use pcre2::utf32::Regex; use crate::common::EscapeFlags; use crate::parse_constants::{ ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1, ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE1, ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE_QUOTED1, ERROR_NOT_ARGV_AT, ERROR_NOT_ARGV_COUNT, ERROR_NOT_ARGV_STAR, ERROR_NOT_PID, ERROR_NOT_STATUS, ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME, }; use crate::parse_util::{ parse_util_cmdsubst_extent, parse_util_compute_indents, parse_util_detect_errors, parse_util_escape_string_with_quote, parse_util_process_extent, parse_util_slice_length, BOOL_AFTER_BACKGROUND_ERROR_MSG, }; use crate::tests::prelude::*; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; #[test] #[serial] fn test_error_messages() { let _cleanup = test_init(); // Given a format string, returns a list of non-empty strings separated by format specifiers. The // format specifiers themselves are omitted. fn separate_by_format_specifiers(format: &wstr) -> Vec<&wstr> { let format_specifier_regex = Regex::new(L!(r"%l?[cds]").as_char_slice()).unwrap(); let mut result = vec![]; let mut offset = 0; for mtch in format_specifier_regex.find_iter(format.as_char_slice()) { let mtch = mtch.unwrap(); let component = &format[offset..mtch.start()]; result.push(component); offset = mtch.end(); } result.push(&format[offset..]); // Avoid mismatch from localized quotes. for component in &mut result { *component = component.trim_matches('\''); } result } // Given a format string 'format', return true if the string may have been produced by that format // string. We do this by splitting the format string around the format specifiers, and then ensuring // that each of the remaining chunks is found (in order) in the string. fn string_matches_format(s: &wstr, format: &wstr) -> bool { let components = separate_by_format_specifiers(format); assert!(!components.is_empty()); let mut idx = 0; for component in components { let Some(relpos) = s[idx..].find(component) else { return false; }; idx += relpos + component.len(); assert!(idx <= s.len()); } true } macro_rules! validate { ($src:expr, $error_text_format:expr) => { let mut errors = vec![]; let res = parse_util_detect_errors(L!($src), Some(&mut errors), false); let fmt = wgettext!($error_text_format); assert!(res.is_err()); assert!( string_matches_format(&errors[0].text, fmt), "command '{}' is expected to match error pattern '{}' but is '{}'", $src, $error_text_format, &errors[0].text ); }; } validate!("echo $^", ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1); validate!("echo foo${a}bar", ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE1); validate!("echo foo\"${a}\"bar", ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE_QUOTED1); validate!("echo foo\"${\"bar", ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1); validate!("echo $?", ERROR_NOT_STATUS); validate!("echo $$", ERROR_NOT_PID); validate!("echo $#", ERROR_NOT_ARGV_COUNT); validate!("echo $@", ERROR_NOT_ARGV_AT); validate!("echo $*", ERROR_NOT_ARGV_STAR); validate!("echo $", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); validate!("echo foo\"$\"bar", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); validate!("echo \"foo\"$\"bar\"", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); validate!("echo foo $ bar", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); validate!("echo 1 & && echo 2", BOOL_AFTER_BACKGROUND_ERROR_MSG); validate!( "echo 1 && echo 2 & && echo 3", BOOL_AFTER_BACKGROUND_ERROR_MSG ); } #[test] fn test_parse_util_process_extent() { macro_rules! validate { ($commandline:literal, $cursor:expr, $expected_range:expr) => { assert_eq!( parse_util_process_extent(L!($commandline), $cursor, None), $expected_range ); }; } validate!("for file in (path base\necho", 22, 13..22); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_parse_util_cmdsubst_extent() { let _cleanup = test_init(); const a: &wstr = L!("echo (echo (echo hi"); assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 0), 0..a.len()); assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 1), 0..a.len()); assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 2), 0..a.len()); assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 3), 0..a.len()); assert_eq!( parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 8), "echo (".chars().count()..a.len() ); assert_eq!( parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 17), "echo (echo (".chars().count()..a.len() ); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_parse_util_slice_length() { let _cleanup = test_init(); assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[2]")), Some(3)); assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[12]")), Some(4)); assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[\"foo\"]")), Some(7)); assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[\"foo\"")), None); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_escape_quotes() { let _cleanup = test_init(); macro_rules! validate { ($cmd:expr, $quote:expr, $no_tilde:expr, $expected:expr) => { assert_eq!( parse_util_escape_string_with_quote( L!($cmd), $quote, if $no_tilde { EscapeFlags::NO_TILDE } else { EscapeFlags::empty() } ), L!($expected) ); }; } macro_rules! validate_no_quoted { ($cmd:expr, $quote:expr, $no_tilde:expr, $expected:expr) => { assert_eq!( parse_util_escape_string_with_quote( L!($cmd), $quote, EscapeFlags::NO_QUOTED | if $no_tilde { EscapeFlags::NO_TILDE } else { EscapeFlags::empty() } ), L!($expected) ); }; } validate!("abc~def", None, false, "'abc~def'"); validate!("abc~def", None, true, "abc~def"); validate!("~abc", None, false, "'~abc'"); validate!("~abc", None, true, "~abc"); // These are "raw string literals" validate_no_quoted!("abc", None, false, "abc"); validate_no_quoted!("abc~def", None, false, "abc\\~def"); validate_no_quoted!("abc~def", None, true, "abc~def"); validate_no_quoted!("abc\\~def", None, false, "abc\\\\\\~def"); validate_no_quoted!("abc\\~def", None, true, "abc\\\\~def"); validate_no_quoted!("~abc", None, false, "\\~abc"); validate_no_quoted!("~abc", None, true, "~abc"); validate_no_quoted!("~abc|def", None, false, "\\~abc\\|def"); validate_no_quoted!("|abc~def", None, false, "\\|abc\\~def"); validate_no_quoted!("|abc~def", None, true, "\\|abc~def"); validate_no_quoted!("foo\nbar", None, false, "foo\\nbar"); // Note tildes are not expanded inside quotes, so no_tilde is ignored with a quote. validate_no_quoted!("abc", Some('\''), false, "abc"); validate_no_quoted!("abc\\def", Some('\''), false, "abc\\\\def"); validate_no_quoted!("abc'def", Some('\''), false, "abc\\'def"); validate_no_quoted!("~abc'def", Some('\''), false, "~abc\\'def"); validate_no_quoted!("~abc'def", Some('\''), true, "~abc\\'def"); validate_no_quoted!("foo\nba'r", Some('\''), false, "foo'\\n'ba\\'r"); validate_no_quoted!("foo\\\\bar", Some('\''), false, "foo\\\\\\\\bar"); validate_no_quoted!("abc", Some('"'), false, "abc"); validate_no_quoted!("abc\\def", Some('"'), false, "abc\\\\def"); validate_no_quoted!("~abc'def", Some('"'), false, "~abc'def"); validate_no_quoted!("~abc'def", Some('"'), true, "~abc'def"); validate_no_quoted!("foo\nba'r", Some('"'), false, "foo\"\\n\"ba'r"); validate_no_quoted!("foo\\\\bar", Some('"'), false, "foo\\\\\\\\bar"); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_indents() { let _cleanup = test_init(); // A struct which is either text or a new indent. struct Segment { // The indent to set indent: i32, text: &'static str, } fn do_validate(segments: &[Segment]) { // Compute the indents. let mut expected_indents = vec![]; let mut text = WString::new(); for segment in segments { text.push_str(segment.text); for _ in segment.text.chars() { expected_indents.push(segment.indent); } } let indents = parse_util_compute_indents(&text); assert_eq!(indents, expected_indents); } macro_rules! validate { ( $( $(,)? $indent:literal, $text:literal )* $(,)? ) => { let segments = vec![ $( Segment{ indent: $indent, text: $text }, )* ]; do_validate(&segments); }; } #[rustfmt::skip] #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_call)] (|| { validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo", 0, "\nend" ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo", 1, "\nfoo", 0, "\nend" ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo", 1, "\nif", 2, " bar", 1, "\nend", 0, "\nend" ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo", 1, "\nif", 2, " bar", 2, "\n", 1, "\nend\n" ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo", 1, "\nif", 2, " bar", 2, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "begin", 1, "\nfoo", 1, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "begin", 1, "\n;", 0, "end", 0, "\nfoo", 0, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "begin", 1, "\n;", 0, "end", 0, "\nfoo", 0, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo", 1, "\nif", 2, " bar", 2, "\nbaz", 1, "\nend", 1, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "switch foo", 1, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "switch foo", 1, "\ncase bar", 1, "\ncase baz", 2, "\nquux", 2, "\nquux" ); validate!( 0, "switch foo", 1, "\ncas" // parse error indentation handling ); validate!( 0, "while", 1, " false", 1, "\n# comment", // comment indentation handling 1, "\ncommand", 1, "\n# comment 2" ); validate!( 0, "begin", 1, "\n", // "begin" is special because this newline belongs to the block header 1, "\n" ); // Continuation lines. validate!( 0, "echo 'continuation line' \\", 1, "\ncont", 0, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "echo 'empty continuation line' \\", 1, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "begin # continuation line in block", 1, "\necho \\", 2, "\ncont" ); validate!( 0, "begin # empty continuation line in block", 1, "\necho \\", 2, "\n", 0, "\nend" ); validate!( 0, "echo 'multiple continuation lines' \\", 1, "\nline1 \\", 1, "\n# comment", 1, "\n# more comment", 1, "\nline2 \\", 1, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "echo # inline comment ending in \\", 0, "\nline" ); validate!( 0, "# line comment ending in \\", 0, "\nline" ); validate!( 0, "echo 'multiple empty continuation lines' \\", 1, "\n\\", 1, "\n", 0, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "echo 'multiple statements with continuation lines' \\", 1, "\nline 1", 0, "\necho \\", 1, "\n" ); // This is an edge case, probably okay to change the behavior here. validate!( 0, "begin", 1, " \\", 2, "\necho 'continuation line in block header' \\", 2, "\n", 1, "\n", 0, "\nend" ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " true", 1, "\n begin", 2, "\n echo", 1, "\n end", 0, "\nend", ); // Quotes and command substitutions. validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo \"", 0, "\nquoted", ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " foo \"", 0, "\n", ); validate!( 0, "echo (", 1, "\n", // ) ); validate!( 0, "echo \"$(", 1, "\n" // ) ); validate!( 0, "echo (", // ) 1, "\necho \"", 0, "\n" ); validate!( 0, "echo (", // ) 1, "\necho (", // ) 2, "\necho" ); validate!( 0, "if", 1, " true", 1, "\n echo \"line1", 0, "\nline2 ", 1, "$(", 2, "\n echo line3", 0, "\n) line4", 0, "\nline5\"", ); validate!( 0, r#"echo "$()"'"#, 0, "\n" ); })(); }