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use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
pub use self::fd_monitor_ffi::ItemWakeReason;
pub use self::fd_monitor_ffi::{new_fd_event_signaller, FdEventSignaller};
use crate::fd_readable_set::FdReadableSet;
use crate::fds::AutoCloseFd;
use crate::ffi::void_ptr;
use crate::flog::FLOG;
use crate::threads::assert_is_background_thread;
use crate::wutil::perror;
use cxx::SharedPtr;
mod fd_monitor_ffi {
/// Reason for waking an item
#[cxx_name = "item_wake_reason_t"]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ItemWakeReason {
/// The fd became readable (or was HUP'd)
/// The requested timeout was hit
/// The item was "poked" (woken up explicitly)
unsafe extern "C++" {
/// An event signaller implemented using a file descriptor, so it can plug into
/// [`select()`](libc::select).
/// This is like a binary semaphore. A call to [`post()`](FdEventSignaller::post) will
/// signal an event, making the fd readable. Multiple calls to `post()` may be coalesced.
/// On Linux this uses [`eventfd()`](libc::eventfd), on other systems this uses a pipe.
/// [`try_consume()`](FdEventSignaller::try_consume) may be used to consume the event.
/// Importantly this is async signal safe. Of course it is `CLO_EXEC` as well.
#[rust_name = "FdEventSignaller"]
type fd_event_signaller_t = crate::ffi::fd_event_signaller_t;
#[rust_name = "new_fd_event_signaller"]
fn ffi_new_fd_event_signaller_t() -> SharedPtr<FdEventSignaller>;
extern "Rust" {
#[cxx_name = "fd_monitor_item_id_t"]
type FdMonitorItemId;
extern "Rust" {
#[cxx_name = "fd_monitor_item_t"]
type FdMonitorItem;
#[cxx_name = "make_fd_monitor_item_t"]
fn new_fd_monitor_item_ffi(
fd: i32,
timeout_usecs: u64,
callback: *const u8,
param: *const u8,
) -> Box<FdMonitorItem>;
extern "Rust" {
#[cxx_name = "fd_monitor_t"]
type FdMonitor;
#[cxx_name = "make_fd_monitor_t"]
fn new_fd_monitor_ffi() -> Box<FdMonitor>;
#[cxx_name = "add_item"]
fn add_item_ffi(
&mut self,
fd: i32,
timeout_usecs: u64,
callback: *const u8,
param: *const u8,
) -> u64;
#[cxx_name = "poke_item"]
fn poke_item_ffi(&self, item_id: u64);
#[cxx_name = "add"]
pub fn add_ffi(&mut self, item: Box<FdMonitorItem>) -> u64;
// TODO: Remove once we're no longer using the FFI variant of FdEventSignaller
unsafe impl Sync for FdEventSignaller {}
unsafe impl Send for FdEventSignaller {}
/// Each item added to fd_monitor_t is assigned a unique ID, which is not recycled. Items may have
/// their callback triggered immediately by passing the ID. Zero is a sentinel.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct FdMonitorItemId(u64);
impl From<FdMonitorItemId> for u64 {
fn from(value: FdMonitorItemId) -> Self {
impl From<u64> for FdMonitorItemId {
fn from(value: u64) -> Self {
type FfiCallback = extern "C" fn(*mut AutoCloseFd, u8, void_ptr);
pub type NativeCallback = Box<dyn Fn(&mut AutoCloseFd, ItemWakeReason) + Send + Sync>;
/// The callback type used by [`FdMonitorItem`]. It is passed a mutable reference to the
/// `FdMonitorItem`'s [`FdMonitorItem::fd`] and [the reason](ItemWakeupReason) for the wakeup. The
/// callback may close the fd, in which case the `FdMonitorItem` is removed from [`FdMonitor`]'s
/// set.
/// As capturing C++ closures can't be safely used via ffi interop and cxx bridge doesn't support
/// passing typed `fn(...)` pointers from C++ to rust, we have a separate variant of the type that
/// uses the C abi to invoke a callback. This will be removed when the dependent C++ code (currently
/// only `src/io.cpp`) is ported to rust
enum FdMonitorCallback {
Ffi(FfiCallback /* fn ptr */, void_ptr /* param */),
/// An item containing an fd and callback, which can be monitored to watch when it becomes readable
/// and invoke the callback.
pub struct FdMonitorItem {
/// The fd to monitor
fd: AutoCloseFd,
/// A callback to be invoked when the fd is readable, or when we are timed out. If we time out,
/// then timed_out will be true. If the fd is invalid on return from the function, then the item
/// is removed from the [`FdMonitor`] set.
callback: FdMonitorCallback,
/// The timeout associated with waiting on this item or `None` to wait indefinitely. A timeout
/// of `0` is not supported.
timeout: Option<Duration>,
/// The last time we were called or the time of initialization.
last_time: Option<Instant>,
/// The id for this item, assigned by [`FdMonitor`].
item_id: FdMonitorItemId,
/// Unlike C++, rust's `Vec` has `Vec::retain()` instead of `std::remove_if(...)` with the inverse
/// logic. It's hard to keep track of which bool means what across the different layers, so be more
/// explicit.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ItemAction {
impl FdMonitorItem {
/// Returns the id for this `FdMonitorItem` that is registered with the [`FdMonitor`].
pub fn id(&self) -> FdMonitorItemId {
/// Return the duration until the timeout should trigger or `None`. A return of `0` means we are
/// at or past the timeout.
fn remaining_time(&self, now: &Instant) -> Option<Duration> {
let last_time = self.last_time.expect("Should always have a last_time!");
let timeout = self.timeout?;
assert!(now >= &last_time, "Steady clock went backwards or bug!");
let since = *now - last_time;
Some(if since >= timeout {
} else {
timeout - since
/// Invoke this item's callback if its value (when its value is set in the fd or has timed out).
/// Returns `true` if the item should be retained or `false` if it should be removed from the
/// set.
fn service_item(&mut self, fds: &FdReadableSet, now: &Instant) -> ItemAction {
let mut result = ItemAction::Retain;
let readable = fds.test(self.fd.as_raw_fd());
let timed_out = !readable && self.remaining_time(now) == Some(Duration::ZERO);
if readable || timed_out {
self.last_time = Some(*now);
let reason = if readable {
} else {
match &self.callback {
FdMonitorCallback::None => panic!("Callback not assigned!"),
FdMonitorCallback::Native(callback) => (callback)(&mut self.fd, reason),
FdMonitorCallback::Ffi(callback, param) => {
// Safety: identical objects are generated on both sides by cxx bridge as
// integers of the same size (minimum size to fit the enum).
let reason = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(reason) };
(callback)(&mut self.fd as *mut _, reason, *param)
if !self.fd.is_valid() {
result = ItemAction::Remove;
return result;
/// Invoke this item's callback with a poke, if its id is present in the sorted poke list.
fn maybe_poke_item(&mut self, pokelist: &[FdMonitorItemId]) -> ItemAction {
if self.item_id.0 == 0 || pokelist.binary_search(&self.item_id).is_err() {
// Not pokeable or not in the poke list.
return ItemAction::Retain;
match &self.callback {
FdMonitorCallback::None => panic!("Callback not assigned!"),
FdMonitorCallback::Native(callback) => (callback)(&mut self.fd, ItemWakeReason::Poke),
FdMonitorCallback::Ffi(callback, param) => {
// Safety: identical objects are generated on both sides by cxx bridge as
// integers of the same size (minimum size to fit the enum).
let reason = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(ItemWakeReason::Poke) };
(callback)(&mut self.fd as *mut _, reason, *param)
// Return `ItemAction::Remove` if the callback closed the fd
match self.fd.is_valid() {
true => ItemAction::Retain,
false => ItemAction::Remove,
pub fn new(
fd: AutoCloseFd,
timeout: Option<Duration>,
callback: Option<NativeCallback>,
) -> Self {
FdMonitorItem {
callback: match callback {
Some(callback) => FdMonitorCallback::Native(callback),
None => FdMonitorCallback::None,
item_id: FdMonitorItemId(0),
last_time: None,
pub fn set_callback(&mut self, callback: NativeCallback) {
self.callback = FdMonitorCallback::Native(callback);
fn set_callback_ffi(&mut self, callback: *const u8, param: *const u8) {
// Safety: we are just marshalling our function pointers with identical definitions on both
// sides of the ffi bridge as void pointers to keep cxx bridge happy. Whether we invoke the
// raw function as a void pointer or as a typed fn that helps us keep track of what we're
// doing is unsafe in all cases, so might as well make the best of it.
let callback = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(callback) };
self.callback = FdMonitorCallback::Ffi(callback, param.into());
impl Default for FdMonitorItem {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
callback: FdMonitorCallback::None,
fd: AutoCloseFd::empty(),
timeout: None,
last_time: None,
item_id: FdMonitorItemId(0),
// cxx bridge does not support "static member functions" in C++ or rust, so we need a top-level fn.
fn new_fd_monitor_ffi() -> Box<FdMonitor> {
// cxx bridge does not support "static member functions" in C++ or rust, so we need a top-level fn.
fn new_fd_monitor_item_ffi(
fd: RawFd,
timeout_usecs: u64,
callback: *const u8,
param: *const u8,
) -> Box<FdMonitorItem> {
// Safety: we are just marshalling our function pointers with identical definitions on both
// sides of the ffi bridge as void pointers to keep cxx bridge happy. Whether we invoke the
// raw function as a void pointer or as a typed fn that helps us keep track of what we're
// doing is unsafe in all cases, so might as well make the best of it.
let callback = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(callback) };
let mut item = FdMonitorItem::default();
item.callback = FdMonitorCallback::Ffi(callback, param.into());
if timeout_usecs != FdReadableSet::kNoTimeout {
item.timeout = Some(Duration::from_micros(timeout_usecs));
return Box::new(item);
/// A thread-safe class which can monitor a set of fds, invoking a callback when any becomes
/// readable (or has been HUP'd) or when per-item-configurable timeouts are reached.
pub struct FdMonitor {
/// Our self-signaller. When this is written to, it means there are new items pending, new items
/// in the poke list, or terminate has been set.
change_signaller: SharedPtr<FdEventSignaller>,
/// The data shared between the background thread and the `FdMonitor` instance.
data: Arc<Mutex<SharedData>>,
/// The last ID assigned or `0` if none.
last_id: AtomicU64,
// We don't want to manually implement `Sync` for `FdMonitor` but we do want to make sure that it's
// always using interior mutability correctly and therefore automatically `Sync`.
const _: () = {
// It is sufficient to declare the generic function pointers; calling them too would require
// using `const fn` with Send/Sync constraints which wasn't stabilized until rustc 1.61.0
fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}
let _ = assert_sync::<FdMonitor>;
/// Data shared between the `FdMonitor` instance and its associated `BackgroundFdMonitor`.
struct SharedData {
/// Pending items. This is set by the main thread with the mutex locked, then the background
/// thread grabs them.
pending: Vec<FdMonitorItem>,
/// List of IDs for items that need to be poked (explicitly woken up).
pokelist: Vec<FdMonitorItemId>,
/// Whether the background thread is running.
running: bool,
/// Used to signal that the background thread should terminate.
terminate: bool,
/// The background half of the fd monitor, running on its own thread.
struct BackgroundFdMonitor {
/// The list of items to monitor. This is only accessed from the background thread.
/// This doesn't need to be in any particular order.
items: Vec<FdMonitorItem>,
/// Our self-signaller. When this is written to, it means there are new items pending, new items
/// in the poke list, or terminate has been set.
change_signaller: SharedPtr<FdEventSignaller>,
/// The data shared between the background thread and the `FdMonitor` instance.
data: Arc<Mutex<SharedData>>,
impl FdMonitor {
pub fn add_ffi(&self, item: Box<FdMonitorItem>) -> u64 {
/// Add an item to the monitor. Returns the [`FdMonitorItemId`] assigned to the item.
pub fn add(&self, mut item: FdMonitorItem) -> FdMonitorItemId {
assert!(item.timeout != Some(Duration::ZERO), "Invalid timeout!");
item.item_id == FdMonitorItemId(0),
"Item should not already have an id!"
let item_id = self.last_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) + 1;
let item_id = FdMonitorItemId(item_id);
let start_thread = {
// Lock around a local region
let mut data = self.data.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!");
// Assign an id and add the item to pending
item.item_id = item_id;
// Start the thread if it hasn't already been started
let already_started = data.running;
data.running = true;
if start_thread {
FLOG!(fd_monitor, "Thread starting");
let background_monitor = BackgroundFdMonitor {
data: Arc::clone(&self.data),
change_signaller: SharedPtr::clone(&self.change_signaller),
items: Vec::new(),
crate::threads::spawn(move || {
/// Avoid requiring a separate UniquePtr for each item C++ wants to add to the set by giving an
/// all-in-one entry point that can initialize the item on our end and insert it to the set.
fn add_item_ffi(
&mut self,
fd: RawFd,
timeout_usecs: u64,
callback: *const u8,
param: *const u8,
) -> u64 {
// Safety: we are just marshalling our function pointers with identical definitions on both
// sides of the ffi bridge as void pointers to keep cxx bridge happy. Whether we invoke the
// raw function as a void pointer or as a typed fn that helps us keep track of what we're
// doing is unsafe in all cases, so might as well make the best of it.
let callback = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(callback) };
let mut item = FdMonitorItem::default();
item.callback = FdMonitorCallback::Ffi(callback, param.into());
if timeout_usecs != FdReadableSet::kNoTimeout {
item.timeout = Some(Duration::from_micros(timeout_usecs));
/// Mark that the item with the given ID needs to be woken up explicitly.
pub fn poke_item(&self, item_id: FdMonitorItemId) {
assert!(item_id.0 > 0, "Invalid item id!");
let needs_notification = {
let mut data = self.data.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!");
let needs_notification = data.pokelist.is_empty();
// Insert it, sorted. But not if it already exists.
if let Err(pos) = data.pokelist.binary_search(&item_id) {
data.pokelist.insert(pos, item_id);
if needs_notification {
fn poke_item_ffi(&self, item_id: u64) {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
data: Arc::new(Mutex::new(SharedData {
pending: Vec::new(),
pokelist: Vec::new(),
running: false,
terminate: false,
change_signaller: new_fd_event_signaller(),
last_id: AtomicU64::new(0),
impl BackgroundFdMonitor {
/// Starts monitoring the fd set and listening for new fds to add to the set. Takes ownership
/// over its instance so that this method cannot be called again.
fn run(mut self) {
let mut pokelist: Vec<FdMonitorItemId> = Vec::new();
let mut fds = FdReadableSet::new();
loop {
// Poke any items that need it
if !pokelist.is_empty() {
// Our change_signaller is special-cased
let change_signal_fd = self.change_signaller.read_fd().into();
let mut now = Instant::now();
// Use Duration::MAX to represent no timeout for comparison purposes.
let mut timeout = Duration::MAX;
for item in &mut self.items {
if item.last_time.is_none() {
item.last_time = Some(now);
timeout = timeout.min(item.timeout.unwrap_or(Duration::MAX));
// If we have no items, then we wish to allow the thread to exit, but after a time, so
// we aren't spinning up and tearing down the thread repeatedly. Set a timeout of 256
// msec; if nothing becomes readable by then we will exit. We refer to this as the
// wait-lap.
let is_wait_lap = self.items.is_empty();
if is_wait_lap {
timeout == Duration::MAX,
"Should not have a timeout on wait lap!"
timeout = Duration::from_millis(256);
// Don't leave Duration::MAX as an actual timeout value
let timeout = match timeout {
Duration::MAX => None,
timeout => Some(timeout),
// Call select()
let ret = fds.check_readable(
.map(|duration| duration.as_micros() as u64)
if ret < 0 && errno::errno().0 != libc::EINTR {
// Surprising error
// Update the value of `now` after waiting on `fds.check_readable()`; it's used in the
// servicer closure.
now = Instant::now();
// A predicate which services each item in turn, returning true if it should be removed
let servicer = |item: &mut FdMonitorItem| {
let fd = item.fd.as_raw_fd();
if item.service_item(&fds, &now) == ItemAction::Remove {
FLOG!(fd_monitor, "Removing fd", fd);
return ItemAction::Remove;
return ItemAction::Retain;
// Service all items that are either readable or have timed out, and remove any which
// say to do so.
.retain_mut(|item| servicer(item) == ItemAction::Retain);
// Handle any changes if the change signaller was set. Alternatively, this may be the
// wait lap, in which case we might want to commit to exiting.
let change_signalled = fds.test(change_signal_fd);
if change_signalled || is_wait_lap {
// Clear the change signaller before processing incoming changes
let mut data = self.data.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!");
// Move from `pending` to the end of `items`
self.items.extend(&mut data.pending.drain(..));
// Grab any poke list
"poke list should be empty or else we're dropping pokes!"
std::mem::swap(&mut pokelist, &mut data.pokelist);
if data.terminate
|| (is_wait_lap
&& self.items.is_empty()
&& pokelist.is_empty()
&& !change_signalled)
// Maybe terminate is set. Alternatively, maybe we had no items, waited a bit,
// and still have no items. It's important to do this while holding the lock,
// otherwise we race with new items being added.
"Thread should be running because we're that thread"
FLOG!(fd_monitor, "Thread exiting");
data.running = false;
/// Poke items in the poke list, removing any items that close their fd in their callback. The
/// poke list is consumed after this. This is only called from the background thread.
fn poke(&mut self, pokelist: &[FdMonitorItemId]) {
self.items.retain_mut(|item| {
let action = item.maybe_poke_item(pokelist);
if action == ItemAction::Remove {
FLOG!(fd_monitor, "Removing fd", item.fd.as_raw_fd());
return action == ItemAction::Retain;
/// In ordinary usage, we never invoke the destructor. This is used in the tests to not leave stale
/// fds arounds; this is why it's very hacky!
impl Drop for FdMonitor {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Safety: this is a port of the C++ code and we are running in the destructor. The C++ code
// had no way to bubble back any errors encountered here, and the pthread mutex the C++ code
// uses does not have a concept of mutex poisoning.
self.data.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!").terminate = true;
// Safety: see note above.
while self.data.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!").running {