require "mysql2" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require 'htmlentities' # Before running this script, paste these lines into your shell, # then use arrow keys to edit the values =begin export DB_HOST="localhost" export DB_NAME="mylittleforum" export DB_PW="" export DB_USER="root" export TABLE_PREFIX="forum_" export IMPORT_AFTER="1970-01-01" export IMAGE_BASE="" export BASE="forum" =end class ImportScripts::MylittleforumSQL < ImportScripts::Base DB_HOST ||= ENV['DB_HOST'] || "localhost" DB_NAME ||= ENV['DB_NAME'] || "mylittleforum" DB_PW ||= ENV['DB_PW'] || "" DB_USER ||= ENV['DB_USER'] || "root" TABLE_PREFIX ||= ENV['TABLE_PREFIX'] || "forum_" IMPORT_AFTER ||= ENV['IMPORT_AFTER'] || "1970-01-01" IMAGE_BASE ||= ENV['IMAGE_BASE'] || "" BASE ||= ENV['BASE'] || "forum/" BATCH_SIZE = 1000 CONVERT_HTML = true QUIET = nil || ENV['VERBOSE'] == "TRUE" FORCE_HOSTNAME = nil || ENV['FORCE_HOSTNAME'] QUIET = true # Site settings SiteSetting.disable_emails = "non-staff" if FORCE_HOSTNAME SiteSetting.force_hostname = FORCE_HOSTNAME end def initialize if IMPORT_AFTER > "1970-01-01" print_warning("Importing data after #{IMPORT_AFTER}") end super @htmlentities = begin @client = host: DB_HOST, username: DB_USER, password: DB_PW, database: DB_NAME ) rescue Exception => e puts '=' * 50 puts e.message puts <<EOM Cannot log in to database. Hostname: #{DB_HOST} Username: #{DB_USER} Password: #{DB_PW} database: #{DB_NAME} You should set these variables: export DB_HOST="localhost" export DB_NAME="mylittleforum" export DB_PW="" export DB_USER="root" export TABLE_PREFIX="forum_" export IMPORT_AFTER="1970-01-01" export IMAGE_BASE="" export BASE="forum" Exiting. EOM exit end end def execute import_users import_categories import_topics import_posts update_tl0 create_permalinks end def import_users puts '', "creating users" total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}userdata WHERE last_login > '#{IMPORT_AFTER}';").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query(" SELECT user_id as UserID, user_name as username, user_real_name as Name, user_email as Email, user_hp as website, user_place as Location, profile as bio_raw, last_login as DateLastActive, user_ip as InsertIPAddress, user_pw as password, logins as days_visited, # user_stats registered as DateInserted, user_pw as password, user_type FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}userdata WHERE last_login > '#{IMPORT_AFTER}' order by UserID ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};") break if results.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :users, { |u| u['UserID'].to_i } create_users(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |user| next if user['Email'].blank? next if @lookup.user_id_from_imported_user_id(user['UserID']) # username = fix_username(user['username']) { id: user['UserID'], email: user['Email'], username: user['username'], name: user['Name'], created_at: user['DateInserted'] == nil ? 0 :['DateInserted']), bio_raw: user['bio_raw'], registration_ip_address: user['InsertIPAddress'], website: user['user_hp'], password: user['password'], last_seen_at: user['DateLastActive'] == nil ? 0 :['DateLastActive']), location: user['Location'], admin: user['user_type'] == "admin", moderator: user['user_type'] == "mod", } end end end def fix_username(username) olduser = username.dup username.gsub!(/Dr\. /, "Dr") # no & username.gsub!(/[ +!\/,*()?]/, "_") # can't have these username.gsub!(/&/, "_and_") # no & username.gsub!(/@/, "_at_") # no @ username.gsub!(/#/, "_hash_") # no & username.gsub!(/\'/, "") # seriously? username.gsub!(/[._]+/, "_") # can't have 2 special in a row username.gsub!(/_+/, "_") # could result in dupes, but wtf? username.gsub!(/_$/, "") # could result in dupes, but wtf? if olduser != username print_warning ("#{olduser} --> #{username}") end username end def import_categories puts "", "importing categories..." categories = mysql_query(" SELECT id as CategoryID, category as Name, description as Description FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}categories ORDER BY CategoryID ASC ").to_a create_categories(categories) do |category| { id: category['CategoryID'], name: CGI.unescapeHTML(category['Name']), description: CGI.unescapeHTML(category['Description']) } end end def import_topics puts "", "importing topics..." total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}entries WHERE time > '#{IMPORT_AFTER}' AND pid = 0;").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| discussions = mysql_query( "SELECT id as DiscussionID, category as CategoryID, subject as Name, text as Body, time as DateInserted, youtube_link as youtube, user_id as InsertUserID FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}entries WHERE pid = 0 AND time > '#{IMPORT_AFTER}' ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};") break if discussions.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, { |t| "discussion#" + t['DiscussionID'].to_s } create_posts(discussions, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |discussion| raw = clean_up(discussion['Body']) youtube = nil unless discussion['youtube'].blank? youtube = clean_youtube(discussion['youtube']) raw += "\n#{youtube}\n" print_warning(raw) end { id: "discussion#" + discussion['DiscussionID'].to_s, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(discussion['InsertUserID']) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, title: discussion['Name'].gsub('\\"', '"'), category: category_id_from_imported_category_id(discussion['CategoryID']), raw: raw, created_at:['DateInserted']), } end end end def import_posts puts "", "importing posts..." total_count = mysql_query( "SELECT count(*) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}entries WHERE pid > 0 AND time > '#{IMPORT_AFTER}';").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| comments = mysql_query( "SELECT id as CommentID, tid as DiscussionID, text as Body, time as DateInserted, youtube_link as youtube, user_id as InsertUserID FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}entries WHERE pid > 0 AND time > '#{IMPORT_AFTER}' ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};") break if comments.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, { |comment| "comment#" + comment['CommentID'].to_s } create_posts(comments, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |comment| next unless t = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("discussion#" + comment['DiscussionID'].to_s) next if comment['Body'].blank? raw = clean_up(comment['Body']) youtube = nil unless comment['youtube'].blank? youtube = clean_youtube(comment['youtube']) raw += "\n#{youtube}\n" end { id: "comment#" + comment['CommentID'].to_s, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(comment['InsertUserID']) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, topic_id: t[:topic_id], raw: clean_up(raw), created_at:['DateInserted']) } end end end def clean_youtube(youtube_raw) youtube_cooked = clean_up(youtube_raw.dup.to_s) # get just src from <iframe> and put on a line by itself re = /<iframe.+?src="(\S+?)".+?<\/iframe>/mix youtube_cooked.gsub!(re) { "\n#{$1}\n" } re = /<object.+?src="(\S+?)".+?<\/object>/mix youtube_cooked.gsub!(re) { "\n#{$1}\n" } youtube_cooked.gsub!(/^\/\//, "https://") # make sure it has a protocol unless /http/.match(youtube_cooked) # handle case of only youtube object number if youtube_cooked.length < 8 || /[<>=]/.match(youtube_cooked) # probably not a youtube id youtube_cooked = "" else youtube_cooked = '' + youtube_cooked end end print_warning("#{'-' * 40}\nBefore: #{youtube_raw}\nAfter: #{youtube_cooked}") unless QUIET youtube_cooked end def clean_up(raw) return "" if raw.blank? # decode HTML entities raw = @htmlentities.decode(raw) # don't \ quotes raw = raw.gsub('\\"', '"') raw = raw.gsub("\\'", "'") raw = raw.gsub(/\[b\]/i, "<strong>") raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/b\]/i, "</strong>") raw = raw.gsub(/\[i\]/i, "<em>") raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/i\]/i, "</em>") raw = raw.gsub(/\[u\]/i, "<em>") raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/u\]/i, "</em>") raw = raw.gsub(/\[url\](\S+)\[\/url\]/im) { "#{$1}" } raw = raw.gsub(/\[link\](\S+)\[\/link\]/im) { "#{$1}" } # URL & LINK with text raw = raw.gsub(/\[url=(\S+?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/im) { "<a href=\"#{$1}\">#{$2}</a>" } raw = raw.gsub(/\[link=(\S+?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/im) { "<a href=\"#{$1}\">#{$2}</a>" } # remote images raw = raw.gsub(/\[img\](https?:.+?)\[\/img\]/im) { "<img src=\"#{$1}\">" } raw = raw.gsub(/\[img=(https?.+?)\](.+?)\[\/img\]/im) { "<img src=\"#{$1}\" alt=\"#{$2}\">" } # local images raw = raw.gsub(/\[img\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i) { "<img src=\"#{IMAGE_BASE}/#{$1}\">" } raw = raw.gsub(/\[img=(.+?)\](https?.+?)\[\/img\]/im) { "<img src=\"#{IMAGE_BASE}/#{$1}\" alt=\"#{$2}\">" } # Convert image bbcode raw.gsub!(/\[img=(\d+),(\d+)\]([^\]]*)\[\/img\]/im, '<img width="\1" height="\2" src="\3">') # [div]s are really [quote]s raw.gsub!(/\[div\]/mix, "[quote]") raw.gsub!(/\[\/div\]/mix, "[/quote]") # [postedby] -> link to @user raw.gsub(/\[postedby\](.+?)\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]\[\/postedby\]/i) { "#{$1}@#{$2}" } # CODE (not tested) raw = raw.gsub(/\[code\](\S+)\[\/code\]/im) { "```\n#{$1}\n```" } raw = raw.gsub(/\[pre\](\S+)\[\/pre\]/im) { "```\n#{$1}\n```" } raw = raw.gsub(/(https:\/\/youtu\S+)/i) { "\n#{$1}\n" } #youtube links on line by themselves # no center raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?center\]/i, "") # no size raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?size.*?\]/i, "") ### FROM VANILLA: # fix whitespaces raw = raw.gsub(/(\\r)?\\n/, "\n") .gsub("\\t", "\t") unless CONVERT_HTML # replace all chevrons with HTML entities # NOTE: must be done # - AFTER all the "code" processing # - BEFORE the "quote" processing raw = raw.gsub(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub("<", "\u2603") + "`" } .gsub("<", "<") .gsub("\u2603", "<") raw = raw.gsub(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub(">", "\u2603") + "`" } .gsub(">", ">") .gsub("\u2603", ">") end # Remove the color tag raw.gsub!(/\[color=[#a-z0-9]+\]/i, "") raw.gsub!(/\[\/color\]/i, "") ### END VANILLA: raw end def staff_guardian @_staff_guardian ||= end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql) # @client.query(sql, cache_rows: false) #segfault: cache_rows: false causes segmentation fault end def create_permalinks puts '', 'Creating redirects...', '' puts '', 'Users...', '' User.find_each do |u| ucf = u.custom_fields if ucf && ucf["import_id"] && ucf["import_username"] Permalink.create(url: "#{BASE}/user-id-#{ucf['import_id']}.html", external_url: "/u/#{u.username}") rescue nil print '.' end end puts '', 'Posts...', '' Post.find_each do |post| pcf = post.custom_fields if pcf && pcf["import_id"] topic = post.topic id = pcf["import_id"].split('#').last if post.post_number == 1 Permalink.create(url: "#{BASE}/forum_entry-id-#{id}.html", topic_id: rescue nil unless QUIET print_warning("forum_entry-id-#{id}.html --> http://localhost:3000/t/#{}") end else Permalink.create(url: "#{BASE}/forum_entry-id-#{id}.html", post_id: rescue nil unless QUIET print_warning("forum_entry-id-#{id}.html --> http://localhost:3000/t/#{}/#{}") end end print '.' end end puts '', 'Categories...', '' Category.find_each do |cat| ccf = cat.custom_fields next unless id = ccf["import_id"] unless QUIET print_warning("forum-category-#{id}.html --> /t/#{}") end Permalink.create(url: "#{BASE}/forum-category-#{id}.html", category_id: rescue nil print '.' end end def print_warning(message) $stderr.puts "#{message}" end end