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// we don't want to deselect when we click on buttons that use it
function ignoreElements(e) {
const $target = $(e.target);
return $target.hasClass('quote-button') ||
$target.closest('.create').length ||
export default Ember.View.extend({
classNames: ['quote-button'],
classNameBindings: ['visible'],
isMouseDown: false,
isTouchInProgress: false,
The button is visible whenever there is something in the buffer
(ie. something has been selected)
visible: Em.computed.notEmpty('controller.buffer'),
render(buffer) {
Binds to the following global events:
- `mousedown` to clear the quote button if they click elsewhere.
- `mouseup` to trigger the display of the quote button.
- `selectionchange` to make the selection work under iOS
@method didInsertElement
didInsertElement() {
const controller = this.get('controller'),
view = this;
var onSelectionChanged = function() {
view.selectText(window.getSelection().anchorNode, controller);
// Windows Phone hack, it is not firing the touch events
// best we can do is debounce this so we dont keep locking up
// the selection when we add the caret to measure where we place
// the quote reply widget
// Same hack applied to Android cause it has unreliable touchend
const isAndroid = this.capabilities.isAndroid;
if (this.capabilities.isWinphone || isAndroid) {
onSelectionChanged = _.debounce(onSelectionChanged, 500);
.on("mousedown.quote-button", function(e) {
view.set('isMouseDown', true);
if (ignoreElements(e)) { return; }
// deselects only when the user left click
// (allows anyone to `extend` their selection using shift+click)
if (!window.getSelection().isCollapsed &&
e.which === 1 &&
!e.shiftKey) controller.deselectText();
.on('mouseup.quote-button', function(e) {
if (ignoreElements(e)) { return; }
view.selectText(e.target, controller);
view.set('isMouseDown', false);
.on('selectionchange', function() {
// there is no need to handle this event when the mouse is down
// or if there a touch in progress
if (view.get('isMouseDown') || view.get('isTouchInProgress')) return;
// `selection.anchorNode` is used as a target
// Android is dodgy, touchend often will not fire
// https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=19827
if (!isAndroid) {
.on('touchstart.quote-button', function(){
view.set('isTouchInProgress', true);
.on('touchend.quote-button', function(){
view.set('isTouchInProgress', false);
selectText(target, controller) {
const $target = $(target);
// breaks if quoting has been disabled by the user
if (!Discourse.User.currentProp('enable_quoting')) return;
// retrieve the post id from the DOM
const postId = $target.closest('.boxed, .reply').data('post-id');
// select the text
if (postId) controller.selectText(postId);
willDestroyElement() {
click(e) {
return this.get('controller').quoteText(e);