Joffrey JAFFEUX cbb9396353
REFACTOR: <ChatMessage> component ()
- Moves `<ChatMessageInfo />` to `<Chat::Message::Info />`
- Moves `<ChatMessageAvatar />` to `<Chat::Message::Avatar />`
- Moves `<ChatMessageLeftGutter />` to `<Chat::Message::LeftGutter />`, adds tests
- Creates `<Chat::Message::Error />`
- Creates `<Chat::Message::MentionWarning />`, adds tests and a styleguide
- Creates a model for ChatMessageMentionWarning, adds fabricator for it
- Keeps the enter/leave viewport logic inside the `<ChatMessage />` component instead of bubbling it to the channel and thread components
- Adds a scale animation when clicking a reaction
- Creates `chat/later-fn` modifier which accepts a function and a delay. It allows to call a function Xms after a component has been inserted, it's useful for animations.
- Moves css code out of chat-message into relevant files
- Deletes unused code

<!-- NOTE: All pull requests should have tests (rspec in Ruby, qunit in JavaScript). If your code does not include test coverage, please include an explanation of why it was omitted. -->
2023-06-19 09:50:54 +02:00

32 lines
1.2 KiB

import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test";
import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile";
import { exists, query } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers";
import { module, test } from "qunit";
import { render } from "@ember/test-helpers";
import ChatMessage from "discourse/plugins/chat/discourse/models/chat-message";
import fabricators from "discourse/plugins/chat/discourse/lib/fabricators";
module("Discourse Chat | Component | chat-message-avatar", function (hooks) {
test("chat_webhook_event", async function (assert) {
this.message = ChatMessage.create(, {
chat_webhook_event: { emoji: ":heart:" },
await render(hbs`<Chat::Message::Avatar @message={{this.message}} />`);
assert.strictEqual(query(".chat-emoji-avatar .emoji").title, "heart");
test("user", async function (assert) {
this.message = ChatMessage.create(, {
user: { username: "discobot" },
await render(hbs`<Chat::Message::Avatar @message={{this.message}} />`);
assert.true(exists('.chat-user-avatar [data-user-card="discobot"]'));