Alan Guo Xiang Tan 0a56274596
FIX: Seed all categories and tags configured as defaults for nav menu ()
Context of this change:

There are two site settings which an admin can configured to set the
default categories and tags that are shown for a new user. `default_navigation_menu_categories`
is used to determine the default categories while
`default_navigation_menu_tags` is used to determine the default tags.

Prior to this change when seeding the defaults, we will filter out the
categories/tags that the user do not have permission to see. However,
this means that when the user does eventually gain permission down the
line, the default categories and tags do not appear.

What does this change do?

With this commit, we have changed it such that all the categories and tags
configured in the `default_navigation_menu_categories` and
`default_navigation_menu_tags` site settings are seeded regardless of
whether the user's visibility of the categories or tags. During
serialization, we will then filter out the categories and tags which the
user does not have visibility of.
2023-07-27 10:52:33 +08:00

151 lines
4.7 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.shared_examples "User Sidebar Serializer Attributes" do |serializer_klass|
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
let(:serializer) { serializer_klass.new(user, scope: Guardian.new(user), root: false) }
before { SiteSetting.navigation_menu = "sidebar" }
describe "#sidebar_category_ids" do
fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group) }
fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category) }
fab!(:category_2) { Fabricate(:category) }
fab!(:private_category) { Fabricate(:private_category, group: group) }
fab!(:category_sidebar_section_link) do
Fabricate(:category_sidebar_section_link, user: user, linkable: category)
fab!(:category_sidebar_section_link_2) do
Fabricate(:category_sidebar_section_link, user: user, linkable: category_2)
fab!(:category_sidebar_section_link_3) do
Fabricate(:category_sidebar_section_link, user: user, linkable: private_category)
it "is not included when navigation menu is legacy" do
SiteSetting.navigation_menu = "legacy"
json = serializer.as_json
expect(json[:sidebar_category_ids]).to eq(nil)
it 'serializes only the categories that the user can see when sidebar has been enabled"' do
SiteSetting.navigation_menu = "sidebar"
json = serializer.as_json
expect(json[:sidebar_category_ids]).to eq([category.id, category_2.id])
serializer = serializer_klass.new(user, scope: Guardian.new(user), root: false)
json = serializer.as_json
expect(json[:sidebar_category_ids]).to eq([category.id, category_2.id, private_category.id])
describe "#sidebar_tags" do
fab!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "foo", description: "foo tag") }
fab!(:pm_tag) do
Fabricate(:tag, name: "bar", pm_topic_count: 5, staff_topic_count: 0, public_topic_count: 0)
fab!(:hidden_tag) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "secret") }
fab!(:staff_tag_group) do
Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: ["secret"])
fab!(:tag_sidebar_section_link) do
Fabricate(:tag_sidebar_section_link, user: user, linkable: tag)
fab!(:tag_sidebar_section_link_2) do
Fabricate(:tag_sidebar_section_link, user: user, linkable: pm_tag)
fab!(:tag_sidebar_section_link_3) do
Fabricate(:tag_sidebar_section_link, user: user, linkable: hidden_tag)
it "is not included when navigation menu is legacy" do
SiteSetting.navigation_menu = "legacy"
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true
json = serializer.as_json
expect(json[:sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it "is not included when tagging has not been enabled" do
SiteSetting.navigation_menu = "sidebar"
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false
json = serializer.as_json
expect(json[:sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it "serializes only the tags that the user can see when sidebar and tagging has been enabled" do
SiteSetting.navigation_menu = "sidebar"
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true
json = serializer.as_json
expect(json[:sidebar_tags]).to contain_exactly(
{ name: tag.name, pm_only: false, description: tag.description },
{ name: pm_tag.name, pm_only: true, description: nil },
user.update!(admin: true)
json = serializer.as_json
expect(json[:sidebar_tags]).to contain_exactly(
{ name: tag.name, pm_only: false, description: tag.description },
{ name: pm_tag.name, pm_only: true, description: nil },
{ name: hidden_tag.name, pm_only: false, description: nil },
describe "#display_sidebar_tags" do
fab!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) }
it "should not be included in serialised object when navigation menu is legacy" do
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true
SiteSetting.navigation_menu = "legacy"
expect(serializer.as_json[:display_sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it "should not be included in serialised object when tagging has been disabled" do
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false
expect(serializer.as_json[:display_sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it "should be true when user has visible tags" do
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true
Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: [tag.name])
user.update!(admin: true)
expect(serializer.as_json[:display_sidebar_tags]).to eq(true)
it "should be false when user has no visible tags" do
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true
Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: [tag.name])
expect(serializer.as_json[:display_sidebar_tags]).to eq(false)