import Component from "@ember/component"; import EmberObject, { computed, get } from "@ember/object"; import { guidFor } from "@ember/object/internals"; import Mixin from "@ember/object/mixin"; import { bind, cancel, next, schedule, throttle } from "@ember/runloop"; import { isEmpty, isNone, isPresent } from "@ember/utils"; import { createPopper } from "@popperjs/core"; import { Promise } from "rsvp"; import { INPUT_DELAY } from "discourse-common/config/environment"; import discourseDebounce from "discourse-common/lib/debounce"; import deprecated from "discourse-common/lib/deprecated"; import { makeArray } from "discourse-common/lib/helpers"; import I18n from "discourse-i18n"; import PluginApiMixin, { applyContentPluginApiCallbacks, applyOnChangePluginApiCallbacks, } from "select-kit/mixins/plugin-api"; import UtilsMixin from "select-kit/mixins/utils"; export const MAIN_COLLECTION = "MAIN_COLLECTION"; export const ERRORS_COLLECTION = "ERRORS_COLLECTION"; const EMPTY_OBJECT = Object.freeze({}); const SELECT_KIT_OPTIONS = Mixin.create({ concatenatedProperties: ["selectKitOptions"], selectKitOptions: EMPTY_OBJECT, }); function isDocumentRTL() { return document.documentElement.classList.contains("rtl"); } export default Component.extend( SELECT_KIT_OPTIONS, PluginApiMixin, UtilsMixin, { tagName: "details", pluginApiIdentifiers: ["select-kit"], classNames: ["select-kit"], classNameBindings: [ "selectKit.isLoading:is-loading", "selectKit.isExpanded:is-expanded", "selectKit.options.disabled:is-disabled", "selectKit.isHidden:is-hidden", "selectKit.hasSelection:has-selection", ], tabindex: 0, content: null, value: null, selectKit: null, mainCollection: null, errorsCollection: null, options: null, valueProperty: "id", nameProperty: "name", singleSelect: false, multiSelect: false, labelProperty: null, titleProperty: null, langProperty: null, init() { this._super(...arguments); this._searchPromise = null; this.set("errorsCollection", []); this._collections = [ERRORS_COLLECTION, MAIN_COLLECTION]; !this.options && this.set("options", EmberObject.create({})); this.handleDeprecations(); this.set( "selectKit", EmberObject.create({ uniqueID: this.attrs?.id?.value || this.attrs?.id || guidFor(this), valueProperty: this.valueProperty, nameProperty: this.nameProperty, labelProperty: this.labelProperty, titleProperty: this.titleProperty, langProperty: this.langProperty, options: EmberObject.create(), isLoading: false, isHidden: false, isExpanded: false, isFilterExpanded: false, enterDisabled: false, hasSelection: false, hasNoContent: true, highlighted: null, noneItem: null, newItem: null, filter: null, modifyContent: bind(this, this._modifyContentWrapper), modifySelection: bind(this, this._modifySelectionWrapper), modifyComponentForRow: bind(this, this._modifyComponentForRowWrapper), modifyContentForCollection: bind( this, this._modifyContentForCollectionWrapper ), modifyComponentForCollection: bind( this, this._modifyComponentForCollectionWrapper ), toggle: bind(this, this._toggle), close: bind(this, this._close), open: bind(this, this._open), highlightNext: bind(this, this._highlightNext), highlightPrevious: bind(this, this._highlightPrevious), highlightLast: bind(this, this._highlightLast), highlightFirst: bind(this, this._highlightFirst), deselectLast: bind(this, this._deselectLast), change: bind(this, this._onChangeWrapper), select: bind(this,, deselect: bind(this, this.deselect), deselectByValue: bind(this, this.deselectByValue), append: bind(this, this.append), cancelSearch: bind(this, this._cancelSearch), triggerSearch: bind(this, this.triggerSearch), focusFilter: bind(this, this._focusFilter), onOpen: bind(this, this._onOpenWrapper), onClose: bind(this, this._onCloseWrapper), onInput: bind(this, this._onInput), onClearSelection: bind(this, this._onClearSelection), onHover: bind(this, this._onHover), onKeydown: bind(this, this._onKeydownWrapper), mainElement: bind(this, this._mainElement), headerElement: bind(this, this._headerElement), bodyElement: bind(this, this._bodyElement), }) ); }, _modifyComponentForRowWrapper(collection, item) { let component = this.modifyComponentForRow(collection, item); return component || "select-kit/select-kit-row"; }, modifyComponentForRow() {}, _modifyContentForCollectionWrapper(identifier) { let collection = this.modifyContentForCollection(identifier); if (!collection) { switch (identifier) { case ERRORS_COLLECTION: collection = this.errorsCollection; break; default: collection = this.mainCollection; break; } } return collection; }, modifyContentForCollection() {}, _modifyComponentForCollectionWrapper(identifier) { let component = this.modifyComponentForCollection(identifier); if (!component) { switch (identifier) { case ERRORS_COLLECTION: component = "select-kit/errors-collection"; break; default: component = "select-kit/select-kit-collection"; break; } } return component; }, modifyComponentForCollection() {}, didUpdateAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); this.handleDeprecations(); }, didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.selectKit.options.expandedOnInsert) { this._open(); } }, click(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); this._cancelSearch(); if (this.popper) { this.popper.destroy(); this.popper = null; } }, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); const deprecatedOptions = this._resolveDeprecatedOptions(); const mergedOptions = Object.assign({}, ...this.selectKitOptions); Object.keys(mergedOptions).forEach((key) => { if (isPresent(this.options[key])) { this.selectKit.options.set(key, this.options[key]); return; } if (isPresent(deprecatedOptions[`options.${key}`])) { this.selectKit.options.set(key, deprecatedOptions[`options.${key}`]); return; } const value = mergedOptions[key]; if ( key === "componentForRow" || key === "contentForCollection" || key === "componentForCollection" ) { if (typeof value === "string") { this.selectKit.options.set(key, () => value); } else { this.selectKit.options.set(key, bind(this, value)); } return; } if ( typeof value === "string" && !value.includes(".") && value in this ) { const computedValue = get(this, value); if (typeof computedValue !== "function") { this.selectKit.options.set(key, computedValue); return; } } this.selectKit.options.set(key, value); }); this.selectKit.setProperties({ hasSelection: !isEmpty(this.value), noneItem: this._modifyNoSelectionWrapper(), newItem: null, }); if (this.selectKit.isExpanded) { this.triggerSearch(); } if (this.computeContent) { this._deprecated( `The \`computeContent()\` function is deprecated pass a \`content\` attribute or define a \`content\` computed property in your component.` ); this.set("content", this.computeContent()); } }, selectKitOptions: { allowAny: false, showFullTitle: true, none: null, translatedNone: null, filterable: false, autoFilterable: "autoFilterable", filterIcon: "search", filterPlaceholder: null, translatedFilterPlaceholder: null, icon: null, icons: null, maximum: null, maximumLabel: null, minimum: null, autoInsertNoneItem: true, closeOnChange: true, useHeaderFilter: false, limitMatches: null, placement: isDocumentRTL() ? "bottom-end" : "bottom-start", verticalOffset: 3, filterComponent: "select-kit/select-kit-filter", selectedNameComponent: "selected-name", selectedChoiceComponent: "selected-choice", castInteger: false, focusAfterOnChange: true, triggerOnChangeOnTab: true, autofocus: false, placementStrategy: null, mobilePlacementStrategy: null, desktopPlacementStrategy: null, hiddenValues: null, disabled: false, expandedOnInsert: false, formName: null, }, autoFilterable: computed("content.[]", "selectKit.filter", function () { return ( this.selectKit.filter && this.options.autoFilterable && this.content.length > 15 ); }), collections: computed( "selectedContent.[]", "mainCollection.[]", "errorsCollection.[]", function () { return => { return { identifier, content: this.selectKit.modifyContentForCollection(identifier), }; }); } ), createContentFromInput(input) { return input; }, validateCreate(filter, content) { this.clearErrors(); return ( filter.length > 0 && content && ! => this.getValue(c)).includes(filter) && !makeArray(this.value).includes(filter) ); }, validateSelect() { this.clearErrors(); const selection = makeArray(this.value); const maximum = this.selectKit.options.maximum; if (maximum && selection.length >= maximum) { const key = this.selectKit.options.maximumLabel || "select_kit.max_content_reached"; this.addError(I18n.t(key, { count: maximum })); return false; } return true; }, addError(error) { this.errorsCollection.pushObject(error); this._safeAfterRender(() => this.popper && this.popper.update()); }, clearErrors() { if (!this.element || this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return; } this.set("errorsCollection", []); }, prependCollection(identifier) { this._collections.unshift(identifier); }, appendCollection(identifier) { this._collections.push(identifier); }, insertCollectionAtIndex(identifier, index) { this._collections.insertAt(index, identifier); }, insertBeforeCollection(identifier, insertedIdentifier) { const index = this._collections.indexOf(identifier); this.insertCollectionAtIndex(insertedIdentifier, index - 1); }, insertAfterCollection(identifier, insertedIdentifier) { const index = this._collections.indexOf(identifier); this.insertCollectionAtIndex(insertedIdentifier, index + 1); }, _onInput(event) { this.popper && this.popper.update(); if (this._searchPromise) { cancel(this._searchPromise); } this.selectKit.set("isLoading", true); discourseDebounce( this, this._debouncedInput,, INPUT_DELAY ); }, _debouncedInput(filter) { this.selectKit.set("filter", filter); this.triggerSearch(filter); }, _onChangeWrapper(value, items) { this.selectKit.set("filter", null); return new Promise((resolve) => { if ( !this.selectKit.valueProperty && this.selectKit.noneItem === value ) { value = null; items = []; } value = makeArray(value); items = makeArray(items); if (this.multiSelect) { items = items.filter( (i) => i !== this.newItem && i !== this.noneItem && this.getValue(i) !== null ); if (this.selectKit.options.maximum === 1) { value = value.slice(0, 1); items = items.slice(0, 1); } } if (this.singleSelect) { value = isPresent(value.firstObject) ? value.firstObject : null; items = isPresent(items.firstObject) ? items.firstObject : null; } this._boundaryActionHandler("onChange", value, items); applyOnChangePluginApiCallbacks(value, items, this); resolve(items); }).finally(() => { if (!this.isDestroying && !this.isDestroyed) { if ( this.selectKit.options.closeOnChange || (isPresent(value) && this.selectKit.options.maximum === 1) ) { this.selectKit.close(event); } if (this.selectKit.options.focusAfterOnChange) { this._safeAfterRender(() => { this._focusFilter(); this.popper && this.popper.update(); }); } } }); }, _modifyContentWrapper(content) { content = this.modifyContent(content); return applyContentPluginApiCallbacks(content, this); }, modifyContent(content) { return content; }, _modifyNoSelectionWrapper() { return this.modifyNoSelection(); }, modifyNoSelection() { if (this.selectKit.options.translatedNone) { return this.defaultItem(null, this.selectKit.options.translatedNone); } let none = this.selectKit.options.none; if (isNone(none) && !this.selectKit.options.allowAny) { return null; } if ( isNone(none) && this.selectKit.options.allowAny && !this.selectKit.isExpanded ) { return null; } let item; switch (typeof none) { case "string": item = this.defaultItem(null, I18n.t(none)); break; default: item = none; } return item; }, _modifySelectionWrapper(item) { return this.modifySelection(item); }, modifySelection(item) { return item; }, _onKeydownWrapper(event) { return this._boundaryActionHandler("onKeydown", event); }, _mainElement() { return document.querySelector(`#${this.selectKit.uniqueID}`); }, _headerElement() { return this.selectKit.mainElement().querySelector("summary"); }, _bodyElement() { return this.selectKit.mainElement().querySelector(".select-kit-body"); }, _onHover(value, item) { throttle(this, this._highlight, item, 25, true); }, _highlight(item) { this.selectKit.set("highlighted", item); }, _boundaryActionHandler(actionName, ...params) { if (!this.element || this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) { return; } let boundaryAction = true; const privateActionName = `_${actionName}`; const privateAction = get(this, privateActionName); if (privateAction) { boundaryAction =, ...params); } if (this.actions) { const componentAction = get(this.actions, actionName); if (boundaryAction && componentAction) { boundaryAction =, ...params); } } const action = get(this, actionName); if (boundaryAction && action) { boundaryAction =, ...params); } return boundaryAction; }, deselect() { this.clearErrors(); this.selectKit.change(null, null); }, deselectByValue(value) { if (!value) { return; } const item = this.itemForValue(value, this.selectedContent); this.deselect(item); }, append() { // do nothing on general case }, search(filter) { let content = this.content || []; if (filter) { filter = this._normalize(filter); content = content.filter((c) => { const name = this._normalize(this.getName(c)); return name?.includes(filter); }); } return content; }, triggerSearch(filter) { this._searchPromise && cancel(this._searchPromise); this._searchPromise = this._searchWrapper( filter || this.selectKit.filter ); }, _searchWrapper(filter) { if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return Promise.resolve([]); } this.clearErrors(); this.setProperties({ mainCollection: [], "selectKit.isLoading": true, "selectKit.enterDisabled": true, }); this._safeAfterRender(() => this.popper && this.popper.update()); let content = []; return Promise.resolve( .then((result) => { if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return []; } content = content.concat(makeArray(result)); content = this.selectKit.modifyContent(content).filter(Boolean); if (this.selectKit.valueProperty) { content = content.uniqBy(this.selectKit.valueProperty); } else { content = content.uniq(); } if (this.selectKit.options.limitMatches) { content = content.slice(0, this.selectKit.options.limitMatches); } const noneItem = this.selectKit.noneItem; if ( this.selectKit.options.allowAny && filter && this.getName(noneItem) !== filter ) { filter = this.createContentFromInput(filter); if (this.validateCreate(filter, content)) { this.selectKit.set("newItem", this.defaultItem(filter, filter)); content.unshift(this.selectKit.newItem); } } const hasNoContent = isEmpty(content); if ( this.selectKit.hasSelection && noneItem && this.selectKit.options.autoInsertNoneItem ) { content.unshift(noneItem); } this.set("mainCollection", content); this.selectKit.setProperties({ highlighted: this.singleSelect && this.value ? this.itemForValue(this.value, this.mainCollection) : isEmpty(this.selectKit.filter) ? null : this.mainCollection.firstObject, isLoading: false, hasNoContent, }); this._safeAfterRender(() => { if (this.selectKit.isExpanded) { this.popper && this.popper.update(); this._focusFilter(); } }); }) .finally(() => { if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return; } this.set("selectKit.enterDisabled", false); }); }, _safeAfterRender(fn) { next(() => { schedule("afterRender", () => { if (!this.element || this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return; } fn(); }); }); }, _scrollToRow(rowItem, preventScroll = true) { const value = this.getValue(rowItem); let rowContainer; if (isPresent(value)) { rowContainer = this.element.querySelector( `.select-kit-row[data-value="${value}"]` ); } else { rowContainer = this.element.querySelector(""); } rowContainer?.focus({ preventScroll }); }, _highlightLast() { const highlighted = this.mainCollection.objectAt( this.mainCollection.length - 1 ); if (highlighted) { this._scrollToRow(highlighted, false); this.set("selectKit.highlighted", highlighted); } }, _highlightFirst() { const highlighted = this.mainCollection.objectAt(0); if (highlighted) { this._scrollToRow(highlighted, false); this.set("selectKit.highlighted", highlighted); } }, _highlightNext() { let highlightedIndex = this.mainCollection.indexOf( this.selectKit.highlighted ); const count = this.mainCollection.length; if (highlightedIndex < count - 1) { highlightedIndex = highlightedIndex + 1; } else { if (this.selectKit.isFilterExpanded) { this._focusFilter(); } else { highlightedIndex = 0; } } const highlighted = this.mainCollection.objectAt(highlightedIndex); if (highlighted) { this._scrollToRow(highlighted, false); this.set("selectKit.highlighted", highlighted); } }, _highlightPrevious() { let highlightedIndex = this.mainCollection.indexOf( this.selectKit.highlighted ); const count = this.mainCollection.length; if (highlightedIndex > 0) { highlightedIndex = highlightedIndex - 1; } else { if (this.selectKit.isFilterExpanded) { this._focusFilter(); } else { highlightedIndex = count - 1; } } const highlighted = this.mainCollection.objectAt(highlightedIndex); if (highlighted) { this._scrollToRow(highlighted, false); this.set("selectKit.highlighted", highlighted); } }, _deselectLast() { if (this.selectKit.hasSelection) { this.deselectByValue(this.value[this.value.length - 1]); } }, select(value, item) { if (!isPresent(value)) { this._onClearSelection(); } else { const existingItem = this.findValue(this.mainCollection, item); if (existingItem) { if (!this.validateSelect(item)) { return; } } this.selectKit.change(value, item || this.defaultItem(value, value)); } }, _onClearSelection() { this.selectKit.change(null, null); }, _onOpenWrapper() { return this._boundaryActionHandler("onOpen"); }, _cancelSearch() { this._searchPromise && cancel(this._searchPromise); }, _onCloseWrapper() { this._cancelSearch(); this.set("selectKit.highlighted", null); return this._boundaryActionHandler("onClose"); }, _toggle(event) { if (this.selectKit.isExpanded) { this._close(event); } else { this._open(event); } }, _close(event) { if (!this.selectKit.isExpanded) { return; } this.selectKit.mainElement().open = false; this.clearErrors(); const inModal = this.element.closest(".fixed-modal"); if (inModal && { const modalBody = inModal.querySelector(".modal-body"); = ""; } this.selectKit.onClose(event); this.selectKit.setProperties({ isExpanded: false, filter: null, }); }, _open(event) { if (this.selectKit.isExpanded) { return; } this.selectKit.mainElement().open = true; this.clearErrors(); this.selectKit.onOpen(event); if (!this.popper) { const inModal = this.element.closest(".fixed-modal .modal-body"); const anchor = document.querySelector( `#${this.selectKit.uniqueID}-header` ); const popper = document.querySelector( `#${this.selectKit.uniqueID}-body` ); const strategy = this._computePlacementStrategy(); this.popper = createPopper(anchor, popper, { eventsEnabled: false, strategy, placement: this.selectKit.options.placement, modifiers: [ { name: "eventListeners", options: { resize: !, scroll: !, }, }, { name: "flip", enabled: !inModal, options: { padding: { top: parseInt( "--header-offset" ), 10 ) || 0, }, }, }, { name: "offset", options: { offset: [0, this.selectKit.options.verticalOffset], }, }, { name: "applySmallScreenOffset", enabled: window.innerWidth <= 450, phase: "main", fn({ state }) { if (!inModal) { let { x } = state.elements.reference.getBoundingClientRect(); if (strategy === "fixed") { state.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x = 0 + 10; } else { state.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x = -x + 10; } } }, }, { name: "applySmallScreenMaxWidth", enabled: window.innerWidth <= 450, phase: "beforeWrite", fn: ({ state }) => { if (inModal) { const innerModal = document.querySelector( ".fixed-modal div.modal-inner-container" ); if (innerModal) { if (this.multiSelect) { state.styles.popper.width = `${this.element.offsetWidth}px`; } else { state.styles.popper.width = `${ innerModal.clientWidth - 20 }px`; } } } else { state.styles.popper.width = `${window.innerWidth - 20}px`; } }, }, { name: "minWidth", enabled: window.innerWidth > 450, phase: "beforeWrite", requires: ["computeStyles"], fn: ({ state }) => { state.styles.popper.minWidth = `${Math.max( state.rects.reference.width, 220 )}px`; }, effect: ({ state }) => { = `${Math.max( state.elements.reference.offsetWidth, 220 )}px`; }, }, { name: "modalHeight", enabled: !!(inModal &&, phase: "afterWrite", fn: ({ state }) => { = ""; = inModal.clientHeight + state.rects.popper.height + "px"; }, }, ], }); } this.selectKit.setProperties({ isExpanded: true, isFilterExpanded: this.selectKit.options.filterable || this.selectKit.options.allowAny, }); if (this.selectKit.options.useHeaderFilter) { this._focusFilterInput(); } this.triggerSearch(); this._safeAfterRender(() => { this._focusFilter(); this._scrollToCurrent(); this.popper && this.popper.update(); }); }, _scrollToCurrent() { if (this.value && this.mainCollection) { let highlighted; if (this.valueProperty) { highlighted = this.mainCollection.findBy( this.valueProperty, this.value ); } else { const index = this.mainCollection.indexOf(this.value); highlighted = this.mainCollection.objectAt(index); } if (highlighted) { this._scrollToRow(highlighted, false); this.set("selectKit.highlighted", highlighted); } } }, _focusFilter(forceHeader = false) { if (!this.selectKit.mainElement()) { return; } if (!this.selectKit.mainElement().open) { const headerContainer = this.getHeader(); headerContainer && headerContainer.focus({ preventScroll: true }); return; } // setting focus as early as possible is best for iOS // because render/promise delays may cause keyboard not to show if (!forceHeader) { this._focusFilterInput(); } this._safeAfterRender(() => { const input = this.getFilterInput(); if (!forceHeader && input) { this._focusFilterInput(); } else if (!this.selectKit.options.preventHeaderFocus) { const headerContainer = this.getHeader(); headerContainer && headerContainer.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } }); }, _focusFilterInput() { const input = this.getFilterInput(); if (input && document.activeElement !== input) { input.focus({ preventScroll: true }); if (typeof input.selectionStart === "number") { input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd = input.value.length; } } }, getFilterInput() { return document.querySelector(`#${this.selectKit.uniqueID}-filter input`); }, getHeader() { return document.querySelector(`#${this.selectKit.uniqueID}-header`); }, handleDeprecations() { this._deprecateValueAttribute(); this._deprecateMutations(); this._handleDeprecatedArgs(); }, _computePlacementStrategy() { let placementStrategy = this.selectKit.options.placementStrategy; if (placementStrategy) { return placementStrategy; } if (this.capabilities.isIpadOS || { placementStrategy = this.selectKit.options.mobilePlacementStrategy || "absolute"; } else { placementStrategy = this.selectKit.options.desktopPlacementStrategy || "fixed"; } return placementStrategy; }, _deprecated(text) { deprecated(text, { since: "v2.4.0", dropFrom: "2.9.0.beta1", id: "", }); }, _deprecateValueAttribute() { if (this.valueAttribute || this.valueAttribute === null) { this._deprecated( "The `valueAttribute` is deprecated. Use `valueProperty` instead" ); this.set("valueProperty", this.valueAttribute); } }, _deprecateMutations() { this.actions ??= {}; this.attrs ??= {}; if (!this.attrs.onChange && !this.actions.onChange) { this._deprecated( "Implicit mutation has been deprecated, please use `onChange` handler" ); this.actions.onChange = this.attrs.onSelect || this.actions.onSelect || ((value) => this.set("value", value)); } }, _resolveDeprecatedOptions() { const migrations = { allowAny: "options.allowAny", allowCreate: "options.allowAny", filterable: "options.filterable", excludeCategoryId: "options.excludeCategoryId", scopedCategoryId: "options.scopedCategoryId", allowUncategorized: "options.allowUncategorized", none: "options.none", rootNone: "options.none", disabled: "options.disabled", isDisabled: "options.disabled", rootNoneLabel: "options.none", showFullTitle: "options.showFullTitle", title: "options.translatedNone", maximum: "options.maximum", minimum: "options.minimum", i18nPostfix: "options.i18nPostfix", i18nPrefix: "options.i18nPrefix", btnCustomClasses: "options.btnCustomClasses", castInteger: "options.castInteger", }; const resolvedDeprecations = {}; Object.keys(migrations).forEach((from) => { const to = migrations[from]; if (this.get(from) && !this.get(to)) { this._deprecated( `The \`${from}\` attribute is deprecated. Use \`${to}\` instead` ); resolvedDeprecations[(to, this.get(from))]; } }); return resolvedDeprecations; }, _handleDeprecatedArgs() { const migrations = { headerIcon: "icon", onExpand: "onOpen", onCollapse: "onClose", }; Object.keys(migrations).forEach((from) => { const to = migrations[from]; if (this.get(from) && !this.get(to)) { this._deprecated( `The \`${from}\` attribute is deprecated. Use \`${to}\` instead` ); this.set(to, this.get(from)); } }); }, } );