* jQuery Favicon Notify
* Updates the favicon to notify the user of changes. In the original tests I
* had an embedded font collection to allow any charachers - I decided that the
* ~130Kb and added complexity was overkill. As such it now uses a manual glyph
* set meaning that only numerical notifications are possible.
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* @author David King
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 +
* @url oodavid.com
var canvas;
var bg = '#000000';
var fg = '#FFFFFF';
var pos = 'br';
$.faviconNotify = function(icon, num, myPos, myBg, myFg){
// Default the positions
myPos = myPos || pos;
myFg = myFg || fg;
myBg = myBg || bg;
// Create a canvas if we need one
canvas = canvas || $('')[0];
// Load the icon
// Load the icon into the canvas
canvas.height = canvas.width = 16;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
// We gots num?
if(num !== undefined){
num = parseFloat(num, 10);
// Convert the num into a glyphs array
var myGlyphs = [];
if(num > 99){
} else {
num = num.toString().split('');
$.each(num, function(k,v){
if(num>0) {
// Merge the glyphs together
var combined = [];
var glyphHeight = myGlyphs[0].length;
$.each(myGlyphs, function(k,v){
for(y=0; y').attr('href', canvas.toDataURL('image/png')));
}).attr('src', icon)
var glyphs = {
'0': [
' --- ',
' -@@@- ',
'-@- -@-',
'-@- -@-',
'-@- -@-',
' -@@@- ',
' --- ' ],
'1': [
' - ',
' -@- ',
'-@@- ',
' -@- ',
' -@- ',
' -@- ',
' -@- ',
' --- ' ],
'2': [
' --- ',
' -@@@- ',
' - --@-',
' -@@- ',
' -@-- ',
'-@---- ',
' ----- ' ],
'3': [
' --- ',
' -@@@- ',
' - --@-',
' -@@- ',
' - --@-',
' -@@@- ',
' --- ' ],
'4': [
' -- ',
' -@@-',
' -@-@-',
' -@--@-',
' ----@-',
' -@-',
' - ' ],
'5': [
' ----- ',
'-@---- ',
'-@--- ',
'-@@@@- ',
' ----@-',
' -@@@- ',
' --- ' ],
'6': [
' --- ',
' -@@@- ',
'-@---- ',
'-@@@@- ',
' -@@@- ',
' --- ' ],
'7': [
' ----- ',
' ----@-',
' -@- ',
' -@- ',
' -@- ',
' -@- ',
' -@- ',
' - ' ],
'8': [
' --- ',
' -@@@- ',
' -@@@- ',
' -@@@- ',
' --- ' ],
'9': [
' --- ',
' -@@@- ',
' -@@@@-',
' ----@-',
' -@@@- ',
' --- ' ],
'!': [
' - ',
' - ',
' - ' ],
'.': [
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' - ',
' - ' ],
'LOTS': [
' - -- --- -- ',
'-@- -@@-@@@--@@-',
'-@--@--@-@--@- ',
'-@--@--@-@--@- ',
'-@--@--@-@- -@- ',
'-@--@--@-@- -@-',
'-@@@-@@--@-@@@- ',
' --- -- - --- '