "composer is opened and focused" ); assert.strictEqual( query("textarea.d-editor-input").value.trim(), "this is some appended text" ); }); test("Focusing a composer which is not open that has a draft", async function (assert) { await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); await click(".topic-post:nth-of-type(1) button.edit"); await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply"); await click(".toggle-minimize"); const composer = this.container.lookup("controller:composer"); await composer.focusComposer({ insertText: "this is some appended text" }); await settled(); assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement.classList.contains("d-editor-input"), true, "composer is opened and focused" ); assert.strictEqual( query("textarea.d-editor-input").value.trim(), "This is a dirty reply\n\nthis is some appended text" ); }); });