mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 06:12:45 +08:00
Follow up to f294f984cf
All that was needed was a little fix to our markdown engine to use the
"image src" as the "video src" when the "data video src" was not
That way we can use the regular image markdown with the "|video" option
352 lines
10 KiB
352 lines
10 KiB
import markdownit from "markdown-it";
import AllowLister from "pretty-text/allow-lister";
import guid from "pretty-text/guid";
import { sanitize } from "pretty-text/sanitizer";
import { TextPostProcessRuler } from "./features/text-post-process";
// note, this will mutate options due to the way the API is designed
// may need a refactor
export default function makeEngine(
) {
const engine = makeMarkdownIt(markdownItOptions, markdownItRules);
const quotes =
if (quotes) {
engine.options.quotes = quotes.split("|");
const tlds = options.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.markdownLinkifyTlds || "";
options.engine = engine;
for (const [feature, callback] of options.pluginCallbacks) {
if (options.discourse.features[feature]) {
if (callback === null || callback === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log(`FEATURE IS: ${feature}`);
// top level markdown it notifier
options.markdownIt = true;
options.setup = true;
if (!options.discourse.sanitizer || !options.sanitizer) {
const allowLister = new AllowLister(options.discourse);
options.allowListed.forEach(([feature, info]) => {
allowLister.allowListFeature(feature, info);
options.sanitizer = options.discourse.sanitizer = options.discourse.sanitize
? (a) => sanitize(a, allowLister)
: (a) => a;
export function cook(raw, options) {
// we still have to hoist html_raw nodes so they bypass the allowlister
// this is the case for oneboxes and also certain plugins that require
// raw HTML rendering within markdown bbcode rules
options.discourse.hoisted ??= {};
const rendered = options.engine.render(raw);
let cooked = options.discourse.sanitizer(rendered).trim();
// opts.discourse.hoisted guid keys will be deleted within here to
// keep the object empty
cooked = unhoistForCooked(options.discourse.hoisted, cooked);
return cooked;
function makeMarkdownIt(markdownItOptions, markdownItRules) {
if (markdownItRules) {
// Preset for "zero", https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it/blob/master/lib/presets/zero.js
return markdownit("zero", markdownItOptions).enable(markdownItRules);
} else {
return markdownit(markdownItOptions);
function setupUrlDecoding(engine) {
// this fixed a subtle issue where %20 is decoded as space in
// automatic urls
engine.utils.lib.mdurl.decode.defaultChars = ";/?:@&=+$,# ";
// hoists html_raw tokens out of the render flow and replaces them
// with a GUID. this GUID is then replaced with the final raw HTML
// content in unhoistForCooked
function renderHoisted(tokens, idx, options) {
const content = tokens[idx].content;
if (content && content.length > 0) {
let id = guid();
options.discourse.hoisted[id] = content;
return id;
} else {
return "";
function unhoistForCooked(hoisted, cooked) {
const keys = Object.keys(hoisted);
if (keys.length) {
let found = true;
const unhoist = function (key) {
cooked = cooked.replace(new RegExp(key, "g"), function () {
found = true;
return hoisted[key];
delete hoisted[key];
while (found) {
found = false;
return cooked;
// html_raw tokens, funnily enough, render raw HTML via renderHoisted and
// unhoistForCooked
function setupHoister(engine) {
engine.renderer.rules.html_raw = renderHoisted;
// exported for test only
export function extractDataAttribute(str) {
let sep = str.indexOf("=");
if (sep === -1) {
return null;
const key = `data-${str.slice(0, sep)}`.toLowerCase();
if (!/^[A-Za-z]+[\w\-\:\.]*$/.test(key)) {
return null;
const value = str.slice(sep + 1);
return [key, value];
// videoHTML and audioHTML follow the same HTML syntax
// as oneboxer.rb when dealing with these formats
function videoHTML(token) {
const src = token.attrGet("src");
const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src");
const dataOrigSrcAttr = origSrc !== null ? `data-orig-src="${origSrc}"` : "";
return `<div class="video-placeholder-container" data-video-src="${src}" ${dataOrigSrcAttr}>
function audioHTML(token) {
const src = token.attrGet("src");
const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src");
const dataOrigSrcAttr = origSrc !== null ? `data-orig-src="${origSrc}"` : "";
return `<audio preload="metadata" controls>
<source src="${src}" ${dataOrigSrcAttr}>
<a href="${src}">${src}</a>
function renderImageOrPlayableMedia(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
const token = tokens[idx];
const alt = slf.renderInlineAsText(token.children, options, env);
const split = alt.split("|");
const altSplit = [split[0]];
// markdown-it supports returning HTML instead of continuing to render the current token
// see https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it/blob/master/docs/architecture.md#renderer
// handles |video and |audio alt transformations for image tags
if (split[1] === "video") {
if (
options.discourse.previewing &&
) {
const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src") || token.attrGet("src");
const origSrcId = origSrc
.substring(origSrc.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
return `<div class="onebox-placeholder-container" data-orig-src-id="${origSrcId}">
<span class="placeholder-icon video"></span>
} else {
return videoHTML(token);
} else if (split[1] === "audio") {
return audioHTML(token);
// parsing ![myimage|500x300]() or ![myimage|75%]() or ![myimage|500x300, 75%]
for (let i = 1, match, data; i < split.length; ++i) {
if ((match = split[i].match(IMG_SIZE_REGEX)) && match[1] && match[2]) {
let width = match[1];
let height = match[2];
// calculate using percentage
if (match[5] && match[6] && match[6] === "%") {
let percent = parseFloat(match[5]) / 100.0;
width = parseInt(width * percent, 10);
height = parseInt(height * percent, 10);
// calculate using only given width
if (match[5] && match[6] && match[6] === "x") {
let wr = parseFloat(match[5]) / width;
width = parseInt(match[5], 10);
height = parseInt(height * wr, 10);
// calculate using only given height
if (match[5] && match[4] && match[4] === "x" && !match[6]) {
let hr = parseFloat(match[5]) / height;
height = parseInt(match[5], 10);
width = parseInt(width * hr, 10);
if (token.attrIndex("width") === -1) {
token.attrs.push(["width", width]);
if (token.attrIndex("height") === -1) {
token.attrs.push(["height", height]);
if (
options.discourse.previewing &&
match[6] !== "x" &&
match[4] !== "x"
) {
token.attrs.push(["class", "resizable"]);
} else if ((data = extractDataAttribute(split[i]))) {
} else if (split[i] === "thumbnail") {
token.attrs.push(["data-thumbnail", "true"]);
} else {
const altValue = altSplit.join("|").trim();
if (altValue === "") {
token.attrSet("role", "presentation");
} else {
token.attrSet("alt", altValue);
return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options);
// we have taken over the ![]() syntax in markdown to
// be able to render a video or audio URL as well as the
// image using |video and |audio in the text inside []
function setupImageAndPlayableMediaRenderer(engine) {
engine.renderer.rules.image = renderImageOrPlayableMedia;
// discourse-encrypt wants this?
export const ATTACHMENT_CSS_CLASS = "attachment";
function renderAttachment(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
const linkToken = tokens[idx];
const textToken = tokens[idx + 1];
const split = textToken.content.split("|");
const contentSplit = [];
for (let i = 0, data; i < split.length; ++i) {
if (split[i] === ATTACHMENT_CSS_CLASS) {
linkToken.attrs.unshift(["class", split[i]]);
} else if ((data = extractDataAttribute(split[i]))) {
} else {
if (contentSplit.length > 0) {
textToken.content = contentSplit.join("|");
return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options);
function setupAttachments(engine) {
engine.renderer.rules.link_open = renderAttachment;
// TODO we may just use a proper ruler from markdown it... this is a basic proxy
class Ruler {
constructor() {
this.rules = [];
getRules() {
return this.rules;
getRuleForTag(tag) {
if (this.cache.hasOwnProperty(tag)) {
return this.cache[tag];
ensureCache() {
if (this.cache) {
this.cache = {};
for (let i = this.rules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let info = this.rules[i];
this.cache[info.rule.tag] = info;
push(name, rule) {
this.rules.push({ name, rule });
this.cache = null;
// block bb code ruler for parsing of quotes / code / polls
function setupBlockBBCode(engine) {
engine.block.bbcode = { ruler: new Ruler() };
// inline bbcode ruler for parsing of spoiler tags, discourse-chart etc
function setupInlineBBCode(engine) {
engine.inline.bbcode = { ruler: new Ruler() };
// rule for text replacement via regex, used for @mentions, category hashtags, etc.
function setupTextPostProcessRuler(engine) {
engine.core.textPostProcess = { ruler: new TextPostProcessRuler() };