use super::prelude::*; use crate::abbrs::{self, Abbreviation, Position}; use crate::common::{escape, escape_string, valid_func_name, EscapeStringStyle}; use crate::env::{EnvMode, EnvStackSetResult}; use crate::re::{regex_make_anchored, to_boxed_chars}; use pcre2::utf32::{Regex, RegexBuilder}; const CMD: &wstr = L!("abbr"); #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct Options { add: bool, rename: bool, show: bool, list: bool, erase: bool, query: bool, function: Option, regex_pattern: Option, position: Option, set_cursor_marker: Option, args: Vec, } impl Options { fn validate(&mut self, streams: &mut IoStreams) -> bool { // Duplicate options? let mut cmds = vec![]; if self.add { cmds.push(L!("add")) }; if self.rename { cmds.push(L!("rename")) }; if { cmds.push(L!("show")) }; if self.list { cmds.push(L!("list")) }; if self.erase { cmds.push(L!("erase")) }; if self.query { cmds.push(L!("query")) }; if cmds.len() > 1 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Cannot combine options %ls\n", CMD, join(&cmds, L!(", ")) )); return false; } // If run with no options, treat it like --add if we have arguments, // or --show if we do not have any arguments. if cmds.is_empty() { = self.args.is_empty(); self.add = !self.args.is_empty(); } if !self.add && self.position.is_some() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: --position option requires --add\n", CMD )); return false; } if !self.add && self.regex_pattern.is_some() { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!("%ls: --regex option requires --add\n", CMD)); return false; } if !self.add && self.function.is_some() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: --function option requires --add\n", CMD )); return false; } if !self.add && self.set_cursor_marker.is_some() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: --set-cursor option requires --add\n", CMD )); return false; } if self .set_cursor_marker .as_ref() .map(|m| m.is_empty()) .unwrap_or(false) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: --set-cursor argument cannot be empty\n", CMD )); return false; } return true; } } fn join(list: &[&wstr], sep: &wstr) -> WString { let mut result = WString::new(); let mut iter = list.iter(); let first = match { Some(first) => first, None => return result, }; result.push_utfstr(first); for s in iter { result.push_utfstr(sep); result.push_utfstr(s); } result } // Print abbreviations in a fish-script friendly way. fn abbr_show(streams: &mut IoStreams) -> Option { let style = EscapeStringStyle::Script(Default::default()); abbrs::with_abbrs(|abbrs| { let mut result = WString::new(); for abbr in abbrs.list() { result.clear(); let mut add_arg = |arg: &wstr| { if !result.is_empty() { result.push_str(" "); } result.push_utfstr(arg); }; add_arg(L!("abbr -a")); if abbr.is_regex() { add_arg(L!("--regex")); add_arg(&escape_string(&abbr.key, style)); } if abbr.position != Position::Command { add_arg(L!("--position")); add_arg(L!("anywhere")); } if let Some(ref set_cursor_marker) = abbr.set_cursor_marker { add_arg(L!("--set-cursor=")); add_arg(&escape_string(set_cursor_marker, style)); } if abbr.replacement_is_function { add_arg(L!("--function")); add_arg(&escape_string(&abbr.replacement, style)); } add_arg(L!("--")); // Literal abbreviations have the name and key as the same. // Regex abbreviations have a pattern separate from the name. add_arg(&escape_string(&, style)); if !abbr.replacement_is_function { add_arg(&escape_string(&abbr.replacement, style)); } if abbr.from_universal { add_arg(L!("# imported from a universal variable, see `help abbr`")); } result.push('\n'); streams.out.append(&result); } }); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // Print the list of abbreviation names. fn abbr_list(opts: &Options, streams: &mut IoStreams) -> Option { const subcmd: &wstr = L!("--list"); if !opts.args.is_empty() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Unexpected argument -- '%ls'\n", CMD, subcmd, &opts.args[0] )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } abbrs::with_abbrs(|abbrs| { for abbr in abbrs.list() { let mut name =; name.push('\n'); streams.out.append(name); } }); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // Rename an abbreviation, deleting any existing one with the given name. fn abbr_rename(opts: &Options, streams: &mut IoStreams) -> Option { const subcmd: &wstr = L!("--rename"); if opts.args.len() != 2 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Requires exactly two arguments\n", CMD, subcmd )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let old_name = &opts.args[0]; let new_name = &opts.args[1]; if old_name.is_empty() || new_name.is_empty() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Name cannot be empty\n", CMD, subcmd )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if contains_whitespace(new_name) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Abbreviation '%ls' cannot have spaces in the word\n", CMD, subcmd, new_name.as_utfstr() )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } abbrs::with_abbrs_mut(|abbrs| -> Option { if !abbrs.has_name(old_name) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: No abbreviation named %ls\n", CMD, subcmd, old_name.as_utfstr() )); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } if abbrs.has_name(new_name) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Abbreviation %ls already exists, cannot rename %ls\n", CMD, subcmd, new_name.as_utfstr(), old_name.as_utfstr() )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } abbrs.rename(old_name, new_name); STATUS_CMD_OK }) } fn contains_whitespace(val: &wstr) -> bool { val.chars().any(char::is_whitespace) } // Test if any args is an abbreviation. fn abbr_query(opts: &Options) -> Option { // Return success if any of our args matches an abbreviation. abbrs::with_abbrs(|abbrs| { for arg in opts.args.iter() { if abbrs.has_name(arg) { return STATUS_CMD_OK; } } return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; }) } // Add a named abbreviation. fn abbr_add(opts: &Options, streams: &mut IoStreams) -> Option { const subcmd: &wstr = L!("--add"); if opts.args.len() < 2 && opts.function.is_none() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Requires at least two arguments\n", CMD, subcmd )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if opts.args.is_empty() || opts.args[0].is_empty() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Name cannot be empty\n", CMD, subcmd )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let name = &opts.args[0]; if name.chars().any(|c| c.is_whitespace()) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls %ls: Abbreviation '%ls' cannot have spaces in the word\n", CMD, subcmd, name.as_utfstr() )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let key: &wstr; let regex: Option>; if let Some(regex_pattern) = &opts.regex_pattern { // Compile the regex as given; if that succeeds then wrap it in our ^$ so it matches the // entire token. // We have historically disabled the "(*UTF)" sequence. let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new(); builder.caseless(false).never_utf(true); let result =; if let Err(error) = result { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Regular expression compile error: %ls\n", CMD, error.error_message(), )); if let Some(offset) = error.offset() { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!("%ls: %ls\n", CMD, regex_pattern.as_utfstr())); streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!("%ls: %*ls\n", CMD, offset, "^")); } return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let anchored = regex_make_anchored(regex_pattern); let re = Box::new( builder .build(to_boxed_chars(&anchored)) .expect("Anchored compilation should have succeeded"), ); key = regex_pattern; regex = Some(re); } else { // The name plays double-duty as the token to replace. key = name; regex = None; }; if opts.function.is_some() && opts.args.len() > 1 { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS, L!("abbr"))); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let replacement = if let Some(ref function) = opts.function { // Abbreviation function names disallow spaces. // This is to prevent accidental usage of e.g. `--function 'string replace'` if !valid_func_name(function) || contains_whitespace(function) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Invalid function name: %ls\n", CMD, function.as_utfstr() )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } function.clone() } else { let mut replacement = WString::new(); for iter in opts.args.iter().skip(1) { if !replacement.is_empty() { replacement.push(' ') }; replacement.push_utfstr(iter); } replacement }; let position = opts.position.unwrap_or(Position::Command); // Note historically we have allowed overwriting existing abbreviations. abbrs::with_abbrs_mut(move |abbrs| { abbrs.add(Abbreviation { name: name.clone(), key: key.to_owned(), regex, replacement, replacement_is_function: opts.function.is_some(), position, set_cursor_marker: opts.set_cursor_marker.clone(), from_universal: false, }) }); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // Erase the named abbreviations. fn abbr_erase(opts: &Options, parser: &Parser) -> Option { if opts.args.is_empty() { // This has historically been a silent failure. return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } // Erase each. If any is not found, return ENV_NOT_FOUND which is historical. abbrs::with_abbrs_mut(|abbrs| -> Option { let mut result = STATUS_CMD_OK; for arg in &opts.args { if !abbrs.erase(arg) { result = Some(EnvStackSetResult::ENV_NOT_FOUND.into()); } // Erase the old uvar - this makes `abbr -e` work. let esc_src = escape(arg); if !esc_src.is_empty() { let var_name = WString::from_str("_fish_abbr_") + esc_src.as_utfstr(); let ret = parser.vars().remove(&var_name, EnvMode::UNIVERSAL); if ret == EnvStackSetResult::ENV_OK { result = STATUS_CMD_OK }; } } result }) } pub fn abbr(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, argv: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option { let mut argv_read = Vec::with_capacity(argv.len()); argv_read.extend_from_slice(argv); let cmd = argv[0]; // Note 1 is returned by wgetopt to indicate a non-option argument. const NON_OPTION_ARGUMENT: char = 1 as char; const SET_CURSOR_SHORT: char = 2 as char; const RENAME_SHORT: char = 3 as char; // Note the leading '-' causes wgetopter to return arguments in order, instead of permuting // them. We need this behavior for compatibility with pre-builtin abbreviations where options // could be given literally, for example `abbr e emacs -nw`. const short_options: &wstr = L!("-:af:r:seqgUh"); const longopts: &[woption] = &[ wopt(L!("add"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'a'), wopt(L!("position"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 'p'), wopt(L!("regex"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 'r'), wopt( L!("set-cursor"), woption_argument_t::optional_argument, SET_CURSOR_SHORT, ), wopt(L!("function"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 'f'), wopt(L!("rename"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, RENAME_SHORT), wopt(L!("erase"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'e'), wopt(L!("query"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'q'), wopt(L!("show"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 's'), wopt(L!("list"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'l'), wopt(L!("global"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'g'), wopt(L!("universal"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'U'), wopt(L!("help"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'h'), ]; let mut opts = Options::default(); let mut w = wgetopter_t::new(short_options, longopts, argv); while let Some(c) = w.wgetopt_long() { match c { NON_OPTION_ARGUMENT => { // If --add is specified (or implied by specifying no other commands), all // unrecognized options after the *second* non-option argument are considered part // of the abbreviation expansion itself, rather than options to the abbr command. // For example, `abbr e emacs -nw` works, because `-nw` occurs after the second // non-option, and --add is implied. if let Some(arg) = w.woptarg { opts.args.push(arg.to_owned()) }; if opts.args.len() >= 2 && !(opts.rename || || opts.list || opts.erase || opts.query) { break; } } 'a' => opts.add = true, 'p' => { if opts.position.is_some() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Cannot specify multiple positions\n", CMD )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if w.woptarg == Some(L!("command")) { opts.position = Some(Position::Command); } else if w.woptarg == Some(L!("anywhere")) { opts.position = Some(Position::Anywhere); } else { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Invalid position '%ls'\n", CMD, w.woptarg.unwrap_or_default() )); streams .err .append(L!("Position must be one of: command, anywhere.\n")); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } } 'r' => { if opts.regex_pattern.is_some() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Cannot specify multiple regex patterns\n", CMD )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.regex_pattern =; } SET_CURSOR_SHORT => { if opts.set_cursor_marker.is_some() { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Cannot specify multiple set-cursor options\n", CMD )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } // The default set-cursor indicator is '%'. let _ = opts .set_cursor_marker .insert(w.woptarg.unwrap_or(L!("%")).to_owned()); } 'f' => opts.function =, RENAME_SHORT => opts.rename = true, 'e' => opts.erase = true, 'q' => opts.query = true, 's' => = true, 'l' => opts.list = true, // Kept for backwards compatibility but ignored. // This basically does nothing now. 'g' => {} 'U' => { // Kept and made ineffective, so we warn. streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Warning: Option '%ls' was removed and is now ignored", cmd, argv_read[w.woptind - 1] )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); } 'h' => { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } ':' => { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1], true); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } '?' => { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1], false); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } _ => { panic!("unexpected retval from"); } } } for arg in argv_read[w.woptind..].iter() { opts.args.push((*arg).into()); } if !opts.validate(streams) { return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if opts.add { return abbr_add(&opts, streams); }; if { return abbr_show(streams); }; if opts.list { return abbr_list(&opts, streams); }; if opts.rename { return abbr_rename(&opts, streams); }; if opts.erase { return abbr_erase(&opts, parser); }; if opts.query { return abbr_query(&opts); }; // validate() should error or ensure at least one path is set. panic!("unreachable"); }