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synced 2025-03-23 04:25:40 +08:00

This change both speeds up specs (less strings to allocate) and helps catch cases where methods in Discourse are mutating inputs. Overall we will be migrating everything to use #frozen_string_literal: true it will take a while, but this is the first and safest move in this direction
200 lines
9.3 KiB
200 lines
9.3 KiB
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rails_helper'
require 'plain_text_to_markdown'
describe PlainTextToMarkdown do
def to_markdown(text, opts = {})
PlainTextToMarkdown.new(text, opts).to_markdown
let(:nbsp) { " " }
context "quotes" do
it "uses the correct quote level" do
expect(to_markdown("> foo")).to eq("> foo")
expect(to_markdown(">>> foo")).to eq(">>> foo")
expect(to_markdown(">>>>>>> foo")).to eq(">>>>>>> foo")
it "ignores the first whitespace after the quote identifier" do
expect(to_markdown(">foo")).to eq("> foo")
expect(to_markdown("> foo")).to eq("> foo")
expect(to_markdown(">\tfoo")).to eq("> foo")
expect(to_markdown("> foo")).to eq("> foo")
expect(to_markdown(">\t foo")).to eq("> foo")
it "adds a blank line after a quote if it is followed by text" do
expect(to_markdown("> foo\nbar")).to eq("> foo\n\nbar")
expect(to_markdown(">> foo\nbar")).to eq(">> foo\n\nbar")
it "ignores multiple consecutive blank lines" do
expect(to_markdown("> foo\n\nbar")).to eq("> foo\n\nbar")
expect(to_markdown("> foo\n\n\nbar")).to eq("> foo\n\nbar")
expect(to_markdown("> foo\n> \n>\n>\n> bar")).to eq("> foo\n>\n> bar")
it "adds an additional line with quote identifier if the quote level is decreasing" do
expect(to_markdown(">> foo\n>bar")).to eq(">> foo\n>\n> bar")
expect(to_markdown(">>>> foo\n>bar")).to eq(">>>> foo\n>\n> bar")
expect(to_markdown(">> foo\nno quote\n>bar")).to eq(">> foo\n\nno quote\n> bar")
it "does not add an additional line with quote identifier if the quote level is decreasing and text is blank" do
expect(to_markdown(">>> foo\n>>\n>> bar")).to eq(">>> foo\n>>\n>> bar")
context "special characters" do
it "escapes special Markdown characters" do
expect(to_markdown('\ backslash')).to eq('\\\\ backslash')
expect(to_markdown('` backtick')).to eq('\` backtick')
expect(to_markdown('* asterisk')).to eq('\* asterisk')
expect(to_markdown('_ underscore')).to eq('\_ underscore')
expect(to_markdown('{} curly braces')).to eq('\{\} curly braces')
expect(to_markdown('[] square brackets')).to eq('\[\] square brackets')
expect(to_markdown('() parentheses')).to eq('\(\) parentheses')
expect(to_markdown('# hash mark')).to eq('\# hash mark')
expect(to_markdown('+ plus sign')).to eq('\+ plus sign')
expect(to_markdown('- minus sign')).to eq('\- minus sign')
expect(to_markdown('. dot')).to eq('\. dot')
expect(to_markdown('! exclamation mark')).to eq('\! exclamation mark')
expect(to_markdown('~ tilde')).to eq('\~ tilde')
it "escapes special HTML characters" do
expect(to_markdown("' single quote")).to eq("' single quote")
expect(to_markdown("\" double quote")).to eq("" double quote")
expect(to_markdown("& ampersand")).to eq("& ampersand")
expect(to_markdown("<> less-than and greater-than sign")).to eq("<> less\\-than and greater\\-than sign")
it "escapes special characters but ignores links" do
expect(to_markdown("*some text* https://www.example.com/foo.html?a=1&b=0 & <https://www.example.com/bar.html?a=1&b=0> *more text*"))
.to eq("\\*some text\\* https://www.example.com/foo.html?a=1&b=0 & <https://www.example.com/bar.html?a=1&b=0> \\*more text\\*")
context "indentation" do
it "does not replace one leading whitespace" do
expect(to_markdown(" foo")).to eq(" foo")
it "replaces leading whitespaces with non-breaking spaces" do
expect(to_markdown(" foo")).to eq("#{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
expect(to_markdown(" foo")).to eq("#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
it "replaces each leading tabs with two non-breaking spaces" do
expect(to_markdown("\tfoo")).to eq("#{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
expect(to_markdown(" \tfoo")).to eq("#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
expect(to_markdown("\t foo")).to eq("#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
expect(to_markdown(" \t foo")).to eq("#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
expect(to_markdown("\t\tfoo")).to eq("#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
it "correctly replaces leading whitespaces within quotes" do
expect(to_markdown("> foo")).to eq("> foo")
expect(to_markdown("> foo")).to eq("> #{nbsp}#{nbsp}foo")
it "does not replace whitespaces within text" do
expect(to_markdown("foo bar")).to eq("foo bar")
expect(to_markdown("foo\t\tbar")).to eq("foo\t\tbar")
context "format=flowed" do
it "concats lines ending with a space" do
text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur \nadipiscing elit. Quasi vero, inquit, \nperpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non \netiam philosophorum sit."
markdown = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit\\. Quasi vero, inquit, perpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non etiam philosophorum sit\\."
expect(to_markdown(text, format_flowed: true)).to eq(markdown)
it "does not concat lines when there is an empty line between" do
text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur \nadipiscing elit. \n\nQuasi vero, inquit, \nperpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non \netiam philosophorum sit."
markdown = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit\\. \n\nQuasi vero, inquit, perpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non etiam philosophorum sit\\."
expect(to_markdown(text, format_flowed: true)).to eq(markdown)
it "concats quoted lines ending with a space" do
text = "> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur \n> adipiscing elit. Quasi vero, inquit, \n> perpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non \n> etiam philosophorum sit."
markdown = "> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit\\. Quasi vero, inquit, perpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non etiam philosophorum sit\\."
expect(to_markdown(text, format_flowed: true)).to eq(markdown)
it "does not concat quoted lines ending with a space when the quote level differs" do
text = "> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur \n> adipiscing elit. \n>> Quasi vero, inquit, \n>> perpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non \n> etiam philosophorum sit."
markdown = "> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit\\. \n>> Quasi vero, inquit, perpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non \n>\n> etiam philosophorum sit\\."
expect(to_markdown(text, format_flowed: true)).to eq(markdown)
it "does not recognize a signature separator as start of flowed text" do
text = "-- \nsignature line 1\nsignature line 2"
markdown = "\\-\\- \nsignature line 1\nsignature line 2"
expect(to_markdown(text, format_flowed: true)).to eq(markdown)
it "does not concat lines when there is a signature separator" do
text = "Lorem ipsum \ndolor sit amet \n-- \nsignature line 1\nsignature line 2"
markdown = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \n\\-\\- \nsignature line 1\nsignature line 2"
expect(to_markdown(text, format_flowed: true)).to eq(markdown)
it "removes the trailing space if DelSp is set to 'yes'" do
text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur \nadipiscing elit. \nQuasi vero, inquit"
markdown = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscing elit\\.Quasi vero, inquit"
expect(to_markdown(text, format_flowed: true, delete_flowed_space: true)).to eq(markdown)
context "links" do
it "removes duplicate links" do
expect(to_markdown("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html <https://www.example.com/foo.html> bar"))
.to eq("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html bar")
expect(to_markdown("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html (https://www.example.com/foo.html) bar"))
.to eq("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html bar")
expect(to_markdown("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html https://www.example.com/foo.html bar"))
.to eq("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html bar")
it "does not removes duplicate links when there is text between the links" do
expect(to_markdown("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html bar https://www.example.com/foo.html baz"))
.to eq("foo https://www.example.com/foo.html bar https://www.example.com/foo.html baz")
context "code" do
it "detects matching Markdown code block within backticks" do
expect(to_markdown("foo\n```\n<this is code>\n```")).to eq("foo\n```\n<this is code>\n```")
it "does not detect Markdown code block when backticks are not on new line" do
expect(to_markdown("foo\n```\n<this is code> ```")).to eq("foo\n\\`\\`\\`\n<this is code> \\`\\`\\`")
it "does not detect Markdown code block when backticks are indented by more than 3 whitespaces" do
expect(to_markdown("foo\n ```\n<this is code>\n ```")).to include("<this is code>")
expect(to_markdown("foo\n ```\n<this is code>\n ```")).to include("<this is code>")
expect(to_markdown("foo\n ```\n<this is code>\n```")).to include("<this is code>")
expect(to_markdown("foo\n```\n<this is code>\n ```")).to include("<this is code>")
expect(to_markdown("foo\n ```\n<this is code>\n```")).to include("<this is code>")
expect(to_markdown("foo\n```\n<this is code>\n ```")).to include("<this is code>")