require 'spec_helper' require 'pretty_text' describe PrettyText do describe "Cooking" do it "should support github style code blocks" do PrettyText.cook("``` test ```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">test \n</code></pre>" end it "should support quoting [] " do PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"][sam][/quote]").should =~ /\[sam\]/ end it "produces a quote even with new lines in it" do PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"]ddd\n[/quote]").should match_html "<p></p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"123\" data-topic=\"456\" data-full=\"true\"><div class=\"title\">\n <div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"/users/eviltrout/avatar/40?__ws=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.localhost\" class=\"avatar \" title=\"\">\n EvilTrout\n said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>ddd</blockquote>\n</aside><p> </p>" end it "should produce a quote" do PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:123, topic:456, full:true\"]ddd[/quote]").should match_html "<p></p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"123\" data-topic=\"456\" data-full=\"true\"><div class=\"title\">\n <div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"/users/eviltrout/avatar/40?__ws=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.localhost\" class=\"avatar \" title=\"\">\n EvilTrout\n said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>ddd</blockquote>\n</aside><p> </p>" end it "trims spaces on quote params" do PrettyText.cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:555, topic: 666\"]ddd[/quote]").should match_html "<p></p><aside class=\"quote\" data-post=\"555\" data-topic=\"666\"><div class=\"title\">\n <div class=\"quote-controls\"></div>\n <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"/users/eviltrout/avatar/40?__ws=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.localhost\" class=\"avatar \" title=\"\">\n EvilTrout\n said:\n </div>\n <blockquote>ddd</blockquote>\n</aside><p> </p>" end it "should handle 3 mentions in a row" do PrettyText.cook('@hello @hello @hello').should match_html "<p><span class=\"mention\">@hello</span> <span class=\"mention\">@hello</span> <span class=\"mention\">@hello</span></p>" end it "should not do weird @ mention stuff inside a pre block" do PrettyText.cook("``` a @test ```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">a @test \n</code></pre>" end it "should sanitize the html" do PrettyText.cook("<script>alert(42)</script>").should match_html "alert(42)" end it "should escape html within the code block" do PrettyText.cook("```text <header>hello</header> ```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"text\"><header>hello</header> \n</code></pre>" end it "should support language choices" do PrettyText.cook("```ruby test ```").should match_html "<pre><code class=\"ruby\">test \n</code></pre>" end it 'should decorate @mentions' do PrettyText.cook("Hello @eviltrout").should match_html "<p>Hello <span class=\"mention\">@eviltrout</span></p>" end it 'should allow for @mentions to have punctuation' do PrettyText.cook("hello @bob's @bob,@bob; @bob\"").should match_html "<p>hello <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>'s <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>,<span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>; <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>\"</p>" end it 'should add spoiler tags' do PrettyText.cook("[spoiler]hello[/spoiler]").should match_html "<p><span class=\"spoiler\">hello</span></p>" end it "should only detect ``` at the begining of lines" do PrettyText.cook(" ```\n hello\n ```") .should match_html "<pre><code>```\nhello\n```\n</code></pre>" end end describe "rel nofollow" do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content).returns(true) SiteSetting.stubs(:exclude_rel_nofollow_domains).returns(",") end it "should inject nofollow in all user provided links" do PrettyText.cook('<a href="">cnn</a>').should =~ /nofollow/ end it "should not inject nofollow in all local links" do (PrettyText.cook("<a href='#{Discourse.base_url}/test.html'>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).should be_true end it "should not inject nofollow in all subdomain links" do (PrettyText.cook("<a href='#{Discourse.base_url.sub('http://', 'http://bla.')}/test.html'>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).should be_true end it "should not inject nofollow for" do (PrettyText.cook("<a href=''>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).should be_true end it "should not inject nofollow for" do (PrettyText.cook("<a href=''>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).should be_true end end describe "Excerpt" do context "images" do it "should dump images" do PrettyText.excerpt("<img src=''>",100).should == "[image]" end it "should keep alt tags" do PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' alt='car' title='my big car'>",100).should == "[car]" end it "should keep title tags" do PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' title='car'>",100).should == "[car]" end it "should convert images to markdown if the option is set" do PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' title='car'>", 100, markdown_images: true).should == "" end end it "should have an option to strip links" do PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>",100, strip_links: true).should == "cnn" end it "should preserve links" do PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>",100).should == "<a href=''>cnn</a>" end it "should deal with special keys properly" do PrettyText.excerpt("<pre><b></pre>",100).should == "" end it "should truncate stuff properly" do PrettyText.excerpt("hello world",5).should == "hello…" PrettyText.excerpt("<p>hello</p><p>world</p>",6).should == "hello w…" end it "should insert a space between to Ps" do PrettyText.excerpt("<p>a</p><p>b</p>",5).should == "a b" end it "should strip quotes" do PrettyText.excerpt("<aside class='quote'><p>a</p><p>b</p></aside>boom",5).should == "boom" end it "should not count the surrounds of a link" do PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>",3).should == "<a href=''>cnn</a>" end it "uses an ellipsis instead of html entities if provided with the option" do PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>", 2, text_entities: true).should == "<a href=''>cn...</a>" end it "should truncate links" do PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>",2).should == "<a href=''>cn…</a>" end it "should be able to extract links" do PrettyText.extract_links("<a href=''></a>").to_a.should == [""] end it "should extract links to topics" do PrettyText.extract_links("<aside class=\"quote\" data-topic=\"321\">aside</aside>").to_a.should == ["/t/topic/321"] end it "should extract links to posts" do PrettyText.extract_links("<aside class=\"quote\" data-topic=\"1234\" data-post=\"4567\">aside</aside>").to_a.should == ["/t/topic/1234/4567"] end it "should not extract links inside quotes" do PrettyText.extract_links(" <a href=''></a> <aside class=\"quote\" data-topic=\"1234\"> <a href=''></a> <a href=''></a> </aside> <a href=''></a> ").to_a.should == ["", "", "/t/topic/1234"] end it "should not preserve tags in code blocks" do PrettyText.excerpt("<pre><code class='handlebars'><h3>Hours</h3></code></pre>",100).should == "<h3>Hours</h3>" end it "should handle nil" do PrettyText.excerpt(nil,100).should == '' end end describe "strip links" do it "returns blank for blank input" do expect(PrettyText.strip_links("")).to be_blank end it "does nothing to a string without links" do expect(PrettyText.strip_links("I'm the <b>batman</b>")).to eq("I'm the <b>batman</b>") end it "strips links but leaves the text content" do expect(PrettyText.strip_links("I'm the linked <a href=''>batman</a>")).to eq("I'm the linked batman") end end describe "apply cdn" do it "should detect bare links to images and apply a CDN" do PrettyText.apply_cdn("<a href='/hello.png'>hello</a><img src='/a.jpeg'>","").should == "<a href=\"\">hello</a><img src=\"\">" end it "should not touch non images" do PrettyText.apply_cdn("<a href='/hello'>hello</a>","").should == "<a href=\"/hello\">hello</a>" end end end