require 'spec_helper' describe Post do it { should belong_to :user } it { should belong_to :topic } it { should validate_presence_of :raw } # Min/max body lengths, respecting padding it { should_not allow_value("x").for(:raw) } it { should_not allow_value("x" * (SiteSetting.max_post_length + 1)).for(:raw) } it { should_not allow_value((" " * SiteSetting.min_post_length) + "x").for(:raw) } it { should have_many :post_replies } it { should have_many :replies } it { should rate_limit } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:post_args) do {user: topic.user, topic: topic} end describe 'post uniqueness' do context "disabled" do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:unique_posts_mins).returns(0) Fabricate(:post, post_args) end it "returns true for another post with the same content" do, post_args).should be_valid end end context 'enabled' do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:unique_posts_mins).returns(10) Fabricate(:post, post_args) end it "returns false for another post with the same content" do, post_args).should_not be_valid end it "returns true for admins" do topic.user.admin = true, post_args).should be_valid end it "returns true for moderators" do topic.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:moderator], post_args).should be_valid end end end describe 'message bus' do it 'enqueues the post on the message bus' do topic = self.topic MessageBus.expects(:publish).with("/topic/#{}", instance_of(Hash)) Fabricate(:post, post_args) end end describe "maximum images" do let(:post_no_images) {, post_args) } let(:post_one_image) {, post_args.merge(raw: "")) } let(:post_two_images) {, post_args.merge(raw: "<img src=''> <img src=''>")) } let(:post_with_emoticons) {, post_args.merge(raw: '<img alt="smiley" title=":smiley:" src="/assets/emoji/smiley.png" class="emoji"> <img alt="wink" title=":wink:" src="/assets/emoji/wink.png" class="emoji">')) } it "returns 0 images for an empty post" do == 0 end it "finds images from markdown" do post_one_image.image_count.should == 1 end it "finds images from HTML" do post_two_images.image_count.should == 2 end it "doesn't count emoticons as images" do post_with_emoticons.image_count.should == 0 end context "validation" do it "allows a new user to make a post with one image" do post_no_images.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:new] post_no_images.should be_valid end it "doesn't allow multiple images for new accounts" do post_one_image.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:new] post_one_image.should_not be_valid end it "allows multiple images for basic accounts" do post_one_image.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:basic] post_one_image.should be_valid end it "doesn't allow a new user to edit their post to insert an image" do post_no_images.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:new] -> { post_no_images.revise(post_no_images.user, post_two_images.raw) post_no_images.reload }.should_not change(post_no_images, :raw) end end end describe "maximum links" do let(:post_one_link) {, post_args.merge(raw: "[sherlock](")) } let(:post_two_links) {, post_args.merge(raw: "<a href=''>discourse</a> <a href=''>twitter</a>")) } it "returns 0 images for an empty post" do == 0 end it "finds images from markdown" do post_one_link.link_count.should == 1 end it "finds images from HTML" do post_two_links.link_count.should == 2 end context "validation" do it "allows a new user to make a post with one image" do post_one_link.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:new] post_one_link.should be_valid end it "doesn't allow multiple images for new accounts" do post_two_links.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:new] post_two_links.should_not be_valid end it "allows multiple images for basic accounts" do post_two_links.user.trust_level = TrustLevel.Levels[:basic] post_two_links.should be_valid end end end describe "maximum @mentions" do let(:post) {, post_args.merge(raw: "@Jake @Finn")) } it "will accept a post with 2 @mentions as valid" do post.should be_valid end context 'raw_mentions' do it "returns an empty array with no matches" do post =, post_args.merge(raw: "Hello Jake and Finn!")) post.raw_mentions.should == [] end it "returns lowercase unique versions of the mentions" do post =, post_args.merge(raw: "@Jake @Finn @Jake")) post.raw_mentions.should == ['jake', 'finn'] end it "ignores pre" do post =, post_args.merge(raw: "<pre>@Jake</pre> @Finn")) post.raw_mentions.should == ['finn'] end it "catches content between pre tags" do post =, post_args.merge(raw: "<pre>hello</pre> @Finn <pre></pre>")) post.raw_mentions.should == ['finn'] end it "ignores code" do post =, post_args.merge(raw: "@Jake <code>@Finn</code>")) post.raw_mentions.should == ['jake'] end it "ignores quotes" do post =, post_args.merge(raw: "[quote=\"Evil Trout\"]@Jake[/quote] @Finn")) post.raw_mentions.should == ['finn'] end end context "With a @mention limit of 1" do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:max_mentions_per_post).returns(1) end it "wont accept the post as valid because there are too many mentions" do post.should_not be_valid end end end it 'validates' do, post_args).should be_valid end context "raw_hash" do let(:raw) { "this is our test post body"} let(:post) {, raw: raw) } it "returns a value" do post.raw_hash.should be_present end it "returns blank for a nil body" do post.raw = nil post.raw_hash.should be_blank end it "returns the same value for the same raw" do post.raw_hash.should ==, raw: raw).raw_hash end it "returns a different value for a different raw" do post.raw_hash.should_not ==, raw: "something else").raw_hash end it "returns the same hash even with different white space" do post.raw_hash.should ==, raw: " thisis ourt est postbody").raw_hash end it "returns the same hash even with different text case" do post.raw_hash.should ==, raw: "THIS is OUR TEST post BODy").raw_hash end end context 'revise' do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, post_args) } let(:first_version_at) { post.last_version_at } it 'has an initial version of 1' do post.cached_version.should == 1 end it 'has one version in all_versions' do post.all_versions.size.should == 1 end it "has an initial last_version" do first_version_at.should be_present end describe 'with the same body' do it 'returns false' do post.revise(post.user, post.raw).should be_false end it "doesn't change cached_version" do lambda { post.revise(post.user, post.raw); post.reload }.should_not change(post, :cached_version) end end describe 'ninja editing' do before do SiteSetting.expects(:ninja_edit_window).returns(1.minute.to_i) post.revise(post.user, 'updated body', revised_at: post.updated_at + 10.seconds) post.reload end it 'does not update cached_version' do post.cached_version.should == 1 end it 'does not create a new version' do post.all_versions.size.should == 1 end it "doesn't change the last_version_at" do post.last_version_at.should == first_version_at end end describe 'revision much later' do let!(:revised_at) { post.updated_at + 2.minutes } before do SiteSetting.stubs(:ninja_edit_window).returns(1.minute.to_i) post.revise(post.user, 'updated body', revised_at: revised_at) post.reload end it 'updates the cached_version' do post.cached_version.should == 2 end it 'creates a new version' do post.all_versions.size.should == 2 end it "updates the last_version_at" do post.last_version_at.to_i.should == revised_at.to_i end describe "new edit window" do before do post.revise(post.user, 'yet another updated body', revised_at: revised_at) post.reload end it "doesn't create a new version if you do another" do post.cached_version.should == 2 end it "doesn't change last_version_at" do post.last_version_at.to_i.should == revised_at.to_i end context "after second window" do let!(:new_revised_at) {revised_at + 2.minutes} before do post.revise(post.user, 'yet another, another updated body', revised_at: new_revised_at) post.reload end it "does create a new version after the edit window" do post.cached_version.should == 3 end it "does create a new version after the edit window" do post.last_version_at.to_i.should == new_revised_at.to_i end end end end describe 'rate limiter' do let(:changed_by) { Fabricate(:coding_horror) } it "triggers a rate limiter" do Post::EditRateLimiter.any_instance.expects(:performed!) post.revise(changed_by, 'updated body') end end describe 'with a new body' do let(:changed_by) { Fabricate(:coding_horror) } let!(:result) { post.revise(changed_by, 'updated body') } it 'returns true' do result.should be_true end it 'updates the body' do post.raw.should == 'updated body' end it 'sets the invalidate oneboxes attribute' do post.invalidate_oneboxes.should == true end it 'increased the cached_version' do post.cached_version.should == 2 end it 'has the new version in all_versions' do post.all_versions.size.should == 2 end it 'has versions' do post.versions.should be_present end it "saved the user who made the change in the version" do post.versions.first.user.should be_present end context 'second poster posts again quickly' do before do SiteSetting.expects(:ninja_edit_window).returns(1.minute.to_i) post.revise(changed_by, 'yet another updated body', revised_at: post.updated_at + 10.seconds) post.reload end it 'is a ninja edit, because the second poster posted again quickly' do post.cached_version.should == 2 end it 'is a ninja edit, because the second poster posted again quickly' do post.all_versions.size.should == 2 end end end end it 'should feature users after create' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:process_post, anything) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) Fabricate(:post, post_args) end it 'should queue up a post processing job when saved' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:process_post, has_key(:post_id)) Fabricate(:post, post_args) end it 'passes the invalidate_oneboxes along to the job if present' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:process_post, has_key(:invalidate_oneboxes)) post =, post_args) post.invalidate_oneboxes = true end it 'passes the image_sizes along to the job if present' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:process_post, has_key(:image_sizes)) post =, post_args) post.image_sizes = {'' => {'width' => 17, 'height' => 31}} end describe 'notifications' do let(:coding_horror) { Fabricate(:coding_horror) } describe 'replies' do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, post_args.merge(raw: "Hello @CodingHorror")) } it 'notifies the poster on reply' do lambda { @reply = Fabricate(:basic_reply, user: coding_horror, topic: post.topic) }.should change(post.user.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "doesn't notify the poster when they reply to their own post" do lambda { @reply = Fabricate(:basic_reply, user: post.user, topic: post.topic) }.should_not change(post.user.notifications, :count).by(1) end end describe 'watching' do it "does notify watching users of new posts" do post = Fabricate(:post, post_args) user2 = Fabricate(:coding_horror) post_args[:topic].notify_watch!(user2) lambda { Fabricate(:post, user: post.user, topic: post.topic) }.should change(user2.notifications, :count).by(1) end end describe 'muting' do it "does not notify users of new posts" do post = Fabricate(:post, post_args) user = post_args[:user] user2 = Fabricate(:coding_horror) post_args[:topic].notify_muted!(user) lambda { Fabricate(:post, user: user2, topic: post.topic, raw: 'hello @' + user.username) }.should change(user.notifications, :count).by(0) end end end describe 'after delete' do let!(:coding_horror) { Fabricate(:coding_horror) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, post_args.merge(raw: "Hello @CodingHorror")) } it "should feature the users again (in case they've changed)" do Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_entries(topic_id: post.topic_id, except_post_id: post.destroy end describe 'with a reply' do let!(:reply) { Fabricate(:basic_reply, user: coding_horror, topic: post.topic) } it 'changes the post count of the topic' do post.reload lambda { reply.destroy post.topic.reload }.should change(post.topic, :posts_count).by(-1) end it 'lowers the reply_count when the reply is deleted' do lambda { reply.destroy post.reload }.should change(post.post_replies, :count).by(-1) end it 'should increase the post_number when there are deletion gaps' do reply.destroy p = Fabricate(:post, user: post.user, topic: post.topic) p.post_number.should == 3 end end end describe 'after save' do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, post_args) } it 'has a post nubmer' do post.post_number.should be_present end it 'has an excerpt' do post.excerpt.should be_present end it 'is of the regular post type' do post.post_type.should == Post::REGULAR end it 'has no versions' do post.versions.should be_blank end it 'has cooked content' do post.cooked.should be_present end it 'has an external id' do post.external_id.should be_present end it 'has no quotes' do post.quote_count.should == 0 end it 'has no replies' do post.replies.should be_blank end describe 'a forum topic user record for the topic' do let(:topic_user) { post.user.topic_users.where(topic_id: } it 'exists' do topic_user.should be_present end it 'has the posted flag set' do topic_user.should be_posted end it 'recorded the latest post as read' do topic_user.last_read_post_number.should == post.post_number end it 'recorded the latest post as the last seen' do topic_user.seen_post_count.should == post.post_number end end describe 'quote counts' do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, post_args) } let(:reply) {, post_args) } it "finds the quote when in the same topic" do reply.raw = "[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:#{post.post_number}, topic:#{post.topic_id}\"]hello[/quote]" reply.extract_quoted_post_numbers reply.quoted_post_numbers.should == [post.post_number] end it "doesn't find the quote in a different topic" do reply.raw = "[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:#{post.post_number}, topic:#{post.topic_id+1}\"]hello[/quote]" reply.extract_quoted_post_numbers reply.quoted_post_numbers.should be_blank end end describe 'a new reply' do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, post_args) } let!(:reply) { Fabricate(:reply, post_args.merge(reply_to_post_number: post.post_number)) } it 'has a quote' do reply.quote_count.should == 1 end it "isn't quoteless" do reply.should_not be_quoteless end it 'has a reply to the user of the original user' do reply.reply_to_user.should == post.user end it 'increases the reply count of the parent' do post.reload post.reply_count.should == 1 end it 'increases the reply count of the topic' do topic.reload topic.reply_count.should == 1 end it 'is the child of the parent post' do post.replies.should == [reply] end it "doesn't change the post count when you edit the reply" do reply.raw = 'updated raw' post.reload post.reply_count.should == 1 end context 'a multi-quote reply' do let!(:multi_reply) { Fabricate(:multi_quote_reply, post_args.merge(reply_to_post_number: post.post_number)) } it 'has two quotes' do multi_reply.quote_count.should == 2 end it 'is a child of the parent post' do post.replies.include?(multi_reply).should be_true end it 'is a child of the second post quoted' do reply.replies.include?(multi_reply).should be_true end end end end context 'best_of' do let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, post_args.merge(score: 4)) } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, post_args.merge(score: 10)) } let!(:p3) { Fabricate(:post, post_args.merge(score: 5)) } it "returns the OP and posts above the threshold in best of mode" do SiteSetting.stubs(:best_of_score_threshold).returns(10) Post.best_of.order(:post_number).should == [p1, p2] end end context 'sort_order' do context 'regular topic' do let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, post_args) } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, post_args) } let!(:p3) { Fabricate(:post, post_args) } it 'defaults to created order' do Post.regular_order.should == [p1, p2, p3] end end end end