import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { inject as service } from "@ember/service"; import I18n from "I18n"; export default class ThemeSettingsEditor extends Component { @service dialog; @tracked editedContent = JSON.stringify( this.condensedThemeSettings, null, "\t" ); @tracked errors = []; @tracked saving = false; // we need to store the controller being passed in so that when we // call `save` we have not lost context of the argument customizeThemeShowController = this.args.model?.controller; get saveButtonDisabled() { return !this.documentChanged || this.saving; } get documentChanged() { try { if (!this.editedContent) { return false; } const editedContentString = JSON.stringify( JSON.parse(this.editedContent) ); const themeSettingsString = JSON.stringify(this.condensedThemeSettings); if (editedContentString.localeCompare(themeSettingsString) !== 0) { this.errors = []; return true; } else { return false; } } catch { return true; } } get theme() { return this.args.model?.model; } get condensedThemeSettings() { if (!this.theme) { return null; } return => ({ setting: setting.setting, value: setting.value, })); } // validates the following: // each setting must have a 'setting' and a 'value' key and no other keys validateSettingsKeys(settings) { return settings.reduce((acc, setting) => { if (!acc) { return acc; } if (!("setting" in setting)) { // must have a setting key return false; } if (!("value" in setting)) { // must have a value key return false; } if (Object.keys(setting).length > 2) { // at this point it's verified to have setting and value key - but must have no other keys return false; } return true; }, true); } @action async save() { this.saving = true; this.errors = []; this.success = ""; if (!this.editedContent) { // no changes. return; } let newSettings = ""; try { newSettings = JSON.parse(this.editedContent); } catch (e) { this.errors = [ ...this.errors, { setting: I18n.t("admin.customize.syntax_error"), errorMessage: e.message, }, ]; this.saving = false; return; } if (!this.validateSettingsKeys(newSettings)) { this.errors = [ ...this.errors, { setting: I18n.t("admin.customize.syntax_error"), errorMessage: I18n.t("admin.customize.validation_settings_keys"), }, ]; this.saving = false; return; } const originalNames = this.theme ? => setting.setting) : []; const newNames = => setting.setting); const deletedNames = originalNames.filter( (originalName) => !newNames.find((newName) => newName === originalName) ); const addedNames = newNames.filter( (newName) => !originalNames.find((originalName) => originalName === newName) ); if (deletedNames.length) { this.errors = [ ...this.errors, { setting: deletedNames.join(", "), errorMessage: I18n.t("admin.customize.validation_settings_deleted"), }, ]; } if (addedNames.length) { this.errors = [ ...this.errors, { setting: addedNames.join(","), errorMessage: I18n.t("admin.customize.validation_settings_added"), }, ]; } if (this.errors.length) { this.saving = false; return; } const changedSettings = newSettings.filter((newSetting) => { const originalSetting = this.theme.settings.find( (_originalSetting) => _originalSetting.setting === newSetting.setting ); return originalSetting.value !== newSetting.value; }); for (let setting of changedSettings) { try { await this.saveSetting(, setting); } catch (err) { const errorObjects = JSON.parse(err.jqXHR.responseText) (error) => ({ setting: setting.setting, errorMessage: error, }) ); this.errors = [...this.errors, ...errorObjects]; } } if (this.errors.length === 0) { this.editedContent = null; } this.saving = false; this.dialog.cancel(); this.customizeThemeShowController.send("routeRefreshModel"); } async saveSetting(themeId, setting) { const updateUrl = `/admin/themes/${themeId}/setting`; return await ajax(updateUrl, { type: "PUT", data: { name: setting.setting, value: setting.value, }, }); } }