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2020-02-27 15:44:45 -06:00
Current steps for a release:
### gotop
1. Update Version in main.go
2. Update CHANGELOG.md
3. Tag
4. Push everything
5. When the github workflows complete, finish the draft release and publish.
6. Wait for the [Homebrew](https://github.com/xxxserxxx/homebrew-gotop) and [AUR](https://github.com/xxxserxxx/gotop-linux] projects to finish building.
1. check out gotop-linux and run `aurpublish aur` and `aurpublish aur-bin`
2. update the hashes in the Nix package (see below), test build, push a pull request
3. notify Homebrew
Homebrew is automatically updated. The AUR project still needs secret
credentials to aurpublish to the AUR repository, so the final publish step is
still currently manual.
Oh, what a tangled web.
Nix adds new and interesting complexities to the release.
0. Download the gotop src package; run sha256 on it to get the hash
1. cd to the nixpkgs directory
2. Update the sha256 hash in `pkgs/tools/system/gotop/default.nix`
2. `docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source="\$(pwd)",target=/mnt nixos/nix sh`
3. `cd /mnt`
8. install & run vgo2nix to update deps.nix
7. `nix-build -A gotop`
8. When it fails, copy the hash and update the
For plugin development:
V=$(git show -s --format=%cI HEAD | cut -b -19 | tr -cd '[:digit:]')-$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -b -12)
go build -ldflags "-X main.Version=$V" -o gotop ./cmd/gotop