Fixes #128 for Sparkline. Also, the amount of data held is tiny so bumped the buffer to 4x to reduce collections. Minor comment change
107 lines
2.7 KiB
107 lines
2.7 KiB
package termui
import (
. "github.com/gizak/termui/v3"
// Sparkline is like: ▅▆▂▂▅▇▂▂▃▆▆▆▅▃. The data points should be non-negative integers.
type Sparkline struct {
Data []int
Title1 string
Title2 string
TitleColor Color
LineColor Color
// SparklineGroup is a renderable widget which groups together the given sparklines.
type SparklineGroup struct {
Lines []*Sparkline
// Add appends a given Sparkline to the *SparklineGroup.
func (self *SparklineGroup) Add(sl Sparkline) {
self.Lines = append(self.Lines, &sl)
// NewSparkline returns an unrenderable single sparkline that intended to be added into a SparklineGroup.
func NewSparkline() *Sparkline {
return &Sparkline{}
// NewSparklineGroup return a new *SparklineGroup with given Sparklines, you can always add a new Sparkline later.
func NewSparklineGroup(ss ...*Sparkline) *SparklineGroup {
return &SparklineGroup{
Block: NewBlock(),
Lines: ss,
func (self *SparklineGroup) Draw(buf *Buffer) {
lc := len(self.Lines) // lineCount
// renders each sparkline and its titles
for i, line := range self.Lines {
// prints titles
title1Y := self.Inner.Min.Y + 1 + (self.Inner.Dy()/lc)*i
title2Y := self.Inner.Min.Y + 2 + (self.Inner.Dy()/lc)*i
title1 := TrimString(line.Title1, self.Inner.Dx())
title2 := TrimString(line.Title2, self.Inner.Dx())
if self.Inner.Dy() > 5 {
NewStyle(line.TitleColor, ColorClear, ModifierBold),
image.Pt(self.Inner.Min.X, title1Y),
if self.Inner.Dy() > 6 {
NewStyle(line.TitleColor, ColorClear, ModifierBold),
image.Pt(self.Inner.Min.X, title2Y),
sparkY := (self.Inner.Dy() / lc) * (i + 1)
// finds max data in current view used for relative heights
max := 1
for i := len(line.Data) - 1; i >= 0 && self.Inner.Dx()-((len(line.Data)-1)-i) >= 1; i-- {
if line.Data[i] > max {
max = line.Data[i]
// prints sparkline
for x := self.Inner.Dx(); x >= 1; x-- {
char := BARS[1]
if (self.Inner.Dx() - x) < len(line.Data) {
offset := self.Inner.Dx() - x
curItem := line.Data[(len(line.Data)-1)-offset]
percent := float64(curItem) / float64(max)
index := int(percent*float64(len(BARS)-2)) + 1
if index < 1 || index >= len(BARS) {
"invalid sparkline data value. index: %v, percent: %v, curItem: %v, offset: %v",
index, percent, curItem, offset,
} else {
char = BARS[index]
NewCell(char, NewStyle(line.LineColor)),
image.Pt(self.Inner.Min.X+x-1, self.Inner.Min.Y+sparkY-1),
dx := self.Inner.Dx()
if len(line.Data) > 4*dx {
line.Data = line.Data[dx-1:]