import { emojis, aliases, searchAliases, translations, tonableEmojis, replacements } from "pretty-text/emoji/data"; import { IMAGE_VERSION } from "pretty-text/emoji/version"; const extendedEmoji = {}; export function registerEmoji(code, url, group) { code = code.toLowerCase(); extendedEmoji[code] = { url, group }; } export function extendedEmojiList() { return extendedEmoji; } const emojiHash = {}; export function buildReplacementsList(emojiReplacements) { return Object.keys(emojiReplacements) .sort() .reverse() .map(emoji => { return emoji .split("") .map(chr => { return ( "\\u" + chr .charCodeAt(0) .toString(16) .padStart(4, "0") ); }) .join(""); }) .join("|"); } let replacementListCache; const unicodeRegexpCache = {}; function replacementList() { if (replacementListCache === undefined) { replacementListCache = buildReplacementsList(replacements); } return replacementListCache; } function unicodeRegexp(inlineEmoji) { if (unicodeRegexpCache[inlineEmoji] === undefined) { const emojiExpression = inlineEmoji ? "|:[^\\s:]+(?::t\\d)?:?" : "|\\B:[^\\s:]+(?::t\\d)?:?\\B"; unicodeRegexpCache[inlineEmoji] = new RegExp( replacementList() + emojiExpression, "g" ); } return unicodeRegexpCache[inlineEmoji]; } // add all default emojis emojis.forEach(code => (emojiHash[code] = true)); // and their aliases const aliasHash = {}; Object.keys(aliases).forEach(name => { aliases[name].forEach(alias => (aliasHash[alias] = name)); }); function isReplacableInlineEmoji(string, index, inlineEmoji) { if (inlineEmoji) return true; // index depends on regex; when `inlineEmoji` is false, the regex starts // with a `\B` character, so there's no need to subtract from the index const beforeEmoji = string.slice(0, index); return ( beforeEmoji.length === 0 || /(?:\s|[>.,\/#!$%^&*;:{}=\-_`~()])$/.test(beforeEmoji) || new RegExp(`(?:${replacementList()})$`).test(beforeEmoji) ); } export function performEmojiUnescape(string, opts) { if (!string) { return; } const inlineEmoji = opts.inlineEmoji; const regexp = unicodeRegexp(inlineEmoji); const allTranslations = Object.assign( {}, translations, opts.customEmojiTranslation || {} ); return string.replace(regexp, (m, index) => { const isEmoticon = opts.enableEmojiShortcuts && !!allTranslations[m]; const isUnicodeEmoticon = !!replacements[m]; let emojiVal; if (isEmoticon) { emojiVal = allTranslations[m]; } else if (isUnicodeEmoticon) { emojiVal = replacements[m]; } else { emojiVal = m.slice(1, m.length - 1); } const hasEndingColon = m.lastIndexOf(":") === m.length - 1; const url = buildEmojiUrl(emojiVal, opts); const classes = isCustomEmoji(emojiVal, opts) ? "emoji emoji-custom" : "emoji"; const isReplacable = (isEmoticon || hasEndingColon || isUnicodeEmoticon) && isReplacableInlineEmoji(string, index, inlineEmoji); return url && isReplacable ? `<img src='${url}' ${ opts.skipTitle ? "" : `title='${emojiVal}'` } alt='${emojiVal}' class='${classes}'>` : m; }); } export function performEmojiEscape(string, opts) { const inlineEmoji = opts.inlineEmoji; const regexp = unicodeRegexp(inlineEmoji); const allTranslations = Object.assign( {}, translations, opts.customEmojiTranslation || {} ); return string.replace(regexp, (m, index) => { if (isReplacableInlineEmoji(string, index, inlineEmoji)) { if (!!allTranslations[m]) { return opts.emojiShortcuts ? `:${allTranslations[m]}:` : m; } else if (!!replacements[m]) { return `:${replacements[m]}:`; } } return m; }); } export function isCustomEmoji(code, opts) { code = code.toLowerCase(); if (extendedEmoji.hasOwnProperty(code)) return true; if (opts && opts.customEmoji && opts.customEmoji.hasOwnProperty(code)) return true; return false; } export function buildEmojiUrl(code, opts) { let url; code = String(code).toLowerCase(); if (extendedEmoji.hasOwnProperty(code)) { url = extendedEmoji[code].url; } if (opts && opts.customEmoji && opts.customEmoji[code]) { url = opts.customEmoji[code].url || opts.customEmoji[code]; } const noToneMatch = code.match(/([^:]+):?/); if ( noToneMatch && !url && (emojiHash.hasOwnProperty(noToneMatch[1]) || aliasHash.hasOwnProperty(noToneMatch[1])) ) { url = opts.getURL( `/images/emoji/${opts.emojiSet}/${code.replace(/:t/, "/")}.png` ); } if (url) { url = url + "?v=" + IMAGE_VERSION; } return url; } export function emojiExists(code) { code = code.toLowerCase(); return !!( extendedEmoji.hasOwnProperty(code) || emojiHash.hasOwnProperty(code) || aliasHash.hasOwnProperty(code) ); } let toSearch; export function emojiSearch(term, options) { const maxResults = (options && options["maxResults"]) || -1; if (maxResults === 0) { return []; } toSearch = toSearch || _.union(_.keys(emojiHash), _.keys(extendedEmoji), _.keys(aliasHash)).sort(); const results = []; function addResult(t) { const val = aliasHash[t] || t; if (results.indexOf(val) === -1) { results.push(val); } } // if term matches from beginning for (let i = 0; i < toSearch.length; i++) { const item = toSearch[i]; if (item.indexOf(term) === 0) addResult(item); } if (searchAliases[term]) { results.push.apply(results, searchAliases[term]); } for (let i = 0; i < toSearch.length; i++) { const item = toSearch[i]; if (item.indexOf(term) > 0) addResult(item); } if (maxResults === -1) { return results; } else { return results.slice(0, maxResults); } } export function isSkinTonableEmoji(term) { const match = _.compact(term.split(":"))[0]; if (match) { return tonableEmojis.indexOf(match) !== -1; } return false; }