# frozen_string_literal: true # Development helper which prints a warning when you edit a non-autoloaded ruby file. # These include initializers, middleware, plugin.rb files, and more. # Launch the server with AUTO_RESTART=0 to disable automatic restarts. if Rails.env.development? && !Rails.configuration.cache_classes && Discourse.running_in_rack? paths = [ *Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/*"].reject { |path| path.end_with? "/assets" }, "#{Rails.root}/config", "#{Rails.root}/lib", "#{Rails.root}/plugins", ] if Listen::Adapter::Linux.usable? # The Listen gem watches recursively, which has a cost per-file on Linux (via rb-inotify) # Skip a bunch of unnecessary directories to reduce the cost # Ref https://github.com/guard/listen/issues/556 require "rb-inotify" INotify::Notifier.prepend( Module.new do def watch(path, *flags, &callback) return if path.end_with?("/node_modules", "/.git") super(path, *flags, &callback) end end, ) end Listen .to( *paths, # Aside from .rb files, this will also match site_settings.yml, as well as any plugin settings.yml files. only: /(\.rb|settings.yml)$/, ignore: [/node_modules/], ) do |modified, added, removed| supervisor_pid = UNICORN_DEV_SUPERVISOR_PID auto_restart = supervisor_pid && ENV["AUTO_RESTART"] != "0" files = modified + added + removed not_autoloaded = files.filter_map do |file| autoloaded = Rails.autoloaders.main.__autoloads.key? file if !autoloaded && !file.match(%r{/spec/}) Pathname.new(file).relative_path_from(Rails.root) end end if not_autoloaded.length > 0 message = ( if auto_restart "Restarting server..." else "Server restart required. Automate this by setting AUTO_RESTART=1." end ) STDERR.puts "[DEV]: Edited files which are not autoloaded. #{message}" STDERR.puts not_autoloaded.map { |path| "- #{path}".indent(7) }.join("\n") Process.kill("USR2", supervisor_pid) if auto_restart end end .start end