mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 10:15:41 +08:00

This allows you to wait up to N seconds for the smoke test url to come up in some cases you want to kick off the smoke test prior to having the smoke test env ready to accept connections
281 lines
7.6 KiB
281 lines
7.6 KiB
/*eslint no-console: "off"*/
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) {
console.log("Expecting: node {smoke_test.js} {url}");
const url = args[0];
console.log(`Starting Discourse Smoke Test for ${url}`);
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
const path = require("path");
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
// when debugging localy setting headless to "false" can be very helpful
headless: true,
args: ["--disable-local-storage", "--no-sandbox"]
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setViewport({
width: 1366,
height: 768
const takeFailureScreenshot = function() {
const screenshotPath = `${process.env.SMOKE_TEST_SCREENSHOT_PATH ||
console.log(`Screenshot of failure taken at ${screenshotPath}`);
return page.screenshot({ path: screenshotPath, fullPage: true });
const exec = (description, fn, assertion) => {
const start = +new Date();
return fn
.then(async output => {
if (assertion) {
if (assertion.call(this, output)) {
console.log(`PASSED: ${description} - ${+new Date() - start}ms`);
} else {
console.log(`FAILED: ${description} - ${+new Date() - start}ms`);
await takeFailureScreenshot();
console.log("SMOKE TEST FAILED");
} else {
console.log(`PASSED: ${description} - ${+new Date() - start}ms`);
.catch(async error => {
`ERROR (${description}): ${error.message} - ${+new Date() - start}ms`
await takeFailureScreenshot();
console.log("SMOKE TEST FAILED");
const assert = (description, fn, assertion) => {
return exec(description, fn, assertion);
page.on("console", msg => console.log(`PAGE LOG: ${msg.text()}`));
page.on("response", resp => {
if (resp.status() !== 200) {
"FAILED HTTP REQUEST TO " + resp.url() + " Status is: " + resp.status()
return resp;
if (process.env.AUTH_USER && process.env.AUTH_PASSWORD) {
await exec("basic authentication", () => {
return page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
Authorization: `Basic ${new Buffer(
await exec("go to site", () => {
return page.goto(url);
await exec("expect a log in button in the header", () => {
return page.waitForSelector("header .login-button", { visible: true });
await exec("go to latest page", () => {
return page.goto(path.join(url, "latest"));
await exec("at least one topic shows up", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".topic-list tbody tr", { visible: true });
await exec("go to categories page", () => {
return page.goto(path.join(url, "categories"));
await exec("can see categories on the page", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".category-list", { visible: true });
await exec("navigate to 1st topic", () => {
return page.click(".main-link a.title:first-of-type");
await exec("at least one post body", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".topic-post", { visible: true });
await exec("click on the 1st user", () => {
return page.click(".topic-meta-data a:first-of-type");
await exec("user has details", () => {
return page.waitForSelector("#user-card .names", { visible: true });
if (!process.env.READONLY_TESTS) {
await exec("open login modal", () => {
return page.click(".login-button");
await exec("login modal is open", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".login-modal", { visible: true });
await exec("type in credentials & log in", () => {
let promise = page.type(
process.env.DISCOURSE_USERNAME || "smoke_user"
promise = promise.then(() => {
return page.type(
process.env.DISCOURSE_PASSWORD || "P4ssw0rd"
promise = promise.then(() => {
return page.click(".login-modal .btn-primary");
return promise;
await exec("is logged in", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".current-user", { visible: true });
await exec("go home", () => {
return page.click("#site-logo, #site-text-logo");
await exec("it shows a topic list", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".topic-list", { visible: true });
await exec("we have a create topic button", () => {
return page.waitForSelector("#create-topic", { visible: true });
await exec("open composer", () => {
return page.click("#create-topic");
await exec("the editor is visible", () => {
return page.waitForFunction(
"document.activeElement === document.getElementById('reply-title')"
await page.evaluate(() => {
document.getElementById("reply-title").value = "";
await exec("compose new topic", () => {
const date = `(${+new Date()})`;
const title = `This is a new topic ${date}`;
const post = `I can write a new topic inside the smoke test! ${date} \n\n`;
let promise = page.type("#reply-title", title);
promise = promise.then(() => {
return page.type("#reply-control .d-editor-input", post);
return promise;
await exec("updates preview", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".d-editor-preview p", { visible: true });
await exec("open upload modal", () => {
return page.click(".d-editor-button-bar .upload");
await exec("upload modal is open", () => {
let promise = page.waitForSelector("#filename-input", { visible: true });
promise.then(() => {
return page.click(".d-modal-cancel");
return promise;
await exec("submit the topic", () => {
return page.click(".submit-panel .create");
await exec("topic is created", () => {
return page.waitForSelector(".fancy-title", { visible: true });
await exec("open the composer", () => {
return page.click(".post-controls:first-of-type .create");
await exec("composer is open", () => {
return page.waitForSelector("#reply-control .d-editor-input", {
visible: true
await exec("compose reply", () => {
const post = `I can even write a reply inside the smoke test ;) (${+new Date()})`;
return page.type("#reply-control .d-editor-input", post);
await exec("waiting for the preview", () => {
return page.waitForXPath(
"//div[contains(@class, 'd-editor-preview') and contains(.//p, 'I can even write a reply')]",
{ visible: true }
await exec("submit the topic", () => {
return page.click("#reply-control .create");
await assert(
"reply is created",
() => {
let promise = page.waitForSelector(".topic-post");
promise = promise.then(() => {
return page.evaluate(() => {
return document.querySelectorAll(".topic-post").length;
return promise;
output => {
return output === 2;
await exec("close browser", () => {
return browser.close();
console.log("ALL PASSED");