2013-08-22 19:04:35 -04:00

27 lines
701 B

require_dependency 'screening_model'
# A ScreenedUrl record represents a URL that is being watched.
# If the URL is found in a post, some action can be performed.
# For now, nothing is done. We're just collecting the data and will decide
# what to do with it later.
class ScreenedUrl < ActiveRecord::Base
include ScreeningModel
default_action :do_nothing
before_validation :strip_http
validates :url, presence: true, uniqueness: true
validates :domain, presence: true
def strip_http
self.url.gsub!(/http(s?):\/\//i, '')
def self.watch(url, domain, opts={})
find_by_url(url) || create(opts.slice(:action_type, :ip_address).merge(url: url, domain: domain))