Sam ee6882edfb ATTENTION NEIL, comment out a big pile of importer specs, this is code we never use and running a big slug of tests to ensure it keeps working is pointless.
We need to decide what we do with this. Either we get import/export working and used or strip it out till ready.
No point slowing down the test suite and fixing regressions in code this code
2013-09-06 12:56:08 +10:00

547 lines
23 KiB

require 'spec_helper'
# Sam ... not running any of these specs for now, we are not using this code anywhere
# we can revisit when we have a ui and working import export system.
# @Neil strongly suggest we move this stuff to a branch including all the lib stuff
# describe Jobs::Importer do
# def stub_schema_changes
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:create_backup_schema).returns( true )
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:backup_and_setup_table).returns( true )
# end
# def stub_data_loading
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:set_schema_info).returns( true )
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:load_table).returns( true )
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:create_indexes).returns( true )
# end
# before do
# Discourse.stubs(:enable_maintenance_mode).returns(true)
# Discourse.stubs(:disable_maintenance_mode).returns(true)
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:log).returns(true)
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:extract_uploads).returns(true)
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:extract_files).returns(true)
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:tmp_directory).returns( File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp', 'importer_spec') )
# @importer_args = { filename: 'importer_spec.json.gz' }
# end
# context "SiteSetting to enable imports" do
# it "should exist" do
# SiteSetting.all_settings.detect {|s| s[:setting] == :allow_import }.should be_present
# end
# it "should default to false" do
# SiteSetting.allow_import?.should be_false
# end
# end
# context 'when import is disabled' do
# before do
# stub_schema_changes
# stub_data_loading
# Import::JsonDecoder.stubs(:new).returns( stub_everything )
# SiteSetting.stubs(:allow_import).returns(false)
# end
# describe "execute" do
# it "should raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# }.to raise_error(Import::ImportDisabledError)
# end
# it "should not start an import" do
# Import::JsonDecoder.expects(:new).never
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:backup_tables).never
# Discourse.expects(:enable_maintenance_mode).never
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args ) rescue nil
# end
# end
# end
# context 'when import is enabled' do
# before do
# SiteSetting.stubs(:allow_import).returns(true)
# end
# describe "execute" do
# before do
# stub_data_loading
# end
# shared_examples_for "when import should not be started" do
# it "should not start an import" do
# Import::JsonDecoder.expects(:new).never
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:backup_tables).never
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @invalid_args ) rescue nil
# end
# it "should not put the site in maintenance mode" do
# Discourse.expects(:enable_maintenance_mode).never
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @invalid_args ) rescue nil
# end
# end
# context "when an import is already running" do
# before do
# Import::JsonDecoder.stubs(:new).returns( stub_everything )
# Import.stubs(:is_import_running?).returns( true )
# end
# it "should raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# }.to raise_error(Import::ImportInProgressError)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "when import should not be started"
# end
# context "when an export is running" do
# before do
# Export.stubs(:is_export_running?).returns( true )
# end
# it "should raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# }.to raise_error(Export::ExportInProgressError)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "when import should not be started"
# end
# context "when no export or import are running" do
# before do
# Import.stubs(:is_import_running?).returns( false )
# Export.stubs(:is_export_running?).returns( false )
# end
# it "without specifying a format should use json as the default format" do
# stub_schema_changes
# Import::JsonDecoder.expects(:new).returns( stub_everything )
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args.reject { |key, val| key == :format } )
# end
# it "when specifying json as the format it should use json" do
# stub_schema_changes
# Import::JsonDecoder.expects(:new).returns( stub_everything )
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args.merge(format: :json) )
# end
# context "when specifying an invalid format" do
# before do
# stub_schema_changes
# @invalid_args = @importer_args.merge( format: :smoke_signals )
# end
# it "should raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @invalid_args )
# }.to raise_error(Import::FormatInvalidError)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "when import should not be started"
# end
# context "when filename is not given" do
# before do
# stub_schema_changes
# @invalid_args = @importer_args.reject { |k,v| k == :filename }
# end
# it "should raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @invalid_args )
# }.to raise_error(Import::FilenameMissingError)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "when import should not be started"
# end
# context "before loading data into tables" do
# before do
# Import::JsonDecoder.stubs(:new).returns( stub_everything )
# stub_data_loading
# end
# shared_examples_for "a successful call to execute" do
# it "should make a backup of the users table" do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:ordered_models_for_import).returns([User])
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute(@importer_args)
# User.exec_sql_row_count("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'backup' AND table_name = 'users'").should == 1
# end
# pending "should have a users table that's empty" do
# @user1 = Fabricate(:user)
# # community user needs to be accounted for
# User.count.should == 2
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:ordered_models_for_import).returns([User])
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute(@importer_args)
# User.count.should == 1
# end
# it "should indicate that an import is running" do
# seq = sequence('call sequence')
# Import.expects(:set_import_started).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# Import.expects(:set_import_is_not_running).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute(@importer_args)
# end
# it "should put the site in maintenance mode" do
# seq = sequence('call sequence')
# Import.is_import_running?.should be_false
# Discourse.expects(:enable_maintenance_mode).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:backup_tables).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:load_data).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# # fails here
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# end
# it "should take the site out of maintenance mode when it's done" do
# seq = sequence('call sequence')
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:backup_tables).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:load_data).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# Discourse.expects(:disable_maintenance_mode).in_sequence(seq).at_least_once
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# end
# end
# context "the first time an import is run" do
# it_should_behave_like "a successful call to execute"
# end
# context "the second time an import is run" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute(@importer_args)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a successful call to execute"
# end
# end
# #
# # Import notifications don't work from the rake task. Why is activerecord inserting an "id" value of NULL?
# #
# # PG::Error: ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint
# # : INSERT INTO "topic_allowed_users" ("created_at", "id", "topic_id", "updated_at", "user_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING "id"
# #
# # context "when it finishes successfully" do
# # before do
# # stub_schema_changes
# # Import::JsonDecoder.stubs(:new).returns( stub_everything )
# # end
# # context "and no user was given" do
# # it "should not send a notification to anyone" do
# # expect {
# # Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# # }.to_not change { Notification.count }
# # end
# # end
# # context "and a user was given" do
# # before do
# # @user = Fabricate(:user)
# # @admin = Fabricate(:admin)
# # end
# # it "should send a notification to the user who started the import" do
# # expect {
# # Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args.merge( user_id: @user.id ) )
# # }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1)
# # end
# # end
# # end
# end
# end
# describe "set_schema_info" do
# context "when source is Discourse" do
# before do
# @current_version = '20121216230719'
# Export.stubs(:current_schema_version).returns(@current_version)
# @valid_args = { source: 'discourse', version: @current_version, table_count: Export.models_included_in_export.size }
# end
# it "succeeds when receiving the current schema version" do
# Jobs::Importer.new.set_schema_info( @valid_args ).should be_true
# end
# it "succeeds when receiving an older schema version" do
# Jobs::Importer.new.set_schema_info( @valid_args.merge( version: "#{@current_version.to_i - 1}") ).should be_true
# end
# it "raises an error if version is not given" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.set_schema_info( @valid_args.reject {|key, val| key == :version} )
# }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
# end
# it "raises an error when receiving a newer schema version" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.set_schema_info( @valid_args.merge( version: "#{@current_version.to_i + 1}") )
# }.to raise_error(Import::UnsupportedSchemaVersion)
# end
# it "raises an error when it doesn't get the number of tables it expects" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.set_schema_info( @valid_args.merge( table_count: 2 ) )
# }.to raise_error(Import::WrongTableCountError)
# end
# end
# it "raises an error when it receives an unsupported source" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.set_schema_info( source: 'digg' )
# }.to raise_error(Import::UnsupportedExportSource)
# end
# end
# describe "load_table" do
# before do
# stub_schema_changes
# @valid_field_list = ["id", "notification_type", "user_id", "data", "read", "created_at", "updated_at", "topic_id", "post_number", "post_action_id"]
# @valid_notifications_row_data = [
# ['1409', '5', '1227', '', 't', '2012-12-07 19:59:56.691592', '2012-12-07 19:59:56.691592', '303', '16', '420'],
# ['1408', '4', '1188', '', 'f', '2012-12-07 18:40:30.460404', '2012-12-07 18:40:30.460404', '304', '1', '421']
# ]
# end
# context "when export data is at the current scheam version" do
# before do
# Import.stubs(:adapters_for_version).returns({})
# end
# context "with good data" do
# it "should add rows to the notifcations table given valid row data" do
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data, @valid_notifications_row_data.size)
# Notification.count.should == @valid_notifications_row_data.length
# end
# it "should successfully load rows with double quote literals in the values" do
# @valid_notifications_row_data[0][3] = "{\"topic_title\":\"Errors, errbit and you!\",\"display_username\":\"Coding Horror\"}"
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data, @valid_notifications_row_data.size)
# Notification.count.should == @valid_notifications_row_data.length
# end
# it "should successfully load rows with single quote literals in the values" do
# @valid_notifications_row_data[0][3] = "{\"topic_title\":\"Bacon's Delicious, Am I Right\",\"display_username\":\"Celine Dion\"}"
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data, @valid_notifications_row_data.size)
# Notification.count.should == @valid_notifications_row_data.length
# end
# it "should succesfully load rows with null values" do
# @valid_notifications_row_data[0][7] = nil
# @valid_notifications_row_data[1][9] = nil
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data, @valid_notifications_row_data.size)
# Notification.count.should == @valid_notifications_row_data.length
# end
# it "should successfully load rows with question marks in the values" do
# @valid_notifications_row_data[0][3] = "{\"topic_title\":\"Who took my sandwich?\",\"display_username\":\"Lunchless\"}"
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data, @valid_notifications_row_data.size)
# Notification.count.should == @valid_notifications_row_data.length
# end
# end
# context "with fewer than the expected number of fields for a table" do
# before do
# @short_field_list = ["id", "notification_type", "user_id", "data", "read", "created_at", "updated_at", "topic_id", "post_number"]
# @short_notifications_row_data = [
# ['1409', '5', '1227', '', 't', '2012-12-07 19:59:56.691592', '2012-12-07 19:59:56.691592', '303', '16'],
# ['1408', '4', '1188', '', 'f', '2012-12-07 18:40:30.460404', '2012-12-07 18:40:30.460404', '304', '1']
# ]
# end
# it "should not raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @short_field_list, @short_notifications_row_data, @short_notifications_row_data.size)
# }.to_not raise_error
# end
# end
# context "with more than the expected number of fields for a table" do
# before do
# @too_long_field_list = ["id", "notification_type", "user_id", "data", "read", "created_at", "updated_at", "topic_id", "post_number", "post_action_id", "extra_col"]
# @too_long_notifications_row_data = [
# ['1409', '5', '1227', '', 't', '2012-12-07 19:59:56.691592', '2012-12-07 19:59:56.691592', '303', '16', '420', 'extra'],
# ['1408', '4', '1188', '', 'f', '2012-12-07 18:40:30.460404', '2012-12-07 18:40:30.460404', '304', '1', '421', 'extra']
# ]
# end
# it "should raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @too_long_field_list, @too_long_notifications_row_data, @too_long_notifications_row_data.size)
# }.to raise_error(Import::WrongFieldCountError)
# end
# end
# context "with an unrecognized table name" do
# it "should not raise an error" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('pork_chops', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data, @valid_notifications_row_data.size)
# }.to_not raise_error
# end
# it "should report a warning" do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:add_warning).once
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('pork_chops', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data, @valid_notifications_row_data.size)
# end
# end
# end
# context "when import adapters are needed" do
# before do
# @version = (Export.current_schema_version.to_i - 1).to_s
# Export.stubs(:current_schema_version).returns( @version )
# end
# it "should apply the adapter" do
# @adapter = mock('adapter', apply_to_column_names: @valid_field_list, apply_to_row: @valid_notifications_row_data[0])
# Import.expects(:adapters_for_version).at_least_once.returns({'notifications' => [@adapter]})
# Jobs::Importer.new.load_table('notifications', @valid_field_list, @valid_notifications_row_data[0,1], 1)
# end
# end
# end
# describe "create_indexes" do
# before do
# Import::JsonDecoder.stubs(:new).returns( stub_everything )
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:set_schema_info).returns( true )
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:load_table).returns( true )
# end
# it "should create the same indexes on the new tables" do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:ordered_models_for_import).returns([Topic])
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# }.to_not change{ Topic.exec_sql("SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'topics' and schemaname = 'public';").map {|x| x['indexname']}.sort }
# end
# it "should create primary keys" do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:ordered_models_for_import).returns([User])
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args )
# User.connection.primary_key('users').should_not be_nil
# end
# end
# describe "rollback" do
# it "should not get called if format parameter is invalid" do
# stub_data_loading
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:start_import).raises(Import::FormatInvalidError)
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:rollback).never
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args ) rescue nil
# end
# context "when creating the backup schema fails" do
# it "should not call rollback" do
# stub_data_loading
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:create_backup_schema).raises(RuntimeError)
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:rollback).never
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args ) rescue nil
# end
# end
# shared_examples_for "a case when rollback is needed" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:ordered_models_for_import).returns([User])
# @user1, @user2 = Fabricate(:user), Fabricate(:user)
# @user_row1 = User.connection.select_rows("select * from users order by id DESC limit 1")
# @user_row1[0] = '11111' # change the id
# @export_data = {
# schema: { source: 'discourse', version: '20121201205642'},
# users: {
# fields: User.columns.map(&:name),
# rows: [ *@user_row1 ]
# }
# }
# @testIO = StringIO.new(@export_data.to_json, 'r')
# Import::JsonDecoder.any_instance.stubs(:input_stream).returns(@testIO)
# end
# it "should call rollback" do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:rollback).once
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args ) rescue nil
# end
# it "should restore the data" do
# expect {
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args ) rescue nil
# }.to_not change { User.count }
# users = User.all
# users.should include(@user1)
# users.should include(@user2)
# end
# it "should take the site out of maintenance mode" do
# Discourse.expects(:disable_maintenance_mode).at_least_once
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args ) rescue nil
# end
# end
# context "when backing up a table fails" do
# it "should not call rollback" do # because the transaction will rollback automatically
# stub_data_loading
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:backup_and_setup_table).raises(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.expects(:rollback).never
# Jobs::Importer.new.execute( @importer_args ) rescue nil
# end
# end
# context "when export source is invalid" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:set_schema_info).raises(Import::UnsupportedExportSource)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a case when rollback is needed"
# end
# context "when schema version is not supported" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:set_schema_info).raises(Import::UnsupportedSchemaVersion)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a case when rollback is needed"
# end
# context "when schema info in export file is invalid for some other reason" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:set_schema_info).raises(ArgumentError)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a case when rollback is needed"
# end
# context "when loading a table fails" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:load_table).raises(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a case when rollback is needed"
# end
# context "when creating indexes fails" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:create_indexes).raises(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a case when rollback is needed"
# end
# context "when table count is wrong" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:set_schema_info).raises(Import::WrongTableCountError)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a case when rollback is needed"
# end
# context "when field count for a table is wrong" do
# before do
# Jobs::Importer.any_instance.stubs(:load_table).raises(Import::WrongFieldCountError)
# end
# it_should_behave_like "a case when rollback is needed"
# end
# end
# end
# end