if not type -q apropos function __fish_apropos end exit end # Check for macOS Catalina or above. This is Darwin 19.x or above. See unames reported here: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_(operating_system) set -l sysver (uname -sr | string match -r "(Darwin) (\d\d)"\.) test $status -eq 0 -a (count $sysver) -eq 3 and if test $sysver[2] = 'Darwin' -a $sysver[3] -ge 19 if test -n "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" set dir $XDG_CACHE_HOME/fish else set dir (getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)"fish" end function __fish_apropos -V dir # macOS 10.15 "Catalina" has a read only filesystem where the whatis database should be. # The whatis database is non-existent, so apropos tries (and fails) to create it every time, # which can take seconds. # # Instead, we build a whatis database in the user cache directory # and override the MANPATH using that directory before we run `apropos` # # the cache is rebuilt once a week. set -l whatis $cache/whatis set -l max_age 86400 # one day set -l age $max_age if test -f "$whatis" # Some people use GNU tools on macOS, and GNU stat works differently. # However it's currently guaranteed that the macOS stat is in /usr/bin, # so we use that explicitly. set age (math (date +%s) - (/usr/bin/stat -f %m $whatis)) end MANPATH="$dir" apropos $argv if test $age -ge $max_age test -d "$dir" || mkdir -m 700 -p $dir /usr/libexec/makewhatis -o "$whatis" (man --path | string split :) >/dev/null 2>&1