mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 20:45:32 +08:00
This makes it easy to see where the individual commands start. Perhaps we can get rid of this once we have syntax highlighting for the commands in the history pager, or if we add timestamps as descriptions.
888 lines
35 KiB
888 lines
35 KiB
#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
// IWYU pragma: no_include <cstddef>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cwchar>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "common.h"
#include "complete.h"
#include "fallback.h"
#include "flog.h"
#include "highlight.h"
#include "pager.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
using comp_t = pager_t::comp_t;
using comp_info_list_t = std::vector<comp_t>;
/// The minimum width (in characters) the terminal must to show completions at all.
#define PAGER_MIN_WIDTH 16
/// Minimum height to show completions
/// The maximum number of columns of completion to attempt to fit onto the screen.
#define PAGER_MAX_COLS 6
/// Width of the search field.
/// Text we use for the search field.
#define SEARCH_FIELD_PROMPT _(L"search: ")
static inline bool selection_direction_is_cardinal(selection_motion_t dir) {
switch (dir) {
case selection_motion_t::north:
case selection_motion_t::east:
case selection_motion_t::south:
case selection_motion_t::west:
case selection_motion_t::page_north:
case selection_motion_t::page_south: {
return true;
case selection_motion_t::next:
case selection_motion_t::prev:
case selection_motion_t::deselect: {
return false;
/// Returns numer / denom, rounding up. As a "courtesy" 0/0 is 0.
static size_t divide_round_up(size_t numer, size_t denom) {
if (numer == 0) return 0;
assert(denom > 0);
bool has_rem = (numer % denom) != 0;
return numer / denom + (has_rem ? 1 : 0);
/// Print the specified string, but use at most the specified amount of space. If the whole string
/// can't be fitted, ellipsize it.
/// \param str the string to print
/// \param color the color to apply to every printed character
/// \param max the maximum space that may be used for printing
/// \param has_more if this flag is true, this is not the entire string, and the string should be
/// ellipsized even if the string fits but takes up the whole space.
static size_t print_max(const wcstring &str, highlight_spec_t color, size_t max, bool has_more,
line_t *line) {
size_t remaining = max;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) {
wchar_t c = str.at(i);
int iwidth_c = fish_wcwidth(c);
if (iwidth_c < 0) {
// skip non-printable characters
auto width_c = size_t(iwidth_c);
if (width_c > remaining) break;
wchar_t ellipsis = get_ellipsis_char();
if ((width_c == remaining) && (has_more || i + 1 < str.size())) {
line->append(ellipsis, color);
int ellipsis_width = fish_wcwidth(ellipsis);
remaining -= std::min(remaining, size_t(ellipsis_width));
line->append(c, color);
assert(remaining >= width_c);
remaining -= width_c;
// return how much we consumed
assert(remaining <= max);
return max - remaining;
/// Print the specified item using at the specified amount of space.
line_t pager_t::completion_print_item(const wcstring &prefix, const comp_t *c, size_t row,
size_t column, size_t width, bool secondary, bool selected,
page_rendering_t *rendering) const {
size_t comp_width;
line_t line_data;
if (c->preferred_width() <= width) {
// The entry fits, we give it as much space as it wants.
comp_width = c->comp_width;
} else {
// The completion and description won't fit on the allocated space. Give a maximum of 2/3 of
// the space to the completion, and whatever is left to the description
// This expression is an overflow-safe way of calculating (width-4)*2/3
size_t width_minus_spacer = width - std::min(width, size_t(4));
size_t two_thirds_width = (width_minus_spacer / 3) * 2 + ((width_minus_spacer % 3) * 2) / 3;
comp_width = std::min(c->comp_width, two_thirds_width);
// If the description is short, give the completion the remaining space
size_t desc_punct_width = c->description_punctuated_width();
if (width > desc_punct_width) {
comp_width = std::max(comp_width, width - desc_punct_width);
// The description gets what's left
assert(comp_width <= width);
auto modify_role = [=](highlight_role_t role) -> highlight_role_t {
using uint_t = typename std::underlying_type<highlight_role_t>::type;
auto base = static_cast<uint_t>(role);
if (selected) {
base += static_cast<uint_t>(highlight_role_t::pager_selected_background) -
} else if (secondary) {
base += static_cast<uint_t>(highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_background) -
return static_cast<highlight_role_t>(base);
highlight_role_t bg_role = modify_role(highlight_role_t::pager_background);
highlight_spec_t bg = {highlight_role_t::normal, bg_role};
highlight_spec_t prefix_col = {
modify_role(highlight_prefix ? highlight_role_t::pager_prefix
: highlight_role_t::pager_completion),
highlight_spec_t comp_col = {modify_role(highlight_role_t::pager_completion), bg_role};
highlight_spec_t desc_col = {modify_role(highlight_role_t::pager_description), bg_role};
// Print the completion part
size_t comp_remaining = comp_width;
for (size_t i = 0; i < c->comp.size(); i++) {
const wcstring &comp = c->comp.at(i);
if (i > 0) {
comp_remaining -=
print_max(PAGER_SPACER_STRING, bg, comp_remaining, true /* has_more */, &line_data);
comp_remaining -= print_max(prefix, prefix_col, comp_remaining, !comp.empty(), &line_data);
comp_remaining -=
print_max(comp, comp_col, comp_remaining, i + 1 < c->comp.size(), &line_data);
size_t desc_remaining = width - comp_width + comp_remaining;
if (c->desc_width > 0 && desc_remaining > 4) {
// always have at least two spaces to separate completion and description
desc_remaining -= print_max(L" ", bg, 2, false, &line_data);
// right-justify the description by adding spaces
// the 2 here refers to the parenthesis below
while (desc_remaining > c->desc_width + 2) {
desc_remaining -= print_max(L" ", bg, 1, false, &line_data);
assert(desc_remaining >= 2);
highlight_spec_t paren_col = {highlight_role_t::pager_completion, bg_role};
desc_remaining -= print_max(L"(", paren_col, 1, false, &line_data);
desc_remaining -= print_max(c->desc, desc_col, desc_remaining - 1, false, &line_data);
desc_remaining -= print_max(L")", paren_col, 1, false, &line_data);
} else {
// No description, or it won't fit. Just add spaces.
print_max(wcstring(desc_remaining, L' '), bg, desc_remaining, false, &line_data);
return line_data;
/// Print the specified part of the completion list, using the specified column offsets and quoting
/// style.
/// \param cols number of columns to print in
/// \param width_by_column An array specifying the width of each column
/// \param row_start The first row to print
/// \param row_stop the row after the last row to print
/// \param prefix The string to print before each completion
/// \param lst The list of completions to print
void pager_t::completion_print(size_t cols, const size_t *width_by_column, size_t row_start,
size_t row_stop, const wcstring &prefix, const comp_info_list_t &lst,
page_rendering_t *rendering) const {
// Teach the rendering about the rows it printed.
assert(row_stop >= row_start);
rendering->row_start = row_start;
rendering->row_end = row_stop;
size_t rows = divide_round_up(lst.size(), cols);
size_t effective_selected_idx = this->visual_selected_completion_index(rows, cols);
for (size_t row = row_start; row < row_stop; row++) {
for (size_t col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
if (lst.size() <= col * rows + row) continue;
size_t idx = col * rows + row;
const comp_t *el = &lst.at(idx);
bool is_selected = (idx == effective_selected_idx);
// Print this completion on its own "line".
line_t line = completion_print_item(prefix, el, row, col, width_by_column[col], row % 2,
is_selected, rendering);
// If there's more to come, append two spaces.
if (col + 1 < cols) {
line.append(PAGER_SPACER_STRING, highlight_spec_t{});
// Append this to the real line.
rendering->screen_data.create_line(row - row_start).append_line(line);
/// Trim leading and trailing whitespace, and compress other whitespace runs into a single space.
static void mangle_1_completion_description(wcstring *str) {
size_t leading = 0, trailing = 0, len = str->size();
// Skip leading spaces.
for (; leading < len; leading++) {
if (!iswspace(str->at(leading))) break;
// Compress runs of spaces to a single space.
bool was_space = false;
for (; leading < len; leading++) {
wchar_t wc = str->at(leading);
bool is_space = iswspace(wc);
if (!is_space) { // normal character
str->at(trailing++) = wc;
} else if (!was_space) { // initial space in a run
str->at(trailing++) = L' ';
} // else non-initial space in a run, do nothing
was_space = is_space;
// leading is now at len, trailing is the new length of the string. Delete trailing spaces.
while (trailing > 0 && iswspace(str->at(trailing - 1))) {
static void join_completions(comp_info_list_t *comps) {
// A map from description to index in the completion list of the element with that description.
// The indexes are stored +1.
std::unordered_map<wcstring, size_t> desc_table;
// Note that we mutate the completion list as we go, so the size changes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < comps->size(); i++) {
const comp_t &new_comp = comps->at(i);
const wcstring &desc = new_comp.desc;
if (desc.empty()) continue;
// See if it's in the table.
size_t prev_idx_plus_one = desc_table[desc];
if (prev_idx_plus_one == 0) {
// We're the first with this description.
desc_table[desc] = i + 1;
} else {
// There's a prior completion with this description. Append the new ones to it.
comp_t *prior_comp = &comps->at(prev_idx_plus_one - 1);
prior_comp->comp.insert(prior_comp->comp.end(), new_comp.comp.begin(),
// Erase the element at this index, and decrement the index to reflect that fact.
comps->erase(comps->begin() + i);
i -= 1;
/// Generate a list of comp_t structures from a list of completions.
static comp_info_list_t process_completions_into_infos(const completion_list_t &lst) {
const size_t lst_size = lst.size();
// Make the list of the correct size up-front.
comp_info_list_t result(lst_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < lst_size; i++) {
const completion_t &comp = lst.at(i);
comp_t *comp_info = &result.at(i);
// Append the single completion string. We may later merge these into multiple.
escape_string(comp.completion, ESCAPE_NO_PRINTABLES | ESCAPE_NO_QUOTED));
// Append the mangled description.
comp_info->desc = comp.description;
// Set the representative completion.
comp_info->representative = comp;
return result;
void pager_t::measure_completion_infos(comp_info_list_t *infos, const wcstring &prefix) const {
size_t prefix_len = fish_wcswidth(prefix);
for (auto &info : *infos) {
comp_t *comp = &info;
const wcstring_list_t &comp_strings = comp->comp;
for (size_t j = 0; j < comp_strings.size(); j++) {
// If there's more than one, append the length of ', '.
if (j >= 1) comp->comp_width += 2;
// fish_wcswidth() can return -1 if it can't calculate the width. So be cautious.
int comp_width = fish_wcswidth(comp_strings.at(j));
if (comp_width >= 0) comp->comp_width += prefix_len + comp_width;
// fish_wcswidth() can return -1 if it can't calculate the width. So be cautious.
int desc_width = fish_wcswidth(comp->desc);
comp->desc_width = desc_width > 0 ? desc_width : 0;
// Indicates if the given completion info passes any filtering we have.
bool pager_t::completion_info_passes_filter(const comp_t &info) const {
// If we have no filter, everything passes.
if (!search_field_shown || this->search_field_line.empty()) return true;
const wcstring &needle = this->search_field_line.text();
// Match against the description.
if (string_fuzzy_match_string(needle, info.desc)) {
return true;
// Match against the completion strings.
for (const auto &i : info.comp) {
if (string_fuzzy_match_string(needle, prefix + i)) {
return true;
return false; // no match
// Update completion_infos from unfiltered_completion_infos, to reflect the filter.
void pager_t::refilter_completions() {
for (const auto &info : this->unfiltered_completion_infos) {
if (this->completion_info_passes_filter(info)) {
void pager_t::set_completions(const completion_list_t &raw_completions) {
selected_completion_idx = PAGER_SELECTION_NONE;
// Get completion infos out of it.
unfiltered_completion_infos = process_completions_into_infos(raw_completions);
// Maybe join them.
if (prefix == L"-") join_completions(&unfiltered_completion_infos);
// Compute their various widths.
measure_completion_infos(&unfiltered_completion_infos, prefix);
// Refilter them.
have_unrendered_completions = true;
void pager_t::set_prefix(const wcstring &pref, bool highlight) {
prefix = pref;
highlight_prefix = highlight;
void pager_t::set_term_size(termsize_t ts) {
available_term_width = ts.width > 0 ? ts.width : 0;
available_term_height = ts.height > 0 ? ts.height : 0;
/// Try to print the list of completions lst with the prefix prefix using cols as the number of
/// columns. Return true if the completion list was printed, false if the terminal is too narrow for
/// the specified number of columns. Always succeeds if cols is 1.
bool pager_t::completion_try_print(size_t cols, const wcstring &prefix, const comp_info_list_t &lst,
page_rendering_t *rendering, size_t suggested_start_row) const {
assert(cols > 0);
// The calculated preferred width of each column.
size_t width_by_column[PAGER_MAX_COLS] = {0};
// Skip completions on tiny terminals.
if (this->available_term_width < PAGER_MIN_WIDTH ||
this->available_term_height < PAGER_MIN_HEIGHT)
return true;
// Compute the effective term width and term height, accounting for disclosure.
size_t term_width = this->available_term_width;
size_t term_height =
this->available_term_height - 1 -
(search_field_shown ? 1 : 0); // we always subtract 1 to make room for a comment row
if (!this->fully_disclosed) {
term_height = std::min(term_height, static_cast<size_t>(PAGER_UNDISCLOSED_MAX_ROWS));
size_t row_count = divide_round_up(lst.size(), cols);
// We have more to disclose if we are not fully disclosed and there's more rows than we have in
// our term height.
if (!this->fully_disclosed && row_count > term_height) {
rendering->remaining_to_disclose = row_count - term_height;
} else {
rendering->remaining_to_disclose = 0;
// If we have only one row remaining to disclose, then squelch the comment row. This prevents us
// from consuming a line to show "...and 1 more row".
if (rendering->remaining_to_disclose == 1) {
term_height += 1;
rendering->remaining_to_disclose = 0;
// Calculate how wide the list would be.
for (size_t col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_count; row++) {
const size_t comp_idx = col * row_count + row;
if (comp_idx >= lst.size()) continue;
const comp_t &c = lst.at(comp_idx);
width_by_column[col] = std::max(width_by_column[col], c.preferred_width());
bool print;
// Force fit if one column.
if (cols == 1) {
width_by_column[0] = std::min(width_by_column[0], term_width);
print = true;
} else {
// Compute total preferred width, plus spacing
size_t total_width_needed = std::accumulate(width_by_column, width_by_column + cols, 0);
total_width_needed += (cols - 1) * PAGER_SPACER_STRING_WIDTH;
print = (total_width_needed <= term_width);
if (!print) {
return false; // no need to continue
// Determine the starting and stop row.
size_t start_row = 0, stop_row = 0;
if (row_count <= term_height) {
// Easy, we can show everything.
start_row = 0;
stop_row = row_count;
} else {
// We can only show part of the full list. Determine which part based on the
// suggested_start_row.
assert(row_count > term_height);
size_t last_starting_row = row_count - term_height;
start_row = std::min(suggested_start_row, last_starting_row);
stop_row = start_row + term_height;
assert(start_row <= last_starting_row);
assert(stop_row >= start_row);
assert(stop_row <= row_count);
assert(stop_row - start_row <= term_height);
completion_print(cols, width_by_column, start_row, stop_row, prefix, lst, rendering);
// Add the progress line. It's a "more to disclose" line if necessary, or a row listing if
// it's scrollable; otherwise ignore it.
// We should never have one row remaining to disclose (else we would have just disclosed it)
wcstring progress_text;
assert(rendering->remaining_to_disclose != 1);
if (rendering->remaining_to_disclose > 1) {
progress_text = format_string(_(L"%lsand %lu more rows"), get_ellipsis_str(),
static_cast<unsigned long>(rendering->remaining_to_disclose));
} else if (start_row > 0 || stop_row < row_count) {
// We have a scrollable interface. The +1 here is because we are zero indexed, but want
// to present things as 1-indexed. We do not add 1 to stop_row or row_count because
// these are the "past the last value".
progress_text =
format_string(_(L"rows %lu to %lu of %lu"), start_row + 1, stop_row, row_count);
} else if (search_field_shown && completion_infos.empty()) {
// Everything is filtered.
progress_text = _(L"(no matches)");
if (!progress_text.empty()) {
line_t &line = rendering->screen_data.add_line();
highlight_spec_t spec = {highlight_role_t::pager_progress,
print_max(progress_text, spec, term_width, true /* has_more */, &line);
if (!search_field_shown) {
return true;
// Add the search field.
wcstring search_field_text = search_field_line.text();
// Append spaces to make it at least the required width.
if (search_field_text.size() < PAGER_SEARCH_FIELD_WIDTH) {
search_field_text.append(PAGER_SEARCH_FIELD_WIDTH - search_field_text.size(), L' ');
line_t *search_field = &rendering->screen_data.insert_line_at_index(0);
// We limit the width to term_width - 1.
highlight_spec_t underline{};
underline.force_underline = true;
size_t search_field_remaining = term_width - 1;
search_field_remaining -= print_max(SEARCH_FIELD_PROMPT, highlight_role_t::normal,
search_field_remaining, false, search_field);
search_field_remaining -=
print_max(search_field_text, underline, search_field_remaining, false, search_field);
return true;
page_rendering_t pager_t::render() const {
/// Try to print the completions. Start by trying to print the list in PAGER_MAX_COLS columns,
/// if the completions won't fit, reduce the number of columns by one. Printing a single column
/// never fails.
page_rendering_t rendering;
rendering.term_width = this->available_term_width;
rendering.term_height = this->available_term_height;
rendering.search_field_shown = this->search_field_shown;
rendering.search_field_line = this->search_field_line;
for (size_t cols = PAGER_MAX_COLS; cols > 0; cols--) {
// Initially empty rendering.
// Determine how many rows we would need if we had 'cols' columns. Then determine how many
// columns we want from that. For example, say we had 19 completions. We can fit them into 6
// columns, 4 rows, with the last row containing only 1 entry. Or we can fit them into 5
// columns, 4 rows, the last row containing 4 entries. Since fewer columns with the same
// number of rows is better, skip cases where we know we can do better.
size_t min_rows_required_for_cols = divide_round_up(completion_infos.size(), cols);
size_t min_cols_required_for_rows =
divide_round_up(completion_infos.size(), min_rows_required_for_cols);
assert(min_cols_required_for_rows <= cols);
if (cols > 1 && min_cols_required_for_rows < cols) {
// Next iteration will be better, so skip this one.
rendering.cols = cols;
rendering.rows = min_rows_required_for_cols;
rendering.selected_completion_idx =
this->visual_selected_completion_index(rendering.rows, rendering.cols);
if (completion_try_print(cols, prefix, completion_infos, &rendering, suggested_row_start)) {
return rendering;
bool pager_t::rendering_needs_update(const page_rendering_t &rendering) const {
if (have_unrendered_completions) return true;
// Common case is no pager.
if (this->empty() && rendering.screen_data.empty()) return false;
return (this->empty() && !rendering.screen_data.empty()) || // Do update after clear().
rendering.term_width != this->available_term_width || //
rendering.term_height != this->available_term_height || //
rendering.selected_completion_idx !=
this->visual_selected_completion_index(rendering.rows, rendering.cols) || //
rendering.search_field_shown != this->search_field_shown || //
rendering.search_field_line.text() != this->search_field_line.text() || //
rendering.search_field_line.position() != this->search_field_line.position() || //
(rendering.remaining_to_disclose > 0 && this->fully_disclosed);
void pager_t::update_rendering(page_rendering_t *rendering) {
if (rendering_needs_update(*rendering)) {
*rendering = this->render();
have_unrendered_completions = false;
pager_t::pager_t() = default;
pager_t::~pager_t() = default;
bool pager_t::empty() const { return unfiltered_completion_infos.empty(); }
bool pager_t::select_next_completion_in_direction(selection_motion_t direction,
const page_rendering_t &rendering) {
// Must have something to select.
if (this->completion_infos.empty()) {
return false;
// Handle the case of nothing selected yet.
if (selected_completion_idx == PAGER_SELECTION_NONE) {
switch (direction) {
case selection_motion_t::south:
case selection_motion_t::page_south:
case selection_motion_t::next:
case selection_motion_t::north:
case selection_motion_t::prev: {
// These directions do something sane.
if (direction == selection_motion_t::prev ||
direction == selection_motion_t::north) {
selected_completion_idx = completion_infos.size() - 1;
} else {
selected_completion_idx = 0;
return true;
case selection_motion_t::page_north:
case selection_motion_t::east:
case selection_motion_t::west:
case selection_motion_t::deselect: {
// These do nothing.
return false;
// Ok, we had something selected already. Select something different.
size_t new_selected_completion_idx;
if (!selection_direction_is_cardinal(direction)) {
// Next, previous, or deselect, all easy.
if (direction == selection_motion_t::deselect) {
new_selected_completion_idx = PAGER_SELECTION_NONE;
} else if (direction == selection_motion_t::next) {
new_selected_completion_idx = selected_completion_idx + 1;
if (new_selected_completion_idx >= completion_infos.size()) {
new_selected_completion_idx = 0;
} else if (direction == selection_motion_t::prev) {
if (selected_completion_idx == 0) {
new_selected_completion_idx = completion_infos.size() - 1;
} else {
new_selected_completion_idx = selected_completion_idx - 1;
} else {
DIE("unknown non-cardinal direction");
} else {
// Cardinal directions. We have a completion index; we wish to compute its row and column.
size_t current_row = this->get_selected_row(rendering);
size_t current_col = this->get_selected_column(rendering);
size_t page_height = std::max(rendering.term_height - 1, static_cast<size_t>(1));
switch (direction) {
case selection_motion_t::page_north: {
if (current_row > page_height) {
current_row = current_row - page_height;
} else {
current_row = 0;
case selection_motion_t::north: {
// Go up a whole row. If we cycle, go to the previous column.
if (current_row > 0) {
} else {
current_row = rendering.rows - 1;
if (current_col > 0) {
} else {
current_col = rendering.cols - 1;
case selection_motion_t::page_south: {
if (current_row + page_height < rendering.rows) {
current_row += page_height;
} else {
current_row = rendering.rows - 1;
if (current_col * rendering.rows + current_row >= completion_infos.size()) {
current_row = (completion_infos.size() - 1) % rendering.rows;
case selection_motion_t::south: {
// Go down, unless we are in the last row.
// If we go over the last element, wrap to the first.
if (current_row + 1 < rendering.rows &&
current_col * rendering.rows + current_row + 1 < completion_infos.size()) {
} else {
current_row = 0;
current_col = (current_col + 1) % rendering.cols;
case selection_motion_t::east: {
// Go east, wrapping to the next row. There is no "row memory," so if we run off the
// end, wrap.
if (current_col + 1 < rendering.cols &&
(current_col + 1) * rendering.rows + current_row < completion_infos.size()) {
} else {
current_col = 0;
current_row = (current_row + 1) % rendering.rows;
case selection_motion_t::west: {
// Go west, wrapping to the previous row.
if (current_col > 0) {
} else {
current_col = rendering.cols - 1;
if (current_row > 0) {
} else {
current_row = rendering.rows - 1;
default: {
DIE("unknown cardinal direction");
// Compute the new index based on the changed row.
new_selected_completion_idx = current_col * rendering.rows + current_row;
if (selected_completion_idx == new_selected_completion_idx) {
return false;
selected_completion_idx = new_selected_completion_idx;
// Update suggested_row_start to ensure the selection is visible. suggested_row_start *
// rendering.cols is the first suggested visible completion; add the visible completion
// count to that to get the last one.
size_t visible_row_count = rendering.row_end - rendering.row_start;
if (visible_row_count == 0) {
return true; // this happens if there was no room to draw the pager
if (selected_completion_idx == PAGER_SELECTION_NONE) {
return true; // this should never happen but be paranoid
// Ensure our suggested row start is not past the selected row.
size_t row_containing_selection = this->get_selected_row(rendering.rows);
if (suggested_row_start > row_containing_selection) {
suggested_row_start = row_containing_selection;
// Ensure our suggested row start is not too early before it.
if (suggested_row_start + visible_row_count <= row_containing_selection) {
// The user moved south past the bottom completion.
if (!fully_disclosed && rendering.remaining_to_disclose > 0) {
fully_disclosed = true; // perform disclosure
} else {
// Scroll
suggested_row_start = row_containing_selection - visible_row_count + 1;
// Ensure fully_disclosed is set. I think we can hit this case if the user
// resizes the window - we don't want to drop back to the disclosed style.
fully_disclosed = true;
return true;
size_t pager_t::visual_selected_completion_index(size_t rows, size_t cols) const {
// No completions -> no selection.
if (completion_infos.empty()) {
size_t result = selected_completion_idx;
if (result == 0) {
return result;
if (rows == 0 || cols == 0) {
if (result != PAGER_SELECTION_NONE) {
// If the selected completion is beyond the last selection, go left by columns until it's
// within it. This is how we implement "column memory".
while (result >= completion_infos.size() && result >= rows) {
result -= rows;
// If we are still beyond the last selection, clamp it.
if (result >= completion_infos.size()) result = completion_infos.size() - 1;
assert(result == PAGER_SELECTION_NONE || result < completion_infos.size());
return result;
// It's possible we have no visual selection but are still navigating the contents, e.g. every
// completion is filtered.
bool pager_t::is_navigating_contents() const {
return selected_completion_idx != PAGER_SELECTION_NONE;
void pager_t::set_fully_disclosed() { fully_disclosed = true; }
const completion_t *pager_t::selected_completion(const page_rendering_t &rendering) const {
const completion_t *result = nullptr;
size_t idx = visual_selected_completion_index(rendering.rows, rendering.cols);
result = &completion_infos.at(idx).representative;
return result;
/// Get the selected row and column. Completions are rendered column first, i.e. we go south before
/// we go west. So if we have N rows, and our selected index is N + 2, then our row is 2 (mod by N)
/// and our column is 1 (divide by N).
size_t pager_t::get_selected_row(const page_rendering_t &rendering) const {
if (rendering.rows == 0) return PAGER_SELECTION_NONE;
return rendering.selected_completion_idx == PAGER_SELECTION_NONE
: rendering.selected_completion_idx % rendering.rows;
size_t pager_t::get_selected_row(size_t rows) const {
if (rows == 0) return PAGER_SELECTION_NONE;
return selected_completion_idx == PAGER_SELECTION_NONE ? PAGER_SELECTION_NONE
: selected_completion_idx % rows;
size_t pager_t::get_selected_column(const page_rendering_t &rendering) const {
if (rendering.rows == 0) return PAGER_SELECTION_NONE;
return rendering.selected_completion_idx == PAGER_SELECTION_NONE
: rendering.selected_completion_idx / rendering.rows;
void pager_t::clear() {
highlight_prefix = false;
selected_completion_idx = PAGER_SELECTION_NONE;
fully_disclosed = false;
search_field_shown = false;
void pager_t::set_search_field_shown(bool flag) { this->search_field_shown = flag; }
bool pager_t::is_search_field_shown() const { return this->search_field_shown; }
size_t pager_t::cursor_position() const {
size_t result = std::wcslen(SEARCH_FIELD_PROMPT) + this->search_field_line.position();
// Clamp it to the right edge.
if (available_term_width > 0 && result + 1 > available_term_width) {
result = available_term_width - 1;
return result;
page_rendering_t::page_rendering_t() = default;