import markdownit from "markdown-it"; import AllowLister from "pretty-text/allow-lister"; import guid from "pretty-text/guid"; import { sanitize } from "pretty-text/sanitizer"; import { TextPostProcessRuler } from "./features/text-post-process"; // note, this will mutate options due to the way the API is designed // may need a refactor export default function makeEngine( options, markdownItOptions, markdownItRules ) { const engine = makeMarkdownIt(markdownItOptions, markdownItRules); const quotes = options.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.markdownTypographerQuotationMarks; if (quotes) { engine.options.quotes = quotes.split("|"); } const tlds = options.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.markdownLinkifyTlds || ""; engine.linkify.tlds(tlds.split("|")); setupUrlDecoding(engine); setupHoister(engine); setupImageAndPlayableMediaRenderer(engine); setupAttachments(engine); setupBlockBBCode(engine); setupInlineBBCode(engine); setupTextPostProcessRuler(engine); options.engine = engine; for (const [feature, callback] of options.pluginCallbacks) { if (options.discourse.features[feature]) { if (callback === null || callback === undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log("BAD MARKDOWN CALLBACK FOUND"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`FEATURE IS: ${feature}`); } engine.use(callback); } } // top level markdown it notifier options.markdownIt = true; options.setup = true; if (!options.discourse.sanitizer || !options.sanitizer) { const allowLister = new AllowLister(options.discourse); options.allowListed.forEach(([feature, info]) => { allowLister.allowListFeature(feature, info); }); options.sanitizer = options.discourse.sanitizer = options.discourse.sanitize ? (a) => sanitize(a, allowLister) : (a) => a; } } export function cook(raw, options) { // we still have to hoist html_raw nodes so they bypass the allowlister // this is the case for oneboxes and also certain plugins that require // raw HTML rendering within markdown bbcode rules options.discourse.hoisted ??= {}; const rendered = options.engine.render(raw); let cooked = options.discourse.sanitizer(rendered).trim(); // opts.discourse.hoisted guid keys will be deleted within here to // keep the object empty cooked = unhoistForCooked(options.discourse.hoisted, cooked); return cooked; } function makeMarkdownIt(markdownItOptions, markdownItRules) { if (markdownItRules) { // Preset for "zero", return markdownit("zero", markdownItOptions).enable(markdownItRules); } else { return markdownit(markdownItOptions); } } function setupUrlDecoding(engine) { // this fixed a subtle issue where %20 is decoded as space in // automatic urls engine.utils.lib.mdurl.decode.defaultChars = ";/?:@&=+$,# "; } // hoists html_raw tokens out of the render flow and replaces them // with a GUID. this GUID is then replaced with the final raw HTML // content in unhoistForCooked function renderHoisted(tokens, idx, options) { const content = tokens[idx].content; if (content && content.length > 0) { let id = guid(); options.discourse.hoisted[id] = content; return id; } else { return ""; } } function unhoistForCooked(hoisted, cooked) { const keys = Object.keys(hoisted); if (keys.length) { let found = true; const unhoist = function (key) { cooked = cooked.replace(new RegExp(key, "g"), function () { found = true; return hoisted[key]; }); delete hoisted[key]; }; while (found) { found = false; keys.forEach(unhoist); } } return cooked; } // html_raw tokens, funnily enough, render raw HTML via renderHoisted and // unhoistForCooked function setupHoister(engine) { engine.renderer.rules.html_raw = renderHoisted; } // exported for test only export function extractDataAttribute(str) { let sep = str.indexOf("="); if (sep === -1) { return null; } const key = `data-${str.slice(0, sep)}`.toLowerCase(); if (!/^[A-Za-z]+[\w\-\:\.]*$/.test(key)) { return null; } const value = str.slice(sep + 1); return [key, value]; } // videoHTML and audioHTML follow the same HTML syntax // as oneboxer.rb when dealing with these formats function videoHTML(token) { const src = token.attrGet("src"); const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src"); const dataOrigSrcAttr = origSrc !== null ? `data-orig-src="${origSrc}"` : ""; return `
`; } function audioHTML(token) { const src = token.attrGet("src"); const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src"); const dataOrigSrcAttr = origSrc !== null ? `data-orig-src="${origSrc}"` : ""; return ``; } const IMG_SIZE_REGEX = /^([1-9]+[0-9]*)x([1-9]+[0-9]*)(\s*,\s*(x?)([1-9][0-9]{0,2}?)([%x]?))?$/; function renderImageOrPlayableMedia(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) { const token = tokens[idx]; const alt = slf.renderInlineAsText(token.children, options, env); const split = alt.split("|"); const altSplit = [split[0]]; // markdown-it supports returning HTML instead of continuing to render the current token // see // handles |video and |audio alt transformations for image tags if (split[1] === "video") { if ( options.discourse.previewing && !options.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.enableDiffhtmlPreview ) { const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src"); const origSrcId = origSrc .substring(origSrc.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) .split(".")[0]; return `
`; } else { return videoHTML(token); } } else if (split[1] === "audio") { return audioHTML(token); } // parsing ![myimage|500x300]() or ![myimage|75%]() or ![myimage|500x300, 75%] for (let i = 1, match, data; i < split.length; ++i) { if ((match = split[i].match(IMG_SIZE_REGEX)) && match[1] && match[2]) { let width = match[1]; let height = match[2]; // calculate using percentage if (match[5] && match[6] && match[6] === "%") { let percent = parseFloat(match[5]) / 100.0; width = parseInt(width * percent, 10); height = parseInt(height * percent, 10); } // calculate using only given width if (match[5] && match[6] && match[6] === "x") { let wr = parseFloat(match[5]) / width; width = parseInt(match[5], 10); height = parseInt(height * wr, 10); } // calculate using only given height if (match[5] && match[4] && match[4] === "x" && !match[6]) { let hr = parseFloat(match[5]) / height; height = parseInt(match[5], 10); width = parseInt(width * hr, 10); } if (token.attrIndex("width") === -1) { token.attrs.push(["width", width]); } if (token.attrIndex("height") === -1) { token.attrs.push(["height", height]); } if ( options.discourse.previewing && match[6] !== "x" && match[4] !== "x" ) { token.attrs.push(["class", "resizable"]); } } else if ((data = extractDataAttribute(split[i]))) { token.attrs.push(data); } else if (split[i] === "thumbnail") { token.attrs.push(["data-thumbnail", "true"]); } else { altSplit.push(split[i]); } } const altValue = altSplit.join("|").trim(); if (altValue === "") { token.attrSet("role", "presentation"); } else { token.attrSet("alt", altValue); } return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); } // we have taken over the ![]() syntax in markdown to // be able to render a video or audio URL as well as the // image using |video and |audio in the text inside [] function setupImageAndPlayableMediaRenderer(engine) { engine.renderer.rules.image = renderImageOrPlayableMedia; } // discourse-encrypt wants this? export const ATTACHMENT_CSS_CLASS = "attachment"; function renderAttachment(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) { const linkToken = tokens[idx]; const textToken = tokens[idx + 1]; const split = textToken.content.split("|"); const contentSplit = []; for (let i = 0, data; i < split.length; ++i) { if (split[i] === ATTACHMENT_CSS_CLASS) { linkToken.attrs.unshift(["class", split[i]]); } else if ((data = extractDataAttribute(split[i]))) { linkToken.attrs.push(data); } else { contentSplit.push(split[i]); } } if (contentSplit.length > 0) { textToken.content = contentSplit.join("|"); } return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); } function setupAttachments(engine) { engine.renderer.rules.link_open = renderAttachment; } // TODO we may just use a proper ruler from markdown it... this is a basic proxy class Ruler { constructor() { this.rules = []; } getRules() { return this.rules; } getRuleForTag(tag) { this.ensureCache(); if (this.cache.hasOwnProperty(tag)) { return this.cache[tag]; } } ensureCache() { if (this.cache) { return; } this.cache = {}; for (let i = this.rules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let info = this.rules[i]; this.cache[info.rule.tag] = info; } } push(name, rule) { this.rules.push({ name, rule }); this.cache = null; } } // block bb code ruler for parsing of quotes / code / polls function setupBlockBBCode(engine) { engine.block.bbcode = { ruler: new Ruler() }; } // inline bbcode ruler for parsing of spoiler tags, discourse-chart etc function setupInlineBBCode(engine) { engine.inline.bbcode = { ruler: new Ruler() }; } // rule for text replacement via regex, used for @mentions, category hashtags, etc. function setupTextPostProcessRuler(engine) { engine.core.textPostProcess = { ruler: new TextPostProcessRuler() }; }