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synced 2025-03-26 20:57:23 +08:00
823 lines
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823 lines
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import DiscourseURL from 'discourse/lib/url';
import Quote from 'discourse/lib/quote';
import Draft from 'discourse/models/draft';
import Composer from 'discourse/models/composer';
import { default as computed, observes, on } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators';
import InputValidation from 'discourse/models/input-validation';
import { getOwner } from 'discourse-common/lib/get-owner';
import { escapeExpression, authorizesOneOrMoreExtensions } from 'discourse/lib/utilities';
import { emojiUnescape } from 'discourse/lib/text';
import { shortDate } from 'discourse/lib/formatter';
function loadDraft(store, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
let draft = opts.draft;
const draftKey = opts.draftKey;
const draftSequence = opts.draftSequence;
try {
if (draft && typeof draft === 'string') {
draft = JSON.parse(draft);
} catch (error) {
draft = null;
Draft.clear(draftKey, draftSequence);
if (draft && ((draft.title && draft.title !== '') || (draft.reply && draft.reply !== ''))) {
const composer = store.createRecord('composer');
action: draft.action,
title: draft.title,
categoryId: draft.categoryId || opts.categoryId,
postId: draft.postId,
archetypeId: draft.archetypeId,
reply: draft.reply,
metaData: draft.metaData,
usernames: draft.usernames,
draft: true,
composerState: Composer.DRAFT,
composerTime: draft.composerTime,
typingTime: draft.typingTime,
whisper: draft.whisper
return composer;
const _popupMenuOptionsCallbacks = [];
export function clearPopupMenuOptionsCallback() {
_popupMenuOptionsCallbacks.length = 0;
export function addPopupMenuOptionsCallback(callback) {
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
topicController: Ember.inject.controller('topic'),
application: Ember.inject.controller(),
replyAsNewTopicDraft: Em.computed.equal('model.draftKey', Composer.REPLY_AS_NEW_TOPIC_KEY),
replyAsNewPrivateMessageDraft: Em.computed.equal('model.draftKey', Composer.REPLY_AS_NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_KEY),
checkedMessages: false,
messageCount: null,
showEditReason: false,
editReason: null,
scopedCategoryId: null,
lastValidatedAt: null,
isUploading: false,
allowUpload: false,
topic: null,
linkLookup: null,
showPreview: true,
forcePreview: Ember.computed.and('site.mobileView', 'showPreview'),
whisperOrUnlistTopic: Ember.computed.or('model.whisper', 'model.unlistTopic'),
categories: Ember.computed.alias('site.categoriesList'),
_setupPreview() {
const val = (this.site.mobileView ? false : (this.keyValueStore.get('composer.showPreview') || 'true'));
this.set('showPreview', val === 'true');
toggleText: function(showPreview) {
return showPreview ? I18n.t('composer.hide_preview') : I18n.t('composer.show_preview');
showPreviewChanged() {
if (!this.site.mobileView) {
this.keyValueStore.set({ key: 'composer.showPreview', value: this.get('showPreview') });
@computed('model.replyingToTopic', 'model.creatingPrivateMessage', 'model.targetUsernames')
focusTarget(replyingToTopic, creatingPM, usernames) {
if (this.capabilities.isIOS) { return "none"; }
// Focus on usernames if it's blank or if it's just you
usernames = usernames || "";
if (creatingPM && usernames.length === 0 || usernames === this.currentUser.get('username')) {
return 'usernames';
if (replyingToTopic) {
return 'reply';
return 'title';
showToolbar: Em.computed({
get() {
const keyValueStore = getOwner(this).lookup('key-value-store:main');
const storedVal = keyValueStore.get("toolbar-enabled");
if (this._toolbarEnabled === undefined && storedVal === undefined) {
// iPhone 6 is 375, anything narrower and toolbar should
// be default disabled.
// That said we should remember the state
this._toolbarEnabled = $(window).width() > 370 && !this.capabilities.isAndroid;
return this._toolbarEnabled || storedVal === "true";
set(key, val){
const keyValueStore = getOwner(this).lookup('key-value-store:main');
this._toolbarEnabled = val;
keyValueStore.set({key: "toolbar-enabled", value: val ? "true" : "false"});
return val;
topicModel: Ember.computed.alias('topicController.model'),
@computed('model.canEditTitle', 'model.creatingPrivateMessage')
canEditTags(canEditTitle, creatingPrivateMessage) {
return !this.site.mobileView &&
this.site.get('can_tag_topics') &&
canEditTitle &&
!creatingPrivateMessage &&
(!this.get('model.topic.isPrivateMessage') || this.site.get('can_tag_pms'));
@computed('model.whisper', 'model.unlistTopic')
whisperOrUnlistTopicText(whisper, unlistTopic) {
if (whisper) {
return I18n.t("composer.whisper");
} else if (unlistTopic) {
return I18n.t("composer.unlist");
isStaffUser() {
const currentUser = this.currentUser;
return currentUser && currentUser.get('staff');
canUnlistTopic: Em.computed.and('model.creatingTopic', 'isStaffUser'),
@computed('model.action', 'isStaffUser')
canWhisper(action, isStaffUser) {
return isStaffUser && this.siteSettings.enable_whispers && action === Composer.REPLY;
_setupPopupMenuOption(callback) {
let option = callback();
if (option.condition) {
option.condition = this.get(option.condition);
} else {
option.condition = true;
return option;
@computed("model.composeState", "model.creatingTopic")
popupMenuOptions(composeState) {
if (composeState === 'open') {
let options = [];
options.push(this._setupPopupMenuOption(() => {
return {
action: 'toggleInvisible',
icon: 'eye-slash',
label: 'composer.toggle_unlisted',
condition: "canUnlistTopic"
options.push(this._setupPopupMenuOption(() => {
return {
action: 'toggleWhisper',
icon: 'eye-slash',
label: 'composer.toggle_whisper',
condition: "canWhisper"
return options.concat(_popupMenuOptionsCallbacks.map(callback => {
return this._setupPopupMenuOption(callback);
showWarning: function() {
if (!Discourse.User.currentProp('staff')) { return false; }
var usernames = this.get('model.targetUsernames');
var hasTargetGroups = this.get('model.hasTargetGroups');
// We need exactly one user to issue a warning
if (Ember.isEmpty(usernames) || usernames.split(',').length !== 1 || hasTargetGroups) {
return false;
return this.get('model.creatingPrivateMessage');
}.property('model.creatingPrivateMessage', 'model.targetUsernames'),
draftTitle(topic) {
return emojiUnescape(escapeExpression(topic.get('title')));
allowUpload() {
return authorizesOneOrMoreExtensions();
actions: {
cancelUpload() {
this.set('model.uploadCancelled', true);
onPopupMenuAction(action) {
storeToolbarState(toolbarEvent) {
this.set('toolbarEvent', toolbarEvent);
togglePreview() {
typed() {
cancelled() {
addLinkLookup(linkLookup) {
this.set('linkLookup', linkLookup);
afterRefresh($preview) {
const topic = this.get('model.topic');
const linkLookup = this.get('linkLookup');
if (!topic || !linkLookup) { return; }
// Don't check if there's only one post
if (topic.get('posts_count') === 1) { return; }
const post = this.get('model.post');
const $links = $('a[href]', $preview);
$links.each((idx, l) => {
const href = $(l).prop('href');
if (href && href.length) {
const [warn, info] = linkLookup.check(post, href);
if (warn) {
const body = I18n.t('composer.duplicate_link', {
domain: info.domain,
username: info.username,
post_url: topic.urlForPostNumber(info.post_number),
ago: shortDate(info.posted_at)
this.appEvents.trigger('composer-messages:create', {
extraClass: 'custom-body',
templateName: 'custom-body',
return false;
return true;
toggleWhisper() {
toggleInvisible() {
toggleToolbar() {
// Toggle the reply view
toggle() {
if (Ember.isEmpty(this.get('model.reply')) && Ember.isEmpty(this.get('model.title'))) {
} else {
if (this.get('model.composeState') === Composer.OPEN) {
} else {
return false;
// Import a quote from the post
importQuote(toolbarEvent) {
const postStream = this.get('topic.postStream');
let postId = this.get('model.post.id');
// If there is no current post, use the first post id from the stream
if (!postId && postStream) {
postId = postStream.get('stream.firstObject');
// If we're editing a post, fetch the reply when importing a quote
if (this.get('model.editingPost')) {
const replyToPostNumber = this.get('model.post.reply_to_post_number');
if (replyToPostNumber) {
const replyPost = postStream.get('posts').findBy('post_number', replyToPostNumber);
if (replyPost) {
postId = replyPost.get('id');
if (postId) {
this.set('model.loading', true);
const composer = this;
return this.store.find('post', postId).then(function(post) {
const quote = Quote.build(post, post.get("raw"), {raw: true, full: true});
composer.set('model.loading', false);
cancel() {
save() {
displayEditReason() {
this.set("showEditReason", true);
hitEsc() {
if (Ember.$(".emoji-picker-modal.fadeIn").length === 1) {
if ((this.get('messageCount') || 0) > 0) {
if (this.get('model.viewOpen')) {
openIfDraft() {
if (this.get('model.viewDraft')) {
this.set('model.composeState', Composer.OPEN);
groupsMentioned(groups) {
if (!this.get('model.creatingPrivateMessage') && !this.get('model.topic.isPrivateMessage')) {
groups.forEach(group => {
let body;
if (group.max_mentions < group.user_count) {
body = I18n.t('composer.group_mentioned_limit', {
group: "@" + group.name,
max: group.max_mentions,
group_link: Discourse.getURL(`/groups/${group.name}/members`)
} else {
body = I18n.t('composer.group_mentioned', {
group: "@" + group.name,
count: group.user_count,
group_link: Discourse.getURL(`/groups/${group.name}/members`)
this.appEvents.trigger('composer-messages:create', {
extraClass: 'custom-body',
templateName: 'custom-body',
cannotSeeMention(mentions) {
mentions.forEach(mention => {
const translation = (this.get('model.topic.isPrivateMessage')) ?
'composer.cannot_see_mention.private' :
const body = I18n.t(translation, {
username: "@" + mention.name
this.appEvents.trigger('composer-messages:create', {
extraClass: 'custom-body',
templateName: 'custom-body',
disableSubmit: Ember.computed.or("model.loading", "isUploading"),
save(force) {
if (this.get("disableSubmit")) return;
// Clear the warning state if we're not showing the checkbox anymore
if (!this.get('showWarning')) {
this.set('model.isWarning', false);
const composer = this.get('model');
if (composer.get('cantSubmitPost')) {
this.set('lastValidatedAt', Date.now());
composer.set('disableDrafts', true);
// for now handle a very narrow use case
// if we are replying to a topic AND not on the topic pop the window up
if (!force && composer.get('replyingToTopic')) {
const currentTopic = this.get('topicModel');
if (!currentTopic || currentTopic.get('id') !== composer.get('topic.id'))
const message = I18n.t("composer.posting_not_on_topic");
let buttons = [{
"label": I18n.t("composer.cancel"),
"class": "d-modal-cancel",
"link": true
if (currentTopic) {
"label": I18n.t("composer.reply_here") + "<br/><div class='topic-title overflow-ellipsis'>" + currentTopic.get('fancyTitle') + "</div>",
"class": "btn btn-reply-here",
callback: () => {
composer.set('topic', currentTopic);
composer.set('post', null);
"label": I18n.t("composer.reply_original") + "<br/><div class='topic-title overflow-ellipsis'>" + this.get('model.topic.fancyTitle') + "</div>",
"class": "btn-primary btn-reply-on-original",
callback: () => this.save(true)
bootbox.dialog(message, buttons, { "classes": "reply-where-modal" });
var staged = false;
// TODO: This should not happen in model
const imageSizes = {};
$('#reply-control .d-editor-preview img').each((i, e) => {
const $img = $(e);
const src = $img.prop('src');
if (src && src.length) {
imageSizes[src] = { width: $img.width(), height: $img.height() };
const promise = composer.save({ imageSizes, editReason: this.get("editReason")}).then(result=> {
if (result.responseJson.action === "enqueued") {
this.send('postWasEnqueued', result.responseJson);
return result;
// If user "created a new topic/post" or "replied as a new topic" successfully, remove the draft.
if (result.responseJson.action === "create_post" || this.get('replyAsNewTopicDraft') || this.get('replyAsNewPrivateMessageDraft')) {
if (this.get('model.editingPost')) {
this.appEvents.trigger('post-stream:refresh', { id: parseInt(result.responseJson.id) });
if (result.responseJson.post.post_number === 1) {
this.appEvents.trigger('header:update-topic', composer.get('topic'));
} else {
if (result.responseJson.action === "create_post") {
this.appEvents.trigger('post:highlight', result.payload.post_number);
const currentUser = Discourse.User.current();
if (composer.get('creatingTopic')) {
currentUser.set('topic_count', currentUser.get('topic_count') + 1);
} else {
currentUser.set('reply_count', currentUser.get('reply_count') + 1);
const disableJumpReply = Discourse.User.currentProp('disable_jump_reply');
if (!composer.get('replyingToTopic') || !disableJumpReply) {
const post = result.target;
if (post && !staged) {
}).catch(error => {
composer.set('disableDrafts', false);
this.appEvents.one('composer:will-open', () => bootbox.alert(error));
if (this.get('application.currentRouteName').split('.')[0] === 'topic' &&
composer.get('topic.id') === this.get('topicModel.id')) {
staged = composer.get('stagedPost');
this.appEvents.trigger('post-stream:posted', staged);
promise.finally(() => this.messageBus.resume());
return promise;
// Notify the composer messages controller that a reply has been typed. Some
// messages only appear after typing.
checkReplyLength() {
if (!Ember.isEmpty('model.reply')) {
Open the composer view
@method open
@param {Object} opts Options for creating a post
@param {String} opts.action The action we're performing: edit, reply or createTopic
@param {Discourse.Post} [opts.post] The post we're replying to
@param {Discourse.Topic} [opts.topic] The topic we're replying to
@param {String} [opts.quote] If we're opening a reply from a quote, the quote we're making
open(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if (!opts.draftKey) {
alert("composer was opened without a draft key");
throw "composer opened without a proper draft key";
const self = this;
let composerModel = this.get('model');
if (opts.ignoreIfChanged && composerModel && composerModel.composeState !== Composer.CLOSED) {
this.setProperties({ showEditReason: false, editReason: null, scopedCategoryId: null });
// If we show the subcategory list, scope the categories drop down to
// the category we opened the composer with.
if (opts.categoryId && opts.draftKey !== 'reply_as_new_topic') {
const category = this.site.categories.findBy('id', opts.categoryId);
if (category && (category.get('show_subcategory_list') || category.get('parentCategory.show_subcategory_list'))) {
this.set('scopedCategoryId', opts.categoryId);
// If we want a different draft than the current composer, close it and clear our model.
if (composerModel &&
opts.draftKey !== composerModel.draftKey &&
composerModel.composeState === Composer.DRAFT) {
composerModel = null;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (composerModel && composerModel.get('replyDirty')) {
// If we're already open, we don't have to do anything
if (composerModel.get('composeState') === Composer.OPEN &&
composerModel.get('draftKey') === opts.draftKey && !opts.action) {
return resolve();
// If it's the same draft, just open it up again.
if (composerModel.get('composeState') === Composer.DRAFT &&
composerModel.get('draftKey') === opts.draftKey) {
composerModel.set('composeState', Composer.OPEN);
if (!opts.action) return resolve();
// If it's a different draft, cancel it and try opening again.
return self.cancelComposer().then(function() {
return self.open(opts);
}).then(resolve, reject);
// we need a draft sequence for the composer to work
if (opts.draftSequence === undefined) {
return Draft.get(opts.draftKey).then(function(data) {
opts.draftSequence = data.draft_sequence;
opts.draft = data.draft;
self._setModel(composerModel, opts);
}).then(resolve, reject);
if (composerModel) {
if (composerModel.get('action') !== opts.action) {
composerModel.setProperties({ unlistTopic: false, whisper: false });
self._setModel(composerModel, opts);
// Given a potential instance and options, set the model for this composer.
_setModel(composerModel, opts) {
this.set('linkLookup', null);
if (opts.draft) {
composerModel = loadDraft(this.store, opts);
if (composerModel) {
composerModel.set('topic', opts.topic);
} else {
composerModel = composerModel || this.store.createRecord('composer');
this.set('model', composerModel);
composerModel.set('composeState', Composer.OPEN);
composerModel.set('isWarning', false);
if (opts.usernames) {
this.set('model.targetUsernames', opts.usernames);
if (opts.topicTitle && opts.topicTitle.length <= this.siteSettings.max_topic_title_length) {
this.set('model.title', escapeExpression(opts.topicTitle));
if (opts.topicCategoryId) {
this.set('model.categoryId', opts.topicCategoryId);
} else if (opts.topicCategory) {
const splitCategory = opts.topicCategory.split("/");
let category;
if (!splitCategory[1]) {
category = this.site.get('categories').findBy('nameLower', splitCategory[0].toLowerCase());
} else {
const categories = this.site.get('categories');
const mainCategory = categories.findBy('nameLower', splitCategory[0].toLowerCase());
category = categories.find(function(item) {
return item && item.get('nameLower') === splitCategory[1].toLowerCase() && item.get('parent_category_id') === mainCategory.id;
if (category) {
this.set('model.categoryId', category.get('id'));
if (opts.topicTags && !this.site.mobileView && this.site.get('can_tag_topics')) {
const self = this;
let tags = escapeExpression(opts.topicTags).split(",").slice(0, self.siteSettings.max_tags_per_topic);
tags.forEach(function(tag, index, array) {
array[index] = tag.substring(0, self.siteSettings.max_tag_length);
self.set('model.tags', tags);
if (opts.topicBody) {
this.set('model.reply', opts.topicBody);
// View a new reply we've made
viewNewReply() {
return false;
destroyDraft() {
const key = this.get('model.draftKey');
if (key) {
Draft.clear(key, this.get('model.draftSequence'));
cancelComposer() {
const self = this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve) {
if (self.get('model.hasMetaData') || self.get('model.replyDirty')) {
bootbox.dialog(I18n.t("post.abandon.confirm"), [
{ label: I18n.t("post.abandon.no_value") },
label: I18n.t("post.abandon.yes_value"),
'class': 'btn-danger',
callback(result) {
if (result) {
} else {
// it is possible there is some sort of crazy draft with no body ... just give up on it
shrink() {
if (this.get('model.replyDirty') || (this.get('model.canEditTitle') && this.get('model.titleDirty'))) {
} else {
_saveDraft() {
const model = this.get('model');
if (model) { model.saveDraft(); };
@observes('model.reply', 'model.title')
_shouldSaveDraft() {
Ember.run.debounce(this, this._saveDraft, 2000);
@computed('model.categoryId', 'lastValidatedAt')
categoryValidation(categoryId, lastValidatedAt) {
if(!this.siteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics && !categoryId) {
return InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: I18n.t('composer.error.category_missing'), lastShownAt: lastValidatedAt });
@computed('model.category', 'model.tags', 'lastValidatedAt')
tagValidation(category, tags, lastValidatedAt) {
const tagsArray = tags || [];
if (this.site.get('can_tag_topics') && category && category.get('minimum_required_tags') > tagsArray.length) {
return InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: I18n.t('composer.error.tags_missing', {count: category.get('minimum_required_tags')}), lastShownAt: lastValidatedAt });
collapse() {
this.set('model.composeState', Composer.DRAFT);
close() {
this.setProperties({ model: null, lastValidatedAt: null });
closeAutocomplete() {
$('.d-editor-input').autocomplete({ cancel: true });
canEdit: function() {
return this.get("model.action") === "edit" && Discourse.User.current().get("can_edit");
visible: function() {
var state = this.get('model.composeState');
return state && state !== 'closed';