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synced 2025-03-27 11:35:37 +08:00

The strict-dynamic CSP directive is supported in all our target browsers, and makes for a much simpler configuration. Instead of allowlisting paths, we use a per-request nonce to authorize `<script>` tags, and then those scripts are allowed to load additional scripts (or add additional inline scripts) without restriction. This becomes especially useful when admins want to add external scripts like Google Tag Manager, or advertising scripts, which then go on to load a ton of other scripts. All script tags introduced via themes will automatically have the nonce attribute applied, so it should be zero-effort for theme developers. Plugins *may* need some changes if they are inserting their own script tags. This commit introduces a strict-dynamic-based CSP behind an experimental `content_security_policy_strict_dynamic` site setting.
136 lines
4.8 KiB
136 lines
4.8 KiB
# frozen_string_literal: true
# If Mini Profiler is included via gem
if Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:load_mini_profiler) && Rails.configuration.load_mini_profiler &&
RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby"
require "rack-mini-profiler"
require "stackprof"
require "memory_profiler"
rescue => e
STDERR.put "#{e} failed to require mini profiler"
# initialization is skipped so trigger it
if defined?(Rack::MiniProfiler) && defined?(Rack::MiniProfiler::Config)
# note, we may want to add some extra security here that disables mini profiler in a multi hosted env unless user global admin
# raw_connection means results are not namespaced
# namespacing gets complex, cause mini profiler is in the rack chain way before multisite
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.storage_instance =
Rack::MiniProfiler::RedisStore.new(connection: DiscourseRedis.new(nil, namespace: false))
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.snapshot_every_n_requests = GlobalSetting.mini_profiler_snapshots_period
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.snapshots_transport_destination_url =
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.snapshots_transport_auth_key =
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.skip_paths =
].map { |path| "#{Discourse.base_path}#{path}" }.concat([/.*theme-qunit/])
# we DO NOT WANT mini-profiler loading on anything but real desktops and laptops
# so let's rule out all handheld, tablet, and mobile devices
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.pre_authorize_cb =
lambda { |env| env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] !~ /iPad|iPhone|Android/ }
# without a user provider our results will use the ip address for namespacing
# with a load balancer in front this becomes really bad as some results can
# be stored associated with ip1 as the user and retrieved using ip2 causing 404s
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.user_provider =
lambda do |env|
request = Rack::Request.new(env)
id = request.cookies["_t"] || request.ip || "unknown"
id = id.to_s
# some security, lets not have these tokens floating about
# Cookie path should be set to the base path so Discourse's session cookie path
# does not get clobbered.
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.cookie_path = Discourse.base_path.presence || "/"
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.position = "right"
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.backtrace_ignores ||= []
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.backtrace_ignores << %r{lib/rack/message_bus.rb}
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.backtrace_ignores << %r{config/initializers/silence_logger}
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.backtrace_ignores << %r{config/initializers/quiet_logger}
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.backtrace_includes = [%r{^/?(app|config|lib|test|plugins)}]
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.max_traces_to_show = 100 if Rails.env.development?
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.content_security_policy_nonce =
Proc.new do |env, headers|
if csp = headers["Content-Security-Policy"]
csp[/script-src[^;]+'nonce-([^']+)'/, 1]
Rack::MiniProfiler.counter_method(Redis::Client, :call) { "redis" }
# Rack::MiniProfiler.counter_method(ActiveRecord::QueryMethods, 'build_arel')
# Rack::MiniProfiler.counter_method(Array, 'uniq')
# require "#{Rails.root}/vendor/backports/notification"
# inst = Class.new
# class << inst
# def start(name,id,payload)
# if Rack::MiniProfiler.current && name !~ /(process_action.action_controller)|(render_template.action_view)/
# @prf ||= {}
# @prf[id] ||= []
# @prf[id] << Rack::MiniProfiler.start_step("#{payload[:serializer] if name =~ /serialize.serializer/} #{name}")
# end
# end
# def finish(name,id,payload)
# if Rack::MiniProfiler.current && name !~ /(process_action.action_controller)|(render_template.action_view)/
# t = @prf[id].pop
# @prf.delete id unless t
# Rack::MiniProfiler.finish_step t
# end
# end
# end
# disabling for now cause this slows stuff down too much
# ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(/.*/, inst)
# Rack::MiniProfiler.profile_method ActionView::PathResolver, 'find_templates'
trace =
TracePoint.new(:raise) do |tp|
puts tp.raised_exception
puts tp.raised_exception.backtrace.join("\n")