mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 05:37:54 +08:00

Limitations: the user profile "open external links in new tab setting" is slightly broken for "External URL" permalinks. Remove the copy from the admin permalinks page stating that this doesn't work.
826 lines
22 KiB
826 lines
22 KiB
import User from "discourse/models/user";
export function parsePostData(query) {
const result = {};
query.split("&").forEach(function(part) {
const item = part.split("=");
const firstSeg = decodeURIComponent(item[0]);
const m = /^([^\[]+)\[(.+)\]/.exec(firstSeg);
const val = decodeURIComponent(item[1]).replace(/\+/g, " ");
if (m) {
let key = m[1];
result[key] = result[key] || {};
result[key][m[2].replace("][", ".")] = val;
} else {
result[firstSeg] = val;
return result;
export function response(code, obj) {
if (typeof code === "object") {
obj = code;
code = 200;
return [code, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, obj];
export function success() {
return response({ success: true });
const loggedIn = () => !!User.current();
const helpers = { response, success, parsePostData };
export let fixturesByUrl;
export default new Pretender();
export function applyDefaultHandlers(pretender) {
// Autoload any `*-pretender` files
Object.keys(requirejs.entries).forEach(e => {
let m = e.match(/^.*helpers\/([a-z-]+)\-pretender$/);
if (m && m[1] !== "create") {
let result = requirejs(e).default.call(pretender, helpers);
if (m[1] === "fixture") {
fixturesByUrl = result;
pretender.get("/admin/plugins", () => response({ plugins: [] }));
pretender.get("/composer_messages", () =>
response({ composer_messages: [] })
pretender.get("/latest.json", () => {
const json = fixturesByUrl["/latest.json"];
if (loggedIn()) {
// Stuff to let us post
json.topic_list.can_create_topic = true;
json.topic_list.draft_key = "new_topic";
json.topic_list.draft_sequence = 1;
return response(json);
pretender.get("/c/bug/1/l/latest.json", () => {
const json = fixturesByUrl["/c/bug/1/l/latest.json"];
if (loggedIn()) {
// Stuff to let us post
json.topic_list.can_create_topic = true;
json.topic_list.draft_key = "new_topic";
json.topic_list.draft_sequence = 1;
return response(json);
pretender.get("/tags", () => {
return [
{ "Content-Type": "application/json" },
tags: [
{ id: "eviltrout", count: 1 },
{ id: "planned", text: "planned", count: 7, pm_count: 0 },
{ id: "private", text: "private", count: 0, pm_count: 7 }
extras: {
tag_groups: [
id: 2,
name: "Ford Cars",
tags: [
{ id: "Escort", text: "Escort", count: 1, pm_count: 0 },
{ id: "focus", text: "focus", count: 3, pm_count: 0 }
id: 1,
name: "Honda Cars",
tags: [
{ id: "civic", text: "civic", count: 4, pm_count: 0 },
{ id: "accord", text: "accord", count: 2, pm_count: 0 }
id: 1,
name: "Makes",
tags: [
{ id: "ford", text: "ford", count: 5, pm_count: 0 },
{ id: "honda", text: "honda", count: 6, pm_count: 0 }
pretender.get("/tags/filter/search", () => {
return response({ results: [{ text: "monkey", count: 1 }] });
pretender.get(`/u/:username/emails.json`, request => {
if (request.params.username === "regular2") {
return response({
email: "regular2@example.com",
secondary_emails: [
return response({ email: "eviltrout@example.com" });
pretender.get("/u/eviltrout.json", () => {
const json = fixturesByUrl["/u/eviltrout.json"];
json.user.can_edit = loggedIn();
return response(json);
pretender.get("/u/eviltrout/summary.json", () => {
return response({
user_summary: {
topic_ids: [1234],
replies: [{ topic_id: 1234 }],
links: [{ topic_id: 1234, url: "https://eviltrout.com" }],
most_replied_to_users: [{ id: 333 }],
most_liked_by_users: [{ id: 333 }],
most_liked_users: [{ id: 333 }],
badges: [{ badge_id: 444 }],
top_categories: [
id: 1,
name: "bug",
color: "e9dd00",
text_color: "000000",
slug: "bug",
read_restricted: false,
parent_category_id: null,
topic_count: 1,
post_count: 1
badges: [{ id: 444, count: 1 }],
topics: [{ id: 1234, title: "cool title", url: "/t/1234/cool-title" }]
pretender.get("/u/eviltrout/invited_count.json", () => {
return response({
counts: { pending: 1, redeemed: 0, total: 0 }
pretender.get("/u/eviltrout/invited.json", () => {
return response({ invites: [{ id: 1 }] });
pretender.get("/topics/private-messages/eviltrout.json", () => {
return response(fixturesByUrl["/topics/private-messages/eviltrout.json"]);
pretender.get("/topics/feature_stats.json", () => {
return response({
pinned_in_category_count: 0,
pinned_globally_count: 0,
banner_count: 0
pretender.put("/t/34/convert-topic/public", () => {
return response({});
pretender.put("/t/280/make-banner", () => {
return response({});
pretender.put("/t/internationalization-localization/280/status", () => {
return response({
success: "OK",
topic_status_update: null
pretender.post("/clicks/track", success);
pretender.get("/search", request => {
if (request.queryParams.q === "posts") {
return response({
posts: [
id: 1234
} else if (request.queryParams.q === "evil") {
return response({
posts: [
id: 1234
tags: [
id: 6,
name: "eviltrout"
return response({});
pretender.put("/u/eviltrout.json", () => response({ user: {} }));
pretender.get("/t/280.json", () => response(fixturesByUrl["/t/280/1.json"]));
pretender.get("/t/34.json", () => response(fixturesByUrl["/t/34/1.json"]));
pretender.get("/t/280/:post_number.json", () =>
pretender.get("/t/28830.json", () =>
pretender.get("/t/9.json", () => response(fixturesByUrl["/t/9/1.json"]));
pretender.get("/t/12.json", () => response(fixturesByUrl["/t/12/1.json"]));
pretender.put("/t/1234/re-pin", success);
pretender.get("/t/id_for/:slug", () => {
return response({
id: 280,
slug: "internationalization-localization",
url: "/t/internationalization-localization/280"
pretender.delete("/t/:id", success);
pretender.put("/t/:id/recover", success);
pretender.put("/t/:id/publish", success);
pretender.get("/permalink-check.json", () => {
return response({
found: false,
html: "<div class='page-not-found'>not found</div>"
pretender.delete("/draft.json", success);
pretender.post("/draft.json", success);
pretender.get("/u/:username/staff-info.json", () => response({}));
pretender.get("/post_action_users", () => {
return response({
post_action_users: [
id: 1,
username: "eviltrout",
avatar_template: "/user_avatar/default/eviltrout/{size}/1.png",
username_lower: "eviltrout"
pretender.get("/post_replies", () => {
return response({ post_replies: [{ id: 1234, cooked: "wat" }] });
pretender.get("/post_reply_histories", () => {
return response({ post_reply_histories: [{ id: 1234, cooked: "wat" }] });
pretender.get("/category_hashtags/check", () => {
return response({ valid: [{ slug: "bug", url: "/c/bugs" }] });
pretender.get("/categories_and_latest", () =>
pretender.put("/categories/:category_id", request => {
const category = parsePostData(request.requestBody);
category.id = parseInt(request.params.category_id, 10);
if (category.email_in === "duplicate@example.com") {
return response(422, { errors: ["duplicate email"] });
return response({ category });
pretender.get("/draft.json", request => {
if (request.queryParams.draft_key === "new_topic") {
return response(fixturesByUrl["/draft.json"]);
} else if (request.queryParams.draft_key.startsWith("topic_"))
return response(
fixturesByUrl[request.url] || {
draft: null,
draft_sequence: 0
return response({});
pretender.get("/drafts.json", () => response(fixturesByUrl["/drafts.json"]));
pretender.put("/queued_posts/:queued_post_id", function(request) {
return response({ queued_post: { id: request.params.queued_post_id } });
pretender.get("/queued_posts", function() {
return response({
queued_posts: [{ id: 1, raw: "queued post text", can_delete_user: true }]
pretender.post("/session", function(request) {
const data = parsePostData(request.requestBody);
if (data.password === "correct") {
return response({ username: "eviltrout" });
if (data.password === "not-activated") {
return response({
error: "not active",
reason: "not_activated",
sent_to_email: "<small>eviltrout@example.com</small>",
current_email: "<small>current@example.com</small>"
if (data.password === "not-activated-edit") {
return response({
error: "not active",
reason: "not_activated",
sent_to_email: "eviltrout@example.com",
current_email: "current@example.com"
if (data.password === "need-second-factor") {
if (data.second_factor_token && data.second_factor_token === "123456") {
return response({ username: "eviltrout" });
return response({
failed: "FAILED",
ok: false,
error: "Invalid authentication code. Each code can only be used once.",
reason: "invalid_second_factor",
backup_enabled: true,
security_key_enabled: false,
totp_enabled: true,
multiple_second_factor_methods: false
if (data.password === "need-security-key") {
if (data.securityKeyCredential) {
return response({ username: "eviltrout" });
return response({
failed: "FAILED",
ok: false,
"The selected second factor method is not enabled for your account.",
reason: "not_enabled_second_factor_method",
backup_enabled: false,
security_key_enabled: true,
totp_enabled: false,
multiple_second_factor_methods: false,
allowed_credential_ids: ["allowed_credential_ids"],
challenge: "challenge"
return response(400, { error: "invalid login" });
pretender.post("/u/action/send_activation_email", success);
pretender.put("/u/update-activation-email", success);
pretender.get("/u/hp.json", function() {
return response({
value: "32faff1b1ef1ac3",
challenge: "61a3de0ccf086fb9604b76e884d75801"
pretender.get("/session/csrf", function() {
return response({ csrf: "mgk906YLagHo2gOgM1ddYjAN4hQolBdJCqlY6jYzAYs=" });
pretender.get("/groups/check-name", () => {
return response({ available: true });
pretender.get("/u/check_username", function(request) {
if (request.queryParams.username === "taken") {
return response({ available: false, suggestion: "nottaken" });
return response({ available: true });
pretender.post("/u", () => response({ success: true }));
pretender.get("/login.html", () => [200, {}, "LOGIN PAGE"]);
pretender.delete("/posts/:post_id", success);
pretender.put("/posts/:post_id/recover", success);
pretender.get("/posts/:post_id/expand-embed", success);
pretender.put("/posts/:post_id", request => {
const data = parsePostData(request.requestBody);
if (data.post.raw === "this will 409") {
return [
{ "Content-Type": "application/json" },
{ errors: ["edit conflict"] }
data.post.id = request.params.post_id;
data.post.version = 2;
return response(200, data.post);
pretender.get("/t/403.json", () => response(403, {}));
pretender.get("/t/404.json", () => response(404, "not found"));
pretender.get("/t/500.json", () => response(502, {}));
pretender.put("/t/:slug/:id", request => {
const isJSON = request.requestHeaders["Content-Type"].includes(
const data = isJSON
? JSON.parse(request.requestBody)
: parsePostData(request.requestBody);
return response(200, {
basic_topic: {
id: request.params.id,
title: data.title,
fancy_title: data.title,
slug: request.params.slug
pretender.get("groups", () => {
return response(200, fixturesByUrl["/groups.json"]);
pretender.get("/groups.json", () => {
return response(200, fixturesByUrl["/groups.json?username=eviltrout"]);
pretender.get("groups/search.json", () => {
return response(200, []);
pretender.get("/topics/groups/discourse.json", () => {
return response(200, fixturesByUrl["/topics/groups/discourse.json"]);
pretender.get("/groups/discourse/mentions.json", () => {
return response(200, fixturesByUrl["/groups/discourse/posts.json"]);
pretender.get("/groups/discourse/messages.json", () => {
return response(200, fixturesByUrl["/groups/discourse/posts.json"]);
pretender.get("/groups/moderators/members.json", () => {
return response(200, fixturesByUrl["/groups/discourse/members.json"]);
pretender.get("/t/:topic_id/posts.json", request => {
const postIds = request.queryParams.post_ids;
const postNumber = parseInt(request.queryParams.post_number, 10);
let posts;
if (postIds) {
posts = postIds.map(p => ({
id: parseInt(p, 10),
post_number: parseInt(p, 10)
} else if (postNumber && request.queryParams.asc === "true") {
posts = _.range(postNumber + 1, postNumber + 6).map(p => ({
id: parseInt(p, 10),
post_number: parseInt(p, 10)
} else if (postNumber && request.queryParams.asc === "false") {
posts = _.range(postNumber - 5, postNumber)
.map(p => ({
id: parseInt(p, 10),
post_number: parseInt(p, 10)
return response(200, { post_stream: { posts } });
pretender.get("/posts/:post_id/reply-history.json", () => {
return response(200, [{ id: 2222, post_number: 2222 }]);
pretender.get("/posts/:post_id/reply-ids.json", () => {
return response(200, {
direct_reply_ids: [45],
all_reply_ids: [45, 100]
pretender.post("/user_badges", () =>
response(200, fixturesByUrl["/user_badges"])
pretender.delete("/user_badges/:badge_id", success);
pretender.post("/posts", function(request) {
const data = parsePostData(request.requestBody);
if (data.title === "this title triggers an error") {
return response(422, { errors: ["That title has already been taken"] });
if (data.raw === "enqueue this content please") {
return response(200, {
success: true,
action: "enqueued",
pending_post: {
id: 1234,
raw: data.raw
if (data.raw === "custom message") {
return response(200, {
success: true,
action: "custom",
message: "This is a custom response",
route_to: "/faq"
return response(200, {
success: true,
action: "create_post",
post: {
id: 12345,
topic_id: 280,
topic_slug: "internationalization-localization"
pretender.post("/topics/timings", () => response(200, {}));
const siteText = { id: "site.test", value: "Test McTest" };
const overridden = {
id: "site.overridden",
value: "Overridden",
overridden: true
pretender.get("/admin/users/list/active.json", request => {
let store = [
id: 1,
username: "eviltrout",
email: "<small>eviltrout@example.com</small>"
id: 3,
username: "discobot",
email: "<small>discobot_email</small>"
const showEmails = request.queryParams.show_emails;
if (showEmails === "false") {
store = store.map(item => {
delete item.email;
return item;
const ascending = request.queryParams.ascending;
const order = request.queryParams.order;
if (order) {
store = store.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[order] - b[order];
if (ascending) {
store = store.reverse();
return response(200, store);
pretender.get("/admin/users/list/new.json", () => {
return response(200, [
id: 2,
username: "sam",
email: "<small>sam@example.com</small>"
pretender.get("/admin/customize/site_texts", request => {
if (request.queryParams.overridden) {
return response(200, { site_texts: [overridden] });
} else {
return response(200, { site_texts: [siteText, overridden] });
pretender.get("/admin/customize/site_texts/:key", () =>
response(200, { site_text: siteText })
pretender.delete("/admin/customize/site_texts/:key", () =>
response(200, { site_text: siteText })
pretender.put("/admin/customize/site_texts/:key", request => {
const result = parsePostData(request.requestBody);
result.id = request.params.key;
result.can_revert = true;
return response(200, { site_text: result });
pretender.get("/tag_groups", () => response(200, { tag_groups: [] }));
pretender.get("/admin/users/1.json", () => {
return response(200, {
id: 1,
username: "eviltrout",
email: "eviltrout@example.com",
admin: true
pretender.get("/admin/users/2.json", () => {
return response(200, {
id: 2,
username: "sam",
admin: true
pretender.get("/admin/users/3.json", () => {
return response(200, {
id: 3,
username: "markvanlan",
email: "markvanlan@example.com",
secondary_emails: ["markvanlan1@example.com", "markvanlan2@example.com"]
pretender.get("/admin/users/1234.json", () => {
return response(200, {
id: 1234,
username: "regular"
pretender.get("/admin/users/1235.json", () => {
return response(200, {
id: 1235,
username: "regular2"
pretender.delete("/admin/users/:user_id.json", () =>
response(200, { deleted: true })
pretender.post("/admin/badges", success);
pretender.delete("/admin/badges/:id", success);
pretender.get("/admin/logs/staff_action_logs.json", () => {
return response(200, {
staff_action_logs: [],
extras: { user_history_actions: [] }
pretender.get("/admin/logs/watched_words", () => {
return response(200, fixturesByUrl["/admin/logs/watched_words.json"]);
pretender.delete("/admin/logs/watched_words/:id.json", success);
pretender.post("/admin/logs/watched_words.json", request => {
const result = parsePostData(request.requestBody);
result.id = new Date().getTime();
return response(200, result);
pretender.get("/admin/logs/search_logs.json", () => {
return response(200, [
{ term: "foobar", searches: 35, click_through: 6, unique: 16 }
pretender.get("/admin/logs/search_logs/term.json", () => {
return response(200, {
term: {
type: "search_log_term",
title: "Search Count",
term: "ruby",
data: [{ x: "2017-07-20", y: 2 }]
pretender.post("/uploads/lookup-metadata", () => {
return response(200, {
imageFilename: "somefile.png",
imageFilesize: "10 KB",
imageWidth: "1",
imageHeight: "1"
pretender.get("/inline-onebox", request => {
if (
) {
return [
{ "Content-Type": "application/html" },
'{"inline-oneboxes":[{"url":"http://www.example.com/has-title.html","title":"This is a great title"}]}'
pretender.get("/onebox", request => {
if (
request.queryParams.url === "http://www.example.com/has-title.html" ||
request.queryParams.url ===
) {
return [
{ "Content-Type": "application/html" },
'<aside class="onebox"><article class="onebox-body"><h3><a href="http://www.example.com/article.html">An interesting article</a></h3></article></aside>'
if (request.queryParams.url === "http://www.example.com/no-title.html") {
return [
{ "Content-Type": "application/html" },
'<aside class="onebox"><article class="onebox-body"><p>No title</p></article></aside>'
if (request.queryParams.url.indexOf("/internal-page.html") > -1) {
return [
{ "Content-Type": "application/html" },
'<aside class="onebox"><article class="onebox-body"><h3><a href="/internal-page.html">Internal Page 4 U</a></h3></article></aside>'
if (request.queryParams.url === "http://somegoodurl.com/") {
return [
{ "Content-Type": "application/html" },
<aside class="onebox whitelistedgeneric">
<header class="source">
<a href="http://test.com/somepage" target="_blank">test.com</a>
<article class="onebox-body">
<div class="aspect-image" style="--aspect-ratio:690/362;"><img src="https://test.com/image.png" class="thumbnail"></div>
<h3><a href="http://test.com/somepage" target="_blank">Test Page</a></h3>
<p>Yet another collaboration tool</p>
<div class="onebox-metadata"></div>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
return [404, { "Content-Type": "application/html" }, ""];