import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; import { testSelectKitModule } from "./select-kit-test-helper"; testSelectKitModule("single-select"); function template(options = []) { return ` {{single-select value=value content=content nameProperty=nameProperty valueProperty=valueProperty onChange=onChange options=(hash ${options.join("\n")} ) }} `; } const DEFAULT_CONTENT = [ { id: 1, name: "foo" }, { id: 2, name: "bar" }, { id: 3, name: "baz" } ]; const DEFAULT_VALUE = 1; const setDefaultState = (ctx, options) => { const properties = Object.assign( { content: DEFAULT_CONTENT, value: DEFAULT_VALUE, nameProperty: "name", valueProperty: "id", onChange: value => { ctx.set("value", value); } }, options || {} ); ctx.setProperties(properties); }; componentTest("content", { template: "{{single-select content=content}}", beforeEach() { setDefaultState(this); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); const content = this.subject.displayedContent(); assert.equal(content.length, 3, "it shows rows"); assert.equal( content[0].name,, "it has the correct name" ); assert.equal( content[0].id,, "it has the correct value" ); assert.equal( this.subject.header().value(), null, "it doesn't set a value from the content" ); } }); componentTest("value", { template: template(), beforeEach() { setDefaultState(this); }, test(assert) { assert.equal( this.subject.header().value(this.content), 1, "it selects the correct content to display" ); } }); componentTest("options.filterable", { template: template(["filterable=filterable"]), beforeEach() { setDefaultState(this, { filterable: true }); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.ok(this.subject.filter().exists(), "it shows the filter"); const filter = this.subject.displayedContent()[1].name; await this.subject.fillInFilter(filter); assert.equal( this.subject.displayedContent()[0].name, filter, "it filters the list" ); } }); componentTest("options.limitMatches", { template: template(["limitMatches=limitMatches", "filterable=filterable"]), beforeEach() { setDefaultState(this, { limitMatches: 1, filterable: true }); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); await this.subject.fillInFilter("ba"); assert.equal( this.subject.displayedContent().length, 1, "it returns only 1 result" ); } }); componentTest("valueAttribute (deprecated)", { template: ` {{single-select value=value content=content valueAttribute="value" }} `, beforeEach() { this.set("value", "normal"); const content = [ { name: "Smaller", value: "smaller" }, { name: "Normal", value: "normal" }, { name: "Larger", value: "larger" }, { name: "Largest", value: "largest" } ]; this.set("content", content); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.selectedRow().value(), this.value); } }); componentTest("none:string", { template: template(['none="test.none"']), beforeEach() { I18n.translations[I18n.locale].js.test = { none: "(default)" }; setDefaultState(this, { value: 1 }); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); const noneRow = this.subject.rowByIndex(0); assert.equal(noneRow.value(), null); assert.equal(, I18n.t("test.none")); } }); componentTest("none:object", { template: template(["none=none"]), beforeEach() { setDefaultState(this, { none: { value: null, name: "(default)" } }); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); const noneRow = this.subject.rowByIndex(0); assert.equal(noneRow.value(), null); assert.equal(, "(default)"); } }); componentTest("content is a basic array", { template: template(['none="test.none"']), beforeEach() { I18n.translations[I18n.locale].js.test = { none: "(default)" }; setDefaultState(this, { nameProperty: null, valueProperty: null, value: "foo", content: ["foo", "bar", "baz"] }); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); const noneRow = this.subject.rowByIndex(0); assert.equal(noneRow.value(), I18n.t("test.none")); assert.equal(, I18n.t("test.none")); assert.equal(this.value, "foo"); await this.subject.selectRowByIndex(0); assert.equal(this.value, null); } });